Steve freezes on the spot as he briefly looks over towards Foster, Steve say's "I mean, what's so precious about your goddamn cargo, Captain?".

Captain Everton is in no rush to reply to Steve as he hesitates for a few moments, Suddenly Everton speaks with a care free and selfish attitude, "The cargo is mine". I've leveraged everything I own against it." A piercing wind is heard - Everton hesitates then replies, "And it's not insured."

Woods is feeling a little agitated and frustrated as he struggles with the ships controls, Woods looks around towards Everton before looking forward and then back before looking forward in one quick movement. Woods say's to himself "Christ" Woods focuses on the sea in front of him as he begins to spin the wheel at a fast pace. Woods say's with disappointment "What's the matter with those people?.

Steve looks down fleetingly before looking back up at Captain Everton, Steve says with anger "So I go out that door, you shoot me?."

Steve continues as Everton listens, "I stay here, we're all dead"

Foster is feeling on edge as she stands to attention while listening to the two men bicker and fight. Foster quickly looks towards Everton and then right towards Steve. Suddenly Steve groans loudly as he is violently shaken and flung down the steep ladders by a freak wave of enormous magnitude. A loud thud is heard as Steve slips and hurtles down the ladders with an uncontrollable force.

The Sea Star is under tremendous strain as it rocks violently from side to side, A loud jingling of heavy chains is heard - The tugboat veers steeply onto it's right hand side as a massive wave smashes over the main deck. Loud rumbling of sea water is heard -

The Sea Star is now beginning to communicate with it's Captain as it throws Everton and Foster to the floor, Everton hangs on for dear life as the tug veers steeply in the water.

Steve managed to cling on to several rungs to stop his fall but the wave has proven to be too great for Steve to hold on any longer. Steve slips further down the ladders as he grunts with pain. Steve holds onto the ladders with both hands as he attempts to find a stable surface.

More jingling of chains is heard - The Sea Star has now veered to it's other side as it begins to straighten itself out, Huge amounts of water spray engulf the main deck as the sea continues to add fuel to the fire regarding the engine room. Massive roar of waves is heard.

Squeaky and Hiko are busy as they try and cut through the steel door to the engine room, Squeaky has just stepped out from the door well of the tools room with a large canister of fuel in his right hand. Suddenly the Sea Star tilts sharply to the left which causes the canister to fall onto it's side. Squeaky shouts out to Hiko, Get the tank! - Hold the tank!. Hiko shouts "I got it I got It." Squeaky falls to the floor landing on his backside as he struggles to maintain stability. Squeaky holds another canister in his left hand.

The Sea Star continues to pull the stricken barge along by the winch system, The main deck is slowly taking on more and more water as it slowly sinks into the water line. Suddenly a loud jingling of metal chains is heard followed by a loud whipping sound. The rough storm and strong winds take control as they lift the chains out of the water causing the steel to ripple then snap off, The chain has become a single length as it propels over the strained steel cable from the winch. The steel cable falls back into the water as water laps all around.

The thick steel cable from the winch wobbles up and down as large amounts of water cascade down onto the main deck. A sound similar to electricity is heard before a loud snapping sound of metal. The thick cable can take no more as it begins to rapidly shred and tear, Small pieces of metal and other fibrous particles explode away from the cable as it stretches to full capacity. Suddenly the cable severs and hangs by a thread as twisted metal spins frantically around in an anti clockwise motion, A tangled mash of metal is all that remains of the cable and there is no backup system in place. A sound similar to cracking a whip is heard

Captain Everton quickly lifts himself back up from the deck as he looks out of a window to the dangerous environment outside.

From Captain Everton's view a lifeboat can be seen including a collapsed mast. The barge is still being towed by the tug but is moments away from being released by the slither of wire that remains. The sea is incredibly rough and will not give up it's constant pounding.

Steve groans and strains as he finds the strength to climb back up the ladders to the wheelhouse. A fast tapping of feet is heard - Thunder and lightening is heard - Steve quickly returns to face Captain Everton once more. Steve stands silent and motionless as he looks over towards the tyrannical Captain.

Suddenly the wound up twisted and frayed cable begins to violently spin and flail out as the cable loses it's strength. A loud snapping sound is heard as the twisted and frayed metal snaps back with speed and velocity as the thin steel thread breaks away.

A loud explosive sound is heard as the cable springs back at rapid speed towards the life boat with incredible velocity. The cable was under extreme tension and has now backfired into the lifeboat severing it in half. Pieces of wood spray out in all directions as the bow and everything upto the Centre thwart is violently ripped away from the rest of the boat. The bottom half of the boat explodes forward creating a loud crashing sound. The top half never returns and is blown into the sea.

A loud sound of jingling chains is heard - The barge is now in big trouble as it veers steeply onto it's side, Several storage containers have already slipped away to a watery grave, unfortunately the barge has taken on too much water and wave damage to be able to continue. A huge wave suddenly surges and engulfs the barge completely eliminating it from view.

Captain Robert Everton is completely destroyed from inside after witnessing a huge wave crash over everything he had in life. The Captain now knows that the barge is lost and so is everything that was loaded onto it. Lightening and thunder is heard.

Foster quickly makes her way to a window so that she can witness the last moments of Captain Evertons barge and worldly possessions. Foster is very concerned as she watches the barge being consumed by the hungry storm.

Captain Evertons worst fears have now materialized as the barge tilts up vertically releasing everything that was stored on it's slippery surface. The large storage containers sway from side to side as they temporarilly float in the water. A loud creaking sound is heard as the barge succumbs to it's final resting place several thousand feet below the waterline. Another huge wave comes in from the left as it sprays out and over the barge and shipping containers. A loud jingling of chains is heard for the very last time.

Steve Baker raises his arm up to a ceiling rung as he looks out at the sinking barge, Huge waves pound the windows behind Steve as they temporarily change into a grey colour of sea water.

Captain Everton has become fatigued and delusional as he tries to accept his loss, Everton turns his head away from the tragic scene as he lowers his back and head to the floor. Foster returns to her monitor screen on the left hand side. Everton is silent as he considers his options and his financial loss.

The Sea Star has finally got rid of the enormous burden of the barge and is handling the seas much better, A loud sound of a fine sea spray is heard as the tug continues it's journey.

Steve turns to Captain Everton before raising his right hand and pointing his index finger towards the unpredictable skipper. Steve say's "Let me tell you something"

Captain Everton is silent as he looks at Steve with cold and void eyes, Everton suddenly steps down a step as he maintains focus on Steve.

Steve lays down the law as he say's, "You ever put a gun to my face again". Steve breathes out as he walks away from Everton maintaining eye contact briefly. Steve does not want to tell Everton what he thinks of him or what he would do if he ever threatened him again with a gun, Steve makes his way down towards the stairs.

Everton is almost breathless as he replies and say's "And you'll what?" The sound score has changed to a low level hum of a double bass chord.

Lightening flashes behind Steve as the windows flicker momentarily a bright white light, Steve stands at the top of the ladders as he looks on over towards Everton. Suddenly Steve say's "You figure it out" before making his way back down. - A creaking of wood is heard - A tinny tapping of feet is heard from Steve.

Captain Everton is silent as he watches Steve make his way out of the wheelhouse room, Salt rain splatters the window behind Everton as he ponders his thoughts, A howling wind can be heard - Everton sways slightly from side to side from Sea Star's buoyancy.

A medium sized wave suddenly smashes over the windows of the bow as Woods looks around towards Foster.

Foster quickly turns her head away from Everton as she focus on Woods in the distance, Foster looks up at the ceiling momentarily before turning clockwise and focusing her attention on her monitor screen. Foster grabs hold of a wooden pole with her right hand before quickly sitting down. More thunder and lightening is heard as the windows flash from the right side of Foster.

A light tapping of feet is heard as Captain Everton quickly makes his way over to Woods the helmsman, As Everton walks over he raises his arms and uses the metal rails in the ceiling to maintain stability. A thud is heard as Everton quickly turns in a clockwise motion and slumbers down onto a chair. Woods looks back at Foster fleetingly. Everton looks to his right before leaning out, Woods looks back to Everton.

Woods is silent as he looks towards the fatigued Captain who has seen better days and nights, A loud flash and rumbling is heard as another lightening strike illuminates the windows. Woods slowly looks away and down at his wheel. Suddenly Woods say's "Sir, (Looks at Everton) What about Fosters idea". Woods looks away and down at his wheel.

Captain Everton is silent as he tilts his head slightly while veering his
eyes up and over towards Woods. Woods say's with confidence, "I can reach
the eye." Everton looks forward fleetingly before turning his head and
looking directly at Woods. Evertons head rocks slightly from Sea Stars
buoyancy, A creaking of wood is heard - Everton suddenly looks away from
Woods as he stares at an angle over towards Foster. Everton is now
considering Fosters sensible solution and now Woods ability to reach a safe
haven. Everton begins to nod up and down briefly as he suddenly agrees with
his sailor colleagues.. Everton nods positively again as his mouth opens
briefly in acceptance that this is the right course of action to take.
Everton has lost his barge so what else has he got to lose besides the Sea
Star. Everton looks to his right and nods up and down again as his mouth
opens slightly. Everton looks even further right before looking forwardand down at the floor in thought for his crew and his own sanity. Everton suddenly looks back to Foster who is sat by her monitor in the distance. The monitor behind Everton randomly displays a distorted and malfunctioning screen.

Foster is silent and motionless as she stares ahead towards Captain Everton. The orange curtains to the right of Foster sway gently,

A placid but mysterious orchestral sound score begins to play, Bell is heard once - Trumpets are heard - Violins are heard - Sometime has passed and it is now morning, The violent seas have now subsided and have now been replaced with calm and gentle waters. A sunrise channels through the placid sea as it provides a misguided warmth and comfort to the very stressed Sea Star personnel. Thick layers of a creamy flossed cloud elope around the tug as it has now reached the eye of the storm. The tug is static as the engineers fix the engine room machinery and siphon out the water. They will also have to fix the main deck flooring, fasten the winch, and erect the mast amongst other things.

Captain Robert Everton has retreated to relative comfort and solitude of his cabin so that he can think. Captain Everton quickly raises a glass of liquor to his mouth as he takes a gulp of his fine whisky. Captain Everton looks to his left as he lowers his left hand and pulls out a large bottle of drink. A light sound of glass chinking is heard as the captain pours out a generous measure of the fine stuff. Captain Everton sets the bottle back down below the table as he looks closely at his glass.

The Captain is in deep though as he tilts his glass slightly while looking down at the strong alcoholic beverage. A moment passes and the Captain raises the glass to his lips as he stares ahead into the void. The Captain tilts the glass and consumes the drink with one long gulp. Captain Everton looks up at the ceiling momentarily as he continues to hold the glass to his left cheek. A low level thud is heard as Everton places the glass down to the table while looking up at something of interest. Everton suddenly raises his left hand as he retrieves something from above his head.

A light scuffling of material is heard as Everton quickly brings down an Orange colored hard back book. Everton holds the book with both hands before carefully opening it up. Captain Everton sighs as the book opens to reveal something of interest that has been tucked up inside.

A deep and low level synthesizer key is heard to provide the sound score. Captain Everton picks up a black and white photo of himself that was taken in his younger years. The Captain reminisces on the life he had and how things have turned for the worst.

Captain Everton is silent as he ponders his life, suddenly Everton say's to himself "I've let you down, lad." Everton is feeling very sorry for himself and now considers himself a failure.

A loud rumbling sound of an engine is heard as Squeaky and Stevie attend to the flooded engine room. A huge amount of sea water has seeped into the room and is at knee height. Squeaky shouts loudly to Stevie as he shakes his right hand - "The water's coming in faster than it's going out". Stevie is bent over as he inspects the depth of the water, Stevie shouts "I can't believe we were stupid enough (Stevie stands up) "to sign on with that guy again."

Sparks of Orange spray over an engine from Steve's right, Hiko is on the main deck soldering the metal girders with a weldering torch after they were damaged in the storm. Steve wipes his brow with his left hand as he slowly walks forward. Squeaky speaks and say's "Maricon, ese." took out a gun on you, man. Maricon ese is Spanish and is interpretated in English as (Faggot). Squeaky continues with slight anger, "I would of decked that son of a bitch."

Stevie picks up a yellow divers oxygen tank with his left hand as he shouts to Squeaky, "He had us pulling '500 tons of lumber and steel, A loud thud of heavy metal is heard as Steve swings the yellow tank behind him.

Another loud sound of steel is heard as Squeaky sets down a large black spanner. Squeaky picks up a large yellow battery powered light with his right hand and a pair of divers flippers with his left. Stevie continues, "Uninsured, in a Typhoon, a hundred miles from any normal shipping lane." Steve quickly picks up a divers wet suit with his right hand.

A loud sound of electrical fizzing is heard as a shower of hot orange sparks cascade down from the main deck, Hiko is working hard to seal the floor so that sea water can not seep back inside the engine room from above. Squeaky and Stevie begin to slowly make there way out of the engine room as Stevie say's "And Woods tells me Foster got tossed out of the Navy for striking a superior officer. Another shower of sparks rains down as Hiko continues to solder the damaged metal strips of flooring.

Squeaky suddenly shouts up to Hiko as he rapidly side steps to avoid the falling sparks, "Hey Hiko" Stevie say's "Coming through."

A loud sound of falling ambers is heard as the hot ashes bounce from the old and rusted engine equipment. Squeaky shouts and say's, "I'll tell you one thing Stevie" "It's the last time we make a move for percentage of cargo instead of a salary. Stevie quickly makes his way up several steps.

Stevie say's with sincerity "Damn straight" Damn Straight" as he leaves the engine room. Squeaky follows behind as he say's, "I told you it was a bad idea.". Stevie defends himself as he say's "My Idea?, It was your idea. Squeaky refuses to accept it was his idea as he say's, It was your idea, "What are you talking about?.

A loud sound of bubbling water and escaping gasses is heard as Squeaky makes his way back to the surface of the deep ocean after evaluating the condition of the tug boats propeller, Kort nozzle, tail shaft and Hull. The tremendous forces of the sea has now impacted the structure of the craft.

Richie', Stevie, Foster and Hiko wait patiently for Squeaky to return to the waters surface line. Stevie suddenly shouts out with impatience as he say's "How is it?"

A metallic thud is heard as Squeaky's mouth piece is released from the divers mouth and makes contact with a foot rail. Squeaky quickly pulls of his divers mask with his left hand as he closes his eyes momentarily.

Squeaky shakes his head rapidly as he say's "It's Bad."

Stevie raises his left hand out as he say's with slight sarcasm, "Well, define bad." Foster looks at Stevie with a face of worry.

Squeaky immediately tells the team what they don't want to hear, Squeaky say's "We're sinking." More thuds are heard as Squeaky bangs his mask against the hull two times with his left hand. Richie suddenly say's "That's bad", as he realizes a sinking boat is very serious. Squeaky looks at Richie momentarily.

The sound of light wave movement is heard, Foster quickly turns her head back to Squeaky as she watches him bob up and down in the water.

Richie suddenly speaks as he say's "So does anyone have any suggestions?" Richie quickly looks back towards Squeaky.

Helmsman Woods is attempting to contact Emergency Response and Rescue Services as he speaks clearly "Mayday Mayday Mayday". Woods frantically pushes down on the send button of his VHF radio mic with his left thumb as he say's, "Hello, Mayday, Come back please." Hiko suddenly appears and walks over across the floor towards the others.

In the background Woods can be heard on his VHF radio saying, This is the Sea Star, We've taken on water in heavy seas, Can you hear me, Please come back, Please, could you please help us, please.
as he say's, "Hello, Mayday, Come back please." A small grey rucksack has been placed on top of a large map of the Pacific oceans and surrounding zones. A small amount of food can be seen including Crunchy bars and Tea. Hiko grabs hold of a blue packet of dried foods with his right hand as Squeaky says, "We got about three or four days of supplies."

Hiko holds up the dried food packet in his hand as he say's to Squeaky, "What is this?" - Squeaky holds up his right hand as he say's "That's err - That's food" Squeaky points down at the table as he say's "and that's water."

Hiko is showing signs of stress as he quickly puts the food packet back to the table,

Hiko is showing signs of stress as he quickly puts the food packet back to the table, Foster quickly comes over from the left as she looks down at the table of food fleetingly before looking out of a window facing her, Foster then turns clockwise as she looks out of another window behind her. Squeaky say's, "Alright Hiko, Put that back." Okay?, We're gonna distribute this shortly, "You don't have to start grabbing the shit." Hiko ignores Squeaky as he slides a single green crunch bar into his left inside jacket pocket.

Woods has become frustrated as he slings the VHF microphone towards the window in anger at not being able to contact anyone, Having your boat stationed in the middle of a storms eye will cause significant problems with the radio equipment and the signal will be unable to penetrate the thick and dense cloud build up. A rattling of plastic is heard as the mic falls down to the floor, The black coiled wire shakes frantically from the forces, Woods turns to face the rest of the crew as he looks down and say's to himself, "Fifty mile radius,

VHF piece of junk." Woods looks back up.

Suddenly a loud and high pitched electronic jingle is heard, The sudden bleeping causes Foster to look around at her computer equipment as she attempts to find out the origins of the sound. The men are arguing in the background over the food and there dire situation. Squeaky say's, This is the only food we have to survive on Okay, so don't get stupid with me man. Hiko say's, Any old ones with them?. "Don't piss me off Shorty!" Someone else say's "It's alright".

The Sonar equipment for the Sea Star has suddenly picked up a contact a short distance away, The Sonars dial slowly revolves around clockwise as it constantly scans for moving or static objects in the water. A cross hair rapidly moves across the screen as it pinpoints a target at the top left hand side. The cross hair begins to flash as multiple rectangle squares flash around it. More beeping is heard as a single rectangle square flashes around the unknown object. Richie shouts out - "Hey - You buy this shit!" Squeaky say's "we got two week of supplies", It is fairly noisy and everyone is frustrated with one another.

Foster has become totally engrossed on the Sonar screen as she absorbs the new information, Suddenly Foster raises her right hand up high in the air as she attempts to get the attention of the bickering crew members. Foster shouts out loudly in fast succession, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait Wait, Foster hesitates as she lowers her hand and then say's, "I'm picking up a contact." Hiko rapidly turns his head towards Foster at the exciting change of direction. Light snare and drums provide the sound score.

Stevie looks on over towards Foster with a face of serious interest as Squeaky immediately walks across the floor to his right. Foster shouts out, "There might be another ship in the eye with us."

Squeaky quickly hops down to face the Sonar monitor as Stevie follows behind, Several musical taps are heard to provide the atmosphere.

More electronic beeping is heard as the hexagonal squares flash around the long and wide object, More beeping is heard and a single rectangle square appears around the object before disappearing, A long horizontal green line then appears with a long list of information on the right hand side of the screen. This information is in relation to the distance of the object and in what direction. CONTACT AT - LAT 29,48'S - LONG 179,24
OBJ. SPD: 0mm.
Foster speaks out and say's "Twelve miles out, - The Sonar's dial continues to travel around the circular screen clockwise.

Foster continues, Speed: zero knots, Foster hesitates then say's "It's dead in the water.", but it's big, it's really big." Stevie watches the screen as he hands Foster a Mic from the table below. Stevie say's with enthusiasm, Let's hail it, Foster." - A snapping sound is head as Foster grabs the mic from Stevie's hand and holds it to her cheek. A click of static is heard as Foster begins her transmission, Foster speaks clearly as she say's, "Ahoy, vessel, latitude 29 degrees south."

Woods steps away from his wheel completely flabbergasted that contact with a ship has been located only a short distance away. Foster continues, "Longitude 1-7-9 degrees East.

Foster turns her head and looks at Hiko as she say's, "This is the Sea Star" Foster looks back at the Sonar monitor as she say's, "We are 12 miles northwest of your position."

Foster say's "Comeback!".

Foster releases the mic's key as a loud static sound of inference is heard, Foster holds the mic in front of her as she momentarily looks up and closes her eyes as she prays for a response. Electronic beeping is heard - Stevie looks on over towards Richie in silence.

Richie suddenly turns his body to face the windows as he slowly takes several steps forward as he shakes his head in an up and down motion. Richie is upset and a little frustrated that Captain Everton is no where to be seen and is not supporting his crew. Richie speaks out with annoyance and say's, "So where the hell is the Captain?" Richie looks right as he stares towards the crew waiting for some kind of response.

A slow and somber violin plays an unhurried tone that changes after each stroke of the bow, Captain Everton is still in his cabin sat at his table. The Captain is in deep thought as he stares at a bullet that he is holding with his right hand. The Captain is also holding a black handgun in his left hand as he contemplates his life. Suddenly a devilish thought streaks through the Captains mind as his mouth contorts to one side and his right eye closes slightly. Captain Everton quickly slides the bullet into one of the empty chambers of his weapon as he stares down into the guns mechanism.

A metal click is heard as the golden bullet rapidly slides into a vacant chamber,

Captain Everton quickly raises the gun up into the air as he examines it's shape and construction.

A loud and rapid double click is heard as Captain Everton pushes the gun back together with both hands.

Captain Everton slides his left hand up the guns barrel as he scrutinizes the intricate shape and markings of the weapon, The Captain is in deep thought and may be contemplating suicide. Captain Everton tilts the gun slightly so that he is now observing the hammer, A loud click is heard followed by another deeper click as the Captain pulls back on the hammer with his thumb. The chamber moves around a quarter of an inch clockwise as it locks onto the freshly inserted explosive.

The Captain is silent as he looks up and then down and at a slight angle in thought for his actions, Suddenly the Captain turns the gun around anti clockwise as he stares at the chamber. A light creaking of metal is heard as the Captain lowers his left hand down to the guns hammer fleetingly, The Captain sticks his tongue out slightly as he places his right hand onto the weapons barrel. More light creaking is heard as Everton lowers his right hand while looking down at the gun. A light puck of the lips is heard as
Everton slowly brings the barrel of the gun towards his open mouth. Everton suddenly opens his mouth wide while placing the end of the barrel into his mouth. Everton has now made the decision to blow his brains out with his handgun rather than face the loss of his barge and also his beloved Sea
Star. Everton lowers his head down as he closes his lips around the cold shaft of the gun poised to pull the trigger and end it all. Suddenly four loud knocks are heard - Everton does not respond to the sound or turn his head. Everton continues to hold the gun to his mouth as he stares into the void. Everton looks down in silence.

Captain Everton is in no rush to hide his weapon or break away from his strong emotional mind set, Everton slowly opens his mouth and pulls the weapon away from his mouth as he slowly turns to face the cabin door. A crew member has decided to inform the Captain of the unidentified ship just 12 miles away as a shadow appears through the closed blinds. Everton looks towards the door fleetingly before looking forward and into the void. Everton speaks out and say's "I'm busy". All is silent inside the cabin and there is no sound score.

The Captain reaches up with his right hand and removes his hat from his head, A light muffling of materials is heard as the Captain places the Sea Star cap down onto the tables surface.

Everton continues to look into the barrel of his weapon as he contemplates taking his life. Suddenly Woods speaks from outside of the door and say's, Skipper, there's a ship in the eye with us." Dead in the water about 12 miles out. Everton is now playing with his gun as he waves it around slightly in front of his face while staring down at the hollow barrels end.

Everton lowers his head slightly as he holds the gun closer to his nose, Suddenly Everton turns to face the door after Woods words start to have a significant impact against his desire to commit suicide. Everton blinks as he say's softly, "Dead in the water?" Everton continues to stare at Woods shadow in silence as his mind ponders the possibilities.

Everton turns back to his weapon as he looks down at it's power, A scratching sound is heard from the wooden table as Everton tilts his gun vertically before raising it up rapidly, Everton speaks out and say's "I'll be there in a minute." Everton's breathes out as he stares at the weapon while bringing it close to his forehead. Everton's mouth closes rapidly as he readies himself for death. Everton pushes the cold metal of the gun onto his forehead as he builds up the courage to pull the trigger.

Woods stands in silence behind the door unable to see Captain Everton's last moments, Woods hesitates as he listens for any more verbal words from the Captain before stepping away from the door and making his way back to the wheelhouse.

A tapping of wood is heard from Wood's feet before it is quickly replaced with a tinny tapping of metal from the ladders. Woods rapidly makes his way back up the ladders after informing the Captain of a ship that is static in movement and position 12 miles away.

Captain Everton is silent and motionless as he hears Woods light tapping of feet slowly decrease and vanish into the distance, Suddenly Everton lowers his weapon away from his forehead as his mind works some overtime, Everton begins to speak to himself as he say's "Dead in the water". A moment passes before Everton turns his head towards the cabin door after considering Woods words.

Dramatic orchestral music is playing to provide the sound score, The crew and Captain of the Sea Star have now all agreed to go and investigate the large vessel that is dead in the water. The Sea Star is travelling at high speed as a white mist of rippling water elopes around it's hull and bow. A grey smoke belches from the Sea Star's twin engine funnels as it makes haste, Captain Everton, Richie, Squeaky and Stevie are all stood by the capstan as they admire much calmer sea conditions.

A rumbling sound is heard as the tugs engine maintains a constant speed, The winch for the Sea Star has not been fixed as of yet, nor has the main mast which is resting on it's side. The hatch that is fixed to the floor of the main deck is open and a red pipe is coming out of the hole, A constant flow of water is now being pumped out of the flooded engine room in an attempt to dry the room. Squeaky has identified serious damage to the hull and shaft assemby which is letting water in.

An electronic beeping sound is heard as Foster studies one of her navigational monitors,

Foster shouts over for Everton's attention as she say's "Captain', Foster looks up and over at Everton as she say's "Dead ahead, 300 yards." Fosters crucifix sways gently from side to side. Foster looks back down at her monitor.

Everton is looking out of a door well towards the sea as he suddenly turns and looks over to Foster from her words, Everton looks on over towards Woods and say's with enthusiasm, "Hail it, Woods."

A low level plastic sound is heard as Everton picks up a megahorn with his left hand that is resting on the floor by his feet below, Everton continues to look on over at Woods as he raises the horn up to his shoulders with both hands. Everton releases his left hand while holding the horn up with his right, Everton looks forward and out to sea as he anticipates the wonderful sight of the ship.

Everton suddenly walks forward and out of the door as he makes his way towards the bow of the tug. A static inference is heard as Woods presses down on the mic's transmission button, Woods speaks with a serious tone of voice, "Unidentified vessel, this is the Sea Star.

Woods continues to make contact as Foster comes up behind him, "Approching from the Northwest, 300 yards out." Another fast bleat of static is heard as Woods releases the button. Foster looks out of the window with interest.

Captain Everton takes a few steps along the walkway just outside of the wheelhouse before looking down at the sea, Everton shouts out loudly to his crew below who are stood at the tip of the bow, "Dead ahead, 300 yards." Everton slowly looks back up and into the distance as he stands on the spot.

The Sea Star continues it's careful journey towards the unidentifiable ship as it's X Band marine radar antenna rotates clockwise from the roof of the wheelhouse. A dense fog is setting in from the right as a loud rumbling sound is heard. A vast fountain of sea water continues to belch from the pump hose as it syphons water from the engine room. Captain Everton continues to observe the distance as he stands motionless. Woods continues to make contact with the elusive ship as he say's over his VHF radio equipment, "Unidentified vessel - This is the Sea Star."

Woods continues, Approaching from the northwest, 300 yards out. A short electronic bleep sound is heard from the Radar equipment.

Squeaky is stood next to Stevie as he looks out into the distance, Squeaky fleetingly turns his head towards Stevie before looking back out into the fog and foreboding greyness. Woods continues "Please come back over." - Stevie suddenly speaks and say's to Squeaky, You see anything?. Squeaky does not look at Stevie but continues to look forward as he say's "Nope". Squeaky shakes his head as he lifts his head slightly higher and say's with disappointment, "Not a thing." A thick fog begins to drift past Squeaky and the others as the Sea Star explores it's coordinates.

Stevie is silent as he looks down at the sea below him, Suddenly Stevie spits out a fast moving piece of saliva before looking back at Squeaky.

The chugging of Sea Stars engine can be heard including the flapping of slow moving waves, High pitched violin notes can be heard to provide the sound score. Suddenly something has caught the interest of Richie as he stands upright and looks down into the water.

A narrow and elongated red boat can be seen laying upside down in the murky water. The boat gently sways in the water as ripples of sea water elope around it's wooden frame.

Hiko is also observing the isolated and lonely boat as his long black curly hair blisters in the cool breeze, Hiko turns to Richie as he say's "That aint ours brother." Hiko looks back down at the lost boat as he ponders his thoughts.

As the Sea Star reaches equilibrium with the craft more detail is revealed. Waves splash over the hull of the vessel as they produce white rapids of cascading turbulence. A loud splashing sound is heard as the boat rocks in an up and down motion. Atmospheric Low level violins play out,

Richie steps back from the side of the tug as he stares at the odd and out of place boat that floats and sways with a mysterious presence. Richie places his left hand over his right as he looks back out into the distance.

Only a soothing splashing of sea water can be heard as Captain Everton looks out into the vast depths of the ocean, He ponders his thoughts on the vessel they are about to discover as he stands motionless and complacent.

More electronic beeping is heard as Foster slowly steps over to the window, Her eyes are transfixed on the elusive craft that is biding it's time with the crew of the Sea Star.

Einstein Dr Dj – Cosmic Radio Station (Euro Cosmic Mix) - [1995]
Slow and atmospheric violins play out, Suddenly through the dense fog the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" comes into view. Fog gracefully sweeps past the eerie and secluded vessel as it lays dead in the water. Structural damage can be seen from the massive decks as it waits for exploration.

"Academic Vladislav Volkov" Profile

A loud static bleat is heard as Woods attempts to contact the radio room of the vessel, Woods say's "Unidentified vessel, this is the Sea Star approaching from the northwest, 200 yards out. Foster sways gently as she stares out at the massive ship unable to digest the incredible and enigmatic discovery.

Woods continues "Come back over." Another static sound of interference is heard as Woods releases his thumb from the mics transmission button. As the Sea Star edges it's way closer much more detail on the condition of the ship becomes apparent. The ship has an abundance of Telemetry Antenna and a massive array of other communication systems aboard the huge vessel. The first telemetry antenna from the direction of the bow has been completely destroyed. Large amounts of debris have fallen onto the deck below and is precariously hanging over the edge. Manila ropes have been hastily swung over the side of the ship and a red life boat rests against the ships stern. The anchor remains in place and has not been lowered to the sea floor, this may be normal in some circumstances depending on the depth of the sea bed. A creaking sound is heard from the Sea Stars structure. The Russian flag ripples in the breeze from the upper decks of the stern.

More electronic bleeping from the radar system is heard as Foster suddenly turns her head towards Woods. Woods waits patiently for a response as he holds the mic up to his mouth with his left index finger poised to communicate with anyone on board. Foster steps away from Woods as she makes her way outside onto the tugs deck. Woods stares ahead as he quickly pushes down the mic key for another futile attempt at reaching personnel on the stricken ship. "This is the Sea Star approaching from the northwest." Is anybody there? Over"

The Sea Star slowly continues it's approach to the giant ship.

Foster meets up with Everton as they both look over at the magnificent sight. Everton sides steps to his right as he gives Foster a little room.

More fog passes across the silent and mysterious ship as it lays in the water. Foster suddenly speaks and say's' "She looks Russian".

Foster suddenly leaves Everton as she returns to inside of the wheelhouse to retrieve something of interest.

Squeaky and Richie are silent as they ponder their thoughts on the strange atmosphere and condition of the ship.

Ropes swing gently in the breeze and a creaking can be heard - Sea Star cautiously travels closer to the ship.

The sound score consists of a low level synthesizer chord and odd drum beats. Foster quickly returns to Everton with a detailed book on ships made in that time period. A light tapping of Fosters feet can be heard.

Foster begins to read out from the book after quickly finding a detailed page on the exact ship. Foster speaks out loudly as she says, "The Academic Vladislav Volkov" A ruffling of paper is heard as the wind catches the open pages.

Foster continues as Hiko looks over at the massive structure. "Missile and satellite tracking ship."

A thud is heard as Foster bounces the book up in her hands for a better grip as she continues to read out the technical information, "45,000 TONS FULL GROSS, 642 feet, two steam turbines."

Everton suddenly looks away from the technical manual as he looks over at the ship. The book is called Jane's Fighting Ships and is an annual reference book of information on all of the world's warships arranged by nation, Each edition describes and illustrates warships of different national naval and paramilitary forces, providing data on their characteristics.

Foster continues, "Ship's complement: 300 - Armament: none."

Foster bounces up the book once again as she tussles with the weight of the hardback manual, Foster continues, "She's fitted for scientific purposes, There biggest, 42 labs,

Foster continues, "Five machine shops outfitted with advanced robotics." The ships side is reflecting the sea water as it glistens and flickers with light.

"Three Parabolic dishes can maintain simultaneous communication with several spacecraft."

Richie, Squeaky and Stevie stare at the deserted ship as they try to find any signs of life.

Everton suddenly raises his bull horn as he attempts to make contact with any crew or passengers that may be alive. Everton shouts out loudly "Ahoy, The Vladislav Volkov

The camera begins to pan down the side of the ship as it slowly reveals the damage and condition of the vessel. The bridge has been severly damaged and some navigational equipment has been destroyed. Everton continues, "I am the Captain of the Sea Star".

A IIR-C satellite tracking dish has also been destroyed from the alien attack, Everton continues, "Is there anyone aboard?." Intermittent creaking and rattling noises are heard coming from the ship.

Everton shouts out again "Ahoy" A moment passes and Everton lowers the bullhorn, (A click is heard as Everton releases the off button), Everton shouts out loudly as he continues to look at the ship, "Baker", Everton turns his head towards Steve Baker and the others.

Foster also looks down at Steve, Everton shouts down to his crew, "Break out the shotguns, the flash lights, and the walkies." We're going aboard" Both Steve and Squeaky begin to walk away from the side of the boat as Squeaky whispers loudly to Steve "Shit".

Foster and Everton continue to observe the large derelict ship as a cool breeze ripples over them.

A blast of deep trumpet is heard for the sound score. Two large davits have been activated as ropes dangle from there thick metal structure, It seems that whatever happened on this ship was sudden and the passengers and crew had little time to escape. A single long piece of rope sways from side to side at the bow section, The Sea Star has now pulled up against the side of the Academic Vladislav Volkov to explore further. From the distance a small black rucksack is thrown across onto the deck of the ship by a crew member of the tug,

Steve breathes out heavily as he makes his way towards a ladder which will give him and the others access to the ship. A creaking of metal is heard

Steve grabs hold of the rope ladder with his left hand followed by his right, Steve fleetingly looks down as he carefully traverses the ladder,

Steve quickly gets to one of many decks on the ship as he flings his left leg over the ships side.

Squeaky quickly follows behind as Foster Everton Richie and Hiko wait for there turn.

As Squeaky reaches Steve Baker he says to him, "Jesus Christ, This is kind of stupid Stevie." Steve swings his rucksack over his shoulder as he says "Shh come on." Steve also has a shotgun in his left hand.

A fast and whistling wind can be heard - Steve and Squeaky look down the deck of the ship as they work out the way to the bridge. Five red fire hydrants are visible but have not been used. Thick wire and cables are protruding from a ceiling and there is clutter on the floor. Several wall mounted telephones are also attached to the wall.

Squeaky pulls out a handgun from his jacket pocket with his right hand as he jumps down onto the decks surface, Squeaky say's with a slightly sarcastic tone, "Very Stupid". Steve has begun to walk ahead as he fleetingly turns his head towards Squeaky who is looking the other way down the corridor.

A light tapping of feet is heard as Steve cautiously takes the lead down the corridor,

Another loud and deep blast of sound is heard to provide atmosphere, Creaking is heard as Steve and Squeaky approach a closed door at the end of the passageway.

A high whistling wind is heard as Steve reaches the closed door, Steve does not attempt to open the door but instead turns to his right as he continues to follow the corridor.

Everton looks to his right briefly before climbing the ladder to the deck above, Creaking is heard - Everton grabs hold with his right hand first before reaching for a higher rung with his left hand. Everton raises his right hand as he holds onto the next rung joining with his left hand. Another loud blast of deep trumpet is heard.

Steve cautiously appears with shotgun in hand as he steps up a small set of steps to another deck. Tinny tapping of feet from Steves feet is heard, Steve looks to his left and then his right as he investigates the errie ship. Squeaky slowly follows behind as he looks all around for any clues or life.