The alien entity is becoming desperate and tactical as it uses maximum memory capacity to try and coax the information from Foster, The first sharp instrument to protrude from the machines head unit has stopped in motion only to produce yet another more deadly tool. To make things worse the metal rods have been connected to a heat capacitor and now glow a burning orange colour. The machines two top tentacles jitter and move slowly as the sensitive components work some overtime, Foster stares at the heated rods and the cold facial expression of steel and human flesh as her mind blanks to a beep of emotion.

The metal screeching continues as the hot rod of heat and evil extends much closer to Fosters face and eyes. Foster stares forward unable to look at the heated instrument for risking a complete meltdown of emotions. Foster suddenly looks up and towards the alien head unit just centimetres away from the dangerous weapon of forceful extortion.

Suddenly a cracking sound of thunder is heard as a strobe of intense blue light illuminates the work room, A whooshing flash of whipping electricity is heard as Foster rapidly closes her eyes to protect herself from the intense heat and burning sensation.

The room glows and strobes a surreal neon blue as the robot intensifies it's actions to extract the vital information from the human host.

Foster screams out at the top of her voice as it's horrific sound is carried many meters before escaping out into the corridors of darkness and despair. A bright flash of electricity suddenly strikes out from the moist and stank air from the hoisting machine as it flashes an intense heat onto Fosters back. Foster screams with all her might as her flesh burns and her mind explodes into a rage of deep emotions. For a moment the room is a flash ball of bright and intense light that can only justify a blocking out of the horror as machine tames the human crew member.

Another streak of hot energy flashes and strikes out at Foster increasing the pain and the demand for answers. The robot moves it's head slightly right as it inflicts it's best compassion that it can calculate and administer. The alien robots tentacles explode with energy as the electricity intensifies. Smoke explodes from the back of the room as it rises fast and out from the monitors just behind the navigation's officer. Hot orange embers drip from the ceiling and vaporise into thin air as the electricity engulfs everything around it.

Foster has now been introduced to her most frightening adversary and can do nothing but scream out a long and twisted spasm of intense pain and terror as the electricity burns through her very being. The loud and fizzing electrical current fills the air as it fuses with Fosters screams of submission. Lightening races and explodes into a wavering and rippling light show of snake sized lengths of energy.

Suddenly Stevie appears from a door located in the far corner of the room, Stevie has been lucky and has recovered from his heavy fall, The alien did not kill the crew member as it turned it's attention to Foster and Nadia. Steve is breathing heavily as he sets his sights on the robot and Foster, Stevie is biding his time and does not want to distract the alien as he has a plan in his head. A computer screen in front of Stevie flashes data at a fast pace including graphs, The monitor emits a full failure with warped and melted text fleetingly - Fizzing continues as does Fosters suffering.

Steve does not waste much precious time as he quickly jettisons into the room running to his right, Steve is shocked to the core as he disappears fleetingly behind a grey stack of radio equipment before reappearing moments later. Steve waits cautiously to the side of the grey electrical equipment as he rapidly considers his actions - Foster screams out with intense pain as the electricity bites hard. Steve bends his head and body slightly back as he hides from view.

Heavy timpani drum rolls provide the sound score - Fosters feet shake and spasm uncontrollably as the thousands of volts of energy eat her body and mind, A bright pulsating blue electrical current snakes in between Fosters legs causing her to wish for a quick death.

The electricity crackles and burns as it consumes Fosters mind and soul, Lightening is seen snaking and rippling behind Fosters back as she shakes uncontrollably, Foster has shut her eyes and squeezes them tightly as she attempts to shut out the pain and delude the robot for a few seconds longer. The robots tentacles move in an abrupt up and down motion as the machine applies the painful shocks. Fosters mouth opens wide as she hangs on the metal lifting device unable to speak but only scream for mercy. Suddenly the robot pulls it's spiny claw away from Fosters cheeks as the torture becomes more subdued. The heat from the closest rod is also causing severe discomfort.

Foster is exhausted and close to complete body failure as the lightening suddenly ceases, The robot entity will stop at nothing to extract the information either by verbal communication or the numerical data that can be extracted from Fosters electrical brain waves.

Steve suddenly makes his move as the electrical fizzing and crackling slowly fades away, A slow and intricate whoosh of electronic ambience is heard as the energy levels shut off. Steve is silent as he blinks with anticipation, Steve knows he must act now why he has the chance or he too could be electrocuted. Steve steps round the electrical radio equipment as he focuses his attention on the robotic contraption. Steve would of heard Fosters screams and was brought to workroom 14.

A short whirring sound is heard as the motors for the robot spring back into action, Foster is motionless as she drapes her head down onto her shoulders, Suddenly Steve screams out with all his might as he attempts to neutralise the robot or at least destroy some of it's internal components to stop Fosters suffering.

Steve is angry and also very brave as he attacks the robotic machine with his machine gun, A loud crashing sound of metal is heard as Steve thrusts the barrel of his weapon deep inside the robots chassis, Steve yells and groans loudly as he grimaces from the extreme effort and nightmare he now faces. Picking on something a lot more powerful than you is in most cases something you should avoid, A massive campaign of bullets explodes from Steve's gun as he holds the butt-stock and rear sight tightly, Flashes of intense light illuminate from inside the robots chest cavity as Steve unloads his fury, The robot instantly begins to swing around on it's cogs and motors in an anti clockwise motion so that it can identify the sudden malfunctioning activity within it's mainframe circuits. Steve has carefully placed his gun between some thick black electrical wires for extra support as he blasts the robots machinery. Steve shakes furiously as shrapnel explodes in all directions, A loud tinging of metal is heard.

The loud and furious sounds within workroom 14 have energised Foster as she awakes from her unconscious state, Foster lifts her head slowly and looks on over towards Steve as he attempts to destroy the master machine. A tinging and roaring sound is heard as a white light flashes over the face of the exhausted navigation's officer. Fosters right side temple is now burnt and bleeding from the transfer of heat that the metal probe has created, Fosters mouth is also full of blood and her body has been drained of all human emotions.

Foster watches Steve from a distance as her life force slowly drains, The coil of multi coloured wires continue to hang from her right shoulder as the probe continues to scan her brain waves. Steve maintains his position as he continues to unload his weapon inside the metal carcass of the machine, Foster is incapable of reacting to Steve's rescue attempt as she turns her head right and closes her eyes. A deep blue light elopes over the giant head unit and frame of the robotic monster as it continues to swivel around to meet the furious Steve.

The gigantic robot has switched on it's motors and hydraulics to full power as it twists around at high velocity and speed, A mountain of bright white sparks blister and explode from inside the carcass of the robot as the bullets obliterate the sensitive wires and components. Steve compensates from the twisting hunk of metal by pacing and keeping in rhythm with it's motion. Steve grimaces and groans some more as he blasts the machine, As the robot swings around at speed it's massive left arm and claw suddenly swings outwards completely taking Stevie by surprise.

A tinging of metal is heard - Steve grimaces as the heavy weight of the claw hits him hard, A massive thud is heard as Steve groans with severe pain and shock from having a ton of weight smash into his torso, It's not the first time Steve has been hit by the same robot but this will certainly stop him from attacking with his machine gun. Steve is rapidly knocked clockwise as his head is almost torn off from his neck from the forces, Steve flails his arms up as the robotic arm continues it's circular attack in motion,

Steve lands heavily onto his stomach creating a loud thud sound as he does so, Steve grimaces and groans some more as he rapidly twists around anti clockwise so that he rests on his back before continuing the roll to his other right side. Steve rests his hands in front of his stomach as he wheezes loudly having been severely winded from the strike. A pile of thick grey piping shakes and ripples as Steve's weight is applied to the material. Steve has been incapacitated and will no longer be able to help Foster out of her predicament.

Fast and short violin chords are heard to provide the sound score - From the pale blue hue of darkness Nadia who was the ships chief scientific officer suddenly appears. Nadia was also knocked unconscious earlier on as she fell onto a series of water pipes. The noise and commotion has also alerted Nadia to workroom 14 as she investigates the war zone of bullets and electrical lightening. Nadia has a score to settle with the alien entity as she blames the evil force for the death of her husband Alexi Vinogradova who was butchered and transformed into a robotic contraption. The massive alien machine has not noticed Nadia's approach as it looks down at the injured engineer, A black shape from the distance moves up in a slow motion of movement and is a hand shaped like a humans that is attached to the robots torso. The tentacles and attached wires from the robots jaw area move in a downwards motion as it's flesh infused head turns slightly right. Nadia raises her weapon and has only one thing on her mind.. A blue hue appears over the machine -

A blaze of gun fire and bright flashes of light are heard and seen as Nadia opens fire on the crazed mechanised hybrid,

Suddenly an intense fireball of bright white light illuminates the room as the bullets hit there mark,

Massive sparks and fountains of heat and debris explode from the machine as the bullets fly thick and fast. A loud metal chiming sound is heard as the robot suddenly turns clockwise to face the onslaught. Sparks of intense heat spray out in all directions, flecks of light shaped almost like a cylinder or rods of a specific bacteria rain over the machine.

The alien robot is a horrible and grotesque looking construction, this model in particular uses generous amounts of human body parts including the brain and spinal chord. The alien twists around at speed as it attempts to defend and deflect the bullets and heat. Aliens right claw arm gyrates and shakes from the surprise attack. All of the mechanics move in motion as the beast revolves around.

Nadia shows a face of placid superiority as she pummels the robot, Nadia has no fear and shows little emotion as she continues to unload her weapon onto the dangerous contraption. Nadia shakes profusely as her trigger finger maintains pressure. (Machine gun judders violently in Nadia's hand. Bullet shells eject from the gun at high speed and fall to the floor below.

Foster watches as the mayhem and insanity develops around her for a few moments before closing her eyes once again and resting her head back down to her right. Foster has the gift of loyal friends who have not given up on her. (Gun fire continues)

Foster finds the strength to turn her head further to her right as she looks on over towards Nadia who continues the onslaught, Another probe has been connected to Fosters left side neck just below her ear, If Nadia fails to stop the robot all three survivors will be fodder for the alien intelligence.

Nadia has a score to settle as she fires her weapon at the Goliath beast. A loud tinging of metal is heard as the bullets strike the metal monster, Nadia shakes furiously as her weapon unloads every last bullet from it's magazine. A light brown gun strap around Nadia's neck also gyrates with intense energy. Nadia closes her eyes fleetingly to protect herself from the intense heat and shrapnel.

Bright white sparks explode from the Goliath robots right side just between a V shaped piece of human muscle,

The right side claw of the robot suddenly lowers at speed as it twists on it's reinforced middle section, A tripod of spider tentacles have protruded from underneath the massive head unit to protect it's mainboard functions as it spins at speed to it's right. (A massive sound of bullets and punctured metal is heard) The robot does not display much damage and is still functioning at an adequate level, This new updated machine is also bullet proof, water resistant, stronger, and faster than previous Golem models. Nadia may be fighting in vain and the beast is just luring her into it's macabre plan of action. (A drill tool also protrudes out from the massive structure.)

Several Violins now provide the sound score - They say everything comes in three's and there is no exception here as Richie Mason suddenly appears from thin air. Richie has also heard the commotion and has decided to join in on the action, Richie has a solemn face and has deep emotional thoughts on his mind as he he raise up a Rocket Propelled Grenade unit towards the Goliath machine. (A light tapping of feet from Richie is heard as he lifts up the heavy explosive device) Richie quickly focuses through the sight as he pronounces his authority on the dire situation.

Nadia senses the presence of Richie and has decided to cease fire on the mechanoid machine, Nadia rapidly turns around anti clockwise and makes her escape away from the machine. Nadia's hair sways and flails from her quick and decisive actions.

A loud click of a mechanism is now heard - Richie is locked and loaded as he activates the grenade towards the robot.

A split second later an almighty explosion of bright and intense light propels out from the launcher as the grenade fires out from the tube. A deep and meaty rumble sound is heard as the grenade blasts out and away with a direct sight of the target.

A massive plume of thick grey smoke elopes behind the rocket as it travels at supersonic speed towards it's target. As the grenade comes closer an orange fire emits from behind the grenade to provide the force and propellant required. Richie has not entered workroom 14 but has fired his RPG from a corridor outside of the room, This would be required as the forces and resulting explosion could kill him. Richie is on his own and thinks he has a better plan of action, but now he feels without his help everyone will die and he has to take a chance (There's nothing to lose)

Nadia has just reached the right side door of the workroom as she rapidly crosses over the section and to her right. The grenade is literally a split second away from entering the room and narrowly misses Nadia. A raging rumbling sound is heard from the RPG's rocket fuel as it travels the short distance, The RPG wavers up and down slightly as it travels the required distance. The RPG illuminates an intense orange and white colour as the propellant burns. The launcher is reloadable and based around a steel tube, 40 millimetres in diameter, 95.3 centimetres long, and weighing 7 kilograms. The middle of the tube is wood wrapped to protect the user from heat and the end is flared. Sighting is usually optical with a back-up iron sight, and passive infra-red and night sights are also available. As with similar weapons, the grenade protrudes from the launch tubes. It is 40–105 millimetres in diameter and weighs between 2.0 and 4.5 kilograms. It is launched by a gunpowder booster charge, giving it an initial speed of 115 metres per second, and creating a cloud of light grey-blue smoke that can give away the position of the shooter. The rocket motor ignites after 10 metres and sustains flight out to 500 metres at a maximum velocity of 295 metres per second. The grenade is stabilized by two sets of fins that deploy in-flight: one large set on the stabilizer pipe to maintain direction and a smaller rear set to induce rotation. The grenade can fly up to 1,100 metres; the fuze sets the maximum range, usually 920 metres.

Foster continues to rest but is disturbed by the rumbling sound of the RPG and a bright orange luminance that covers her exhausted face. Foster lifts her head up at the same exact moment of impact.

The Goliath beast screeches loudly as the RPG grenade comes into view, The camera rapidly zooms into the the bottom half of the robot to add effect and excitement. Richie has fired a perfect shot as the grenade levels faultlessly toward the middle section of the contraption.

The Goliath monster has had it's day as the RPG grenade strikes the evil monster where it hurts. A high pitched zooming sound is heard to add effect.

The robot is helpless to stop the grenade and can only except defeat as it stands tall with claw arms wide, Later robotic models will incorporate machine guns and explosives if and when the alien entity reaches port.

The entire workroom explodes into a fireball of intense bright light as the grenade explodes upon the robots chassis, (Excited trumpets provide the sound score) A strobing and flashing of bright light illuminates Fosters face as she continues to hang on the robotic arms bolts. Foster grimaces as the intense light and heat travel to her position,

Nadia faces the wrath of destruction and intense light and heat as she lowers herself down to the floor, Nadia gasps for air and considers her life finished. A huge jet of hot air begins to be sucked out from the room and into the corridor, this causes Nadia's hair to flail violently from the forces. Nadia raises her right hand over her face to block out as much of the heat and light but all is futile. Nadia whimpers and collapses to the floor unable to withstand such huge pressure.

The robot is a sturdy beast but that is all about to change.

Another blast of white light consumes the room followed by an intense orange and yellow fire that rages from inside the robot.

A raging rumbling sound is heard as the fire erupts into a volcano of heat and destruction, The fire rumbles forward swirling and rippling as it burns everything in it's direction.

The Goliath machine has met it's match as it erupts into a furnace of tremendous heat and flame, It's very core and essence is now burning as it begins to lose it's strength and balance. A huge fireball of heat erupts out and up behind the machine. Sparks emit from the spiny beast as it's circuits fry.

The robot screeches with defiance but knows it must concede, It's massive claw arms propel up into the air at speed as it's thick wires and computer chips melt and disintegrate, The robot bends down slightly as it's mechanised legs begin to fail, A crashing sound is heard as the robot suddenly raises it's left claw arm high in the air and swivelling at an awkward angle as it succumbs to the heat. The robot quickly topples over onto it's back section as it's wires, nuts and bolts, cogs and wheels lose all connection and power. An almighty crash and bang is heard as the trash metal blacks out with a severe malfunction and crumples to the hot and shell ridden floor below.

Miraculously Nadia is still alive and only received a limited amount of heat and shrapnel, Richie is a weapons genius and has ensured the explosion did not wipe out the entire workroom. Nadia grimaces as she witness the destruction of the Goliath structure, her gun strap fleetingly wraps around her face from the forces of survival as she continues to hold her right hand over her face. (Crashing and rumbling of heavy metal is still heard) Nadia leans forward slightly as she watches the beast crumple to the floor. Nadia moves slightly causing the gun strap to fall from her nose and face.

A soundtrack comprising an Army themed trumpet and drum composition provides the atmosphere - Richie is on a mission as he confidently and robustly struts his way forward having been satisfied that he has eliminated the cyborg warrior. Richie has been busy studying the layout of the ship while in the telemetry room and has utilised his knowledge to the full. Richie is raging inside and has become one with the ship and it's looted, vandalised and burnt out structure. A jingling of metal is heard as Richie comes closer to inspect the damage and the severity of his master plan. A large roll of metal wire swings from side to side from Richie s hips as he strides forward, A rubber eye cover bobs up and down from Richie's movements, Richie suddenly raises his left hand and to his night vision goggles and pushes his eye protector covers over the night vision unit to stop them from bouncing and creating noise. More jingling is heard - Richie lowers his right hand to his side, A tapping of feet from the crew member is heard as he focuses his attention on Foster as he enters the workroom.

Richie has a face of concern as he stops in his tracks just inside the room, Nadia is silent as she looks up to the man who has just saved her life, Richie slowly turns to face Nadia as he hands her a small pen knife with his left hand. Nadia looks down at the knife as Richie say's with a commanding tone of voice, "Cut her down", referring to Foster. Nadia hesitates for a split second before quickly grabbing the tool with her right hand and maintaining eye contact with Richie Mason. (Tinging of metal is heard from knife and hand contact) Nadia quickly sweeps around anti clockwise to face Foster who is still hanging from a modified robotic arm machine. Nadia looks down fleetingly as she takes the tool with both hands before looking back up and towards Foster - Nadia breaths out heavily - Mason watches Foster from a distance as Nadia free's her from her bonds.

Nadia takes two short steps before raising her left hand high to the back of Foster, Nadia looks vertically up towards Fosters hands as she locates where she needs to severe the thick cables that bind the navigation's officer. Foster is silent and motionless as her head rests against her right arm. Nadia raises her left hand so that she can complete the rescue procedure.

Steve is hurt but still alive as he groans loudly on the floor just ahead of Richie and the others, Steve grimaces as he turns and rolls on his back slightly right while applying light pressure to his right shoulder with his left hand. Steve is silent as he looks up at the ceiling while moving his legs a little. Richie looks to his left and over at the toppled and destroyed robot as he slowly makes his way over to the groaning Steve. As Richie comes forward he discards his trusty RPG launcher with his left hand across the floor. A loud thud sound is heard as the RPG launcher hits the deck, Richie quickly reaches down and pulls out a handgun that is stored inside the seam of his army styled trousers and points it towards the mangled Goliath machine. (Richie's silver wire coil shakes and swings around) Nadia continues the task of cutting Foster down from the heavy robotic arm as she cuts away to the left side of Foster while holding the knife in her right hand. Nadia arms shake as they work in unison before her right arm comes back out from the left. Foster continues to look behind her as she moves so ever slightly. Foster is aware of Nadia and has regained a small amount of strength.

An electronic warble of electrical loss and malfunction is heard emitting from the heap of metal as it lays crumpled on the floor, Richie rapidly aims his gun at the Goliath beast with a serious face of fear and loathing as he side steps towards Steve.

The robot still has a very limited and low level power functionality as it fizzes and splutters, The right claw and arm of the robot is still in a raised position as it's claw trembles erratically for a fleeting moment producing a whining fizzing sound before faltering and dropping down on it's axis before coming to a stop. The left side of the machine raises up slightly as it takes it's last dying breaths of electrical energy, The right side suddenly slumps as a grey smoke belches from the mish mash of steel and flesh. The legs raise up also but soon fall back down unable to compute and respond to the hydraulic system. A bright neon blue light of electrical energy belches out from the centre of the contraption as it's circuits fail and fade away to nothing. A monitor screen above a rack of scientific equipment flashes a continuous series of numerical data and graphs as it attempts to stabilise.

Army themed attack music continues - Foster grunts as she is suddenly released from the robotic arms grip, Foster falls quickly to the ground below as she lands on her backside, Nadia is quick to respond as she supports her fall and bends down with both hands to ensure Foster lands safely. The long multi coloured wire that connected Foster to a computer scanning machine swings violently in an up and down motion as it is severed from her head. Richie suddenly turns away from the robot as he concentrates his energy on the injured Steve, Richie bends down as he inspects Steve's injuries with concern on his face. Richie jostles with his hand gun as he replaces it back into the seam of his trousers with his right hand while looking back at the robot. Mason does not trust the machines and knows they are very volatile and unforgiving. Richie bends down lower as he places his left hand softly onto Steve's right shoulder and placing his other hand below Steve to the floor below. (Richie's silver wire shakes around) Steve lets out a loud breath of air as he attempts to recover from his injuries. Nadia supports Foster around her waist as she helps Foster the best way she can..

Foster maintains her silence as she closes her eyes unable to find the strength to reopen them, Nadia continues to support Foster as she pulls away a long wire and sensor from her temple. (A slapping sound of tension is heard as Nadia quickly pulls at the wire with her left hand while it is hanging between Nadia's thumb and index finger. Foster whimpers as the wire is removed. Richie is heard from a distance speaking to Steve - "Steve are you Okay". Richie hesitates then say's "Huh".

Steve grimaces with pain as Richie supports his back and chest, Steve looks into the void unable to respond to Richie's words. Richie say's "I got ya", as he attempts to bring Stevie to his feet. Steve closes his eyes momentarily as he shuts out the horror of the moment.

A light whirring sound is now heard followed by a high pitched crashing of metal feet - Steve becomes fearful and completely shocked at something in front of him, Richie has not noticed anything unusual as he maintains his focus on the injured crewman. A loud thudding echo of heavy metal is now heard which causes Richie to quickly lose his concentration with Steve and look on over across the floor. Steve closes his eyes yet again for a short moment in time before reopening them. Both survivors stare in fear at something in the distance.

A high pitched sound is now heard as the robot reanimates back to life, Hydraulics quickly respond and push the heavy metal machine back to it's feet at speed. As the robot reaches full height the lights to it's head unit suddenly switch back on to illuminate that all to familiar red and pink colour. The robot looks forward and over towards Steve and Richie and is none to pleased. Monitors continue to display information behind the machine.

Richie begins to pull on Steve in an attempt to lift his body weight and get him on his feet, Richie speaks with concern "We gotta go", Richie begins to stand up as he say's again "We gotta go". Steve continues to show a lack lustre attitude but is now slowly regaining his energy.

Foster whimpers with a deep fear and loathing for the reanimated Goliath machine, Both Nadia and the navigation's officer become hypnotised by the massive machine as they try to work out a plan for survival. Both Nadia and Foster quickly stand to there feet - Foster whimpers -

Suddenly an intense neon blue luminescence emits from the robots chest cavity after receiving a new surge of life from within it's intricate mechanics. The massive machine quickly raises it's powerful arms as it lowers it's head unit down and towards it's enemy. The machine ripples as it's intricate construction reacts to the new lease of life within it's circuits.

A screeching and rumbling sound is heard as the robot suddenly pulls down the ceiling support beams with both arms. Several large steel beams crumble and split in half as the robot takes out it's anger and frustrations.

A bright blue light flashes inside the room from the robots powerful lamps, Steve and Richie rapidly cover there faces with there arms in an attempt to protect themselves from the falling debris. A huge mountain of steel has now collapsed from the ceiling and is on a direct course with Steve and Richie.

The robot has regained full power as it's weaponized tentacles move down while it's independent utensils move in all directions. It's huge right side claw arm quickly spins in a clockwise motion as it's massive fingers open up. More banging and collapsing of steel is heard - This new model of machine now utilises full body parts as a human head has been attached to the machines head unit from the back. It is almost lizard shaped in composition and is part of the robots design.

The human head shows a face of sheer torture and pain as it hangs above the robots tools and steel claws.

A loud crashing of steel is now heard as a much larger support beam loses all stability and flops forward towards Steve and Richie.

The machine is very much alive as it's body moves in all directions.

Foster gyrates as she is being held by Nadia, Foster shouts out loudly, Steve! Richie!" Nadia struggles as she attempts to keep Foster from running over to the large pile of debris.

The robot looks down at the mound of steel as it tries to evaluate if Steve and Richie are dead or not, The sound from Foster causes the robot to turn it's head right,

More blue light illuminates the machine - A whirring is heard as the robot suddenly lifts up it's right arm before smashing it down, The room shakes as the powerful arm strikes another steel truss. The purple lamp shines brightly as the machine begins to walk forward towards Foster and Nadia. A loud tinging of metal is heard -

The robot is hell bent on killing every last survivor on board the ship.

Nadia and Foster stand motionless as they observe the dangerous machine making it's way forward towards them. Blue electrical fizzing emits from the robots carcass as it makes it's way forward. Nadia and Foster begin to walk backwards as they attempt to keep a safe distance.

Nadia shouts out "Come on" as she helps Foster to do the right thing and escape out from the workroom facility, Foster flails her arms in all directions before fleetingly looking to her left, Nadia is out of breath as she gasps loudly.

The machine stammers forward as it knocks a steel barrel from it's right, More blue lightening emits from the robots carcass of the beast.

Nadia shouts out Foster as she provides the required energy to escape, Both survivors run off to the right as they attempt to avoid the death machines fury. The robot quickly raises it's left arm and hammer claw as it rapidly smashes a barrel with extreme force. A loud metallic thud sound is heard as the barrel explodes out and across the room at high speed. Other surrounding drums to the left also crumple and fall over - The spiny legs of the machine almost imitate an insect as it uses the human lizard head for progressive research.

Other barrels topple over from the extreme power of the machine. Nadia and Foster narrowly miss the drum before it lands heavily on the floor below. _Deep booming sound is heard as Robot strikes the barrel with it's powerful jack hammer claw.

Foster shouts loudly "Richie" as Nadia struggles to pull the navigation's officer through the door to relative safety. Nadia speaks and say;s with a sad and exhaustive tone, This way", A fan blade spins at a controlled rate in a clockwise motion just behind the survivors. Foster extends her left arm out as she attempts to discover Richie's situation and injuries, Foster rapidly takes her left arm away from the door as she continues to look back into workroom 14. Nadia speaks again, Foster, This way".

Nadia looks behind fleetingly as she say's again, "This way", Nadia knows the layout of the ship and is leading Foster to a safer location. Foster grimaces as Nadia looks behind her for the approaching robot.

Both Nadia and Foster gasp loudly from exhaustion as Nadia shunts Foster through a new doorway,

A high pitched squeaking sound is heard as Nadia begins to turn a valve wheel in an anti clockwise motion at high speed, Foster rests with her arms against the wall momentarily as Nadia closes the valve. Foster suddenly turns to her left as she watches the double doors that the pair have just came out off.

A blue neon light suddenly appears as the robot nears the open doors, (Fan continues to spin)

Suddenly a loud crashing sound is heard as the giant robot steps through the door left foot first - The robot quickly looks to it's right as it attempts to locate the two women.

More squeaking is heard as a thick steel door quickly lowers down locking the two survivors inside. A loud crashing sound of echoing steel is heard as the door completely shuts blocking out the evil machine.

A fast composition of Violins is heard to provide the sound score - Both survivors whimper with fright as they run forward and into a new area of the ship. Foster rests her left hand on the corner of the new door fleetingly before turning around the corner. Nadia quickly steps over the door panel with right leg first while standing to her side., Nadia turns anti clockwise as she looks back down the corridor.

Nadia bends down onto her knees as she looks through the remainder of the gap as the door falls at speed, A squeaking is heard as Foster rapidly turns the second valve wheel to close the door.

The robot machine spins it's heavy metal around anti clockwise as it faces the first steel door that Nadia closed, The intense purple lamp emits a powerful strobe of light as it attempts to locate the two survivors. The robot lurches backwards as it bends out it's left arm before turning forward - Whirring of motors is heard -

A fizzing of machinery is heard as the machine twists and faces forward, The machine has decided not to use force on the sealed door but to find another way to get to Foster and Nadia. The machine ripples as all it components and mechanics move with rhythm and perfect flow. Clanking is heard -

Foster whimpers and gasps for air as she grimaces while running forward, Nadia is just behind as the pair attempt to hide from the beast.

Foster quickly turns a corner as she holds onto the steel seam of the third door. A squeaking is heard as Foster rapidly begins to spin the valve wheel anti clockwise with her right hand, Foster sides steps further to the wall as Nadia quickly joins in to help Foster, Nadia uses both hands erratically as she helps Foster to quickly shut the third steel door.

Foster is panicking and will never be the same from the traumatic ordeal she is experiencing, Nadia bends down to her knees as she looks back along the corridor for any sign of the death machine. The door quickly slides down obscuring Nadia's fearful face.

A loud crashing and thudding sound of steel is heard as the door shuts firmly - A blast of trumpets provides suspense - Foster quickly turns to her left at the loud sound of the door, Foster is very traumatised as she quickly steps over to a small window that is above the door. Foster looks out with terror as she checks to see if the maniac robot has followed them or not. Foster breaths rapidly as her cheeks expand and reduce from the stress she is under. Foster is thinking about Steve and Richie and and there chances of survival which are slim at most. Foster closes her eyes tightly as she begins to cry loudly for her own identity and sanity.

Foster slides down the door slowly as she becomes extremely emotional and tearful, Foster drops down to the floor as she say's with tears "It's not coming". Foster holds her right hand out in front of her as she cries and shakes.

Nadia is silent and has more composure than Foster as she peeps her head out of another door well, Nadia looks to her right and then up fleetingly before turning her head slightly left and looking more directly up at the ceiling, Nadia turns her head left momentarily before looking completely around anti clockwise and back into the room. A low level clack of machine gun metal is heard as Nadia turns with gun in both hands - Foster whimpers quietly - Nadia watches Foster from a distance.

Foster pushes her right hand softly against her right cheek as her mind enters a deep sanctuary of thought of emotions, Foster lifts her hand slightly away from her face as she whimpers some more. Foster curls her right hand as she attempts to gain some mental strength.

Nadia has led Foster into a storage room that houses several red dry suits that divers wear when they go down under the waves. A dry suit has the advantage of keeping you warmer and enabling you to stay under the sea for many hours. Nadia is silent as she watches Foster crying for a short moment in time. A low level click is heard as Nadia gently disturbs a row of red dry suits to her left.

Nadia suddenly breaks eye contact with Foster as she turns to her left while raising her left hand towards one of the suits. A slap of material is heard as Nadia places her left hand up and over one of the survival suits before looking back down to Foster. A high pitched clink of metal is heard as Nadia pulls down the suit with her left hand, This causes a yellow coat hangar to violently gyrate from the forces of Nadia's hand. Swings out and in all directions - Nadia slowly steps forward towards the whimpering crew member.

Nadia begins to speak in a loud whisper, Foster...Foster, Nadia bends down as she shows the distraught woman the red suit in a hope that Foster will regain some mental stability and control. Sombre violins provide the sound score - Nadia transfers the suit to her left arm as she bends down, Nadia places her right hand over Fosters left shoulder in an attempt to catch her attention. Nadia holds the suit at the top as she looks down and say's Foster Look - Nadia is enthusiastic as she provides a ray of hope to there survival. Nadia presents the suit to her with both hands as she say's Look Look -..

Nadia touches Fosters left cheek softly with her right hand as she looks at her and say's with another loud whisper, "Survival Suits". Nadia gasps loudly several times as she say's to Foster with a sad tone of voice, "Maybe we have a chance." Foster looks at Nadia in silence.

Foster closes her eyes once more as she moves her head ever so slightly, Nadia whispers again, "Put it on." hesitates - Nadia stands quickly as she touches Fosters shoulder with her right hand fleetingly. Nadia speaks out again "Put it on".

Nadia stands and looks back over at the rest of the survival suits as she lifts up her brown jumper with both hands. A slap of material is heard as Nadia looks down while pulling up on the edge of the garment with her right hand. Nadia pulls the jumper completely over her head as it turns inside out, Nadia steps forward slightly creating a low level tap of feet as she completely removes the jumper from her body. Nadia steps forward while holding the removed jumper in her left hand.

Nadia transfers the jumper to her right hand as she evaluates the rack of survival suits, Nadia rapidly drops the jumper to the floor below as she raises both arms against another suit. A loud click is heard as Nadia chooses a suit second from the end of the pole and begins to put it on. Foster continues to rest and does not show any effort or enthusiasm for the much stronger chief science officer.

Synthesizer composition provides atmosphere - Meanwhile back in workroom 14 all is quiet, Suddenly Steve's voice is heard as he say's with concern "Richie". Suddenly two loud coughs are heard from Richie as he raises up his left hand. The evil robot has managed to exact it's revenge on Richie for firing an RPG grenade at it's sensitive construction by venting it's anger on the ceiling above. Unfortunately Richie and Stevie have been caught as the heavy beams fell on top of them. Richie's hand moves so ever slightly until it maintains a stable and motionless bond with the heavy metal surrounding it.

Loud clunking and heavy fatigue and breathing is heard from Stevie as he struggles to pull himself free of the debris. Steve can see Richie's hand and now knows that he is still alive but most probably severely injured. Steve pushes away several more pieces of debris as he struggles to lift himself up. More loud clinking is heard as Stevie brushes away some debris with his right hand with speed and anger. A large piece of wood gyrates as it lands at an awkward position, Steve looks over at the wood he moved with his hand with severe shock and turmoil on his dirtied and bloodied face.

Steve grimaces and gasps for air as he places pressure on a beam of metal to his left, Steve pushes up using the debris as support, Steve quickly stands pushing the debris behind him creating more chinking sounds.

Steve finally gets to his feet as he looks forward towards Richie,

Steve gasps as he reaches down with both hands and picks up a large piece of metal debris with his left hand, Steve looks to his right as he pushes up on the end of the debris and sends it falling to his left so that he can move more freely. A massive clank of heavy metal is heard as the beam hits the deck just behind him. More banging is heard as Steve loses stability for a short moment while bent over. Steve looks over towards Richie and now knows that he needs serious medical attention.

More clinking and echoing of steel is heard as Steve removes a large beam that has covered Richie's face and torso, Richie is not in the best of health as he rests unable to pick himself up from the ground.

To Steve's horror Richie has been penetrated by a sharp piece of metal that has now protruded out from his stomach area. Richie suddenly opens his eyes and is struggling to breath.

Steve grimaces and gasps as he pushes the large piece of debris away from Richie with both hands. Steve pushes the beam away creating an almighty bang of metal. Steve looks back and down at his friend as his face turns to one of shock. Steve is motionless as he breaths and pants heavily while absorbing the true horror of Richie's injuries. (Synthesizer chord plays out) Steve's eyes flit from side to side as he speaks out and say's with intense horror, "Oh my God". Steve quickly bends down to be closer to his friend and if possible help him to escape the dungeon of steel and debris.

Richie has been seriously injured as a large and sharp instrument protrudes from his chest, Richie is breathing at a difficult rate and has very little strength. Richie suddenly opens his eyes a little as he lets out a deep breath of defeat and sorrow. Stevie speaks out again with serious concern and horror "Richie".

Steve has realised Richie is in poor health and will most probably die from his injuries, Steve sighs loudly as he say's Oh Man!" Steve turns away fleetingly to his right as he closes his eyes briefly unable to absorb the horror in front of him. Steve quickly looks back to Richie as he breathes heavily, Steve looks back left momentarily unable to help the dying man.

No sound score and all is quiet - Steve takes in more air as he softly says, "I thought you bailed on us Bro!" (Richie blinks) Richie moves his head gently from side to side as he listens to Steve's words, Steve places his right hand softly to Richie's chest as he soothes his mind the best he can. Steve moves his head slightly in silence as he watches the life drain from his friend, Steve speaks out again in a loud whisper, "We thought you weren't coming back?" Richie lets out some air as he moves his head from side to side unable to respond to Steve. Suddenly Richie speaks and say's, (Raises eyebrows slightly) "Shows you How I smart I am." Richie smiles and still has a unique sense of humour even in his injured state.

Steve stares at his friend unable to reply to his words even though he feels he should, Steve closes his eyes momentarily as he looks to his left and down at Richie's injury, )Steve gasps deeply for air as his mind ponders over the life of the weapons genius.

Heavy breathing is heard as Steve looks at the deep and gory injury Richie has sustained. (Blood oozes and drips down the sharp silver blade) (The sound score provides a slow and relaxing chord of ambience)

Steve looks back down towards Richie as he takes in yet another deep breath of oxygen mixed with the smell of burnt metal and debris. Steve blinks as his mind attempts to overcome the shock and horror in front of him, Richie suddenly speaks out softly, "Hey Steve). Steve squints slightly as he listens carefully.

Richie takes in a large breath of air as his lungs expand causing his body to move so ever slightly, Richie hesitates as he finds the strength to speak, Richie say's, 'Now there's still away" Richie hesitates for a short moment - Richie hunches his eyebrows as he takes in more air before saying, "To get off this ship." Steve speaks out and say's quietly with disbelief and shock, "What?" Richie takes in another sharp breath of air as he say's, "But you gotta get to the missile room", Richie hunches his face with some kind of disappointment that Steve must reach the elusive missile room.

Steve whispers back as his eyes blink quickly, "Missile Room?" Steve is silent as he waits for Richie to speak once more.

Richie breaths in air through his nose creating a high pitched sound as his nostrils expand and then deflate slightly, Richie has tears in his eyes as he blinks twice in rapid succession before saying, " You'll understand.". "When you get there." Steve caresses Richie's chest area gently, which causes a silent popping sound.

Richie takes hold of Steve's left side jacket and begins to pull on the inside orange material as a means to stay alive. Steve blinks as he looks down at the dying man who is using his last breaths to save his life. Richie speaks out again softly as he slowly pulls Steve closer to him, "Steve", Steve edges closer as he closes his eyes fleetingly.

Richie looks at Steve with a face of fear and unknowing as he holds his head slightly up and away from the debris as he clings to life, Richie continues to take deep breaths of air but is unable to continue the conversation.

A loud thud is heard as Richie suddenly flops his head back to the ground behind him unable to find the strength to continue. Richie opens his mouth wide as he takes in another gulp of oxygen while staring at Steve with a face of death and bloodied emotions.

Richie has fallen silent and is not moving, Steve suddenly becomes emotionally and mentally concerned for his friends as he lays dying depleted and limp. Steve grimaces with shock as he shouts out loudly "Mason"

Steve feels the right side of Richie's cheeks as he checks for a pulse or some kind of life, Steve shouts out again with deleterious conclusions, "Mason?." Steve gently taps the side of Richies face with his right hand in a futile attempt to revive the seriously injured crew member. Richie struggles for air as it becomes intermittent and rapid, Richie grimaces and stares up at the ceiling knowing his time is now up. Mason tries to cry but all is sielnt

Steve squints his eyes slightly as his thoughts and imagination explode, Steve veers his eyes down at the bloodied and sharp metal object that has injured Mason for a short moment before looking back at the dying man. Steve speaks out with a loud whisper of disappointment, "Shit!"

Richie produces a high pitched gasp of air as his last moments on earth become apparent, Steve maintains his gentle touch to the side of Masons face as the weapons genius slowly dies. Suddenly Richie is no more as he quickly passes away, Richie's head slumps to his right as a last gasp of air is heard. Stevie is silent as he slowly slides his thumb down the side of the dead man's face. (Violins provide the atmosphere)

Steve blinks as he looks down at the dead man who was killed by a robots anger and frustrations, Steve leans back slightly as he also takes in a small amount of air having been shocked to the core.

Steve suddenly looks up and to his right as something of importance has now filled his mind, Steve takes more air as his mind works overtime. Steve veers his eyes from left to right in fast succession as he scans the room, Steve feels on edge and has realised unfortunately it is every man for themselves. Steve is silent as he watches Richie rest in peace and knows his life is also endangered. Steve continues to breath heavily with short bursts of air as his eyes flash from side to side, Steve looks back at Mason just so his mind can accept that he really has died. Steve feels for his friend as his emotions begin to get the better of him, Steve closes his eyes fleetingly as he attempts to adjust and accept his fate and that of the rest of the crew. Steve reopens his eyes and looks back to Richie. Steve squints from the pain and unbearable circumstances he must face.

Steve slowly and gently slides his hand down the bloodied left cheek of Mason for the last time as he realises that he really has succumbed to death. Masons flesh is gently indented as Steve's hands slide down and then away from his friend.

A clicking sound is heard as Steve stands up unable to take his eyes off from the dead seamen, Steve is subdued and silent as he absorbs the last moments he can possibly spare with his dead comrade, Steve trembles as a small amount of air emits from his mouth, Steve slowly closes his mouth as he ponders the inevitable solution and escape plan, Stevie has been told to go to the missile silo room if he is in with any chance of survival against the demonic robotic creature that is infused with generous helpings of human flesh and bone. Suddenly Steve must leave and quickly slips off at speed to his right across the room and out into the corridor, Hopefully Steve can find Foster and Nadia and blow the ship in time.

Meanwhile back with Nadia and Foster the situation has changed, Nadia is very keen to blow the ship and attempt an escape but first she wants to find out if the Alien robotic machine
has withered and ran out of power. Nadia believes she understands the alien lightening better than Foster and has a strong bond with it, She can't leave the ship unless she knows for sure the robot has ended it's campaign. Nadia is a short fuse and can not be persuaded to follow the plan and escape the Academic Vladislav Volkov" A light tapping of feet is heard as Nadia suddenly appears from around a door well, Nadia is silent and solemn as she uses both outstretched hands to guide her along and down the stairs. Foster is just behind Nadia and shouts out loudly, "Nadia.. STOP!" Nadia turns her head momentarily behind her from Fosters controlling voice. Nadia continues to walk forward as she shakes her head negatively from Fosters orders. Nadia holds onto a metal rail with her right hand fleetingly as she looks down while transgressing the stairs. A heavy wind sound is heard - Foster continues to persuade Nadia to stop her plan of action, "Nadia!" Foster outstretches her arms as she also takes hold of the metal railing for a brief moment.

Foster has regained her composure and strength and has managed to put on the red survival suit, Foster closes her eyes fleetingly as she follows Nadia from behind. Blowing the ship would destroy the alien entity or at least the equipment and components it uses to create more and more robots, Nadia seems to think otherwise. A rattling of metal is heard as Foster awkwardly limps down the stairs.

Foster shouts loudly from behind, "There's no time!." Foster slides down the cold metal of the rails with hands at either side, Foster is complexed and does not understand why Nadia would want to do such a crazy thing. (Creaking of steel is heard) Nadia takes two more steps before stopping in her tracks as she conveys with Foster, Nadia closes her eyes fleetingly as she speaks while avoiding Fosters face, "I'm not leaving Nadia shakes her head rapidly before turning to face the navigation's officer, "Not until I know it's dead". Nadia raises her eyebrows as she expresses her feelings towards the evil alien force. Foster quickly replies as she leans over and shouts loudly into the right ear of Nadia, "The ships gonna blow any second." Nadia quickly turns her head clockwise and speaks directly to Foster and say's, "I've got to make sure." Nadia is breathless and nervous and has also received the Richie curse of exploration and mayhem.

Nadia continues to defy Foster as she continues down the metal grated stairs to the deck below, A tapping of feet is heard as the survivors make there way down, Foster suddenly shouts out again, "Nadia..It's suicide!." Nadia responds, "I don't care". Foster uses both hands to slide down and away from the metal railings, A high pitched whining sound is heard from a distance - An echoing breeze is heard -

Nadia heads for a grey steel door just ahead of her as Foster follows, The new area has a stash of red gas cylinders to the left including some empty oil drums. The door has a small circular window which has been blown out, A crew member from the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" may have fired his or her weapon through the gap when the electrical lightening attacked for air as the door is welded shut.

Another loud crunching of metal is heard which causes both Nadia and Foster to turn around clockwise simultaneously at the sound. Dramatic violin and crashing drums provides the sound score - Another door lays on the floor having been blown off it's hinges.

To the horror of the survivors the Goliath robot suddenly appears from under a stairwell, The robot crashes as it side steps out from the steel construction to reveal it's evil intentions, More whirring is heard as the robot steps forward on it's left foot, A massive clank of heavy metal is heard as the extremely heavy mechanical machine stamps down it's lead weighted claw foot. The back legs of the beast also move as they adjust to the front legs projectory, A blue flash of electrical disturbance suddenly emits from the robots right side carcass, It's arms gyrate as does the whole system as it relentlessly pursues it's enemy. The human flesh moves in an up and down motion and has been electrified by the circuits of the robot. The many thousands of individual components all move in sequence and a fluid rhythm of movement.

Both Nadia and Foster are hypnotised by the beast and have not the mental capacity to run, The robot steps forward again on it's right foot creating another crashing sound of heavy metal, A blue light emits from behind the robots head unit fleetingly, The robot stops in it's tracks as it looks upon it's prey.

The camera slowly pans forward as a repetitive beep sound is now heard - Whirring is heard as it's tentacle blades move in an excited up and down motion, A deep blue light emits from the robots head unit and carcass as it's power status springs back to full capacity.

Suddenly the robot lifts up it's right claw hand to reveal something to Nadia and Foster, To the survivors shock and horror the robot has located the timer and thermite grenade explosives, Whirring is heard as the robot carefully displays it's find, The beeping continues as the red numerical timer ticks down by the second, 11,10,9, Robot turns it's head left.

Both Nadia and Foster move slightly on there feet as there minds burn with failure and disappointment, Now that the robot has discovered the explosive device that Steve attached to the pipe system earlier there plan to blow the ship is now in jeopardy. The alien robot will simply kill Foster and Nadia now as they are not required any longer, Steve will be found and he will also be exterminated, Once the ship reaches Lord Hope Island the alien lightening can carry out it's most audacious plan yet to increase in size and strength. Beeping continues from the timer.

Suddenly a loud crunching sound is heard as the powerful robot squeezes and flattens the timer and grenades into a flat package of metal. Similar to a scrap yard when a car is crushed into a small square of compacted metal. 2 seconds remain but now the device is history and will not explode.

A small red light emits from the broken and destroyed timer but it is unable to activate the explosive fuse, The alien is pleased that it has found the timer and can carry out it's programme of destruction once more without fear of the ship exploding into a fireball of heat.

A fast whirring is heard again as the alien robots head swivels right a quarter turn, The robot suddenly speaks out loudly with an evil and demonic tone of voice, "CHECKMATE!" The beeping has ceased from the device. Dramatic trumpets provide the sound score. Blue light illuminates over robot - If the explosive had detonated Foster Steve and Nadia may never of had the chance to escape and in all respects the robot might have done the survivors a favour.

Foster stares at the robot with intense fear. More loud whirring is heard which startles Foster as she rapidly turns her head around to face the closed steel door,

Foster lets out a frightened gasp as her head rapidly spins behind and then forward once again, Foster is trying to find a way to escape from the robot now that the plan has failed.

Foster quickly makes her way over to the sealed door with the broken circular window, High pitched crashing sounds of steel are heard - Dramatic trumpets provide the sound score - Foster outstretches her left hand and places onto the bottom of the circular hole of the door. Foster looks through the window as she scans deep inside the room for an escape plan, Foster quickly turns her head back around anti clockwise and then back to the broken window.

Crashing sounds continue as the robot steps forward to exterminate the survivors so that they can be used for spare parts. Nadia rapidly spins around anti clockwise as she faces the steel door also, A thud of material is heard as Nadia grabs hold of Foster with her right hand under Fosters left arm, Foster attempts to turn the doors wheel but all is futile - The wheel turns slightly but not enough - Both Foster and Nadia turn around to face the robot once again, Foster turns her head anti clockwise, Nadia clockwise. Nadia speaks with a concerned fear, "Foster" Both women stare in disbelief and utter horror at the robot of death.

The tentacles of the robot gyrate and move in an up and down motion as the robot maintains a static position, The arms move in a downwards motion and the claws expand with a controlled energy. A blue and white light illuminates from the robots carcass, Both Nadia and Foster side step to there left as they devise a plan of action, Nadia begins to speak to Foster with a disguised and lip distorted way so that the robot can not detect the humans thinking. Nadia say's "Foster, Get to the upper deck".

Nadia maintains direct focus with the robot as she continues and say's, "Get off this ship." "You have to tell people what has happened here". Nadia suddenly veers her eyes up and towards the ceiling area.

Foster is disturbed by Nadia's sudden change of plan and order, Foster rapidly looks towards her and then back at the robot in a defiant mode as her heart jumps a beat in time. Foster speaks out loudly in defiance, "NO" Foster looks at Nadia ..NO.. Foster is breathing heavily from her ordeal. Foster quickly looks back again at Nadia as her mind attempts to accept what Nadia has just said. Foster does not want to leave Nadia to face the robotic beast and would rather die fighting for the cause.

Nadia rips her head away from the volatile robot as she and Foster look each other in the eye, Nadia speaks out with authority, "Yes..GO!" Nadia is convinced she is doing the right thing.

Suddenly Nadia becomes much more persuasive and authoritative as she shouts out loudly, GO Nadia screams out GO.. Foster attempts to defy Nadia as she stands on the spot fighting the pressure of Nadia's hands. Foster turns away from NADIA as she looks at the robot for the last time, Nadia has a sudden burst of strength as she pushes Foster out of sight of the beast.

A loud crash of steel is heard as a human infused claw crashes down and forward towards Nadia and Foster. Just a few feet along the back wall another door exists, this time the door space is unoccupied with any steel covering and is completely open. Nadia pushes Foster from behind with force as she attempts to make Foster carry out her orders. Foster screams out as she is propelled forward and into the door space at speed.

Nadia turns to face the approaching robot and has a plan of action to slow the beast down. More crashing and screeching is heard including a strobing blue and pulsing light as the robot turns on it's death machines. Nadia stands helpless in front of the gigantic beast and has zero protection in her grasp.