Happy ever after: Lamb and Lynx now believe in love and peace (Image: Splash)

At 13 they wore smiley-faced Hitler T-shirts and gave Nazi salutes... seven years on they have had a radical change of heart. At 13 and cute as candy, twins Lynx and Lamb Gaede could have passed for any other teenagers with dreams of pop stardom. Apart, that is, from their songs about white supremacy and smiley faced Hitler Tee-shirts. In 2005 the Mirror revealed how the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, all-American sisters formed a band called Prussian Blue – named after a by-product of the poison used to gas millions of Jews during the Holocaust.

Prussian Blue Victory Day
Schooled in bile and racist lies by their warped mother and grandfather, these children of hate were cheered by right wing fanatics as they belted out tunes such as Aryan Man Awake and gave Nazi salutes on stage. But seven years on it seems the Sieg Heil sisters have had a radical change of heart – and are now singing a different tune. They appear to have turned from fascist, anti-immigration hate-mongers into laid-back liberals celebrating the joys of ethnic diversity and spreading a message of peace and love.
Prussian Blue Victory Day

After escaping the all-controlling clutches of their mother, April, and battling serious health problems, Lynx and Lamb, now 20, say they have swapped their Hitler youth for a happy hippy lifestyle. And, like so many other pop star transformations, the Gaede twins appear to have been helped along their journey of “enlightenment” by smoking a lot of marijuana. “My sister and I are pretty liberal now,” Lamb revealed in a recent US TV interview. “Yeah,” chipped in Lynx, languidly flicking her long blonde hair.

Teenage Sisters Singing: Neo-Nazi Beliefs Have Changed as These Two Girls Grew Up
Teenage Sisters Singing: Neo-Nazi Beliefs Have Changed as These Two Girls Grew Up
Personally, I love diversity! I’m stoked that we have so many different cultures. "I think it’s amazing, and it makes me proud of humanity every day that we have so many different places and people. “I’m glad we were in a band, but I think we should have been pushed toward something a little more mainstream and easier for us to handle than being front-men for a belief system that we didn’t even completely understand at that time. “We were little kids.”

The girls grew up in a real red-neck community in Bakersfield, California, and were immersed in far-right ideology from birth. Their Nazi-loving grandpa Bill Gaede, wore a swastika on his belt-buckle, had it painted on the side of the truck and even used it to brand his cattle. His daughter, April, split from the girls’ father and insisted on educating the twins at home because mainstream schools “misrepresented history”. Instead she instilled her own warped views, which the girls repeated parrot-fashion.
Schooled in hatred: In front of white supremacist flag (Image: Splash
When she was 13, Lamb said: “We want to preserve our race. "If you start mixing races it all becomes one big mess and we don’t want that. “Adolf Hitler was a great man who was only trying to preserve his own race in his own country.” And Lynx chipped in: “Lots of things were exaggerated about the Second World War. "We don’t believe that six million Jews were executed. I mean, there were not even that many Jews alive then. “We know there were concentration camps, but they had swimming pools and tennis courts there. "That’s not how you would treat people if you were getting ready to kill them.”

Lamb and Lynx Gaede, seen here in Montana, have abandoned their racist beliefs and have become 'pretty liberal'... with the aid of medical marijuana
Driven by their mother, the girls performed at fascist rallies across the USA and released CDs of their supremacist songs. And when they donated money to victims of Hurricane Katrina they insisted it should go to whites only. They were soon reviled around the world. TV investigator Louis Theroux famously featured them in a documentary about Nazis in 2007. But the pressure of life in the spotlight began to take its toll. At 15 Lynx was diagnosed with cancer and had a large tumour removed from her shoulder.

TV investigator Louis Theroux
She also developed a rare condition called cyclic vomiting syndrome. Lamb suffered from scoliosis of the spine and chronic back pain, which led to emotional problems. After various drugs failed to help either of them they were both prescribed medical marijuana – and say it changed their lives. Then, when the family moved to the more liberal state of Montana the girls went to school and began to lose faith in what their mum taught them. Lynx, now a painter and furniture restorer, said: “My sister and I were home-schooled country bumpkins. "We spent most of our days up on the hill playing with our goats. But, I have to say, marijuana saved my life. "I’d probably be dead if I didn’t have it. It also rekindled the creative impulses I once channelled into my music.”
She wants to go to college and she and Lynx plan to campaign for the legalisation of marijuana across the US. But despite their apparent change of heart the girls refuse to demonise their mother, April, who still holds her extreme views. She is trying to create an “intentional” all-white community in her area called Pioneer Little Europe. Lynx still lives at home with her mum and Lamb works as a hotel maid nearby. But April insists her daughters are merely “going through a phase” and will soon return to their Nazi roots. “They’re young,” she says. “They are saying what everyone wants to hear so they won’t be harassed anymore.” Lamb admits she fears a backlash. “There are dangerous people in white nationalism who would do awful things to people who they think betrayed the movement.” So could this transformation be more tactical than heartfelt?
“We just want to come from a place of light and love,” says Lamb. “I think we’re meant to do something more. “We’re healers. We just wanna exert the most love and positivity we can.” So presumably they are no longer Holocaust deniers? Lynx hesitates. “I think certain things happened. I think a lot of the stories got misconstrued. “I mean, yeah, Hitler wasn’t the best, but Stalin wasn’t, Churchill wasn’t.” “Yeah,” Lamb adds: “I just think everyone needs to frickin’ get over it!”

Cyclists have been warned to be on their guard after Britain's most notorious Bike Seat Sniffer walked free from court. Legal commentators had expected Clinton Dennison to be jailed after he was caught sniffing seats at a muncipal bike shed in Balham, South London for the 57th time. But not only was he found not guilty, his lawyer successfully argued that sniffing bike seats is NOT an offence if the bike's owner does not witness the act. In a landmark ruling, city magistrates agreed with Dennison's solicitor Armitage Phelps that a sexual motive had not been proved - and if the cycle's owner was not present to see the sniffing, a public order offence could not be proved. As Dennison's sniffing had only been seen by a CCTV operative, magistrates ruled that there was no case to answer and ordered the 31 year old bachelor to be freed. The case could make saddlesniffing almost impossible to prosecute outside certain strict circumstances.

Unemployed former water treatment operative Dennison said nothing outside court, simply scuttling away making a high pitched wailing sound. But he has vowed in previous news paper interviews: If I see a bike seat, I will sniff it. The law will come around to my way of thinking eventually. Jo Prendergast, of feminist bike club Menstrual Cycles, blasted: "Again, the Establishment has side stepped the very real issue that bicycle seat sniffing leads to all manner of anti woman crimes. "One day it's sniffing a bike seat, the next it's glancing at bottoms or saying "Hello" to women in the street. Even enemies of cyclists have reacted with fury at Dennison's vile antics. Brendan O'Cafferidge of the Tax-paying Road Users' Forum said: "Anyone who uses Britain's roads hates cyclists. "But not even these lycra wearing nincompoops deserve having their seating areas insufflated like this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Police say man ate stolen ice cream sandwich he kept down the front of his pants
Ice cream sandwiches typically are not stored in your pants, but that is where a Port St. Lucie man appears to have kept a stolen one. The man, 32-year-old Robert Silvia, was arrested on October 12th after an assistant manager at a Family Dollar saw a man take "an ice cream sandwich from the front of his pants" and start eating it, a recently released Fort Pierce police report states. The assistant manager said the man came in the store in the 700 block of South U.S. 1 in Fort Pierce and went to the cooler. The man took something, and left without paying. "She watched him as he walked across the street to the Dollar Tree store, as he walked he removed an ice cream sandwich from the front of his pants and began eating it," the report states.
Ice Cream Theft Captured on Live TV

Ice Cream Theft Captured on Live TV

Ice cream sandwiches traditionally feature rectangular slabs of vanilla ice cream "sandwiched" by thin chocolate cookies of the same shape. They typically are stored in freezers where temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit - as opposed to inside the pants where temperatures run closer to the body's standard 98.6 degrees. He said he swiped the ice cream, which was valued at $1, "because his car had a flat tyre and he only had three dollars and he was sorry." The assistant manager wanted to press charges, and Silvia, of the 200 block of Southeast Fallon Drive in Port St. Lucie, was arrested on a misdemeanor theft charge.

This headline, taken from the Sunday Sport in July of 2016, simply has it all. A Conservative politician, sex, dwarves, drowning and one of the nation’s favourite desserts. Originally published just after Boris quit the race to become Prime Minister, a race which was eventually won by the dreadful Theresa May. ‘Boris sex dwarf drowns in giant trifle’ has to go down as one of the strangest and most eye-catching newspaper headlines of all time. Referring to an incident that took place at a celebrity midget lookalike awards party (I kid you not!) Tiny Boris Johnson lookalike Mike Pinter allegedly got drunk on vodka after being crowned ‘Diddy Double of the Year’. He proceeded to fall into a giant five-foot deep mega trifle that had been made especially for the occasion. You really couldn’t make this up! Classic headline from the infamous Sunday Sport.

Being Boris: the highs and lows of impersonating Boris Johnson
Being Boris: the highs and lows of impersonating Boris Johnson

A group of Morris Dancers were ordered to stop performing in the middle of a routine after police received a complaint that their dancing was ‘offensive’. The 15-strong group of English folk dancers from the respected Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris troupe were told to ‘stop making a din’ during a performance outside The White Lion pub in Warlingham, Surrey. The folk dancers were performing in spooky costumes for a free Halloween show outside the 15th century pub to an audience of around 30 customers, but were cut short after just six dances.
'Noise nuisance': The 15-strong Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris troupe were told to stop in the middle of a performance after police received a complaint that their routine was 'offensive'

The group had planned at least 10 other dances, but were interrupted by two police officers who told them to ‘down’ their sticks and ‘move on’ as they were causing a noise nuisance. Despite pleading with the officers to continue their routine - which includes songs like Thor’s Hammer, Maiden Castle and Half a Farthing Candle, they were told to leave in the ‘interest of community relations’ last Tuesday. Morris dancer David Young, who has been dancing with the troupe for the past seven years, said he was disgusted that folk dancers were treated ‘like yobs’. The 69-year-old said: 'We did six dances and then, at about 9pm, we went in to have a drink before going back out to perform again. 'The next thing we know, two policemen arrived. They said, in the interest of "community relations", we think you should stop dancing.' He told the Croydon Advertiser newspaper: 'You would think the police would have let us carry on.

'It’s the first time we’ve encountered anything like it. 'We felt treated like yobs. But we’ve got ex-oil executives, business owners and a school secretary in our group. 'We just feel aggrieved that something that has such a long history in the country, at a time when it is hard to keep the old traditions alive, should not be allowed.' The respected troupe, which perform in masks and flamboyant costumes, celebrated its 21st anniversary earlier this year at the Tower of London, where the ancient Ceremony of the Keys - a 700-year-old tradition in which the tower is locked up for the night - takes place. Martin Saunders, 54, who was watching the dancing last Tuesday, said he was ‘appalled’ when they were ordered to stop. He said: 'The police came along while the Morris dancers were on a break and told them to move on as they were upsetting neighbours with their offensive dance routine. 'The police officers were a little shame-faced about it all, but really they should have just ignored it and let the dancing continue - it was only just after 9pm.'
The White Lion pub in Warlingham, Surrey
One pub worker, who asked not to be named, said: 'The police came because they got a complaint from a neighbour. 'I think everyone was a bit surprised really. Morris dancers have been dancing around in the area for years.' A Surrey Police spokesman said: 'We received a report from a member of the public about noisy revellers outside the White Lion pub in Warlingham. 'A neighbourhood police officer attended and spoke to a group. 'The noise had already stopped and no formal allegations were made and the group left the area without incident.' In August last year a group of Morris dancers from the Slubbing Billys troupe were booted out of the Swan and Three Cygnets pub in Durham after a barmaid said the bells on their shoes broke the bar’s music ban.

Slubbing Billy's North West Morris at Holmfirth Folk Festival 2019
Slubbing Billy's North West Morris at Holmfirth Folk Festival 2019

Terrence Robinson
Detroit, Mi – A string of robberies in the Detroit, Michigan area had residence on high alert, that is until 58-year-old Terrence Robinson turned himself in. W Warren Ave and McKinley Street in Detroit are no strangers to crime, but in the months of October and November there were several burglaries that had one thing in common – a tall can of Old English Malt Liquor was left behind at the scene. They knew they had a serial robber on their hands. Several alerts went out from Crimestopper asking residents to stay alert and to call the phone number listed if they had any information leading to the capture of the thief. With a $5000 reward on the line, they received several calls from residents in the area. But it was one specific call that got the authorities attention.
On December 22, Crimestopper information line received a tip from a man stating that he knew who the man was that was robbing homes in the neighborhood. According to police, the man insisted that he received something in writing guaranteeing him the $5000 reward. The Crimestopper team obliged and emailed the man the agreement. That’s when Robinson called the Crimestopper number once again to reveal the location of the criminal. When police arrived, Robinson opened the door with a huge smile expecting to receive his check but instead, he was handcuffed by police. “Terrence Robinson look shocked and confused when we cuffed him,” said police Lieut. Jamieson Caldwell. “As soon as we got him he said, ‘So do I still get the reward money or what?’ I told him no and he threatened to sue me because he said he has the agreement in writing. What a nut!”

Robinson was taken to the county jail and booked on charges of petty larceny, breaking and entering and several other charges. Robinson tested positive for crack cocaine and opiates. During the interrogation, Robinson told authorities he would not speak until his attorney arrived. Five minutes later, he introduced himself, Terrence Robinson, as his attorney to the police. He notified the police that he will be representing himself in a lawsuit against the department for his $5000 reward money. His court date is scheduled for January 28.

Wealthy widow Marilee Fitzgerald died in agony, police say, when her mink coat somehow came alive and clawed, bit and gnawed her to death!
