A heavy shudder and crash is heard as Foster lands awkwardly and heavily onto the floor just inside the open door space. Foster grimaces as her body slams down onto the ground leaving her just enough time to place her right arm under her head for support, Fosters other hand rests on her right as she closes her eyes for a short moment in time. Fosters left leg kicks out and rests in front of her. (High pitched whirring continues) (Trumpets provide the sound score)

A loud clunking and whirring is heard as the massive robots legs step forever closer to the Chief science officers trembling abode. The robots tentacle weapons move up and down in an excited way as it homes in on it's prey. Robot turns it's head unit right slightly as it lights up a neon blue colour.

Nadia stares up at the Goliath beast as she gives Foster some valuable time to escape to the upper deck of the 20000 Tonne gross vessel. Nadia has realised she may die attempting this crazy change of plan, but her husband died at the hands of the beast and she has a score to settle. Nadia's face fleetingly lights up as her mind focuses on the approaching mechanical construction. (More whirring and crashing of feet is heard)

The alien robot considers Nadia a low form of life but will come in useful for the next class of robot. The robot is just inches from Nadia as the brave woman stands her ground.

Suddenly the left side massive claw arm propels out from the robots powerful motors and clasps onto Nadia's right shoulder with extreme force and aggression. A loud whirring sound is heard as the claw closes applying tremendous pressure to Nadia's flesh muscle and bone. Nadia jerks her head back and groans loudly from the intense pain as her bones begin to crack. The massive claw has little sympathy for fresh spare parts it can use. The loud whirring intensifies as it begins to drag Nadia to the right - Blue and intense light flashes and illuminates the beast of destruction.

From a distance Foster has managed to regain her strength and has stood up, Foster rests with both hands places against a wall pipe as she listens to the sound of misery and suffering. A crunching sound is heard as Nadia's shoulder cracks from the intense poundage,. The machine suddenly begins to lift the chief scientific officer up and away from the floor so that all her weight now rests on her right shoulder. Nadia grimaces and groans loudly as the pain snakes down her body back and arms with no mercy.

As Nadia is lifted so does the robotic head as it scans and records Nadia's pain, A blue hue lights up the beast as it exacts it's cold revenge on the human subject.
Powerful motors lift up Nadia creating a loud vacuum type of sound.

Nadia is at the mercy of the machine and has no chance of escape, Robots tentacles move up and down, Flashes of blue light elope over the robots head unit, Nadia preys she can hold on for a few moments longer to stall the robot and help Foster escape. Nadia stares the robot in the eyes as she preys for a quick death. Nadia's head shakes from side to side.

Nadia looks up in complete fear at her master and enemy, Nadia breathes out loudly as she whimpers for release, Flashes of blue light erupt from the unit, Flashes of white light can be seen.

Suddenly the robot speaks with the same tone of demonic voice, "Are there more of those devices on this ship?" Robots head whirrs as it slowly turns left.

The camera pans down to reveal the robots tentacles and weapons of destruction. A loud high pitched whirring is heard as the entire body of tools revolves around clockwise in a very excited manner, A sound of steam is heard emanating from a far corner of the room.

Nadia is silent as she continues to look at the robot's head unit in action, Suddenly Nadia closes her eyes as she veers her eyes right and towards the steam sound.

In the distance a red gas cylinder has fallen to the ground, The gas cylinder has sprung a leak as a thick and grey gaseous substance ejects from it's valve at a high pressure. The gas cylinder rocks and rolls backwards as the forces of expelled gas push it. The wheezing sound of the gas cylinder has now caught Nadia's attention.

Suddenly Nadia speaks out as she reaches down with her free left hand to a gun holster just below. Nadia say's with a tone of defiance and power, "Just one more." Nadia takes hold of the weapon as she slides her hand down the plastic grip of the unit. Nadia quickly places her thumb onto the breech lock before taking a firm grip on the weapon. (Nadia opens the Mount Latch) Nadia curls her fingers as she pulls up on the gun. (A clicking sound is heard) Dramatic trumpet provide the atmosphere)

The studio camera quickly pans into Foster who has hung around to witness the crazy antics of Nadia first hand. Foster is shocked to the core as her face turns to one of terror, Foster knows that Nadia is about to do something insane and suddenly screams out at the top of her voice, "Nooooo" long and hard.

The studio camera slowly pans out to reveal Nadia aiming her flare gun directly at the gas cylinder that is leaking explosive materials, Foster's voice continues to be heard as she attempts to dissuade Nadia from firing. A screeching of insects is heard as the robot becomes stressed and realises it is in danger of another malfunction.

The camera slowly pans in onto the Goliath robots face as an infectious blue hue illuminates the metal and flesh parts. Robot tilts it's head left creating a whirring sound.

Almost instantly Nadia presses down on the trigger and fires out the flare directly towards the highly explosive gas cylinder. A massive plume of intense bright white light blasts out from the barrel of the gun including an almighty bang of explosive force. Nadia is motionless with her eyes closed and knows too well that her life is finished with this crazy stunt. (Tentacles on robots head continue to move)

Nadia has a direct hit as the explosive flare hits it's target bang on, A massive fireball erupts like light speed from the side of the faulty gas cylinder with a flash of intensity, A grey mist of gas under pressure continues to explode out from the cylinder. (Jet engine sound is heard to provide atmosphere and depth to the explosion-

Foster screams loudly from a distance, "Nooo" her voice is loud and desperate. A much larger explosive fire emits from the gas cylinder spreading it's heat and destruction to the next cylinder to the right. The faulty gas cylinder is now directing the gas leak over another two full cylinders and this can only mean one thing..

The fire ball elopes over the entire series of fallen cylinders and can only lust for the consumption of the rest of the pack that rest against the far wall.

The heat and fire ball is so quick that nothing on earth could escape..

Another explosive sound is heard as the gas cylinders blow up with tremendous force and clarity, Nadia is still alive as she witnesses her revenge on the robotic murderer that took the life of her husband Alexi. Nadia grimaces as her face lights up,

Dramatic trumpets provide atmosphere - The massive fire and heat has now reached the set of stacked up gas cylinders, They also overheat and explode into an inferno of destruction and raging heat. Three massive fire balls eject from the surface and cover over the upright cylinders in a blistering second.

Nadia is sure to die from the destructive forces inside the room and Foster is also in tremendous danger. The fire and heat continue to expand and erupt upwards with no mercy.

Nadia has committed suicide and Foster is shocked beyond belief. The fire ball rages on burning everything in sight.

Fosters face lights up intermittently from the tremendous orange and red inferno as she watches her friend burn to death,

A loud blast of intense fire and heat explodes out from the cylinders and towards the suspended Nadia.

A massive rumbling of sound is heard as the carnage erupts all around, Nadia is no more as the heat blanket devours her entire body and mind in seconds.

The evil robot will also feel the heat but still manages to support Nadia by her right shoulder.

Foster closes her eyes as she shuts out the heat and debris, her mind is in overdrive and shocked to witness the death of Nadia in such a savage and explosive way.

Luckily for Foster she has been shielded from much of the blast by being inside the open door space, A massive blanket of hot smoke and orange and red flame blasts through the open space as Foster looks out.

Foster is violently pushed backwards from the heat - Foster quickly falls down to the ground in an attempt to shield herself from the blast, A loud rumbling of fire continues to bellow out.

The flames are unforgiving and are intent on burning everything.

A tinging of metal is heard - Suddenly a massive bang of explosive energy emits out from the fireball of heat and gas cylinders inside the room where Nadia and the robot reside.

Suddenly the explosive gas cylinders propel from and rip away from there piping, the pipes shudder and spin around in a full 360 degree of motion from the explosive power. A loud rumbling and crashing of metal is heard as the cylinders propel out as very dangerous moving objects. A massive amount of grey smoke bellows and elopes around the cylinders. Other debris mixes with the mass of cylinders as it ruptures the hot air. The cylinders clatter as they land on the ground several meters away.

Something lethal has ignited as the entire room erupts into a massive volcanic explosion of scorching hot gasses, The fire explodes out at super sonic speed engulfing everything in it's path. The robot holds Nadia firmly and can only be a cosmic reaction when human flesh joins forces with metal monster.

A huge chinking sound of cylinders is heard as they violently interact with one another and smash all around. The fire ball has no mercy as it scorches and rips through the sub basement area.

Nadia has died and Foster will always remember how she gave her life for others.

The area Foster was pushed into is dark and relatively safe from the explosion, Small embers appear at the door space as the incredible inferno blasts outwards and towards the new space for it's heat and debris.

An intense and blinding flash of hot energy perforates through the rectangle opening heating steel, pipes, ceilings and floors to a furnace of temperature.

The heat expands rapidly filling the space with intense luminescence and energy.

Another angle of projection shows just how explosive the heat is as it evaporates everything in it's path.

Dangerous debris carries with the potent forces to provide a deadly mix of materials.

The entire floor has turned into a furnace of destruction as the fire blast erupts through the small hexagonal door space.

Suddenly the fire begins to subside hopefully giving Foster a slim chance of survival. Hot embers fountain and spray out in all directions as the fire returns back to it's explosive source. A rumbling and crashing of debris is heard - Deep whooshing sound is heard - Suddenly a massive piece of debris comes hurtling in through the gap of the door at super sonic speed. It twists and catapults at speed providing a deadly surprise to any that dare to stand by the door space.. A thick and toxic grey smoke emits from the gas cylinder room and has now turned into a poisonous and heated chamber of death.

Foster lays on the ground unable to stand or escape the heat, More hot and poisonous heat explodes over Foster as she gyrates on the dusty and debris littered flooring. A roaring crackling sound is heard.

Foster suddenly turns towards the wall as she attempts to shake off the burning flames, Foster touches a series of vertical pipes with her left hand while her right flails above her. Foster has her eyes tightly closed and can only pray that there is not a second more powerful blast which would surely finish her off. A fine mist of debris flits and floats around in the air as the heat subsides. Foster stretches out her right arm as she evaluates how hot the steel walls have become.

A light tapping of metal grates is heard as Foster begins to stand to her feet, Foster pushes up on her left hand while supporting herself with her right against the bottom of the door space ledge. As Foster raises herself up higher she begins to have a obscured view back into the gas cylinder room. A thick white smoke belches out from the door space as the fires rage on inside the room. Foster hunches her head close to her right hand as she squints from the stinging smoke and poisonous gas release.

Foster begins to cough severely from the choking heat and flame, Foster rests both of her arms over the door ledge before coughing again, this causes Foster to rest her head against the bottom of the door ledge for a short moment in time. Foster suddenly looks up and into the heated oven as she attempts to locate Nadia but all is futile. A raging rumbling fire can be heard - Foster leans back slightly as she coughs violently once more, Foster cowers slightly as she places both of her hands over her face for protection. Foster coughs again as she jerks her head from the severe mental pressure she is under, Foster has her hands in the prayer position as she grimaces and prays for a second chance in life. Foster leans back up and looks back into the room as she holds her hands slightly in front of her.

Low level violin provides the music score - Back inside the room where Nadia died an inferno of heat emits out from the debris, A skeleton face protrudes from the thick smoke and flames and is no doubt Nadia. The intense explosion has shredded all clothing skin muscle and internal organs to a rack of calcium scorched bones.

Foster coughs several times as she watches the flames, There is no sign of the Goliath robot and the massive explosion must of destroyed it for good. The alien entity will only build another monster if it can salvage the parts but must have power for it to exist. A thick white smoke wisps and ripples from the burnt flesh, computer components, and heavy metal materials.

Foster breaths heavily as blood seeps from her mouth, Foster is distraught and emotionally trashed as she struggles to absorb the horror in front of her, Foster holds out her left hand just in front of her as she grimaces and cries for the loss of Nadia.

Foster lowers her hand as she begins to suck air in to her lungs with big gasps, Foster closes her left eye momentarily while maintaining her raised hand for a short moment longer. A scuffling is heard as Foster becomes unable to look any longer and quickly turns around clockwise to face the long corridor that exists in front of her. Foster coughs some more in fast succession as her lungs burn with pain. A clunk is heard as Foster falls to the dirtied floor below unable to find the strength to go any further.

Low level synthesizer chord plays out - Foster coughs again as she finally manages to push herself from the floor, Smoke drifts in from the door space just behind Foster as she makes her way awkwardly along the corridor. Foster rests her left hand on a long pipe that is attached to the wall as some kind of support as she scuttles along. Suddenly a high pitched electrical flash of purple snaking lightening appears from behind the frightened navigation's officer, The lightening snaps and is aggressive as it begins to follow Foster along the corridor. Foster grimaces as she leans up and removes her left hand from the hot piping while attempting to find a way out from the smoke filled area. More lightening snaps behind, Foster whimpers for her life as she exerts extra energy to step forward a few steps, Foster holds her right hand out in front of her before placing it to her mouth in an attempt to subdue her emotions and tears.

Foster quickly reaches a turning point in the corridor as she rapidly twists around into it, Foster passes a grey electrical panel that is just above her head as she ventures further into the maze of heat smoke and robotic monsters.

Foster passes a red fire extinguisher and an old oil drum as she looks ahead and along to the end of the corridor, A full wall has been knocked down by an aggressive robot allowing Foster to explore past the point where she would of been trapped. A thick white smoke belches out just ahead of Foster as she navigates a safe passage to the boats top deck. If Foster can get to the top deck she may be able to escape on one of the lifeboats or she can always try and find Steve. Foster coughs rapidly as she clumsily steps forward at speed.

Foster wades through the thick smoke and has now reached a sealed door just in front of her. A sound of moving metal is heard -Foster rests her right side and hands onto the door as she turns around anti clockwise. Foster ponders the situation and how she might just escape from the burning sub basement and back to the top deck.

Suddenly an almighty crash and rumble of sound is heard, To Fosters utter terror something very powerful has just smashed through the wall to her left at break neck speed.

A huge orange fire ball of smoke and flame follows from behind the fast moving object and has caused Foster to literally jump out of her skin. The corridor shakes and rumbles as a sound of smashing glass and debris is heard. Almost immediately a very nasty and frightening screeching sound is heard just like before. To Fosters unbelievable bad luck the Goliath robot has reanimated for the second time in a row and is hell bent on killing her.

A stroke of luck has allowed Foster to rapidly escape the sound and attack movements of the robot as the door she was stood by easy slides open for her to escape.

Foster quickly pushes the door open by using her right shoulder and arms, Foster screms loudly as she rapidly enters the new area. Loud screeching continues and is just behind Foster -

Foster is scared witless as she quickly turns around clockwise so that she can shut the door behind her to keep the beast out. A white smoke wisps in from the corridor.. A loud shunt of heavy metal is heard as Foster quickly shuts the door - Foster rests her head and body to the side of the door as she attempts to gain some energy, Foster looks up at the ceiling with eyes closed, mouth wide and exhausted. Foster gasps as her right hand flops down uncontrollably, Foster suddenly drops down to her knees as she keeps her left hand high above her, A light clunking sound is heard as Foster falls forward while contorting her facial muscles.

Foster coughs loudly which causes her to slide her right side down slightly while resting her left hand onto a vertical beam that protrudes from the wall. A rattling of metal is heard - Foster coughs again as she places her right hand onto a red turn valve - The red sign next to the valve is in Russian but once translated means "CONTENTS DANGEROUS". A large yellow sign to Fosters right is also in Russian text and is a WARNING SIGN relating to the various chemicals that are stored in this facility. Foster coughs again as her stomach tightens and her breathing becomes much more difficult. The sound of the approaching robot has ceased for the time being. Foster edges her way over the valve awkwardly as her eyes remain closed, Foster stretches out her left hand and touches the wall above the valve system.

Foster coughs and splutters with exhaustion and deep emotional damage as her mind races to a solution, Foster grimaces and is feeling the enormous pressure the robot is placing on her very being. Suddenly an enormous crashing sound is heard as the robots powerful jack hammer claw smashes through the thick wall of concrete and steel at very high speed. Foster screams with terror as the heavy tool misses her by inches.

The claw is massive and very sharp and wants to catch Foster so that it can use her body for spare parts.

Foster stares at the claw in complete shock and now realises she must fight much harder if she has any chance of survival. The claw begins to close as it attempts to snare and pull Foster through the wall and to her immediate death. The claw snaps again as it opens and closes at speed creating a loud scratching sound of metal and moving parts.

Foster lurches backwards almost automatically as soon as her brain can activate the natural defence mechanism built within her, The claw continues to snap but has misjudged Fosters position allowing the navigator to make a run for it. Dramatic orchestral blasts of sound provide the atmosphere - Foster quickly turns her head clockwise as she looks down the room to see if there is a way out. Foster is traumatised and produces short and hysterical gasps of terror. Foster suddenly tears away from the wall and shoots off across the room to the other side.

Foster hits a back wall as she outstretches her arms while looking back at the massive and deadly claw. Foster struggles to keep her eyes open as she suffers greatly from the metallic monsters mind games. Foster stands slightly as she grimaces from her ordeal. Foster holds onto a pipe to her left while lowering her right hand down. Foster stares at the claw with right eye closed and left eye open unable to compute or provide a solution. Foster gasps with fright as she releases her left hand from the white plastic pipe while lurching forward, Foster is utterly hysterical and unable to help herself from the horrors behind the wall. Foster begins to side step right as she lurches forward. Foster coughs loudly as she continues to side step unable to take her eyes of the dangerous claw. Foster steps backwards as she holds her stomach with both hands - Foster coughs once again. Foster passes some oil drums as she continues,

A massive blast of trumpets is heard - Foster is startled by something as she quickly spins around clockwise, Foster screams out with all her might, "Nooo" Foster believes she has met her maker and has been caught by the machine of death. To Fosters complete surprise Steve has now shown up and miraculously is still alive. Foster grimaces as she places her left hand over Steve's right side cheeks, Foster takes her hand away and holds it up slightly with fingers bent, Foster gasps with fright and is totally blown away from Steve's sudden presence. Foster steps backwards as she instantly drops to the floor - Foster wails with intense fright and is finding it very hard to accept that Steve is alive and in one piece. Foster hits the deck onto her stomach just in front of a rack of oil drums,

Steve is hot sticky and out of breath as he instantly speaks out to let Foster know all is alright, "It's Me Baker", Steve blinks rapidly as Foster begins to slap and flail her hands in front of Steve with a frightened confusion, Steve gyrates as he tussles with Foster, Steve shouts out again to reassure Foster, "It's Me.".. Steve is also exhausted as he closes his eyes again - Foster pants for air as she holds Steve around his right side neck with her left hand.

Foster rests below the oil drums and over some yellow support straps that keep the barrels from tipping over or rolling away. Foster breathes heavily as she flails her hands out in a quivering and uncontrollable way, Foster does not look at Steve as she attempts to overcome her confusion and the fear she is feeling, Steve places his left hand around and under Fosters right side cheek as he tries to subdue her mental state,

Foster suddenly begins to whimper loudly as Steve lifts her head up towards his right shoulder and face in an attempt to sooth her destroyed mind. Foster lets out a high pitched wail of sudden compassion and human touch as both Steve and Foster embrace and hug each other. Both survivors squeeze tightly as they try and overcome there emotions. Steve whispers loudly, "It's Okay", as they tighten there grip on each other. (Steve carries a lit torch in his right hand)

Steve closes his eyes momentarily as he hugs Foster, A loud crashing and thudding sound is now heard in the distance - Foster suddenly screams a muffled sound of fear as the sound reaches her ears, Steve suddenly opens his eyes wide with fright from the terrible ambience of evil,

Foster continues to wail with fright as she digs her head even deeper into the shoulders of Steve, Foster moves slightly to her left and has almost died inside. Steve veers his eyes right as he ponders the sound and also a quick and working solution of escape. Foster maintains her tight grip on Steve as they turn slightly clockwise unable to release there human bond.

Foster wails from the severe emotional stress and sound of the robots claw, More banging sounds are heard - Without warning a massive torrent of purple lightening explodes out from the robots claw weapon, The lightening crackles and fizzes as it chaotically travels several meters across the floor in it's attempt to locate human bodies. The robot system has decided that it will not smash the wall down as it quickly pulls it's highly prized claw back out from the massive crater it has created. As the claw disappears back into the poisonous gas cylinder area the lightening also ceases.

Steve looks over at the incredible sight of claw and purple energy as he continues to support Foster, Foster also manages to look back at the retreating machine and the large hole it has left. A screeching sound is now heard as the Goliath robot changes tactics. Foster is traumatised and has not the energy or the will now to continue the exhaustive fight, Steve suddenly pulls away from Foster removing his right arm from underneath her left side head, Steve looks back towards the sound as his torch lights up Fosters dry suit momentarily.

Steve looks across the room towards the sound and knows that the robot will definitely attempt to breach the room and capture it's prey if they don't act fast. Steve looks back down to Foster as he turns his head anti clockwise, Steve shouts out with a panic but also reassuring tone of voice, "Come on, Were gonna get out of here.", Foster leans up slightly as she holds onto Steve's left side jacket, Foster screams with emotions and defeat, "No I can't!", Steve lifts Fosters head up to his face as he attempts to energise the exhausted woman, Steve screams out with slight anger, "I don't want to hear it." Steve has a plan and want's to get Foster to the missile silo room as a surprise awaits there from Richie Mason. Steve shakes Foster ever so gently as he places his authority on the situation.

Foster is finding it hard to deal with the situation and her mind is struggling to see sense, Fosters hands shake in front of her as she holds them up ever so slightly while staring to her right and then into the eyes of Steve, Steve leans forward towards the traumatised navigation's officer as he shouts out again, "You don't have a choice!." A loud banging is heard from a distance - Steve is using valuable time and energy as he attempts to persuade Foster that she needs to find just one more pocket of energy to finish this nightmare for good. Steve begins to stand up as he shouts loudly down to Foster, "Get the hell up!, Steve rapidly pulls Foster up with both hands as he shouts out, Let's Go!". A jingling of metal is heard from Foster dry suit clips.

Several short minutes have passed and Steve has led Foster to a ladder system that should lead up into the missile silo room, (High pitched trumpets provide the sound score) - Steve takes the lead as he scrambles up the steep metal ladders one step at a time. (Steve holds his torch in his left hand)

Steve's light flits and strobes in an erratic side to side motion as it compensates for Steve's frantic hand movements. (Steve breathes heavily as he makes his way up) Steve has his eyes fixed to the top of the ladder and is now just as desperate as Foster to escape the ship of horrors.

A loud crashing sound is heard as Steve pushes up with force against the underside of a circular door hatch, Suddenly the large and air tight door latch slides up and opens to reveal Steve from below. Steve grimaces as he pushes up on the heavy door with his left hand while looking across the room for a fleeting moment. Another loud bang is heard as the circular hatch slides backwards and rests against the inner wall. As the hatch hits the side wall it bounces out and then returns before bouncing back out again, This motion of movement is repeated 8 times with each bounce shorter than the last to allow the door to stop dead and motionless. Some grey wires are travelling down the ladder system which indicates most of the ship has been vandalised by the alien critters that gather materials. Steve places his right hand onto the edge of the circular gap as he looks up at the ceiling. Steve looks down as he pushes up on his hands to exit the ladder space. Steve grimaces and groans as he pushes himself backwards so that he now rests on his backside to thew right side of the ladder space. (Steve holds his torch in his left hand) Steve grimaces again as he flips his legs out in front of him and over the gap swinging around clockwise. Steve grimaces and groans once more as he stands up onto his feet,

As soon as Steve makes it safely inside the new room he quickly turns anti clockwise and looks back down into the ladder space for Foster. Steve leans over at the edge of the circular gap while lowering his arms down to assist the weak navigation's officer. :Steve shouts out loudly "Come on" to help Fosters stamina. Steve leans even lower as he rushes Foster to get herself up the ladders.

Synthesizer samples provide the music score - A loud mechanical whirring sound is heard as a black CCTV camera system slowly revolves right, The alien energy knows everything and will most definitely be coming for the two survivors from using the cameras information.

Meanwhile back inside the gas cylinder room where Nadia perished a huge fire burns, If the hot flames reach the ships hold a massive explosion will most certainly kill Steve and Foster if they don't vacate in time. A loud tap of metal is heard infused with the rumbling sound of fire, A whirring is also heard infused with the sound of screeching insects. The robot is burning and raging with a sticky and intense flame that licks at the very core of the psychotic machine. The robot has a limited life and is pushing forward ever so slightly among the poisonous smoke and high thermal tempertures.

Flames and a massive grey smoke belch from the room. The fire is relentless and shows no signs of stopping as it ripples and roars with energy and greedy consumption.

Flames lick around the robots carcass to produce slithering lines of flame that imitate a human rib cage.

More whirring is heard but now includes heavy metal thuds of steel as the Goliath robots feet begin to move slowly one at a time. A red eye from the robots head unit is illuminated and has an energy to break through the smoke and heat. A hydraulic sound is now heard to indicate movement of the beast.

The head unit moves to it's right side as the screeching of insects continues, Another much larger eye is now visible before the total head becomes clear and motionless.

The robot screeches loudly again as it turns it's head unit clockwise to face the door space that Foster escaped through.

The tentacles of the machine begin to gyrate and move in an up and down motion, The robot is badly damaged and has had a lot of flesh and metal burnt from it's structure. It's sensitive left eye has been damaged and does not function any longer.

The robot turns it's head unit around so that it faces a long section that spans right across the floor, (A sound of a burping frog is heard) The robot begins to produce more stamping of feet as it rapidly slithers off across the floor at speed. A fizzing sound including hydraulics is heard as the machine travels at speed through the smoke and flame. A trail of fire follows the robot from behind as it's electrical components and motors energise back to life.

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