Everton turns his head and looks at the cyborg pile as he say's with slight anger" Dr.Igor Fucking Frankenstein there." Everton raises his right hand towards the modified and butchered Alexi to emphasise his point. Everton still does not believe what Nadia has told him and the rest of the crew but is holding his baited breath that he can salvage the wreck and make a tidy profit.

The cyborg rests silently as it's power circuits attempt to recharge.

Everton rapidly turns to Nadia and shouts out "Tell em the truth". (Everton nods towards the cyborg) Everton is feeling scornful and delusional as he say's "It's some kind of fancy medical experiment Isn't it?" Everton nods his head forward as he emphasises his opinion.

Nadia takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes momentarily, Nadia shakes her head negatively as she reopens her eyes and whimpers the words "Alexi was no medical experiment", Nadia has tears in her eyes as she explains to Everton what she believes is the truth, The camera slowly pans into Nadia's distraught face as a low breeze is heard - Nadia breathes heavily again - Nadia hesitates before saying with extreme sadness, "He was my husband." Nadia swallows on her words as the pain of loss fills her mind.

Captain Everton is a very difficult man to tug at the heart strings and still does not believe Nadia is telling the truth. Everton shakes his head up and down fleetingly as he replies "Rubbish." Everton shushes on his word and has no sympathy for Nadia.

Woods is also feeling selfish as he brings up the fact he is still wounded with two thick nails protruding from his right side shoulder blade. Woods looks into the void and does not make eye contact with anyone in the room, Woods is feeling self centred and would like some medical attention. Woods says slowly and with slight enthusiasm, "Could someone please come and take a look (Woods raises his right hand to his wounds) at the nails (Woods flicks his hand out) in my shoulder?. Woods is unhappy with the situation and feels left out of the mayhem.

Woods words causes Foster to turn around and look over towards him, Nadia continues to shake with emotions.

Everton has no sympathy for Woods as he rapidly turns away from him and say's "Oh Woods - (Everton looks back at Woods fleetingly) Stop whining!." Nadia begins to whimper once more -

Suddenly Foster breaks away from Nadia and quickly makes her way over to Woods, Foster is energetic and rather forceful as she steps over - Low level patter of feet is heard) Woods notices Fosters authoritative movements as she approaches and shouts out with disappointment, "Oh - Not you". Foster does not delay her actions as she instantly pulls the nails from Woods shoulder without anaesthetic or surgical instruments.

Woods shouts out with intense agony "Ow" God as he jerks back from the forces and pain, Foster stares at the insensitive Woods as he groans and creates, (Woods grimaces)

Woods screams out another much longer "Ow" as he falls to the floor, Woods uses his right hand to support his body as he tightly holds onto a leather seat - A loud banging and rumbling is heard as Woods hits the deck causing his RPG to shake and fall to the left side of his shoulder before resting.

Foster has completely switched off to Woods suffering as she looks out of a window to the ocean outside, Foster rests her left hand on a large circular steel column as her face turns to one of panic.

The camera pans down from the sky to the ocean below to reveal a massive and powerful wave that is on course to hit the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" - A loud sound of sea mist and howling wind is now heard - Sea spray travels horizontally left as the weather changes for the worst. It has been some time now but the Russian vessel was located in the eye of the storm and typhoon Leiah, If the ships coordinates can not be altered a terrible disaster could develop.

A loud creaking is heard as pressure builds on the ships hull, Foster is transfixed to the huge wave that is on course to smash into the bow of the ship, The camera slowly pans in towards Foster as her mind ponders the terrible consequences. (Loud howling wind is heard) - Foster suddenly say's with fear and shock "Oh my God". Deep double bass notes provide atmosphere. (Foster s crucifix sways from side to side)

Foster continues to watch the massive wave roll in towards the massive Russian vessel as she freezes on the spot, Suddenly Foster shouts out loudly, "Captain!" A lifeboat covering rapidly shakes from outside of the ships window.

Captain Everton is silent and motionless as he slowly lifts his head up unable to respond to Fosters calling.

Loud thunder is heard which causes Hiko to rapidly turn around in an anti clockwise motion to face the oncoming wave, Richie and Steve stare ahead with intense fear and worry on there minds as they watch the massive wave roll in.

Wind is howling - A loud rumbling of water is heard - The wave has picked up momentum and has increased in size and height, A rope sways violently from the ships window.

Suddenly Captain Everton shouts out "Brace yourselves!", Everton rapidly drops to the floor and hides beneath the bridges wheel and control panels.

Hiko turns in an anti clockwise motion to face the oncoming tidal wave, Richie ducks down while Stevie stands on his feet, Computer screen attached to the ceiling to the left displays fast moving text and numbers - The huge wave is gaining momentum and is moments away from smashing into the ship.

From outside of the ship all is clear to see, It is very windy and very noisy as the wave continues along it's path, The ship lifts up slowly as the massive wave hits the bow directly, A crashing sound of water is heard as the wave strikes the bow creating a massive fountain of water that propels over and around the right side of the ship. Russian flag flaps violently from the stern -

Foster watches in fear as the first phase of the wave strikes the ship, Dramatic orchestral music provides the sound score - Foster begins to panic as she spots the main bulk of the wave about to hit, Foster fleetingly looks towards the steel column before looking the other way in fear and confusion. Foster looks behind momentarily as she checks on Nadia (A slap is heard as Foster quickly grabs hold of the steel column with her left hand before looking out of the window - Foster and the others can do nothing but wait for fate to take it's course.

An almighty crash of sea water is heard as the second phase of the wave strikes the vessel, A huge and mighty wave crashes over the ship at great speed and immense height as the ship ducks down into the water. The monster wave easily surpasses the height of the vessel as it disintegrates on impact producing enormous spray and water damage. The II-RC Tracker satellite dish moves slightly right from the forces,

As the powerful wave strikes the bow it cause a ricochet effect inside the bridge, Stevie grimaces as he loses his footing and collapses to the floor below, as he falls he manages to keep hold of a steel bar that juts out from the control desk with his left hand, Steve rolls onto his back as he moans and grimaces with pain. Captain Everton remains on his knees as he holds on for dear life onto the steel railings that align the control desk. Hiko falls forward and to his left as he lands on his hands, Richie is stood by the chart table and instantly lifts his left leg up high in the air before rolling over the corner of table and falling to the floor.

Nadia groans as she holds onto a circular steel column from the back of the bridge, The wave and forces are too strong for Nadia and she falls to the floor but is able to hang on to the steel beam.

Alexi the cyborg is having a bad day as it is also vulnerable to the unstable floor, The cyborg quickly slides off from the chart table as the ship tilts sideways.

Rumbling of metal and flesh is heard as the cyborg contraption slides off to the floor below.

A loud bang is heard infused with a loud grunt as Richie hits the deck straight onto his stomach, Richie still holds his handgun in his left hand.

A loud squelching wet sound is heard as the cyborg lands heavily onto the floor below, Flesh from the device quivers from the forces of nature, Richie slowly lifts his head up and over towards the robotic machine as his mind contemplates how disgusting the machine really is.

Another loud and explosive sound of the wave is heard as it rises high above sea level to initiate a phase three of the beast, The ship is tilted slightly to it's left side as it slowly turns clockwise in the water. The typhoon generated wave continues to batter the bow and hull of the ship as a massive plume of water engulfs the ships main decks. (Roar of fast moving water is heard)

Woods holds on for dear life as he looks at Foster with panic on his mind, Suddenly Foster finds the strength to stand to her feet, Woods turns his head and looks towards Captain Everton as he remains grounded on the floor.

Both Hiko and Stevie also manage to return to there feet, Stevie looks out of the window with intense terror on his mind before shouting out loudly "We gotta turn her into the wind". Stevie suddenly looks to his right towards Foster as he emphasises his words, Hiko stares out of the window mesmerised and astounded -

A roar of crashing water is heard as the massive wave continues it's destructive path over the Russian boat, The monster wave consumes the bow as it increases in size and distance towards the frightened personnel. Water explodes out of the bows Hawsehole as it entrenches the bow and top decks. Hawsehole is a nautical term for a small hole in the hull of a ship through which hawsers may be passed. It is also known as a cat hole. In the British Royal Navy a man who had risen from the lowest grade to officer was said to have "come in at the hawsehole". Hawser is a nautical term for a thick cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship.

The wave has increased in power and size as it completely consumes the bow smothering it from view. A massive crashing and banging sound is generated as the wave strikes the boat head on unrelentless. The boat slowly lifts up as the torrent of water gradually subsides and flows off of the decks -

Captain Everton is stood by the wheel and is attempting to turn the boat into the wind, Suddenly Everton turns his head left towards Foster and the others as he shouts out loudly "The steering doesn't answer". Everton quickly looks back down at the control panel and steering wheel as he frantically tries to find a solution.

Loud sound of wind and water spray is heard - The ship is slowly tilting on it's right side as it struggles with the severe sea conditions.

The sudden tilting of the ship causes the crew to lose there footing once again as they fall and tumble to the floor. Foster manages to hang onto a support rail with her left hand as she falls to her knees and slightly backwards, Foster rapidly regains her balance as she grabs hold of another support rail with her right hand while pushing up with her legs, Foster looks on over to Nadia to check that she is okay, Hiko stumbles but manages to stay on his feet as he maintains a bended position, Hiko looks across to Foster - Everton sways to his right but maintains a standing position, Steve also sways to his right and is able to stand on his feet. A rumbling is heard as the crew lose there balance momentarily.

Woods has decided that he will stay grounded as he holds on tightly to a metal foot rest. Woods is shocked and frightened to the core as his mind races at the worst possible scenario.

Steve shouts out loudly "We could steer the ship from the engine room." Steve rapidly looks to Captain Everton and then Hiko and Richie as he provides a sensible solution.

Foster instantly reacts to Steve' suggestion and shouts out loudly, "I thought you said the engine room door was welded." Flashes of lightening illuminate the windows behind Foster

Steve is adamant that his plan could work as he shouts back to Foster, "We'll cut the damn door." Foster quickly turns away from Steve in an anti clockwise motion as she looks ahead,
Everton is looking out of a window but quickly looks towards Foster and then Steve in one twist of his head. Captain Everton say's to Steve "Right" as he gives him permission to go ahead with his plan of cutting the engine room door open. Steve quickly turns anti clockwise and exits the bridge as he carries out his mission. Everton looks towards Nadia and say's with authority, "Bring her." Foster turns and also looks over towards Nadia who is still by the circular column. (A roar of waves and turbulent water is heard) Trumpets blaze out to provide atmosphere -

Nadia is cowering by the metal support column and is silent and motionless, Nadia rocks slightly up and down from the forces of the ship, Nadia suddenly looks away from Everton and the rest as she contemplates her thoughts and her life while looking at the cyborg Alexi that has fallen to the floor below. (Something has caught Nadia's attention). A howling wind infused with a loud high pitched humming is heard -

A wet scrunching is now heard as the Alexi cyborg suddenly reanimates back to life, A loud high pitched sliding and grinding of metal is heard as four very sharp surgical scalpels eject at speed from the cyborgs mouth,

Richie also notices the cyborgs return to life as he rapidly pushes himself away a few feet with his hands and legs from the shock and sudden fright of the contraption, Richie stares in horror and is also the closest to the mash of flesh and scrap metal components.

A grinding squeaking sound is now heard followed by a loud crunching of breaking flesh as the cyborgs chest region suddenly explodes open with great force. The sharp scalpels have wrapped around the putrid and slimy head of the machine as large black pipes become visible. The intestines have been replaced with pipes and every day items to provide a basic digestion system. Yellow and intense sparks of light flicker and glow from the contraptions head as it powers back to life.

More crunching is now heard infused with the terrible high pitched sounds of squealing pigs. - Too make matters much worse the skull suddenly explodes out from the head shell and vertically up into the air. The alien phenomena has carried out a most gruesome operation on Alexi as he now contains thousands of wires inside the neck space. Alexi is no more as the hollow eye sockets provide no human suffering of any kind.

The cyborg screams a high pitched shriek of madness and terror as it propels up and out of Alexi's' skin, bone and muscle. Sparks ignite the moist air as it greets Richie and the others.

Richie is transfixed to the disgusting skeleton of Alexi and is momentarily stunned and unable to move as he watches the horror unfold. (Screeching continues" The metal scalpels and the four metal clips gyrate as they imitate an animals whiskers.

Alexi has now revealed himself to be just an outer layer of ripped and flayed flesh with a very limited amount of bone and muscle content. The limbs, stomach and brain are crammed with wires and electrical components to which Alexi just does not exist anymore. The gruesome skull screams out a high pitched squeal as it taunts Richie from a short distance. The device gyrates from side to side and is not on best terms with any human being that is intact and free of alien modification and transplantation procedures. An intense yellow light flickers from inside the brain of the internal organism and it also has a red light for it's right eye. Suddenly bright flashes of light are heard as Richie unloads his handgun ammunition into the contraptions head and neck. Two shots are heard in quick succession.

Nadia cowers behind the circular column as she looks down in an attempt to protect her face from any flying shrapnel. (Another loud and explosive gun shot ricochets around the bridge space.)

The organism continues to screech with untold evil and mayhem as Richie attempts to destroy the mangled and fleshy monstrosity. Captain Everton turns from the window as he witnesses the chaos unfold, Bright flashes of light illuminate the bridge as Richie goes to war with the machine. Hiko quickly spins around clockwise as his attention focuses on the machine of death, Steve stands motionless with shotgun in hand as Richie unleashes his wrath and anger.

The alien contraption minced with human parts sways forward as it whines and grinds into animation, Richie fires another two shots at point blank range into the monstrous skeletal unit as his frustrations take over. A humongous explosion of sparks propel out from the skulls head as the high powered bullets penetrate the bone and scrapings of flesh. Internal circuits fizz and burn out as the metal pierces the central neon blue power chip and transformer.

Richie continues to shoot at the monster creating massive ringing bangs of light and destruction, ( A bright yellow light flickers inside the brain of the robot} The skeleton contraption smokes and squeals with anger as it attempts to hurt Richie. Suddenly another loud band is heard which causes the contraption to rapidly fall backwards and over to the floor. Richie grimaces as he watches the machine run out of steam as it fizzes and sparks to it's demise. Squealing and high pitched metallic sounds are heard -

Richie quickly stands to his feet as he maintains a constant eye contact with the enemy unit. CRT monitors behind Richie continuously display fast moving images of the north Atlantic ocean, and other maps and charts.

A fizzing grinding sound is heard as several wires shake and move in an up and down side to side motion without human intervention. The metal scalpels slowly turn in on themselves, The black pipes that function as intestines also move, Richie has unloaded a full round of bullets into the skeleton and it has now given up the fight.

A loud sound of rushing waves and wind is heard - Hiko Stevie Captain Everton and Foster all stare at the bizarre monstrosity in unison, Each crew member is shocked to the core as they slowly sway on there feet.

Richie is feeling the pressure and the horror of the alien power and now realises that his life is in serious danger, Richie stares down at the robotic scrap heap with terror on his face, Richie say's, "I gotta get off this ship." Richie looks down for a few moments longer as his mind floods with possible solutions to his dilemma. Richie suddenly looks up and over towards Hiko Everton, Stevie and Foster. Richie breathes in and out deeply.

The wave hit on the cusp of night and it has darkened considerably - The powerful storm and wave has subsided slightly and has given the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" a little breathing space and time to recover. A large wave continues to smash against the bow but it has become weaker and will not pose to much of a danger at this moment in time. (Thunder is heard) The Russian vessel slowly sinks into the water from the stern side as it easily maintains a stable platform, Waves roll by the side of the hull producing a loud rumbling sound. Water sprays out to the left as it makes contact with the bow. Manilla ropes sway in the strong breeze.

Inside the ship the boat gently sways from side to side a few degrees - A squeaking and humming of metal is heard as the remaining crew of the Sea Star and Nadia makes there way down to the engine room door. A light tapping of metal is heard as the crew descend the metal staircase. Richie takes the lead going down as he shines his torch downwards and then forward as he rounds the corner. Stevie is just behind and also has a torch in hand, He shines his torch right and over to a hollow exit door that has a large fuse box and an abundance of wires attached around the circumference of the electrical storage unit. Stevie maintains his concentration on the dark and foreboding room as he continues to illuminate the inside of the space with his light. Richie has reached the bottom of the stairs and continues to shine his torch forward. (A creaking is heard) Stevie has decided that he will explore the new room as he rapidly steps over and into it after reaching the ground floor. No sound score - All is quiet - Richie has taped his light to his automatic machine gun for safer use - Richie does not trust the ships robotics any longer. (Thunder is heard)

More creaking of the hull is heard as the pressure of sea water continues to push against it's side. Richie reaches the bottom of the stairs and takes a few steps to his left before stepping forward as he shines his light up and ahead, Richie looks to his right and up as he sweeps his torch in a circular motion left also. Richie is feeling nervous and is taking no chances. Woods is the third crew member to reach the ground floor, he also walks off in Stevie's direction. Woods carries a torch in his left hand. Captain Everton is just behind Woods and looks over to Richie as he makes his way down.

More metallic tapping of feet is heard as Everton reaches the bottom of the stair well, (A sound of jingling chains is heard) Everton looks to his right as he watches Woods and Stevie investigate the large electrical room. Suddenly Everton turns his head left as he looks on over to a hyped up Richie - Everton shouts out "All clear?" his words have an echo to them. Richie shouts out "Clear" as he continues to check his surroundings, Everton and his crew must now check every available nook and cranny or face the consequences.

Everton is sombre as he looks in the direction of Stevie as he waits for an answer, Steve has just come out of the electrical room and say's over to Everton "Clear", Woods stands motionless as he looks inside the room not to keen to venture inside. Woods turns his head as he follows the crew in their direction. Everton begins to walk forward and onto the floor below as the rest of the team behind him make there way down.

Hiko looks over towards Richie as he follows behind Everton, Steve stands motionless as he shines his torch up and along the dark passageway, Richie takes a few steps to his right as he watches Hiko and the others come down the steps, A creaking sound is heard) Foster has the honour of keeping Nadia safe and from preventing her from escaping, Steve turns clockwise a quarter turn as he shines his torch up at the ceiling, Both Hiko and Everton turn in there tracks as they take a few steps back to the steps, More creaking is heard - Foster pushes Nadia slightly from behind as the ship gyrates from the storm outside, Nadia quickly descends several steps in quick succession before clinging to the right side railings while looking down. Steve rapidly twists around clockwise for a fleeting moment before looking back anti clockwise. Woods rests his back against the side wall next to the electrical room with his torch shining down to the floor. Foster rapidly turns her head right as she looks over along the ground floor corridor. A strong sensation has caused Foster to lose her rhythm momentarily.

A loud creaking and roaring of sea water is heard as the ship shudders throughout it's massive steel frame. Foster looks right and along the corridor as she absorbs the stimulating vibrations - Foster speaks out and say's Did you feel that?"

A roaring sound of rapidly swelling and moving sea water is heard - The "Academic Vladislav Volkov" has listed to it's right side from the stern end and is turning left as it adjusts it's position in the water in comparison to the tidal wave forces. Howling wind is heard - Russian flag sways in the breeze - Huge waves elope around the sides of the ship but are not smashing over it or placing any significant pressure on it's hull.

As Foster is a navigator and her father was also an admiral in the Navy she has good senses and can feel when a ship is changing course. Foster turns her head in the other direction as her perception of the ships coordinates stimulates her mind. A fleeting moment passes and Foster turns her head in the opposite direction as her mind calculates the ships motion. Foster speaks over to Everton and the others as she say's with confidence "The ship's turning".

A creaking sound is heard - Everton and Hiko look on over towards Foster as Richie looks up and to his right. Hiko is silent as he rests his left hand on Richie's right shoulder. Hiko turns away from Foster as his eyes veer right before he removes his hand from Richie's shoulder. Hiko closes his left eye as his other eye veer right and towards Foster once more. Richie suddenly looks to his right and upwards as he gets a feel for the ships changing coordinates. Captain Everton is also silent as he concentrates his energy on the ships automatic change of course. Everton looks forward then up and then he veers his eyes right and maintains an upwards focus as he listens carefully to the creaking sounds that frequent the ship.

All is silent and there is no sound score. - Foster decides that she must check with her compass to establish that her hunch is right, A ripping sound is heard as Foster pulls open her trusty pocket compass with her right hand. Foster looks down at the instrument to ensure that her calculations are correct. Foster quickly shines her yellow torch down and onto the compass so that she can get a clear view with her left hand.

Foster holds the compass in her left hand as she say's "We just turned 20 degrees into the wind." Creaking continues -

Foster rapidly looks away from the compass as she looks up at the ceiling before slowly turning her head right - Foster say's as she turns her head "The ship's steering itself."

Nadia is feeling exhausted as she replies to Foster, Nadia is confused and she finds it hard to accept as she say's "Ship's don't steer themselves." Nadia's voice has a slight echo as she speaks, Nadia looks forward and into the void.

A low level horn sound is heard - Everton is placid and subdued as he suddenly turns his head towards Foster and Nadia and say's "She's altered her course", Captain Everton is a time served and experienced skipper and has sound judgement. Hiko continues to watch Foster as Richie turns his head around and looks to his right and upwards. Everton looks away from Foster and into the darkness of the corridor. Low level string instruments provide suspense.

More creaking is heard - Nadia is silent as she ponders her thoughts on the nightmare situation aboard the Russian ship.

Foster takes a deep breath as she begins to move from the stair well, Foster say's "Let's go," as she looks down to the floor below.

Steve quickly accepts the command from Foster as he walks to his right across the floor towards Everton, Hiko and Richie while shining his torch in front of him. Foster gently pushes Nadia's back with her right hand as she say's "Come on". Nadia is slow as she steps down the last few steps and does not have the same enthusiasm as the others in rescuing or finding Squeaky. Steve shouts out "Engine room's one deck down." Fosters torch sweeps right as she carries it in her right hand. Woods and Everton also begin the short walk to the next deck as they follow Stevie, and Richie. Hiko stands on the spot for a moment as he looks forward while the rest of the crew pass.

Suddenly a loud crashing sound is heard which alerts the crew and Nadia from there intended direction. Foster is the first person to turn her head back around clockwise from the unusual sound as she attempts to identify the cause. Hiko (Clockwise) Nadia (Clockwise) Everton (Clockwise), and Woods (Anti clockwise) all turn shortly after. Woods shouts out with alarm, "Oh, what the hell was that?." (Steve clockwise). Foster shines her torch ahead while raising her handgun up and forward into the dim darkness.

A small amount of time has passed and Steve, Foster, and Richie take the lead as they investigate the crashing sound. When Steve reached the bottom of the stairs he immediately checked a room to his right that had a large electrical box and an abundance of wires exposed around the perimeter of the damaged box. All three members shine there torches into the room as they attempt to find Squeaky. Steve shouts out "Could be Squeak?" Woods is feeling obnoxious and is scared to enter the room, Woods say's "I don't care who it is, I am not going into that room." The room shows signs of destruction and it is no surprise if several robotic gatherers collected materials from this area. The wall to the left has a series of letters inked in red paint or blood and is in Russian. The words translate to "HELP ME". More blood is smeared on a wall further along to the left and this indicates that there may of been a fight in this room. Foster and Stevie shine there lights from either side and at a slight angle as they illuminate as much of the room as they can.

Stevie interrupts Woods as he shouts out with anger, "I said It could be Squeak." At the bottom of the room another exit exists, this time a steel door with a turn wheel blocks the path of the rescuers. A mass of wires have been severed from the ceiling on both sides and the room is devoid of any life.

Steve looks up vertically as he shines his torch in that direction, Richie looks to his right as he shines his torch across the wall where the blood painted words have been left. Suddenly Foster signals for Steve as she shines her light across the room to her right also. Steve instantly turns his head in the direction that Foster is alerting him too. Foster say's with importance, "Steve". Steve's eyes open wider as he focuses onto something of significance just across the way, (Steve blinks) Steve sweeps his torch in that direction as he lights up the interesting area for himself.

Steve is flabbergasted at the sight in front of him, To Steve's dismay he and Foster have discovered a top secret high security electronic door that can only be opened with fingerprint technology and a unique pin number. Huge amounts of blood are visible including several hand prints. The gruesome discovery indicates that someone was attempting to escape from something dangerous and hostile, The person attempted to access the security door but failed as they were attacked by the unknown entity. Squeaky may of scrawled help me on the wall but he would not have known the security code unless it was given to him. When a correct number and finger print scan is completed the light brown door to the left will open up to allow access to top secret technology. Steve speaks out with utter shock "Jesus Christ". The finger print scanner flashes a continuous red light as it waits for input.

Both Foster and Steve shine there lights around the wall and security control panel as they attempt to fathom what exactly did happen. Suddenly another loud bang is heard from the sealed door at the bottom of the room. The loud disturbance causes Foster to gasp with fright as she rapidly turns her head towards the elusive door. Steve also turns his head towards the sound as his adrenaline begins to flow.

The sound alerts everyone inside the room as they all look forward, Richie, Foster and Stevie all shows sighs of fear as they shine there torches ahead and down the room to the door at the end. Captain Everton stands too attention and does not show any emotions except a cold stare. Steve and Foster sway gently as they stand silent and have no urge to explore the sound until they know what it is. (Everton veers his head to his right) Suddenly Richie pulls his weapon strap over his head so that it rests on his right shoulder. The strap was hanging on his left shoulder but Richie has a gut feeling he is going to need his weapon once again very soon. Nadia turns clockwise as she looks at Hiko momentarily who is just behind her.

Richie takes the lead as he slowly and cautiously steps forward towards the door and the emanating crashing sounds, Suddenly a sliding grinding sound is heard followed by a crash similar to pots and pans. Foster is just behind Richie as she say's with a serious tone, "Careful Richie". Foster has her hand gun in her right hand while she shines her torch down to the back of Richie with her left. Richie say's "Yeah" as he edges slowly forward. Steve is just to the left of Foster and is also alert and ready for any surprise attacks.

Woods takes two steps forward before stopping in his tracks, Woods shakes his head right before saying, "It's too weird man." Woods rapidly grabs hold of his weapon with his left hand so that he now has both hands firmly holding it.

Richie is the first crew member to reach the foreboding door as he takes two short steps before raising his body up from his crouch position so that he can peer through the thick window glass of the steel door. Steve edges forward also one step at a time as he uses his left foot in a repeated rhythm. Foster shines her torch over to improve the ambience and help Steve and Richie in there quest to locate Squeaky. Woods continues with fear and delusion "You can't open that door." Foster shouts out "What is it Steve" as the engineer gets closer and closer. Steve say's "I don't know." (Creaking is heard)

Richie quickly reaches up to the height of the circular glass window as he begins to peer in in an attempt to locate Squeaky and see what is on the other side of the door. Steve say's "What you got Richie" as he quickly hides behind the left side of the wall. (Richie nods slightly in a negative way) Richie stares in as he say's "I don't know, It could be Squeaky." From behind Richie the rest of the crew including Nadia are slowly making there way forward.

From inside the door all is dark with very limited light levels, Richie can make out the black silhouette of a man that has similar characteristics to Squeaky but Richie is unsure,. A large and severed wire is also present just in front of the unidentifiable person. The black silhouette rocks backwards and forwards at a slow pace and is very silent.

Stevie is now very keen to take a look for himself as he quickly comes up to the window pane, Stevie say's "Let me see", Steve raises his voice with slight frustration as he repeats his words, "Let me see." Steve is impatient and objects to Richie's obstructive presence as he pushes him to one side. A light scuffling of feet is heard as Richie steps back to allow Stevie a view of the window. (Richie backs into Woods) Woods say's "What you doing man" to Richie as he backs into him." Steve instantly shines his torch through the glass and down into the room, Steve has a concerned and worried facial expression.

Steve looks into the circular glass window and say's "What the hell is that." Steve can see the dark silhouette of a man the same as Richie but has no idea if it is Squeaky or something else. Steve blinks several times as he struggles to focus -

Stevie manages to produce slightly more ambience with his torch and has revealed more detail on the unidentifiable person. The man continues to sway backwards and forwards at a slow and rhythmic pace, The electric cable has been identified as a grey cable with several severed wires protruding out of the end, The man is subdued silent and shows no violence or hostility towards Steve. As The man leans back a black circular shape appears on his forehead, the man has a beard and moustache and has all the characteristics of Squeaky but no one is sure.

Suddenly Steve becomes impatient, frustrated and morally angry as he begins to shout out loudly, "Open the door,"

Foster shouts over to Steve as he suddenly becomes very frustrated and eager to open the door, (Foster shouts loudly "Steve" hesitates Steve") Steve is anxious to get the locked door open so that he can establish if the man inside the darkened room is Squeaky or not, Steve now thinks that Squeaky is maybe hurt and will need urgent medical attention. Steve looks down as he drops his torch to the floor while pulling on the doors turn wheel in an attempt to open the door. Steve shouts out "Open the door." Richie shouts back to Steve with heated anger "You can't open the god damned door", Richie places his right hand against the door preventing Stevie from risking every ones life. Steve looks at Richie as he shouts out with vexation "Open the god damned door!." Woods grabs Richie from behind as the three men create a strong and forceful bond as they disagree with each other. Steve becomes even more angry as he pushes Richie away from the door with his right hand as he turns his head around fleetingly to face him, Steve shouts out at the top of his voice, "Get away from the damn door" as he his face grimaces with a frustrated anger. Steve begins to pull at the doors wheel with all his strength in an attempt to get the door open.

Suddenly a huge and very loud bang is heard as the door explodes open from forces from the other side. The door opens with so much force the three crew members are taken completely by surprise as they grunt with pain and shock. Stevie, Richie and Woods all fall to the floor at the same time like the last three remaining skittles as the door explodes outwards with great speed and force. All three men fall onto there backs violently from the sudden and violent episode. (A loud sound of crashing is heard) Richie falls onto a large metal storage box that has an abundance of grey wires surrounding it. Richie grunts loudly as he crashes to the floor before swinging his arms and body over onto his stomach. Woods is pushed violently to his right as Stevie lands on his buttocks just in front of the door. A mysterious man now stands by the open door with hands at either side of the doors metal frame. Man rests his left hand to the side wall

All has become strangely quiet as the camera pans slowly up and to the right behind the unidentifiable man, (Electronic whirring sound is heard) Everton and Hiko stand motionless from a distance as they watch the odd situation play out,

Foster shines her torch over towards the unidentifiable man as all becomes silent. Steve stares up at the robotic man as he pushes backwards on his arms and legs in an attempt to keep a safe distance. Richie stares up as he removes his right hand from the silver storage box he fell onto. Nadia stands next to Hiko from a distance, Foster is shocked at the sight before her as her mind goes into overdrive. Large amounts of wires have been attached to the mans head and a whirring sound of motors and moving machinery is heard each time the man moves forward. The back of the man's head is covered in blood and if this is Squeaky he might of suffered the same fate as Alexi who was turned into a cyborg contraption.

A light jingling sound is heard to provide atmosphere - A light tap of feet is heard as Squeaky takes a single step forward - More whirring of electronics is heard - From a facial view the unidentifiable man has a striking resemblance to Squeaky, and in most cases will probably be him. Squeaky has been modified with inbuilt cameras for his right eye and another slightly larger unit has been implanted into his right side temple. Squeaky blinks with his left eye, Squeaky removes his left hand from the side wall as he slowly and awkwardly makes his way forward to greet his friends. A light tapping of feet is heard as Squeaky continues to move forward. Squeaky begins to rapidly blink from his left eye. Squeaky's shadow imprints on the wall to his right in the pale blue darkness.

The camera zooms into Captain Everton as he lifts his head up in shock and disbelief at the condition, body language and strange behaviour of Squeaky. If Squeaky was in a normal state of mind he would be happy and eager to meet his crew members. Steve shouts out loudly "Squeak?"

Squeaky stands motionless on his feet as he slowly turns his head towards his rescuers,
A whirring of motors is heard as Squeaky turns to face Stevie and the others,

Suddenly Squeaky speaks with a deep and spine chilling tone of voice, "Steve" Suddenly a thumping metallic sound of heavy metal is heard as a large metal object rapidly comes into view behind Squeaky,

Steve instantly notices something daunting and dangerous behind Squeaky, Steve's face turns to one of fear, shock and amazement at the huge metallic thing that has now come into view. (Maybe opening the door was a mistake) Steve gasps with fear as he pushes himself back and against a fallen storage cabinet.

The sound of heavy metal is heard again as the huge and daunting object moves it's heavy feet forward. The smashing sound of tons of metal is now a continuous sound as the object moves forever forward inside the room. Squeaky is completely unaffected by the massive object behind him and shows no fear at all except a cold and icy stare.

Suddenly a very loud screeching and rubbing of metal is heard from inside the door the object resides, This sound causes Foster to grimace with extreme fright and shock as her nerves take over her mental judgement, Foster shines her light up and over at the unknown presence as her mind explodes into a nightmare of possibilities.

The nightmare sound of screeching metal and heavy pounding is not going to cease but only get worse, Suddenly all is revealed as the large and powerful robot begins to push the solid metal door frame at either side with it's immensely powerful arms. (Solid metal door screeches open) A loud and high pitched screeching is heard as the dangerous robotic presence applies many thousands of pounds of brute force pressure to the sides of the door, As the robot pushes multiple pieces of metal and other debris fall from the ceiling and walls as the robot carries out it's destruction. Woods is closest to the door and looks up in fear for his life as the Robot brutally forces it's way inside the other room with it's powerful arms. (Robots head turns right)

Woods quickly stands as he maintains eye contact with the massive robot, Woods knows he is in big trouble and begins to scream out loudly for his life.

Woods groans and screams with enormous fright as the massive robot stares down at him from a great height, Woods falls backwards onto a junk pile of electrical metal storage units before turning his body and flailing arms around to his right in an attempt to escape the approaching machine. (Foster screams out loudly "Steve") The right arm of the robot suddenly lifts up which only makes Woods even more scared and fearful for his life. Squeaky is stood right next to where Woods fell and has serious and bloodied wounds to his back.

As Woods stands Squeaky grabs hold of Woods right shoulder and chest region which causes Woods to scream out with severe pain and suffering. Woods attempts to escape but is firmly held by the robotically modified Squeaky who is now focused on hurting Woods. Woods produces a garble of sounds as he desperately calls for Richie and Steve to help him. Woods flails his arms out as he grimaces with untold pain. Squeaky begins to lift up Woods with his super strong and surgically engineered arms as a loud ripping sound of fabric is heard from Woods grey jumper.

The huge and powerful robot is hell bent on making it's way inside the other room as it lifts up the metal constructed ceiling panels with both hydraulic arms. Large pieces of metal debris tumble down from the ceiling as the robot continues it's destructive path towards the weak and inferior humans.

A loud roar of falling material is heard infused with a high pitched squeaking of breaking and bending metal as the robot tears the room to shreds.

Richie stands as he pushes up with his arms while staring in fear at the mechanical beast, Woods is distraught and in extreme mental shock as he is man handled by the robotic Squeaky , Woods shouts out with intense pain and suffering, "Richie! God, Richie, help me!.

Squeaky has been engineered for extreme strength and has been used as bait to attract the rest of the crew to his rescue. Squeaky has no heart as he lifts Woods high in the air with his mechanically modified arms, Squeaky holds Woods firmly under his legs and around his neck as he is hoisted up high for all to see. Woods gyrates his fingers as he shouts out for Richie to help him.

More electronic squeaking is now heard as Squeaky holds Woods high above his head,

Woods shouts out at the top of his voice as he tries in vain to escape the wrath of Squeaky, Woods shouts "Richie long and hard as he shakes his head rapidly from his inbuilt desire to survive.

Suddenly an electronic noise is heard as the massive robot that is just behind Squeaky and Woods lifts up it's left and flesh covered hand into a violent and dangerous position. (The sound of squealing pigs is heard as the camera quickly pans into the robots clenched fist) (A sound of escaping gas is heard) the robot quickly activates it's powerful arm as it explodes forward at high speed. Metal scalpels dangle and move slightly from the robots lower head unit.

The powerful and bloodied fist propels forward at super high speed towards Woods, Neither the modified Squeaky or the huge robot contraption have any kind words to say as the robot explodes it's fist through the back and into his muscle and flesh, (Woods screams and groans a fast breath of pain before falling silent) The robot is so powerful the hydraulic arm explodes out of Woods chest killing him instantly. The flesh bonded metallic arm momentarily reaches a maximum extension as it waits motionless outside of Woods body for the electronic circuits to send it back to the robots side. Woods heart has been torn away from his chest and scooped up in the robots powerful grippers.

A continuous high pitched synthesizer chord plays out - Woods shakes spontaneously and without control as his nerves explode into action. Woods is dead and has had his heart cruelly ripped out of his body. The dangerous Squeaky continues to hold Woods up as a warning to the others that they are also to suffer a similar fate.

Stevie's eyes almost pop out of his eye sockets as he witnesses the deadly robotic and synthetic flesh killing of Woods, He may of been a little selfish at times but never deserved this), Richie shouts out loudly "Shit" as he also witnesses the death of Woods.

A mechanic clanging sound is heard as the robots motors change to a reverse mode of function. A wet squelching sound is now heard as the large and powerful fist pulls itself out and back the same way it entered Woods internal organs and flesh. Large amounts of blood are visible on the thumping tool as it returns to the main unit.

As the evil device returns back to the psychotic and deadly robot the severe damage is now visible. Woods has suffered a massive injury to his chest as his internal organs flop out and squish down the side of his jumper. The hole in Woods chest is so large light begins to seep through from the other side, similar to finding an exit in a dark cave. The flesh and organs bounce and squish around creating a nasty and horrible sound of death.

Foster jerks and grimaces as she instantly closes her eyes from the macabre and most gruesome scene, Foster is shocked and devastated that Woods was murdered in front of her eyes. Foster reopens her eyes as her nightmares just begin to develop inside the ship of horrors.

Squeaky is very evil and is working with the larger robot to bait and then pick off the crew members one at a time, Squeaky holds Woods up momentarily as he stares forward silent and motionless with no traces of remorse of wrong doing of any kind. Suddenly Squeaky has decided Woods has become a burden to his circuits and must rid the human waste from further damage to his overloaded hydraulics and electronic systems. Squeaky instantly throws the dead helmsmen over towards the surviving crew members with one fast and powerful fling of his cable filled arms. The massive robot from behind quickly lifts up it's killer right arm for another attack sequence -

Captain Everton is feeling the pressure and has not managed to accept that Woods is dead, The shock of witnessing the horrific attack has sent Everton into a quasi mode of thought. Everton soon changes as his face grimaces with shock at something unexpected coming towards him at great speed and velocity.

To Everton's horror and utter incomprehensible reality Woods is on course to hit him at break neck speed if he does not move out of the way. Everton's explodes with adrenaline as he rapidly avoids the flying carcass of Woods by quickly ducking down and looking away to his right. Hiko and Nadia stare up at Woods as he explodes through the dusty and moist air on course to hit anything in his path. Squeaky has a extremely powerful throw as the full sized man hits the back wall many feet away. The wall has been painted in blood by a desperate crew member who managed to smear the words "Help me" over the wall.

A massive crashing sound is heard as Woods smashes into the far wall at great speed, The wall bends in and out at a rapid rate from the extreme forces.

His body has been used like a piece of trash as he crashes squarely into the wall front first. Woods injuries are severe as massive chunks of his internal organs emerge and seep out of his chest and back cavity. Wires shake with tremendous forces from the ceiling panel.

A whipping sound is heard followed by a loud crashing of fat, muscle bones and everything else that makes up a human body. Woods is dead and the crew will never be able to bring him back considering his brutal injuries. Woods has lost a lot of blood and his jumper is completely saturated with the sticky liquid. Blood elopes and splatters in all directions as the dead man rests for the last time. Woods left arm suddenly slides down from a silver metal container as his body begins to decompose. Steve suddenly shouts out with panic "Richie"

Both Nadia and Hiko look down at the now very deceased Woods as there minds kick into overdrive. Hiko is holding his machine gun with both hands and is now prepared to fight to the death with the robotic creations made from human bodies.

Hiko has ducked down as he cowers against the back wall, Richie stands in front of the giant mechanoid of incredible size and power and has only one thing on his mind...Attack. Richie rapidly begins to fire his automatic machine gun at the deadly robot with a mixed emotional set of feelings. Richie sweeps his gun from left to right as he grimaces at the mighty alien force in front of him. Captain Everton does not retaliate and turns himself away from the rapid gunfire as he protects himself against Foster. Foster also grimaces with shock and fear as she manages to maintain her light in the direction of the monstrous mechanical contraption that has been built from human flesh and metal components.

A loud pinging of flying bullets is heard as Richie unloads his weapon onto the robots gigantic frame, The robot twists the top section of it's body in an anti clockwise motion as it's inbuilt metal constructed tentacles expand out. (Smoke belches from the robot as the bullets strike) The belly of the robot has been fitted with several arms that protrude out in an up and down motion. The robots thumper gripper that killed Woods opens and closes like a hungry mouth as it shakes furiously from Richie's attack. Bright sparks explode off of the robot's hybrid body as Richie continues to fire his weapon. (A loud squealing similar to traumatised pigs is heard from the contraption)

Nadia has used her initiative and has made her way over to the sensitive finger print scanner and keypad control box. Unlike others who have struggled to gain access to this computer access terminal Nadia has an upper card. Nadia frantically begins to key in her unique pin number with her right index finger as she attempts to open the high security door. Nadia quickly presses down on a set of exclusive numbers she was given when she took on the role of chief scientific officer.

Nadia rapidly turns to face forward as her face turns to one of panic and shock, Nadia presses down on the finger print scanner with her right thumb as she looks ahead praying that she is given this precious time to access the the door. The blue display screen located at the top of the control box quickly displays two zoomed in finger prints from left to right. The images continue to stay on screen and are being checked for authenticity before the locks are released. The finger print touch screen flashes red in an on and off sequence -

Richie continues to grimace as he fires his weapon up and towards the heavily shielded robot, (Loud pinging of bullets is heard)

The monstrous contraption intermittently lights up an intense bright fountain of sparks as Richie continues the onslaught, (Squealing pigs is heard)

Suddenly the robot swings it's top section in a clockwise motion, more bullets pulverise the machine as it's neck explodes with showers of sparks and flecks of intense heat and debris. Pinging sounds are heard that change there tune depending on where the bullets hit -

Steve stares over at the monster of steel and human flesh and bone and is mesmerised - Steve keeps his legs on the move as he moves to his right.

Foster suddenly shouts out "Steve" as she pulls him by his right arm and pulls him closer to her and the others. Foster grimaces as she raises her right arm and aims her hand gun at the deadly robot mechanism, A bright flash of light explodes from her weapon as she takes aim and fires her gun at the fleshy beast. Captain Everton raises his right hand and pushes it against the light brown security door as he desperately attempts to enter inside, Nadia is still stood by the access control panel while Hiko looks to his right side two times and then forward towards Steve..

Rapid gun shots are heard as Foster gives it everything she's got against the deadly enemy, Squeaky is stood to the left of Foster and Stevie and is silent motionless and very calm as he stares ahead towards them. Steve and Foster have now realised Squeaky is not Squeaky anymore and has suffered the same fate as Alexi who was Nadia's husband and cannot be saved. The huge and very tall robot spins it's body right before returning forward, The robot has a large and powerful weapon attached to it's right arm but has decided not to unleash it's powerful ammunition onto the desperate individuals. The legs of the robot are constructed from caterpillar tracks similar to a tank and they can move in any direction.

Nadia begins to shout as she attempts to bring Foster Steve to her attention, Nadia points her fingers towards the now open security door as she looks in that direction. Nadia shouts out "This way" Squealing of pigs is heard from the massive robot) Captain Everton is the first person to enter the door as he pushes forward with a selfish irresponsibility.

Foster is heard from outside of the room shouting loudly "Let's go - Let's go!" Everton looks to his right before looking forward and to his left as he enters the room at speed. Nadia quickly jumps inside the room as she looks forward and to her left - Nadia still has her hands tied but still managed to access the finger print scanner and numerical digit pad. Nadia quickly turns clockwise as she watches Foster follow in behind her. Everton turns anti clockwise as he watches Nadia approaching before turning more in that direction as his head turns so that he can investigate the room from behind him.

Nadia shouts out again "Come on this way, This way" as she beckons the remainder of the crew to enter the safety of the secret room. Foster pulls on Richie's hand as she emphasises the point that he must come with her or die fighting, Richie stares at the formidable sight of metal, lights, and human flesh as he makes his way inside the door.

Squeaky is just outside the door and is watching his friends make there escape without any emotions of any kind. The massive robot behind Squeaky dwarfs anything in it's path and is a formidable component. The robot suddenly lowers it's right claw arm and snaps it's large and powerful pincers together. (A loud sound of clanging steel is heard) Squeaky steps forward one awkward step at a time as it's sensors analyse the silhouettes of the escaping crew members. As Squeaky lunges forward he speaks out at normal voice levels "Steve"... Squeaky's voice is robotic in mannerisms and has no subtle tones or highs or lows, just a monotone of simple words that have no feeling to them.. nor do they relate to the situation.

Nadia shouts loudly "Come on" as she offers the escaping crew members a safe space for a moment in time. A tapping of feet is heard as Steve Foster and Richie quickly enter into the steel reinforced room.

Hiko watches as his crew members rapidly scurry inside the secret and top secret communications room, Steve runs in backwards as he looks to his right, Hiko has a face of anguish as he suddenly turns anti clockwise to face forward across the room, Fosters yellow torch violently bounces in all directions as Foster rapidly turns to face the door while allowing Richie a small time frame to enter. (Foster gasps loudly with intense fear) Richie quickly follows - Hiko turns his head a quarter turn as he looks down along the room.

A squeaking and then a loud banging of metal is heard as Foster quickly slams the door shut. Stevie falls down exhausted against a silver computer terminal as he grunts loudly. Steve blinks fleetingly as he stares out at the others with his mouth wide open and his eyes transfixed.

Hiko is quick on his feet as his instincts tell him that the strong and thick security door is going to require some reinforcements. Hiko grimaces as he rapidly pounces onto a steel constructed shelve that is located just next to the door. Hiko grunts loudly as he pulls the shelving down with both hands from the top of it's structure. Hiko looks to the side of the shelving as he pulls it down in front of the security door for extra strength and time. Hiko quickly removes his left hand from the top as he uses it to push the shelving down at it's side panel to ensure speed and safety. A loud crashing sound of metal is heard as the large piece of industrial furniture hits the deck below.

Foster is stood just behind Hiko and assists in lowering the heavy shelving to the floor, (Foster grimaces from the strain)

Both Hiko and Foster begin to pull at the sides of the shelving as they slide it across the floor so that it is aligned with the security door. Hiko suddenly turns towards Nadia and shouts out with frustration and panic "Where are we?" Some Computer screens behind Hiko and Foster continuously display scientific information and graphical images. The monitor top right rapidly displays a chaotic and seismic patterns of interlinking wavering lines of different colours. The display top left also flashes images of neon blue shapes - The monitor bottom right displays a black screen before producing a grey and chaotic scramble of interference - The rest of the monitors display a grey screen of interference - Richie pulls of his weapon as he lifts the strap over his right shoulder.

Nadia quickly responds and say's "Communications room." Dramatic trumpets provide atmosphere -

Richie has overheard what Nadia said to Hiko as he rapidly turns anti clockwise away from her and bends down to something below him. Richie shouts out loudly "Good, I'm calling for help." Captain Everton is silent and does not show any form of panic or fear as he stands a few feet away from Richie.

Suddenly a very loud crash of bending and exploding metal is heard as the metal door buckles in a few inches from the extreme and hostile forces of the robot just outside the communications room. The robot smashes the door with it's powerful gripper hands and is determined to hurt the crew members without mercy if it penetrates the security room.