The story now reverts back to Richie who is still in the missile silo room, Richie has his back turned to the high security room as he continues to work on his master plan.. Richie looks ahead as he quickly places down an electrical component to the table below with his right hand. (Richie also throws down smaller components with his left) (Richie discards Transformer with a wire protruding from the top) Richie begins to speak to himself as he say's :"Six years in the Navy as a weapons specialist." Richie quickly faces the shell of a torpedo as he grabs hold of it with both hands. Richie grunts as he lifts the shell up and over a large silver compulsion engine. The heavy torpedo shell quickly follows gravity as it slides right and away from Richie, Richie bends slightly as he takes the weight of the unit before dropping it to the floor below. Richie grunts some more as a loud banging and crashing is heard from the torpedo shell. Richie quickly turns to face the work bench once again as he say's "I graduated top of my class." Richie kicks out his right leg as he violently swings his hands out in front of him to emphasise his high level ability. (Trumpets provide atmosphere)

Richie takes hold of the large engine with both hands as he momentarily looks down, Richie quickly looks forward as he begins to lift the compulsion engine from the tables surface. Richie say's "I'm getting out" Richie is sincere and now thinks he can outsmart the superior alien technology. Richie takes a deep breath of air as a gasp is heard - Richie quickly pushes up on his feet as he lifts the heavy unit up and away from the table. Richie has made his own combat head gear and has attached strips of material to either side, The material shakes and sways out as Richie lifts up the heavy engine. "Richie say's "I got a plan." Richie steps back as he turns his head left and over the floor,

Richie begins to carefully walk across the floor with the compulsion engine in both hands, As Richie steps forward he say's "It thinks it's smarter than me?" "It's gonna get a surprise." Light tapping of feet is heard - Richie sways slightly from side to side as he carries the heavy machinery. (A build up of instruments ends with a loud drum crash)

Propulsion engine for torpedo 61-613, 1960 - Marin museum, Karlskrona, Sweden - DSC08989.JPG - A modern torpedo is an underwater ranged weapon launched above or below the water surface, self-propelled towards a target, and with an explosive warhead designed to detonate either on contact with or in proximity to the target. Modern torpedoes can be divided into lightweight and heavyweight classes; and into straight-running, autonomous homers, and wire-guided. They can be launched from a variety of platforms. Thermal torpedoes use a fuel, such as OTTO Fuel II, which can be burned without an external oxygen source. A gas turbine or axial piston engine converts this fuel into torque that spins counter-rotating propellers, propelling the torpedo up to speeds in excess of 60 knots.

(Trumpets provide the sound score) Foster and the others have no choice but to find a different path out of the ships labyrinth of rooms and corridors. The survivors have decided that they will make there way back to the bridge which is relatively safer than the depths of the massive vessel. Once they are out of danger they can work out another plan of action and maybe persuade Everton to join them.. Turning the power off is definitely an option but the alien is getting more powerful with every second and now controls the energy. Suddenly a hand appears as it wraps there palm and fingers around the right side lock mechanism of the grey door. (Red Russian text on door translates to SPARE EXIT) A loud clanking of moving cogs is heard as Foster rapidly pulls down on the right side lock in her quest to access the area behind. (Foster shines her torch over the right handle) The light sweeps left as Foster reaches over to the left lock, Foster leans forward as she rapidly pulls down on the left handle - Another loud clanking of moving mechanics is heard as the lock is opened. (A rumble of moving steel is heard as the heavy duty door swings open - Foster pushes with her right hand as she steps inside the new area, (Loud squeak from the door is also heard as it swings back) Foster gasps as she stares ahead into the darkness not quite sure if she should proceed or not. (Foster shines her torch ahead with both hands) Tapping of feet is heard - Nadia quickly follows behind Foster -

Foster suddenly shines her torch up and towards the ceiling - Hiko steps backwards as he maintains concentration on the corridor - Steve suddenly speaks and say's, "Where are we going?" Hiko quickly looks to his right momentarily, Hiko turns his head completely around clockwise as he faces Nadia and Foster. Nadia replies to Stevie and say's " The storage room, We can get out through here." (Foster shines her light to her left) (A loud echoing crash of metal is heard in the distance) As Hiko side steps into the new room he quickly looks back towards Steve. Steve quickly follows behind Hiko. Nadia is panting rapidly and is feeling the pressure -

Nadia and Foster rapidly side step into a new room as they concentrate there attention on a dark and shadow occupied corridor just a few feet away. Foster outstretches her left arm as she shines her torch forward, Nadia holds her machine gun with both hands - A large metal drum behind Nadia and Foster has large Russian text printed onto it's metal shell - The words translated to English mean "CONTENTS DANGEROUS". Steve looks behind in a clockwise movement as he closes the steel door behind him. More tapping of feet is heard from Nadia as she continues to side step inside the new area. Suddenly Foster turns clockwise as she focuses her attention on another door. (This door also has Russian red letters imprinted on the door that when translated to English mean "SPARE EXIT" Foster quickly turns her head back to face a new and much longer corridor. (Fast up tempo Violin chord is heard) Foster now feels that her exit strategy a head is blocked or unsafe as she quickly turns her head back to the door behind her.

Foster quickly steps over to the door as she hops on her right leg, Hiko appears as he fleetingly stares over at the closed door before looking down the long and dark corridor. Hiko stands his ground by a large silver support pole as he watches Foster approach the door. Nadia quickly turns anti clockwise to face the white steel door. A loud tap of metal is heard as Foster rapidly attempts to pull down the right side lever with her right hand, Fosters gun fleetingly makes contact with the thick steel of the door.

Foster shouts loudly and grimaces with unexpected pain as she quickly pulls down on the lever, Foster screams out loudly "Ow!" Foster rapidly bends down as her face crunches with severe agony from the handle. Foster quickly stands and faces the door once more before rapidly turning her head around anti clockwise and shouting over to the others, "It's welded" The handle is firm and will not budge - (Trumpets begin to sound out)

Foster quickly takes a step away from the secured door as she shines her light down the dark corridor ahead, Foster shouts out loudly, "What's down there?" Fosters voice has an echo to the sound waves) Steve stares with fear as he also looks down the dark corridor but is soon distracted by Fosters words - Steve quickly turns around clockwise to face Foster and the welded door. Nadia quickly looks through the circular window of the welded door fleetingly as her concerns for the rest of the crew increase. Nadia quickly turns to face Steve in a clockwise motion. Hiko maintains his position as he watches Steve and the rest.

The situation has now become much more dire and difficult as the superior alien lightening organism carries out it's wrath. The survivors are now stuck as all doors in front and behind have now been tightly welded, Foster shouts loudly "Nadia" for her attention, Nadia replies "Dead End." Foster and Stevie shine there torches down into the eerie and foreboding corridor that leads to a dead end as there minds race on finding a solution. A beam of light to the right sweeps from side to side as Steve frantically attempts to find an exit.

Foster quickly retreats back to the welded door as she shouts out "Steve, I need something to pry this, Foster looks back to the right side welded handle as she shouts out) "Hurry." Foster looks to her left and towards Steve as she waits for Stevie to respond. Nadia rapidly takes a single step forward as she looks towards Foster, Nadia steps back as she turns her head towards Steve.

(A grey coloured wall to the right side of Hiko has red Russian text imprinted on the wall - Translated to English the words mean "HIGH PRESSURE" A large valve wheel is visible to Hiko's left - Valves are used for almost all machinery systems on ships for controlling and regulating fluid through pipes. Although valves are known as efficiency decreasing device as they reduce the energy in the liquid flow, their use is imperative in applications where limited flow is required. Steve quickly lifts his machine gun strap up and away from his right shoulder as he places the weapon onto the surface of a series of metal containers stacked to his left against the wall. ( Steve has already placed his yellow torch down onto another metal container lower down, Nadia quickly uses her initiative and takes the light from the surface of the container with her left hand. Steve looks down as he fumbles inside a small black bag that he has attached to the right side of his waist. Steve side steps towards Foster - Hiko turns anti clockwise as he faces the tightly welded door, Foster quickly turns to face Steve as she waits patiently for a suitable tool.

Steve quickly pulls out a small crow bar that he has found inside his bag, Foster looks at Steve as she outstretches her right arm and hand in anticipation of collecting the handy tool. (A tinkle of metal is heard as Foster takes the tool in hand) Foster quickly turns to face the sealed door as she raises the tool up and towards the left side welded handle. Nadia shines Steves torch over towards the welded handle as she raises her left hand high in the air above her. Nadia steps forward slightly to increase the ambience - Foster begins to pry the handle as she concentrates on the correct angle she must take - In most circumstances the door will be very difficult to bust open but Foster must try.. Steve faces the left side handle as he attempts to break that seal.

Suddenly from a distance down in the depths of the dark and shadow infested corridor a large and powerful robot rapidly appears - (A very loud and ear shattering high pitched sound is heard) Almost instantly two bright and very powerful lamps light up from either side of the robots massive structure. This robot is very similar to the one that butchered Woods but the facial difference is noticeable. The alien life form has been busy creating new and more efficient robots as it strives to conquer and take full control of the ship. This robot also has the distinctive flesh infused body wrapped around a metal frame. Dramatic orchestral music plays out -

A loud sound of squealing pigs is heard - This loud sound causes Foster, Nadia, Steve and Hiko to rapidly turn around to face the music, Foster turns in an anti clockwise motion as her concentration is lost - Nadia turns rapidly clockwise, Steve breaks away from his attempt at breaking the lock as he turns rapidly anti clockwise a half turn - (Steve does not fully turn but only his head in the robots direction) Steve stares down at the noise and lights of the mechanoid monster. Nadia steps back a few steps as she maintains focus on the crazed mechanical contraption. Foster stares with complete shock and fear as she faces her reoccurring nightmare. Nadia quickly lowers the yellow torch as breaking into the storage room is now defunct and void. The intense light from the robots lamps illuminates the faces of the survivors.

Hiko stands closest to the metal monster as he faces it head on, Hiko pulls his Maori sculpted weapon from his sheath and holds it up high with his right hand. Hiko is very angry as his mind turns to one of war. Hiko bellows out with all his energy and an almighty shriek of vexation as he shakes his weapon vigorously. (Ah Haaah) Hiko steps back slightly as he shouts out loudly "Come on" long and hard. Hiko's facial muscles tighten as his face turns into a mecca of frustrated and psychotic intentions.

Nadia stands behind a stack of metal containers as she rapidly aims her machine gun at the approaching mega beast of steel and human materials. A loud click of metal is heard as Nadia activates her weapon - Nadia closes her eyes fleetingly - An almighty loud sound of pinging and dinging bullets is heard as Nadia unleashes her fury.. Steve quickly reaches over and grabs his machine gun from the metal containers he had rested it onto just a few moments earlier. Steve quickly takes hold of his weapon with both hands..Nadia fires her gun as she rests her right hand on the far corner of the metal container box.

The massive robot begins to travel forward as it rolls on it's large caterpillar track constructed feet. A large fountain of orange sparks emit from the robots right side as the bullets come thick and fast. Suddenly a powerful jet of hot steam explodes out from a pipe to the left of image, A stray bullet has pierced the thick metal piping and now a jet of hot steam sprays out across the floor and into the direct path of the attacking robot. (Pinging of bullets continues)

Suddenly hot sparks eject from the robots right side neck and torso as they propel out and down to the floor, The robots red eyes shine through the grey steam as it continues it's approach. Ejecting steam from the pipe has now increased as the monstrous contraption nears it. Fizzing sound of escaping steam is heard -

Nadia has retreated to the other side of the crates as she looks up at the ceiling for a fleeting moment, Nadia quickly turns her head back to the carnage, Steve begins to unload his machine gun at the hostile robot - Steve's gun shakes violently as the bullets escape from the magazine and out of the barrel. Steve grimaces and gyrates violently as he fires his weapon - Nadia bends down as she attempts to shield herself away from the flying bullets and shrapnel. Hiko continues to hold his Maori sword high in the air as his mind explodes with frustrated anger. Hiko continues to shout loudly at the approaching robot and has a score to settle.

A sound of pinging glass is heard as the bullets strike there target,(Machine gun fire is heard from Stevie's weapon) A pop pop pop sound is also heard at a continuous rate as Foster fires off her hand gun at the monster. A raging inferno of hot sparks explode out from the robots stomach area as they flow and fall to the floor like a hot furnace. Hot steam has increased exponentially as it floods the dark corridor, The steam is so thick it virtually engulfs the view of the robot as it approaches.

Foster grimaces as she fires her weapon at the savage and brutal contraption, She witnessed the terrible death of Woods and this robot carries all the tools of the trade to commit another atrocity. Foster shoots off another three rounds in quick succession as she side steps right, Foster closes her eyes momentarily from the bright and intense flashes that emit from her weapon.

From the perspective of the small passageway that leads into the area that has a storage room door and a dark corridor is now in view. This small area was accessed through another door with the Russian text imprinted on the door "SPARE EXIT". Now a fountain of orange sparks can be seen exploding out from Fosters left, Hiko continues to shout out his war cry - Foster jerks violently as she fires off her weapon, Foster fires three more times in her bid to neutralise the robot. Steve comes slightly forward from the back of the corridor space as he fires his weapon, Nadia continues to hide behind some metal crates. Foster is unaware of the flying sparks as she concentrates on the demented cyborg.

Foster is exhausted and very scared for her life as she continues the attack, Suddenly Foster stops firing as she turns her head towards the intense brightness of the orange sparks. Foster lowers her hands down as her face turns to one of surprise as she watches the fountain of hot spray from a short distance away.

Foster turns to face the door that she and the rest of the crew came through just a few minutes earlier - Foster watches for a short moment in time - The door has a gigantic amount of hot sparks ejecting inwards and through a very small gap in the side of the thick steel hinged portal. A loud fizzing sound is heard as the sparks escape out from the other side and evaporate onto the floor below. Hiko's war cry continues - Foster suddenly turns her head clockwise as she faces Steve, Foster shouts out loudly "Steve" as she attempts to distract him from his defensive attack on the crazed robotic contraption. Foster is alarmed at the sight in front of her as her mind ponders the worst scenario. (Machine gun fire continues) Foster quickly turns back to face the inferno of heat.

Steve hears Fosters voice through the intense mayhem as he quickly turns around to face the small passageway. Steve is also alarmed as he watches a huge fountain of sparks ejects out from the side of the door. (A loud clack of heavy metal is heard from the robots sluggish feet) Hiko screams out loudly "wahh" "conwingla" as his anger explodes. Steve steps forward as he pushes Foster out of the way with his left hand. Foster quickly steps back to the far wall as she disappears from view. Steve is astonished at the sight and now knows that another robot is busy at work welding the door shut from the other side, This ultimately will result in the survivors being completely stuck with the only way forward blocked by the crazy metallic monster. Nadia fleetingly looks forward before looking down at Steve's yellow torch that she holds in her right hand.

Steve watches the inferno of heat for a fleeting moment as his mind races with possibilities, Suddenly Steve turns in a clockwise motion and produces a face of complete and utter pandemonium. Foster suddenly shouts out loudly "Hiko" - Hiko continues his war cry as he stands bravely in front of the contraption.

Suddenly Nadia stares up at the ceiling at something of utmost importance, Nadia quickly raises her left hand as she shines Steve's yellow torch up to illuminate her view more substantially.

A loud sound of squealing pigs is heard as the robot becomes much more frustrated at the human specimens determination to survive. Nadia is the chief Scientific officer for the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" and is familiar with some of the ships layout. Nadia has discovered a set of steel ladders that are attached to the wall above - Russian text attached to a red portal exit reads that it is the way to the STORES room. Nadia shines her light in an anti clockwise circular motion as the beam travels around the circumference of the red portal rectangle shapes steel. Hiko screams out again some Maori war chants - "wahh" "conwingla"

Nadia has instantly realised that the ladders are the only viable way out of the madness and there is no time to lose, Nadia rapidly turns around anti clockwise as she quickly grabs hold of a large cardboard box with both hands at the far corner. Nadia shouts over to Stevie as she say's "Steve, over here!" The box twists a full 360 degrees as it fulls to the floor below (Light thud sound is heard from the box) Nadia quickly turns back to face a plethora of metal crates and empty ammunition boxes that block the way. Foster steps backwards towards the wall as she shines her torch forward. Steve moves from side to side as he continues to battle with the impressively powerful robot.

Steve suddenly turns anti clockwise and away from the sparks emitted from the welding of steel as he faces Foster and Nadia. Nadia shines her torch forward as she makes her way forward and towards the ladders, Foster quickly follows Nadia as she rests her right hand on her right shoulder. Nadia's hair sways from side to side as she makes haste towards the vertical escape route. Hiko continues to scream out with a vengeance and has blown a fuse with the robot.

The robotic creature continues forward as it pushes through the hot steam from the burst pipe, (Robot shrieks once more a sound similar to pigs in distress) A massive torrent of steam rises up and smothers the robots head unit and torso as it slowly travels along the corridor. Hiko continues to shout loudly - Foster shouts loudly again for Hiko, "Hiko". Hiko is in a world of his own and is unaware that an exit exists.

Nadia attempts to distract Hiko before she quickly turns towards the ladders, Steve grimaces as he helps Nadia to remove the excess of metal containers and boxes so that the way forward becomes clear and unobstructed. Steve picks up a medium sized ammunition's box with both hands as he looks to his right and slightly down at the floor. (A loud crash of metal is heard as Steve throws the box a few feet and away from the exit location, Steve quickly turns back around as he continues to remove the blockage of gear.

Foster looks on over towards Hiko before shouting at the top of her voice, "Hiko" Foster grimaces as she attempts to distract his attention away from the hybrid infused robot, Foster steps backwards slightly as she retreats towards the ladders.

Suddenly Hiko screams at the top of his voice, "Ahhhhh" as he raises his machine gun up and above his head with both hands. (Robot continues to squeal) Hiko is a man possessed as he faces off with the massive chunk of steel and human flesh.

An almighty crash of heavy metal infused with a glass sound of breakage is heard as Hiko rapidly slams his weapon down to the floor right in front of the machine. (Hiko intends to slow down the robot) Steve watches as Hiko flips his lid, Hiko wants to fight the machine with hand to hand combat and believes that the weapons are useless against such a powerful adversary. Hiko watches with fear as the robot approaches - Steve shouts "Go" as he comes up behind Hiko in his bid to lead him over to the escape hatch. Hiko bends down slightly before turning clockwise and facing Stevie. Hiko's hair sways violently from the extreme forces - Steve pushes Hiko from behind his back as he shouts out, "Come on! - "Move!".

Nadia is the first survivor to begin climbing the ladders and has made considerable progress as she takes one step at a time. (A loud tapping of steel is heard as Nadia and Foster climb the ladder section, Foster suddenly turns her head around to her left as she shouts out for the stubborn Hiko, "Hiko", Foster turns her head back around as she continues to climb the steel infrastructure. Hiko suddenly appears as he runs over to the bottom of the ladders, Hiko grabs hold of the bottom rungs as he begins to climb.

Steve quickly leans over to his left and retrieves his machine gun from a black steel barrel. A crunching of metal is heard as Steve reloads his machine gun, From a distance Hiko can be seen climbing over a series of metal containers and boxes. Hiko is already stood on the first box and is now lifting his leg leg up and over to the next container as he holds onto the bottom of the stairs with his right hand. Hiko carefully lifts up his right leg to make the jump to the next alleviated height. Hiko quickly jumps onto the ladders as he lifts his right then left legs. Steve turns slightly right as he prepares to open fire on the evil robot, Steve grimaces as he looks up while unleashing his wrath against the metal monster, Fast and rapid flashes of light explode out of Steve's barrel as he attacks the creature. (A sound similar to a pinball streak is heard as the bullets ping and ding at a high rate against the steel of the beast. Steve aims his weapon at the robots right and massive steel claw that is tantalisingly close to Steve's head, this action creates a huge flash of intense light as the bullets hit there target. Sparks explode and expel away from the robots claw as the circuits and wires implode around it. A huge amount of human flesh has been attached to the robots caterpillar legs, The robot is tremendously built and has a mass of solid steel components cleverly joined together similar to a engine.


Suddenly one of the robots legs rapidly sweeps out to the right, Strips of flesh cover it's mechanical workings, The robots front right leg also moves right as it lifts it's heavy feet away from the floor momentarily, The robot squeals once more as it suddenly twists it's upper torso anti clockwise. Sparks explode form the machine as Steve attacks giving the rest of the survivors a short moment to make there escape. A massive and intense light explodes from the machines right side - A grey smoke raises up from the contraption.

The camera zooms into the face of the robot as it's scalpel shaped tentacles gyrate and jerk - Squealing continues - The two centre scalpels begin to close in as the robots senses become confused and disorientated.

Steve grimaces as he faces off with the monster of steel and flesh, (Robot squeals with frustrated anger) Steve suddenly stops firing and rapidly turns away from the beast in a clockwise motion. Steve shouts loudly, "Come on Let's go!" go go go!." as he heads towards the steel ladders.

Foster turns her head down towards Steve and Hiko as she shouts out loudly with intense fright and concern, Let's go go. Foster has tied her yellow jacket around her waist - As Foster continues upwards the material sways violently from side to side - (Tapping of steel is heard as Foster continues upwards to relative safety) Fosters yellow light which is attached to her left hand also sways vigorously from her rapid hand movements. Foster shouts out again "Go" Hiko is just behind Foster and is also making his way up.

Dramatic trumpet sounds are heard to provide atmosphere - Steve clings to the ladders with his left hand against the left metal side rail as he looks down at the approaching robot with complete fear and shock, Steve quickly turns away as he begins his ascent of the ladders, Steve reaches up with his left hand and takes hold of a rung (Tap of steel is heard from Steve's contact) A loud clunking of metal is heard from the approaching robot - (Robot squeals once again) Steve begins to climb -

Steve climbs the ladders as fast as he can as the robot suddenly appears from below, The robot creates a tremendous noise of moving machinery infused with a high pitched squealing. The robot has tilted it's head unit upwards as it stares and watches Steve escape with it's huge traffic coloured eyes. The flesh coated arms of the contraption suddenly jerk upwards as it attempts to catch Steve. A loud thud is heard as the robot crashes into the plethora of metal containers at the bottom of the ladders. Steve has just avoided a very nasty confrontation with the monster of steel as he flees the scene. Steve has managed to take his machine gun with him as he carries it with his right hand by the strap.

A whizzing high pitched electronic sound is heard from the monster as it loses it's prey, Nadia is making good progress as she continues her climb, Nadia has Steve's yellow torch in her left hand as she raises her right and grabs the next rail. Nadia's right hand has been injured and there is a white dressing over it. (A small amount of blood has seeped through the material) Nadia continues to climb left hand then right and so on. Steve shouts loudly, "Come on." (Echoing shotgun sound is heard) Nadia grunts with effort - The sound of sea water is now heard -

Dramatic Trumpets provide the sound score - A massive torrent of moving sea water is heard as the huge Russian ship plough through the rough sea. Monster waves strafe the sides of the ship as it continues it's course decided upon by the alien force.

As natural buoyancy occurs the ship plunges downwards from the powerful energy of swirling rapids - A huge wave hits the right side bow section followed by another wave to the left side.

Salt water and a fine mist travels violently in the air space as it pounds the metal frame and other materials. The camera slowly pans down to reveal the survivors making there way out of a steel exit door. The stores ladder has led Nadia, Foster, Hiko and Stevie to one of the decks above. Nadia is the first to appear from the door, (Door sweeps backwards and forwards) Nadia holds onto the outer edge of the door with her right hand as she pulls Foster out with her left hand. Foster appears as Nadia turns anti clockwise while making her way forward. Nadia outstretches both hands as she uses them to guide her along the slippery surface.

A high pitched whistling sound of air is heard - (Creak is heard) Foster shouts from behind, "Nadia, Which way?" Nadia continues to hold her hands out in front of her as she turns clockwise to face Foster. Nadia replies as she shouts back with all her might, "The antenna control room, "We'll be safe there."

Nadia and Foster almost lock heads as they struggle to communicate in such rough weather. Nadia places her left hand onto Fosters right shoulder. Foster shouts loudly - "Okay.!" Foster rapidly turns around to face Steve and Hiko as she shouts out loudly - Steve! - Both Nadia and Foster are completely soaked through - Nadia's hair flails in the strong air current.

Foster holds onto Nadia's hands for extra safety and support as Nadia slowly moves forward. Steve shouts back "Right behind you - "GO!" Just keep moving!. Nadia leads Foster into a darkened space just below a damaged satellite dish, (Telemetry Antenna) Thunder and Lightening is heard - Hiko appears from behind as quickly follows Foster into the broken space below the satellite dish.

Hiko rests his right arm onto some broken debris fleetingly as he enters the gap, Steve is just behind Hiko and is brandishing his machine gun. (Steve quickly ducks under the destroyed antenna -

Nadia quickly reaches a set of metal ladders that will take her and the rest of the crew to the next deck. Nadia grabs hold of the left rung with her left hand before swinging around using her right hand also. (Pounding sea and biting high pitched wind sound is heard)
Foster carefully edges along the right side wall using both hands as she follows Nadia. Foster turns her head to face Hiko and Stevie while holding onto the black stair rail with her right hand. Fosters yellow light sways violently in the wind and rain) Steve ducks down slightly as he travels towards the ladders, Hiko stands by the back wall and has allowed Steve to pass him as he waits patiently for a short moment in time. Rain and seawater pounds the decks -

The camera produces multiple heptagons in it's lens as the ship smashes down into the water. Heptagon. In geometry, a heptagon is a seven-sided polygon or 7-gon. The heptagon is sometimes referred to as the septagon, using "sept-" (an elision of septua-, a Latin-derived numerical prefix, rather than hepta-, a Greek-derived numerical prefix; both are cognate) together with the Greek suffix "-agon" meaning angle ...

A massive splash of water is heard as a huge wave hits the ships stern and sprays over the front and sides,

As the powerful wave strikes the ship it causes Nadia to scream loudly as she momentarily loses her footing on the stairs, Nadia quickly falls face down as she holds onto a left side stair with her left hand and the right side rung with her right hand.. Foster rapidly bends down on both knees as she holds on for dear might with both hands on the stairs railing..Hiko manages to maintain stability as he holds onto the side of the stairs with his left hand. (Steve instantly bends down on his knees)

The massive vessel sweeps downwards once again as a huge wave smashes over - (Loud swirling foaming sound of water is heard) A loud echoing crash of hollow drums is heard)

Hiko assists Steve as he helps him back to his feet, Nadia has continued up the ladders while Foster has come back down to ground level. Foster outstretches her right hand as she pushes Steve from behind with her right hand. (Steve shouts loudly - "You stay close Foster". Hiko's hair violently blusters in the powerful breeze, Hiko lifts up his left arm over the top of Fosters head momentarily. Fosters yellow jacket is completely saturated - Suddenly Fosters hood blows down slightly and rests to Fosters right side. (Light tapping of feet is heard)

A squeaking howling sound is heard from the powerful wind that pounds the ship - Nadia quickly makes her way up the ladders as she uses both hands to support her on the rails. The ships deck is cluttered with metal drums, ropes, cables and ships machinery.

Nadia quickly reaches the top and turns to her right as she rests her right hand on the railing fleetingly, Cables sway violently above Nadia's head, (Clicking sound is heard from Steve's machine gun)

Nadia stays low as she continues her journey along the deck towards the navigation room which is located above the bridge. (Crash of sea water is heard) Nadia quickly steps over to the right side as she clings to a large metal beam, (High pitched sound of rubbing metal is heard) Nadia takes two quick steps forward as she rests both hands onto a support column. Steve looks behind himself for a split second as he follows Nadia. -

Another wave smashes over the ships stern creating a loud explosion of water movement, Manilla ropes sway from side to side - (Trumpets continue to provide atmosphere)

Nadia has now reached another set of ladders and is steadily climbing one hand followed by the next. Nadia looks down to Steve momentarily, Hiko follows just behind Steve -

Steve grimaces as he continues his climb, Flashes of intense white light flicker and illuminate Steve and the rest of the crew as thunder and lightening continue.. Suddenly Steve looks down towards Hiko and Foster.

Foster shouts out loudly, "Keep going Hiko." "Keep going!" Foster helps Hiko to climb the ladders as she stands at the bottom.

Hiko looks up at the ladders as he contemplates his thoughts, Hiko injured his right leg earlier on in the day so will find climbing ladders rather unpleasant and difficult. Hiko makes his next step up as he holds on tightly to the rungs. (Pinging sound of chains is heard)

Foster grimaces as the sea water and heavy rain pound her face and body, Foster suddenly coughs as she looks down and way from Hiko. Foster quickly looks back up to check on Hiko's progress. Foster is suffering from the violent weather and is under a lot of pressure to get everyone safely to the navigation room.

Suddenly a huge wave smashes against both sides of the ship, The wave licks along the side of the hull and has entrenched onto the deck. (Loud fizzing sounds of water are heard) (The ship is lifting up from it's routine buoyancy movements.

A high pitched sound of pinging steel is heard - The ships metal fence that goes along the side shakes and bends rapidly inwards before bending back from the extreme forces of the wave. (Fence shakes rapidly from side to side)

Foster stands at the bottom of the ladders while holding on to the rails with both hands. Suddenly the massive rolling wave hits Foster similar to standing under a waterfall. Foster screams loudly long and hard as she vanishes inside a powerful and freezing cold wave of energy.

The powerful wave has proven to great for Foster to manage, quickly Foster has lost her footing and her grip of the ladders as she is physically washed away from the powerful surge. Foster lands on her back as her arms flail in all directions - Foster is now at the mercy of the wave and her life is now in much greater danger. Foster screams some more as she is violently tossed around on the deck, Another massive torrent of sea water drags Foster around on her stomach and back over - Foster screams for help and the severe shock and horror she is suffering.

Hiko stands by the ladders as he watches Foster slowly succumb to the powerful sea water, Hiko is drenched and is also suffering from shock as his mind races. Water streams from his face - Dramatic orchestral music plays out)

Foster has now been dragged to the very edge of the ship and is dangling precariously over the side. The damaged fencing has allowed Foster to almost slip and fall into the Pacific ocean where she will meet a watery grave for certain. Foster shouts out with all her might, "Hiko", as she clings to a bottom white rail with her right hand. Sea water belches and flows off the deck at a super rate as Foster clings on for dear life. Suddenly Foster is washed off and her body twists so that she is facing the sea head on. (Loud splashing sounds are heard) Water explodes over Fosters head as she chokes for air, Hiko stands from a distance in the darkness and has still decided that it is not worth the risk to save Foster.

Suddenly Foster shouts out once again, "Help me Hiko!". Foster raises her left hand up in the air as she grimaces and splutters, Foster has managed to maintain herself on the very edge of the ship and is desperate for Hiko to save her. Suddenly Hiko can stand no more of Fosters suffering as he quickly jumps down from the ladders in his bid to save her. Hiko's braided hair bounces in all directions as he jumps.

Foster hangs on with her right hand as she looks over at Hiko, Foster shouts loudly, "Hiko!" A loud thud is heard as Hiko lands on the slippery deck below.

Foster turns her head fleetingly towards the ocean as she coughs loudly - Foster quickly finds the strength to turn back to the approaching Hiko. Hiko rapidly makes his way over to Foster, Hiko flails his arms out wildly as he shouts out - "Foster, Grab on!"

Steve has heard Fosters cries as he begins to descend the ladders in his quest to assist and help Hiko, Steve carefully lowers himself down one hand at a time, Suddenly a massive torrent of sea water splashes over Steve completely illuminating him form view.

More Heptagon shapes are seen from the camera's perspective.. (Squeaking sounds are heard - The Russian ship veers upwards as it follows it's buoyancy direction and flow, (Roar of sea water fills the air.)

Hiko shouts out loudly as he grimaces with severe stress, "Come on, Come on!" Come on! as he raises his hands up -

Foster screams out again loudly "Ahhh" as she struggles to maintain a fixed position, Hiko reaches over with his right hand as he attempts to pull Foster away from the slippery side,
Foster raises her left leg momentarily, Hiko shouts out, "Take my hand" as he outstretches his left hand to try and grab hold of Foster any way he can.

Hiko shouts again, "Come on!" Hiko leans down slightly as he attempts to take hold of Foster, Foster shakes violently as her legs convulse up and down from her overloaded mind.
Hiko suddenly lowers his left hand down towards Foster - Foster screams loudly with fear

Hiko shouts out loudly, "I got yah" as he finds the strength to pull Foster back in from the ships side. A loud splash of water is heard and seen as Foster flops down closer to Hiko and further away from the edge.

Foster flips around in a 360 degree spin as she faces the ships edge once again. A huge torrent of water flows over the edge creating a Niagara falls effect. Foster flails her arms wildly creating a massive splash of sea water.

Both Hiko and Foster look up into the darkness of night momentarily, Foster jerks with fright as she lets out a high pitched scream, Hiko shouts loudly, "Come on" as he pulls Foster from behind.

Foster falls backwards slightly as she lands on both hands to her right side, Foster looks down the deck to her left before quickly looking back and towards the sea, Hiko falls back slightly as he raises his left leg up in the air momentarily,

Foster has now scrambled to her knees as she faces forward and away from the rough sea, Hiko grabs hold of Fosters back with his left hand as he quickly turns his head and body clockwise. Hiko grimaces as he stays tightly behind Foster, Foster looks to her left briefly, Both Foster and Hiko make there way forward and away from the dangerous edge.

Hiko stands to his feet as he lowers both arms to assist Foster as she slowly moves forward and back towards the ladder. Hiko shouts loudly for Steve's assistance, "Steve." Foster suddenly falls back flat to the floor as she struggles, Hiko also rapidly drops down as he helps Foster to continue.

Another massive wave smashes over the side of the huge ship as it travels in a downwards motion, As the wave subsides the ship begins to slowly raise upwards as it courses through the violent storm. (Tinging of chains is heard)

A loud thud of metal is heard as Foster reaches the ladders, Hiko stands just behind her as he helps her back. Suddenly Hiko swings around clockwise as he faces the sea, (A huge sound of water surge is heard) (Hiko clings to the rungs with both hands." Hiko's hair blusters in the wind..

The "Academic Vladislav Volkov" tilts to the left side as a massive wave hits, A loud sound of sea spray is heard) A massive groaning of stressed steel and metal is heard as the wave pulverises the deck. (Squeaks are heard)

Hiko maintains his position at the bottom of the ladders as the huge wave elopes over him, A few seconds pass and Hiko has been totally engulfed in the wave that he is invisible to Foster and the rest of the crew. Dramatic orchestra plays out) (Loud splashing sounds of water are heard)

Thunder and flashes of lightening pierce the air - As the wave subsides Foster is the only survivor to be seen, Foster screams out loudly, "Hiko" as he is no where to be seen.

Suddenly Hiko can be spotted just a few feet away and has been washed away from the ladders and is heading towards the edge of the ship. Hiko groans loudly as he struggles to find a secure object to cling to. Hiko rests on his stomach as the powerful wave takes him closer to his demise. Hiko groans as he smashes against the right side rail.

Huge amounts of water vapour and spray blast over and through the gap in the broken railings as Hiko fights for survival. Suddenly a much more powerful wave and surge is heard - Suddenly Hiko's right hand appears from the water and rapidly grabs hold of a circular rail loop to the left. Hiko looks over towards Foster as he struggles to stay on board the large vessel. Steve shouts loudly, "Hiko!" as he watches him from a distance.

Water drips from Steve's face as he looks down while descending the ladders, Steve looks rapidly left before looking right and down the steps as a water spray explodes from his face. (Squeaking of metal is heard)

Hiko holds on with all his strength as a massive current of water propels over him, Hiko shouts out with horror and fear, Hiko speaks in Maowi as he prays for repentance) Suddenly another almighty wave hits Hiko head on, Hiko groans Ahhh" as the water hits, Water smothers Hiko from view..

Hiko's right hand is now the only thing left keeping him on deck, Suddenly Hiko groans for the last time as he loses his grip on the railing and disappears over the side.

Hiko still has a strong desire to survive as he leans backwards over the edge, Hiko dangles for a short moment as his life force quickly drains away. Hiko suddenly shouts out "Foster"..as he desperately calls for her aid..

Suddenly Hiko's left hand comes into view as it sticks out of the water, Hiko'sa hand gyrates for a short moment before vanishing from sight. Hiko has now fallen into the pacific ocean and will drown for sure.. A massive torrent of flowing sea water escapes over the side of the ship and is now all that remains of Hiko.

Foster has just witnessed Hiko slipping over the ships edge and has become traumatised, Foster shouts loudly, "Hiko" as she clings to the side rungs with both hands. (Roar of sea water is heard) Water drips off Fosters nose and face, Foster suddenly turns away as she rapidly shakes her head to remove the excess water and sea salt.

Steve has also returned and is still clinging to the ladder a little further up, Steve grimaces with extreme shock as he watches Hiko's last moments alive, Steve quickly looks down towards Foster as he shouts loudly, "Foster" - Steve lowers his right arm as he attempts to pull Foster up the ladders. (Camera pans down).. Foster gasps loudly with shock - Steve shouts out, Come on" as he lowers his hand.

Steve outstretches his right hand as he offers it to the distraught navigator, (Slap sound is heard as Foster rapidly takes hold of Steve's hand) Steve continues to shout loudly as he say's "He's gone" Keep moving" Lightening illuminates Foster's face and the surrounding ship. - Foster looks along the stern towards the bow momentarily, Foster quickly looks up to Steve - Foster gasps loudly as she quickly looks behind her for a fleeting moment. Foster begins to slowly travel up the ladder with Steve's assistance..Rain water lashes Fosters face as she fights the stinging feeling, Foster looks back down and to her right fleetingly as she clings to a rung and ladder. ..Foster takes another step upwards as she looks forward and up to Steve.

Dramatic violins produce the sound score - The "Academic Vladislav Volkov" continues to pound through the water as it lifts up slowly. Material violently sways at the front of the ship, Suddenly another massive wave strikes the ship causing it to explode and rise high into the air. The wave quickly flops back to the water line as the ship maintains it's coordinates.

The front windows for the navigation room are completely soaked as large amounts of rain and sea water drip down across the glass panels. (Flashes of lightening illuminate the glass) Nadia is the first survivor to enter inside the room followed by Foster. Lightening illuminates Foster as her yellow anorak becomes much more visible. Foster grimaces as she holds both hands up and over her head to protect her from the lashing water. (The door to the navigation's room squeaks as it is pushed by the wind and rain.