Richie shines his torch in the direction of the exit door as he prepares to leave the weapons storage room.

Richie turns his head around momentarily as he say's over to Woods "Get the green bag". Hollow echoing sound is heard -

Woods gasps loudly from the stresses of having to carry even more weight, A rattling of weaponry is heard as Woods awkwardly leans down and picks up a green ruck sack that is by his feet, Woods say's with tiredness, "Oh man" as he picks up the heavy bag full of explosives.

Woods strains as he lifts the bag and places it behind his back with his right hand, Woods strains his voice as he say's "Goddamn, "I'm carrying too much". A thud and a rattle of metal is heard as Woods steps forward while carrying an overload of machine guns RPG's, Magazines, and Grenades. Woods speaks again as he follows Richie out of the weapons stash room, "I got a bad latissimus, Richie." 13357. Anatomical terms of muscle. The latissimus dorsi (/ləˈtɪsɪməs ˈdɔːrsaɪ/) is a large, flat muscle on the back that stretches to the sides, behind the arm, and is partly covered by the trapezius on the back near the midline.

A loud squeak is heard as Richie pushes open another steel door deep within the 19,000 ton Russian vessel, Richie has an impulsive urge to explore more of the ship as his paranoia and intrigue take over. Richie quickly shines his flash light into the dimly lit room to see what he can see.

Richie and Woods have become immersed in the mysterious ship as they approach a set of steps that leads into another larger room full of interesting items. Woods say's as he follows Richie from behind, "I'm telling you Richie" - "My back isn't gonna let me do this anymore." - -"I can't deal with it" -(A hissing snake sound is heard) "I get hung up on everything' Richie takes the lead as he cautiously descends the steps while aiming his flashlight just ahead.

As Woods descends the last few steps he say's "I'm telling you", Suddenly Woods begins to throw off some of the heavy duty and very heavy weapons from off of his back, Woods rapidly throws down a sub machine gun with his left hand as he say's with a slightly angry tone, "I gonna get rid of some of this crap". A loud crashing sound of metal is heard as the weapon hits the floor below. Woods rapidly discards another machine gun from his shoulders which he throws off to his left hand side - (Crash of metal is heard) - The sound score is composed of slow and quiet violins that play out a short note.

Richie is in a world of his own as he completely ignores Woods while investigating his surroundings, Richie shines his light over onto some strange metal tubes that have wires and electronic parts attached to them. Richie shines his light forward as he slowly explores further.

A light tapping of feet and the odd click is heard from Woods and Richie as they silently edge further into the stores and machinery room. Richie has spotted something in the darkness as he shines his torch up vertically towards the back wall. Richie say's "Hey Woods , what do you think of this.". Richies voice echoes around the large room - Woods slowly follows behind Richie and say's "I have no idea". (Violins begin to play a slow and eerie chord) -

Richie is fascinated by the contents of the room as he shines his torch ahead. Richie suddenly stops in his tracks as he stands next to a large and very explosive torpedo head. (Richie looks down further) Richie suddenly turns his head right as he focuses his attention on the massive device.

Richie quickly turns his body around clockwise as he faces the explosive, Richie shines his flash light over the torpedo as he sweeps his hand right, Richie begins to take slow steps forward starting with his right foot as he say's out loud "Tactical short-range surface-to-air. Richie sweeps his light back left. Richie is having a field day discovering the secrets that hide within the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" to the displeasure of Helmsmen Woods.

Richie looks at Woods fleetingly as he shakes his head slightly from side to side and produces a wide and happy smile of pleasure, "Richie say's with zeal as he chuckles slightly - "This is beautiful man". Richie is over the moon that he and Woods have discovered a fully operational missile. Woods does not feel the same way as he say's with slight depression, "Oh. I'm thrilled" before walking off behind Richie with flashlight in hand.

Woods continues to move forward as he shines his torch slightly upwards and say's "Can we go now?". Woods does not have the same enthusiasm as Richie for the ships unique artifacts and wants to get to the engine room as quickly as possible. Richie begins to walk forward as he turns his head slightly towards Woods as he say's in quick succession, "In a minute - In a minute" "Look around man". Richie descends a series of metal steps as he explores further. A slow trumpet key is playing that consists of 4 notes - The first note has a length of 5 seconds, Second note is lower down the scale for 3 seconds - third note is lower for 2 seconds, Fourth note is for 5 seconds and is the start note. Woods say's "I am" as he wanders off in another direction to Richie.

A light tapping of feet is heard as Richie steps down the steps while looking up at the ceiling,

A rumbling groaning sound of steel is heard - Richie turns to his right as he reaches the bottom of the steps and shines his torch over a large piece of another torpedo that consists of (1) Exploder (2) Explosive Charge - A tangled mound of loose wires are exposed as a longer piece drapes over the powerful explosive. A purple component that has an abundance of yellow wires attached to it's circuits has been extracted from the torpedo head and lays on the other side of the white shell.

Richie shines his torch down to the side of the torpedo shell as he spots more wire and two long cylinders that have also been removed from the warhead. Richie speaks out to himself as he say's with a cheerful tone of voice. "Hello, Mr Cable." Woods whispers quietly to himself from a distance, "Oh man". Richie continues to shine his torch forward as he explores further.

Richie takes a few more short steps until his light illuminates something of interest yet again, This time Richie has discovered an emergency ejection seat with explosives primed and ready to go. Richie shouts over to Woods and say's, "Hey, Woods, Take a look at this."

Woods say's "What?" as he continues to do his own bit of exploring. Richie stares with complete fascination at the ejection seat as his eyes light up with intense excitement. Woods is behind Richie and still does not have any enthusiasm for Richie's continuous discoveries.

Richie slowly bends down as he lowers his left hand towards the bottom left side of the ejection seat. (Metallic click sound is heard) Richie continues to shine his flash light over the emergency mechanism as he ponders his thoughts.

Woods is slowing making his way towards Richie as he walks along a side floor that has yellow railings along it's perimeter. Woods shines his torch over towards the ejection seat as Richie speaks out on his thoughts on the seat. "It looks like some kind of ejection seat, or escape vehicle." Richie stands motionless as he scrutinizes his discovery,"
A continuous synthesizer key is playing similar to a violin - Richie looks down as his flash light illuminates yet another item of interest. Richie has spotted a large control box with lights and switches on the front. Three thick grey colored cables trail out of the box and are connected to a circuit board that can initiate and activate the seat.

A tap is heard as Richie quickly swoops down and grabs hold of the control box with his right hand, Richie instantly lifts the electronic controller up as his hand grips around the three thick cables. (A winding sound is heard as Richie takes hold of the box) Richie is astounded and very pleased to have found the box as he say's to himself, "Oh, launch buttons" Cool."

Suddenly an echoing sound of hollow tubes reverberates around the room which causes Richie to look up from the box, Richie stares up at the ceiling as he attempts to identify the strange sound.

As Richie looks up he notices a large cylinder type structure that is constructed of solid steel, The cylinder tube is positioned in a vertical direction and is riveted from top to bottom, Tracks align the bottom of the cylinder for the chair to slide effortlessly to the top. This tube is used for the emergency escape chair and is locked and loaded to blast the occupants out of the ships belly and into the Pacific ocean when needed. Richie stands silent and motionless as he shines his torch inside the tube, Suddenly Woods calls out for his buddy, "Richie" Woods voice echoes around.

Richie shouts back over "Yeah" as his voice echoes also from the escape tubes walls. Woods slowly edges forward along the top of the walkway as he shines his torch ahead. Woods has finally found his own area of interest as he he say's 'Look at these doors man". From Woods left side a large steel door is badly buckled and there is a large amount of blood spread out and smeared over the cold and thick steel.

Woods is a little out of breath as he shines his light from the top of the damaged door to the bottom, A slow and somber instrumental score is playing to provide atmosphere, This includes violins and trumpets. This door has seen better days as it's thick steel jolts out broken and warped.

As Woods slowly lowers his flashlight more detail is revealed around the circumstances of the destroyed door. Large amounts of blood is quite visibly smeared around the steel in what appears to be quite a traumatic and ugly scene of escape and survival.

As Woods reaches the bottom of the double doors a far greater amount of blood is visible. One door has been completely pushed open and it has suffered severe bending and warping, Long streaks of claw like scratches are also visible to the door to the right at the bottom left side. A dry spot on the floor below indicates that some kind of object was stationary behind the door for a period of time and only moved off after the blood was spilt.

A thud is heard as Richie rapidly replaces the ejection seat control box back down onto the top of the device, Erie violin melody plays out - Richie suddenly becomes more serious in nature as he turns his head towards Woods while shining his light up and towards the bloodied and buckled doors. A light click is heard as Richie grabs hold of his flashlight with both hands, Richie side steps towards Woods as he suddenly considers Woods find much more important and significant.

Woods shines his light directly down onto the metal grilled floor below as he maintains a stable position, Richie quickly comes over to Woods as he weeps his flash light from side to side. A large amount of fresh blood saturates the steel platform below and is in the process of drying. A mysterious red light illuminates the blood and silver steel paneling as it congregates around the central span of the floor. The light flits left then right and back again as it scans and analyses the components and chemical ingredients of blood and steel mixed together. Woods comments on the gory images in front of him and say's "That's an awful lot of blood, Richie".

A rumbling echoing sound is heard - The camera slowly pans up to reveal Richie who is silent and in deep thought. Richie takes another single step forward towards the bloodied floor as he slowly places a cigarette into his mouth with his left hand. Richie replaces his left hand back to his flash light as he continues to stare down at the gruesome sight. Richie raises his left hand and carefully rests it onto the yellow railings to his left. Richie plays with his cigarette as he moves it slowly around in his mouth. Woods leans down as his mind works some overtime on the possibilities and reasons buckled doors and large amounts of blood have been discovered. Woods turns his head slightly towards Richie fleetingly then back down at the blood as he say's with a serious tone of voice, "Now can we go?" Richie is now convinced Woods knows more than he does as he looks up to him and say's with a worried tone of voice, Yeah! Yeah!. Richie looks back down at the blood as his mind wanders also.

Back in Sick bay Foster is still working on Hiko's injured leg wound, A loud squishing wet sound is heard as Foster stiches up Hiko's leg with some nylon surgical thread and sterile needles that were inside the first aid box Foster retrieved earlier. Foster firmly holds Hiko's wound together with her left thumb and index finger while pulling carefully up with her right thumb and index finger as she tightens the stitch and pulls the wound closer together. Hiko is resting his right hand down onto his leg at the side as he places light pressure over some bandages to help and reduce the flow of bleeding. A ripping tearing sound is heard as Foster pulls up on the thread. The black nylon thread slowly closes in on it's circular length which is crossed like an eight shape. From a distance Captain Everton speaks directly to Foster, He is feeling rather happy and jovial as he say's, "Oh Foster" - Foster replies slightly solemn "Yeah?"

Captain Everton is light on his feet as he sways from right to left while maintaining eye contact with Foster. (Light thud is heard from Evertons feet) (Everton fleetingly looks to his left) Everton say's with enthusiasm, "What are you gonna do with your three million?."

Foster quickly turns and looks at Everton for a fleeting moment as she scoffs loudly at Everton's words, Hiko gasps from a shooting pain in his rectus femoris muscle as he rests his head back more, Foster continues to stich as she glances at Hiko momentarily from his painful breaths. Foster replies with a spark of sense "Uh, I don't have it yet". Hiko holds on tightly with his left hand on to his trouser belt as he tries to shut out the pain. Suddenly Hiko lifts his head back up again. (An echoing and distant sound of hollow tubes is heard)

Captain Everton is silent for a moment in time as he looks on over towards Hiko, Suddenly Everton lifts his head up slightly as he speaks over to Hiko and say's, "What about you, Hiko?". Everton contorts the top part of his lip as he twists his head sharply left while nodding forward towards Hiko. A light tapping of feet is heard as Everton begins to slowly walk towards Foster.

Hiko is tense as he keep his head as still as possible, Hiko veers his eyes right then left, right then left in quick succession as he say's "Uh three million" Hiko takes a deep breath of air as he considers his options. Hiko veers his eyes down towards Foster as he say's "Probably open a school".

Steve Baker is stood by an x-ray projector screen that is displaying twelve images of a human brain at different developmental stages. Steve is slightly shocked and considerably surprised that Hiko would consider wanting to open a school if he received three million dollars in salvage reward. Steve shouts over "A school?" (Blinks) (Hesitates) (Blinks) "For What".

Captain Everton continues to move forward towards Hiko and Foster as he takes four slow and lazy steps before stopping in between the pair. Hiko replies back to Steve as he turns his head slightly and looks at him fleetingly, "Uh. Kura Kaupapa", Hiko hunches his left shoulder as he looks away from Steve and up to a far corner of the room. Hiko continues, "You Know", I think it would be a good choice - (Shakes head left slightly) Lot's of little kids running around, Foster looks up to Hiko fleetingly) (Nods slightly several times) reading writing learning Māori." (Foster looks back to Hiki fleetingly) Foster rapidly jerks her right shoulder as she continues to stitch up Hiko. Everton pulls a circular cracker from his left side jacket pocket as he looks at Hiko.
Kura Kaupapa Māori are Maori-language immersion schools (kura) in New Zealand where the philosophy and practice reflect Maori cultural values with the aim of revitalising Maori language, knowledge and culture. The term Kaupapa Māori is used popularly by Māori to mean any particular plan of action created by Māori to express Māori aspirations, values and principles. The establishment of Kura Kaupapa Māori schools followed a 1971 report by researcher Richard Benton that the Māori language was in a critical near-death stage. By the 1980s Māori communities "were so concerned with the loss of Māori language, knowledge and culture that they took matters into their own hands and set up their own learning institutions at pre-school, elementary school, secondary school and tertiary levels" (G Smith 2003:6-7)
Written in the Māori language, Te Aho Matua o nga Kura Kaupapa Māori are the principles Kura Kaupapa Māori are required to adhere to. The principles are underpinned by Māori values, beliefs and customs. On Thursday 21 January 2008, Te Aho Matua along with an explanation in English was published in the New Zealand Gazette by the late Parekura Horomia. When Te Aho Matua was introduced into parliament to become legislated, an English explanation was written by Dr Katerina Mataira.
Te Aho Matua has six sections:
Te Ira Tangata (the human essence), affirms the nature of the child as a human being with spiritual, physical and emotional requirements
Te Reo (language), deals with language policy and how the schools can 'best advance the language learning of their children'
Ngā Iwi (people), focuses on 'the social agencies which influence the development of children, in short, all those people with whom they interact as they make sense of their world and find their rightful place within it'
Te Ao (the world), deals with 'the world which surrounds children and about which there are fundamental truths which affect their lives'
Ahuatanga Ako (circumstances of learning), 'provides for every aspect of good learning which the whānau feel is important for their children, as well as the requirements of the national curriculum'
Ngā Tino Uaratanga (essential values), 'focuses on what the outcome might be for children who graduate from Kura Kaupapa Māori' and 'defines the characteristics which Kura Kaupapa Māori aim to develop in their children'

Foster say' softly "That's sweet" as she continues to fix Hiko's leg - Hiko begins to smile as he looks back to Foster and say's "Yeah, it's a dreamy thing." Captain Everton smiles at Hiko before biting down on his cracker which produces a loud crunching sound, The sound causes Hiko to fleetingly look towards Everton before looking back down to Foster. As Everton bites down on his snack a small piece breaks away and falls to the floor below. The sound of echoing hollow pipes is heard - As Everton furiously munches on his cracker he suddenly looks down and to his left - Everton say's "How about you Baker?". Everton holds the remainder of his snack out in front of him as he looks back to Steve. Steve considers his options as he say's from a distance "Oh".

Steve hunches his face as he raises his eyebrows and is a little unsure on what he would spend his money on, Steve turns away from the X-ray projector screen as he faces the rest of the group and say's "I don't know." (Blinks) Steve hesitates as he takes a breath of air before saying "Always loved the sea" (Blinks) (Steps back a single step on his right foot) Steve hunches his shoulders as he frowns while considering his options, Steve looks up at the ceiling to his right and hesitates for a few seconds. Steve looks back to the group as he say's, "Probably buy an Island". Steve begins to turn clockwise as he faces a series of steel and grey colored cabinets.

A series of metallic clanks is heard - (Clank) (Rumble of Steel) Clank - Steve has just opened the double cabinet doors from a distance. Everton walks past Foster - Foster looks up to Steve fleetingly as she say's "Oh Yeah!".

Stevie looks down into the grey colored cabinet as Foster shouts over "Does it have a beach?" Steve hesitates for a moment before turning around to face Foster again and say's with enthusiasm and zeal, "Beautiful white sand"

Stevie continues, "Hammock, Sailboat". Foster is carefully stitching Hiko's leg as she suddenly pulls back on the needle with her left hand. Foster tilts her head slightly left as she leans forward slightly and begins to rapidly shake her hand as she tightens the thread in Hiko's leg. Hiko begins to feel the pain once more as he takes in a deep breath and shakes his head forward slightly. Hiko closes his eyes fleetingly as he leans his head back before veering his eyes slightly left then up at the ceiling. Hiko lets out a low level moan as Foster pulls tightly on the thread. Foster goes back into her stitching process once again as she shouts over "What about a house?"

Steve shouts back over, "What about a villa?" Hiko suddenly looks back down to Foster who is doing a fine job in stitching Hiko's wound back together. Hiko keep his lips tightly closed as he endures the continuous pain in his leg.

Steve continues as he shouts back to Foster - "Thatched roof" Stevie slowly turns in a clockwise motion as he takes two single steps on his right leg first and then his left, Stevie continues, "Overlooking a lagoon". Steve looks up as he veers his eyes left at something in the distance. From a distance Foster looks at Hiko fleetingly before returning her concentration to the crewmen's leg. Foster pulls up again on the needle as she shakes her right hand up to tighten the stitches once again. (An echoing sound of hollow pipes is heard) -

A silver surveillance camera high above Stevie's head has now caught his attention, Foster shouts back "It sounds nice". The camera is static and is motionless and silent.

The sounds of hollow echoing pipes and steel continues to be heard - Stevie leans his head slightly right as he stares up at the Camera system, Stevie's face produces a questionable mind as he ponders over the camera and where the signal is travelling to. Hiko has suddenly improved his condition from the friendly banter as he say's with a hint of sarcasm, "Yeah That's lovely"

Hiko turns his head towards Stevie as he raises his eyebrows and say's "When are you too getting married".

The sarcastic comment from Hiko has now upset Foster but in a kind and funny way, Foster shouts softly "Hey" as she puts slight pressure on Hiko's leg and instantly looks up to him with raised eyebrows and a smirking grin. Hiko jerks slightly as he let's out a loud groan of pain from Fosters friendly but painful hand pressure.

Captain Everton is stood by the exit door to the sick bay room and has also found Hiko's comment rather amusing. Everton jerks his head up rapidly as he chuckles loudly from Foster and Hiko's situation. Everton looks down as he continues to smile while rolling his tongue in his mouth - Hiko shouts out, "Gee! - Take it easy mate!" as he expresses his thoughts to Foster.

Stevie has broken his concentration with the camera surveillance system and has decided to investigate the contents of a stainless steel refrigeration unit that is situated at the bottom of the sick bay room. Foster is heard saying back to Hiko, No, You take it easy, mate" as she fires back at Hiko's unexpected satire. Steve is in a good mood as he smiles while closing his eyes almost closed, Steve turns slowly in a clockwise motion as he faces the group once more, Steve reaches out for the refrigerator's door handle with his left hand as he faces away from the freezer.

Steve looks ahead towards Hiko with a smile on his face as he pushes down on the door handle to the freezer, A loud clank of steel is heard as the door slowly slides open.

Without warning an incredible bang of fast moving steel is heard as an intruder wearing a green gas mask blue overalls and dirtied white gloves suddenly explodes out from the refrigerator unit. The intruder pushes with all there might against the inside of the door with both hands and body too produce as much force and surprise as possible. Steve groans loudly as the thick steel door slams hard into his body knocking him flying to the ground just behind the door. The refrigeration door stops dead in its tracks as it rests against a dazed and totally disorientated Stevie. The intruder has not surprised them for a tea party as the unidentifiable individual is armed with a sub machine gun. Without mercy the intruder begins to fire there weapon at a rapid rate of attack as they step out of the freezer space. The machine gun burns an intense white as hundreds of bullets explode out of the barrel at supersonic speed.

Everyone in sick bay has now been taken by surprise by the armed and hostile intruder, For sometime the unknown enemy has been hiding in the refrigerator waiting for a moment to strike but has been forced to open fire from Steves inquisitive actions. Foster and Hiko grimace as the bullets explode in all directions,

Large glass cabinets that store medical supplies are completely obliterated into thousands of pieces of glass as the bullets strike the back wall. Both Foster and Hiko duck under the medical couch as they crash to the floor below.

The entire room lights up a blinding and intense white illumination as the bullets continue to pound the cabinets from a distance. Shrapnel, glass, wood, and everything else explodes out in all directions as the intruder continues there wrath.

Foster lands heavily on her side as she uses her hands and arms in an attempt to shield herself from the surprise attack. Large amounts of glass fall down from the cabinets above and scatter onto the ground and over Foster and Hiko as they try to survive. (A tremendous rumble of noise is generated from the onslaught)

Stevie has managed to get back to his feet as he grimaces from just behind the refrigerator door, The intruder maintains a focused and static position as they continue to unleash hundreds of bullets into the glass cabinets.

The enemy suddenly begins to sweep there machine gun right and along the glass cabinets to generate maximum damage and carnage, The glass fronts explode into millions of pieces as bandages and other items collapse to the bottom of the shelvings panels. Flashes of a bright white light strobe the room as the bullets rage from the enemies weapon.

The enemy is intent on causing as much damage as possible as they spray bullets in every direction.

Cabinet shelving instantly loses it's strength as it drops to the frame below resulting in all medical supplies collapsing into an uneven pile of waste, Bottles and jars of medicine explode out from the cabinets as the bullets come thick and fast.

The earth-shattering noise continues as the cabinets disintegrate into millions of pieces of glass and wood. A pounding and rhythmic blast of heavy violins produces the sound score.

Captain Foster is still stood by the sick bay exit as he watches the cabinets explode, Suddenly Everton turns his head away from the glistening glass as he quickly kneels down in an attempt to shield himself from the bullets and flying shrapnel.

The enemy intruder is totally out of control as they continue to shoot forward at everything in the room.

Hiko has wrapped his body around Foster as the pair continue to survive underneath the medical couch. Bandages, glass, wood, metal and everything else propels out from the cabinets and into the room at super high speed, Nothing is spared as the bullets pummel the room.

The enemy continues to sweep their weapon along the length of the cabinets to produce maximum damage, Hundreds of medical products cascade out from their storage compartments as they fall to the floor below, Nothing has been spared as the intruder continues to obliterate the room into a million and one pieces.

Suddenly Stevie retaliates from behind the refrigeration door as he selfishly attempts to stop the enemy in their tracks. Stevie grimaces as he holds his shotgun with both hands before swinging his arms back and hoping for the best.

Steve grunts loudly as he hits the enemy with all his strength over there outstretched arms, A loud thud is heard as Steve's shotgun strikes down heavily onto the enemies hands with the barrel end.

The force of Stevie's attack causes the enemy to relinquish their weapon as it falls to the floor below. Steve has not finished as he swings his weapon back for another powerful body blow.

Stevie shouts with all his might as he strikes the enemy hard into their face using the butt of his shotgun. (Thud is heard)

A loud rattling and rumbling is heard as the gas mask wearing intruder falls abruptly backwards into the refrigeration unit, The enemy shakes their head furiously as they become completely knocked out and unconscious from the powerful attack by Steve. A high-pitched squeaking sound is heard as the intruder slides back and down the freezers inside back wall with arms held above their head.

Steve stares at the enemy for a fleeting moment before suddenly turning around in a clockwise motion towards the loud sounds of a distressed Hiko - Hiko shouts out to Foster "AHH, Get of my leg" Foster has been laying on Hiko's leg while they were down on the floor. Steve looks back again towards Foster and Hiko fleetingly as he continues to focus his attention on the gas mask wearing enemy.

Foster is alert as she rapidly stands to her feet while aiming her handgun towards the refrigeration unit, Hiko is struggling to stand with his unfinished and wounded leg injury as he continues to groan and grimace.

Hiko looks down at his leg as he stands up and say's Aw geez as he slowly regains his mental stability, Foster is taking no chances as she quickly makes her way forward as she holds her gun out in front of her,

Everton suddenly moves away from the door as he comes back into the sick bay area with pistol in hand. Drums and trumpets are heard to provide atmosphere.

Stevie reaches down with his left hand and slowly and carefully begins to pull out the unconcious enemy with there right ankle. A rumbling rubbing sound is heard as the intruder is carefully slid across the floor while Steve pulls hard on there ankle.

The blue boiler suit wearing enemy effortlessly slides across the floor as Steve pulls hard.

Steve grimaces as he looks down fleetingly at the enemies' ankle before looking up and down at the intruders obscured face. Foster grimaces with intense feelings of anger as she slowly edges forward with gun in hand, Both Hiko and Everton slowly make their way forward as they ponder on whom the intruder could possibly be. A loud thud is heard as Steve suddenly drops the enemies foot back to the floor below.

Foster breathes heavily as she kneels down beside the intruder while aiming her gun at there head.

Steve is tense and extremely nervous as he blinks with a fear and emotions, Steve bends down closer to the enemy as he attempts to discover who they might be.

Steve bends his right forearm around as he grabs hold of the illusive green gas mask that is obscurring the enemies face. Steve jiggles the mask a few times at the bottom before pulling it up and over the intruders face.

A puffing of rubber and materials is heard as the mask slips off from the enemy, A low level thud sound is heard as the gas mask is discarded just above the intruders head. The enemies' hair spills out from the tight bonds of the mask as her head lifts up fleetingly from the pressure of Steve's hand. Unknown to the Sea Star crew the unconscious female has a striking resemblance to Chief Science Officer Nadia Vinogradova, She was onboard the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" when the alien entity exploded down onto the ships surface. Nadia has survived the traumatic ordeal but why is she attacking the Sea Star crew and where are the rest of the Russian vessels' personnel.

Steve is shocked and completely mesmerised that a woman is responsible for the carnage and destruction of the sick bay room, Steve stares down at the unknown woman as he attempts to find a solution to his dilemma. Steve suddenly looks up and over towards Foster as his mouth opens wide and his thoughts race through his mind.

All is silent inside sick bay as Foster glances over towards Steve with a face of confusion, Foster suddenly looks back down at the female intruder as she also attempts to piece the puzzle together.

A high pitched synthesizer key is heard infused with mellow violin chords - Hiko stares at the woman as he also ponders why she opened fire on him and the others.

Everton sways on his feet slightly as he suddenly say's with serious concern, "Is she dead?"

Steve instantly checks the unconscious woman's pulse with his left hand as he attempts to discover if she is dead or sleeping. The woman's green collars gyrate fleetingly as Steve's hand and fingers push gently on the females exposed neck.

Steve quickly lifts his head up as he turns towards Captain Everton and shakes his head rapidly, Steve is out of breath as he says over to Everton "No". Steve quickly looks back down at the unconscious female as he continues to feel for her pulse.

Everton is solemn and quiet as he instantly raises his gun and releases the firing pin from the weapon. A low level clicking is heard (3 clicks) as Everton turns away from Steve before looking back at the woman while placing his weapon into his right side jacket pocket. Everton tilts his head left as he looks up at the ceiling while sighing with disappointment, Everton then looks further to his left and over towards the destroyed cabinets. Captain Everton has plans to salvage the ship but that can only be possible if no one is found alive on the vessel.

An eerie synthesizer key provides the atmosphere as Richie and Woods continue to explore the "Academic Vladislav Volkovs" massive interior. Both crewmen have now entered into another room of the ship that has a vast amount of wires and piped protruding from the ceiling and walls. Richie shines his torch forward before quickly turning to his right, A low level clanking of feet is heard as the pair explore further. Richie looks up at the ceiling as he directs his flash light up to illuminate the dark atmosphere, wires and thick pipes sway and gyrate as Richie and Woods push pass them, Suddenly both men turn to face forward as Woods say's "What's this shit. Richie?." A large grey pipe rests on Woods left side neck as he communicates with Richie.

In the distance a large electrical cable that contains thousands of multi coloured wires has been completely severed with a sharp instrument. Richie speaks and say's "Somebody doesn't like electricity, Woodsy". Suddenly a bright plume of hot and white sparks emits from the right side fray of cables. Hot flecks of intense luminance eject out from the severed cables which lights up the dark area for a fleeting moment, A cascade of grey smoke seeps from the wires producing a burnt and toxic odour from within the room.

Richie is keen to explore further as he instantly makes his way forward while saying "Come on' to Woods. Richie takes the lead as the two men venture deeper into unknown territory.

A loud crunching and scrunching sound of pipes is heard as the two crewmen take cautious but awkward steps forward, the thick and tangled maze of thick copper pipes and electrical cabling creates a certain claustrophobia as it sways gently. Woods speaks over to Richie which has a slight echo attached to it, "Well, it looks like somebody tried to rewire the ship."

Richie and Woods slowly make progress as they pass the thick cascade of pipes and wires that drape down like a cauldron of black samba snakes. More loud clacking sounds are heard as the crewmen push aside the obstructive cables one at a time, Richie turns his head towards Woods and say's softly, "You Okay". Woods shines his torch erratically from left to right as he say,s "Yeah, I'm Alright."

Back in sick bay Captain Everton and his crew are slowly recovering from there trauma, Steve has managed to rest Nadia against a stainless steel worktop as she continues to sleep. Everton is not taking any chances as he points his weapon at the unconscious assailant. Suddenly Everton brings his pistol away from the unknown woman as he points it up and close to his chest. Everton continues to watch the female sleeping just in case she wakes up. Foster suddenly say's from a distance "So that's done" as she finishes off the stitching on Hiko's injured leg.

As Everton watches Nadia Hiko is heard from a distance saying, "So what's all this weird stuff she's got in her bag?"

A rumbling and rummaging of materials is heard as Hiko searches through Nadia's ruck sack with both hands. Hiko produces a black metal box which has red wires protruding out from the top, Hiko pulls out a keyring and pen, A slap sound is head as Hiko touches the side of the box with his left hand before discarding the items to the medical couch below. Foster looks down at Hiko's leg as she ensures that the medical procedure has been completed successfully.

Captain Everton turns in a clockwise motion as he rests his back against a series of metal bunk beds, Everton rests his arms outstretched along the top steel bars of the bunk bed as he holds his pistol in his right hand. Steve pulls up his left shirt's sleeve as he bends down towards his green ruck sack that has been planted onto the bottom of the first set of bunk beds. Steve lifts up the ruck sack with his left followed by his right hand as he opens the top and looks down inside at the contents. Everton stares over to his right, Foster rests both of her hands onto Hiko's wound as she carefully pats down on his injury. As Hiko continues to rummage through Nadia's bag he says "She's got Videotapes, Cigarettes, Hiko becomes slightly confused as he says "What's this - Hairspray?" as he pulls more items from the bag. Everton puts his right leg out slightly,

Suddenly Hiko removes a large and highly dangerous Grenade from out of Nadia's rucksack that was nestled between her hairspray and other essential items, A small white packet of prescription medication is also brought out of the rucksack as Hiko searches through, Foster is holding a small length of tape in her hand which she has removed from Hiko's leg wound, Foster holds the tape in her hand as she stretches it out while watching Hiko's rummaging, Suddenly Foster raises her right hand out towards the green paint coated Grenade as she shouts out with a serious tone of voice, "Hey watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out" in quick succession as she warns Hiko of the dangerous and highly volatile item he now has in his possession. Hiko instantly raises his hands up as he produces not one but two Grenades' in his hands, Hiko looks down at the Grenades as he ponders his thoughts, Foster puts her right hand over the Grenades as she say's, "Thermite grenades". The prescription drugs slip through the center of the grenades and back inside the ruck sack.

Colin Furze, a real-life mad scientist has a liking for building things that often blow up and create mayhem. UK YouTuber Colin regularly makes bizarre devices for his YouTube channel. Colin’s whose hobbies include pyrotechnics and cannons has designed an impossibly dangerous-looking thermite cannon. He has just posted a video of YouTube, which is a homemade pneumatic launcher that pushes lit canisters of thermite. Thermite is a horrid chemical composition made of metal power and oxide that burns as hot as 2500 Celsius, which when ignite you do not want to be anywhere near it. Colin’s latest invention is a huge cannon that is ignited by thermite, a chemical composition made of metal power and oxide that burns as hot as 4,532 degrees Fahrenheit. According to United Nuclear, ignited thermite has the potential to produce a temperature of over 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit while producing a healthy dose of molten metal. Additionally, lighting thermite requires a heat source of roughly 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit to incite a reaction and won’t light via an ordinary safety fuse — hence, Furze opts for the strip of magnesium (as seen in the video). Colin's weapon uses a series of switches that independently load, light, and launch the thermite, which guarantees that the payload doesn’t burn prematurely and make Furze an amputee, or maybe worse.

Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder, which serves as fuel, and metal oxide. When ignited by heat, thermite undergoes an exothermic reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as black powder. Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminium is common because of its high boiling point and low cost. Oxidizers include bismuth(III) oxide, boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, Iron(III) Oxide, Iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV) oxide. The reaction, also called the Goldschmidt process, is used for thermite welding, often used to join railway tracks. Thermites have also been used in metal refining, disabling munitions, and in incendiary weapons. Some thermite0like mixtures are used as pyrotechnic initiators in fireworks. Metals can burn under the right conditions, similar to the combustion process of wood or gasoline. In fact, rust is the result of oxidation of steel or iron at very slow rates. A thermite reaction is a process in which the correct mixture of metallic fuels combine and ignite. Ignition itself requires extremely high temperatures. Often, strips of magnesium metal are used as fuses. Thermite hand grenades and charges are typically used by armed forces in both an anti-material role and in the partial destruction of equipment; the latter being common when time is not available for safer or more thorough methods. For example, thermite can be used for the emergency destruction of cryptographic equipment when there is a danger that it might be captured by enemy troops. A classic military use for thermite is disabling artillery pieces, and it has been used for this purpose since World War II, such as at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy. Thermite can permanently disable artillery pieces without the use of explosive charges, and therefore thermite can be used when silence is necessary to an operation. This can be done by inserting one or more armed thermite grenades into the breech and then quickly closing it; this welds the breech shut and makes loading the weapon impossible. Alternatively, a thermite grenade discharged inside the barrel of the gun fouls the barrel, making the weapon dangerous to fire. Thermite can also weld the traversing and elevation mechanism of the weapon, making it impossible to aim properly. Thermite usage is hazardous due to the extremely high temperatures produced and the extreme difficulty in smothering a reaction once initiated. Small streams of molten iron released in the reaction can travel considerable distances and may melt through metal containers, igniting their contents. Additionally, flammable metals with relatively low boiling points such as zinc (with a boiling point of 907 °C, which is about 1,370 °C below the temperature at which thermite burns) could potentially spray superheated boiling metal violently into the air if near a thermite reaction. During World War II, both German and Allied incendiary bombs used thermite mixtures. Incendiary bombs usually consisted of dozens of thin thermite-filled canisters (bomblets) ignited by a magnesium fuse. Incendiary bombs created massive damage in many cities due to fires started by the thermite. Cities that primarily consisted of wooden buildings were especially susceptible. These incendiary bombs were utilized primarily during night time air raids.

Captain Everton is watching Hiko and Foster from a distance, Suddenly Everton becomes interested in Hiko's find as he lifts his shoulders and head up. Hiko say's "What?" with a confused state of mind having not being to familiar with the incendiary devices.

Stevie turns his head towards Hiko and say's "Thermite",

Hiko is silent as he carefully listens to Steve, Stevie say's with enthusiasm, "One of those things blows",

Stevie looks down at the floor then back to Hiko as he say's, "Burn a hole right through the deck, (Nods forward slightly) Be careful". Steve begins to tuck his brown jumper into his trousers from behind his back - Light ruffling of material is head)

A jingling of metal is heard as Foster outstretches her right hand and takes hold of one of the thermite charges with thumb and index finger, Foster say's softly, "Be careful" really careful". Foster turns the grenade a quarter turn anti clockwise as she scrutinizes it for a fleeting moment, Foster looks back up to Hiko as she places the grenade back inside Nadia's rucksack. As Hiko looks down into the ruck sack he say's softly and with slight sarcasm, "What's she trying to do? Sink the ship?." (Hiko looks back up) Foster lowers her hands by her side as she continues to look at Hiko momentarily before looking down at his leg injury which has now been completely stitched up and bandaged.

Steve begins to take a few short steps along the bunk beds while facing away from the rest of the group as he attempts to make contact with Squeaky on his radio mic. A static pop is heard as Steve speaks into his radio receiver, "Squeaky, Talk to me." Steve slowly turns his head anti clockwise as he looks back towards Everton, Foster and Hiko.

Hiko looks down as he closes Nadia's rucksack with both hands, A rattling of steel is heard as Foster rapidly stands up from her seat, Foster say's to Hiko. "How does it feel?" referring to his leg injury. Hiko replies as he nods rapidly towards her, "It's good, Thanks." Foster turns in a clockwise motion as she faces the stainless steel worktops. Foster is holding a small roll of surgical nylon thread in her left hand which she passes to her right.

Captain Everton continues to stand by the double bunk beds as he say's over to Hiko with concern, "Are you gonna be able to walk?". Everton is static as he rests his back.

Hiko is resting his hands on top of the medical couch as he turns his head slightly towards Everton while veering his eyes right, Hiko say's with a soft tone of voice, "Yeah, I'll-I'll be okay.". Hiko is not in the best of moods as he picks up his green jacket from the couch which Stevie had thrown over to him earlier on. Foster pushes down with her left hand onto a bottle of hand sanitizer as she begins to run her hands furiously together to remove Hiko's bodily fluids. Foster suddenly looks behind towards Hiko fleetingly before opening the lid to a silver box of surgical hand wipes with her right hand. The box lays at an awkward angle on the surface of the stainless steel worktop having been shot from the wall by Nadia earlier on. A metallic click sound is heard as the door to the box effortlessly slides open towards the direction of the wall. - No sound score

Foster looks down and into the void momentarily as she removes a hand wipe from the box before quickly closing the lid back closed. A scrunching of material is heard as Foster looks down to a sleeping Nadia as she vigorously wipes her left hand with the cloth that is in her right. Foster wipes the front of her left hand before rapidly turning it over to clean the palm side, Foster then cleans her right hand in a quick motion of hand movements.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Stevie is still attempting to contact Squeaky on his radio, Stevie has made his way over to the open refrigerator unit that Nadia burst out of earlier, Stevie faces away from Everton, Foster and Hiko as he say's, "Squeak, Que Pasa (What's up) in Spanish) - Buddy?" A popping static is heard from the radio.

A deep and rumbling vibrating sound is heard from within the engine room where Squeaky once was, Squeaky's radio mic lays undisturbed on the table top along with a brown coffee cup.

The camera slowly pans up as Squeaky's radio becomes blurred, Steve is heard on Squeaks radio mic "Where the hell are you, man?". The room is silent and there are no moving wires or sounds of any kind.

High pitched violin chords provide an eerie atmosphere - Steve turns slightly anti clockwise towards the open refrigerator and has become rather angry and frustrated at the silence of Squeaky. A tinny and hollow ping is heard as Steve rapidly slams the refrigeration door closed with his left hand, Steve shouts out "Shit" as his vexation get's the better of him. The silver metal shakes furiously for a fleeting second as the door firmly closes. Light wavers and bends from the reflective coating of the fridge. Steve looks down at his radio as he slowly turns back around towards the fridge door once again, (Light thud of feet is heard) Steve stops as he looks forward and along the floor as he speaks before turning his head back clockwise so that he faces away from the fridge. Steve speaks with an irritable anger "Richie Woods , come back."

Richie and Woods are now deep inside the ship as they continue to explore the labyrinth of passageways and rooms, Both crewmen are now making there way slowly down a long and very high compartment that has an abundance of draping and protruding cables and wires. The area is no longer recognizable since the Alien sentinel took over the repairs and maintenance of the ship. A pale blue luminance shines down from the ceiling as it reveals the tangled mess of severed and whole cables that now have no purpose to the function of the ship. As Stevie contacts Richie the crewmen is overwhelmed by the incredible rooms and items that lay in dust and darkness, Richie say's with excitement, "Steve, this ship's got a missile room!".

As the silhouettes of Richie and Woods come closer through the darkness, the thick and obtrusive cables are pushed aside by the two men as they make progress, Steve has become irritated and angry as he replies back to Richie, "I don't give a damn about any missiles." Richie and Woods shine there lights up and down as they carefully clamber over the dangerous electrified cables. A light scrunching of feet is heard - Richies voice echoes in the pale darkness.

Steve paces up and down as he say's "I left Squeaky in the engine room." Steve turns anti clockwise as he faces in the other direction, "And he's not answering, so get the hell down there." Steve paces back the other way. Pop of static from Steve's radio is heard -

Richies voice echoes loudly "Yeah Yeah - We hear you!" Richie steps over a large pile of tangled and twisted cables as he navigates forward, Woods pushes obtrusive and overhanging cables away from his face and body as he also clambers over and around the thick and awkward wires. Steve continues on his radio - By the way we've got a crew member up here, who just unloaded an Uzi on us, so you better watch your ass." - Richie replies - Yeah, copy that." A high pitched and continous synthesizer key is heard to provide atmosphere.

Woods heavy load of weapons and ammunitions is also proving to be a challenge as they snag on the loose and flailing cables, Woods holds his flashlight in his right hand which he uses to remove low and blocking wires, As Woods strikes out at the mess of knotted power cables they swing and sway from there attachment to the ceiling. Richie stands motionless briefly as he waits for Woods to catch up, Richie shines his light right then left as he lights the way forward.

Steve is on a mission as he quickly grabs hold of his high powered shotgun with his right hand that is resting on the top of a bunk bed. Steve begins to walk forward and past Captain Everton who is still resting his back to the end bed. Steve say's "I'm going to the engine room."

As Steve walks past Everton the Captain say' softly, "We'll see you on the bridge."

A light scuffling from Steve's feet is heard as he suddenly turns clockwise to face Everton briefly, Foster calls out for Steve - "Steve?", which cause Steve to look in her direction.

Foster has a serious tone of voice as she say's "Watch your back!" Hiko is just behind Foster and is adjusting his green overcoat that Steve gave him earlier.

Steve is silent and motionless as he stares at Foster while considering her sensible words. Suddenly Steve moves off towards the exit as he smiles while closing his eyes slightly.

Richie and Woods have finally reached the bottom of the corridor after navigating through tons of tangled cables and wires, Richie breathes heavily as he approaches a door well while sticking his shotgun out through the space and into another room full of mangled and destroyed electrics and machinery. A light tapping of feet is heard from Richie that has a slight echo to the sound - Richie shines his powerful flashlight up at the ceiling as he slowly builds up a mental picture of the new room. Richie looks to his left and then to his right as he slowly moves forward.

Richie suddenly takes a large step forward with his right leg as his inquisitive mind takes over, Richie looks to his left as he shines his torch up and in that direction. Woods silently follows behind Richie as he shines his torch forward. This room is also a destroyed mess of mangled and twisted cables and half finished electrical projects.

High pitched violins provide atmosphere, Richie sweeps his flashlight right as he illuminates the wrecked and twisted room for it's contents. A wall mounted terminal is the first item to brightly light up, it reveals the sensitive electrical machinery has undergone a significant upgrade with protruding wires trailing down, missing panels and severed wires. Larger pipes and cables hang from the ceiling and have been literally ripped out from there static position inside the ceiling bulk head. A light tapping of feet is heard from Richie and Woods.

Richie continues to sweep right as another smaller pink colored electronic panel has also suffered the same fate. Thousands of multi colored wires drape down and have been severed in half completely depleting the circuit boards objective. Unless the ships engineers were in the process of a refit this state of repair is susceptible to investigation.

Richie turns anti clockwise a quarter turn as he looks up at the ceiling while shining his light in that direction. Richie continues to observe the ceiling as he sweeps his light more to his right,

Suddenly Richie looks forward as he shines his light ahead and into the distance. Woods looks all around before facing the same direction as Richie. Light metallic thuds are heard from Woods. High pitched violin continues to play.

Richie has lit up a schematic diagram for a simple circuit board, Inside the technology room circuit diagrams are used to help electrical and electronic engineers build there circuit boards. Richie hovers his flashlight around the large red colored Russian text as he moves around in a circular clockwise motion. Richie moves his hand from left to right as he slowly lowers his flashlight down and over the blue schematic diagram. The electrical machine that is installed here provides a circuit schematic to help engineers fix the system when it breaks down and to replace parts.

Richie suddenly speaks and say's "Hey Woods, You comprehend this Cyrillic crap?". Woods scrunches his eyes as he attempts to focus on the large blue schematic.

Woods hesitates then say's "It's just like (Woods hunches as he turns his head slightly right,) chicken scratches to me." Two bright white lights move around the red Russian text and blue diagram as the two men shine there torches over it.

Richie and Woods continue to observe the circuit diagram as they ponder there thoughts. Suddenly a large black shape appears from out of no where. The black shape shoots up from the ground and begins to produce a frightening and very loud sound of squealing pigs in distress. This unexpected situation causes Richie and Woods to jump out of there socks from the fast and unprepared meeting. Woods screams out with intense shock and fright from the sudden attack. "Oh Jesus"

In front of the circuit schematic is now a flying and buzzing robot that has a large halogen light for a head. The flying robot entity floats up into the air before slowly coming down again before it repeats the procedure. Two bright circular red traffic colored lights move from side to side with a continuous rhythm, Two unlit lights above the dual red lights move in an up and down motion as long tentacles shake and dangle from it's lower circuits. A bright orange light flits across the belly of the robot with a left and right motion before moving lower and to the side. A loud high pitched buzzing sound is heard as the internal components of the robotic creation twist and hum at high speed. Suddenly the bright white circular light that has the appearance of a head lights up. Woods shouts out with fear and fright - "Richie, Richie help me" - A large and tightly constructed cable is attached to the tail of the robot and is providing power to it's circuits.

Richie stares in fascination at the flying chunk of robotic steel and makeshift circuitry that has been looted from the ships vast reserves of materials. Woods yells loudly from a distance as he attempts to find mental stability,

The robotic creation has no programme to stop flying or to cease the very noisy and irritating buzzing sound that it produces. Richie watches as the flying machine hovers just above him while illuminating his face with bright and intense light. Richie can take no more of the flying light show as he suddenly hits the robot as hard as he can with the barrel of his shotgun. (Loud thud is heard) Richie shouts out loudly "Damn' as he smashes his weapon into the buzzing pest. The robot rapidly shoots off to Richie's left as it takes the full force of Richie's anger and frustrations.

A loud rattling metallic sound is heard as the flying pest hits the ground, A loud thud is then heard as the robotic creation hits a yellow and black striped step that leads to another area stopping it dead in it's tracks. An electronic boing sound is heard infused with a winding down of moving parts as the robot strikes the floor below. A fizzing sound is now heard as the insect shaped wings of the robot flutter in an out before depleting of energy. Electric Blue lights and the halogen lamp maintain power.

Richie is dissatisfied with the one singular strike to the robot and wants to shut it down permanently. Richie has no time to play with this device as he quickly pumps his shotgun with a fast downwards motion of the hand. Richie aims and discharges a shell directly into the decked machine at point blank range. Woods cowers back as he watches the show while holding both flashlights. A loud blast of explosive air and metal is heard as Richie unleashes his fury upon the uninvited guest.

The flying phenomena rests just before the explosive hits. A highly explosive blast of orange vapor trails and light emit from the robots tail as the shell impacts the metal shell.

A massive shower of hot sparks and flecks of explosive trails obliterate the robotic creation as the shell implodes into it's sensitive circuitry and steel construction.

A short moment later and the intense light decreases to reveal a shattered and damaged shell. Patters of steel are heard as the hot embers hit the metal suface below.

The robot has been built to a high standard and does not seem to inflicted by the explosive shotgun shell, Maybe this flying object can live another day before it is repaired by alien intervention.

Woods quickly places his hands over his ears from the tremendous noise of the shotgun as it explodes out into a confined space. Richie is not content with the damage he has caused as he instantly fires another shell into the defenseless flying robot. A loud sound of fast moving steel is heard as Richie reloads his shotgun once again before opening fire - A loud and almighty bang sound is heard - Fire heat and light propel out of Richie's shotgun barrel as he strikes down onto the steel and components.

The robot is damaged but Richie wants to destroy the creation as his anger and frustrations build.

A highly explosive blast of orange vapor trails and light emit from the robots tail as the shell impacts the metal shell.

A high pitched jingle sound is heard as the robotic components burn up from inside the shell,

An intense white light swamps the robot resulting in a flash of hot and explosive sparks. A shattering of internal components and metal is heard.

A loud fizzing sound is heard as the robot shakes and gyrates rapidly from the powerful explosives, The sparks and light quickly vanish to reveal a tough and very resilient robotic creation that just refuses to die.

The wings of the robot shake with intensity as it lies heated and damaged from the floor below. Blue neon lights continue to illuminate brightly and have refused to fail the sensitive system of circuits and components. A small amount of sparks fleetingly glow before fading away into the darkness.

Richie is determined to end the life of the flying robot that so rudely presented itself scaring the two men witless, Richie has noticed that the blue neon lights attached to the creation are still illuminated, this can only indicate that the robot is still functioning in some way. Without any consideration for the robots technical construction Richie fires a third shell into the structure with a determination to end it's electronic life once and for all. More light and heat explodes from Richie's shotgun as he blasts it at very close range. Woods continues to block his ears from the tremendous sound.

A pinging echoing sound is heard as small pieces of metal tear away from the robotic creation, Thick cables that surround the robot jerk and gyrate as a large flexed wire rapidly swirls to the floor from the powerful forces, A fast tapping of metal is heard as shrapnel and other small pieces of the robots construction scatter to the floor below. The robot suddenly dims as the blue neon lights dissolve into a blackness of smoking metal. The thick cable that was attached to the tail of the robot has been severed.

As Richie looks down upon the destroyed Robot he passes his shotgun to Woods with his right hand, Richie say's "Here Woods' as he passes over his weapon, (Richie does not take his eyes of the robot) Woods takes hold of the weapon with his left hand and then his right as Richie continues to observe the blasted robotic construction. A light tapping of wood is heard from the gun) Woods holds the shotgun with both hands as he also looks down upon the destroyed heap of metal. Slow and somber trumpets play out to create the atmosphere. Richie readies his torch in his right hand.

(Richie shines his torch down and over the mangled robot)Richie is still obsessed with the strange metal construction as he nudges it slightly with his left shoe, (A loud crackling of electricity is heard) The blasted and melted steel is static except for a loose pair of silver spindles that are attached to a small piece of metal. These silver mounds of circular rings move slightly in then back out again before resting against it's structure. The wings of the robot have folded and are now completely incapable of flight. Woods slowly brings his left shoe back from the robot carnage.

Woods suddenly sniffs the air before violently twisting his head right as he grimaces from something in the air. Woods let's out a loud "ahh" of disapproval as he looks back down at the robots carcass. Richie bends down as he prepares to investigate the mangled piece of junk further.

A low level creaking is heard as Richie picks up the destroyed robot with his left hand, Richie takes hold of the dead and buckled metal from the halogen light end as he slowly brings it up to eye level. (Woods breathes fast and heavy)

As Richie slowly lifts the robot up Woods speaks and say's with a serious dislike for the alien constructed device, "That thing smells like dog shit Richie." Woods side steps as he attempts to keep as much distance from the rotting and distinctively foul smelling contraption as he can while maintaining communication levels with Richie. Suddenly a loud explosive spark is heard followed by a short fizzing sound as the halogen bulb implodes. A bright white light erupts into the air as Richie flinches and blinks while instantly moving back from the dangerous heat. Woods becomes sick and noxious as he ahh's loudly while tilting his head away from the foul smelling junk. Woods say's with interest, "What is it" as he grimaces and blocks his nostrils with his hand momentarily. As Richie slowly turns the mangled robotic junk slowly around clockwise he say's "It's robotic, Woodsy, (Richie slowly twists the mangled and foul smelling carcass anti clockwise as he scutines it's superior craftsmanship. Richie say's "High tech robotics." Woods has his mouth wide open as he removes his hand from his nostrils and is suffering greatly from the foul odor that is coming from the dead robot. Woods looks up at the robot but is none impressed by it's construction or it's hygiene.