A red pincer coloured robot arm quickly lifts away from the surface of the table just behind the critter as the spider device confronts Richie.

A loud whirring sound is heard as the red coloured claw of the robot slowly lowers itself back down towards a rubik cube sized piece of electronics. A red laser beams brightly from a distance - The red gripper slowly turns around on it's mechanics clockwise a quarter turn before quickly taking a firm grip of the square shaped object. A bright light is also attached to the gripper to allow the robot to see much more clearly and decisively. A robot arm travels the length of the room from the back wall at high speed.

Flashes of pulsating bright white light flicker furiously illuminating the room as the robot immediately and precisely lifts the square component up high into the air. A large robot arm whirls loudly as it glides back to it's right. The large black robotic arm turns slowly left as it isolates and navigates to a new position so that it can place the small square component down or onto a circuit board. Gatherers may also assist in moving this component to new coordinates.

A dreamy synthesizer melody produces the sound score - Two serpent robots located on the back wall lift up in unison as there built in light units shine brightly, The third serpent also raises up a short moment later. Richie stares ahead towards a worktop that has an abundance of partially completed robots and clutter. A large red and yellow robot suddenly lifts up a newly created critter with it's gripper as it transports it gracefully clockwise. (Whirring sounds are heard) The smaller robot crabs on the worktop extend there pincers in the air as they exercise and burn in their moving parts. To the far right a taller device which has a head shaped like a drill suddenly moves it's head down an inch while producing a small red light at the top of the drills grip. Richie is mesmerised as he watches the machines carry out there tasks in complete harmony and control, Richie feels like he is in Disney land as he drifts into his own fantasy world.

More whirring is heard as the robot arm swings around carrying a brand new critter on it's grippers. The critter gyrates it's legs up and down as it squeaks and whines with alien energy.

The robot arm stops momentarily before changing direction and gliding the critter inwards. (Critter squeaks)

Richie is utterly hypnotised by the movements functions and sounds the advanced robotics are producing and has completely forgotten about his mission orders to find the engine room in search of Sqeaky. Richie smiles with intense delight at the incredible sights in front of him as he dreams that one day his talent may also be as good - The robot suddenly twists the critter around on it's gripper as the critter squeaks and exercises it's new legs. Richie has fallen in love for his new friend as he say's loudly above the noise and clatter "Hey. Little buddy". The critter continues to spin around the large robots gripper as the alien energy attempts to seriously impress Richie with it's incredible technology. (Flashes of light illuminate the workroom) Richie suddenly looks down at the work top below him.

Below Richie is another robotic creation that has similarities to a Beetle or crab, When the alien entity attacked the MIR Space station it began to learn at a geometric rate all the sensitive computer information stored on the servers. When the purple lightening exploded down onto the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" it also scanned and built up a database of information that was stored on the ships computer systems. This information guides and helps the alien to create it's robotic machines and devices, The crab like creature creates a whooshing whirring sound as it rapidly twists its left side claw several inches to it's right, A blue component is firmly held inside the robotic crabs gripper. The quadruple metal shell of the robot moves in and out creating a short gap between the four segments. The eyes of the creature flick quickly almost imitating a real decapod crustacean or superior order Endopterygota. The large silver legs lift up and down as it whines into motion.

More whining of mechanics is heard as a critter lowers its legs and claws to retrieve the blue component from the beetle contraptions pincer unit before assisting in placing the blue component onto a circuit board just below.

A more recent movie called Automata starring Antonio Banderas also has a scene where a similar creation is constructed by Automata Pilgrim 7000's machines. In this image Jacq Vaucan has discovered the Pilgrim 7000's base, upon lifting a silver sheet Jacq is astounded to find that the robots are building there very own creations based on life. Multiple components are neatly arranged onto the table top and a carcass or bones is ready to accept the electronic parts.

Robots can be very efficient and have a methodical approach to tasks. This unit will receive all the parts on the table to make it a fully working and breathing robotic creature.

Let's get to work, a break away unit of Pilgrim 7000's begin to fit the components inside the bones of the machine as they have developed high level artificial intelligence.

And here we have the completed machine, This robot bleats a friendly warble of sound as it greets people and has empathy built directly inside the unit. The machine also produces a jingle sound and crawls across the floor similar to a small insect.

The alien entity is exhausting every aspect and area of it's knowledge as it continues to build and engineer much more efficient and advanced robotics and computer control systems. The alien lifeform is developing new techniques and procedures that are connected with anatomy, physiology, histology and embryology. These yellow glass tubes are full of Benedict's Solution which shows the redox reaction between sugar and copper cations in an alkaline solution. A critter zips and whines at a furious rate as it scuttles forward past a series of glass tubes filled with Benedict's solution. Benedict's reagent (often called Benedict's qualitative solution or Benedict's solution) is a chemical reagent and complex mixture of sodium carbonate, sodium citrate and copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. It is often used in place of Fehling's solution to detect the presence of reducing sugars.

The robotic arm quickly lowers the gyrating critter as Richie continues to watch with fascination. (Whirring of legs and motors is heard) Woods is feeling rather noxious and wants to leave the workroom immediately, Woods say's with a strong and commanding tone of voice, "Richie...Let's go" Richie is adamant that he will leave when he is ready as he is also learning a few pointers from the alien life form. Richie turns his head towards Woods and say's, Hey Hey...Did the other one bother you?.. Richie is feeling much more relaxed and does not feel that the robots are a threat to his life.

Richie is feeling slightly annoyed that Woods is continuously defused and uninterested in the advanced robotic show, Richie say's Huh! to emphasise and allow Woods to stake his claim. Woods is silent and does not reply, Richie instantly say's No it didn't to prove the point that the robots are harmless and Woods should relax a little. The large yellow robotic arm is now static and motionless as it firmly holds the brand new critter in it's strong grippers for all to see. The critter rapidly gyrates it's feet while the rest of the machines continue there methodical and continuous work unabated. (Loud whirring sounds emanate all around - A slow and eerie musical score plays out - A critter scuttles on it's feet next to the 1st serpent robots arm as the third one suddenly lowers itself down towards the work surface.

A much larger and more powerful robot constructed of thick steel and painted black and yellow suddenly twists around in an anti clockwise motion. A large lamp attached to the upper centre of the machine produces a bright and dazzling light. This robot arm has a more sinister appearance and has sharp claws for grippers and a powerful hydraulic system that could lift a large amount of poundage. The black and daunting robot quickly turns to face Richie and Woods as they continue to be dazzled by the advanced sciences.

In the distance a flying contraption shakes and wobbles as it clings to a large lamp unit and an abundance of flailing grey wires, It produces a bright blue neon light while it's wings flap up and down at a rapid rate. As the machine turns so does Helmsmen Woods as human and machine makes eyes at each other.

As Woods turns to face the robot it suddenly lifts up vertically at an angle producing another loud whirling sound. (Flashes of light illuminate the work room.) Woods is silent and motionless as he stares up at the large machine with slight fear and worry on his mind and in his eyes.

Woods is a little more sensible than Richie and also a little naive to carry out some of the tasks Richie requests, Woods is feeling something in the air and can do nothing except watch the robot carry out it's mechanical movements.

Suddenly the large and powerful robotic arm begins to veer forward towards Woods producing a loud and whirring mechanics of sound. Woods has no choice but to rapidly stagger backwards in an attempt to avoid the powerful machine. (Short and multiple flashes of light illuminate the room) The robot instantly stops creating a loud clicking sound momentarily - More whirring sounds are heard as the heavy and powerful hydraulic system lifts up vertically at speed. -

Woods is feeling slightly pressurized and a little anxious as the robot produces erratic movements.

Woods shines his light over to Richie as he say's with slight alarm "Richie".

Richie has now set his sights on another gyrating critter across the floor to his right, Richie stares in awe at the robotic creation as his eyes light up and his mind produces a floating feeling of fantasy and adventure. This robotic creation is a more advanced prototype constructed out of transformers, a large compressor unit, cooling fan motor, pipes and wires amongst other things. A low level rattling sound is heard as the spiny legs at the front of the robot shake and flail furiously while it's head moves up and down and to the side in a fast and rapid movements. It's legs also move from side to side as it whirls and creaks with motion. A blue and very bright neon light pulsates from the centre of the robot , A serpent robot raises it's head from the back wall. Richie is mesmerised by the new and much more advanced robot as he shines his torch in and under the head of the machine. Two more serpents to the left continue to work as a larger yellow robotic arm swings slightly right.

Woods turns more to face Richie who is now in a world of his own, Woods shouts out again a little louder and with more uneasiness "Richie".. The large yellow and black hydraulic robot gracefully swings right behind Woods as he shines his torch over towards the intoxicated crewmen. A smaller gatherer critter raises it's spiny claw high in the air just behind Woods, Another machine gyrates next to the gatherer robot, Richie ignores Woods as he studies the new king of robots.

The much larger and technically advanced soldier unit has taken a sudden interest to Richie as it looks down at the crewman's shotgun with it's inbuilt red eyes, This model of unit has a small circular saw attached to the front of it's body which whizzes around at high speed. (A circular saw is very useful for cutting thick cables and metal)

The robot is very sensitive to Richie's presence and acts almost like a dog as it reacts to Richie's weapon with it's head unit.

A light tap is heard as Richie taps the left side leg unit of the unit with his shotgun to try and get more of a reaction, The robot produces an electronic chattering as it interfaces with the human subject. (Flash of light)

Suddenly the robot lifts it's head unit up to greet Richie as the sensation of metal creates a solid state reaction. (Chattering continues)

Richie has certainly excited the robot's electronic circuits as it raises it's high speed circular saw to almost the top of it's head unit, The units right leg also lifts up with agitated electrical impulses from Richie's interaction.

Woods shines his torch over toward Richie with an open mouth as he watches him interact with the robotic device, The yellow and black hydraulic arm moves slightly to Woods left before stopping dead. Richie is completely mesmerised by the robots animal instincts and notions and has totally forgotten that he needs to get to the engine room to check on Squeaky.

Suddenly the circular saw lifts rapidly above the robots head unit and turns to a horizontal position, (Camera pans up slightly) Fixed to the back of the robot is a high powered nail gun that has not been noticed by Richie. Suddenly two very loud blasts of air are heard which sound deep and powerful, (A grey smoke belches out from the driver end) The loud sound causes Richie to snap out of his fantasy excursion as he rapidly turns in a clockwise motion away from the highly dangerous and now volatile unit, Richie shouts out "Hey" as shock and fear enter his body and mind. Woods also turns away from Richie in a clockwise motion from the unexpected attack.

Woods screams out with intense pain as he rapidly lifts his hand up to his right shoulder - (God damn Richie) The sentry robot has revealed it's true intentions as it fires two thick nails into Woods shoulder blade.

Woods instantly drops to the floor as he grimaces with pain from the severe attack,

(A loud sound of a high speed drill is now heard) The shock of seeing Woods hurt causes Richie to step back slightly towards the sentry robot.

Richie should of listened to Woods and will now also be in danger of attack.

Suddenly a high powered drill emerges from the robots chassis and begins to twist at a rapid speed (A loud and high pitched sound of drilling is heard) Richie is completely unaware that he is moments away from having his back drilled into by the maniac robot. (A photographic lens has been used to add extra sight to the robots sensors)

A plume of thick smoke and a shower of bright sparks emerge from the drills head as it savagely penetrates deeply inside the flesh and muscle of Richie's back without mercy. Dramatic and pulsating orchestral whoops are heard to provide atmosphere

The drill is piercing and very loud as it attacks Richie from behind, Richie has been taken by surprise and screams out loudly with intense pain and shock, Richie manages to pull himself away from the dangerous drill head as he swings around anti clockwise to face the robot head on - Richie screams out with torturous pain

Richie's mental state has now changed forever as he now realises the robots are intent on hurting him and the others, Richie grimaces as he shines his torch directly at his enemy in an attempt to dazzle it's electronic sensors and camera attachments.

Richie also has his high powered shotgun in the same hand as his torch and has now decided that he must destroy this hostile robot or it may have a more deadlier attack function which will jeopardise his life. A massive blast of explosive ambience is heard as Richie fires his weapon at point blank range directly at the hostile unit, A massive fountain of orange sparks eject from the barrel as the explosive ejects from his weapon.

A huge and extremely bright torrent of white sparks explode out from the robot as it is blasted, The sound is very loud as the robot disintegrates into smaller pieces

A sound of broken glass is now heard as the robots internal components obliterate into much tinier pieces.

The workroom has now changed from a delightful learning experience to one of sheer mayhem and horror as an unknown intruder suddenly appears from another door way. A very loud sound of rapid machine gun fire is now heard as the enemy assailant opens fire on the unsuspecting Richie and Woods. Massive white sparks of explosive ammunition propel from the enemies weapon as it aims with it's right arm outstretched. Though the unknown and unidentifiable intruder has the cover of darkness small wires can be seen attached to it's head.

Woods grimaces as he raises his left hand high in the air with torch in hand, Richie rapidly looks down as he quickly lowers himself to the floor in an attempt to shield himself from the torrent of flying bullets and shrapnel. (A loud sound of rebounding bullets that bounce off from the robot arms, gatherers, workbenches and everything else is heard)

The enemy intruder continues to fire it's weapon at Woods and Richie in an attempt to neutralise them, When Richie fired his shotgun at the nail gun robot sentry an electronic trigger was sent to the main server to inform it of attack and it has sent in a droid of human shape. But maybe this is a Russian assassin that is causing the mayhem on the ship. (A robot to the left turns slowly right as it's little legs gyrate and shake from the intense pressure and forces of the machine gun attack. Pinging sounds of metal are heard all around)

Suddenly for a brief moment in time the unknown assassin ceases fire allowing Richie to retaliate with his shotgun, Richie closes his eyes fleetingly as he grimaces while firing two times at the human shaped enemy unit. Two massive white sparks of light emerge from the shotguns barrel as Richie unloads the shells, Richie quickly turns his head right towards Woods.

A war zone has now developed inside the robotic workroom as man fights machine and visa versa, A loud sound of pinging metal material fills the room as huge fountains of bright sparks eject out from the thick steel of the robots arms and steel components.

A smaller robotic arm resting on top of a work surface continues to move right at a slow speed unabated and completely unaffected by the intense action and noise. A gatherer next to the smaller robotic arm also gyrates and moves it's head up and down from the chaotic situation. A serpent robot slowly lowers it's head down to the far left as it attempts to shield itself from the bullets and heat. A robotic arm to the right continues to spin around a smaller critter in it's gripper, Another robot arm to the far right is lowering it's arm and wrist down to shield itself.

Another massive explosion of sparks explodes out to the mass of heat and energy that already exists as the enemy continues the fight.

Woods and Richie's Adrenalin is pumping as they retaliate the best they can with there weapons, Woods grimaces as he bends his back slightly while firing a sub machine gun over and towards the intruders location. Woods quickly looks away as he ceases fire momentarily while shielding his face from the high powered bullets.


Richie fires his shotgun two times towards the enemy as he quickly turns towards Woods, The machines in front of Richie are going wild with excitement as they continue to carry out there duties. A large white robotic arm just in front of Richie slowly moves it's head unit down, This robot has a large head lamp installed onto it's wrist, while a smaller gatherer unit scuttles on it's feet from the intense action. A much larger red and yellow painted robot sweeps down towards Richie as he attempts to follow Woods. A serpent device to the far right sweeps up rapidly, Woods pulses his weapon two more times as he makes off too his right, A critter on the bench just a few feet away from Woods suddenly lifts up a long metal probe shaped instrument that rapidly stops after reaching the end of it's bearings. Flashes of intense brightness strobe the rooms environment.

A loud sound of smashing glass and a roaring and rumbling machine gun fire continues as the intruder pulverises the room, It's weapon shakes furiously in and up and down motion in it's hand from the massive plethora of bullets that are ejecting from the weapon.

From another camera angle Woods and Richie continue to retaliate while quickly making there way out of the workroom in one piece if possible. Both Richie and Woods sweep to there right as they fire there weapons at the enemy droid or Russian assailant. Sparks continue to fly out in all directions as a loud piercing pinging and rebounding of bullets and shrapnel ignite the air.

Both Richie and Woods fire there weapons at the same time as they attempt to escape with there lives.

A smaller robotic unit is slowly crawling along a work surface as it continues it's program of construction.

Suddenly flying bullets and shrapnel strike the robot causing it to violently propel up into the air from it's back scuttling legs. The massive wave of bullets obliterates the device as a plume of sparks explode out and into the workroom. The robot violently flips over backwards as it goes head over tails.

Iraq, Afghanistan, this is a war as the workroom becomes an inferno of bullets heat and debris, Both Woods and Richie look away from the enemy as they continue to fire there weapons in quick succession. (It is extremely noisy and the pinging sound of bullets creates a chaotic situation)

Woods and Richie grimace and pray for there lives as they make a run for the exit door.

A flying robotic contraption is still hanging high above the ground entwined in thick cables as it sends information back to the main server system. Pinging is heard - Roar of gunfire is heard

Suddenly the dragonfly winged device falls from the ceiling after receiving a torrent of bullets and shrapnel, Massive sparks explode from the device as it rapidly falls to the floor below. A long and thick power cable also follows the device down that is attached to it's face.

Massive amounts of heat and sparks fall down on top of the larger robot that initially attacked Woods and Richie, This robot had a nail gun and a drill installed inside the unit - A loud tinging of metal is heard as the flying contraption falls down and lands just in front of the nail and drill installed robot, This causes the large robot to look down at the severely damaged flying contraption momentarily before lifting it's head unit back up and also it's right leg. A fountain of hot sparks and flecks of heat bounce of a mound of materials that have been collected, This friction ignites the room and increases the shrapnel that is already whizzing around the space.

Sparks explode out as pinging and whizzing sounds emanate all around.

Richie follows Woods as he ducks low while continuously firing back at anything and everything in an attempt to survive the ordeal. A large red and yellow robotic arm rapidly swings down towards Richie as he passes by.

The Russian enemy or alien killer android quickly slips away to it's right as it vanishes back down inside the door it came. (Droid stops firing) Robot to the left quickly lowers it's head unit down and then up again as it rests in a static position.

Richie continues the onslaught even though the assassin has vanished from view. Woods continues to make his escape as he backs away from the workroom.

A medium sized white coloured robotic arm slowly lowers it's gripper down to carry out essential work, Another exact robot that sits next to it also slowly moves it's gripper down. More sparks explode out from a pile of electronic junk that the robotic arms are working with. A large yellow robot continues to twirl a gatherer robot around in it's gripper unit.

Suddenly a massive explosion of sparks ignites the air as the robot explodes from Richie's high powered shotgun.

Though the heat is intense the robots continue to function as they carry out important tasks for the alien mother.

Explosions continue to erupt as Richie and Woods escape out of an exit door.

Any damage to robotic equipment will be repaired by other robots and gatherers, All bullet shells will be collected and used in some way to produce more robots and advanced technological equipment.

Woods is traumatised as he comes running out of an exit door in complete shock and anguish, Woods shouts loudly "I'm sick of this man"

More flashes of light illuminate the workroom as Richie also follows behind.

All goes quiet inside the workroom as the firing ceases, Woods grimaces as he quickly sits down to rest his back and nurture his shoulder wound. Richie rapidly bends down next to Woods so that he can evaluate the situation. Orchestral music begins to play to provide the sound score. (Drums,Trumpets and Violins complete the atmospheric ambience) Woods quickly discards his machine gun to the floor

Woods looks down at his wound after a robot fired two large nails from a distance into his right shoulder blade. Richie quickly pulls out his radio mic from his right side green jacket pocket as he attempts to contact Stevie to let him know the situation. Woods rummages inside his right side grey jumper pocket for his blue torch, Woods twists the front of the light around in a clockwise motion with his right hand a full turn which causes the torch to light up. Woods holds the torch with his left hand as he shines it up and over his shoulder wound to evaluate the damage. Woods begins to whimper as he say's with a traumatic tone of voice. "Oh God" Woods is devastated that he was attacked by a robot and could also have been shot to death inside the work room.

Richie is sweating and is breathing heavily as he attempts to contact Stevie, Richie fleetingly looks at Woods before beginning his transmission with Stevie, Richie speaks loud and clear (Woods looks away from Richie towards the workroom fleetingly then back and up at the ceiling) "Steve... This is Richie!" There's another Russian down here" Richie speaks louder and with more anger "The son of a bitch shot at us!" (Woods looks down at his wound once more)

Stevie is still exploring the ships labyrinth of passageways, corridors, and rooms as he steps down a single rung of a tall set of steel ladders, A click is heard as Stevie removes his radio mic from a clip on his trousers with his right hand. Richie can be heard emanating out of Stevie's radio speaker as he listens carefully to his words. - Richie say's "And Woods is hurt" - So watch your ass...Do you copy?" Steve is not in a good mood as he hears out Richie's situation. Steve bends his head slightly right as he raises his radio to his mouth, A static pop is heard as Stevie keys the mic and responds "Copy that" How is he? - Steve's voice has an echo tinge to his words - Steve leans forward slightly as he holds onto a large yellow beam with his left hand just behind the ladders..

Woods lifts his head up and down slowly as he breathes heavily from his severe shoulder wound, Richie also breathes heavily as he stares down at his radio mic fleetingly while veering his eyes towards Woods wound momentarily. Richie looks away and then back to Woods wound as he ponders his thoughts on what to say to Stevie. Woods say's, "Just tell him it's bad".

Richie has a unique urge to touch Woods wound so that he can evaluate the severity himself, Richie quickly leans over with his right hand and lightly presses on the second penetrating nail to test the depth and Woods pain threshold. Woods suddenly jerks his right shoulder as he screams out "Ow" as the pain transfers deeper into his muscles and flesh.

Woods does not appreciate Richie's attention as he turns his head towards the workroom and shakes his head up and down with anger and frustration, Woods shouts out "Yeah...Bad" as he emphasises that he doesn't need Richie's approval. Richie is silent as he watches Woods suffer on the floor, (Woods looks back down at his wounds) Richie returns to his radio mic as he looks away from Woods and say's with enthusiasm, "Here live, Steve...But he ain't in a good mood man." Richie veers his eyes back to Woods.

Steve replies as he turns his head right and looks forward into the void "Steve say's with slight anger "Just get him to the damn engine room". Steve's eyes veer from left to right and then down the deep column of steel as he replies, And no more sight seeing alright?"