Richie raises his radio and replies back to Stevie - "Yeah, (Quick succession) Copy Copy Copy - Richie quickly stands as he instantly begins to pull Woods up underneath his right arm with his right hand. Woods groans and grimaces as he is lifted by the crewmen Richie strains as he say's Alright alright while lifting the helmsmen to his feet - (Woods shouts out with pain "no" - Richie speaks loudly "Get up Get up" (A light tapping of feet is heard as Woods stands to his feet) Both Woods and Richie begin there slow walk to the engine room which is well overdue. (A whirl of mechanics is heard from a robotic critter inside the workshop)

Stevie has made his way to the engine room before Woods and Richie and is looking through the circular glass window from the outside. Stevie is concerned for Squeaky and shows a face of worry as he peers inside the large room. (Eerie synthesizer key is heard) Stevie suddenly begins to shine his torch through the thick glass in an attempt to locate his work colleague. The light wavers in an up and down motion as Steve looks in.

From inside the engine room all is void of life and Squeaky is no where to be seen. As we know Squeaky was enticed inside a large vent and has been captured by an invisible alien energy of wires and thick pipes. When Squeaky left his chair to investigate the vent he placed a large black binder down onto it. Unknown to Stevie a clipboard with technical notes has also been placed on top of the binder.

Stevie looks more to his left as the camera slowly pans in that direction, Steve huffs as the light from his torch chaotically reflects from his torch onto the glass producing a white circular shape. A tap of Steve's feet is heard as he stands on the metal flooring.

Steve gently moves his head from side to side as he shines his torch through the thick and dirtied window, Steve's light moves from side to side - Steve shouts out loudly "Squeaky" in an attempt to alert him of his presence. Steve looks to his left while shining his torch in that direction, Steve quickly lowers his torch as he looks to his right, Steve shouts out again with concern - Squeak?" (Low level synthesizer pan provides atmosphere)

Steve is bamboozled as he ponders over the door from the outside, Steve looks up at the right side of the door and has noticed something is not quite as it should be. (Steve holds his torch vertically as the light illuminates Steve's nose, mouth and chin for a brief moment. Steve looks to his left and the other side of the door, Steve suddenly steps back a single step as he shines his torch up towards the top of the door to investigate further.

Steve sweeps his torch around the top of the door travelling left as he scrutinises the door, To Steves horror the door has been freshly welded tightly shut as small amounts of grey smoke emit from the thick and welded steel.

Steve follows the silver seal line as more smoke floats off from the door seal and into the corridor, Stevie is becoming more concerned as he say's to himself "Holy shit". As Stevie continues to follow the contours of the door seal down he say's "What the hell?". The door has been firmly welded and it will require cutting tools and Hiko to get the door open.

Steve shines his torch downwards at the engine room door as he looks up at the freshly welded seal in shock and bewilderment - Stevie say's "Oh my God" - Steve shines his torch upwards as he continues to investigate, Steve follows the seal right as his torch sweeps in that direction.

Steve looks back to the top of the door as he watches the hot grey smoke emit from the silver seal,

Steve suddenly shines his torch directly through the circular glass window once again as he say's "Jesus Christ, "Squeak?". Steve quickly pushes his head back to the glass window as he pears in once more - Light tap is heard as Steve's right hand touches the right side of the door. - Steve shouts out loudly with panic and delusion - "Squeak"

The camera pans right once more as Stevie attempts to spot Squeaky from inside the engine room, A loud and echoing banging is heard as Steve pounds on the door in a desperate attempt to find Squeaky. Three loud bangs of heavy steel are heard -

Steve squints and squeezes his eyes open and closed several times as his frustrations get te better of him, Steve shouts out again "Squeak - Open up" The sound of Steve's voice is reduced as Steve is heard from the engine rooms perspective.

Suddenly from a few feet behind Steve several loud groans are heard as Woods and Richie emerge from several floors below. A bright light also emerges out of the square escape hatch as Woods and Richie climb out from a set of ladders. Echoing bangs of steel are heard from the pair -

The sound of Woods and Richie causes Stevie to quickly turn around in a clockwise motion, Stevie bends down momentarily as he picks up his weapon that was resting on the floor below. Stevie does not register at first it is Woods and Richie as he sways from side to side and ready to open fire on any hostile intruders. Richie is first out of the hole and shines his torch down towards Stevie - Woods is just making his way out and has his back turned inside the corridor. Richie shouts out loudly and with speed "Don't shoot, Don't shoot it's us" -

Stevie quickly responds and say's, "Where the hell have you two been?" Steve continues to aim his weapon as he steps slightly left on his left foot. Richie quickly makes his way to the engine room door as Stevie say's with slight sarcasm, "Back from your holiday". Richie turns to face Steve a quarter turn clockwise as Steve waits for Woods to catch up. A light tapping of feet is heard as Woods reaches the engine room door also. Richie shines his torch towards the engine room door as Woods looks up and to his right before looking back down the dark corridor. Steve looks at Woods shoulder wound and speaks with a whispering unbelievability "Jesus Christ". Richie suddenly looks down the corridor with fear on his mind -

Woods looks away from Stevie as he looks down the corridor - Woods breathes out heavily and is not in the best of moods, (Woods blinks) Stevie say's, "Woods - your a mess! - Woods looks to Stevie but misses eye contact as he looks back towards the engine room door, Woods is not amused and say's with slight sarcasm also "Thank You"- Woods looks back down the corridor -

Richie is looking up at the ceiling and is motionless and quiet as he ponders his thoughts, Steve looks at Richie and is feeling confused as he say's "You said a Russian did this?" Stevie looks back towards Woods bloodied wound as he shines his torch over the two long and thick nails that are embedded into Woods flesh. No sound score - Richie looks at Woods wound and say's to Stevie avoiding eye contact "No, a machine did that with a nail gun". Steve squints with shock before looking back to Richie, Steve is finding it hard to believe what he is hearing and is silent as he looks towards the crewmen. Richie responds and say's "Yeah, that's right". Steve looks back to Woods wound as he shines his light in that direction, Richie continues, "You're not gonna believe it till you see it, Steve."

Woods looks up at the ceiling as Richie continues, "I'm telling you, there's some really weird shit going down on this ship." Steve raises his voice slightly and say's "Weird ain't the word". Woods looks back to Stevie and say's with slight vexation "I'm in need of some proper medical attention." -

Steve continues to speak and say's "Somebody exploded the" Steve's words are cut short as Woods whining begins to anger him more - Steve shouts out with anger as he turns to Woods and say's, "Shut the fuck up". Richie screams out "Please" as he nods his head forward rapidly one time to emphasise his words- Richie is also pissed with Woods who is never happy and complains continuously. Richie was hurt in the back with a drill but has not complained once about it - Woods turns away from Richie and Steve as he looks back up and along the ceiling, Woods say's "I don't belong on this ship."

Richie and Steve turn back to the welded engine room door as Steve shines his light on to it once more. Steve breathes out heavily - Richie is motionless as he shines his light up and towards the engine room door, Steve shines his light also at the door as he looks up and towards the circular glass window, Steve say's "Somebody just welded the engine room door shut" Richie takes several steps forward with interest as he investigates the freshly welded seal around the door. Richie say's with intrigue, "It's welded?".

Steve replies - Squeaky's' still missing", (Richie say's "Weird" Woods is acting a little strange as he looks up at the ceiling - Woods shines his torch vertically up as he also looks up - Woods turns to face along the corridor but still looks up, Woods looks in the other direction and up at the ceiling - Woods suddenly sniffs two times in quick succession as his senses pick up something in the dank and dusty air. Woods looks further to his right but maintains his focus on the ceiling - Woods sniffs once more - Woods suddenly turns his head towards Richie but does not look at him, instead Woods veers his eyes at a vexed angle unable or not wanting to look him in the eye. Woods shouts out for Richie's attention - (Quick succession) *Rich Rich Richie*. Woods sniffs some more -

Richie slowly turns his head around clockwise towards Woods before looking directly at him in silence.,

Woods say's "Richie, It's that smell again - Earlier on Woods and Richie met with a flying contraption in one of the rooms - Richie shot and destroyed the contraption and Woods commented that there was a nasty odour coming from the machine. Woods now senses that there is something present at the end of the corridor -

Woods slowly turns his head clockwise as he focuses his vision along and down to the bottom of the dimly lit corridor. The camera slowly provides clear and sharp definition to reveal a man or a woman standing motionless wearing a metal suit of armour.

Richie quickly turns his head towards the odd sight as he and Steve's face light up from the intense brightness that several high powered lamps are providing from the shoulders of the suited individual.

No sound score - Woods slowly turns his head back anti clockwise as he looks towards Steve and Richie - Woods is silent and his face is solemn and devoid of happiness. (A sound of wind is heard -

Steve squints and turns his head away from the intense brightness as it is beginning to hurt his eyes, Steve looks back towards the unknown person as he holds his left hand out and in front of his face for protection - Stevie shouts out loudly - "Squeak?" Richie also shouts out down the corridor, _Hey Squeaky" Both Richie and Steve now believe that the unknown personnel may be squeaky but they are still unsure.

The unknown and unidentifiable personnel suddenly begins to speak out in a strange and indistinguishable foreign language. The voice is loud and deep and has an echo attached to the words - "Rightes distus" -

Richie continues to catch Squeak's attention "Squeak man!" Steve squints as he sweeps his torch in an up and down motion - Steve shouts out loudly, "Squeak, is that you?" Steve raises his torch hand back to his face as the brightness increases.

A loud whirring of mechanics and electronics is heard as the metal man slowly raises his right arm and hand up so that the weapon he is holding points directly down the corridor and into the path of Woods, Richie and Stevie. (More foreign and indistinguishable words are heard - The man has a robotic feel to him as his head slowly lifts up to face the three men.

Woods being the closer of the three has a strong feeling the strange person at the end of the corridor is not on friendly terms and is probably not Squeaky. Woods reacts as he rapidly turns his head left and throws his torch across the floor. Woods shouts out :Shit" as his instincts and gut feeling indicate that something dangerous and hostile is moments away. Both Richie and Woods quickly dive into an adjacent corridor to there right while Woods edges himself behind some stacked up oil drums and a large industrial green cutting and drilling machine.

Suddenly a very loud sound of rapid machine gun fire is heard as the unknown suited man begins to fire his weapon along the corridor towards the three men. (A Banging sound from a metal drum is heard) The suited man moves slowly similar to a robot as it's legs slide forward with a methodical rhythm and pace - Right followed by left -

Woods narrowly misses being killed as a plethora of bullets hit the engine room door producing a huge wave of exploding sparks of intense light.

Steve and Richie are totally shocked and feeling a tremendous pressure as the bullets come down the corridor thick and fast. Steve rapidly retreats inside the darkness of the adjoining corridor as he holds his weapon up with both hands, Richie quickly reaches the side of the corridor wall as he grimaces with panic and mayhem. (Rapid sounds of automatic machine fire fill the corridor)

The maniacal and dysfunctional cyborg continues it's attack as it slowly makes it's way along the corridor, Cyborg turns it's head slowly left as it fires it's weapon.

Whizzing sounds of bullets pierce the air - The engine room door is receiving most of the impact as the bullets explode into the thick steel at a furious rate - A loud and deep sound of metal and high pitched ambience is heard as bullets hit metal pipes machinery and stacked oil drums. Suddenly a deep and growling echoing sound is heard as the bullets penetrate and shred the metal to the silver drums.

A massive cascade of a red and sticky oil explodes out of the drums at great force and velocity it causes the liquid to hit the ceiling and spread out and all around the corridor. The cyborg is intent on killing everything in it's path and is fast approaching Woods and the others. Walls shake and the sound of bells is heard -

Richie lowers his body down lower as he rests against the corridor wall, Richie is breathing and suffering badly as he quickly looks towards Stevie, Stevie is playing it safe as he protects himself from behind inside the corridor space, No one with any sense of danger would attempt to attack the maniac cyborg as there is no room to move. Steve is stressed and can only hope that the metal monster ceases the attack. More sounds of whizzing bullets is heard.

Suddenly the cyborg stops firing it's alien modified hand ejects a small cylinder of metal that quickly disperses to the floor below. The ammunition for the cyborgs weapon is stored inside it's left hand and it has ceased firing to reload. A loud sound of metal friction is heard as the metal unit falls to the pitted floor below. The cyborgs hand slowly lifts up towards it's torso as it prepares to unleash another round of bullets. A small piece of flesh dangles from it's hand unit.

Both Richie and Stevie look at each other with intense feelings of fear and bewilderment,
Suddenly Steve nods intensely at Richie to indicate that they both should now enter the corridor and attempt to neutralise the Russian intruder. Richie grimaces at Stevie and also knows he must face the assailant or die trying. Stevie shouts out loudly "Go Go" as he instructs Richie and himself to attack while they still have a chance. A sound of cocking guns is heard as the pair inject themselves out into the corridor.

More clicking of guns is heard as Woods shouts out loudly while also taking the opportunity to open fire on the deadly cyborg. Woods shouts out loudly with anger and frustration, "That Bastard shot at us". Intense and loud automatic fire fills the air as Woods retaliates, A bright white light emanates out of Woods weapon - Woods grimaces as he attempts to take down the assailant.

Richie quickly peers around the side wall and begins to fire his machine gun at the cyborg, Richie is angry as his mouth opens wide while firing his gun, Richie screams out loudly "Aaaggh"

Stevie is brave as he confronts the enemy head on, A massive boom sound is heard as Stevie fires a single and highly explosive shotgun round towards the robotic presence. (Massive flash of light is seen from the shotgun)

A huge torrent of bullets are now being fired as man fights machine and visa versa, It is very noisy as sparks fly out in all directions along the dimly lit corridor space. The robot cyborg has still not started to return fire as it's slow circuits and mechanics struggle to function from the three man attack. The cyborgs arms move slowly in an upwards motion as it's programme stutters momentarily.

Another round of automatic machine gun fire from Woods is released as a massive ball of white light explodes from the barrel. The gun violently shakes and gyrates as the explosives are released.

Stevie fires another round as he pulls back on the foreend of his shotgun.

The cyborg robot has now completed it's reloading cycle as it begins to attack for the second wave, The robots gun shakes furiously as it fires at a furious and diabolical rate of ejection. The metal construction of it's fire hand and the tough and leathery skin of the forearm also gyrates insanely.

The last of the bullets strike the cyborgs right side chest as the three men retreat back behind the corridor to relative safety.

Strange but beautifully mesmerising light emerges from the cyborgs gun which indicates that the weapon of choice has been modified and reverse engineered for efficiency. The robots head moves slowly from side to side as it attempts to kill and destroy anything in it's path.

Meanwhile while Woods, Richie and Stevie fight to the death with a synthetic cyborg lower down on the huge vessel Nadia is in deep thought as she is kept hostage on the bridge. The camera slowly pans in to the solemn face of Nadia who is the chief science officer on the "Academic Vladislav Volkov". Nadia stares ahead at her captors before speaking out clearly and with a sense of confidence, "Your all going to die".

A few feet away Hiko, Captain Everton and Foster are quietly conferring among themselves, The strong and unexpected words from Nadia instantly causes them all to turn there heads towards Nadia. Foster rapidly turns in an anti clockwise motion as her right hand gently slides down a thick circular grey column, Hiko turns quickly also as he holds his hands together, Captain Everton is sat down and also turns his head quickly while sliding his right hand slightly up on his left arm. A creaking sound is heard - Captain Everton is subdued as he speaks softly, "Did you here that Foster?" Everton is referring to Nadia's unexpected outburst. Everton swings his right leg in an up and down motion to compensate for the silence and bizarre situation. Everton still considers Nadia a crackpot and does not take her too seriously, Everton produces a wide and beaming smile as he ponders on Nadia's words, Foster turns away from Nadia in a clockwise motion as she looks down fleetingly before facing Captain Everton once again. Foster removes her right hand from the circular grey beam and places it higher up the column, Foster rests her left hand on her left hip, Captain Everton is feeling somewhat jovial and a little sarcastic as he say's "We're all going to die". Foster places her left hand to the left side of her face as she looks down while rubbing softly, Foster then places her left hand to the back of her neck before bending her head back slightly as the tension builds in her. Everton looks towards a window in front of him as he say's "Because there are aliens on this ship". Everton chuckles as the crazy scenario begins to tickle his funny bone and his mental morality, Everton looks to Foster as he say's with intense incredibility, "That's all the grounds I need". Hiko is now facing Everton - Foster looks right and out of a window in silence as she remains silent - A piece of fabric blows softly in the wind from outside the window No sound score - All is quiet -

Captain Everton suddenly stands up as he pushes himself away from the chair with both hands, Everton slowly begins to step over to Nadia as he say's with a louder and more frustrated tone of voice, "One of my men is missing" Hiko steps to his right slightly as Everton walks past, Everton continues to step forward towards Nadia as he say's loudly, "And I want some answers?" Foster does not turn around as she removes her right hand from the grey circular steel column, Foster is unhappy with the situation and dislikes Captain Everton's handling of his personnel. Hiko looks to Foster as he pushes his tongue into the right side of his cheek, Foster slowly turns anti clockwise as she faces Nadia also.

The camera quickly zooms in and over to the silent Nadia as she maintains a motionless body language, Captain Everton say's "And no more of this Twilight Zone stuff". Two CRT monitors behind Nadia continuously flash and display at high speed full screen images of geographical maps and charts as the Alien entity continues it's work. Nadia's eyes veer slightly as she focuses onto the approaching skipper. Nadia's wrists have been bound and she is securely fastened to the chair that she sits on. Nadia moves her gead slightly right as she listens to Everton's frustrations and disbelief. The Twilight Zone is an American media franchise based on the anthology television series created by Rodman Edward Serling. The episodes are in various genres, including fantasy, science fiction, suspense, horror, and psychological thriller, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist, and usually with a moral. A popular and critical success, it introduced many Americans to common science fiction and fantasy tropes. The original series, shot entirely in black and white, ran on CBS for five seasons from 1959 to 1964.

More creaking is heard - Captain Everton does not trust Nadia and believes she is playing a game with him and has more information that she is keeping secret. Everton stares at Nadia in silence for a fleeting moment as he fumbles with his black jacket. Everton hunches as he places his hands at either side of his hips in expectation that Nadia will tell him the truth this time. Creaking is heard - Quiet and infrequent synthesizer pan sounds are heard to provide atmosphere -

Nadia shakes her head rapidly for a fleeting moment as she repudiates having anything to do with the disappearance of Squeaky. Nadia speaks softly and has a non defensive attitude, "I don't know anything about your man". (Computer screens continue to display fast moving images)

Captain Everton's anger and frustrations are building by the hour as he attempts to keep his plans to salvage the ship in one piece. Considering the fact he lost his barge and his beloved tug and not forgetting Squeaky who is missing he is not in the best of moods. Everton instantly replies to Nadia "Rubbish" - Everton quickly pulls up his gun holster flap with his right hand before removing his pistol. (A rubbing slidong sound of leather is heard) Everton aims his weapon directly at Nadia in an attempt to extract the truth from her.

Nadia rapidly veers her right eye towards Everton as he say's "I'm gonna give you five seconds". Nadia is silent as she looks up slightly to Everton in fear for her life.

Captain Everton continues to harass Nadia as he say's "And then I'm gonna blow your brains out." - Hiko is silent as he looks at Nadia and then Everton with an unhappy face. Everton begins to count down the numbers as he places more pressure on Nadia to come clean and admit she is part of the problem. Everton say's "One".

Hiko continues to watch Everton - Foster is feeling sorry for Nadia and now believes that there is some truth in her story that she explained earlier when she attempted to escape from the sick bay room. Foster quickly steps over to Nadia as she say's to Everton, "Captain, she couldn't possibly know where Squeaky is..Foster looks directly at Everton as she strives to persuade the skipper that Nadia is innocent. Foster shouts out loudly - "She was hiding in sick bay".

Hiko stares at Everton in silence as he listens to the heated situation, Everton speaks slowly and calmly -"She knows" "She dropped an anchor on my tug". Hiko is now looking at Nadia - Creaking is heard. Everton suddenly looks at Foster and say's much louder, "She fired at us" (Hiko looks to Foster) Everton looks back to Nadia and say's "Two"

Foster is worried for Nadia and is trying her best to prevent Captain Everton hurting the chief science officer out of spite and confusion - Foster shouts out loudly "Captain!" (Creaking is heard) Foster looks to the silent Hiko and shouts to increase his attention and desire to help "Hiko come on".

Hiko does not feel the same way as Foster as he was nearly killed when the "Academic Vladislav Volkov's" anchor fell onto the Sea star tug. Hiko say's "That anchor nearly killed me, (Hiko shakes his head negatively and raises his eyebrows)(Hiko looks down at Nadia) I'm not feeling too sympathetic." - Captain Everton responds with slight anger "Me neither",

Captain Everton shouts out "Three" - time is running out for Nadia - Nadia shakes her head rapidly as she say's with a serious tone of voice - "Shoot me I don't care". Nadia stops shaking her head as she say's "Just shut down the power to the (Nadia nods down) ship>"

Everton is silent and motionless as he ponders his thoughts on if he should kill Nadia or to let her live, Echoing synthesizer effects are heard to provide atmosphere and suspense -

A sound of metal is heard as Everton cocks his pistol, Suddenly Foster quickly steps into the way of Captain Evertons weapon as she seeks to protect Nadia from the tyrannical skipper - Foster breathes in and out loudly as her adrenaline flows, Foster is calm and speaks softly - Captain -

Foster Hesitates - "She's not gonna tell you what you wanna hear."

Suddenly Stevie is heard from a distance entering the bridge room, Stevie shouts over to Everton "Hey Captain". Both Foster and Everton turn there heads towards Stevie,

Stevie Richie and Woods have returned from there escapades and have not been killed by the robotic cyborg. Stevie speaks out again "I'd like to hear what she has to say about this" Stevie is referring to Nadia - Steve is wide eyed and has something to show Captain Everton and the rest of the crew.

Nadia is shocked and lowers her eyebrows while looking on in fear at something Steve and the others have brought back from the decks below. Nadia raises up slightly as Stevie and Richie make there way past her. A scrunching of feet is heard as Stevie and Richie carry something in to the bridge - Steve say's "Up here on the chart table, Richie." Nadia follows with her head as Steve and Richie carry something in.

Captain Evertons mental state has changed now that he has seen something of profound interest, For a moment Everton ponders his thoughts and does not look at the object Stevie and Richie are carrying as his mind turns over and over - Hiko is subdued as he watches but Foster shows a face of shock as her mind goes into overdrive. Woods appears from the entrance door and quickly walks past Everton Hiko and Foster - Everton now turns to looks at the object -

A loud sound of crashing metal is heard as Stevie and Richie throw the synthetic cyborg over the chart table for further examination.

Richie shouts out with anger as he removes his hands from the robotic atrocity "Fake Bastard". Richie, Stevie and Woods managed to defeat the attacking cyborg and have brought it back to Captain Everton to evaluate. Nadia quickly stands from the sound of the cyborg hitting the table top. Richie begins to walk around the table as others step closer to the half man half machine contraption.

A sound of wind is heard - Everton looks over the destroyed cyborg as his mind seeks for an answer - Everton say's with dismay "What the bloody hell is that?" Everton looks from right to left as he examines the stinking mechanical robot.

Richie rests his hands on the chart table as he say's "It beats the hell out of us."

CRT monitor continues to display images at a rapid rate - Nadia is silent as she looks over the alien constructed meat pile, Nadia begins to speak softly as she slowly steps to her right along the table, "It's Alexi, my Captain," Nadia steps back as the graphic image of her captain begins to effect her mental state.

Woods is angry as he say's "Hell what ever it is, It tried to kill us." As Woods speaks he begins to unload the heavy bags and weapons from his shoulders Thud is heard - Woods removes a green bag from his right shoulder first using his right hand. (Bang of materials is heard as bag hits the floor) Woods removes another bag from his left shoulder with his left hand - Another bang is heard. -

Nadia is silent as she slowly turns away from the gruesome sight in an anti clockwise motion, CRT monitors continue to flash images - Nadia turns to face the grey circular pipe as she contemplates her thoughts. Light and soft brass instruments provide the sound score -

Nadia cannot face the rotten flesh of her captain as she suddenly looks over towards Steve - Steve say's Squeaky's still AWOL." Foster takes her hand away from her face slowly as she looks down at the macabre sight.

Steve begins to walk along the room as he say's "and somebody welded the engine room door shut."

Nadia has turned completely away from the others and is feeling much worse than expected. Steve continues "We're not alone here."

Richie looks on over to Nadia and say's "She's got another friend down there." Hiko looks to Foster -

Foster turns her head and looks on over towards Nadia - Richie speaks out again, "Can someone explain what the hell is going' on?" - Fosters silver crucifix sways from side to side.

Everton looks away from the dead cyborg creation as he looks on over to Nadia.

Steve is silent as he takes a deep breath and waits patiently for Nadia to speak.

Foster speaks and say's "Finish your story Nadia."

Nadia is biding her time as she swallows from the pain and turmoil she is feeling, Nadia blinks as she slowly brings herself to speak out about her experiences on the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" when the alien current struck the Mir Space station and the massive Russian vessel. Nadia takes a deep breath as she blinks rapidly, Nadia speaks softly "The energy that came from the MIR". Nadia squeezes her lips tightly together - Foster turns and looks back down at the cyborg creation as Nadia speaks.

Nadia continues, "Invested all of the ship's electrical systems. Captain Everton still feels adamant he is correct and Nadia is just playing another lie to get her out of trouble. Everton turns anti clockwise as he raises both hands in the air to empathise that Nadia is nothing but hot air."

Richie stares down at the cyborg as his fear and anxiety grinds on his mind, Richie takes a few steps around the table and then stops as he scrutinises the flesh and metal contraption that almost killed him and his colleagues. Nadia say's "Mainframe computer, the labs, the machine shops. (Creak is heard)

Nadia slowly turns to face her captors as she say's with sadness, "They activated fire extinguishers" (Squints eyes) "Sixty-seven died from Halon gas poisoning."

Foster looks on with shock and disbelief - Nadia continues "A quarter of the crew."
Using Halon extinguishing agents provides many risks to the people in the vicinity as well as the environment. Here is a list of some of the dangers:
Skin that comes in contact with the liquid of Halon that is sprayed from an extinguisher can caused chilled skin and frostbite.
**Skin & Eye Irritation**
Halon being a toxin it can cause damage to eyes and skin. Irritation can even occur without direct contact.
High concentrations of halon can create an oxygen-deficient environment. This can cause people to suffocate.
**Interruption of the Central Nervous System**
Large amounts of halon gas that are inhaled can interfere with the proper function of the central nervous system. This causes symptoms of dizziness, a tingling sensation in the extremities, and in some cases a victim with go unconscious.
**Flying Projectile**
A punctured or damaged extinguisher can present a danger because the release of pressure can turn the metal cylinder into a high-velocity missile.
**Cardiac Sensitization**
Halon can cause irregular heartbeats and an increased heart rate in response to adrenaline. In extreme cases, this can cause a heart attack.

Everton has retreated to the modest comfort of the window as he looks out to sea, Nadia continues as Everton turns his head around to listen to her explanation, "It cut us off from machine shops..." Creak is heard)

Nadia scrunches her eyebrows and nods forward as she say's "And started building" Hesitates - The little ones first -

Nadia continues - "The gatherers" - Richie moves slowly left along the table as he continues to explore the cyborgs features and build design. Richie rests both hands on the chart table as he say's "Yeah, we saw a whole room full of them." Richie looks on over to Nadia and say's "That's what nailed Woods." Woods is standing behind Richie and has is holding a small bottle of liquor in his left hand. Woods moves off to his left. Low level synthesizer chord is heard -

Nadia hesitates before saying, "Then came something...Nadia is unable to finish her sentence as she turns her head away from the group, Nadia shakes her head as she continues to face away from the others and say's "More dangerous".

Foster turns her head slightly as she looks over towards Nadia with a sense of deep fear and worry from Nadia's powerful words. Foster closes her mouth as she swallows on her saliva.

Nadia speaks softly and calmly. :"Half man - Half machine" Nadia is finding it difficult to face her captors but will tell her side of the story nether the less. Nadia swallows - "A biomechanism" Engineering beyond our comprehensions."

Hiko steps over to the cyborg as his mind ponders the incredible, Richie stares down at the flesh and metal monster as he opens a pen knife with both hands. Nadia continues, "The rest of the crew deserted taking their chances in the sea." A CRT monitor attached to the back wall displays a continuous stream of text and numbers"

Steve looks down at the robotic behemoth that nearly killed him and the others as he listens to Nadia.

Nadia continues, "Only Alexi and me stayed, cutting cables."

Foster suddenly turns away from Nadia and looks back down at the synthetic cyborg as she ponders the unimaginable. Foster speaks as she turns back to Nadia, "What does cutting cables have to do with it?."

Nadia lifts her head up more as she faces Foster, Nadia hesitates before shaking her head - Nadia speaks "Machines are controlled by the electrical energy (Nods down) Nods forward "In the computer".

Steve is hungry for information as he holds a severed cable in his right hand. Steve looks down at Alexi the Cyborg as Nadia continues. "If we can cut their source of power, they'll die." - Steve looks back up and over towards Nadia. Steve hesitates as he veers his eyes right momentarily, Steve looks down at the cable in his hand fleetingly before saying, "we cut these to get him here." Steve looks down again at the severed cable. The cyborg was defeated by severing it's power source and not the spread of gunfire as the cut is quite neat.

Captain Everton looks on over towards Steve as he explains how he killed the hostile contraption, Everton lifts his head up slightly - Steve say's with a breathless tone "What the hell are you talking about."

Steve looks down momentarily as he say's to Nadia, "What is this thing that's inside the computer, huh?"

Nadia is feeling drained and emotional as she looks down at Alexi her captain - Nadia hesitates before looking up at Steve - Nadia say's softly "It's a life-form unlike anything we know." "Not cellular but electrical in nature." "Extremely intelligent." A thin piece of Nadia's hair sways gently in front of her mouth - Nadia nods forward as she emphazises her words.

Richie replies and say's "You mean it's like lightening that can think."

Nadia continues - "It has no form no shape.'(Nods forward) But it's giving itself what it lacks." (Nadia raises her eyebrows)

Richie stares at Nadia with intrigue before bending down on his knees to get a closer look at the machine that nearly killed him and his crew members. Woods turns his head right then back to the table - Nadia say's "It's creating a new life-form..."

Nadia looks down at the table of rotten flesh and computer components as she say's "using parts of the ship and crew." Nadia looks back up and over towards Richie and the others. High pitched synthesizer key is heard to provide suspense.

Richie has been energised by Nadia's explanation of what exactly happened on the massive Russian vessel, Richie is intrigued and wants to learn more about the cyborg and how it functions. Richie stares down at the top of the cyborgs head as he begins to make a sharp incision across the leathery and putrid flesh of Alexi. A sound of scrunching and wet is heard as Richie begins his surgical operation to expose more of the mechanics of the contraption. Richie say's as he begins to cut open a small sized gap in the head "Blood is still pumping through his brain." The camera slowly pans around Richie" Richie continues, "There's been no decomposition at all." Richie moves his right hand slightly down the top of the head as his interest takes over.

Foster stands behind Richie as she bends slightly to the right to see better, Foster is also interested in the mechanics of the cyborg, (Squishing is heard as Richie pushes his knife deeper into the hibernated flesh.) Nadia holds her hands closer together as she watches Richie. CRT monitors continue to display fast moving images of charts and maps.

Hiko is silent as he watches Richie, Hiko sways his head slightly right for a better look before straightening up.
A loud squishing of flesh is heard as Richie explores the inside of the cyborgs brain. Richie begins to pull apart the soft tissue with both of his thumbs as he finds a small electrical component imbedded inside. "Richie say's, Yeah, Here..Right here, see this?" Richie pulls the flesh much wider apart to expose a rectangular sized component that glows a neon blue colour.

Richie say's "Some kind of coil or self-contained power supply built right into it."

Foster stands up and away from the table. Richie moves his head slightly as he immerses himself in the advanced and much more superior electronics.

Steve is silent as he watches over - Richie say's "Amazing".

Richie continues, "This brain is still alive",

The camera slowly zooms in onto the blue electronic component that has a pulsating blue spectrographical display in the centre. "Faint electronic high pitched whirring can now be heard"

Suddenly a more distinct and audible electronic pulsing sound is heard that is different from the normal pattern of sound, Without warning the neutralised cyborg violently jerks it's head with intense energy. (The open head wound rapidly snaps closed to protect it's circuits) The loud sound of snapping mechanics and surging power cells causes Richie to instantly back away from the table with complete shock. (Richie shouts out with intense shock) Foster and Hiko also feel the terror of a reanimated corpse that could attack once more as they stumble backwards.

Woods is also shell shocked at the sight of the energised cyborg that he jerks back with fear and shock too.

Steve's face changes to fear as he realises the machine is highly volatile and completely unpredictable.

The right arm of the cyborg has risen up slightly but is now relaxing back to the chart table, Hiko quickly pulls out his sword weapon as he prepares to fight to the death if required, Foster steps back with extreme caution as her hands widen in retaliation, Richie quickly lowers his right hand and retrieves a handgun from inside his right side jacket pocket. Richie takes hold of the gun in his left hand as a loud clicking sound is heard before pointing the weapon at the head of the fleshy robotic pile. Richie shouts out "Hello" as his instincts tell him that it is a human being coming back from the dead. Nadia spasms as her hands shake from the fast and unexpected twitch from the neutralised machine.

Steve is none to pleased that the machine has reanimated after he Woods and Richie were almost killed by the crazed mechanical creation. Steve becomes angry as he cocks his shotgun (A loud sound of grinding metal is heard) Steve shouts over to Richie "Stop fucking around with the damn thing..Richie".

The camera pans in towards Richie as he holds his loaded gun at the brain and head of the contraption. Richie is silent momentarily before beginning to chuckle in a forced and abnormally shocked way, Richie say's "I'm just looking at it Steve" Richie keeps his gun locked to his target as he looks up and across the room to Stevie. Richie looks back down again as he tries to comprehend the technical beauty and incredibly advanced robotics involved in creating such a killing machine. A low level jingle of wood is heard as Richie grabs his pen knife from the table with his left hand. Richie transfers his weapon from his right hand to his left as he takes his pen knife into his right hand.

Nadia has become transfixed with the cyborg as she slowly makes her way over to the chart table, The half man half machine robotic creation is made up of materials found inside of the ship and also Alexi who was caught by the alien entity and modified into a robotic cyborg. Nadia has a strong urge to investigate the flesh and metal monster for herself.

The cyborgs head begins to shake rapidly as Richie continues his butchery on the head of the contraption, Richie is using his pen knife to discover if there are any other interesting components inside the brain portion.

The camera slowly pans down along Alexi's left arm to create the eyes of Nadia, Nadia is looking down at the disgusting mesh of wires, metal scrap and others materials as she ponders her thoughts. Alexi has been fitted out with a barrel of a high powered magnum that has been generously covered with flesh to keep it all in one piece.

The hand of the cyborg uses machinery parts that have been infused into the flesh,

The hand operates under a level of electrical current that can channel into any muscle or component.

As Nadia looks down Alexi's arm she notices a gold marriage ring on the dead cyborgs ring finger. An echoing pan sound is heard to provide suspense - High pitched synthesizer key plays out -

Nadia has made her way over to Alexi and is stood right over him, All is quiet as Nadia raises her bound hands slowly up in front of her, Suddenly Nadia calls for the ships captain by name "Alexi"

A loud whoosh of sound is heard to provide atmosphere as Alexi the cyborg decides to greet Nadia in person.

Richie rapidly removes his hands from the reanimated corpse as Alexi lifts it's head up from the soft sounds of Nadia. Alexi is not in the best of health as it attempts to communicate with Nadia. Cells within Alexi's manipulated and enhanced brain may have triggered this response but sadly Alexi will never be back to the normal and healthy person he once was.

Alexi wants more than a quick hello as he suddenly grabs Nadia rapidly with his ring finger hand. A loud and deep sound similar to jumping in mud is heard as Alexi grips Nadia's bound wrist tightly. More squishing continues as Nadia screams out with shock and fear for her life.

Nadia's hair flails in all directions as she fights with the gruesome cyborg in an attempt to be released from it's almighty strong grip.

Richie has retreated to the far corner of the bridge as he looks over towards Nadia while skidding on his feet, Richie is also in shock and is mesmerised by the reanimated contraption that he has no time to react.

Nadia continues to scream out with fright and pain as the cyborg continues to squeeze on her wrists. Steve is quick as he rapidly propels himself over to the madness of the table, With natural instincts Steve raises the butt of his shotgun and smashes it in the head as hard as he possibly can, Steve grimaces as he pounds the cyborgs head for a second time, Steve goes for the kill with a third attempt. Each time Steve hits the brain of Alexi a crying baby sound is heard -

Hiko also assists Nadia as he quickly runs over to try and get the cyborg to release the traumatised science officer.

Hiko grabs the arm of the contraption as he attempts to damage the circuits and delicate construction.

Suddenly Hiko strikes the cyborgs arm with his trusty green sword with a massive swiping action with his right hand.

Huge sparks of electrical energy explode out of the arm as Hiko strikes down,

A loud and fast sound is heard similar to a hydraulic drill as the arm is suddenly severed into two. A thick grey smoke belches from the internal connections as the circuits are destroyed.

Fountains of sparks eject out of the destroyed circuits as the power is channelled to a dead end.

Hiko holds up the severed arm like a piece of chicken as the flesh dangles limply, The internal components have now become exposed and reveal useful everyday items that can be modified and implemented into human flesh quite successfully.

Steve continues to bash the brain of Alexi as he struggles to kill the cyborg for a second time. A high pitched whizzing sound is heard similar to a power drill going into hard brick, Steve grunts and grimaces as he steps back from the pile of flesh and metal junk as the cyborg fizzes and smokes.

Hiko grimaces as the exposed gut region explodes and pops with explosive sparks followed by a thick smoke - High pitched whizzing sounds are heard as the machine channels down the power circuits and relaxes once more.

A firework display emits from the carcass of the cyborg as it's main power unit is damaged by Steve.

Nadia is distraught after being man handled by an aggressive cyborg mixed with Alexi's human remains, Foster tries her best to reassure and comfort Nadia as she looks over towards the meddling Richie who just can't keep his hands off electrical equipment. More loud fizzing is heard as the robot putters out - Nadia is crying and very upset.

Richie stands motionless as he breathes in and out at a fast rate, Richie stares over towards Hiko who has now become angry that Richie caused this dangerous situation. Hiko holds his sword in his hand as he aims it over and towards Richie not in the best of moods.

Hiko's eyes glow with vexation as he say's to Richie "Touch it again, And I'll cut your hands off." Echoing pan sounds are heard -

A light clicking is heard as Hiko puts his sharp weapon back in it's sheath, Richie is silent as he stares over towards Hiko, Suddenly Richie say's "I can respect that." Richie is now in fear of Hiko who might just carry out his promise if Richie meddles again.

Hiko rapidly flicks his sword left with his right hand in a super fast movement - A sliding sound is heard as Hiko places his sword under his belt and into it's sheath while continuing to watch Richie. Nadia can be heard weeping in the distance, A tapping is heard as Hiko begins to walk on over towards Richie at a medium pace.

Nadia breathes in rapidly as she weeps in an attempt to console her worst fears and delusions, Foster holds onto Nadia's right shoulder as she comforts her the best she can. Suddenly Nadia turns to face Foster as she shakes and suffers from the situation, Foster places her left hand onto Nadia;s temple as she soothes her mind, Nadia begins to speak with a whimper "It's still Alexi", Nadia breathes in deeply again a shuddering breath of air, Nadia shakes her head as she forces a high pitched breath from her mouth "It's Alexi". Foster turns and looks over at the disgusting chunk of flesh and components as she attempts to accept that the evil cybotic creation could actually have human elements intertwined within it's stinking carcass. Suddenly Captain Everton speaks from a distance, being Everton he is heartless and continues to be optimistic in his scheme to salvage the vessel. Everton's voice causes both Foster and Nadia to rapidly turn in his direction. Everton shouts out "Rubbish".

Woods stands motionless as he looks on over towards Foster and Nadia, Everton avoids eye contact with Nadia and Foster as he looks at Woods and say's, Your listening to a pile of Russian rubbish." Everton now looks at Nadia and Foster as he gets out of his seat and makes his way over towards the cyborg creation. A tapping of feet is heard as Everton steps over, Everton looks away to his right and towards Foster and Nadia, "And I for one won't listen to any more of it." (Echoing synthesizer pan note is heard)

A grey and hot smoke belches out from the open gut of the cyborg as it sleeps on the chart table, Everton scrutinises the table as he say's "There's no alien". Woods edges to his left as he lines up a view of the organism for himself.

Steve looks at Everton with dismay as the Captain continues, "Something their government cooked up."

Nadia is distraught and hurt by Everton's presumption of the situation as she slowly stands, Nadia quivers as she listens to Everton's delusional vocabulary, Everton continues, "It all went wrong didn't it. "It's run amok and you're afraid the rest of the world's gonna find out about it." Foster also now stands to her feet as she listens to the tyrannical captains words.