A crashing sound is heard as Foster and Nadia collapse to the floor of the navigational room, Foster lands on her right side while Nadia lands on her back. Foster begins to crawl forward along the ground with her yellow torch in her left hand. Nadia pushes back on her legs as she slowly gathers her thoughts.

A loud squeak is heard as Steve enters the navigation's room and closes the door behind him, Steve steps backwards as he shouts out "God". Steve is exhausted and is very relieved to have reached a relatively safe and dry area. An almighty and echoing sound is heard as Steve slams the thick steel door behind him. (Some communications equipment to Steves right that is attached to the wall shakes violently as Steve slams the door shut.

Nadia has slid her way to the back wall as she begins to remove her green ruck sack from her back. Nadia slides the straps off with both hands from behind her back before grunting loudly and tossing her bag a few feet to her left. Nadia leans back as she places both hands against her upper chest region. (Foster can be heard coughing as she attempts to remove sea water from her mouth and throat)

Steve leans over slightly as he removes his machine gun from his right shoulder, Steve swings his weapon out with his right hand as he catches it with his left also. Steve turns anti clockwise as he twists the gun in his left hand so that the barrel end is vertical, Steve then takes hold of the gun in his right hand before making his way over to a large table top map reader and chart display.

A loud thud is heard as Steve rapidly sits down against the nautical equipment, (Ruffled sounds of plastic are heard) Chinking of machine gun is heard) Steve breaths heavily as he looks to his right. Water proof plastic cover shimmers and moves around from Steve's pressure.

Foster is still in a crouched position on her hands and knees, Foster struggles to speak as she refers to Hiko, "Maybe he made it to another part of the ship?". Foster begins to slowly push herself up from the floor using both hands.

Steve looks over towards Foster as he ponders his mind, Steve suddenly raises his left hand and throws his weapon across the floor a few feet. (Metal crashing sound is heard) Steve looks forward as he breathes heavily before looking almost over his shoulder, Steve speaks and say's, "Not a chance." as he directs his voice towards Foster who is behind the chart reading machine. Steve blinks as he turns his head slightly back while continuing to rest his back against the silver map reader. Steve's eyes veer from side to side - (Passionate violins provide the sound score)

Nadia has managed to stand up and has decided she will walk on over to the window, Nadia limps slightly as she steps on over, (Foster coughs loudly) Nadia places both hands onto a large broken steel beam as she looks out into the hail of the Pacific ocean. Lightening fleetingly illuminates the navigation room as the storm persists. The chart room is a mass of destruction with toppled over computers and equipment, broken cables and pipes that have been ripped from the ceiling. Nadia outstretches her right arm as more flashes of lightening and thunder erupt from outside. A fast tapping of feet is heard from Nadia as she approaches the window.

Nadia stares out of the window with sadness and a growing fear she may never escape the massive ship of horrors. Massive amounts of sea water pound the windows on a continuous basis, The water floods down the window glass as it momentarily disappears only for it to return with another powerful smash of water. The camera pans up slowly to reveal Nadia' facial expression as she watches through the window. Nadia closes her eyes fleetingly as she prays that she and the others can make a safe passage off the ship and back to normal living reality. Nadia reopens her eyes and steps back a step as her face grimaces from the sudden flashes of lightening. Nadia looks back out as the rain and sea fret continue there wrath.

A high pitched humming sound is heard as the ship ploughs through the stormy seas, Wind pushes itself into small areas of steel and damaged debris - Suddenly another large wave propels up from the water line before smashing over the bow section.

Manilla ropes sway in the powerful breeze as steel chains create a loud squeaking sound.

(Location - Missile silo room) Richie Mason has been a very busy bee as he continues his master plan of action against the alien organism. A clicking of metal is heard as Richie stands over a large coil of white and very strong wire.

Richie suddenly picks up one end of the metal wire with his left hand, On the end of the wire cable is a carabiner styled clip, the clip sways from side to side at high speed as Richie holds it up. Atmospheric violins provide the sound score -

Richie Mason suddenly stands up and begins to walk across the room while carrying the carabiner and wire in hand. Clicking of metal and a tapping of feet is heard - Richie reaches a small yellow painted metal staircase which he instantly steps up to, (Loud creaking of the ship is heard) Metal tapping of feet is heard from Richie - Richie now wears a camera system on his head which he has built himself from spare parts around the ship. This camera has night vision built in to help him see robots and other dangerous mechanical contraptions in the darkness. (Loud humming of steel under pressure is heard) Richie looks behind him momentarily,. Richie takes two more steps forward before twisting around in a 360 degree motion. Chinking of metal is heard - Two black leather lens covers dangle and gyrate on top of the head camera as Richie walks.

Richie is silent as he quickly bends down to the floor below, (Creaking is heard) Richie looks up and across the silo room as he holds up the metal carabiner in his left hand.

Richie is a genius weapons specialist and has managed to build a rather dangerous looking weapon from his weapon stash. Other parts of the device have been taken from a torpedo's compulsion engine and a small robotic critter. As Richie holds up the carabiner in his left hand Richie raises his right hand and attaches another carabiner clip so that both are now connected to each other. (Click is heard as the two clips snap together) RPG Rockets are also protruding from the explosive device and several thermite grenades for extra heat and potency. Multiple wires are attached to the pull pins of the thermite grenades and when these explosives detonate the RPG rockets will also explode. Richie tightens the carabiners in his hand as he admires his work and what might happen if the pins were to be pulled out. (High pitched synthesizer chord is heard infused with violin)

Richie stares down at the Carabiners as he contemplates his thoughts. Richie's lens caps swing from side to side - Suddenly Richie looks up and across the room.

Richie stares in silence and contemplation as he focuses on a torpedo that is hanging from two metal clips that are attached to a long metal rung. Two thick cables wrap around the circumference of the powerful device. Richie has built a very powerful explosive device that he is now comparing to torpedo technology.

Lens caps continue to swing - Richie looks back down at the metal clips as his mind ponders over what might develop with his contraption and not that of the alien organism. Suddenly Richie speaks out and say's to himself, "Just a little goodbye gift." (Raises eyebrows slightly) Richie rubs the carabiner clips softly with his fingers. Richie suddenly looks down even further. A jingle sound of synthesizer keys is also heard -

A loud clack of metal is heard as Richie places the carabiners down to the floor below, Richie quickly stands up and walks off to his left, Chinking of metal is heard as a coil and loose mass of wires shake from Richies trousers and right hand. (Loud popping click sound is heard)

Location - Navigation room above the bridge - Foster is eager to discover the coordinates of the Russian ship as the alien organism is now steering the ship automatically. Foster has found a large ships compass as she rests her hands at either side. Thunder and lightening is heard as bright flashes of light streak through the windows. The camera slowly pans down as the large compass begins to sweep it's dials around. Inner dial turns slowly in an anti clockwise motion, Foster shouts loudly with concern as the lightening strikes, "We gotta find out where it's taking us?"

Nadia stands above the large compass as she watches the inner dial turn, Foster rests her left thumb against the glass of the compass as she ponders over the measurements. Suddenly Foster removes her right hand from the glass of the device as she turns her head left and over towards Steve. Foster places the palm of her hand flat to the compasses surface which causes it to lift up vertically on it's 360 degree mechanism. Foster shouts loudly, "Steve." A massive cloud of water streams down the windows of the navigation's room.

Thunder and Lightening continues - Steve quickly turns his head behind him as he reacts to Fosters calling, Steve suddenly stands up as he turns to his right and uses the metal bar rail of the toppled chart reader for support. Both Nadia and Foster remain by the window, Roar of sea water is heard -

As Steve stands he rests his hands momentarily onto the side of the tipped over table top reader, Foster quickly steps over to the machine as she say's, "Steve, Give me a hand." Foster bends slightly as she grabs hold of some metal bars to the side of the reader. Fosters yellow torch swings from side to side from Fosters left wrist. Steve also grabs the other end as he assists in lifting the heavy reader so that it is back on it's legs. Sea water pounds the windows behind Foster as Nadia looks out of the window. Flashes of lightening strobe the room at infrequent moments.

Steve grimaces and groans loudly as he begins to raise the heavy chart reader from the ground. Foster also gasps for air as she lifts up the unit, Nadia watches as the table raises up to a usable position. Foster quickly steps around the table towards Steve as her urge to discover the Aliens coordinates becomes top priority.

Steve suddenly jerks as he brings the table top reader onto it's metal legs, (Loud bang of metal is heard) Nadia also helps with the lifting of the table by supporting the weight as it lands on it's right side. (Nadia grunts with effort) Foster places both hands onto the reader as she stabilises it's movements, Foster removes her hands as she looks down at the table, Steve sways from side to side as he applies pressure to both sides of the table so that it is perfectly resting on it's legs. Nadia lifts her left hand away from the reader and steps around slightly so that she faces the other side of Foster, Nadia looks down with interest at the chart reader. Fast paced Violin provides atmosphere - Foster looks down at her yellow torch as she shouts out, "We need a light." Foster rests her hands to the table with her yellow torch attached to her left hand. (Flash of lightening strobes the room) Steve turns around anti clockwise and looks towards the window fleetingly, Steve turns clockwise and looks behind him as he attempts to find a torch. Steve bends his head down to the left slightly and has now discovered a torch attached to the far wall. ( A light tapping of feet is heard as Steve quickly steps over to the torch.) Foster watches Steve as he retrieves a light, Foster rapidly lifts up her left hand slightly before placing it back to the table..

Steve reaches over and grabs hold of the Navigation rooms torch with both hands..Steve lifts up quickly producing a sliding sound as the torch is removed from the wall. Steve steps back two steps as he looks down at the large circular panel of the torch, (A loud click is heard as Steve switches the powerful torch on.) Steve quickly turns anti clockwise as he faces the table top chart reader once again, (Foster coughs) Steve shines the torch down over the map reader to improve vision, Foster shines her torch at a slight angle with her left hand as she aims the light over the large navigational chart. Foster shouts out loudly, "We're headed here on this vector". Foster sweeps her right hand across the table to the far right side as she points her index finger onto a part of the map. Foster changes her right hand into a crab shape as she attempts to teach Steve and Nadia how to read maps. Foster spins her right hand left as she balances it on her thumb. Foster then places her index finger down as she uses her fingers similar to a navigational ruler or divider. Nadia places her left hand onto the tables screen, Nadia slides her right hand in and towards the edge of the table reader, Nadia looks to her right and down towards the part of the map Steve has illuminated. Measuring the distance between two points on a chart is made easier with dividers. The dividers allow you to measure distance in nautical miles when used in conjunction with the latitude scale of your nautical map. Place one point of the dividers at point A and the other point of the dividers at point B. Keeping the same spread measure the distance on the latitude scale. If it's 20 minutes of latitude, then the distance is 20 nautical miles, i.e. one minute is one nautical mile. Remember to only ever measure by latitude because longitude is different depending how far north or south you are. For measuring distances that are longer than your dividers, set the dividers to a whole number then rotate the dividers end to end and then add up the number of rotations.

Foster continues as she scrutinises the large nautical chart and say's, "North-northwest, Lord Howe Island?. (Thunder and lightening is heard) The large chart flashes a grey smoked blue colour as the light floods in from the water battered window. Several small pieces of wood slide then rapidly stop as a breeze creeps inside the navigational room.

Steve leans over towards Foster and speaks out with surprise, Lord Howe? (Steve blinks) (Foster looks to Steve)(Steve hesitates as he fleetingly looks down at the chart then back to Foster)) Why? - There's nothing there." Foster looks down at the chart as she shakes her head negatively a few times. (Steve blinks as he looks to Nadia - (Thunder and lightening is heard) A rapid flash of light illuminates the room) Foster looks up to Nadia, Steve closes his eyes momentarily as he looks up slightly - Nadia speaks and say's with an urgency, "There is." (Thunder and lightening is heard once more) Flashes of light pulse the navigation's room)

Nadia continues as she looks to Steve - "There is a British intelligence station there." Nadia looks to Foster and say's, "They have digital linkups to all the military."(Foster coughs) Foster moves her head up and down with intense frustration as she looks down at the map and towards Nadia. Sea Water continues to cascade down the windows from a distance - Lightening thunder frequents - Nadia looks to Steve as she continues, "and commercial satellites in the Southern Hemisphere". Nadia looks back down to the huge nautical chart -

Foster responds to Nadia's knowledge of How Island as she screams out with concern, "If it get's into the transoceanic Pacific cable, (Foster looks towards Steve, (Steve rapidly pulls of his dark brown jumper with both hands as he pulls it up and over his head) Foster fleetingly looks to Nadia then back to Steve) It could go anywhere?" Both Nadia and Foster stare at each other as they contemplate there dangerous predicament. Flash of lightening floods the room, Thunder rumbles loudly - Rain and sea water pounds the windows - Steve looks down as he frowns as he continues to pull his jumper over his head. Steve pulls the right side down with his right hand, Steve twist his body slightly right as he closes his eyes momentarily, Steve pulls down the shirt with his left hand, Steve looks back to Foster as he squints - Foster looks down as she coughs loudly - Steve looks at Foster with concern. Suddenly a male voice is heard emanating from the far corner of the room, Foster and Steve quickly turn there heads around towards the unexpected sound.. Nadia looks up -

Steve rapidly looks towards the sound as his mind explodes with ideas, Nadia stares ahead as she rests her left hand on the table top reader, Foster has been caught off guard and is unsure where the sound is coming from, Foster shines her torch across the room as she attempts to identify the radio message. Mans voice speaks with importance - The research vessel Norfolk to the vessel at 29 South, 79 East. Massive water plume cascades down the windows from behind the survivors - Flashes of lightening strobe the room - Suddenly Foster bends down and begins to cough and choke having nearly drowned at sea. Steve exchanges his jacket from his right hand to his left as he listens carefully to the words. Steve pulls his right arm out of the right sleeve - A high pitched synthesizer key is heard to provide atmosphere and suspense.

The camera slowly zooms into PANEL 22 which is a radio communications speaker that is linked to a radio receiver. The male voice continues to emanate from the speakers, "Received a mayday at 0800 hours, We have you on radar." Thunder and Lightening light up the PANEL 22 unit - (Loud howling wind is now heard)

Steve is astonished and can not believe his ears that he is listening to a mayday distress response, Steve slowly sways to his right before taking a singular step forward. Steve cannot control his emotions as he shouts out loudly with a sense of relief, "Richie's Mayday got through!." Steve rapidly turns to face Foster and Nadia as he emphasises and amplifies his solace that everyone will be saved. Nadia rest both hands at either side of the enormous chart reading device as she listens to Steve's excitement. Nadia moves forward slightly as she interacts with Steve. (Steve looks back up at the PANEL 22 radio speaker.

Foster rapidly lowers herself down against the side of the navigational chart reader with an inbuilt sadness and damaged mindset, Foster grips a small metal rail with her right hand palm facing, Clunk of body weight is heard as Foster squats down exhausted - PANEL 22 radio speaker continues, "If you are receiving but cannot transmit, Please respond by signal flare." Foster closes her eyes as she rests her head against her right arm, Foster is completely uninterested in the radio message and does not respond. Thunder and Lightening pierce and strobe the room,

Steve stands motionless and silent as he continues to listen to the radio message, Suddenly Steve turns around to face Foster and Nadia in a anti clockwise motion, Steve is hyper and shouts out with excitement, "We need a flare gun!" Steve opens his arms wide and is very serious as he speaks, Steve looks from Nadia to Foster as he emphasises that they need a flare gun for rescue. Steve's eyes are wide and very serious - Nadia and Foster almost shout out in unison "No No!" as they disagree with Steve's anxious delirium.

Nadia begins to shake her head furiously as she say's with a sincerity, "No, If anything, we need to warn them away." (Sea water movement is heard) Slow violin chord provides atmosphere -

Steve is confused as he rapidly turns to Foster and shouts out loudly, "WHY?" Steve bends down slightly as he patiently waits for an answer. Steve's face explodes with a pulsing light of electrically charged atoms as thunder is also heard - Lightning is an electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, or within the clouds themselves. Most lightning occurs within the clouds. ... This heat causes surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, which creates the pealing thunder we hear a short time after seeing a lightning flash.

A roar of sea water is heard from the swelling Pacific ocean - Foster instantly snaps out of her dazed state as she put's Steve in his place, Foster speaks loudly and with slight anger, "Because this thing is isolated on the ship, Steve!" Nadia stares at Steve as she sways slightly from side to side before resting on the floor below.) Foster hesitates as she gives Steve a serious facial expression, Foster continues, "We can't let another ship near us." Nadia pushes out her right hand slightly) Foster suddenly looks away and towards Nadia after pointing out her serious point.
Nadia nods forward as she say's with a whisper "Right" Nadia also agrees with Foster - If the Alien organism makes contact with other ships it will spread and attack there computer databases and equipment starting the whole process again. Nadia turns and looks at Foster who has now shut her eyes. Foster is breathing heavily and Nadia feels sorry for her predicament. Flashes of lightening light up the table top chart and map reader with rapid flickers of intense white light, Thunder is heard -

No sound score - Steve has changed his tune as he now realises that he and the rest wont be saved if they found a flare gun. Steve is silent as he begins to bend down while closing his eyes fleetingly. Steve looks on over towards Nadia as his mind races with the worst possible outcome. Steve reaches breaking point as he rests on his knees - Blinks) Rain is heard - Violin score begins to play - Steve closes his eyes and looks down with dismay as he raises his right hand and places it over his forehead as a way to dilute his emotions.

Nadia stares at Steve in silence and is none the wiser on what they should do next, Steve slowly sways to his right - Enormous bang and echoing soundscape of thunder is heard - An almighty flash illuminates the navigational room once again - Nadia rests her left hand on her hip., Foster continues to close her eyes and sneak a short rest period, Nadia veers her eyes right and through the window as her heart and her mind pray for a solution, Nadia breathes with a hint of heaviness as she suddenly closes her eyes before looking back to Steve - Nadia bends her head slightly left as she waits patiently for Steve to respond.

Steve looks towards Foster and then back to Nadia in silence - Steve is contemplating his thoughts when he suddenly speaks and say's "We gotta sink this ship!" Steve veers his eyes right then back to Nadia as he speaks his serious words. Steve does not say another word as he stares at Nadia.

Foster has awoken and is now staring across towards Steve Baker, Foster suddenly lowers her head down before coughing loudly - Foster hesitates before looking back up to Steve and saying, "HOW?"

Steve looks at Foster and is silent momentarily, Steve suddenly looks towards Nadia - Steve is now expecting Nadia to have a good answer to his solution considering she is the Chief Scientific Officer for the Academic Vladislav Volkov" -

Nadia's nerves are pulsing inside her as she pants heavily while swaying her head in an up and down motion, Suddenly Nadia speaks and say's, "Flood the hold with fuel (Nadia veers her eyes towards Foster and say's, "And detonate it." Nadia looks back to Steve as a rush of sea water is heard. Flashes of lightening strobe the room,

Steve looks to Nadia and is silent momentarily, Suddenly Steve speaks and say's with sincerity, "Let's do it". Steve speaks with a slow and controlled voice as he agrees on Nadia's idea. More thunder and lightening strobes the room illuminating Steve's face with rapid flashes of intense light.

Foster is silent and motionless as the master-plan of action begins to seep into her mind, Foster is not happy but there seems to be no other solution and Foster wants to live. Foster shakes her head delicately as her mouth widens with an almost fake relief. Foster slightly turns her head right -

A loud blast of thunder is heard - Flashes strobe the room - Trumpets begin to play for the sound score - Steve looks at Foster in silence momentarily before veering his eyes towards Nadia. Now there is a verbal agreement between all three survivors and they now have to stick with the agreement.

Nadia watches Foster and hopes that she will have the strength and courage to carry out such a huge and very dangerous scheme of action. Flashes of lightening strobe over Nadia and the table top chart reader, All is silent in the room and no one is talking, Nadia slowly looks away from Foster and forward across the room. (Thunder is heard - Nadia's eyes suddenly open wide and her face has turned to one of complete shock, Nadia has spotted something abnormal in the blackness of the far room.

Foster also turns her head and looks ahead, Foster is transfixed on something that is now approaching there very position. Fosters mind races as her heart jumps with fear and fright. )Flashes of light pierce the room)

A crashing of echoing waves infused with the sound of insects is heard - Nadia and Foster have been seriously spooked by a tall and foreboding black silhouette of a man in the distance - The man stands motionless and silent by another entrance door that has been overlooked by the survivors. An abundance of thick cables and wires are protruding out of the mans shoulders and arms and a bright red light is visible on the right side of his head. Suddenly the mans head sweeps up slowly almost mimicking mechanical movement.

Lightening continues - Foster is transfixed to the unidentifiable man as she slowly lifts herself up from the floor below.

Steve is unaware of the man standing at the door space as he continues to kneel facing Foster and Nadia. A loud electrical whining sound is heard followed by a loud clunk of heavy metal - Short lower toned whirr is heard followed by a repeating higher pitched whirr and then a clunk of metal. Foster turns slightly as her yellow torch swings out on her left hand. On the second loud metallic clunk sound Steve becomes spooked as he suddenly stands up and turns anti clockwise in his thirst for knowledge. Nadia steps back slightly as she removes her left hand from the bottom of the table top reader before striking out her left hand rapidly, Nadia continues to retreat backwards in her attempt to keep as much distance as possible from the unidentifiable intruder. Nadia outstretches her arms for support as she kneels down in fear and shock.

Steve takes a few steps in a circular motion as he faces forward while also staring in shock at the sight in front of him, Steve keeps on the move - Rain races down from the sky outside the windows.

More whirring is heard as the man steps forward into the dank and dimly illuminated room, A clunk of metal feet is heard including the working mechanics as the man steps awkwardly to his right. The silhouette of a man suddenly lowers his head downwards - Flashes of lightening rapidly illuminate a most terrible and shocking sight of horror and gruesome detail. More whirring is heard as the man steps to his left side. Suddenly the tremendous lightening storm illuminates more than the survivors were expecting to see. Captain Robert Everton has returned to the bridge but no one had returned, Everton maybe heard the lifting of the table top chart reader and has decided to pay the room a visit. Captain Everton has been surgically operated on by the Alien Organism and is now no more. Everton may of wanted to side with the alien power but was attacked inside Workroom 14 by a series of powerful robots and critters. Everton may of felt sorry for his actions of greed and selfishness and has regretted the death of his good friend Woods. In any case this robot will not bring good intentions now that it is controlled by an evil dictator. Suddenly the light is gone and all goes silently black and creepy. (Blast of trumpets provides atmosphere)

Steve sways on his feet as he speaks out with shock and fear, "Jesus Christ>" Steve breathes and pants rapidly as his nerves and adrenaline take over. Steve and the others now know they are in big trouble from the Everton Robot contraption.

Whirring continues as Everton makes his way over to his hard working crew members who he has always had in the back of his mind. A loud thud of heavy metal is heard as the robot steps to it's right, The sluggish mechanics pause momentarily as the motors change frequency so that Everton can continue his slow and cumbersome walk. Foster stares down at Evertons feet and is in shock at what she can see. Steve stares at the Everton Contraption in silence - Foster looks back to the robots face as her mind turns to jelly. Water pounds the windows and has no intentions of stopping - A plume of water explodes off the windows. Foster shakes her hands out slightly with intense fear and loathing.

Steve shouts loudly from a distance, "Foster get back!." Steve screams at the top of his voice with anger and frustration as he fleetingly looks at Foster - Steve has realised this is not Everton but a reprogrammed and body engineered sample.

More whirring continues as the high technology construction carries out it's instructions, Everton steps forward another step on it's right leg, Crunching of metal is heard from the floor) The grotesque features of Evertons face light up as he moves closer to the window, Everton looks down and is silent as he moves on another step with his left leg - More whirring is heard) Everton continues to take short and robotic steps forward as he closes in on Foster. (Foster punched Everton earlier on and also told him to basically go and jump off the side of the ship with anger.) Everton is a complete mess and has seen better days, The alien organism has done an excellent job in turning him into a robot.

Thunder and lightening prevail as the light flickers into the darkened room, Loud crash of thunder is heard) Water drips at a rapid rate off the window extractor fan as a long line- Steve maintains his position and does not attempt to intervene or stop the approaching robot, Nadia cowers in a far corner and prays that the robot does not show any interest in her. The table top chart reader pulses with a blue tinged light from the lightening strikes. Foster rests her right hand on a far corner of the table reader as her mind freezes. Foster is shocked to the core at the terrible state of Everton and can not accept this terrible situation at first light. The camera zooms into Foster as she squints and fills with panic. Thunder is heard -

Nadia is transfixed to the robotic contraption as she kneels to the floor, A tapping o metal and a whirring of mechanics continues as the alien crafted machine makes haste across the floor. Nadia pants as she pushes herself as far back as she possibly can, Nadia closes her eyes momentarily, The shape and silhouette of the robots legs pass by Nadia to the right as she hides from view. Suddenly Nadia pushes up on her arms as she focuses on another area across the floor in the opposite direction to Foster. Nadia sways from side to side as she maintains her focus on the robotic scrapheap, As the robot passes Nadia pushes more with her hands against the back wall, Suddenly Nadia makes a run for it across the floor while deflecting her being seen by the robots sensors and camera units. Nadia pants as she lowers herself down slightly while quickly running across, (A repetitive Whirring continues)

A slow and continuous build up of minor chord violins provides a blur of atmospheric suspense - Nadia quickly rests on her knees while supporting herself with a grey coloured support beam using her right hand..

The Everton robotic contraption stares at Foster with a cold and wired look as it's organic fused brain trips on the past experiences and now it's new primary objectives. A loud whirring of high pitched electronics is heard once again as the robot steps forward as it sways to the right. The robot sway left slightly as a loud ting of mechanical parts is heard. The robot suddenly veers it's head back slightly as it stares on over at the silent Foster. (Robot blinks)- Foster is petrified and completely lost for words as her mind and body freeze on the spot. Another whirring sound is heard as the robots right side camera component spins a quarter inch anti clockwise. The robotic contraption tilts it's head slightly left as it emphasises it's disappointment that it has not been recognised. Everton speaks and say's with a sarcastic despondency, "You don't recognise me." Foster maintains her silence and has not felt the urge to welcome Captain Everton back to the team.

A short sound of fast air is heard as Evertons black rimmed spectacle attached to his right eye suddenly sweeps outwards to reveal a naked eye. The silver motor that is located left of Everton's temple just above the left eye suddenly twists around a quarter turn clockwise. (Whirring is heard from the motor) Everton is upset that Foster has ignored him and does not consider his robot surgery anything serious for friends to come between. Synthesizer chord that slowly plays up the scale is heard -

Rain lashes the windows from outside the ship, Foster is stunned that Captain Everton has chosen to become a reanimated robot, Foster and Everton had there differences but he never deserved to be murdered. Foster slowly edges back on her feet as she stares transfixed and totally stunned by her Captains appearance. Foster rests her left hand on a computer terminal as she steps backwards. Everton speaks out again and is concerned that Foster has not greeted him, Everton speaks in an evil and sarcastic way, "What's wrong?" Suddenly Foster looks rapidly to her left and at the computer terminal system, Foster quickly looks forward but has now accidentally tripped up on something behind her in all the confusion. A loud thud is heard as Foster topples to the floor below.

Foster collapses backwards as she trips over an upturned chair that she was unaware of, Foster grimaces as she violently crashes over the wooden chair with arms flailing, Captain Evertons legs have been completely removed and replaced with high quality steel and powerful motors, These legs are slow and cumbersome but will last much longer than human flesh and bone would ever do. Nadia and Steve are silent and have not said a single word.

Foster falls completely backwards as her legs lift up in the air. A massive bang of metal is heard as Foster strikes a large metal chair from behind her, As she falls back Fosters right leg swings up uncontrollably and hits the side of the chair with her shoe. Foster holds her right hand up while her left leg rests on the floor.

Another whirring sound is heard as the robots spectacle quickly sweeps back over the eye, The robots left side bottom silver motor suddenly twists a quarter turn in an anti clockwise motion. Clanking of electronics is heard as the robot twists slightly to the left, Robot steps forward as a clanking of metal is heard, A juddering mechanical movement pushes the robot even closer to Foster, Another low level ting of steel is heard as Everton steps forward once more, Everton stops in his tracks as the left side silver motor turns a quarter turn clockwise. (Fast whirring sound is heard) Continuous flashes of lightening flicker and light up the robots gruesome features as Foster struggles to maintain mental stability. Robot tilts head down slightly as it stares over at the navigation's officer. A humming of moving parts is also heard each time the robot takes a step forward. Synthesizer key provides atmosphere -

Nadia is feeling the pressure as she quickly grabs hold of her green ruck sack with her left hand, (Light ruffling of material is heard) Nadia rapidly looks down into her bag as she rummages through with both hands.

Foster gasps with fear as she suddenly lifts her self up from the floor, Foster stares over with intense technophobia as she maintains focus on the contraption. As Foster stands she sweeps her left hand over to her right side and grabs hold of something, (Grinding sound is heard from the object)

Foster is now feeling threatened and scared for her life as she quickly picks up the brown chair she had accidentally tripped over on just moments ago, Foster holds the back seat with her left hand and the front right leg with her right hand. Foster rapidly swings her hands back as she attempts to smash the wooden furniture over Evertons head.

Foster grimaces as she swings the chair with all her might, Everton looks to Foster in silence as she swings, Foster grunts loudly from her extreme effort.

Everton raises his right robotic and flesh infused hand up high to protect his electrical circuits as the chair comes in fast, The powerful robot is proving to be a mighty adversary and the chair disintegrates on impact smashing into hundreds of smaller pieces. The impact and strength of the robot leaves Foster with a small piece of wood as the chair obliterates onto the floor below. (Crash of wooden materials is heard) Everton looks at Foster with evil intentions and has not moved an inch from the attack.

Lightening flashes - Foster stares at her captain with a frozen terror and has realised the contraption is much stronger than her. Foster sways slightly on her feet as she stares blankly at her master. A electrical implant behind Evertons head displays a series of three numerical digits, The third digit to the right continuously alters it's values, 3,6,4,0,1. The first two digits remain the same value. Pulsating orange lights streak across the top of the robots head at a continuous rhythm of movement. Wires from behind the robot sway slightly, Whirr is heard each time the robots bottom silver motor twists a quarter turn anti clockwise, clockwise, then anti clockwise in quick succession. Everton speaks with control and evil as he say's "I'm still your captain, Foster.. The window behind Foster produces a patter effect as the rain hits the glass.

Everton blinks from his right eye as he slowly tilts his head left with a continuous movement, Everton speaks again with evil intentions, "You must treat me with respect." Foster is frozen on the spot as her mind races with the worst possible outcome, Everton continues to turn as a whizzing motor suddenly comes to life.

A loud whack of flesh and bone is heard as Everton strikes Foster as hard as he can around her face. Foster screams out with intense shock and pain as the robot attacks at full speed. Everton twists on his rotten carcass as his right hand quickly sweeps up and out at Foster. The robot shows zero emotion or anger as it strikes Foster, Everton has been turned into a spaghetti junction of different parts and proudly hosts the body of Woods, arms from two dead specimens, metal hands infused with flesh and a plethora of other peoples human organs flesh and bone all mixed together. Fosters head rapidly jerks left from the force as her body twists around a full 360 degrees in a anti clockwise movement.

Foster has been seriously hurt as her body propels across the floor and over towards the window, Foster lands on her hands as her feet almost cartwheel in the air, A crash of flesh and materials is heard as Foster collapses into the far corner of the room landing on her right side, Foster bounces from the floor and explodes into the wall with arms flailing. (Lightening flickers, windows illuminate - Evertons robotic legs move slightly as his thick cables sway from the heavy handed attack. (Huge black wires are attached to the back of the robot and it has extreme amounts of current to drive the motors transformers and other circuits.)

In another corner of the navigation's room an axe, a fire extinguisher and a CRT monitor display and motherboard are clearly visible. A grunt is heard as Steve rapidly propels himself across the room (Almost bouncing) as he retrieves the red fire axe from the wall. Steve takes hold of the axe with both hands before quickly turning around clockwise. Steve is a man possessed as he holds up the axe in preparation of a fight with the crazed Everton contraption.

Evertons cameras and sensors have now picked up a signal from behind him, Steve is moments away from slicing the robot with the fire axe but Everton already knows about the potential circuit malfunction if Steve severs one of his main power cables, Everton slowly turns his head around to face his enemy with a cool calm and collected mental attitude. (Whirring is heard as the robots mechanics start up then stop) Everton veers his left eye up and into the far corner of his eye socket as he tilts his head in anticipation of Steve's attack. (A loud click is heard as Evertons mechanics lock into place)

Steve looks in fear at his nemesis with complete shock, (Flash of lightening) Steve swings with all his might as he maintains his eye contact with Evertons wire and motor rich face, Steve grunts loudly with intense anger as he aims his axe to the centre of the robots chest cavity.

A loud whack of steel is heard as Steve strikes Everton, (Steve grimaces) (Thunder and lightening is heard) A rattling of metal and electrical components is heard as the robot sways slightly right, The robot stares at Steve with evil and does not display any malfunctions or short circuits of any kind. Steve pauses for a moment in time with the axe penetrating the rotten carcass of Woods with astonishment. The axe has proved to be of little use and now Steve is in serious trouble.

Everton stares at Steve with a icy coldness fleetingly before exacting his revenge on the incompetent and useless engineer. Everton rapidly raises his left arm and quickly pushes Steve away from his reworked body with a single and very powerful push of the hand. (Whirr is heard as Everton computes and activates the action)

Steve grunts with intense pain and loathing as he is pushed away and across the floor by the powerful mechanical movement, (Orange lights flash on top of the robots head)

Steve lands heavily on his back which creates a loud whack of vibrating steel and grates, Steves right arm flails up and in all directions as his feet kick into the air in an uncontrollable movement. Steve rests on his left side winded and beaten. (Dramatic trumpets provide atmosphere)

More high pitched whirring is heard as the robots left arm slowly lowers back down again -(Clunking of slow and cumbersome mechanics is heard) Wire wobbles from the robots left ear down. Robot stares over and down at Steve with coldness and evil thoughts of domination and hate.

A light scuffling is heard as Nadia retrieves a green coloured thermite grenade from inside her bag, Nadia looks down at the powerful explosive as she holds onto it with both hands. Nadia suddenly sits down while looking on over towards the dangerous Everton robot.

Foster has now found the time to recover from her attack and has managed to stand up on her feet, Fosters yellow torch swings from side to side as she rests her left hand on a metal rail just below a computer operating console, Foster maintains her focus on the evil machine as she steps forward a single step, (Thud of feet is heard from Foster) Foster shouts out to the robot, "We know where you're going", Whirr of electronics is heard from robot)(Robots metal legs twist right and towards Foster) The survivors have established that the ship is on course to Lord Howe island and that will spell disaster for everyone concerned if the ship does make it to that destination.

Everton is locked onto Foster and only has one objective when he entered the navigation's room, kill everyone inside for extra materials for the alien organism. The bottom silver motor attached to the robots right side head unit whirrs as it excitedly turns clockwise and then anti clockwise a quarter turn. The robots red camera eye to it's left moves slightly left as it tracks Fosters every move. (Red eye decreases in size) Everton looks at Foster with complete evil in it's dead eyes as it speaks with a demonic tone of voice, "I know you do". Robots head lifts up slightly - The alien organism can travel between robots and computer systems at the speed of light and can be in multiple places at the same time.

Foster begins to edge bravely forward towards the robot as she uses her right leg to slowly step closer. The alien organism speaks again through Evertons robotic creation with a demonic sound of evil, "There's a whole world waiting out there." Fosters yellow torch swings from side to side on her left wrist. Foster must stall the robot if there is any chance the survivors will make it out of the navigation's room alive. Suddenly Foster raises her right hand and aims her pistol directly at Evertons gruesome face. (Foster is serious and has a score to settle) A mass of water splashes the windows from behind Foster -

A massive gunshot is heard infused with a metallic ding as Foster unleashes her fury onto the head of the robotic contraption. A bright flash of light illuminates the room as the robot explodes into an intense luminance from the stressed and damaged circuits.

The robot rapidly jolts it's head unit backwards from the powerful gun shot as Foster maintains her position. Steve's axe is still stuck inside the flesh of Woods carcass and has now become part of the robots design.

Foster closes her eyes as she fires a second round into the robots head, More metallic sounds are heard including a loud bang from the weapon. (Light blasts out from the robots face as it receives more metal and gunpowder. The robot jerks back again from the second shot as Foster reopens her eyes.

Nadia is focused and is maintaining a close connection with Foster as she stands to her feet, Suddenly a loud clicking sound is heard as Nadia pulls out the ring pull to the thermite grenade that she is holding, Nadia grimaces at the anticipation and expectation of the dangerous device as she pulls the activates the grenade with her right hand while holding it firmly with her left. The robot is facing away from Nadia and is completely oblivious to Nadia's actions. Suddenly a loud crackling sound infused with a loud bang is heard as the pin is quickly pulled away. The force of Nadia's action cause her left hand to violently propel outwards as a tremendous white light appears on top of the explosive. Nadia squints as the light and heat blinds her temporarily,

A massive fountain of white sparks explode out of the grenade as it is ignited, Orange specks of incredible heat shower down to the floor below as Nadia quickly turns her head left and over towards the Everton contraption. The top of the grenade now produces a smaller light but is firmly alight and Nadia will have to be quick if she does not want to burn and destroy herself in the process. (Foster fires another shot from her weapon) (Smoke bellows from the grenade)

A loud whipping sound is heard as the robot quickly snatches the embedded axe from it's stomach section, Everton attempts to strike Foster with the heavy blade as it's right arm sweeps out to the right at speed,

Foster grimaces as she avoids the fast axe attack from Everton, Foster maintains her position as she continues to fire her weapon at the robot's head unit in an attempt to disable it's sensors and mental actions of movement. A tinny metallic sound of exploding bullets is heard as Foster rapidly fires several more shots in fast succession. The third shot creates a ricochet effect as it repels from the robots metal components and veers off into the room at a steep angle of projection.

Nadia grimaces with complete fear as she holds out the smoking and fire belching grenade in front of her with her left hand.. Nadia quickly stands up as more shots are heard from Fosters hand gun. (Bullet ricochets again) (Pinging sound is heard) Nadia quickly runs off across the room in the direction of the robot with grenade in hand..

Nadia suddenly shouts out to warn the survivors, "Steve!..Foster!..Grenade!..
Nadia quickly steps behind the oblivious robot and places the grenade inside the upper leg shell of the contraption.

Thud sound is heard as Nadia inserts the smoking grenade at high speed, Massive white sparks and intense heat now belch and illuminate inside the robots metal structure as it prepares to explode. A tinging sound is heard - The grenade bounces slightly inside the robots buttock area and shakes for a few short seconds, A fire in now burning inside the robot as Nadia rapidly clears the area hoping that Foster or Steve can somehow make use of this lucky attack. Foster ceases her attack as she shakes her head from side to side in quick succession from the sudden change of strategy. Foster runs towards a door behind her as she attempts to protect herself from the exploding debris when the grenade blows. Robots left hand twists anti clockwise as it slowly lowers downwards. Robots right hand also lowers down from the sensitive reaction to the massive heat and smoke tingle.

Steve is still laying on his side on the floor below as he stares up at the Goliath robot that was once his Captain, Steve maintains eye contact with the contraption as he quickly pushes himself upwards with right followed by left hands. Steve pushes rapidly up on his legs still maintaining focus on the evil robot.

The evil Everton robot quickly twists on it's revolving chest in a anti clockwise motion as it faces off with Stevie.

The disgusting and mutilated appliance begins to rapidly and frantically spin around anti clockwise as it attempts to shake off the explosive device. Huge sparks and a mass of white heat are emanating out of the robots metal side as it continuously twists around.

Steve has now stood up and has a sudden urge to finish the job Nadia started, Steve grimaces as he focuses his attention on the robots torso area, Steve's arms widen as he lunges at high speed throwing his body weight at the torso meat. Steve grunts loudly as he closes his eyes and hopes for the best in an impossible situation.

Steve is on fire as he dishes out his justice against the tyrannical skipper who's stubbornness and selfishness as lead to his untimely destruction. Steve takes advantage of the robots slow and cumbersome legs as he pushes the contraption out of the door that Everton first appeared. Steve pushes against the robots right shoulder as the robot flounders and loses balance, (Robot raises left arm up as it tilts it's head unit back from the forces. Huge amounts of sparks explode out of the robots torso that propel and engulf the door frame and everything around the robots circumference. (The robot still holds the red axe firmly in it's metal left hand. (Banging of metal is heard as the robot makes contact with the door frame, door and metal grilled flooring.

A loud and very traumatic whoosh of evil is heard as the robot is pushed out of the navigation room, A huge smash of metal, flesh and robotic bone is heard as the robot slams down to the floor at high speed,

Steve manages to stay on his feet as he pushes down with all his might with both hands against the torso of the contraption, (A massive wave suddenly pounds the navigation windows creating a loud whooshing sound). Steve quickly turns clockwise as he faces the navigation's room before quickly stepping away from the robot. A light tapping of metal grills is heard from Steve's feet) Steve quickly makes his way back inside the navigation's room to protect himself from the inevitable explosion. (Axe sweeps left at high speed from the robots hand) Flash of lightening illuminates the back windows.

Everton has landed on his back against a octagon shaped metal grill and can not summon enough transformers and motors to lift it's heavy frame up, Robots left metal leg bends inwards, Robots right leg slides downwards slightly as a massive plume of intense heat and light burns rapidly. The robot jerks it's right fleshy arm upwards as it continues to hold onto the red axe. Robots left arm gyrates and wobbles but is unable to lift up or down. A thick grey smoke bellows from the robots right side as the grenade gathers momentum. Robot moves it's head slightly but the eyes have closed and the robot has lost it's signature Sea Star cap.

Steve has acted on instinct and has took a massive risk in extracting the evil robot from the navigations room, As Steve scrambles back inside the lightening filled room he shouts loudly, "Get down", Steve quickly grabs Nadia's right hand as she stands traumatised and fatigued, Steve pulls on Nadia's hand as she closes her eyes and grimaces at the expected explosion, Nadia wraps her arms around Steve as they hurtle to the floor to prevent injury or worse.

The robot lays on it's back as the grenade ignites with a fury, A loud fizzing sound is suddenly heard as the robot slowly moves it's right arm inwards with axe in hand. A huge fire is now burning inside the contraption and it is seconds away from erupting into a fireball of flames.

Suddenly a ginormous flash of white light erupts from the machine creating an almighty loud bang of explosive materials. The robots head violently jerks back as the extreme forces destroy it's very core. The head unit relapses and falls to the floor below as it lays with outstretched arms. A bright heat of intense light blows over the machine as it disintegrates into much smaller pieces.

Steve drags Nadia across the floor as they both feel the blast and heat travelling towards them at super sonic speed, Both Nadia and Steve grimace from there ordeal as the massive explosion blasts through the open door space knocking them both to the ground - Nadia screams out loudly as the heat and debris fly into the room.

A deep thundering and rumbling cocoon of sound is heard as Foster pushes her face and body tightly against an outer wall in the far corner of the room. The massive heat source reaches Foster as she jerks and prays for forgiveness. Foster holds her hands over her ears to reduce the almighty sound. The room shakes violently as everything inside is either blown away or toppled to the floor.

Both Nadia and Steve escape to the floor below as the heat wave engulfs the navigations room, Steve falls to the side of a fallen sonar terminal as his feet rest against the bottom piece of the broken and twisted machine. Nadia is face down as her back feet raise up from the forces, Huge amounts of sparks and debris blow into the room at break neck speed showering everything with hot embers. Both Steve and Nadia hunch together as the blast slowly subsides, a white sea of heat eases and slowly drains back to it's source. Steve lowers his legs down as both he and Nadia rest there right and left fists together.

Suddenly a loud sound of fizzing and screeching pigs in distress is heard, A huge plume of hot and acrid smoke belches from the robotic monster as it floats rapidly up into the air similar to an exploding volcano. Millions of small bubbles of hot orange debris explode out of the robots body as the grenade blows, A hot and deep orange coloured fire now burns with intense heat as the grenade consumes it's metal powdered contents. The flame quickly increases in size and velocity as the screeching continues.

The incredible heat and explosion as superficially heated up the octagon shaped metal grills construction, Now a large rectangle shaped hole has appeared underneath Everton from the burning materials. White hot sparks fizz and whizz at high speed at either side of the contraption as it burns up.

Suddenly an almighty sound of breaking metal is heard as the octagon shaped metal flooring gives way and falls rapidly down to the floor below. The small hole has now become a much bigger hole as most of the metal flooring gives way. A huge rumble of steel and robotic materials fills the air as the floor collapses.

A massive fireball of white and orange heat is just behind the steel as it continuously burns through. The robot quickly falls through the floor as a million sparks explode in all directions. The robots sheer size and construction has now blackened and subdued the heat slightly as it tumbles down with the rest of the steel and broken components.

Back inside the navigation room large sparks expel from a silver metallic equipment terminal that is situated to the left of Foster..(Rumbling continues) Quickly the sparks subside leaving Foster feeling rather liberated. (Smoke belches from the equipment) Suddenly Foster sweeps her left hand out from behind a wall that she was protecting herself in, Foster quickly raises her left hand as she appears from around the wall space, Foster holds her hand gun in her right hand as she raises her left hand to the left side of her face. (Foster blinks awkwardly) Foster turns her head slightly left as she rests it against the wall before grimacing from a small wound she has received. Foster continues to hold her hand against her neck as she cries out slightly from the pain. Foster slips down slightly lower as she carefully peers her head around the wall to see what she can see. (Trumpets play out a sombre tune of survival)

From outside of the navigation's room a rumbling and crackling fire can be heard from a lower floor below. (Sombre trumpets provide the sound score) Sea Water continues to pommel the thick glass windows as the storm persists. Suddenly Steve appears from the left and Foster appears from the right from inside the room. The explosion has subsided and only a raging fire remains, Steve and Foster now consider it safe to proceed as they can't stay in the navigation's room any longer or risk further attack. Steve quickly bends down and retrieves his machine gun with his left hand. (Rattling of grates is heard from Steve) Steve looks up and out of the door as he retrieves his yellow torch with his left hand. Steve stands up and faces the door as he slowly makes his way towards the explosive area. Foster quickly stands up to her feet as she fleetingly removes her left hand from her injured right cheek, Foster returns her hand to the injury before slowly taking a step forward. (Foster shines her torch forward) Suddenly Foster turns slightly clockwise and away from the door before bending down and coughing heavily. Foster slowly steps forward as she violently coughs again from the heat and smoke. Steve cautiously steps forward as he shines his torch down towards the massive hole where the robot fell.

Suddenly Nadia also appears from the left side of the room, Nadia crawls several feet forward before before standing while resting her right hand to the left side wall, (Tap of metal is heard from Nadia's hand) Nadia is transfixed to the deep hole as she rests her left hand against the wall for extra support. Foster is not so keen to explore the devastation below as she continues to hold her hand to her injured cheek. Steve stares down into the abyss as he shines his torch directly down into it. A grey smoke rises from the hole and through the grills gaps as the inferno continues to burn. A massive orange heat surrounds the hole.

Nadia suddenly raises her left hand up a little further on the wall frame a she continues to investigate the remains of Captain Everton. Nadia removes her right hand as she rests more securely against the side wall. Nadia quickly stretches her right hand around the wall column before sliding out against the door frame. (Tap is heard from Nadia's hand) Nadia places both of her hands behind the door frame as she looks down into the inferno of metal and debris. Steve edges his way to the right side of the door space, Steve ducks down slightly before raising himself back up again as he stares down into the heat and smoke. Steve takes a single step forward on his left leg while bringing his right leg closer as he cautiously checks to see if the robot has been neutralised or not. Foster steps behind Steve as she holds her weapon in her right hand.. A ruffling of feet is heard from Nadia and Steve - Camera slowly pans and sways from side to side.

Foster winces as she struggles to breath in the acrid and smoky air, The adjacent floor is no more except a massive crater, The sound of fire and flame continues to sound out. (Synthesizer pan is heard) The camera slowly pans over the hole and down into the depths of hell.

A crackling of fire and a hot and belching smoke rise up from the destroyed robot. A small orange fire emits from the robots middle cavity, suddenly hot white sparks begins to expel out from the small orange fire, All of a sudden an enormous plume of sparks propel out and spray over the mangled wreck of Captain Everton. The robots red eye continues to shine but is only running at limited power drain mode. Captain Everton now rests in peace and hopefully wont reanimate for another battle with the survivors any time soon. Evertons left hand is raises up badly burnt and rigid from the extreme heat. Smaller orange spot fires emit from the robots bottom left side but will soon demise, Silver chunks of steel rest at either side of the robotic contraption, The robots internal wires and components have been thoroughly burnt out and it will take several critters and a larger robot to repair this machine. Suddenly the sparks disappear and Everton's face and robotic silhouette fade away into a hue of darkness.

Steve shines his powerful torch up and down and around in a quick movement of rapid sweeps of the hand, Steve then raises his light and shines the beam along and over the huge hole of destruction. Nadia stares down with fear and shock on her face as she witnesses yet another death, Nadia was the only survivor of the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" and has experienced the loss of many poor and wretched souls aboard the ship of horrors. (Crackling of heat is heard) Camera slowly pans down to reveal Evertons bloodied hand. A grey smoke wisps and floats in the atmosphere as Steve's light illuminates it's structure. Nadia suddenly turns to Steve and say's with a serious tone of voice, "Through your Captain, it knows what we are planning." Steve sweeps his torch to his right and towards Nadia. The robots three spiked feet stick up and almost mimic a reptilian claw in nature. (A fearsome and deadly spaceship also has some contrast)

Nadia is wired and very enthusiastic as she pushes herself away from the mangled wreck of Captain Everton, Nadia continues to stare down at the robotic heap of twisted and burnt out metal as she say's loudly, "We must hurry", Nadia's damp hair sways slightly as she moves from her position and say's "Come on". Stevie ponders his thoughts as he attempts to think his way out of the crazy and very dangerous situation he and the rest of the crew are in.

Nadia quickly glimpses at a silent Foster who is also feeling the pressure of the alien entity, (Thunder is heard) Stevie suddenly turns to face the silent navigation's officer as he waits for some kind of signal from her - Nadia looks back down at the vaporised Captain knowing her life is in real danger.

Foster has no words to say as she looks towards Stevie, maybe it is better that the survivors say nothing as to not give the alien enemy any head way. Flashes of lightening break the otherwise sombre atmosphere. Foster looks down almost defeated as she holds her right side cheek with her hand, Steve looks back down for the very last time at his Captain and knows he must act or everyone will die on the ship of horrors. Steve breathes heavily and is almost limping from his ordeal as he follows Foster out and away from the navigation's room. (Slow and light trumpets provide suspense) Steve glares as he looks to his left just in case more enemies lurk in the distant darkness. A light tapping of grate is heard as Steve turns and quickly leaves Captain Everton to his own fiery grave.

In another workroom somewhere on the ship another much larger and more powerful robotic contraption has been created. The camera slowly pans right as it gives a glimpse of the very advanced machine. A huge transformer is attached to the back of the sentinel beast and indicates that this new and much more advanced robot has a serious score to settle with the ships human crew.

A low and almost quiet synthesizer key provides atmosphere as the camera continues the slow pan right. This alien contraption is deadly silent and has been fitted out with faster blades and better AI than previous versions. If this machine comes to life all hell is going to be let loose.

A light and springy tapping of feet is heard as Steve, Foster and Nadia make there way down a ladder into a deeper part of the ship. Steve is positioned much lower down followed by Foster and then a slightly slower Nadia.

Steve jumps the last two rungs as he looks up at Foster and Nadia in silence, Steve raises his hands out further as he say's under his breath "Come on" to Foster. Foster whispers "Thank you" as she makes her way quickly down the steel rungs. (An echoing sound of wind is heard)

Fosters yellow torch shakes slightly as she reaches the ground section) Steve maintains an upward eye contact with Nadia, Foster also jumps down two rungs as she quickly looks back up to Nadia with a face of worry and anticipation.

In the darkness a loud clinking of metal is heard including a movement of dark shapes.

Nadia is breathing heavily as Stevie assists in helping the chief science officer down from the steep ladder system, Foster also stretches her arms out to help Nadia down, Foster speaks out softly and say's 'Good" as Nadia reaches the safety of the ground level.

Foster suddenly coughs as she rapidly tilts her head forward, Nadia maintains her focus on the ground before looking up and slipping down to the surface, Nadia releases her right hand from the ladders side rail before wrapping her hand around the cold steel, Nadia looks to Foster.

Foster coughs again before looking at Nadia and saying with a distressed and tired voice, "Which way?"

Nadia breathes in deeply as she turns her head around in an attempt to locate the direction to the ships hold. Suddenly a bright white light develops over Nadia's face, This sudden burst of ambience causes her to rapidly turn her head right in the direction of the brightness.

Something close has now spooked Foster as she reacts violently to something in front of her, Foster shrieks with fear as she holds her throat with her right hand momentarily. Foster shakes and steps back in total shock.

Suddenly from no where Richie Mason appears from the darkness, Hee quickly aims his machine gun at Foster as his face grimaces with fright also. A crunching of bullets is heard as Richie cranks his weapon ready to fire.

Foster shouts out loudly "Oh God" as she witnesses Richie in a psychotic form of warfare, Richie is finding the situation difficult and does not trust anyone anymore even his long term friends.

Foster shines her trusty yellow torch out and directly at Richie as her mind explodes with fear and a solution to the unwelcome intruder. Steve is mesmerised and shocked to the core as he aims his high powered machine gun directly at Richie's head. Nadia stares directly into Richies eyes as she holds onto a steel support fence, her hands gently hold onto a top beam of metal as her mind races with possibilities. Foster shouts out again, Jesus Christ" Foster looks to Stevie momentarily and say's "You scared the shit out of me." Fosters voice is weary and fearful - Stevie looks down at the floor in fear momentarily -

Richie will not back down an he continues to aim his weapon at the three survivors, Richie is silent as he slowly steps left in a short and circular movement so that his enemy are covered with the sights of his gun, A black rubber eye covering to Richies right flips in an in and out motion.

Fast and Heavy breathing is heard - Stevie lifts his head up momentarily as he stares with slight anger towards Richie, Stevie say's with a reassuring tone, "Put the gun down", Stevie blinks as he lowers his gun slightly and aims it steady and firmly at Richie Mason. Nadia stares with fear towards Mason,

Mason is still feeling the fear that grinds in his mind, Foster shrieks with a high powered voice, Richie it is us." Foster is trying her best to persuade Mason that all is okay, Richie's eyes veer left and over towards Foster momentarily, Mason shouts out with anger, "How do I know that?". Mason continues his deadly stance and is taking no chances with his friends and crew.

Stevie raises both of his hands as he slowly and carefully speaks out, "Put it down." Mason." Stevie is trying to cool Mason or this whole saga could end right now if Mason loses it.

A loud high click of steel and shoulder material is heard as Mason rapidly snatches his weapon up with both hands, Mason grimaces with an inbuilt anger, Mason takes one step to his left and lowers his gun back towards the survivors - A jingling of metal is heard - Mason stares at the survivors as Stevie begins to explain there plan.

Stevie say's with a passion and enthusiastic approach to try and settle Mason, We are going to blow the ship." You come with us alright." Steve slowly raises his right hand towards his chest to try and persuade Mason that he and the the rest of the crew are doing the right thing.

All is silent as Mason stares at the survivors, Mason suddenly speaks and say's with a controlled determination, "I got my own plan." Mason begins to breath heavily as he begins to step away from Stevie and the others.

Stevie moves his head slightly forward with a frustrated and confused mind set, Stevie blinks and scrunches his eyes fleetingly as he say' s back to Mason, "What the hell are you talking about."

Mason continues his war stance and is in a world of his own as he continues to step backwards and away from the crew. A light tapping of feet is heard from Mason as the eerie silence continues. Richie rapidly sways his gun right momentarily as he backs out and away, )A light synthesizer chord provides atmosphere)
Foster shouts out loudly as she attempts to persuade Mason to stay with her and the rest, "Richie."

Foster continues to shout towards Mason, "Don't be a fool."

Mason looks down towards the survivors for the last time as he quickly exits the room to his left.

Foster shines her yellow torch down in Masons direction as she shouts out loudly "Richie.". Foster is upset that Richie has chosen to deal with the alien entity on his own and Foster believes his life is in extreme danger if he goes alone. Nadia looks to her left fleetingly, Nadia removes her left hand from the ladder rung followed by her right hand. Nadia becomes slightly flustered as she holds her hands up in front of her from Fosters loud and abrupt calling. Nadia quickly places both of her hands gently onto Steve's chest as she say's, "I'm gonna go." Nadia looks back towards Mason for a short moment in time but does not want to ponder on his situation as her idea to flood the ships hold is still the best solution. Nadia quickly steps between Steve and Foster using both hands to gently push herself through, Nadia holds her right hand out as a guide as she makes her way forward. Steve quickly turns his head and body left as he follows Nadia.

Foster is silent as she slowly steps backwards while holding her light up in the direction of Mason's vanishing act. Foster holds onto a ladders rung with her right hand momentarily before pulling away and turning herself around as she follows Nadia and Stevie.