Low breeze sound is heard infused with synthesizer pan effects. A white circular sphere suddenly splashes over from the right to produce a half circle. The white half circle continues to twist around to reveal a grey sphere wrapped around two red coloured shapes that have a C composition. The right C shape spins around at a continuous pace travelling downwards, The left C shape spins upwards at speed, Both spinning C sections produce a low level ambience of wind and then a final gush of sound. As the two red shapes spin at speed a white spherical cover elopes around the shapes spinning once and then disappears.

Radius Twc is now showing as the studio behind the film: RADiUS-TWC, the boutique label from the Weinstein Company, is a studio division dedicated to multi-platform VOD and theatrical distribution. It uses traditional and digital media to deliver films and other specialty entertainment to its target audience. A red coloured D shape suddenly appears travelling downwards to surround a smaller black shape that is similar to an upside down train tunnel or filled in D shape.

The studio was officially founded in 1992 under its parent company Miramax Films by Bob Weinstein to distribute horror films and other films deemed "disreputable" for release under the Miramax title. Prior to 1992, the Weinsteins had released similar titles under a smaller operation called Millimeter Films. Dimension's first release was the sequel film Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, released theatrically in the United States in 1992, followed by Stuart Gordon's sci-fi thriller Fortress, and the sequel Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice, both released the same year. On June 30, 1993, The Walt Disney Studios purchased Miramax, who had been facing financial troubles between 1990 and 1992, prior to their acquisition and release of The Crying Game, which earned the company US$60 million. The success of The Crying Game made Miramax attractive to Disney, who officially bought the company in 1993, resulting in Dimension Films becoming a Disney subsidiary. Dimension would gain greater exposure with its distribution of Wes Craven's Scream, released in December 1996, which became a major box office hit, grossing $173 million worldwide. The company also produced and distributed its sequel, Scream 2, released the following year, which grossed a comparable $172 million. In 2005, The Weinstein brothers purchased the rights to Dimension Films from Disney, and the company officially became a subsidiary of The Weinstein Company, established the same year. A black screen appears before the word Dimension slowly glides onto screen stopping perfectly center. A light blue shade of light slowly travels upwards from the text floor to illuminate the word Dimension, A brighter whiter light then quickly glides along from the start of the word Dimension to the end before vanishing. The word FILMS also appears and prints one letter each half second across the bottom of the word Dimension to finish the animation. Dimension and films fades out to a black screen once again.

A large red half circle spins around clockwise once but only the bottom half of the sphere is seen. IM GLOBAL quickly wraps around the circle from the right, The white words quickly push closer together across the half globe shape, A white line appears from the left and quickly travels underneath the IM GLOBAL text before stopping. A Reliance Entertainment Company text suddenly appears and is static just underneath the red sphere. IM Global is an American independent film and TV production company. The company was founded by Stuart Ford in April of 2007 and operating in international film, television and music production, as well as sales and international distribution. The company financed or produced over 30 Hollywood feature films and controlled a library of over 300 films. IM Global was the 2015 recipient of the Variety Award for Achievement in International Film. The company has produced over thirty features and has worked alongside onscreen talent such as Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp, Diane Lane, Anne Hathaway, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Tom Hardy, Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, and Gary Oldman in its productions.

Perth, capital of Western Australia, sits where the Swan River meets the southwest coast. Sandy beaches line its suburbs, and the huge, riverside Kings Park and Botanic Garden on Mount Eliza offer sweeping views of the city. The Perth Cultural Centre houses the state ballet and opera companies, and occupies its own central precinct, including a theatre, library and the Art Gallery of Western Australia.
The camera slowly pans right as it sweeps over Perth in Australia, Motor vehicle horns can be heard in the distance, A long horn blast is heard followed by a shorter horn at a slightly different key of sound. A flashing and twinkling of bright golden light can be seen from the distance, Buildings also produce glimmering sparkles of light produced by the many millions of street lights and vehicle lamps. Several motor vehicles slowly travel from the left side of a large road as white street lighting glows brightly from either side of the road. Suddenly a torrent of loud clapping and applauding is heard, The sound has an echo which indicates the clapping is inside a large auditorium or hall. As the clapping continues a distinguished female voice is heard speaking to the crowd. "And last but not least".

The clapping sound has now been revealed as the viewer is taken directly to inside a large and rather high class hall of distinguished and prominent people. The upmarket event is to celebrate and admire the work of Professor Edgar Solomon who has dedicated 42 years of his life to the pursuit of research and learning that will benefit the younger generation for many years to come. The camera slowly pans down to reveal a hall styled on Greek architecture - Greek orders. There are three distinct orders in Ancient Greek architecture: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. These three were adopted by the Romans, who modified their capitals. Professor Solomons wife is leading the proceedings and was responsible for the idea for the lavish event, Professor Solomons wife speaks out as she looks over towards a woman sat at a grand piano and say's, "To Susan the Steamroller "Purtree" for putting this all together. A barman stood to the far right is cleaning a glass with a white towel while a waitress in a black dress prepares to serve some alcoholic beverages on a silver tray for service. Clapping continues - Prof Solomons wife looks forward at the crowd of distinguished guests with a sense of happiness and pride. A woman sat on the end of the table next to Professor Edgar Solomon suddenly begins to wave out at the guests and is appreciative of Professor Solomans wife's kind words of appreciation for putting the show together on time. Prof Solomons wife looks over at Susan and smiles with delight at her efforts while the crowd surges with applause. A waitess quickly walks past the front of the table Susan and the others are sat with a single glass of wine resting on a serving plate.

Professor Solomans wife looks to her right as the applause continues, Suddenly the lady looks forward while raising both hands up in the air to signal that she would like some quiet now. The lady begins to speak as the clapping quickly fades away, "And now, Lady looks slightly to her right as she bends her head and say's, Finally", Looks left "at long last, as some of you may be saying, (Looks further to her left) Looks back right as she lifts her hands slightly from the desk, "It is my honour" (Crowd is silent) Looks right opens fingers slightly over desk "My privilege" Looks down slightly, My personal pleasure - Lady places her right hand to her neck as she turns to look down at the professor, say's "To present to you the man of every hour" Lady takes her hand away from her neck, Professor Solomon is looking down and away from the guests and is rather solemn and very quiet. Lady turns and faces the left as she say's, University of Perth's own, Lady slowly looks back towards the professor with admiration as she holds out her right hand in front of her and say's, Professor Edgar Solomon. (Camera slowly zooms in)

Lady Soloman becomes quiet as she holds her hands together in a form of praise, Edgar solomon does not seem very happy as he looks even further down at the table below. Now all eyes on on him as the distinguished guests begin to clap and stare over at the subdued man. The barman sways slightly on his feet as he stands behind the bar with his cleaning cloth in hand. A man sat to the right fleetingly touches his face with his left hand rubbing his face before clapping also. (Barman does not clap) A man suddenly shouts out from the crowd "Hear Hear", as the Professor's wife reaches out with her right hand and gently touches the professors gaunt left shoulder in an attempt to energise and get him to his feet.

The good lady gently slides her hand behind the professors back as he looks to his right and out at the ecstatic crowd of followers friends and scholars. The lady's touch has suddenly awakened the mind of the elderly man, The professor looks down at the table as he widens his hands and rests them fleetingly on the table below. Edgar with out further a due quickly stands as he now has to address the eager crowd, The good lady smiles enthusiastically as the old man stands up on his feet. Edgar refuses to make eye contact with his wife and does not seem very happy, The good lady carefully watches her husband before taking a single step back to allow the professor the space to reach the address bench. The good lady softly say's "Are you alright" as she helps him to overcome his nervous disposition. The good lady supports him again with "Okay" as the professor prepares to speak out to the eager crowd.

The crowd are very happy as they clap with complete support and admiration for the professors amazing and dedicated work he has completed over a long 42 years of service.

A man with grey hair and wearing a black suit sat on a table to the left shakes his head down slightly with a fast motion of movement as he begins to clap with vigour. Everyone is now applauding and welcoming there much loved professor to the stage. A cameraman stands behind the crowd and suddenly looks down at his camera as he holds it with both hands.

A group of women are extremly pleased to be in the presence of Professor Edgar Soloman. A man from the crowd shouts out " Take care old boy" as the professor finds his feet and mental preperations. (Clapping continues)

The professor looks up and over to his right at the sound of support as he adjusts to a speech, The professor speaks out and say's "Thank you" as the clapping continues, (Professor quickly removes his spectacles from his left jacket pocket with his right hand - The professor pauses momentarily before saying "Sincerely" The professor looks down and away from the crowd as he produces a low level blast of air in his throat. A light snap sound is heard as the professor opens up his glasses with both hands before placing them over his face.

The cameraman is locked and loaded and ready to take a picture, Suddenly an electronic whirl and flash of light is seen and heard as the cameraman takes a shot. Clapping begins to subside to a few occasional patters as the crowd prepare for Professor Solomans long awaited speech.

A guest leaves the bar area as the barman picks up a glass and begins to shine and clean with his cloth, Professor Soloman looks up and slightly to his right as he evaluates the crowd and his prepared speech. All is quiet as the professor looks even more right before looking down at his prepared notes. The professor instantly begins to speak out clearly and loudly for all to here as his head moves in an up and down motion to the words. Mrs Soloman is quiet and is watching her husband with a profound love and pride as the professor speaks out. The professor say's "A bear taking a dump" "asked a rabbit" the professor looks up and to his right. Professor Soloman hesitates before smirking slightly and looking back down to his notes. "Does shit stick to your fur as a habit?". The professor looks up and right as his words are spread across the room. Mrs Soloman smiles as her head sways from side to side in silence as she carefully listens - Professor looks up and right fleetingly before back to his notes, "Of course not, said the hare", Hesitates - smirks briefly - Looks up slightly and back down again as he say's "It's really quite rare", (Barman places a polished wine glass to the surface of the bar top), (Barman fleetingly looks over to the professor) The white papers shake and quiver from the fingers of the professor as he reads the text, (Barman picks up another glass for polishing)

The Professor looks up slightly and then back down again as he say's, "So the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit." Professor looks up and right as the crowd react to the professors unexpected words.

A lady wearing a brown overcoat is finding Professor Solomans speech rather amusing as she looks away looking left and over at the other guests while giggling silently to herself. The lady lifts up her left hand just in front of her face as she softly closes her fingers from the humourous situation.

Another guest smirks widely and has also been tickled with Professor Solomans words. The grey haired gentlemen quickly shifts his head right momentarily as his mind is enlightened with the professor sense of humour not unheard of in his 42 years of service to the university. A light chatter of laughter omits from the Greek hall..

Mrs Soloman is looking down and away from the crowd and also her husband, Her face has diminished slightly from the happiness just a few minutes before as she slides her fingers over her hairline before resting her right hand to her right side temple. Suddenly Mrs Soloman takes her hand away and rests it back on the table that has two wine glasses just in frot of her. Mrs Soloman looks up at the professor as she continues to listen. "There once was a lady named Dot..." Mrs Soloman looks away from the professor as her shoulders move slightly backwards, All is quiet as Mrs Soloman looks back to her husband, The professor is taking his time and is not rushing his words. A solid crystal award (Gong) has been awarded to Professor Soloman for his outstanding work and long service, On the front of the piece is a handcrafted text that has been specially engraved. Aquila Non Capit Muscas (To Our Eagle, Forever on the Wing) Given in Loving Recognition Of - Dr Elgar Soloman - PHD ND - From his colleagues friends and students. The latin means - the eagle does not catch flies. In ancient Rome, eagles were considered majestic animals. Conversely, flies were considered insignificant and a nuisance.

The professor looks down at his wife fleetingly before turning and facing the crowd once again,. Professor turns his head right as he say's, "Who lived off of pig shit (Looks up and down) and snot".

Guests begins to softly hush and speak softly from the distaste and shock of such terrible and vulgar words the professor has chosen to say. A man with grey hair is compounded and lost for words as he attempts to digest the professors script. The professor continues, "When she ran out of these,

All of the guests are now finding the Professors choice of words rather unpleasant and bitter to the mouth, A man stood at the back of the crowd wearing a black overcoat and brown striped shirt is aghast with incomprehensible thoughts as his face turns to one of shock and discust. The man blinks two times in quick succession as he slowly slides right on his feet. A hollow echoing of voices can be heard that are beginning to bounce around the large room of marble and stone. Another man sitting just in front of the man just mentioned brings his head up and forward with a hand on his cheek as he listens. The professor continues, "When she ran out of these, she ate the green cheese".

All is silent now and a pin could be heard dropping to the floor as the guests stand to attention almost frozen in time and space, Professor Edgar Soloman slowly lifts his head up in silence as he looks fleetingly right before looking back down again. The professor continues his story, "That she grew" )Looks back up and right) on the sides" (Closes eyes momentarily) Looks forward at the silent crowd, Looks right then left, A light ruffling of the professors notes is heard) Professor speaks to finish the sentence, "Of her twat".

Suddenly a torrent of disappointment rushes over the guests as they sigh with dismay at the professors words, Others gush with shock and horror as they place there hands over there mouths in disgust.. A woman to the back of the group turns her head right as she stares over at others who are finding the situation rather difficult to bare.

Mrs Soloman is also in shock as she slowly turns her head away from the professor unable to react to the dire situation. A chorus of whispering has now started among others in the crowd as Mrs Soloman looks down while in deep thought. Mrs Soloman reaches down to the table below with her right hand.

A woman is heard speaking allowed to herself, "Oh My God" in disgust and shock at the professors foul use of the english dictionary. Another woman turns her head quickly away from the professor as her face shows signs of distaste.

Professor Soloman looks down in silence and has now ended his speech as he takes his glasses off with his right hand. A light scrunching is heard as the professor closes his glasses with both hands. Mrs Soloman quickly comes over to her husbands side to facilitate some sort of resolution and comfort. Mrs Soloman bends her head slightly around the professors right shoulder as she whispers to him, "Are you alright?" Edgar Soloman looks down with a face of discomfort as he places his glasses back into his upper jacket pocket. Edgar slowly turns to face his wifr as she stares into his eyes with a locked connection in her bid to identify any problems he may be experiencing. Mrs Soloman say's "Are You Okay" as she nods up and down furiously for a few moments in time. A low level humming of talking guests is heard as Mrs Soloman attempts to diffuse the situation. Mrs Soloman places her right hand over Edgars left hand to provide human support, Edgar suddenly raises his left hand up and takes a firm grip around Mrs Solomans right wrist. Mrs Soloman touches Edgars left wrist with her right hand. Edgar speaks out with a sense of sorrow, "I am so sorry', Mrs Soloman nods once towards Edgar and whispers, "Okay". (The crowd are patient as they chatter amongst themselves.

Suddenly the professors mental balance and character change as he becomes uptight and physically stubborn, Edgar turns away from Mrs Soloman as his face becomes confused and upset. Someone from the crowd is heard saying, "Hey kick ass", the crowd are becoming more noisy and irritable. Woman can be heard chatting loudly from a distance as there interest wanes more and more from the strange antics of the professor. Edgar closes his hands into a fist as he continues to hold onto Mrs Solomans right hand.

The cameraman has a full view of the proceedings and has decided there are to be no more shots taken as he lowers his equipment from his face. An elderly man with grey hair watches in silence at the events that are unfolding as he closes his eyes momentarily in an attempt to block out the insanity he is witnessing.

Dinner has yet to be served as a clean plate, white napkin, and cutlery rest unused clean and shiny. Mrs Soloman is also confused and wonders why Edgar still has a tight grip on her right hand. Mrs Soloman speaks out and say's, "Edgar..What are you doing?" her words are soft and slightly questionable, A loud ringing dinging sound is heard as Edgar rapidly retrieves a steak knife from the table below with his right hand, the knife momentarily makes contact with the knife adjacent. Edgars hand is energised as his finger s rapidly gyrate and attack the table in retrieving the knife at speed.

Edgar is suffering from a terrible depression that has been rotting for years as his mind becomes infested from something evil inside. Edgar begins to grunt loudly from extreme forces he is now applying with the steak knife and Mrs Solomans hand. Mrs Soloman shouts out with intense fear, "Oh My God" as she finally glimpses what Edgar has in store for her. Edgar strains and is putting all his energy into something grotesque on the table below.

Suddenly a loud crunching scrunching sound is heard followed by a loud thud as the sharp blade penetrates Mrs Solomans index finger, a volcanic eruption of blood spurts from her deep wound as the blade is firmly held with maximum downwards pressure.

Using everyday items you could probably measure sounds in the range of roughly 20 to 80 dB. ... Human screams can be quite loud, possibly exceeding 100 dB (as of March 2019, the world record is 129 dB!) —but you probably want to avoid that because screams that loud can hurt your ears!14 Mar 2019

Mrs Soloman instantly screams out with all her might as the intense pain ripples through her arm and into her nerves and bones. The professor is motionless as he continues to look down at the butchered hand of Mrs Soloman in silence, Mrs Soloman reacts by closing her eyes and looking up at the ceiling unable to pull herself away from the demonic professor. The microphone now absorbs her excruciating screams as a loud and very high pitched horn sound of electronic distortion is now heard all around the hall. A rumbling sound is also heard as the entire party erupts into one of panic and sheer terror.

An elderly guest wearing a black suit and white shirt with black tie is emotionally pressed and shocked to the core as he witnesses the bizarre antics of Professor Edgar Soloman. The man quickly stands but is unable to take his eyes of the mayhem and quite clearly the highlight of the entire evening. Cutlery and wine glasses jingle as guests become flustered and eager to leave the hall. Another woman next to the man gasps with shock and bewilderment at the horrendous proceedings as she stands up in quick motion.

A woman in the crowd in transfixed and also very traumatised as she looks on in horror with her mouth wide open. A man in front suddenly turns and has decided he has had enough of the madness. People are now screaming with Mrs Soloman in fear for there lives as they quickly make there way out of the large hall.,

A high squealing emits from the rooms speaker system as Mrs Soloman screams the house down, The professor is articulate and is biding his time in an odd way as he finishes the job of completely severing the good ladies index finger. (A rumbling of furniture, cutlery, glasses, feet, and screams is infused into one massive sound wave. A ripping sound is heard as Edgar meticulously slices with a strong downwards pressure followed by a fast jut of hand speed as the knife comes away from the flesh and bone. One of the professors note cards suddenly flips up at pressure as his hand applies a brutal grip. Blood gushes from the poor ladies wound and she will need immediate medical attention.

Edgar continues to look down and shows no remorse for the terrible injury he has sustained on Mrs Soloman. Mrs Soloman looks twists her neck even further into the air as the next level of pain floods into her system. Mrs Soloman screams with an insanly high pitched tone that echoes and ricochets around the large hall.

A female guest wearing a grey jumper is mortally shocked at the sight and the sounds of trauma, Her mouth opens wide as she struggles to look any further towards Mrs Soloman and the good professor. (A loud smash of glass is heard including screams from the crowd) The lady in the grey jumper quickly looks away as she holds her right hand up to her face as tears build in her eyes.

More crashing sounds of tables and chairs including glass and cutlery engulfs the hall as people decide on there own actions. A man wearing a creamy white shirt with light brown cardigan is stunned in disbelief as he stands up onto his feet continuing to observe the mayhem from a distance.

Mrs Soloman continues to maintain closed eyes and is unable to inspect the gruesome damage to her hand. The good lady slowly moves her head closer to Edgars shoulder before completely resting her weight. Edgar continues to look down at the macabre sight and is unable to break away from the bizarre situation. Several people have decided to exit the hall as they hastily leave from the back of the room.

The noise in the hall is insane and completely unbearable, Suddenly the screaming and noise levels increase as multiple guests stand and look directly while others instantly look back at the table where Edgar and his wife are situated. The camera man is also in on the action as he raises his DSLR camera up to eye level for a glorious shot to cream the headlines in the morning. A man wearing a dark grey suit white shirt and tie grimaces at the sight in front of him,

Several guests including a female wearing a grey jumper swiftly make there exit around a white column, Mrs Soloman has finally been defeated as she instantly collapses to the floor with her hands out in front of her. A loud thud is heard as the good lady lands heavily on her back and hitting her head onto the floor below. The professor continues to stand and does not participate in helping his wife from the floor. Everyone in the hall is now only interested in escaping and have not offered to help Mrs Soloman with her injuries. A man sat at the end of the table has been there all night and has not moved, now he stands as Mrs Soloman crashes to the floor below.

The screaming and rumbling buzz continues as Professor Edgar Soloman stands while holding the severed index finger of his wife in his left hand. Guests produce a dimming blackness in front of Edgar as they stumble and hastily escape the hall. Blood leeches and drips from the human flesh.

Another woman gasps with shock as she pushes her right hand into her upper chest area while staring completely gobsmacked at what she has just witnessed. )Screaming continues as the distinguished guests family and friends leave the hall in droves. The lady with the hand to her chest leans forward as she speaks out to herself. 'Oh Shit!" she then looks to her right as she searches for a navigational exit.

Help is now on hand as a professional police officer suddenly appears amongst the mayhem and noise. The officer trots on his feet across the back wall as he fleetingly looks on over towards professor Soloman and his wife. The police officer has a serious facial expression and has been fully trained to deal with situations like this.

More people flash past the table where the Professor is situated as they follow the others who are now leaving the building. Edgar has decided that he will keep hold of his wife's' finger as he carefully wraps it into a white napkin that was laid over a silver plate. A few seconds pass and Edgar lifts the bloodied napkin from the plate.

A man is heard shouting loudly, "Everybody Out", A strange buzzing synthesizer sound can be heard to add realism to the scene. A drum beat is heard - A man wearing a black suit with grey hair suddenly helps his wife from her seat with both hands, The cameraman is having a field day as he rapidly steps to his right and takes another shot of the occasion. A man next to the cameraman stands shocked and utterly mortified. The woman wearing a brown leather jacket is relieved to be leaving as her husband leads her out of the hall. Screaming continues - The mortified man has now also had enough and quickly leaves to his right but manages to keep contact with Professor Soloman for a few moments longer.

Everyone is now making a fast exit as they hastily make there way out, A woman to the left wearing a dark purple overcoat suddenly stands as she continues to stare at the professor from a distance. A moment later and she turns anti clockwise to join the others. The lady looks back at the police officer before turning for good, Men and woman now begin to run as there adrenaline builds in there veins. A woman wearing a cream suit suddenly appears and rests her right hand onto the other woman wearing the purple suit as they both jostle for space.

Suddenly a loud rush of whistling air is heard as the camera pans at high speed to the left past tables, lamps and chairs. The screen blurs momentarily to provide a sense of speeded up time after all the guests have left. A subdued sound of guests leaving the building from a distance can be heard - Only Professor Edgar Soloman lingers in the hall as he slowly looks down at the floor below. Edgar wobbles on his feet slightly as he slowly moves forward with his head bowed. Suddenly a loud click from a handgun is heard - The police officer is still in the building and has identified the Professor as a wanted criminal who will need to be taken into custody for questioning. The police officer shouts out loudly and with speed, STOP! "Hands over your head". "Sir". Edgar Soloman quickly turns to face the police officer in silence and bewilderment. The professors mobile phone begins to ring from inside his jacket, The ring tone was created by Julius Fucik and is called Entry Of The Gladiators.

The police officer is feeling the pressure of the situation as he shouts out again, Do it now!" The police officers adrenaline is flowing and he means business with his loaded weapon.

Professor Edgar Soloman stands close to the grand piano as he does exactly what the police officer wants. Suddenly Edgar reaches into his jacket with his left hand to retrieve something of importance. Edgar speaks over to the officer and say's, "Just..Just a moment". Edgar maintains his right hand up as a signal of surrender but has a strong urge to retrieve something. Edgar bends down slightly as he forages for the item.

The police officer is on fire and has every reason the Professor could produce a handgun and is not to be trusted. The officer shakes his head vigorously with energy as he shouts over, "Please Sir! don't reach into your jacket!"

Suddenly the Professor produces a silver mobile phone from inside his waistcoat, The professor holds the phone up in front of him to show the officer what it is he has produced. The dithering professor has no control over his actions as he attempts to answer his phone.

Suddenly the officer jerks his hands once as an incredibly blinding flash of light emanates from the police officers gun followed by a metallic snapping sound and tremendous bang, The sound reverberates around the large hall creating an echo sound that slowly fades.

The police officer has got sticky fingers as he shoots the Professor from a distance, The single bullet impacts the elderly man in his chest area causing him to shake profusely without any control, The professors arms straggle out in front of him as he instantly drops his phone to the floor below. A patter of plastic is heard as the phone hits the floor surface.

The police officer produces a solemn facial expression as he stands motionless for a fleeting moment with his gun still held high. The ring tone for the phone continues to play Julius Fucik's Entry Of The Gladiators as the professor collapses to the floor below. A massive torrent of broken glass and falling chairs and cutlery is heard as the man falls over onto the table before hitting the floor. The man stutters with his breath and coughs as he struggles to breathe. The police officer stares over at the man he has just shot with glazed and icy white eyes as he slowly lowers his weapon with both hands. The officer stands motionless and is taken back by his instinctive actions.

A CCTV camera system high above the floor suddenly begins to come to life as it beeps several high pitched notes. A single beep is heard before a red light switches off, Two more beeps in fast succession are heard as the same light switches back on again. The camera is responding to the Professors terrible circumstances and the lens has a full view of the room.

The Professor is barely alive as he coughs and splutters from the serious amounts of blood that are now in his airway, The phone continues to play out it's chosen ringtone as the professors bloodied hand shakes furiously. As the professors hand inches it's way closer a more serious choking and convulsive episode is now apparent. The phone has a very important role to play in the death of the professor. The professors Index and Middle fingers slide off the end of the phone as he gives up. A high pitched gasping and wheezing is heard as the professors fingers slowly rest to the surface, The professors hand stops moving completely and so does his breathing as he dies on the spot. (No sound from the police officer is heard)

An echoing pan sound produced by synthesizer is heard as the screen goes black momentarily. A new continuous synthesizer key is heard including a fast and repeating wavering sound. The screen pans down slowly revealing alphabetical text that has been zoomed into.

(BLUMHOUSE Production) The company's model is to produce films on a small budget, give their directors creative freedom, and release them wide through the studio system. Blumhouse's low-budget model began in 2007 with Paranormal Activity, which was made for $15,000 and grossed over $193 million worldwide. Blumhouse produced Insidious, which grossed over $99 million worldwide on a budget of $1.5 million, and Sinister, which grossed over $87 million worldwide from a budget of $3 million. Blumhouse Productions is an American film and television series production company, founded by Jason Blum. Blumhouse is known mainly for producing horror films, such as, The Purge, Oculus, The Gift, Split, Get Out, Happy Death Day, Upgrade, Halloween, The Vigil and The Invisible Man. Blumhouse has worked with directors such as Leigh Whannell, Jordan Peele, Christopher Landon, James Wan, Mike Flanagan, James DeMonaco, Damien Chazelle, and M, Night Shyamalan. On April 4, 2017, Blumhouse announced the launch of an independent television studio with ITV Studios acquiring a 45% stake. With this investment, Blumhouse Television became an independent television studio and has continued its growth by financing and producing original scripted and unscripted ‘dark’ genre programming for global audiences. Through the subsidiary, the film studio produces and releases installments in the anthological Welcome to the Blumhouse film series. Blumhouse is currently backing Jack Davis and Eli Roth's digital network titled Crypt TV where they release horror shorts and other content on social media outlets. On May 11, 2016, Blumhouse launched their podcast titled Shock Waves with hosts Rob Galluzzo, Elric Kane, Rebekah McKendry, and Ryan Turek. On January 16, 2018, it was announced that Mick Garris' horror podcast Post Mortem would be joining Blumhouse's podcast network.

The text is now slowly scrolling left as the eerie synthesizer music continues.
As an independent film company, Little Magic Films has stood at the crossroads of East and West for more than 20 years. The company began by acquiring films, mostly at script stage, for a distributor in Japan (Amuse Pictures which was acquired and became Toshiba Entertainment, which later became Showgate).
These pre-buy deals often brought crucial funding to projects that went on to become commercial success, as well as more than a few award-winners. In the words of Roman Polanski, “Without Japan and Germany, The Pianist wouldn’t have been made.”
Currently, Little Magic develops properties in a creative capacity and arranges financing for international co-productions in film, TV and new media. The company is committed to producing quality theatrical feature films, TV films and series. Throughout the process the emphasis is on original, entertaining storylines that have the potential for wider commercial success in international markets.
Because of its unique position as a US-based company with ties to Asia, Little Magic has access to financing and talent across three continents. The company has strong, ongoing relationships in Asian markets (such as Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand) and is able to take advantage of opportunities in a region that is vibrant, dynamic and increasingly affluent.
Having recently concluded a number of deals to produce English-language remakes of Asian properties, Little Magic Films continues to bridge East and West.
Sahamongkol Film International Co. Ltd. บริษัท สหมงคลฟิล์ม จำกัด, also Sahamongkolfilm, Mongkol Film or SM) is a Thai motion picture production and distribution company. It is the leading movie company in Thailand, ahead of GMM Grammy's GDH 559, Five Star Production and RS Film. The company is privately owned and run by its founder and chief executive, Somsak Techaratanaprasert, who is also known as "Sia Jiang". The company's films include the international hit martial arts films Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior, Tom-Yum-Goong and Chai Lai, and the Nak animated movies, as well as recent romantic comedy hit drama film First Love. It distributes foreign films in Thailand through its Mongkol Major distribution company.
In the 1980s, after the Thai government relaxed import tax policies on cultural imports, Sahamongkol is also the primary Thai distributor of major American film studios at the time, which included TriStar Pictures, New Line Cinema, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group & Orion Pictures.

Text continues left - A fast snare is heard followed by a bell sounding pan note that slowly fades away. Church bells begin to blend into the sound -

Daniel Stamm (born April 20th, 1976 in Hamburg), is a German film director, screenwriter and editor. He directed the American horror film "The Last Exorcism". Stamm is the confirmed director for the second installment of The Night Chronicles, a trilogy of films produced by filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan as well as being based on an original Shyamalan idea. The film is titled Reincarnate and centres on a jury of people dealing with a case that has supernatural undertones. The film was originally titled 12 Strangers.

A snare is heard followed by a high pitched synthesised pan sound - 13 SINS appears before the text slowly widens apart. Steel wire now appears as it slowly travels downwards over the text. A bell sound is heard when the text widened, there is also a bell when each frame changes on the map.

Mark Allen Webber (born July 19th, 1980) is an American actor, screenwriter, and director known for his roles in the films Snow Day, Weapons, The Laramie Project, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Webber was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he spent the first nine years of his life. His mother, Cheri Lynn Honkala, is a noted advocate for the homeless in Philadelphia, and was the vice-presidential nominee of the Green Party n the 2012 presidential election. In 1989 he and his single mother moved to Philadelphia, where they spent time homeless, living in cars and abandoned buildings, and struggling to survive during the harsh winters. Webber's life was subsequently the subject of a major news magazine story. He and his mother have been for many years and still are outspoken homeless advocates. They organize walks in protest, help to educate voters, and volunteer to help provide food and shelter to the urban poor in Philadelphia and elsewhere. Cheri Honkala ran for Sheriff of Philadelphia in 2011 with the Green Party on a "no evictions" platform. Webber began his acting career in 1998. He favors "offbeat independent productions and challenging roles that involve intense characterization." In March 2019, Webber was cast as Grey McConnell in the ABC crime drama series Stumptown which was written by Jason Richman. After the series was ordered he dropped out due to creative differences, and the role was re-cast with Jake Johnson. Webber was formerly in a relationship with actress Frankie Shaw, they have a son together. The end of his relationship with Shaw inspired Webber to create his film The End of Love, which starred Webber and his son and premiered at Sundance in January 2012. Webber and Shaw share joint custody of their son. In September 2012, Webber began dating Australian actress Teresa Palmer after she contacted him via Twitter. They became engaged in August 2013, and married on December 21st, 2013 in Mexico. They welcomed their first child, a son, born in February 2014. Webber and Palmer reside in the Beachwood Canyon community of Los Angeles. Their second son was born in December 2016. In April 2019, they had a daughter, Poet Lake.

Australian actress Teresa Palmer
The well thought out map is now scrolling upwards, A series of thin wire mesh has been used to link towns and cities together. A flash of bright light momentarily illuminates the board.

As the dark and mysterious map scrolls up more and more connections have been made with the thin wire cable.

Rutina Wesley (born December 21, 1978) is an American actress. She is best known for her roles as Tara Thornton on the HBO television series True Blood and Nova Bordelon on the OWN television series Queen Sugar. Wesley was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her father, Ivery Wheeler, is a professional tap dancer, and her mother, Cassandra Wesley was a showgirl. She attended high school at the Las Vegas Academy of International Studies, Performing and Visual Arts. She studied dance at Simba Studios and the West Las Vegas Arts Center. While at the Las Vegas Academy, Wesley missed some auditions for college training programs. She finally decided to attend the University of Evansville in Indiana.
After Wesley earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance in 2001, her grandmother suggested that she do a nursing course to have a practical fallback job, but Wesley insisted on pursuing her artistic education. She enrolled at the Juilliard School in 2001 and graduated in May 2005 (Group 34).Her studies included a summer spent at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. At Juilliard, she became close friends with her future co-star Nelsan Ellis. (Group 33: 2000–2004). Wesley divides her time between Los Angeles and Astoria, Queens. In 2005, she married her former Juilliard classmate Jacob Fishel, an actor. Wesley filed for divorce on August 16, 2013, citing irreconcilable differences. In November 2017, Wesley announced her partnership to Shonda, a chef from New Orleans.

The camera quickly links to another area of the map, this time the camera has zoomed into a bronze skull that slowly lights up.

Devon Graye

Who is Devon Graye?
Devon Graye Fleming is an American actor best recognized for playing the role of teenage Dexter in the television series ‘Dexter’. He has also guest-starred in a number of TV programs, such as ‘Close to Home’, ‘Bones’, CSI: Miami’, ‘Leverage’, ‘CSI: Crime Scene Investigation’, ‘The Protector’, ‘Body of Proof’, ‘The Night Shift’, ‘The Mentalist’ and ‘The Flash’, to name a few. Graye is known for performing on the big screen as well; he has appeared in the movies ‘Her Best Move’, ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Exodus Fall’, ‘Legendary’, ‘Husk’, ‘Last Weekend’, ‘I Am Michael’ and ‘I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore’. In addition, the actor has acted in several TV movies including ‘A House Divided’, ‘Wisegal’, ‘Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh’, ‘Avalon High’ and ‘Red Faction: Origins’. A very interesting fact about him is that he underwent coaching as well as wrestling training to keep up with the skills of his co-stars including John Cena while working on the film ‘Legendary.’ At last, he got kudos from his supporting actors for his ultimate performance in the flick.
Devon Graye first acted in the TV movie titled ‘A House Divided’ in 2006. That year, he also began playing the role of teenage Dexter in the series ‘Dexter’. After this, he appeared in the films ‘Her Best Move’ and ‘Scar’. The following year, the actor guest-starred in the TV dramas ‘Bones’, ‘Novel Adventures’, ‘CSI: Miami’ and ‘Leverage’. Graye also did the TV movies ‘Wisegal’ and ‘Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh’ that year.
Soon after this, he starred in the films ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘Lure’ and ‘Exodus Fall’ as well as guest-starred in the TV programs ‘Saving Grace’ and ‘CSI: Crime Scene Investigation’. In 2010, the American actor was cast as Cal Chetley in the flick ‘Legendary’. That year, he also appeared in an episode of ‘The Deep End’. Graye then got the opportunity to act in the TV movie ‘Red Faction: Origins’ and the film ‘Husk’ in 2011.
A year later, he guest-starred in the dramas ‘Body of Proof’ and ‘American Horror Story: Asylum’ and also starred in the films ‘The Discoverers’ and ‘Eden’. After this, he voiced a character in the flick ‘Khumba’. In 2014-15, Graye did a few small and big screen projects including ‘13 Sins’, ‘I Am Michael’, ‘The Night Shift’, ‘The Mentalist’ and ‘The Flash’. He then portrayed the character of Bert and Adam in the movies ‘Search Engines’ and ‘Retake’ in 2016. He played Christian in the flick ‘I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore’ in 2017.
Devon Graye was born as Devon Graye Fleming on March 8, 1987, in Mountain View, California, USA. As a young boy he lived in the UK and attended high school there. Later he learned acting from San Francisco’s American Conservatory Theater.
Coming to Graye’s love life, he has been in a relationship with actor Jordan Gavaris since 2012.

The map is slowly scrolling left as it passes over a place on the game chart.

Pruitt Taylor Vince

Pruitt Taylor Vince made his acting debut in Jim Jarmusch's 1986 independent film 'Down by Law'; however, his scenes were edited out of the final version of the film. In the following years, he got recognition for his excellent performances in the films 'Shy People' and 'Mississippi Burning'. While he played something of a blathering redneck idiot in both films, the pathos in his performances made it impossible to dismiss the characters as plain bad people. He later played several prominent supporting roles in major films, such as Lee Bowers in 'JFK' in 1991 and Rub Squeers, the main character's best friend, in 'Nobody's Fool' in 1994.
In 1995, he landed his first lead role in James Mangold's independent film 'Heavy'. In the film, he played the role of a sweet, silent and overweight cook who harbored a crush on a waitress, played by Liv Tyler, who was playing her first proper role as well. He packed a powerful performance in the film, making it heart wrenching to watch him gradually lose grip on his life. Nevertheless, it remained one of the most underrated performances of the 90s. His performance as serial killer Clifford Banks on the second season of the legal drama 'Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer', in 1997, earned a cult status. He went on to win the 1997 'Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Performance by an Actor' for the role, beating out 'Oscar' winners Alan Arkin and Louis Gossett Jr., and 'Oscar' nominee William H. Macy for the award.

Pruitt Taylor Vince as Render Otis from The Walking Dead

While Pruitt Taylor Vince hardly got more opportunities to showcase his acting prowess in the later years, he continued to appear in remarkable roles in films and on television throughout his career. He played a lovable small-town pub owner in the 1996 romantic comedy 'Beautiful Girls'. In 1998, he had a starring role as Max Tooney in Giuseppe Tornatore's 'Legend of 1900' and co-starred in 'Love from Ground Zero'. He appeared as a pompous sheriff in the 2000 black comedy film 'Nurse Betty', a disheveled gossip columnist in the 2002 sci-fi film 'Simone', a serial killer with multiple personalities in the 2003 psychological slasher film 'Identity', and a priest with psychic abilities in the 2005 occult detective film 'Constantine'.
His film credits in the following years included 'Captivity', 'The Echo', 'The Smell of Success', 'Flypaper', 'On the Inside', 'Jules Verne's Mysterious Island', 'Dark Tourist', '13 Sins', 'The Devil's Candy' and 'Gotti'. He most recently appeared in the 2018 Netflix post-apocalyptic thriller 'Bird Box' starring Sandra Bullock.
On television, he had recurring roles, such as Cyril Kemp in 'Touching Evil', Mose Manuel in 'Deadwood', J.J. LaRoche in 'The Mentalist', Finn in 'True Blood', Casper Abraham in 'Heroes Reborn', and Grill in 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’. He appeared as Otis on three episodes of the AMC television series 'The Walking Dead' and had a guest role playing a 600-lb patient in Fox's medical drama 'House'. Some of his other notable guest appearances were in 'Alias', 'The X-Files', 'Miami Vice', 'Quantum Leap', 'Chicago Hope', 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation', and 'Highlander: The Series'.
Pruitt Taylor Vince in Heroes Reborn (2015)
Pruitt Taylor Vince was born on July 5, 1960 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States. While studying in high school, he ended up in a drama class due to a computer error in his school registration that had scheduled him for an acting class. He later attended Louisiana State University. He suffers from a condition called nystagmus which causes involuntary movement of the eye. Considering that he often plays disturbed individuals, the twitches caused by his eye condition seem to enhance his acting.
Pruitt Taylor Vince is twice married. His first marriage was to a woman named Anne Schneider, but it is unknown when they married or how long they were married. He later married Julianne Mattelig on May 24, 2003.

Map is now scrolling right as more and more cities are revealed, The date of October 18th 1961 is stamped underneath Salvador. This information is in regards to a significant situation that developed here,

Richard William Burgi born July 30th, 1958) is an American film and television actor best known for the roles of Det. Jim Ellison on The Sentinel and as Karl Mayer on Desperate Housewives. Burgi was born in the suburbs of New York City in Montclair, New Jersey. His family was involved in community theatre. His brother, Chuck Burgi, is a well-known rock drummer who has most recently toured with Billy Joel. After high school, Burgi travelled through the US and Europe, taking odd jobs. Burgi began his career in New York, which led to regular roles on the Manhattan-based daytime soap operas One Life to Live, Another World and As the World Turns. After moving to Los Angeles, he appeared on another soap opera, Days of Our Lives. He made a number of guest appearances on episodic television shows, and was also cast in Chameleons, a TV Movie, in 1989. He had a role on Viper, and landed his first lead role in the 1994 television series One West Waikiki.
Richard Burgi

The Sentinel is a Canadian-American action crime drama series that aired on UPN in the United States from March 20, 1996 to May 24, 1999. It premiered on March 20, 1996, and ran for 65 episodes over four seasons. The series later re-aired on Syfy.
Jim Ellison was a US Army Ranger who spent 18 months in the Peruvian jungle after the rest of his unit was killed. He developed hyperacute senses from surviving in the wild, but repressed them when he returned to civilization. His sensory abilities re-manifested five years later, while conducting an extended stakeout in the forest as a detective in the Major Crimes Unit of the Cascade, Washington, police department. He went to a hospital for an examination where he met Blair Sandburg, an anthropologist from Rainier University, whom Ellison initially mistook for a physician. Upon hearing Ellison's story, Sandburg declares that Ellison is a "Sentinel": in ancient tribes, Sentinels used their enhanced senses to protect their village. For Jim, Cascade is his village. Blair had been studying Sentinel mythology for years. While he found many individuals with one or two hyperactive senses, he had never before found a person with all five senses enhanced, a "true" Sentinel.
Blair helps Jim control his senses and joins Jim as a police observer. Their unlikely partnership works, and together they fight crime in the streets of Cascade. The only person aside from Sandburg who knows Jim's secret is his captain and friend, Simon Banks.

Burgi was cast as the lead in the series The Sentinel. The show ran for three seasons; its cancellation left key plot issues unresolved, which led to a successful fan campaign for additional episodes to end the story. Burgi went on to roles on The District, 24 and Judging Amy as well as bit parts in other television series and films, including Matlock. In the 1998 made-for-TV remake of the movie I Married a Monster, Burgi starred as Nick Farrell (the monster). One of Burgi's most notable roles was on Desperate Housewifes as Karl Mayer, the ex-husband of Susan Mayer and father to Julie. Burgi appeared as Karl for several seasons. He also starred in the big-screen thriller Cellular in 2004 as well as a remake of Fun with Dick and Jane and chick flick In Her Shoes as Toni Collette's love interest in 2005. In 2007, Burgi was cast in the horror film Hostel: Part II. In 2009, he played the police officer in Friday the 13th and a stylish doctor in Nip/Tuck. Burgi guest-starred as Thomas Wellington in CBS's Harper's Island (2009).

In 2010, Burgi guest-starred in an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. In 2011, Burgi guest-starred on TV Land's Hot in Cleveland. In 2011, it was announced that he would play Karl Parker in My Family USA, which premiered on September 26, 2011. In 2011, Burgi landed a new recurring role as CIA hitman Clyde Decker, who is part of a government conspiracy targeting the title character in Chuck. In 2011, Burgi appeared in season 9 of One Tree Hill as Brooke Davis's father. In 2012, he starred in cult classic "Christmas Twister" as TV Reporter 1, in which his character was killed trying to parry away a low flying shipping container. In 2013, Burgi guest-starred on Lifetime's Devious Maids as a brother, uncle, and love interest, Henri. In 2021, Soap Opera Digest reported that Burgi had been cast in the recurring role of Ashland Locke on CBS' daytime soap opera, The Young and the Restless, with the character first appearing on March 11, 2021. Burgi married Lori Kahn on November 25, 1995. They have two sons, Jack and Samuel. Jack was born December 8, 1996, and Samuel (Sam) was born August 15, 2000. Burgi married Liliana Lopez in February 2012.

A large skull is now in view, Multiple frames are seen with a skull that flashes quickly before the viewers eyes. A bronze dollar sign quickly focuses from a blur, This item indicates that a cash prize can or will be awarded if all criteria has been completed.

Ralph Thomas Bower, born January 3, 1938, in Denver CO
Height 5’11”
Tom Bower grew up in Denver, Colorado, and thought he would have a career as an athlete, having played varsity baseball, basketball, golf, ran track, and just assumed a professional career would follow. Didn't quite work out that way, and so, his hobby of acting seemed to be the next course of action. He immediately set off for New York City, following graduation and a season of summer stock at America's oldest summer stock theater, Elitche Garden's Summer Theatre, in Denver. Tom, at the ripe old age of 17, wasn't quite ready to take the city and Broadway by storm, but he was about to have a real adventure starting off with his enrollment at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Robert Redford, was in his class but no one really knew he was at that time, and Tom was even less well known. After a year and a half at the Academy, he shifted gears and began studying at John Cassavetes’ Shadows Workshop, and Tom's first film work ever was in Cassavetes’ first film; SHADOWS, shot in 1957.
Returning home to Denver each Summer, Tom married his first wife and had a couple of kids. Straight jobs were necessary to provide for a young family and after running the gamut of all kinds of employment endeavors, Tom broke into the field of Private Investigation and that became his calling card for the next 15 years. During that time, he divorced and later married his true love Ursula, with whom he is now celebrating 47 years of wedded bliss. They have 4 Grandchildren and a wonderful life in Los Angeles. Some 166 feature films and television shows later along with 87 or so theatrical productions behind him,
Tom now splits his time between acting and producing. He's also been the founder of three legitimate theatre companies including the MET Theatre, which included such associates as James Gammon, Tim Scott, Ed Harris, Amy Madigan, Holly Hunter, and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Beth Henley. Film work has afforded Tom and Urs the opportunity of travel to such far off places as China, Morocco, Poland, South Africa, Germany, France, the U.K., Italy, and Canada. Still going strong, Tom just completed filming LIGHT OF MY LIFE; a movie written, directed and starred in by Academy Award winner Casey Affleck. "We've just now returned from the 45th Anniversary Reunion of the Waltons and the 1 year Anniversary of Waltons creator, Earl Hamner's passing, which was held in Earl's home town of Schuyler, Virginia -- also home of the Waltons Museum. Life goes on".

Each long strand of wire is a human participant that may inadvertently have to complete a certain task that the rest of the players also need to complete.

Ron Perlman
Ronald Perlman (born April 13th, 1950) is an American actor and voice actor. He played the roles of Amoukar in Quest for Fire (1981), Salvatore in The Name of the Rose (1986), Vincent on the television series Beauty and the Beast (1987 - 1990), for which he won a Golden Globe Award, One in The City of Lost Children (1995), Johnner in Alien: Resurrection (1997), Hellboy in both Hellboy (2004) and its sequel Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008), Clay Morrow on the television series Sons of Anarchy (2008–2013) and Nino in Drive (2011). Perlman is also known as a collaborator of Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro, having roles in the del Toro films Cronos (1993), Blade II (2002), and Pacific Rim (2013). He is also known for his voice-over work as the narrator of the post-apocalyptic game series Fallout (1997-present), Clayface in the DC Animated Universe, Slade in Tenn Titans (2003)-2006), Lord Hood in the video games Halo 2 (2004) and Halo 3 (2007), the Stabbington brothers in Tangled (2010), The Lich in Adventure Time (2011-2017) and Xibalba in The Book of Life (2014).

Hellboy II
Ronald Perlman was born in Washington Heights, New York. His mother, Dorothy (née Rosen; 1921–2018), was a municipal employee, and his father, Bertram "Bert" Perlman (1919–1969), was a jazz drummer and television repairman. His family is Jewish, originally from Hungary and Poland, and Perlman had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. Perlman said in 1988, "It was not a bad childhood but I had a perception of myself that was ... I was terribly overweight as a young kid, and it was sort of a low self image. He cited this experience as one thing that attracts him to roles where he portrays "these sorts of deformed people who are very endearing." He has said that he and his father were "very close" and that it was his father, after seeing Perlman in a college production of Guys and Dolls, who told him he "had to" pursue a career as an actor. Perlman later said that his father essentially "gave [him] permission to be an actor". He graduated from George Washington High School in 1967 and Lehman College in 1971. He later attended the University of Minnesota where he graduated with a master's degree in theatre arts in 1973.

Map is scrolling upwards, Suddenly the camera zooms in fast to reveal another skull with wires travelling through. BOGOTA May 19th 1941

Venus Kanani - C.S.A. - Casting Director
Mary Vernieu C.S.A. - Casting Director
Casting Director Venus Kanani is a Los Angeles native, having grown up in the San Fernando Valley. She received a Bachelor of Arts from UC San Diego in Film/Video & Photography in the days before digital filmmaking, cutting and splicing her way to her degree. After getting her start in production, she discovered casting and spent 13 years working with Mary Vernieu at Betty Mae casting, beginning as intern and eventually becoming a casting director, with her focus being on feature films. She worked on some 90 films during that time – most of which were independently made. Some highlights include “The Perks of Being of Being a Wallflower,” the “Divergent” series, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s “Don Jon,” and Mike Judge’s feature films “Idiocracy” and “Extract”. She formed her own company in 2016, and since then she has cast many more feature films and several TV shows including “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” (in partnership with Felicia Fasano), “Heathers”, and “Liza On Demand”. She was an early participant in the very tough but successful organization effort to unionize casting directors – one of the last remaining crafts in the film industry that was not represented by a trade union. She’s been a proud member of Teamsters Local 399 since casting directors were made part of the union. She also serves on the board that negotiates the union’s contract with the AMPTP. She was also on the board of The Casting Society of America for 4 years, serving as secretary for 2. She has been nominated for 2 Artios Awards. She currently shares a home with 5 dogs and 5 chickens.
“From an actor's perspective...you have to be prepared for it to be really hard because there's so many factors that are influencing why you get a role and why you don't get a role. When you go into an audition, leave it in the room— otherwise it's too hard on your heart. And getting into those rooms is also tough, but you should try every avenue you can find and think of.” -Mary Vernieu
Casting Director Mary Vernieu has cast over 300 features during her career. With an eye for talent in both actors and filmmakers, she has developed and enjoyed long-standing working relationships with many acclaimed directors such as Darren Aronofsky, David Ayer, David O. Russell, Robert Rodriguez, Rian Johnson, and Oliver Stone. In 2013 Mary won an Artios Award for the casting of Silver Linings Playbook, and was nominated for two more Artios Awards last year for A Star Is Born and Deadpool II. In addition to her casting work, Mary has also recently ventured into producing for such films as Trust Me, Come Simi, and Spare Room. Mary’s company, Betty Mae, is named in a loving homage to her mother and grandmother.

Laura Katz - Music Supervisor

Music Supervisor
Los Angeles native Laura Katz is the founder of L.A.-based music supervision company SUPE TROOP, where she specializes in music supervision services for all types of media. Prior to launching Supe Troop, Katz led Cutting Edge Group’s Los Angeles office’s music supervision services for feature films, TV shows, video games, and other visual media projects. In addition to creative music supervision, she oversaw music department services such as bespoke composition, clearance, licensing, soundtrack album releases, and more. Katz’s notable music supervision film credits include The Grey, That Awkward Moment, Stuck in Love, Chappaquiddick, and Big Time Adolescence. She also music supervised the Insomniac Games Xbox One game, Sunset Overdrive, which earned her a nomination for a Guild of Music Supervisors Award. Her upcoming projects include Stowaway, The Ice Road, and FXX’s television anthology, Cake.
Additionally, Katz works with directors and producers to create opportunities for original songs in films, such as the original end title song from American Chaos, “All I Want,” by Matt Berninger (of The National) & Steph Altman, and “Requiem for a Private War” by Annie Lennox from A Private War, which was nominated for the 2019 Golden Globe for Best Original Song, Motion Picture.
Favorite Soup:
Cream of Mushroom
Favorite Book:
The Long Goodbye – Raymond Chandler

A deep and pulsating synthesised rift is heard at regular intervals, More towns and cities appear on the map including ROME November 9th 1922. This chart is very old and whoever created this map must of started a very long time ago, or others have contributed over time.

Another skull to the left now appears with an abundance of wires going through and out, The wires are not very tidy and some wrap around the back of the skull, this may indicate the player never escaped that area and lost or was killed. Three skulls now appear over Rome and Madrid, The dollar sign can be reached from an off shoot away from Rome,. Only one wire is linked to the dollar sign and this suggests maybe only one player can win the jackpot at any one time.

Musical Composer - Michael Wandmacher

Michael Wandmacher (born October 29, 1967) is an American composer of music for film, television, and video games. He has worked on numerous well-known projects, including Piranha 3D, Punisher, War Zone, Bloodborne, Twisted Metal, and The Goldbergs. Most recently, he has worked on Underground: Blood Wars, succeeding previous series composers Paul Haslinger and Marco Beltrami. Wandmacher was born in Minneapolis, he began his career composing music for local news media and television commercials before scoring short and feature films by local filmmakers. While following a series of email exchanges that started via a film music newsgroup, Wandmacher met Alan Silvestri and was invited to Los Angeles to participate in several scoring sessions. They composed music for the English-language releases of several Jackie Chan films including Armour of God and Drunken Master II. He eventually found success with the black comedy horror film Modern Vampires. Wandmacher co-composed the score with Danny Elfman, the brother of the film's director Richard Elfman. Wandmacher permanently relocated to Los Angeles.
The majority of Wandmacher's work consists of genre films particularly horror and thriller films. In 2015, Wandmacher composed the score to the role-playing video game Bloodborne. Wandmacher also creates remixes under the pseudonym "Khursor". As such, he has worked with Godhead including a track on the Shadow Realigned album. The Khursor remix of Sting's Every Breath You Take was featured on the trailer for the third season of The Americans.

The map now shows BUCHAREST - October 30th, 1936 - ALGIERS (May 23rd, 1973 - ROME November 9th, 1922 - ATHENS - August 19th, 1957, JERUSALEM - February 13th, 1969, The map begins to pan down to reveal, CAIRO June 22nd 1983. The map quickly gathers speed as it travels left to reveal more places of interest. DUBAI September 14th 1993, SANA A May 25th 1981 - MUMBAI April 20th 1962 - New Delhi January 1st 2008. Other places include CHENNAI, HANOI October 28th 2003, BANGKOK, August 16th 2006.

Although you may not realize it, when you watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire — this season’s blockbuster — or the newly released American Hustle, you are also observing the handiwork of Marcy Rector, a Centre College graduate. Rector, who majored in art and worked in the theatre department at Centre, spent two years working at Actors Theatre of Louisville after graduation and finished her master’s at Carnegie Mellon in 2004. Since then, she has been working as a freelance costume designer — and she’s had a knack for being in the right place at the right time.
“When I finished grad school, I had $148 to my name,” Rector says. “This was not going to pay for a cross-country move to LA. So I decided to do what many recent grads do, which was to spend some quality time with my parents, living for free and saving money.” With that decision, Rector moved back to her hometown, Memphis, Tenn., which she discovered was the setting for another movie. “When I returned to Memphis, I heard on the radio that Walk the Line was being shot there that summer,” she says. “I spent the next three weeks hustling to get on the movie as a production assistant, and eventually, I did! It was at that job where I met the supervisor who has hired me for many jobs, including Catching Fire and American Hustle.” Rector’s listing on IMDb, the Internet movie database, includes those many jobs. Among her credits are Green Lantern, J. Edgar, Django Unchained, and TRON: Legacy.
“In film, I work both as a costume designer and a costumer,” she explains. “The difference is, as a designer, I work for a director. As a costumer, I work for another designer. In either position, the job is to tell the story the director wants to tell. The level of creativity and input depends on the director/producer or the designer. Some people are very open and receptive to new and different ideas, and other people are more focused and particular about how they want to tell the story.” And hustling is, in fact, part of the game. “My job is to sell a creative idea,” she says. “This is how I think the story should be told visually, and this is why. Sometimes you succeed in selling the idea, and sometimes you don’t.” In Catching Fire, the costuming was elaborate and creative, and while Rector’s role was to help dress all the extras in the film, she also got a front-row look at the masterpieces created by some of the world’s preeminent designers.
“Any scene with a lot of people in it?” she says. “I helped dress all of them. Because of the success of the first film, we were able to borrow clothing from many different designers. My favorites were the Alexander McQueen pieces that Effie Trinket [Elizabeth Banks] wore. The level of craftsmanship that goes into making that type of dress is stunning and beautiful. One dress was made out of butterflies — as in butterflies-that-really-used-to-fly butterflies.” Rector recognizes that Centre helped launch her career. “My senior year, I went to Matthew Hallock [assistant professor of dramatic arts and chair of the dramatic arts program] and told him I wanted to design costumes for a play,” she says. “’OK,’ was his response. I had no experience designing costumes! I feel like you can go to almost any professor at Centre and say, ‘Hey, I think I want to go jump off this cliff,’ and their response will be, ‘Sure, let’s see what happens!’ Whether personal or professional, ultimately, it is the place where you meet your lifelong partners in crime.”
From Centre College

Map is slowly scrolling right, PERTH March 6th 2011. A small piece of Western Australia comes into view, The large map is showing the movements of players on a world scale which suggests the mysterious and dark game is worldwide. The camera zooms into 1922, the map changes to 1926, then 1937, 1945 flicks by quickly to reveal the year 1947. 1961 frames change with speed, 1968, 1971, 1991, 1992, 2008, All these years are matched with dates to identify a challenge.

Three large nails are now visible on the map, theses nails have a large abundance of wires traveling around them. Chicago July 12th 1920. Map scrolls left. Some wires have a different metal coating and could indicate the severity and difficulty of the challenge. NEW YORK CITY, A city above Chicago has a date of June 23rd 2008. More places appear, VANCOUVER January 7th 1981, Four nails are now visible with a thick amount of wire wrapping around them. Dollar signs are now visible on two of the nails which are Vancouver and New York City, Prizes have been awarded in this two states. The skulls either mean death or a challenge point. Camera rapidly scrolls upwards creating a blur effect. More places are now visible including, MONTREAL, June 23rd 2008, New Orleans April 1st, 1989, MIAMI, February 26th 1970.

Production Designer - JAMES A. GELARDEN

A clock face has now come into view, The clock has Roman numerals around the circumferance. Latin text has been written around the outside while a black fly sits in the centre. The camera glides up over the clock momentarily before an adrenaline spurt of frames to produce a speeded up time frame. The camera has now reached the North Atlantic Ocean as it pans quickly upwards. LONDON July 30th 1948, Stockholm, January 11th 2006, Berlin, March 14th, 1945. ATHENS, Camera accelerates up and away across the large chart.
Zoltán is an LA based, hungarian born cinematographer. He started working on film sets early on, working in all camera related department roles. After starting the Hungarian Film Academy, he went on to study and graduate at the American Film Institute. Right out of AFI, he interned with the late Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC an Academy Award winning cinematographer, who through the years became his mentor and close friend. Zoltán operated or co-shot most of Vilmos’ films in the past decade. Honti’s credits include the Eli Roth produced “Last Exorcism” and “13 Sins”, both helmed by Daniel Stamm. His awards include Hollywood reporter’s cinematographers to watch list, Telly Awards, the Golden Reel award shared with the late László Kovács, ASC.

Zoltan Honti second (Left)

Amal Elwardi producer
The popular executive has left IM Global and joins Lisa Wilson and Myles Nestel’s production, financing and distribution company as head of acquisitions and development.
The hire marks the next stage in the Los Angeles-based company’s evolution as it enters its second year and focuses on builing up the stable of commercial title from The Solution and genre label Synchronicity Entertainment.
ElWardi’s role will encompass the entire group and she will work to acquire third-party fare and produce and finance material from within the fold.
As head of acquisitions at IM Global she brought in such titles as Lee Daniel’s The Butler, thriller Dead Man Down and Richard Linklater’s recent Berlin and Sundance entry, Before Midnight.
Prior to IM Global ElWardi served at First Look International and FilmBank Capital, where she researched financial structuring and valuation analysis for single-picture and slate financing with Castle Rock Entertainment and Warner Bros. 19 FEBRUARY 2013

Gilbert Lim

The eerie music sound score has now changed to produce a faster drum beat and an increase in synthesised violins. New Orleans slowly comes into focus, A nail with a dollar sign can be seen above New Orleans, another nail is just above and contains a skull. Multiple wires travel between the nails.

Map is travelling left, Wires also cross over the clock face as they link from one city to the next. Camera quickly accelerates downwards, The camera skips frames to reveal the 3rd numerical,
Stuart Ford is a British-born film and television producer based in Los Angeles. In February 2018 Ford launched AGC Studios, an international film and television production and global licensing company that develops, produces, finances and globally licenses a diverse portfolio of feature films, scripted, unscripted and factual television, digital, and musical content from its dual headquarters in Los Angeles and London. The studio’s Hollywood output has a wide-ranging multicultural focus, designed for exploitation across an array of global platforms including major studio partnerships, streaming platforms, traditional broadcast and cable television networks, and independent distributors, both in the US and internationally. In addition to having produced or executive produced over 60 feature films and TV shows Ford is one of the film industry’s leading experts on international film distribution and has launched and overseen content companies in the US, the UK, France, China, Hong Kong, India and Mexico. Ford is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as well as the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
Ford is a former entertainment attorney and studio executive who in 2007 founded IM Global, which over the next ten years he built into one of the industry’s leading independent film and television production, financing and sales platforms. As Founder and CEO of the company, Ford produced or distributed films alongside luminaries such as Martin Scorsese, Barbara Broccoli, Julia Roberts, Liam Neeson, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Mel Gibson, Lima Neeson, Will Ferrell, Nicole Kidman, Tom Hanks, Tom Ford and Madonna from his network of offices in Los Angeles, New York, London, Mexico City, Munich, Mumbai and Beijing. Ford and IM Global also became prominent players in the Bollywood, Chinese and Latin American film sectors. The company produced and financed over 30 feature films of its own as well as handling international sales on more than one hundred first run feature films and handling a library of over 600 titles. The company also owned Mundial, a leading Latino sales and financing company; operated one of the premier international sales platforms for Chinese cinema; and operated Valor Entertainment, a multicultural talent management group. In addition, as a joint venture with Chinese internet giant Tencent, the company operated IM Global Television, a full service scripted and unscripted television production, financing and distribution studio. In 2015 IM Global and Ford were the recipient of Variety’s Achievement in International Film Award, and Ford has also been listed by the UK’s Guardian newspaper as one of the 50 Most Influential People in Global Cinema. Ford sold his remaining stake in IM Global in late 2017.

Mel Gibson

Julia Roberts
Before IM Global, Ford was a long serving executive at Miramax Films in New York where, in various executive capacities he was involved in the acquisition and/or production of numerous Academy Award recognized films including Shakespeare in Love, Chicage (2002 film), The Cider House Rules (film), Chocolat (2000 film), Gangs Of New York, and Amélie. During this period The Hollywood Reporter listed Ford as one of the top executives in Hollywood under the age of 35. He began his career in the early nineties as an entertainment industry lawyer at UK law firm Olswang. Ford was educated at the Liverpool Blue Coat School, and later obtained both a BA and an MA in Law from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University. Ford lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two sons. Awards
50 most influential individuals in global cinema: Stuart Ford - The Guardian 2010
Variety Award for Achievement in International Film: Stuart Ford, IM Global - Variety 2015
Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, Executive Member: Stuart Ford - 2017

Carsten H.W. Lorenz is film producer, scriptwriter, and occasional actor best known for his prolific credits in numerous American films and television series. His major production credit includes ‘13 Sins’, ‘The Crime of Love’ and ‘Rise: Blood Hunter’. He has starred in ‘Wrong Side of Town’, ‘Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay’ and ‘Sunny Side Up’. He also showed his contribution in script writing and musical department.
Born: August 21st, 1961
Carsten Lorenz Executive Producer

Somsak Techaratanaprasert is a popular Hollywood Producer, Somsak's previous film to hit the theatres was Ong Bak 3 in the year 2011.
Somsak Techaratanaprasert

Camera continues downwards, accelerates to V, then VI, Skips frames to reveal VII AND VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII. A short burst of light illuminates the clock face for a blistering second, A single bell sound is heard.

Brian Kavanaugh-Jones
By Maureen Dixon Harrison
Growing up in the rural town of Petaluma, UCSC Arts Division alumnus Brian Kavanaugh-Jones grew up appreciating the culture and beauty of California while also experiencing what the outside world had to offer. From his passion for the arts and accompanying his father on travels around the globe, to his keen enthusiasm for collaboration and bringing outstanding creative projects to fruition, it’s no wonder that Brian was destined to become such a successful Hollywood film producer. “My dad was a National Geographic photographer so he’d go all over the world,” he says. “It was fun because I got this beautiful, rooted home life in a really cool, small town but then in addition got to go all over the place and travel.” While in high school at the prestigious Marin Academy in San Rafael, CA, he became interested in not only sports, but also the arts, especially painting and photography. From there he chose UC Santa Cruz as the place to pursue his artistic dreams.

“I fell in love with the campus as soon as I got there and then the people,” he says. “The community spoke to my Northern California roots.” At UC Santa Cruz, Brian was fortunate enough to study painting with renowned artist Eduardo Carrillo*, who was a beloved art professor at UCSC for over 25 years. “He was an amazing artist and person, and my friend,” said Brian. “I also regarded him as my mentor but I, very sadly, lost him half way through.” Carrillo, who was struggling with cancer, died in 1997, two years before Brian graduated. After Carrillo’s death, Brian knew that he had to push himself and to try to find his own voice, and himself. He found other, very inspiring, art professors, including Professor Elizabeth Stephens, now Chair of the UCSC Art Department, who encouraged him to be “wildly creative”. “During my senior year, my friends and I got really weird and started a horrible movement that no one ever picked up on called ‘Spacio Temperal Appliance Displacement’,” he laughs. “We’d drive in and drop a refrigerator in the middle of campus. One time we spent a weekend burying a dryer near the Theater Arts Department. We got in big trouble when a walking tour of the department went by and thought it was a permanent exhibit! That’s when we thought that this project wasn’t’ such a great idea.”
For his senior thesis Brian and a fellow student collaborator snagged two full-sized bath tubs, positioned them near the library, filled them with water, stripped down to their undies, and then sat in the tubs for a half hour, shivering the entire time. “We got into some really neat, mind-bending stuff,” he says fondly, remembering his time as an experimental performance artist. “I loved doing it. I loved everything I learned at UCSC.” When it came time to choose a career, he knew that he wanted to do something that involved collaborating and creating. A friend of his who was making a documentary persuaded him to be the producer on the film and from there Brian was hooked. He took the plunge and moved to Los Angeles, hoping to get into the film business, and landed at one of the world’s top talent agencies, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), where he worked his way up through the ranks and learned everything he could about producing.

“I eventually became an agent which was an incredible education,” he says. “I got to work with some really fantastic people and I credit them for giving me a solid base training that has enabled me to do what I do now.” After nine years at CAA, he was ready to launch into the world of producing and founded his own production company, Automatik, which has already made over 60 films. In the meantime, he also has started a management company called Grandview that represents writers, directors, and actors. “There’s a huge amount of synergy between them,” says Brian about the two companies. “But none of our managers at Grandview produce – they strictly represent and manage people.” As of 2016, Brian brought in La La Land producer Fred Berger as his partner and they are continuing to make Automatik a Hollywood success story. Although he’s produced many noteworthy horror movies, including the huge box office hit Paranormal Activity, as well as Insidious (starring Rose Byrne and Patrick Wilson), Take Shelter (starring Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain), and Sinister (starring Ethan Hawke), Brian enjoys all kinds of film genres.

Ethan Hawke
“I love the collaboration and that every day there’s a new challenge,” he says, “because every day you’re in an insane time frame, bringing a group of talented people together, and a group of talented artists together…and sometimes that all jives together really well. And other times it’s very challenging to make it all work. I’m so fortunate that I get to be a part of that magic, the magic of filmmaking, and letting filmmakers know that they’re in a safe space to go and make really cool art.” Another recent success was the world premiere of his latest film I Think We’re Alone Now which was screened at the world-renowned Sundance Film Festival last January. It stars Peter Dinklage and Elle Fanning and won the Sundance Festival’s U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Excellence in Filmmaking. Brian advises art and film students to not be afraid to just make things. “I’ve seen a lot of incredible short films and I think the best thing you can do as a filmmaker is to shoot and then throw it away until you get what you want. The good news about technology today is that there’s no reason that you can’t rent a camera and throw some really great lenses on it, and go make something with your friends over a weekend and it can look professional. Keep doing that until you’re finally happy with the result, then let that piece be your calling card.”

Patrick Wilson

A great example of that method was when he worked with a young, new writer/director named Jeff Nichols who, fresh out of art school, worked tirelessly to scrape together $250,000 in order to shoot his first film Shotgun Stories. The success of the film enabled Nichols to go on to write and direct such notable films as Take Shelter, Mud, Midnight Special and, most recently, the Academy Award- nominated film Loving. “Brian’s success is an incredible inspiration to our students; his passion for creativity, his commitment to diversity (something we discussed at length when I had the pleasure of meeting Brian in his offices at Automatik last year),” says the Arts Division’s Dean Susan Solt. “His successes as a business-minded producer are such a wonderful testament to what is truly special about the Arts at UC Santa Cruz, and the very specific and unique experience our students have.” But Brian isn’t the only successful filmmaker in his family. His wife, Shana Feste, is a writer and director whose films include The Greatest (starring Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Carey Mulligan and Michael Shannon), Country Strong (starring Gwyneth Paltrow and produced by Toby Maguire), and Endless Love (starring Joely Richardson and Gabriella Wilde).

Gabriella Wilde
He feels very lucky that he and Shana were able to work on a film together entitled Boundaries, starring Vera Farmiga and Christopher Plummer, which is due to be released soon. The film, inspired by Feste’s father, revolves around a single mother who, along with her teenage son, must drive her estranged, pot-smoking father across country after he gets kicked out of a nursing home. Unexpected adventures ensue when the father makes some extra stops along the way, including one to his daughter’s deadbeat ex-husband. “People always warn against working with your spouse, but for us it was a super pleasure,” he says. His wife wrote and directed the film, and Brian produced. “She was a blast to make that movie with!” Brian’s family continues to grow and, along with their four-year-old and two-year-old boys, they recently welcomed a baby girl to the fold. “When I’m not working, I try to hang out as much as possible with my family,” he says. “My kids are so inspiring to me.” Of UC Santa Cruz, Brian still has warmhearted memories. “I love UC Santa Cruz and I’m really proud to be a banana slug! What I love the most about UCSC is that people work collaboratively. That kind of collaboration has continued to define how I work, and it’s very special….I have a lot of gratitude for that.”
*Alison Carrillo created the Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship in 1997 to honor the life and work of her late husband Eduardo Carrillo, UCSC Art Professor Emeritus and famed Chicano muralist. Since its inception, the Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship has benefited over 200 outstanding UCSC Art students working in painting, sculpture, and drawing.

Screen blacks out for a short second, The camera accelrates to incredible speed as multiple frames of the map whizz past faster than the human eye can read them. EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, to name a few. The map now scrolls downwards as NORTH America and its locations are revealed. Other places not mentioned include, HALIFAX, DALLAS, MEXICO CITY, SAN JUAN, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, Screen blacks out again.

South America is now on the table, SANTIAGO, MONTEVIDEO, LIMA, SALVADOR, MANAUS, RIO DE JANEIRO. Camera slowly pans downwards.

Chukiat Sakveerakul
After being widely praised for his film Love of Siam four years ago, Chukiat “Madiew” Sakveerakul talks about why he takes such long breaks between films, how losing his father has shaped him, and what inspired his new movie, Home, in theaters April 19. By Monruedee Jansuttipan April 5th, 2012
Watching TV shows and tons of movies as a kid made me fall in love with this kind of stuff.
Making movies is magical. It’s an art that never gets boring. It’s not like painting where you have to show your work in an exhibition.
Making movies these days is much easier than before. You make them and then you can screen them anywhere.
New generations should be warned, they can’t just churn out material, just because it’s easy. They need to think first.
Making movies is an art, but there is also a science to it. And that you have to study.
The things that make you different from others are your creativity, patience and endurance.
I make movies to touch people. They may laugh or cry, but in the end, it’s nice to know that your message may help them.
I’d be so proud to know if my audience was thinking about my movie during difficult times and found themselves better able to cope as a result.
I experienced a crisis during the time that I dropped out of the movie scene. My parents both got cancer. It was such a shock having them both sick at the same time.
Crippling fear made me lose my inspiration, I didn’t want to lose them. This is why I only did small projects like Lud See Lud or 4 Romance.
Then I realized being stressed out is just a waste of time. Something like sickness can’t be controlled. All you can do is come to terms with the reality of the situation. I finally lost my father.
Losing a loved one has shaped me. If you have things that you want to do, do them. Tell those closest to you how much you love them. I was lucky to at least have two good years with my dad before he passed away.
Death isn’t something romantic. And it’s not a joke. When you truly face it, you have to understand that a part of your life is gone.
All these experiences influenced my comeback and the focus of my new movie. It’s all about good memories in life.
I chose to shoot in Chiang Mai because it’s my hometown. All my childhood memories are there.
I love to create with new, talented people. I love working with people who are smart and have ambition. Working with someone who’s just a good looking face but has no potential to create their own work is really no fun.
When I’m fed up with entertainment, and just want to take a break from my work, I don’t have a lot of options. I don’t want to go to the movies because I make movies, and I don’t want to listen to songs, because I compose them. The only option left is to travel.
I love the sea and remote mountains. I can cut myself off from the city and turn off my phone for a few days.
Money means nothing in those places. You don’t have to act posh or consume things in order to look good in other people’s eyes.
Being with nature makes you know yourself better. And helping others can create inspiration.
I love talking to strangers. It’s very fulfilling. My life doesn’t seem to provide me with many difficult or interesting topic to discuss, but other people’s lives are so interesting.
You need to separate your feelings at work and at home. Otherwise your life is going to be a mess.
It’s beautiful to be different. If we all thought the same things, how could we really call ourselves a democracy?
I am really a geek. I always produce a system that allows me to work with others as effectively as possible—a program on our phones or emails. It really saves time.
I made my first movie [Pisaj, 2004] at 22, everyone was older than me back then.
You need to be steadfast and have a clear vision to gain credibility.
Don’t listen to bad comments and never stray from your own inner voice.

Screen blacks out as a continous synthesizer key is played, Ding sound is heard with echo, A light clicking sound is heard - Map scrolls right. The entire map can now be seen, On the ASIA side we have, NEW DELHI, BEIJING, SHANGHAI, HONG KONG, HO CHI MINH CITY, CHENNAI, KUALA LUMPUR, and others. Other cities include, MOSCOW, CAIRO, NAIROBI and Madrid. Camera slowly pans right. MAP FADES OUT TO BLACK ONCE MORE.

David Birke spent years writing movies about criminals and women on the small screen, but he barreled his way to the silver screen with an Oscar-nominated piece this year. The UCLA alumnus wrote “Elle,” a 2016 French thriller, featuring Isabelle Huppert, who is nominated for the Best Actress in a Leading Role for her portrayal of Michèle Leblanc. The film, directed by Paul Verhoeven, is an adaptation of the French novel “Oh…” which centers around a female CEO of a video-game company who meticulously exacts revenge on her rapist. Birke has written many made-for-TV and low-budget horror movies since his time at UCLA in the 1980s. After working with Birke on another film that fell through, Verhoeven approached Birke with the idea of an adaptation of the French novel. Birke wrote the original script in English, before it went through a faithful translation into French, he said.
“Elle” is Birke’s first film to garner national attention, with a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama, a Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, a Critics’ Choice Movie Award for Best Foreign Language Film and now an Academy Award nomination. The Daily Bruin’s Nikhil Sharma spoke with Birke about adapting the movie from the source material, writing an atypical character for a psychological thriller and having his work handled by an A-list cast and crew. Daily Bruin: What was the process of adapting the film from “Oh…”? David Birke: Originally, (the producers) wanted to make it in America, so things were done in that direction. We were thinking of Seattle or San Francisco or something like that. And then, of course, they ended up deciding not to make it in America, so they went to Isabelle Huppert, and were luckily able to put it together as a French movie. They actually had the dialogue translated back into French, and it was a really good translation. Verhoeven (who learned French to direct the film) had me sit down with him a couple times, just having me go over it and making sure things like sense of humor and some terms and idioms survived the translation.

Elle is a 2016 thriller film directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by David Birke, based on the novel Oh... by Philippe Djian. Djian's novel was released in 2012 and received the Prix Interallié (National Literary Award). The film stars Isabelle Huppert as a businesswoman who is raped in her home by a masked assailant and decides not to report it due to her past experience with police.
Daily Bruin: How did you approach the subject matter of sexual assault with the female lead in this film? David Birke: I don’t know if we actually did worry about that too much. I’d say we were just trying to tell the story and let the chips fall where they may … (Rape is) a tool of humiliation and power, so obviously it has a social and political dimension that wouldn’t be there with a movie about bank robbery or something, so we were clearly conscious of that … For myself I think it had to do with the uniqueness of this woman and that it was all about that … There’s any number of movies about male bourgeois authority figures who have some kind of dark compulsion they secretly indulge in and I guess it was actually kind of feminist to give a woman that role for a change … she does some really crazy, hard-to-get-behind things, but men get to do “Breaking Bad” and it’s not a problem and this is like a female version of that almost.
Daily Bruin: How were you able to tap into the woman’s perspective to write this film? David Birke: I guess I kind of always had a certain empathy for women characters. I don’t know if it’s because I’m excessively womanly, but even when I was going to UCLA and got offered jobs writing for these lamentable TV movies, they were all women movies. That’s what I was stereotyped as: (Writing movies featuring) women with difficult relationships with their mothers was my specialty, and I didn’t choose that particularly, but … I had an affinity for that.
Daily Bruin: How was this script different from the hundreds of others you have done in your career? David Birke: This is the first time I feel like my stuff is on the screen. I’ve had the experience of writing things and having them made, but never to the extent of what was in the script really making it on the screen. And on top of that, I’ve never worked with anything like the league of Huppert or Verhoeven, where – this might be cliche – but they take everything to the next level. They really do. To have something (from my) mind get the A-plus treatment, I’ve never before remotely had that, so in that sense, this is kind of my breakout.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
A ding sound is heard as the mysterious clock face comes into view, The clock slowly zooms out to reveal it's detail. As mentioned before, A latin text spreads around the outer circle, TOP Text translated means, Dancing with the Golden Toad...Bottom text - to Entertain the Gods. Or Bottom text (To the joy of the gods) Top Text Dance with a Golden Toad. SALTATIO CUM BUFO AURUM (top) and AD GAUDIUM DEORUM bottom side. The fly is a symbolic part of the game, The Roman numerals indicate the game has been running for a long time and has a dark history.

New Orleans is a consolidated city-parish located along the Mississippi River in the southeastern region of the U.S. state of Louisana. With an estimated population of 390,144 in 2019, it is the most populous city in Louisiana. Serving as a major port. New Orleans is considered an economic and commercial hub for the broader Gulf Coast region of the United States. New Orleans is world-renowned for its distinct music, Creole cuisine, unique dialects, and its annual celebrations and festivals, most notably Mardi Gras. The historic heart of the city is the French Quarter, known for its French and Spanish Creole architecture and vibrant nightlife along Bourbon Street. The city has been described as the "most unique" in the United States, owing in large part to its cross-cultural and multilingual heritage. Additionally, New Orleans has increasingly been known as "Hollywood South" due to its prominent role in the film industry and in pop culture.

The Crescent City Connection (CCC), formerly the Greater New Orleans Bridge (GNO), is twin cantilever bridges that carry U.S. Highway 90 Business (US 90 Bus) over the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. They are tied as the fifth-longest cantilever bridges in the world. Each span carries four general-use automobile lanes; additionally the westbound span has two reversible HOV lanes across the river. It is the farthest downstream bridge on the Mississippi River. It is also the widest and most heavily travelled bridge on the lower Mississippi; the only other comparable bridges on the Mississippi are in the St. Louis area, those being the Popular Street Bridge, the Jefferson Barracks Bridge, and the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge. A high pitched whooshing synthesizer effect is heard as the viewer is taken to a high shot of the Mississippi river in New Orleans Louisiana. A female phone operator calling from a credit card company can be heard over a mobile phone speaker. (Mr Brindle, I'm calling on behalf of AMQ debt acquisitions, regarding the balance on your LBF Platinum card..) A crackle is heard followed by a single beep followed by a lower tone beep. (A simple and relaxing synthesizer melody plays out to provide suspense)
A mans voice is now heard saying, "This is an attempt to collect a debt). (Two beeps in fast succession are heard) The female voice returns.."If you do not pay your outstanding bill..." Crackle is heard as the man's voice returns.."Your power will be cut off by noon Friday, July 8th. Mr Brindle is going through his voice messages and a beep is heard each time a new message is accessed. A loud click is heard as Mr Brindle replies to the message - Mr Brindle is happy and in high spirits as he replies back to the debt message, Hello? Hi.. I'm Here, And I might be able to pay you today, (Mr Brindle becomes more confident in his tone of voice,, I think I'm about to get some good news..The overhead shot creeps around the left side of the bridges as Elliot drives home before meeting his pregnant wife.

A trumpet orientated song with Spanish male harmonics is heard as Elliot prepares himself for an important meeting with his boss. Shelby is helping him with his tie as she carefully pulls the fabric from side to side with both hands around the back of his neck. (A sound of crockery is heard) Shelby slides her fingers down the tie to remove any creases. Shelby is Elliot's fiancee and the happy couple are also expecting a child.

Elliot is visiting Shelby at her place of work and is feeling elated that things are starting to work out in his life. Elliot looks up into the sky as he closes his eyes momentarily wishing for a better chance in life. Shelby gently pulls on Elliot's tie as she looks on up at him. Elliot suddenly looks back down at his fiance and smiles brightly, Looks back up slightly as he sticks his tongue out dreaming of a better future with Shelby and his child. Shelby is playing with Elliot's tie somewhat as she takes a firmer hold.

Elliot takes a deep breath as Shelby continues to support Elliot with her natural fun and caring nature. Shelby begins to prepare Elliot's tie once again as she say's softly, I think you're gonna get it.. Elliot responds and say's with a slight loss of confidence and sarcasm, "Oh stop jinxing it".. Shelby looks up fleetingly at Elliot as she carries out her tie procedure. Shelby's earring sways softly in the cool breeze of the day..Shelby say's, It's unjinxable, Shelby looks back up momentarily) You got it..Shelby raises her left hand as she carefully folds the tie into place. Elliot whispers with excitement as he looks down at Shelby, "Oh, Stop saying that!" Shelby looks back up to Elliot with a wide face of confidence and happiness as she say's "It's in the bag"..Shelby's eyes widen as she exerts her faith in her boyfriend..

Shelby giggles as she continues to work on Elliot's tie, Elliot looks at Shelby in silence as his head tilts slightly before he closes his eyes in preparation for the meeting. Shelby pulls over the remainder of the tie with her right hand as she makes the knot part, Elliot raises his left hand and waves it to his side as he say's "Just tie my lucky tie"..Elliot keeps his eyes closed.

Shelby maintains focus on Elliot's tie as she suddenly shakes her head from side to side and say's with humorous sarcasm, "Senior sales representative."

Elliot finds Shelby rather amusing as he tilts his head right and almost chokes on his uncontrollable chuckle, Shelby is putting on the pressure as she wants her boyfriend to succeed in his job. Shelby also giggles from Elliot's reaction, Elliot smiles brightly as Shelby pulls out on his collars with both hands. Shelby takes a deep breath of air as she say's, Honey,

Shelby continues as she adjusts Elliot's grey shirt collar so that it covers over his lucky tie, "When's the last time Kopeckny asked you in for a meeting one on one?". (Kopeckny is Elliot's boss who calls the shots at the insurance company).

Elliot looks down with a sense of pride and elation as he contemplates his meeting with the boss, Elliot knows he is an excellent worker and the meeting can only be something good and proactive for his career. Shelby begins to adjust the knot in Elliot's tie for that perfect fit, Elliot ponders his thoughts as he hesitates momentarily, Suddenly Elliot looks up at Shelby and say's "Never" with a tone of confidence. Elliot smiles with a strong feeling of success. (Radio song continues)

Shelby nods forward as her eyes widen as she say's with confidence, "So there". Shelby produces a beautiful smile as her conviction in Elliot grows. Elliot suddenly sighs as he looks down slightly with new worries on his mind. Elliot speaks out softly, "If I get this promotion", Shelby listens carefully as she looks down while continuing to finish Elliot's tie off.

Elliot hesitates as he looks into Shelby's eyes before saying, "We are so going on a honeymoon." Elliot nods his head slightly as he expresses his desires. Shelby caresses Elliot's tie with her left hand as she inspects her work, Elliot veers left slightly as he waits for Shelby to respond.

Shelby pulls gently on Elliot's tie as she speaks calmly, "Who needs a honeymoon?" Shelby stares into Elliot's eyes before beginning to loudly whisper her mind, "After this weekend we'll be married." Shelby slowly moves her head closer to Elliot as her emotions begin to take over, Shelby pulls up Elliot's tie with her left hand so that it becomes raised, Shelby continues, "You'll ask, "Where's the remote?" But I mean like a husband asking his wife where is the remote." Shelby pulls down on Elliot's tie as she becomes more passionate about the wedding plans, Shelby and Elliot kiss as a smack sound is heard as they break away.

Elliot slowly pulls his head away from Shelby as he closes his eyes and loudly whispers, "Thank You". Shelby suddenly say's "Hey" which causes Elliot to snap to attention.

Elliot loudly whispers, "Yes?" as he instantly responds, Shelby's face changes to a more sincere expression as her eyes widen with expectation, Shelby pulls on Elliot's tie as she wants something from Elliot before he goes. Shelby say's "What about the kid?", Shelby is silent as she waits for Elliot to react.

Shelby looks down as she watches Elliot bend down to towards her swollen stomach area, Elliot say's to himself "The Kid" as he readies himself for a sentimental moment. (Trumpets continue to be heard) Elliot softly kisses his girlfriends stomach as he greets his unborn child. A loud smack of puckered lips is heard.. (Shelby chuckles)

Elliot stands back up and smiles with deep love for Shelby and his unborn child, (Car horn is heard) Elliot looks up as his eyes veer upwards also, Elliot touches his left side chest with his left hand as he say's "Geez", Elliot begins to turn away from Shelby in a 360 degree clockwise motion, at the same time Elliot reaches into his jacket pocket to retrieve his ID card that is attached to a long ribbon.

All the pulling on Elliot's tie has lifted his collars back up again to Elliot's disconcern. As Elliot turns to leave Shelby as he walks back to his motor vehicle he say's "All Right", Elliot is feeling very confident and is now looking forward to his meeting with Kopekny.

Elliot shouts out with excitement and confidence, Elliot holds up his left arm" Senior Sales representative" Elliot lowers his left arm, "Here I Come!..Elliot holds a cream coloured wallet in his right hand. Elliot walks with a confident and enthusiastic stride as his ID cards cord shakes around vigorously. (Radio continues) Shelby is silent as she watches Elliot walk away"..

(Police sirens fade away) A small amount of time has passed and Elliot is now sat in Kopekny's office, It is very quiet inside the room and neither party is talking. Elliot shows a face of contemplation as he points his right index finger into the air. Elliot is looking away from his boss and does not seem in the best of moods compared to an hour ago. Elliot's eyes rapid veer from side to side as his mind works some overtime, Suddenly Elliot moves his body and hands as they raise up before coming down to the table below, (Light thud of wood is heard). Elliot speaks out and say's "Sir" Elliot continues to avoid direct eye contact. Elliot speaks again, "I'm", looks to his right - veers eyes left then looks at Kopekny. Elliot continues, I'm just trying to understand?" Elliot looks down as he blinks several times. Speaks again "And" Elliot scrunches eyebrows, has a face of displeasure, veers eyes left to right, avoiding contact still, Turns head slightly right and speaks out with surprise confusion and disappointment, "Your firing me?"

Elliot can not believe his ears that he has just been fired. Turns head slightly right and speaks out with surprise confusion and disappointment, Elliot strikes his hands out softly to emphazise his words. "Your firing me?"

Kopeckny is silent and shows no sympathy or empathy for Elliot Brindle, Kopekny is playing with a Walnut with his fingers as he stares at his employee in silence. Kopekny slowly frowns as he lifts up his lower lips to join his top portion, Kopekny then smirks as he looks down while nodding several times in acceptance of Elliot's words. Kopekny rolls the Walnut between his fingers in silence as he contemplates the tasty nut that rests within.. Elliot hesitates then speaks for his defence, "I made (Kopekny quickly looks back to Elliot from his words) more sales..

Elliot's face becomes stressed as he attempts to persuade his boss not to terminate him.. Elliot slowly raises his right arm out to emphasise his point, Elliot speaks slowly and calmly, "Than ever last month." Elliot slowly lifts his head up - A phone is now heard ringing for several ring tones before being picked up from the room adjacent)

Kopekny suddenly picks up a gear as he explains to Elliot why he is terminating his contract. Kopekny now holds a nut cracker in his right hand and a walnut between his thumb index finger with his left hand. Kopekny begins to shake his head in disagreement with Elliot including his hands. Kopekny speaks and say's "And your still not producing". Kopekny hesitates as his cheeks swell out for a fleeting moment, Kopekny say's, "What does that tell you?" Kopekny smirks as he looks down at a slight angle towards his walnut while moving his mouth around , A click is heard as the walnut is inserted into the nut cracker device.

Elliot is silent as he considers his options, Elliot looks away from Kopekny for a moment, Kopekny speaks out again which causes Elliot to look back at his boss. "Explain to me what happened yesterday" (Phone rings without attention from the other office)

Kopekny is now rather engaged with his walnut as he passes the cracker tool over to his stronger left hand, Kopekny is silent and his body is rigid as he applies pressure onto the surface of the large nut. A cracking sound is now heard before a loud crunch, Kopekny's hands succumb to the loss of support from the shell as his hands fold in with symmetry and exact timing.

Elliot quickly speaks out and say's "I made the sell". Elliot becomes silent and motionless as he listens to Kopekny's words. (Kopekny raises voice) "The woman was interested...(Phone has stopped ringing) A sound of loose nut shell is heard)

Kopekny speaks with resilience as he nods forward slightly and say's "In the Gold Plan" (Kopekny's leather seat wobbles from side to side momentarily) Kopekny takes a deep breath of air as he looks down at a small piece of walnut that is between his fingers. A light thud sound is heard as Kopekny drops the piece of walnut to the table below as his fingers flutter.. Kopekny say's, "And you talked her out of it"

Elliot is stunned and lost for words as he almost chokes on his sentence unable to speak. Elliot raises his head slightly shocked and almost defeated.

Kopekny nods forward several times while blinking as he say's with sincerity, "You talked her out of the Gold Plan.". Kopekny takes a deep breath as he looks down at his walnut while smirking.

Elliot is cool calm and collective as he slowly attempts to educate Kopeckny on why he dis not sale his customer the Gold plan. Elliot looks directly at Kopekny as he raises his right up to emphasise his point. Elliot speaks slowly and clearly, "I sold Ms. Palmer a policy that was appropriate to (Shakes head momentarily) her age and income. (Crunch of a walnut is heard) Elliot lowers and raises his hand as he speaks, Blinks and looks down as he uses both hands to fight his point, I didn't feel like I should (Looks back to Kopekny) take advantage... Elliot hesitates.

Kopekny now looks up towards Elliot as his cheeks expand out fleetingly, Elliot finishes his sentence nervously, Of..Of her. (Elliot takes a deep breath) Kopekny is silent and motionless except for his mouth as he eats a small piece of Walnut. Kopeknys mouth slides from side to side as he consumes the nut.

Elliot looks down as he holds up his right hand just below the table for a few seconds in time. (Blinks) Looks slowly back up to Kopekny as a small piece of his tongue protrudes through his lips fleetingly. (Phone begins to ring once more) (A crunching of Walnut between Kopekny's teeth is heard) Kopekny responds and say's "That's what we do here".

Kopekny is calm and silent as he hesitates, Kopekny produces a sucking sound as he consumes his walnut, His lips are closed but widen fleetingly as he stares at Elliot. Suddenly Kopekny speaks as he shakes his head right, "We take advantage of people"..

Elliot instantly lifts his head as he say's with sympathy, "No", Shakes head and looks down, No not at all, That's not what I meant." (Phone is ringing again)

Kopekny widens his hands slightly as he say's "I got it." Kopekny quickly closes his hands together so that the fingers are touching. Kopekny smiles widely at Elliot as he laughs for a short moment, Kopekny stares at Elliot in silence for a short moment while smiling profusely. Kopekny responds once again, " I know I.. I got it" Kopekny closes his eyes as he gestures with his hands the Okay signal which is finger and thumb. Kopekny opens his eyes and looks back to Elliot as he reverts his hands to touching fingers once again. Kopekny say's "I do really" Yeah..as his leather armchair gently swings from side to side. Kopekny scrunches his mouth together before widening his hands slowly and saying with confidence, "We shame you"..

Elliot is feeling the strain the meeting has created as his head shakes from side to side while looking down away from Kopekny. Elliot lifts his hands up slightly from Kopekny's words, Kopekny continues, "Your too pure for this job". Elliot places his hands into a prayer like fashion as he looks back to the mean boss and say's, Please, Looks down, Moves hands up and down slowly - Elliot continues looking at Kopekny, I cannot lose this job right now"..Elliot leans forward as he lifts his hands up into a soft clenched fist, Looks away from Kopekny fleetingly, Touches thumbs together looks down at table. Elliot say's "Sir.."Looks at Kopekny then down at the table, Elliot hesitates as he finds the words while holding his clenched fists in front of him. Elliot places his hands to the table and looks at Kopekny and say's, "My brother is mentally disabled, Elliot lifts right hand up and down as he emphasises his words. Lifts both hands fleetingly as he say's, And if I lose this job, Elliot looks down at table, Lifts hands up in front of him as he say's "I'm going to lose my insurance, Looks back to Kopekny as he continues to hand gesture, And if I lose my insurance, Looks down at his hands fleetingly, Slides hands right as he say's, "I'm not gonna be able to afford (Looks back to boss) his out patient care..

Kopekny stares at Elliot in silence and motionless unable to sympathise with him, Elliot continues, "And they're gonna re-institutionalise him." Institutionalism is a pattern of passive, dependent behaviour observed among psychiatric inpatients, characterised by hospital attachment and resistance to discharge. Kopekny is completely unimpressed with Elliot's sob story and thinks he is using his get out of jail card, Kopekny snaps out of his solitude as he rapidly taps his fingers to the small mountain of walnut shell and nuts. (This creates a sound similar to a pen being thrown into a pile of pens) (Blinks furiously) Kopekny's mouth opens wide as he looks away from Elliot while also widening his hands away from the pile of shell. Kopekny closes his hands together while he has a moment to contemplate Elliot's dilemma. A low level tap sound is heard as Kopekny lowers his head but continues to stare into the void and away from Elliot. Suddenly Kopekny twists his head and looks at Elliot for a moment, Looks away again as he sighs loudly and smirks.

A wooden scraping sound is heard as Elliot slowly looks up at Kopekny, (Kopekny has risen from his chair) The big bad boss speaks again and say's, "Sounds like you have a lot of people depending on you." ( Phone rings out from another office)

A light tapping of feet is heard as Kopekny stands from his leather chair and makes his way slowly over to Elliot for a more sincere chat. Kopekny is silent as he steps over to Elliot, Kopekny smirks emotional tears as he holds a handful of nuts in his right hand. More scraping of feet and carpet is heard as Kopeksy turns slightly in an anti clockwise motion so that he can rest on the desk just behind. Elliot is also silent and maintains his focus on the business man". Kopeksy flinches his cheeks fleetingly as he rests down on the expensive office furniture. Light thud is heard as his weight saturates the table - Smirks again. (All is silent and there is no phone ringing)

Phone begins to ring - Elliot is completely silent as he looks at Kopekny, Kopekny begins to speak and say's with a controlled tone of voice, "You got this brother",

Kopekny looks away fleetingly as he blinks once and nods forward several times, Hesitates, Suddenly Kopekny looks back to Elliot and widens his hands from either side of him and say's with slight excitement and zeal, (Smiles) "Your getting married", Light thud is heard as Kopekny rests his hands to the top of his legs.

Kopekny continues his deceiving patter as he points his right thumb towards Elliot as he say's with excitement again, "Having a baby". Elliot suddenly smiles from the understanding words of his boss, Elliott raises his head slightly to show appreciation before closing his eyes and looking down at a slight angle. Elliot looks back up at Kopesky and agrees with him as he say's softly, "Yeah". Elliott is finally getting through to his boss and hopefully he will spare his job.

Kopekny smiles and nods several times from Elliot's response, (Blinks) (Blinks again and takes a deep breath of air) Kopekny points his right thumb back to Elliot as he say's with a slightly louder voice, "You realise the same things that make you a lousy salesman"...Nods forward slightly, Blinks - are gonna fuck you up as a father." Kopekny smiles and is silent.

Elliot is stunned and completely silent at the heartless words from Kopekny, Kopekny twitches his thump at medium intervals towards Elliot. Kopekny hesitates as he enjoys the mental shock therapy he is now applying before saying, "Or a husband, for that matter." Elliot's smile slowly diminishes) (Phone begins to ring once more a fast drill of electronic tone repeated every 3 seconds) Elliot maintains his composure and silence as he slowly veers his eyes down and away from Kopekny. Elliot's eyes veer right and then look back up to his boss in slow jerks as the boss begins to speak once again. "I mean, your marrying this girl,"

Kopekny continues with a raised voice, "She's marrying someone who refuses to get his hands dirty." Kopekny moves his head slightly as he speaks, Hesitates and takes a deep breath, "Who lacks the balls" (Phone is ringing) Takes a deep breath - "To ever really lay down the line for her"..

Kopekny shakes his right thumb towards Elliot several times as he continues and say's, "Or her child" Elliot is destroyed and has lost the ability to respond to Kopekny's cruel and disturbing and quite personal words. Kopekny widens his hands as he raises his right hand up and out to emphasise his next sentence. "If you think I'm being unfair, tell me to go to hell." Elliot looks down and away from Kopekny as he fleetingly stares at his suggestive hands (Veers eyes from left to right) Looks further down to his chest level. Looks to his right veers eyes right then left, The Boss speaks as he widens his hands either side of him, "Like a man, Huh", Elliot looks back to Kopekny in silence and is unable to respond. Elliot maintains silence and looks away again..Kopekny directs his right thumb towards Elliot as he say's "Huh" loudly to try and induce a response from Elliot, Elliot looks back up to a silent Kopekny in silence and is tongue tied for words.

A low level ticking of the wall clock can be heard - Silence is sometime golden but in this instant it is very awkward and unpleasant. Both Kopekny and Elliot stare at each other in complete silence and body movement.

A phone begins to ring from a distant office - Elliot blinks and looks down from the mean boss as his mind ponders his future. (Blinks) Slowly lowers his head down.

Kopekny smiles with victory as his mind congratulates him on weeding out the worst of his employees. (Blinks) Kopekny stands to his feet as he emits several high pressure blasts of air from his mouth and nose.

Kopekny slowly walks past Elliot as he snorts more office air, Elliott sits in silence and just stares ahead blankly and almost in tears. Kopekny begins to Mm-mm-mm.. to himself as he heads for the office exit. Elliott turns his head slightly right as he hears the last of Kopekny's footsteps and human improvisations.

Suddenly a loud metal crunching sound is heard as Kopekny opens up the office door ahead, The door squeaks as it slides open causing Elliott to look around from his seated position. Elliott begins to stand as he pushes up with his right hand, the father to be maintains his focus on his now ex boss for several more moments. Elliot stands too attention and becomes static and silent as he awaits Kopekny's next move. Suddenly Kopekny shouts out "Vince"..

Now that the office door has been opened a low level sound of office chatter can be heard from the booths outside. As Kopekny enters into the hallway he quickly raises his right hand up and thumbs behind towards Elliott. Kopekny speaks again and say's "Get him out of here" before disappearing around a corner to his left, Light taps of his feet are heard as his transparent reflection fades away from a glass panel. An office worker wearing a white shirt tie and black trousers is sat at a desk, he does not respond to Kopekny and Security will have the duty of expelling Elliott out and to the street below.

Elliott stands motionless and silent as he waits for Security to expel him from the building.

A rushing synthesizer sound is heard as time progresses on, The downtown city of New Orleans is now revealed as Police sirens are heard including travelling cars. Suddenly a voice is heard, it has a slight echo to the sound, "No, No, No, Okay, Cause!"