Suddenly Squeaky speaks over to Steve with a worried tone of voice, "Stevie" - Squeaky shakes his head as he says "This is very stupid what we're doing, man." Steve does not acknowledge Squeaky which annoys him slightly as he says "Fuck it" under his breath before turning his head back down at the stairs he has just climbed. Squeaky turns back around and begins to follow Steve again.

A small piece of fabric on Steve's jacket floats around from the strong breeze. Another loud blast of trumpet is heard - Howling wind is heard as Steve's hair sways in the breeze. Steve is very cautious as he takes small and slow steps one at a time, Captain Everton suddenly appears from the stairs behind Squeaky as Squeaky whispers out loudly, "Stevie Stevie" to try and catch his attention. Everton creates loud thuds of metal as he quickly traverses the steps with a shotgun in hand also. Everton is feeling nervous as he quickly turns anti clockwise as he looks back down the steps behind him momentarily. Steve stops in his tracks and turns his head around towards Squeaky, Squeaky whispers over to Steve and say's with slight distress, "Those are bullet holes Stevie." - Multiple bullets have been fired at the bridge door and surrounding walls.

Stevie does not answer to Squeaky as he maintains a silent composure, Squeaky continues, Stevie turns his head away from Squeaky as Squeaky say's, "Shit, I don't like this at all man." Steve continues to walk forward as Squeaky turns his head clockwise back behind him as he say's, "This is bullshit." A high pitched and continous violin chord is heard -

A piece of blue fabric blusters furiously in the wind just ahead of Steve, Steve turns and looks up towards the navigation room.

Steve is transfixed to the navigational room above as he slowly makes his way out from the corner of the passage. A strong wind is howling all around - The sound of splashing waves is heard - Steve stands motionless as he steps back on his right then left foot. Everton quickly follows as he stands facing Steve before turning and looking up at the bridge also. Squeaky loiters by the edge of the corridor as he looks up. Steve shouts loudly - Ahoy - The Bridge"

Both Captain Everton and Steve Baker stare up at the bridge as they attempt to communicate with anyone who may be inside.
Howling wind is heard - High pitched violin chord is also heard - Four large bullet holes are visible on the glass window for the bridge. Everton Stevie and Squeaky stare up at the window as they patiently wait for a friendly reply. Everton suddenly looks at Stevie fleetingly before looking back up at the badly damaged window, Everton shouts out loudly "Is anyone aboard?" Steve turns around slightly as he looks to his left momentarily. Everton looks to Stevie for a split second before running off towards a small set of steps.

As Everton begins to climb the steps the rest of the crew follow behind, Richie points his shotgun up in the air towards the windows of the bridge as he is now feeling edgy and the ship is proving to be rather strange and foreboding. The camera slowly pans around the ship from one side to the other. Two loud thuds and a high pitched ting ting of metal is heard. Wind is howling.

Captain Everton bends down as he reaches the end of the walkway before jumping down two feet in height to the other side of the ship. Steve and Squeaky follow behind and both jump down almost simultaneoulsy. Foster continues behind followed by Richie who has his back facing Foster while continuing to point his weapon.

The camera slowly pans up to reveal the ships name "Academic
Vladislav Volkov" in large white letters.

Heavy tapping of feet is heard as Captain Everton and the rest of the crew reach the corridor that will lead to the bridge. Steve looks behind momentarily as he waves his left hand two times towards the navigations rooms damaged walls that are pitted with bullet holes to indicate that they should be super quiet and cautious.

Evertons shadow suddenly appears at the dirtied window from inside of the bridge control room, Everton stares in as he looks for anything of interest.

Everton stands motionless and silent as he looks through the glass, A moment passes before Everton turns his head towards the crew and say's, "The bridge is deserted." Everton seems happy as he suddenly slides the door open with a strong urge to enter. Squeaking is heard from the door -

Suddenly a loud bang and flapping is heard as a large seagull escapes from the room at high speed. Everton is startled as he turns his head and watches the bird fly off. Squawking of bird is heard -

Richie, Foster and Squeaky are also shocked as there pulses race and there bodies shake. All three are relieved to discover a bird was the cause of the loud noise. Squeaky hits the back wall with his gun in hand.

Everton is calm as he looks fleetingly back at the startled crew members, Everton chuckles with a strange delight as he turns his head back around, Everton takes a side step right as he sighs before entering into the room sideways.

More squawking of bird is heard - Steve follows behind Everton as he takes two steps forward, Steve turns and faces Squeaky as he stares at him with wide eyes. Steve smirks and smiles as he indicates to Squeaky the weirdness of the situation.

Violins provide the sound score, Captain Everton slowly wanders into the navigations room taking things cool and easy. Both Everton and Steve look all around at the devastation and mess the bridge has been left in, A scrunching of paper is heard from the vast amount of paper files scattered around the floor. Steve say's with dissolution "What the hell happened in here?" Everton looks out of a window to his right as Steve removes his heavy ruck sack from his shoulders. Richie and Foster have also entered inside.

A loud thud is heard as Stevie plants his heavy ruck sack onto a table with his right hand. Richie is still cautious as he continues to aim his weapon in all directions. Stevie looks forward and from left to right as he evaluates the destroyed area, Squeaky slowly jostles forward a step at a time.

Stevie turns around as he slowly makes his way over to a control box, Stevie places his right hand onto the box and presses a switch down, A loud click is heard - Steve turns his head around as he watches Ritchie making his way across the floor, Two more clicks are heard as Stevie attempts to restore power to the bridge

Richie begins to investigate a darkened corridor as he points his weapon in front of him.

The camera slowly pans right to reveal a large amount of blood that is smeared all around the walls and furnishings of another room. Wires are protruding from a switchbox to the left,

Richie is silent as he lowers his shotgun while walking across the room of the bridge, Richie begins to walk forward at a slow pace as he adjusts a strap on his green ruck sack. Creaking is heard and there is no sound score.

Squeaky peers over and down some stairs as he holds his hand gun with both hands by his stomach.

Below him Squeaky can see an abundance of computer junk and other materials scattered around in an untidy manner. A fan, some computer motherboards and two old CRT monitors are visible. Small amounts of blood are also visible on the floor and further down. Squeaky speaks to himself as he say's "What a mess."

Scuffling of feet is heard as Squeaky steps away from the stair well,

Steve is still trying to restore the power to the bridge as he continues to click the switch up and down. Steve grimaces as he clicks down on a switch,
A scuttling and rumbling of metal is heard deep within the bulkheads which causes Steve to turn his head right momentarily, Steve speaks over to Captain Everton as he say's "Looks like somebody powered it down Captain." More fast clicking sounds are heard.

Everton is silent and motionless as he turns his head away from Steve, Everton ponders his thoughts on the forever updating situation as he builds up a picture of what might of happened to the ship and all of it's crew.

A loud splashing of sea water is heard as Woods dredges through the water that remains on top of the main deck of the Sea Star. Suddenly Woods stops in his tracks as he turns to his right.

Woods slowly turns to face forward as he begins to communicate with Everton on his portable walkie talkie, Woods speaks with a tone of concern as he says "Captain Captain, do you see anything?". Loud squawking from seagulls is heard. Loud static is heard as Woods releases the button on his radio.

Everton instantly responds as he say's over his radio, "Your be the first to know Woods." Steve walks behind Everton as he continues to explore the bridge.

Scrunching of feet is heard as Foster makes her way to a window, Foster speaks and say's "What do you think? Pirates." as she refers to the condition of the ship. Squeaky peers into another room momentarily as he holds his hand gun with both hands. Steve returns to the table that he placed his large green ruck sack onto. Steve has found a book next to his bag that has now got his interest. Steve lifts up the book with his right hand as he opens it up. Squeaky returns Fosters comment as he say's "Russian Mafia probably!" A loud ripping sound of velcro is heard as Foster quickly pulls away the material with her right hand so that she can read the time.

Captain Everton looks on over towards Squeaky as he considers his thoughts before looking in the opposite direction. Everton bends his head at an angle avoiding eye contact as he say's "Pipe down." Everton looks over towards Richie as he says "Check the radio." Richie is stood over the yonder and is holding a radio receiver in his left hand. Suddenly a foam blanket bounces up from the table and falls to the floor, This does not grab Richie's attention as he studies the radio.

Richie stares at the wall momentarily as he attempts to isolate the problem the dead radio has, A loud tap sound is heard as Richie throws the radio set towards a CRT monitor. The coiled black wire shakes and bounces furiously from the weight of the radio and the force from Richies hand. Richie is annoyed as he say's "It's smashed".

Everton continues to watch Richie as he smiles with a rather weird sense of progress.

Steve is intrigued by a large red manual on the table as he leans down to investigate further,

The log book lays on its back with the words Academic Vladislav Volkov in Russian printed on the top. Steve brushes his hand over the cover as he picks it up from it's right side bottom corner.

A large chart is also visible on the table that has a navigational tool resting on it's surface. Below is a list of the top 4 navigation tools you need for chart reading and plotting courses.
Dividers. Measuring the distance between two points on a chart is made easier with dividers. ...
Technical Compass. ...
Parallel Ruler. ...

A loud whipping of moving paper is heard as Steve quickly turns the book over to reveal the information inside. A thud of paper is then heard as Steve places the log book face up to reveal a column of nautical data including hand written texts. A sliding of paper is heard as Steve pulls the log book down closer for viewing. Steve raises his right hand up and over the column of text as he attempts to read it.

Steve lifts up the right side page as he ponders on it's meaning, A slapping sound is heard as Steve closes the book fully closed with his right hand. Steve picks up the manual and holds it up in the air as he looks on over towards Captain Everton before saying with slight
disappointment, "These logs are worthless unless someone reads Russian." Richie smiles as he walks slowly forward. A loud splat of paper is heard as Steve throws down the log book onto the table below.

Richie smiles wildly from the bizarre situation and his predicament now that more of the puzzle has been revealed.

Captain Everton turns his head towards Foster as she begins to speak, Foster say's, "That storm wall is 16 miles due East, Foster is refering to Storm Leiah and the eye. Evertons eyes veer up slightly as he looks out to sea.

Foster continues as she fumbles with her jacket, "Captain you've got about an hour and a half." This means a storm will arrive and time is now critical.

Richie begins to walk closer to Captain Everton as he say's "He's uh, Thinking Foster." Richie continues as he looks on over towards Foster "You know something you were paid to do?."

Foster turns her head away with slight discust at Richies insensitive words, Intermittent metal tapping sounds can be heard from the bulkheads.

Richie looks back towards Captain Everton as a smile of happiness fills his mind, Richie nods forward rapidly as he say's to Everton "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Hesitates - Huh!

Captain Everton stands motionless as he also beams with a hidden delight, Everton raises his head slightly before grinning furiously and applying tension to his head. Richie begins to laugh followed quickly by Everton who is also finding the whole situation rather funny. Echoing metal sounds can be heard infrequently from a deep distance below.

Both Richie and Captain Everton begin to laugh more intensely as Richie grins like a chesire cat. Squeaky and Steve have not cottoned on to what the two men find so hilariously funny. Squeaky is somehow not enjoying being left out of the secret as he blinks before looking at Richie and saying "What" What? - Squeaky looks back to Everton as he shouts out much louder "What?". Richie takes a deep breath as he looks on over towards Steve while laughing furiously.

Steve smiles as he looks on over towards Richie, Suddenly Stevie say's "Salvage".

Richie is ecstatically happy as he nods two times in quick succession towards Steve as he agrees on the word "Salvage'. Squeaky looks up at Richie as he tries to fathom the bottom line of the story. Squeaky turns to face Stevie with a face of questionable confusion, Steve repeats the words and say's "Salvage baby".

Captain Everton chuckles some more as he looks at Stevie, Everton suddenly looks over towards Foster as his happiness continues. Everton begins to speak at normal levels of loudness as he say's "We all signed on for a percentage". Everton breathes deeply as he says with excitement, "Which you never figured I'd bring you this, did yah."

More echoing metal sounds are heard from a distance - Richie's mind is flooding with the possibilities what a salvaged ship could provide. He beams with delight as Everton explains more. "A ship abandoned in international waters" Richie blinks as he carefully listens to Everton.

Everton turns to Stevie as he say's 'Maritime law say's she's a derelict." Everton breathes in intensley before saying, "All we have to do is (Everton looks towards Richie) tow her to safety." Hesitates - "Slap a salvage lean on her" Everton is full of beans and totally convinced there is some value in the 45,000 ton vessel.

Everton continues - And the Russian government has to pay us 10 percent. Squeaky looks at Steve momentarily as his mind ponders the possibilities, Stevie smiles as he looks back to Everton,

Everton continues "of her value (Looks over towards Foster) to get her back." Everton smiles brightly for a fleeting moment before turning back to Richie. Everton speaks and say's "Richie, Hesitates) put a number on her for me." No sound score

Richie instantly replies to Evertons request as his mind begins to calculate and visualize. Richie say's as he looks at Stevie, "Well there's Uh, Three parabolic satelite dishes." (Richie looks back to Everton then Steve in quick sucession) as he say's with slight sarcasm, "One of them's kind of fucked up." More noise from below the ship is heard -

Steve looks at Richie as he blinks once, Richie continues, Forty-two labs all primed with, Uh,

A creaking sound is heard - Richie slowly turns his head as he looks back to Everton, Richie say's with a serious tone "state-of-the-art stuff."

Richie begins to put a cash total on the complete value of the ship which he thinks is about right, Richie say's "Let's see, We're talking'... Everton is silent as he waits for Richie to spurt out the correct price almost as if it was a game show on television. Everton twists his head at an angle as he expresses his value and not that of Richie. Richie say's with a guess "Two hundred?" Everton moves his head slightly forward as he waits for Richie to give him the correct price for the 45,000 ton vessel. Everton is now all ears as he patiently waits for Richie to answer.

Richie is completely silent as he ponders his mind for a better evaluation of the ship, Richie quickly looks over to Steve for his opinion on the value of the ship.

The entire room is silent as Steve nods negatively several times to indicate that Richie is miles away from the correct evaluation.

Richie suddenly speaks as he flits his head between Steve and then Everton as he speaks out another much higher price, "Richie speaks with slight unbelievability as he say's "300 million?" More vibrating scratching sounds are heard from a distance below.

Everton speaks out with zeal as he says with a controlled and slower tone of voice, "$300 million dollars!."

Captain Everton's life has changed and he now wants to energise the crew, Everton speaks out again with complete joy "$300 MILLION DOLLARS". "Ten percent of that is $30 million." Squeaky looks at Steve with surprise before looking back at the Captain with open ears. Richies mouth opens wide from the sudden shock of reward if he and the rest of the crew can manage to get the ship back to land.

Everton briefly looks at Steve as he say's "That's what's coming our way." Everton looks back to Squeaky before walking off and over towards Foster.

Everton rapidly raises both of his hands up in the air and then back down again as he expresses his confidence and excitement on the sudden plan to salvage the huge vesssel. Everton say's "The opportunity of a lifetime if we play our cards right." A light tapping is heard as Everton walks past Foster towards a window.

Richie's mouth opens and closes uncontrollably from the sudden realisation that he is going to become very rich indeed. Squeaky turns to Steve as he begins to negotiate a sum in his mind, "Squeaky say's softly "Oh what That's about 30 grand a piece?"

Steve is more on the ball than Squeaky as he corrects him and say's "Three hundred G's a piece."

Squeaky is rather shocked at the large figure Steve quoted as his eyebrows raise up and his head comes forward, Squeaky say's with an amazed tone of voice "Three hundred G's!" Squeaky turns to face forward as he say's "Jesus" unable to comprehend that sort of cash in his possession.

Stevie shouts over to Captain Everton to ensure he has quoted Squeaky the correct amount, Steve say's with an enquiring tone of voice, "That's at one percent, right, Captain?.

Everton is feeling an inbuilt power and new lease of opportunity as he say's with a confident tone of voice, "I'm willing to change all that." Everton begins to slowly walk towards Foster.

Everton slowly walks past Foster as he looks on over towards his crew members, Everton say's, "Cut you in for 10 percent." "That's three million dollars each." A light patter of the captains feet can be heard, There is no sound score or internal or external noises.

A creaking sound is heard - Squeaky chuckles with an inbuilt delight, Everton say's, "What do you think of that?."

Squeaky and Richie are mesmerised and completely stunned by the generous offer Captain Everton has agreed to pay if they can get the job done that is. Steve looks towards his crew mates as he waits for a personal reaction from Squeaky. Everton repeats his words, "What do you think."

A loud banging sound of metal is heard one time only, Squeaky has now developed a smirking grin of happiness as he slowly turns his head to Stevie, Squeaky turns back to face Everton as his mind ponders the unbelievable stroke of luck and Everton's life changing offer. Squeaky's eyes raise up as he questions Everton with slight sarcasm, "Is it" "Is it legal?" Richie hesitates then say's with complete satisfaction, "Totally" Steve shakes his head positively as he agrees with Richie.

Foster is silent as she listens to Captain Evertons last chance to recover his losses and come out a rich man with a guaranteed retirement. Foster is not as enthusiastic as the male members of the crew as she smirks with slight disapproval of the enormous and almost crazy task of landing the ship. Richie speaks out again as he says "Totally legal". Foster turns away and looks out of her window in thought for the situation and the approaching storm.

Squeaky has now become even more excited as he turns to Richie while hot air ejects from his mouth, A "shh" sound is heard - Squeaky chuckles as he looks towards Steve in an attempt to stimulate there reactions. Squeaky takes a deep breath as he shakes his head at an angle while saying with zeal, Shit, I'm in if your in 'jefe' (jefe means a boss or leader; a person in charge of something.) Steve replies with happiness as he says "I'm good." Richie lets out a long and delayed chuckle as the good news sinks in around the team.

Captain Everton beams with delight as he chuckles furiously at the good turn of events, Suddenly Steve shouts over to the silent Foster as he say's "What about you Foster." Everton also turns around to find out about Fosters opinions.

Foster is silent as she suddenly turns her head slightly away from Captain Everton and the others to continue observing the ocean from outside the window. Foster is feeling dubious and optimistic about the change of schedule as she maintains tranquility.

All is silent including the crew as they wait patiently for Fosters response, Richie suddenly speaks out and say's with disappointment, "Oh Foster. Please" Richie shouts loudly for Fosters attention, "Come on!." Squeaky also wants Foster to agree on the plan as he shouts over to her in an attempt to persuade her, "What come on, Foster- It's easy money!"

Foster continues to stare out of the window as she shakes her head slightly from side to side, Foster is feeling a little comprehension and a dubious mindset as she ponders her thoughts. Suddenly Foster speaks out with a serious tone, "There's no such thing as easy money Squeaky" Foster turns to Squeaky as she emphazises her point.

Captain Everton overrides the conversation as he steps forward slightly towards Foster and say's "I'll take that as a yes, Foster." Steve is silent as he sways slightly on his feet while looking over at Foster.

Everton suddenly turns around clockwise as he faces Steve directly and say's, "Baker, find the ship's generator, We need power to the bridge." Steve nods forward as he signals with his head that he will carry out the tasks the Captain is requesting. Everton continues, "See if you can get the main engines running." Steve nods rapidly once towards Everton before turning away and moving off from his position. (Light and slow double bass notes provide the sound score.)

Everton speaks to Squeaky and say's, "Squeaky, you go with him." Steve makes his way over to the table that he had previous placed his green ruck sack onto. A slap sound of materials is heard as Steve quickly grabs hold of his possessions with his right hand. Everton shouts out "Richie" Squeaky turns his head towards Richie from Evertons words. Everton continues to speak with Richie, "Throw a line down to the tug."

Everton steps away from his position as he continues to give Richie his orders. "We're gonna have to turn this ship into the wind." Richie seems a little apprehensive as he begins to walk away, his mouth mimics a silent word as he moves off.

Everton is looking out of a window as he shouts over to Foster and say's, "Foster, can you see if you can get some (Looks at Foster fleetingly) of this navigational equipment started?." Foster suddenly turns as she speaks over to Everton and say's with slight animosity, "Captain, .. Foster releases her right hand from a grey chair and begins to walk over to Everton. Foster say's, My father was an admiral."

Foster continues, "I know a little something about maritime law." (Everton maintains his focus on Foster as he lifts his head up higher) Foster stops in her tracks as she continues to educate Everton on the serious nature of there situation. Foster say's, "If there's anybody alive on this ship," (Everton looks away from Foster as he shakes his head with slight sarcasm) You can't claim her." (Everton begins to make funny faces as he stares out of the window while shaking his head in an attempt to brush off Fosters serious words.

Everton suddenly turns to face Foster once again as he say's "Then, let's not find anyone alive." Everton shakes his head down as he expresses his mind.

Foster looks at Everton with a serious and worrying facial expression as she remains silent. A light scrunching of material is heard as Foster looks down while lowering her left hand from her left shoulder. Foster speaks with an inquiring mind, "What does that mean?" Looks back up to Everton.

Captain Everton just looks at Foster in silence for a brief moment as he scans his mind for a suitable answer. Suddenly Everton shakes his head slightly as he say's softly, "Just That." Everton hesitates then say's, "I hope we don't find anyone alive."

Foster stares at Everton in silence as she considers his tactical but rather mean approach to capturing the ship for salvage.

Foster suddenly looks away from the Captain with slight disapointment as she goes back to her station. A static sound of interference is heard as Everton quickly raises his radio mic, Everton say's loudly "Woods", Everton swivels around anti clockwise as he faces the window to his left. Everton say's, "come back to me."

Helmsman Woods is at the wheel of the Sea Star as he attempts to maintain a stable craft, Woods quickly removes his left hand from one of the wheels handles to his left, Woods takes hold of the next handle adjacent to the one he took his hand away from. Woods continues to turn the wheel clockwise as a creaking winding sound is heard. Captain Everton is contacting Woods by his radio mic as the sound emits out of a speaker system. Everton say's, "We're gonna need to turn the ship into the wind."

Dramatic violins play out to provide atmosphere, Woods is dedicated and focused on his job as he carries out Evertons wishes. A static pop is heard as Everton releases the button to his radio to end transmission.

The sea water swirls and laps against the hull of the Sea Star as it slowly edges forward towards the side of the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" vessel. An abandoned red life boat rests silently on it's ropes with an indication the evacuation of the ship was hasty and in most cases impossible. Swirling water is heard.

Stevie and Squeaky are navigating there way to the power generator room which will hopefully reenergise the ship and it's electrical equipment. To get to the generator room Steve and Squeaky will have to negotiate a lot of dark stairwells and corridors. The power generator room is located at the bottom of the ship below the telescopic hydraulic crane. The electrical room is located directly above the generator room with the UHF band transmitter room above that. (A blast of deep trumpets is heard to provide atmosphere). Squeaky and Stevie have just walked down a small section of
stairwell as they reach an intersection with a door to the crew members right. Squeaky flashes his light down the darkened stairs a few times creating a strobe effect. Steve pops his head inside the door as he say's to Squeaky with a slightly out of breath tone, "It just doesn't add up -
Steve turns to Squeaky as he steps out of the door well and say's "you know?." Steve and Squeaky begin to walk down the next series of steel steps as a light echoing tapping of feet and metal is heard. Steve continues with an inquiring mind, "Russian Vessel." Middle of know where, Dead in the water." Steve looks at Squeaky fleetingly as he say's "Crew vanished"

Both Stevie and Squeaky stop in there tracks on the stairwell as Steve turns to Squeaky and say's in a whispering tone "I mean, Why would they abandon ship, Huh?" Squeaky waves his light slightly as he looks at Stevie, Squeaky nods his head negatively as he whispers loudly, "I don't know." Squeaky raises his light slightly so that it lights up Steves jacket, Steve hunches forward slightly as he say's with a whispering tone, "And another thing, who the hell do they think we can trust here?. Steve moves his right arm slightly as he expresses his mind, "We're talking about an awful lot of goddamn money, right?."

Squeaky suddenly hunches forward as he produces a handgun in his right hand, Squeaky whispers so as not to give any information away and say's, "Listen, the only two guys that we can trust is (Squeaky waves his gun towards Steve and then back to himself as he emphasises his point) "just you and me, Stevie, That's it." Squeaky hesitates then say's, "You know, I wouldn't take a check from the Captain." Steve looks away from Squeaky and down the stairs. Echoing and eerie synthesizer sounds are heard -

Steve and Squeaky continue down the stairs once again as Squeaky say's, "Woods is wound up so tight." You couldn't pull a pin out of his ass with a tractor." Squeaky focus his eyes to his right as he makes his way down the stairs. A squeak is heard infused with the loud tapping of feet from Steve and Squeaky.

Squeaky continues, "And Hiko is like" Squeaky hesitates as he rounds a corner and looks down another flight of stairs, Squeaky say's, "I don't understand what the hell Hiko is." Steve carefully shines his light forward as he investigates the darkness before following Squeaky down the stairs also.

A light and atmospheric synthesizer chord is heard - Steve and Squeaky carefully make there way down the next flight of stairs as they shine there torches down below them. Squeaky continues to talk as he say's, "Richie's crazy like a fox, Stevie." Hesitates - But you know, I think he just might be there for us." Stevie takes the lead as he heads down past Squeaky navigating the rest of the steps in fast succession. Squeaky say's, And Foster's Good." As Steve reaches the bottom he say's "Good" referring to Foster.

Steve and Squeaky stand motionless as they reach a new level of the ship. Behind them is a large electrical box that is full of circuit breakers and other electrical components. Steve say's to Squeaky - "What do you mean by "Good".? - Squeaky hesitates then say's "I mean, she's solid, on the level." Light piano keys provide atmosphere. Squeaky raises his head slightly as he say's, "What do you think I meant?" Steve hesitates then nods forward slightly as he say's, "Sounds like you think she's hot." Steve instantly walks off in front of him as he attempts to find the generator room. A clunking of feet is heard from Steve, Squeaky speaks out as Steve walks away and say's with a slight chuckle, "Of course, I think she's hot." "Don't you."

A blast of deep trumpets is heard - A light and middle toned trumpet plays out to provide atmosphere - Stevie and Squeaky have now reached the generator room which with a bit of luck will turn the power back on to the ship. Two beams of light strobe around the dank darkness as the two crew members find there way in the pitch blackness. A light tapping of feet is heard as the men veer around a corner and begin to walk forward into a large room that is full of electrical equipment and fuse boxes. Squeaky strobes his light left then right before raising the light at a junction box. Squeaky say's "Right here, Stevie, Right here." Steve shouts out "You got it" referring to the power switches. Squeaky becomes slightly excited as he rushes forward towards the box. A sound of gyrating and loose metal is heard as Squeaky stands on a grill below his feet. Squeaky's voice echoes as he say's "Yep"

More rattling of metal is heard as Squeaky steps up two steps to reach the power box, Stevie shouts out "Yes that's it" Squeaky looks up as he begins to press down on a switch, A loud sound of clicking is heard - No power is restored as Squeaky lowers his torch with his right hand. Steve is stood just behind as he shines his torch at the box for extra ambience. Squeaky say's with disappointment, "Ahh shit" Stevie say's "No Go?". Squeaky say's "Nope" as he raises his torch slightly against the box, Another click is heard as Squeaky attempts again to restore power with another switch higher up. Stevie bends down as he scans his light across the floor looking for anything unusual. Squeaky jerks slightly as he hits the switch another two times in fast succession, Squeaky is disappointed as he says, "What wrong with this thing?" Steve raises himself back up slightly as he points his torch ahead into the distance. Squeaky continues to shine his torch around the power box as he attempts to fathom the correct procedure.

Stevie seems to have found something of interest as he say's, "Here's your problem right here." Stevie quickly takes a few short steps to another power box on the right hand side. Steve shines his light into the box as he say's "Looks like someone trashed the control panel." More rattling of metal is heard as Squeaky instantly turns and makes his way back down the two steps to Steves position. Squeaky shines his light forward as he waves it slightly in an up and down motion.

A squeaking sound infused with a tinny metal vibration is heard as Stevie quickly opens the door to the power box with his left hand. Squeaky reaches Steve and begins to shine his torch inside the elusive box with enthusiasm. As Steve looks inside he say's "Oh Yeah" having spotted a technical problem almost instantly.

Light from Squeakys torch strobes up and down as it lights up the relay box for the power. Stevie say's "These three relays are unplugged".

Steve shines the torch down to allow Squeaky to plug in the missing relays, A metal tinny sound is heard as Squeaky reaches in and picks up the detached relays that have been placed at the bottom of the box. Steve say's with impatience "Let's hustle Squeak", "We got no power to the rudder in a typhoon." "Were screwed"

A rattling sound is heard as Squeaky jiggles the first relay into place into the bottom circuit breaker. A loud thud is heard as the relay slides into position, Squeaky say's "I'm hustling alright" as he quickly places the second relay into place.

Squeaky inserts the third and final relay into position, A squeak is heard as Squeak closes the steel door to the relay box.

A loud click is heard as Squeaky turns a switch on the top power control box clockwise with his left hand. As soon as Squeaky turns the knob a series of lights come on, Theses are three red circular lights and one green light to the right. Squeaky slowly moves his hand down to the middle box as another loud clack of metal is heard. (Clockwise movement) Another green light appears to Squeaky's left. Finally, Squeaky turns the bottom box switch clockwise - Another clack is heard - A green circular light to Squeaky's right suddenly comes on brightly from the bottom of the lid. All lights are situated on the outside to allow electricians quick information on power levels.

Squeaky peers down at the power boxes as another two clacks of turning switches is heard. Two synthesized bell notes are heard that play at two notes per second then repeat. Steve turns his head briefly as he rests his left hand onto a pair of electrical measurement dials that are attached to the wall just a few feet away. Squeaky looks to Stevie as he nods forward, Stevie nods forward slightly as he say's "Go?". Squeaky say's "I'll give it a shot as he looks back down at the control switches. A loud engine sound is heard similar to a lorry that cuts out intermittently, A sound of very fast popping juddering sounds is also heard as the engines and electronics attempt to start.

The sound of energised generators and whirring cogs and spindles creates a very loud sound. Steve nods his head up and down in a continuous movement as he waits patiently for Squeaky to restore the power, Steve has great faith in his crew mate and is providing a little stimulation. Squeaky pushes down on a green button with his right hand as he sways slightly with an in an out motion of movement. Suddenly the generator room begins to light up as the power is returned to the depleted circuits and engines. (Lights flicker to life) An orange light brightens rapidly just below Stevie's left hand. Another Orange light illuminates behind Steve a bit further up the room to his right. Steve smiles with delight as he looks at Squeaky while continuing to nod his head up and down.

One of the large electrical machine shops located just below the bridge rests in complete darkness and solitude, Suddenly a bright blue light begins to flicker from the darkness, Several computer terminals are displaying multi colored buttons and switches as the power filters and penetrates deep into the ships many rooms.

A tremendous sound of fizzing current and high pitched pigs squealing in distress is heard. Suddenly the entire room lights up a beautiful neon blue color which reveals an abundance of wires, cables,and coiled pipes. Several display monitors are attached to a mountain of electrical components and strange metal pieces. A reel to reel computer system is also powered up to the far left including many more systems. Bundles of electrical cable are tightly twisted and looped around each other to create a pandoras box of mayhem and chaos.

The small display monitors display a scrambled forever changing pattern of malfunction as they serve no purpose of any kind, This junk shop of swirling snake shaped cables circular blue lights, and clutter can serve no resolute scientific outcome or have been constructed by any human hand.

Another large work room called the 400 cycle mg room is also in complete darkness.

Suddenly a loud pop of moving robotics and whirring machinery is heard as the room rapidly spurts to life. Small spotlights attached to large robotic arms instantly illuminate to reveal the contents of the room. Fine grade red lasers pierce the blue and grey colored room to help guide the robotic arms as they carry out essential work maintenace. The first arm to the left instantly comes down from a height before swinging around anti clockwise. The yellow arm to the right swings back several feet as its pincer rotates a quarter turn clockwise. The arm swings out to its right as its arm lifts up slightly. An arm furthest to the back left swings in to the left, Flashes of a bright light strobe the room at intermittent delays of random time, Small robotic creatures lift up there small crab constructed pincers as everything becomes alive. Another arm furthest right swings out slowly left. Other strange arms that are very thin and high in shape and size spin into action as they snap up and down with there pincer attachments. They almost move like a snake in movement as they busily continue construction. A deep rumbling of moving machinery fills the atmosphere.

The calibration room houses a large collection of metal constructed machines that have large and very powerful claws attached to there mainframe. A scratching high pitched sound is heard including moving and whirring mechanics. The machine to the left raises up it' sharp collecting arm before instantly opening it's metal claw to a full extension, The arm then falls back to the surface, Other strange shaped and thin metal contraptions move up and down revealing sharp instruments that have been attached to the creation.

A loud rattling of metal is heard as one of the rooms master constructions scuttles along a metal grid surface. The metal and electronic creation has characteristics of a crab and a spider as it rapidly navigates the ship for any useful components. A fan spins around on the ceiling anti clockwise as the spider robotic creature approaches.

Computer systems in the telemetry room rapidly display information at lightening speed, A fast and pulsing electronic bleeping is heard including a ticking sound as the computers carry out tasks without human intervention. The alien entity has now been given another chance to continue it's unknown mission as it continuously searches for data. The computer systems hold many types of digital data including a resume for a bank tellers position.
Dated January 5th 1997
Mrs Jaqueline Duvell
PO Box 04254
Dear Mr Durell
Through your notice posted in the University of Livermore, I would like to apply for the job position of bank teller. Please find enclosed my resume for the position. I have had several career changes in the past but really want to settle down in Livermore.
Though I have lived in Livermore falls for two years now, I feel as though it is my home, My husband Robert Tandy grew up there. He lived there until he enlisted in the Army in 1987. For many years of our marriage we have lived a normal life,
Having worked all over the world and in a variety of settings, I have become a fast learner and a methodical problem solver, I am capable of catching on to new procedures quickly, My resume further details my work
I look forward to speaking to you at your next convenience about my career position with Livermore savings and loans.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jaqueline Duvell
Enclosed Resume

Another computer screen to the left also rapidly displays fast moving file text that is too quick for the eye to identify. This system uses Linux which contains thousands if not millions of secretive and classified scientific information.

Back at the bridge sensitive electronic computer systems begin to power up as there associated lights and switches illuminate back to life. The camera sweeps right as the long terminal of navigational equipment ripples with control. A very high pitched sound is heard including a low level whirring of reenergized circuits and wires.

A beeping sound and then a click is heard as the camera continues it's journey towards a patient Captain Everton. The terminals are now back to life which will enable Woods and Foster to turn the ship into the wind to offset the storm which is on its way to Captain Everton and his crew.

Captain Everton is staring out to sea as he ponders his thoughts, Suddenly a light illuminates behind the Captain which causes him to turn his head at the repowered bridge controls. A series of yellow lights suddenly illuminate at the end of the terminal which educates Everton that all systems are now go. More white lights appear to Evertons right, Everton is pleased that power has been restored as he say's to himself "That's more like it".

Suddenly Woods contact's Everton on his radio mic, A clack of static is heard before Woods say's "Captain?". Another clack of static is heard as Everton raises his mic to his mouth and say's "I'm on my way, Woods." Everton immediately stands up from his chair as he turns outwards, Everton begins to walk along the side windows past the door to find Woods.

Suddenly a loud explosive sound is heard including a brilliant and highly bright spray of hot sparks that have exploded out from the ceiling just above the Captain. Everton jumps with fright as he rapidly turns his head right towards the fountain of sparks which have caught him out hook line and sinker.

A loud screeching high pitched sound of pigs in distress is heard once again as more sparks and hot flecks of electro static confusion eject from computers, monitors, and everything else that uses energy to work. Foster rapidly turns her head towards the dangerous light as she attempts to work out what the hell is going on. Explosive fizzing sounds emanate all around the bridge without mercy.

The screeching sound has become unbearable for Foster as she quickly blocks the sound the best she can with her hands, Foster grimaces as her ears explode with pain and sheer terror. Suddenly the scorching sound dilapidates which allows Foster to gain her composure. Foster shakes her head slightly as she shouts over to Everton 'What the hell was that?"

Captain Everton seems completely oblivious to the sudden attack of electricity as he instantly gets on to his mic, (Static pop is heard) Everton say's as he turns his head around "Good job Baker, You lit us up like a pinball machine." Everton begins to walk over to Foster as he confidently blames Steve and Squeaky for the extraterrestrial electronic reworking.

A low level whirring of the Sea Star's engine is heard as it slowly moves forward and into position against the side of the "Academic Vladislav Volkov". The X radar antennae spins in a clockwise motion as a low level motion of water is heard. Hiko is stood motionless on the bow of the tug as Richie walks along the side of the "Academic Vladislav Volkov".

Mild waves lap along the tugs hull as it edges into a close proximity with the 45,000 ton vessel

A large security camera contained inside a white metal shell suddenly begins to swing into action, A loud whirring sound of mechanics is heard as the observation camera turns slowly to it's left. The Sea Star is slowly decelerating as it moors with the Russian ship.

Another whirring sound is now heard from another spying camera as it records and investigates the scenario from outside of the ship. The sound is similar to a camera as it takes pictures and records close up footage of the crew.

Richie is assisting in helping to moor the Sea Star to the side of the ship. Richie speaks with complete faith and belief in Everton as he say's to Hiko, "I tell you something, we are gonna be rich," Richie grabs hold of the manilla rope with both hands as he prepares to throw a line down to Hiko. (Richie looks down fleetingly at the rope in hand.)

Richie slides his hand up and down on one piece of rope with his left hand as he instantly swings the long and heavy line out with his right hand. A whipping sound and then a repeated hollow metal sound is heard as the rope slides over the side of the ship. The rope snakes and gyrates as gravity takes it's course.

As the manilla rope falls at rapid speed to Hiko below Richie shouts out with enthusiasm, "Your gonna be a rich man Hiko". The rope sways out slightly as it hits the main deck of the damaged tug. A large splash is created as the rope hits the flooded deck below creating a spray of water which travels into Hiko's direction. A large grey and solid steel produced anchor is hanging just above the Sea Star. This anchor is for the "Academic Vladislav Volkov". The anchor moans and creaks with sheer power as it sways down and up slightly from the powerful wind.

Hiko quickly runs forward and towards the wet sea soaked rope as he prepares to tie it securely around the tugs timber head. More creaking from the anchor is heard - Hiko leans down as he quickly picks up the rope ready for mooring.

A fast moving flow and pressure of sea water emits from a small gap to the left of the stern created by the close proximity of the tug to the Russian ships hull. Water glistens and ripples on the surface of the Sea Stars main deck as the sunlight hits it. The sound of splashing water is heard. Russian anchor continues to groan and sway slightly - Hiko wraps the rope around the first metal pillar to his right before attaching the rest of the rope around the second timber head. Hiko is a fast worker and has done this type of task many times before.

Back on the bridge Foster is having a few technical problems with one of the computer terminals. A low level and repeating beep sound is heard coming out of the computer monitors speaker. Foster turns her head as she presses a key on the keyboard - A loud tap sound is heard - The computer monitor is displaying a very fast and continuous stream of maps that are whizzing by on screen, Foster is confused as she shouts over to Everton for assistance. 'Captain?" Foster returns to the out of control screen as she attempts to make sense of the phenomena.

Everton quickly responds to Fosters calling as he strolls over to her side, Foster continues to tap on the keyboard a few times as another singular beep is heard. More higher pitched beeps are then heard as Foster frantically attempts to fix the possessed machine. Foster is transfixed on the screen as her mind ponders the impossible. Everton looks up at the ceiling briefly before looking down at the computer screen. More beeping at a fast rate is heard -

Beep Beep Beep is heard as the screen produces thousands of maps of planet Earth at neck breaking speed. Australia, Russia, Africa and every country in the world is scanned and analysed by the unknown entity. Foster speaks and say's with a serious tone, "Somebodies running this." Foster taps again on the keyboard but all is futile as the alien power consumes every last byte of data.

Another security camera inside the bridge begins to move all by itself, The device whirls quietly as it slowly moves left.

From the cameras perspective the device begins to zoom in on Captain Everton as it attempts to identify the human being. More electronic whizzing sounds are heard as the camera snoops on Captain Everton. Everton is completely unaware of the spying camera as he analyses the computer screen. Everton suddenly say's "Look's like it's running itself." Captain Evertons voice sounds slightly distorted as the camera records and analyses sound waves and vocal lengths.

The camera has maxed out it's zoom almost as it homes in on Captain Everton's embroidered jacket. The name CAPT, ROBERT EVERTON blurs for a fleeting moment as the camera adjusts focal length. The alien entity scanned text documents and Linux files earlier so now has the ability to understand languages and written texts amongst other things. Foster replies, "Computers don't run themselves." Fosters voice is being dissected by the alien entity as the sound of her muffled voice is heard from the perspective of the extraterrestrial force.

The computer screen continues to speed through thousands of maps as the alien power builds up a database of knowledge and understanding. One of the many detailed maps shows a bridge that is under construction and a 50 foot tall tower.

This map shows the Danvers River, Danvers is a town in Essex County Massachusetts, United States, located on the Danvers River near the northeastern coast of Massachusetts. The suburb is a fairly short ride from Boston and is also in close proximity to the renowned beaches of Gloucester and Revere. Originally known as Salem Village, the town is most widely known for its association with the 1692 Salem witch trials. It was also the site of Danvers State Hospital, one of the state's 19th century psychiatric hospitals. Danvers is a local center of commerce, hosting many car dealerships and the Liberty Tree Mall. As of 2014, the town's population was approximately 27,000.

Suddenly the scanning of maps ceases and a computer hologram of the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" appears. A beep is heard as one of the 20 blue text panels at the bottom of the screen turns Red. The deck of the ship also flashes to red including the large rooms beneath the deck, Telemetry SCR RM, and the IIR Room also light up red. Multiple beeps of different lengths are heard, one is fast and the other beeps 2 times per second.

The computer beeps again as the hologram displays the red markers in the Supplies rooms, TLM RM, Central Computer room, and Calibration Lab, The front of the ships bow deck also lights up red where the HF Communications Transmission Antenna, Satellite Communications antennas, and Log Periodic Antenna are located. The text columns at the bottom of the screen have also changed as the red marker moves one space right.

The computer beeps for a third time as more areas of the ship light up red, The tip of the bow lights up including, the main engine room, the Radar telemetry service platform and the IIR-L, U Radar dishes. The area beneath the bow also fills with a red color. The 20 blue text columns at the bottom of the screen now display two red areas.