Back in sick bay the camera has zoomed into the face of Chief Science Officer Nadia Vinogradova as she rests from her necessary but violent attack by Stevie. Suddenly Nadia begins to stir as she rapidly blinks her eyes once and then twice in quick succession. Nadia's eyes rapidly flit from under her eyelids as her mind slowly reawakens. Emotional and atmospheric violins provide the sound score -

Nadia blinks once again as she suddenly opens her eyes slightly, Nadia is still fatigued and slightly concussed as she saturates the bright light from the ceiling above.

Nadia's mind is beginning to reawaken as she hazily focuses her eyes onto a series of circular light fittings that glow a warm white luminance. The camera blurs to provide the vision Nadia is receiving as she comes round from a heavy blow to the head and another blow as her head hit the back of the refrigeration unit. The ceiling moves around in a jagged clockwise motion before slowly becoming clear. Foster is heard in the distance and is speaking to Hiko. "Where'd you learn how to sow?"

Hiko say's "My grandfather" Foster replies with a surprised tone of voice "Yeah?" - Hiko say's "Uh Huh" - Suddenly Nadia blinks once more but this time her eyes stay open and wide, Nadia takes a deep breath of air as her eyes flit right and then forward. Nadia has awoken and is now attempting to work out in her mind where she is and what happened?" Nadia begins to become restless and slightly panicked as her breathing increases and her eyes flit more vigourously. Loud gasps are heard from Nadia

Slow and atmospheric violins provide the sound score. Hiko suddenly bites through a strong piece of surgical nylon thread with his teeth. Hiko has taken an interest in the thread which Foster has carefully used to fix Hiko's leg wound. Suddenly a loud crunching sound is heard as Hiko pulls the thread apart into two pieces with his hands.

The loud and unexpected sound of the thread snapping has spooked Nadia and sent her mind into a massive panic attack. Nadia gasps loudly as she rapidly gyrates and jerks her body up into the air, Nadia's hands flail out as she stares over at Hiko with a face of serious fright and shock.

Foster rapidly turns around from the sound of the frightened intruder as Hiko stares in silence. Hiko continues to caress the thread in his hands as he watches Nadia from a distance. Foster holds Hiko's ripped jeans and is helping Hiko in sewing the damaged material back together. Hiko nods up slightly but does not show any signs of alarm.

Nadia is very frightened and is unsure if the people in the room are hostile or friendly, Nadia rapidly falls to the floor as she frantically stares up and over towards Foster and Hiko with a complete face of dread. Nadia rests on her knees in silence as she takes in deep breaths of air. Nadia quickly looks to her right as Captain Everton slowly edges forward.

Captain Everton is holding his pistol in his right hand as he carefully makes his way over to the very afraid woman. Everton stares down at the intruder as he aims his pistol directly towards her.

Foster quickly makes her way over to the distressed individual as she bends down in an attempt to reassure her that no one is going to harm her. Foster say's with a serious and urgent tone of voice, "It's all right, - Nadia gasps deeply - Foster outstretches her right hand as she holds her palm out towards the intruder and say's "It's Okay" Foster smiles as she attempts to make the intruder feel safer and reduce trauma, (Foster blinks) Foster say's "It's Okay, We're not going to hurt you." - High pitched violins provide the atmosphere as they slowly increase in loudness before ending with a deep drum note.

Suddenly Nadia begins to act rather strange and completely out of character considering she has just awoken to a room full of strangers, Nadia leans forward slightly as she begins to loudly whisper towards Foster with a tone that prevents other people from outside of sick bay to understand. Nadia whispers 'The Power!" Nadia hesitates as she takes in a deep mouthful of air - Nadia continues, "Turn off the power!" Nadia's brown hair blusters in front of her mouth as she speaks - Nadia takes another large breath of air as she looks up at the ceiling before looking to her right. Nadia is completely on edge and has a fantastic story to tell her friends when she gets home. Nadia looks back to Foster and say's "Shut down the ship" Foster continues to hold her right palm in front of the unidentifiable woman as she sways gently on her knees.

Captain Everton takes a single step forward as he listens intensely - Everton nods slightly down and at an angle as he ponders his thoughts on the erratic and unpredictable intruder - Nadia continues, "Your all in danger!".

Hiko stands by the medical couch as he also listens carefully to the bizarre words from the assailent who nearly killed him in a blaze of bullets. Hiko say's "What she going on about?" before veering his eyes down to the woman.

Suddenly Nadia's nerves begin to get the better of her as she struggles to breathe, Nadia slowly moves backwards as her breathing becomes more erratic. Foster rapidly turns her head in an anti clockwise motion as she looks back to Hiko and say's with a tone of alarm, "I don't know - I don't know?" Foster turns her hand around so that her right palm is facing the ceiling as she expresses her concern, Foster turns back to face Nadia as she attempts to reassure her that everything is Okay. Nadia looks to her right at something in the distance as her heavy breathing continues.

Nadia has focused her attention on Hiko who is standing by the medical couch, A folded grey blanket lays on top of the couch with several items rested on top. These items are, three machine gun magazines, Hiko's sub machine gun with key ring attachment and an opened but uneaten crunch bar. Hiko swiped a crunch bar earlier on and slid it into one of his pockets. The camera slowly zooms into the couch as Nadia's mind goes into overdrive.

Nadia is transfixed on something that is on the couch as she stares ahead in some kind of trance state. Foster is silenced as she continues to hold her hand out in an attempt to reassure and settle down the erratic woman. Suddenly without warning Nadia makes a run for it as she dives head first towards the couch, Foster quickly places her right hand on the woman's shoulders but all is in vain as the woman shoots across the floor.

Hiko instantly reacts as he see's the intruder heading directly for his sub machine gun, Hiko jerks to attention as he swifly turns his head left and down towards his weapon. Hiko rapidly swoops down for his gun or face a certain death by the hands of a crazed intruder.

Foster grimaces as she looks on over towards the couch and the heavy duty machine gun, Nadia takes two short steps as she leans over while outstretching her right hand towards Hiko's fully loaded machine gun pistol. This could end with a lot of blood on Captain Everton's hands.

Suddenly a loud crunching sound is heard as Nadia grabs hold of the uneaten crunch bar with her right hand, At the same exact moment Hiko takes hold of his machine gun pistol with both hands in an attempt to stop Nadia from killing everyone in the room.

Hiko grimaces as he stares over towards Nadia while retrieving his machine gun pistol from the couch with both hands. Hiko awkwardly jostles with his gun as he snatches it away from the intruders attack.

Everton stares at Nadia with fear in his eyes as he points his weapon towards her. Everton sways his weapon right as he follows the movements of the unpredictable hostage.

A loud scrunching of silver packaging is heard as Nadia quickly returns to her position under the surface of the workbench while biting down onto the tasty cereal bar. Nadia is famished and has not eaten any food for quite some time.

Nadia looks towards Foster with a tremendous agitation and terror as she continues to eat the cereal bar. (Loud scrunching of the wrapper is heard) Suddenly Foster looks up to Everton while raising out her left hand, Foster shouts out "Captain! Please" as she strives to stop the Captain from seriously harming the hostage with his weapon. Nadia veers eyes right then back to Foster) Nadia breaks a small piece off from the cereal bar with her left hand while holding the remainder of the snack in her right hand. Nadia rapidly crams the broken piece into her mouth while keeping her fingers bent and pressed against her mouth.

Suddenly Nadia removes her left hand while continuing to consume the food item. (Nadia's mouth moves around in an anti clockwise motion briefly before she begins to chew down on the food vigorously. (Nadia keeps a small piece of the bar between her thumb and index finger) Nadia has stared at Foster continuously while eating the stolen bar but now turns her head to Everton.

Captain Everton is bending over towards Nadia as he watches her every move, Everton blinks as he raises his shoulders slightly. - Nadia is breathless as she pants at a rapid rate - No sound score -

Nadia places the small piece of the cereal bar she had kept between her fingers into her mouth as she stares up at Captain Everton. A scrunching of wrapper is heard as Nadia quickly places her left hand back to the cereal bar so that she can break off another piece. Foster suddenly say's "What's your name?" this causes Nadia to instantly looks back and directly at Foster. Nadia is silent and does not respond to Fosters questioning, Nadia continues to chew furiously on the stolen snack bar as she raises her right hand and scratches her face fleetingly as she quickly pushes a small clump of her hair back from her face. Nadia turns back to Captain Everton as she lowers her right hand slightly while continuing to chew rapidly on her cereal bar. A scrunching of wrapper and a crunching of snack bar is heard).

Captain Everton kneels down close to Nadia as he begins to scrutinize her every action, Everton shakes his head slightly as he softly say's "What's happened on this ship?" Nadia jerks her left hand up rapidly as she continues to devour the cereal bar - Loud scrunching is heard - (Everton sways slightly on his feet) "Where's the rest of her crew?" Nadia does not face Everton and is much more interested in consuming the cereal bar than answering questions.

Nadia continues to chew on her food as she stares at Captain Everton in silence. Suddenly Nadia speaks with a soft tone of voice and say's "Dead".

Captain Everton nods forward and say's with surprise, "Dead?" Everton turns his head slightly right as he takes in a deep breathe of air - Everton looks down at the floor before looking over to Hiko and saying with a tone of relief, "Good" while nodding forward to emphasize his thoughts. Everton quickly looks back to Nadia for some more information.

Foster quickly turns away from Everton as she concentrates her energy back to Nadia, Foster has a face of certain worry and concern for the hostage and has a dubious mind on whether she is crazy or not. Suddenly Nadia speaks with a serious tone of voice, "You must turn off the power!"

Nadia quickly looks up at the ceiling as she points her right hand that holds the cereal bar rapidly up at the ceiling also. (Scrunching of wrapper is heard) Nadia speaks while her mouth is full of the snack bar producing a slightly muffled sound, "It needs power to move through the ship." (Nadia's hair gyrates fleetingly as she moves her head)

Nadia opens her mouth wide as she places another small piece of the cereal bar into her mouth.

Everton veers his eyes towards Hiko fleetingly as he turns his head slightly before looking back to Nadia, Everton is confused and does not understand what Nadia is trying to explain, Everton speaks with a slow and controlled tone of voice as he veers his head slightly left, "What".. (Hesitates) "Needs".. (Hesitates).. "Power?". Everton almost whispers the last word as he attempts to solve the puzzle.

Nadia stares at Everton momentarily as she chews on her meal, A light crackling of the wrapper is heard as Nadia suddenly points her right index finger up at the ceiling while continuing to watch Everton, Nadia immediately looks up at the ceiling while veering her eyes in that direction while raising and pointing her index finger in the air, Nadia say's, "It" - Nadia quickly lowers her hands as another scrunching of wrapper is heard. Nadia continues to chew on her snack as she looks back to Everton and say's "From the Mir".

Foster leans forward slightly as her mind becomes much more concerned and interested in Nadia's crazy explanation. Foster suddenly speaks and say's "The MIR Space Station?" Foster is intrigued and bewildered by Nadia's mental state as she pries her for more information.

Captain Everton can smell a red herring when he see's one as he quickly turns his head away from Nadia towards Hiko. Everton has doubt in his mind and now considers Nadia a mental case. Nadia quickly responds to Foster as she loudly whispers "Yes". Everton looks over towards a far corner of the sick bay as he say's. "She's a fruit cake." Everton turns his head completely away from Nadia and Foster as he looks completely behind himself. Foster is feeling much more sensitive and understanding towards Nadia as she continues to develop a bond with her, Foster quickly turns her head around to face Everton as she say's "Come on Captain." Foster is now on the defense and feels somewhat sorry for her mental state and predicament. Foster looks back to Nadia as she continues to help her any way she can.

Captain Everton continues "She's a nutter!". Nadia stares at Foster with glazed eyes as she projects a mind of complete madness and insanity, Nadia continues to chew on her snack bar with mouth closed as her lips move around in a circular motion almost mimicking a mouse in nature as she timidly eats in silence. Suddenly without warning Nadia rapidly turns her head towards Captain Everton who is continuing to speak about her. Everton say's "Which is perfect". Everton is considering the salvage plan and the consequences of finding anyone alive on the ship.

Nadia has decided that she can stay no longer stay inside sick bay as she attempts to escape her captors. Nadia rapidly stands to her feet as she screams loudly while propelling her body towards an unaware and disrespectful Captain Everton. Nadia pushes with all her might against the back of Everton as she attempts to create a diversion. Everton groans loudly from the sudden attack by the hostage as he loses his balance and falls to the floor below.

Trumpets pierce the air to provide atmosphere, A loud scuffling of feet is heard as Nadia runs at full speed towards the exit door of the sick bay room. Foster grimaces as she quickly dives to the floor with her right arm outstretched in a futile effort to stop the hostage from escaping. A loud thud is heard as Everton collapses to the floor landing on his stomach with his feet flailing in the air. Nadia is just too quick for Foster to grab a hold off as she exits the room.

A fast tapping of feet is heard as Nadia escapes the room and into the darkness of the corridor, Nadia has lost her safety net and does not comfortable around her new found friends. Nadia keeps her hands close as she takes the first steps from the room before raising her hands and running them along the right side of the wall as a supportive measure. (Nadia pants heavily) Everton slowly begins to clamber onto his hands and knees as Hiko quickly comes over to the Captains aid.

Hiko is startled as he assists Everton from the floor by placing his hands on top of the Captains back. This sudden move by Hiko cause Everton to twist over to his left as he flails his arms out and lands on his back.

Foster quickly appears from the door space as she holds her pistol with both hands, As Foster leaves the room she shouts back to Hiko, "Hiko come on!". Foster raises her pistol up high with both hands as a loud thud sound is heard from her fast moving feet. Hiko looks over towards Foster as he begins to stand up.

Nadia is familiar with the ships layout as she was working on the Russian vessel just before the lightening strike hit. Nadia reaches a much brighter corridor that is lit by small lamps fitted into the ceiling. Nadia creates a loud tapping of heavy steel as she continues to escape from her captors. Nadia raises her right hand up in front of her as she desperately attempts to evade capture. Nadia slows slightly as she reaches a junction while using the right side of the new corridor to carefully guide her around and onto a new path.

An echoing tapping of steel is heard as Nadia runs as fast as her legs will carry her along the new corridor and into the dimly lit distance. Nadia's arms pace up and down with a rhythmic motion as she evades the enemy that has been sent to interrogate and then carry out sick experiments on.

Suddenly Nadia reaches an emergency glass case juts out from the wall. Nadia rapidly turns her body around anti clockwise as she strikes out with her right hand against the glass chest in an attempt to retrieve something that is inside. (A loud sound of smashing glass is heard) More glass sounds are heard as small fragments and larger pieces fall to the floor below. Nadia looks inside the broken chest and quickly removes a large red colored fire axe with both hands. Nadia rapidly turns clockwise as she faces the dimly corridor once more while holding the axe up in the air with both hands. Nadia quickly runs forward into the darkness as she continues to evade the enemy. Fast and energetic double bass chords are heard to provide atmosphere. Occasional trumpet bleats are also heard -

Foster suddenly appears from the dimly lit distance as she rapidly swings from around a far corridor, A thud is heard as Foster fleetingly places her left hand onto the side of the new corridor as she carefully controls her speed and navigational skills, If Foster was too fall over now she may lose Nadia's direction. Foster groans and breathes heavily as she sprints up the new corridor determined to catch up with the escaping hostage. Fosters arms sway up and down with rhythmic motion as she pursues her enemy.

Nadia is a woman possessed as she continues to run down the corridor with the axe held high with both hands. A loud tapping of echoing thuds is heard as Nadia propels herself along the dimly lit passageway. Nadia's hair sways violently as she suddenly jumps over an obstruction that is on the floor below. Another thud sound is heard - Trumpets bleat, Fast Double bass notes, Violin highs -

Foster is not to far behind as she continues the chase, Foster slows her feet slightly as she raises her left hand out in front of her with outstretched fingers as a method to control her speed, Foster fleetingly places her hand to the corner of the next corridor as she runs around the tight bend. Foster maintains a grip on the wall for a small moment in time before releasing and running forward. Foster flails her arms out frantically as she breathes heavily from her exertions. Suddenly a rattling of loose metal grills is heard as Foster stops dead in her tracks, Foster takes in another desperate breath as she lowers her hands and stares into the darkness in front of her.

Nadia is much more familiar with the ships layout than Foster is and has used that to her advantage as she runs into a dark part of the ships maze like structure, Foster stares into the foreboding blackness with only a small slither of light ahead to help her navigate forward. Blast of high pitched violins is heard -

Foster realizes that she needs light if she is to go any further into the ship on her mission to capture Nadia, Foster also knows that Nadia is carrying a large fire axe and does not want to be on the receiving end of the sharp weapon if Nadia cracked. Suddenly Foster turns her head and body around anti clockwise as she makes her way back to a flashlight that is attached to the wall just a few meters away.(Fast piano notes are heard) Foster rapidly side steps to reach the flashlight, A low level click is heard as Foster places her right hand onto the flashlights grip while holding her pistol in her left. Suddenly a loud clank of plastic and heavy metal is heard as Foster pulls up with all her might and removes the light with her right hand. Foster grimaces as she gasps loudly while pressing down on a switch located on the grip. The light instantly illuminates as she shines the beam up and over the facing wall momentarily.

Foster quickly turns clockwise as she faces the dark corridor once more while shining the powerful emergency light along the passageway and into the distance.

As Foster rapidly shines her flashlight down the passageway Nadia is suddenly illuminated as she escapes around a corner. Foster shines her light with an up and down motion as she evaluates the situation from a distance. (Foster breathes heavily.) Three fast bleats of a trumpet is heard.

Foster points her handgun out with her right hand while shining her torch with her left. A fleeting moment passes and Foster begins to cautiously move forward one step at a time. Foster is breathless and exhausted from her efforts but must go on.

A fast and high pitched violin chord is heard that slowly increases in volume for a duration of 2 seconds. Nadia is aware that Foster is hot on her tail and is making her escape as complicated as possible, Nadia quickly descends a flight of metal steps as she quickly turns a corner to make her way down a second series of stairs. A loud tapping of feet is heard as Nadia goes down. As Nadia frantically escapes she places her left hand to the left side railings momentarily to assist her balance. Nadia produces a rhythmic gallop of steps as she nears the last few stairs while looking down at her fast moving feet. A high pitched tinging of metal is heard as Nadia reaches the bottom of the stairs and makes contact with a railing. Nadia turns to her right into another dark area of the Russian vessel, As Nadia turns the corner she swaps her fire axe from her right hand to her left hand. Nadia continues to move along the new passageway as she attempts to put Foster off the scent.

Foster quickly follows in pursuit as she also rounds the stairs while shining her light just ahead of her. Foster pants rapidly as she continues on down the next flight of stairs. Foster shines her flash light erratically from side to side before shining the powerful beam in the direction Nadia ran off to. Foster waves her handgun out in front of her with her right hand as she continues her mission to capture Nadia. Foster creates a loud tapping echoing sound of fast footsteps as she bounds down the metal steps. Foster rounds the same corner as Nadia and is going in the right direction.

Suddenly Foster has arrived in an area of the ship that is very dark and very risky to adventure into. Foster stops dead in her tracks as she shines her torch ahead into the foreboding blackness of rusting steel and creaking doors. Foster breathes heavily as she sways slightly while pointing her gun into the eerie silence. Suddenly foster begins to move forward as cold sweats form on her face, Foster shines her torch in a circular anti clockwise motion before aiming the light forward as it sways slightly in the dank and dull atmosphere.

A rumbling sound is heard infused with fast and extremely on edge breaths from the Navigator Foster. Foster edges forward in quick bursts as her nerves feed her adrenalin and consciousness, The light sways in a small circular motion of it's parameter as it produces a grey and silver luminance to the doors, walls and ceiling. A ruffling sound is heard from Fosters feet as she reaches an open door well to her right. Slow and eerie trumpet notes are heard to provide atmosphere.

A loud clank of metal grills is heard as Foster quickly steps across the gap of the new entrance while shining her light up at the ceiling briefly before lowering the flash light and shining it's luminance right and slightly vertical. Foster breathes heavily as she leans in to the darkness, Foster suddenly turns her head left as she looks into the room before swinging her torch in that direction.

More light echoing bangs are heard as Foster slowly steps into the new room while holding her gun with her left hand and torch in her right.

Foster slowly sweeps her light to her right as she builds up a new picture of the contents of the room. As Foster edges in she side steps on her feet while continuing to look to her right as she holds her torch up higher. Foster raises her torch even more as she evaluates her surroundings.

Foster suddenly ducks down onto her knees as she shines her light across the floor, A light tapping of feet is heard - The dark and silent room has two large metal pipes attached to the ceiling, there is a red fire extinguisher on the wall and other large pipes and valves inside the new room. A fleeting moment passes and Foster stands back to her feet as she shines her light forward. (More echoing thuds of feet are heard) Foster continues to edge forward as she looks to her right while shining her light left, Suddenly Foster looks to her left at a large circular silver pipe and a smaller one next to it, Foster slowly edges her way towards the silver pipes as she shines her light over them. The pipes have black Russian text imprinted onto them. Low level hollow band sound is heard in the distance.

Foster knows that Nadia must be close by as she has come to a dead end and Foster concludes that she must be hiding somewhere in the room. Foster is feeling rather stressed as she ponders her mind on the whereabouts of the illusive assailant. Foster must find the woman as some of the things that she said to her are now having a meaningful effect on her mental sensibility. All is silent as Foster edges forward, suddenly a loud and echoing bang is heard that emanates around the room. The sound causes Foster to rapidly turns her head around in a clockwise motion so that she is looking almost behind herself and into a far corner of the room.

A synthesized whoosh of echoing and rumbling ambiance is heard followed by a short squeak sound. As soon as Foster turns around she comes face to face with Nadia who is hiding in the darkness of the room. Nadia holds up her axe as she stares over at the frantic and nervous navigator who is now fully charged and full of emotions. Foster rapidly lifts up her light and shines the bright beam into the face of Nadia as she points her handgun with her right hand. Foster shouts loudly 'Drop It" as she instructs Nadia to throw away her fire axe which is now illuminated by Fosters torch.

Nadia is stood by the back wall with her legs slightly parted as she stares at Foster in silence. Foster shines her torch over the stomach region of Nadia as the luminance sways and flits from side to side and up and down from Fosters nervous hand movements. Nadia holds the fire axe tightly with both hands as she freezes on the spot.

Foster breathes deeply as she waits patiently for Nadia to carry out her request, Fosters light continues to jitter in all directions as her nerves and frustrations get the better of her. A small amount of time passes but Nadia continues to defy Fosters authority.

Nadia is highly stressed and very scared for her life as she stares back at Foster, Nadia takes deep breathes as she shakes and raises her eyebrows up and down. Nadia's eyes have small amounts of tears imbedded which glisten and glow from Fosters powerful flash light. Nadia's mind is working overtime as she considers continuing the fight or giving up to the determined and tough working navigator. Suddenly Foster shouts out again with a serious and frustrated anger, "Drop It!" Nadia slowly begins to listen to Foster as she conciously lowers the fire axe having considered her life in mortal danger.

Nadia's axe sways slightly in the darkness as she stares at Foster, Foster is transfixed to the axe and does not trust the woman who may just attack her, Suddenly Nadia accepts that she is trapped and can not win the fight instantly releasing the axe from her hand. A loud clank of heavy metal is heard as the fire axe hits the floor below,

Foster quickly shines her torch down while following the axe down with her head just to be sure in her mind that the assailant has relinquished her weapon.

Foster quickly steps forward as she shines her flashlight up and towards Nadia.

Another loud clanking of metal is heard as Nadia slides down to the floor below defeated, Foster edges forward as she shines her torch directly onto Nadia while aiming her hand gun with her right hand. Nadia looks up towards Foster as she struggles and pants for air, Foster leans down towards Nadia while reassuring her and saying, "It's Okay!" Foster outstretches her right arm as she attempts to settle down the exhausted woman. Nadia nods her head negatively before looking down and saying with an out of breath tone of voice, "You don't understand?" Nadia's right hand is bleeding after she smashed the glass to the emergency chest. Nadia spins her head around as she attempts to reduce the trauma she is under. A thud of plastic and metal is heard as Foster places the flashlight to the ground.

Foster raises up her right hand for a split second as she flits her fingers fleetingly towards Nadia,

Foster quickly looks down as she lifts up her purple jumper with her left hand and slides her handgun down into her trouser seam with her right. Foster is also out of breath as she say's to Nadia, "Look" - Foster rapidly raises both hands as she indicates that she means no harm.

Foster leans forward slightly as she touches her neck with her right hand before holding the palm of her hand out. Foster say's with an out of breath tone, "I'm not gonna hurt you!" Foster tilts her head forward at an angle as she stipulates that she means no harm. A low level and continuous echo sound is heard -

Nadia stares at Foster in silence as she builds up a picture of the friendly navigator, Nadia slowly pushes her self away to her left as she rests her right hand on a black pipe that is situated just next to her. Nadia looks down as she coughs loudly before looking back up to Foster, Nadia's hair sways in the darkness from the forces of her sudden cough.

Foster looks down as she also coughs from the dry air deep below the ship, Foster swallows as her head slides upwards from the forces of pushing air down into the windpipe. Foster quickly looks up to Nadia and say's "My name's Kelly Foster, Foster looks down again as she takes in a deep breath of air, (Hesitates) Takes in another mouthful of air - "I'm a navigator." - Foster continues to breath heavily as she looks over to Nadia in silence. A loud drip of water is heard that has a slight echo to the sound.

Nadia has become more relaxed as she rests on the floor, Nadia begins to speak as she nods her head up and down with a slow and methodic rhythm, "I'm Nadia", Nadia begins to breath more rapidly as she looks down at the floor, Suddenly Nadia looks back to Foster and say's "Nadia Vinogradova, (Takes a deep breath) (Drip of water is heard) Nods forward slightly and say's "Chief Science Officer".

Foster sways her head slightly right before closing her eyes momentarily, Foster slowly turns her head left as she looks down and say's "Nadia, (Creaking is heard) Foster looks back up and say's "What happened?" Foster continues to breathe deeply.

Nadia is feeling rather traumatized and there are some dark secrets inside the terrified science officer that Foster is trying to apprehend, Tears begin to well in Nadia's eyes as she tries to explain to Foster the situation with the Russian vessel and it's personnel. Nadia's face shakes slightly as she faces Foster unable to control her strong feelings, Nadia speaks with a breahless tone, "I told you". (Hesitates) (Takes in a fast breath of air) Becomes slightly vexed and louder in voice - "Dead or deserted", Nadia begins to weep for her friends and work colleagues.

Foster takes in a deep breath as she closes her eyes and turns her head away from Nadia, Foster hesitates before looking back to Nadia and shaking her head in disbelief - Foster say's with astonishment "Three hundred crew members are gone?"

Nadia stares at Foster in silence as the navigator say's "What happened?" - Nadia lets out a loud breath of air as she blinks, Nadia begins to explain to Foster the reason the ship has no crew as she loudly whispers, "Eight days ago", "During a transmission from the (Nods forward slightly) MIR space station, (Takes a deep breath) "Something came onto the ship", Nods forward slightly as her hair sways gently - (Takes deep breath as she raises her eyebrows - "We thought our transmitters and receivers were malfunctioning, so we shut them down." Nadia Nods forward rapidly as she emphasizes her words.

Nadia pants loudly as Foster carefully listens, "It took control of computers", (Nadia takes a deep breath) "scanned all information", (Foster blinks)

Nadia continues, "Language, encyclopedias, medical data." (Nadia gasps loudly)(Raises eyebrows) (Nadia speaks with a tone of fear) "It was learning" A low level synthesizer ambiance is heard to provide atmosphere

Foster leans forward slightly as she loudly whispers, "Learning what?"

Nadia takes in yet another deep breath as she hesitates before saying with a slower whispering tone of fear, "How to kill us!"

Drip of water is heard - Foster is silent and motionless as she stares at Nadia, Foster is finding it very difficult to actually believe what Nadia is saying and is always considering the notion in the back of her mind that it is just another game she is playing in an attempt to escape once again. Foster blinks as she ponders her thoughts over Nadia's serious disposition and knowledge of the ship. Foster suddenly veers her eyes down towards the floor.

Nadia takes a short breath of air as she say's, "My captain, Alexi, and me" (Nods forward slightly - Takes a deep breath) "were the last to survive." (Takes a deep breath) (Nadia looks down fleetingly as she blinks) "We cut their cables, (Blinks rapidly) smashed them" Nadia is becoming emotional as she explains her experiences with Foster.

Foster rapidly shakes her head as confusion penetrates her mind, Foster say's with speed, "Wait Wait a minute", "You just said them?" (Hesitates) "before you said "it." (Hesitates) Foster shakes her head negatively as she say's with a whispering tone, "Who's "them?"

A light and high pitched breeze is heard - Nadia hunches her eyes as she becomes confused from Fosters questioning, Nadia Mmms - Nadia shakes her head fleetingly as she whispers with a perplexed uncertainty, "Machines" - Nadia umms as she closes her eyes unable to fully explain her theory, Nadia opens her eyes and instantly say's "Uh Machines". Nadia takes a deep breath of air -

Foster slowly whispers back to Nadia "Machines" as she slightly lowers her head. A moment of silence has now come between the two woman. Foster stares at Nadia as she tries her best to believe what she is saying, (Drip of water is heard) Foster sighs softly Ahh as she looks down in disbelief at Nadia's explanation. It is difficult for Foster to accept that Nadia is telling the truth and that she is only playing mad head games in an attempt to escape.

Drip of water is heard - Nadia stares at Foster with an inbuilt terror and denial that if no one believes her bad things will happen to the crew of the Sea Star and they will be in terrible danger. If Nadia can not persuade Foster to believe her then everyone will think she is stir crazy. Nadia hunches her eyebrows as she shakes her head negatively, "I'm telling you the truth". Nadia is becoming emotional again as her mind plays tricks on her in the darkness of the hull.

A banging an echoing sound is heard that is getting closer - Foster nods slightly forward rapidly as she replies to Nadia's story, Foster is in two minds about Nadia's explanation as she say's, "I..(Looks down) I know", Foster closes her eyes again as she say's :I: Foster is about to continue a difficult conversation with Nadia as the voice of Captain Everton is suddenly heard from a distance. (Everton shouts loudly "Foster") Foster quickly turns her head around clockwise as she investigates the sudden loud sound. Foster shouts back, "Yeah..I'm in here". Captain Everton has managed to navigate his way to Foster to find out the situation with Nadia.

Suddenly Nadia reacts badly to Captain Everton's loud voice as she rapidly gasps and jerks back on her feet. Nadia looks on over towards Everton who is making his way over towards her and Foster. Nadia's eyes are wide and she is in deep fear for her life.

Captain Everton quickly appears alongside Hiko who is just behind him, A light tapping of metal and feet is heard as the men approach, Hiko is shining a torch from behind as he raises his left hand up to the ceiling while looking at Nadia. Foster turns clockwise as he looks down at the terrified intruder as he ponders his thoughts on her mental capacity and reasoning. More plundered and sabotaged wires and electronic circuits rest festering just behind the Captain.

Hiko shines his flash light directly over towards Foster and Nadia as he attempts to isolate the pair and reduce the chances of Nadia making another escape. Nadia's face illuminates as Hiko's bright light penetrates the dry darkness of the hull. Foster holds her right hand up and towards Hiko and Everton as she tries to decrease the light that Hiko is producing and also for Captain Everton to keep his distance as Foster already has the situation under control. A dreamy and airy synthesizer pan chord is playing to provide atmosphere.

Foster places her right hand out in front of Nadia with fingers outstretched as she say's reassuringly "It's Okay". Nadia is still transfixed to Captain Everton and Hiko as her mind fears the worst. A creaking noise is heard as Foster slowly moves on her feet around Nadia to her right as she say's, "Nobody's going to hurt you". (Nadia breathes heavily) Foster suddenly stands to her feet as she say's, "It's Okay, "It's Okay".

Foster quickly makes her way over to Captain Everton to fill him in on the situation. Nadia pushes herself back further against the back wall before joining her hands together as she silently waits for Fosters return.

Captain Everton stares at Nadia for a brief moment longer before paying his attention to Foster, A light tapping of feet is heard from Foster - As Foster approaches, Everton smiles while raising his eyebrows and say's softly while nodding forward slightly, "She's nuts!" Foster sighs loudly as she instantly looks to Hiko while shaking her head rapidly in a positive motion before sweeping her head back to the Captain. Everton nods positively several times as he looks and veers his eyes over to Nadia. Foster hesitates before saying with a loud and concerned whisper, "But something scared the hell out of her." Hiko is static as he continuously looks to Foster, Suddenly Foster turns her head around clockwise as she puts her attention back to Nadia.

Nadia takes fast breaths of air as she cowers like a small mouse that has been disturbed. Captain Everton, Hiko, and Foster are now all looking at Nadia and making there own minds up on how they should deal with her, After all she did ambush Stevie, Hiko, Everton, and Foster in sick bay and as far as Everton is concerned she is a loose cannon not to be trusted.

Hiko continues to watch Nadia from a distance for a short moment longer before turning his head and looking towards Everton, Foster also turns away from Nadia as she begins to whisper loudly her opinion on how to deal with the new crew member. Foster is breathless as she say's to Hiko and Everton, "I say we get her up to the bridge", Both Hiko and Everton turn there heads towards Foster as she begins to speak. Foster suddenly raises her right hand towards Hiko to signal a request as she say's, "Hiko".

Hiko nods positively as he "Mn-hmm's" under his breath to Foster, Foster rapidly turns around in an anti clockwise motion as she returns back to the silent and fearful science officer. As Foster turns she fleetingly places her right hand onto Hiko's right shoulder. Hiko looks solemnly towards Everton as the Captain veers his eyes to him and say's "Give me the flashlight". Hiko quickly turns clockwise as he makes his way over to Foster and Nadia. (Hiko removes his left hand from the large silver pipe attached to the ceiling) Foster is heard from a distance speaking to Nadia in a reassuring way, "You're gonna be Okay, It's Okay, It's Okay." Foster speaks quickly and carefully as she attempts to relax and persuade the woman to adhere to the agreed plan. (A slow and eerie violin provides atmosphere.)

Nadia raises her right hand out slightly as she tries to push Foster away from her, Foster is sympathetic and understanding as she say's, "We're gonna get you something to eat." Nadia is feeling stressed and very nervous as she Um's in a negative and anxious way, Nadia strikes her left hand out at an awkward angle fleetingly as her mind fizzes with electrical disturbance. Nadia looks to her right as Foster continues to bend over her. Foster say's "Come on,...Come On Come on" as she maintains the pressure,

Foster say's, "Watch your head" ..."Watch your head." as she looks up at the ceiling while placing her right hand around the back of Nadia for mental support. Nadia veers her eyes vertically to the ceiling for a short second before placing both of her hands on to the top of her head. Large silver pipes and trusses frequent the ceiling and some will be hot with flowing liquids and gasses. As Nadia steps forward she ducks to avoid the pipes, Foster say's, "It's Okay". A light tapping of feet is heard as Nadia quickly steps forward towards Captain Everton and Hiko while Foster supports her from behind.

Hiko is stood by an electrical control terminal that has been severly damaged and is collecting a circular mound of wire with both hands. (Hiko twirls the wire around his right hand) Hiko has a large length of white wire coiled around his right hand, Hiko lifts his right hand up slightly so that it is above his left, Suddenly a whooshing sound of air is heard as Hiko rapidly pulls the white coiled wire away from the terminal with both hands. Hiko fleetingly looks down at the trashed terminal before looking over towards Foster and Nadia who are making there way out from the back wall.

Foster continues to reassure Nadia with softly spoken words, Okay - :Are you Okay?" Foster is leading Nadia slowly towards Hiko who is standing silent and motionless. Hiko waits patiently for Foster and Nadia to reach his position as he coils the white wire in his hands. Nadia replies to Foster as she say's "Yes".

As Foster and Nadia reach Hiko Foster shouts out loudly "Go!", Foster suddenly pushes Nadia over towards Hiko so that he can bind her arms tightly with the white wire. A loud thud is heard as Nadia lands into Hiko's chest area while looking down at the floor in a distressed manner. Hiko begins to wrap his arms around Nadia as he attempts to control her violent and unpredictable temperament, Hiko snatches Nadia's wrists with both hands as he attempts to bond Nadia's hands together with the strong and flexible wire cord. Foster is just behind Nadia as she assists in locking down and capturing Nadia for good, Nadia tussles and fights hard as she screams out loudly, "No!...No!" Nadia screams and groans for her life as she shakes her head violently from side to side,

Nadia continues to tussle with Hiko and Foster as Hiko finishes the final touches to Nadia's wrists, (Captain Everton shines a flashlight onto the situation from the left) Foster looks up to Hiko and say's with a strained voice, "You got her?" - Hiko instantly nods positively two times to Foster to indicate that she is now securely tied up by the wrists. Immediately having confirmation from Hiko, the navigator shouts out, "Okay Go!" as she pushes Nadia away from her body with both hands. (Foster grimaces from the extreme effort) Captain Everton takes the lead and is the first person to leave the room as he lights the way back to the bridge. Hiko pulls Nadia along the boiler room backwards for a few steps before turning her around anti clockwise and out of the door as he leads her up to the bridge. As Nadia is force marched out of the room she shouts out with a deep sadness and sincerity, 'I am not a threat". A rumbling of feet, walls and materials is heard as Nadia disappears into the darkness. Nadia shouts out again from a distance, "I'm not a threat".

Foster is emotionally and physically exhausted after having to chase Nadia down and then provide emotional support to the woman who she and the others still don't trust. Foster breathes out heavily as she ponders her thoughts.

Richie and Woods are deeply connected with the ship and it's massive layout of rooms as they explore further. Both men slowly walk down a new corridor which has several large pipes attached to either side of the wall. Woods speaks to Richie and say's "I used to go Turkey hunting...you know with my dad". I tell you, it beats the shit outta this, man." Richie slowly edges forward with interest as he suddenly shushes Woods three times in quick succession to be quiet. Both Woods and Richie stand instantly still on there feet as they look ahead into the darkness. (High pitched echoing sound of whirring and moving machinery can be heard in the distance). Richie speaks to Woods as he maintains his focus ahead "You hear that?" Richie is slightly spooked by the strange sounds"

Both men scan and sweep there lights upwards as they investigate the corridor ahead, Woods speaks and say's" It Sounds like somebody's working down there."

Woods beams his light forward while Richie looks down at the floor at something that has now got his attention. Richie say's with anguish "Oh God as he bends down to the ground". (More mechanical and high pitched whirring sounds are heard). Richie quickly snatches up a large and severed power cable that has been hastily laid to rest - Richie looks up and forward with fright and panic as his eyes widen as the sounds of machinery continue. Richie's mind is now in overdrive as he considers the fact machinery and lights need power and severing a high voltage cable does not make any sense at all. Richie rubs down the cable with his right hand as he gets a strange feel for his new environment.

Richie has decided that the Russian enemy may be close by and is taking no chances, Richie bursts through the door ahead that leads into a large workshop with his weapon ready, Richie shouts out loudly "Hey, anybody in here". Richie sweeps his light from side to side as he attempts to reveal any odd or disturbing phenomena.

Woods dislikes Richie's loud and brutal entrance as he say's softly, Shh Shh - "Quiet man" (Hesitates) Be quiet. - The workroom is very busy with moving robot arms - A yellow arm to the right quickly moves forwards before moving off to it's right. (Whirring sounds are heard as the robotic arms move - A black robotic arm to the left quickly moves downwards before twisting in a clockwise motion slowly around. - Occasional bright flashes of light illuminate the room to reveal more detail - Two high and slim robotic creations are visible to the far back of the room, The left arm suddenly opens it's claw as it slowly bends down to pick up a piece of metal circuit board for manipulation. Other machines slowly twist and turn as they go about there business. A red laser emits from one of the arms - Large amounts of metal and other components lay on a bench to provide materials for the robotic arms to work with.

The robotic arms continuously work and seem to have a will of there own.

A small robot to the right has already been constructed and moves it's large pincer grippers up and down as they provide more technical and finer electronic production. Every working unit provides a service to the next robot and so on.

Richie is nervous and very on edge as he sweeps his torch to his right, Woods whispers some more wise words - "Stay down" Speaks with grit - There might be somebody" Richie quickly looks to his left before focusing right once more.

A low level echoing humming is heard infused with electronic components that click loudly. - A smaller robotic creation from the left moves it's head down to create a loud click - Flash of luminescence lightens the room - Richie stands motionless as he shines his torch up and over at something in the distance. More smaller robots continuously produce a high pitched whirring as they manipulate and design new components and new machines. Richie speaks and say's' Hey Woodsy - There's another one of those things man!" A robotic arm to the right side moves in and out as it provides a service to the smaller units.

Earlier on Woods and Richie were harassed by a flying contraption that when shot by Richie produced a rather unpleasant odour. Now another flying mechanical and electronic robot provides eyes and ears for the workshop, Two large mechanical wings that resemble a large insect flutter up and down while producing a strange humming sound. A large power cable is attached to it's head to provide immediate power for it's circuits.

Richie stares up at the flying contraption as he carefully rests his right hand onto a power lever that is attached to a power control box. Suddenly a loud echoing click and whoosh of fast spinning cogs is heard as Richie pulls down on the lever to cut the power. The mechanical components slowly lose there electrical life and come to a stop as the room dims to a dull darkness.

Richie rapidly removes his hand as he focuses his attention on the workroom and it's occupants. Richie bends down slightly as he shines his light forward - Richie is feeling nervous and slightly confused at the strange situation.

The flying robot quickly pulls it's wings up to it's metal body as it's bright neon blue eyes shine brightly for a few prolonged seconds more before going out to a deep blackness.

A loud whooshing sound causes Richie to jump with a nervous disposition as he quickly bends down and shines his light ahead.

Woods continues to shine his torch ahead in a side to side movement as Richie slowly stands back to his feet in silence and slight bewilderment at the odd situation. Woods suddenly whispers from behind and say's "Let's go man!" - Richie quickly shushes Woods and is in no mood to leave the workshop as his inquiring mind takes over". Woods speaks out again "I'm outta here as he stands at the exit door."

Somewhere deep inside the cold and creaking hull of the Academic Vladislav Volkov Stevie is slowly making his way down a long and derelict metal passageway as he attempts to locate Squeaky. A light tapping of feet is heard as Stevie slowly walks forward - A chattering of mechanics and fast moving legs is heard from a distance - The fast scuttling of steel and insect infused ambience has got Stevie's Adrenalin running as he suddenly turns in an anti clockwise motion completely around to face the direction of sound -

Stevie shines his light down into the void as he attempts to identify the strange and odd mechanical sounds.

Stevie's light penetrates so far down and illuminates a medium sized scuttling gatherer that has immediately took a dislike for Steve's ambience. The robotic collector quickly scuttles forward and out of view of the curious Stevie who is beginning to feel that something is just not right.

(Irritating sounds of fast moving tapping feet is heard from the contraption as it glides over the metal grills of it's surface.)

Richie suddenly lowers his right hand and places his weapon into his left along with his torch, Stevie uses his free right hand to reach inside his right trouser pocket to retrieve his radio mic. Stevie fumbles momentarily before a loud click is heard as Stevie switches the radio device on. Stevie raises his radio to his mouth as he prepares to communicate with the mentally absorbed Richie and the wiser let's get out of here Woods. Stevie looks down into the void as he speaks with concern and slight annoyance -Static pop) 'Richie - Woods - Where the hell are you too?" Stevie looks from side to side with an agitated mind set as he speaks over his radio.

Richie and Woods stand fixed to the floor as there minds attempt to understand why no one is maintaining the electrical equipment, Richie is now in awe at the amazing sights in front of him, Richie is also a electrical enthusiast and is overwhelmed by the technically advanced robots and self maintaining equipment. Richie slowly turns to his left as he shines his torch while absorbing the detail in front of him. Richie replies to Stevie and say's "Hey Hey" Steve listen - Richie wants Steve to find the same enthusiasm as he does for the workshop and it's occupants. Richie continues "There's a machine shop down here man, Richie turns back to his right and say's with excitement - With ahh - Richie is lost for words at all the machinery and amazing technology that is self automated and self learning. High pitched continuous synthesizer key provides atmosphere

Richie is heard emanating from Stevie's radio mic as he say's with awe "State of the art robotics". Stevie is not as enthusiastic as Richie and is more concerned for Squeaky's well being than the workshop. Steve raises his mic to his mouth and say's back to Richie with slight frustration and vexation "Look, I already told you twice".. to get your asses down to the engine room!" You hear me? Steve lifts his head back up as he turns clockwise and slowly makes his way down the long corridor. Tapping of feet is heard -

Richie still wants to control the situation and is in no rush to locate the engine room with Woods. Woods on the other hand does want to find Squeaky and please Stevie who has authority over him. Richie has become slight agitated as he rapidly snaps his right elbow out towards Woods with dislike for his eagerness to find Squeaky. Woods slowly backs away from the door with a silent and facially devoid expression as Richie replies back - Yeah Yeah - Richie holds his radio slightly away from his face as he turns his head slightly right and takes another much needed look at the room - Richie snaps his head the other way as he say's "Were coming". Click is heard as Richie lowers his radio down, Richie looks clockwise towards Woods as he slowly edges out of the room while steel feeling a unique urge to explore further and disobeying Stevie's orders.

Richie looks forward one more time as he back steps out of the steel door while sticking his tongue out to the right side of his mouth, Creaking is heard - Very High pitched sound is heard - The machinery has stopped and all is quiet - Richie turns his head left as he watches Woods make his way away from the workshop. A light scuffling of feet and moving bodies is heard as Richie disappears from view.

Richie has switched off all power to the workshop and it is now very quiet and void of any movement or flashing lights. The flying contraption is very aware of the situation and has sent electrical communication to the main server unit to make it aware that production has stopped.

The camera slowly pans in towards the power switch box that Richie utilised to stop the flow of work, An eerie synthesizer chord plays to provide suspense -

Suddenly an enormous flash of light infused with a loud fizzing of electrical disturbance is heard as the power box explodes into a mass of hot sparks and showers of bright and intense light.

The electrical explosion is short lived as a crackling sound is heard - The familiar strobe light ambiance has returned as the alien entity restores power back to it's workshop.

Flashes of bright light and fizzy and whooshing sounds of chaotic electrical current bring life back to the solitude and darkness of the room,.

Power has now been fully restored and work can now resume, The flying insect contraption rapidly lights back up to life as it's bright neon blue lights shine intensely - A mechanical whirring is heard as the insects wings inject into life fluttering and pulsating in an up and down motion as the energy returns to it's circuits and organically simulated components.

More whirring and rumbling emanates and fills the room as a critter that is being supported by a large robotic arm gyrates and rapidly extends it's arms in an in and out motion. Robot arm swings out right) Critters that have moved on to stage two of the process also shake and scuttle to life as they continue there tasks. (High pitched injection of sound is heard)

Suddenly Richie appears from his right side as he pears in to the workroom that was deathly silent just a few moments earlier. Richie is alert and very cautious as he watches the machines continue there duties. (Loud sounds of whirring mechanics and electrical pulses of energy is heard - Bright flashes of intense light create a flickering effect inside the workshop space. The robotic arms and smaller units continue to carry out there basic tasks relentless and completely against man's control. Two robotic arms bend down as they select and pull metal and electrical components from a pile of collected materials that lay in front of them,. Mechanic whining is heard from the well oiled joints of the robots as there arms snap into another direction or there main arms swings from side to side. A multitude of taller snake orientated arms are visible to the back wall. Some have red laser eyes while some are void of light. They move up and down almost like a serpent as they provide a key service to the room. A clunking is heard as the technical devices shift and move in all directions. (Some robots carry white lights to illuminate the surfaces that they are working on. Red lasers return to provide pinpoint accuracy to circuit board creation. The robots move and react with each other almost as if they are communicating in a strange robotic language.

Richie is completely taken back by the sudden return of power as his mind attempts to fathom the impossible, Richie steps backwards as he rests his back against the thick steel door that leads to the workshop. Richie leans his head right as he looks in at the amazing state of the art stuff and is now thinking that he is being mentally confused by a Russian enemy or much worse but Richie must investigate. Richie speaks at a low level and say's "Come on Woodsy".

Richie is perplexed amazed and inspired by the incredible workshop setup as he rapidly propels himself into the room of whizzing and whirring mechanics. Richie looks quickly to his right as he beams his light forward feeling bewildered but immune from the moving and veracious electronics.

Whirring and clicking of robotics is heard - Richie turns anti clockwise as he ventures forward with light in hand. Richie feels on edge but also in awe of the setup.. Flashes and strobes of intense light reveal the abundance and severity of the gatherers actions as huge piles of stolen materials creates a mound of electronic trash.

The robots are very busy and will utilise every piece of hardware and scrap metal as they build an army of mechanical machines and contraptions.

Richie turns to face a quarter turn right and he shines his light over the moving robotic arms, Critters whine and whirl with excitement as there red eyes light up an intense traffic light red.

Woods is feeling nauseated and is not enjoying his time spent with Richie as he struggles with the flying contraption that Richie shot and neutralised earlier. It's insect shaped wings bounce up and down void of energy as Woods carries the awkward contraption with him with his right hand. Woods whispers loudly to himself with denial and resentment for the enthusiastic Richie, I'm Not - I'm not..I'm not coming Woods says as he edges into the room,.

Richie looks up and around as he shines his light - (High pitched synthesizer key is heard) Flickering but short lived flashes of light pierce the air) Richie looks forward with intense fascination at the workshop that refused to comply - A light tapping is heard as a serpent robot drops it's head down to the worktop below, Richie turns a quarter turn to his right as he looks forward at all of the moving machinery. (Blast of trumpet is also heard) Richie's mouth opens wide with astonishment as he spots something a few feet away.

Richie has become immensely attracted to a beautifully created gatherer critter that gyrates and scuttles at a rapid rate on a worktop just in front of him. Richie admires it's incredible design and construction as his mind absorbs the high specification device. This device was produced from parts of the ship that were collected by yet more gatherer robots. A loud clicking is heard as the spider robot dances and exercises on it's brand new and very oiled legs.

Suddenly a loud sizzling of hot and electronic heat is heard and seen followed by a plume of grey smoke as the internal circuits implode and fizzle out. (Croaking sound is heard from device)

The spider gatherer has blown a short circuit and has malfunctioned.

Snake serpent robots continue to raise up and down behind Richie as the astonished and mesmerised Richie steps forward.

The spider device does not stop working and die like traditional robots and electronic equipment but instead continues to scuttle and gyrate with an anxious rhythm. The gatherer indicates that it dislikes Richies presence as it pushes back on it's sharp claw shaped legs in an attempt to escape from the intrigued crewman. (Rattling and tapping of metal is heard)