Dramatic music plays to provide suspense - A loud splashing and rushing sound of petrol is heard as it plunges out of a large pipe at high speed,

Water bubbles cascade into a sea of liquid that foams at the mouth.

The camera slowly pans upwards as the large and massive outlet pipe belches out a continous flow of highly explosive and flammable liquid.

A loud and high pitched squeaking sound is heard as Foster struggles with intense effort with the control valve. Foster looks down as she twists the valve wheel at high speed with calculated surges of energy, The wheel flows freely and has not been welded shut by the alien entity. Foster tugs at the wheel as she gives the steel valve another turn creating more squeaking. Foster pushes the wheel one last time several inches as she opens the outlet flow to full capacity. Foster suddenly leaves the wheel valve having a feeling of satisfaction that the liquid is in full flow.

Foster quickly turns around clockwise as she rapidly walks away from the valve wheel, (Gushing of liquid is heard) Just a few feet away Stevie struggles with another valve as he also opens up the flow of petrol into the ships hold.

A few valuable minutes have passed and Stevie now holds an improvised and highly explosive grenade with timer. Stevie is using three thermite grenades from Nadia's bag and a timer unit. Stevie fumbles with the explosive package as he ensures the tape is securely fixed to ensure a strong hold. Nadia shines a torch down and over the explosive so that Steve has a better focus.

Steve reaches over to his right and takes a small black piece of tape from Foster, A light scrunching is heard as Steve attaches the tape to the side of a thermite grenade, Foster looks down and away from Steve as she retrieves another piece of tape. Foster reaches over and gives Steve another piece.

Fast violin chords are heard - Steve is absorbed in his work as he prepares the explosive device,

Electronic high pitched beeping sounds are heard as Steve sets the timer position with his right hand. (Timer increases one hour with each beep) Five beeps are heard in rapid succession as Steve sets the clock for exactly 15 minutes. Steve holds the timer in front of him as he slowly removes his right hand, Steve say's "That should do it."

Foster looks down at the explosive fleetingly before looking towards Nadia, Foster is full of emotions as the plan unfolds.

Nadia responds from Fosters facial composition as she instantly looks over to where the explosive should be set.

A light tapping of feet from Nadia is heard as she quickly makes her way over to a series of pipes, Nadia looks solemn as she stares down at the floor with torch in hand. Foster watches with fear as Nadia steps over to the explosive point.

Steve quickly follows Nadia as he bends down towards the pipes, Nadia shines her light over where Steve is working, Steve rests down on his right hand while holding the explosive device in his left.

Steve looks over the gap as he pin points where he should install the device, Steve leans over as he places the explosive onto a pipe section to his left. Steve is very careful as he sticks the explosive to the cold metal piping, (A loud echo of steel is heard as contact is made). Steve places his left thumb to the left side of the timer and presses down on a button to start the count down. A loud click is heard followed by a beeping sound. Steve lifts himself up and away from the pipes as the timer continues to beep for every second that is eliminated from the total time predicted.

The camera slowly zooms in on the explosive as the timer decreases in value.

Foster makes her way over to a metal storage rack that contains an abundance of Orange life jackets, Considering the plan is now irreversible the inevitable explosion will also create a a surge of cold sea water from the severed hull. Foster looks down and across the rack with intense enthusiasm as she attempts to locate three jackets for herself and Steve and Nadia. A rattling of materials is heard as Foster scrummages with both hands, A loud tap of metal is heard as Foster snatches a single jacket with her left and another with her right, Foster fleetingly looks to her right and back at Steve and Nadia with jackets in hand. Foster looks back down and retrieves a third life jacket with her right hand.

Steve and Nadia rest on there knees as they wait for Foster, Nadia breathes in heavily before saying with confidence, "Checkmate" - Nadia is keen to fight the alien entity and is just as keen to blow the ship as the others. Foster returns from the rack creating a light tapping of feet as she does so. Steve looks up and over towards the approaching navigation's officer as the plan becomes more involved.

Steve slowly stands and say's to Foster, "I gave us 15 minutes." Nadia is very alert as she looks all around just behind Steve, Nadia quickly stands with yellow torch in hand,

Foster speaks out loudly "Let's go." Steve speaks out and say's We should warn Richie." before looking down at his life jacket, Richie begins to fumble with the jackets belts and straps as he prepares to put it on.

Foster turns and makes her way a short distance to a radio mic.

Foster quickly grabs the radio with her hand as she attempts to contact Richie and warn him of there plan and the inevitable explosion.

Foster rapidly raises the radio to her mouth and turns around clockwise as she begins to speak through the mic, "Richie Richie", If you can hear me" Both Nadia and Stevie begin to put there orange life jackets on with both hands.

Richie Mason is still alive and is resting inside the Telemetry room, A monitor just behind Richie produces a distorted and chaotic display of wavering charts and numerical data at a constant flow. Richie is silent as he stares into the void, Foster voice emanates from Richie's radio as Foster continues, "We are leaving the ship." Foster screams loudly "Richie to catch his attention which causes Mason to turn his head slowly right. Richie holds an electronic device in both hands that has several bright red lights illuminated. Richie is carrying out his own plan and has no interest in joining up with the others.

Foster shouts out again, "Richie',

Suddenly an almighty loud thud of heavy steel is heard which causes Foster to scream out with fright and shock, Foster rapidly spins around anti clockwise as she faces the loud and surprising sound. Nadia is also spooked as her legs twitch from the sudden sound,

Foster gasps a fearful breath of air as her eyes widen and produce an intoxicated light of emotions, Steve is also flustered and begins to panic. A loud metal grinding and ripping sliding tension is heard from the other side of a steel door which fills the sub basement area with evil. Both Steve Nadia and Foster can do nothing but wait in anticipation at the evil sound and it's attack procedure.

For a short moment in time the steel door seems to be able to contain the heavy machinery that lays just behind it.

Suddenly another loud blast of steel is heard creating a horrific sound throughout the ship, The left side of the door suddenly explodes open with tremendous forces to reveal a robotic contraption from behind. The door crumples and buckles at speed as it bends down like a piece of toffee unable to withstand this robots sheer mechanical power. Two piercing purple eyes emanate out from the bent steel accompanied by a very bright purple lamp that blinds every eye in the vicinity. The robot produces a severe grinding of steel that is super high pitched in every detail. A rubbing of energetic claws twist and dig into the doors steel, The robot has much better movement as it's back ripples to the right with ease,

Now a loud rumbling sound is heard accompanied by the brightest purple strobe light ever witnessed. This new model of robotic is just another trick in the alien entities quest to dominate the ship and it's crew.

Steve stares down at the monster of metal and is flabbergasted and shocked at what he is now witnessing, A squealing of insects infused with a loud banging is heard followed by a pulsating and blinding light of purple. Steve grimaces from the infectious light as he attempts to absorb the alien luminescence. Steve can do nothing and is hypnotised on the spot.

It is difficult for Foster and Nadia to look ahead as the purple light is so intense, Foster grimaces and can only hope for the best. More robotic sounds are heard which causes Foster to twitch and shake her head as she steps backwards from the dangerous mechanised robot. More light pierces through the broken gap in the door, Foster can only keep her distance but the door is now moments away from total destruction.

The unforgiving purple light deep scans the contents of the other side of the door in it's quest for absolute knowledge and domination.

The alien machine is hell bent on penetrating through the door and has a deep grudge to bear with the survivors, The alien pushes out with it's right claw as the door is pushed away, The alien slides it's mechanics to face the left side as more force is used with it's left claw. A loud banging is heard as the alien sinks down and strikes out at the left side of the door, More flashes of pulsating purple light emerge from the gap in the door.

The brightest purple light beams out and over towards the survivors, it's ambience indicates that this new and more powerful robot may contain the essence that was the alien energy from outer space.

Nadia Steve and Foster slowly and carefully step back one foot at a time as they attempt to gather there senses, The evil robot has blown a fuse as it continues to break the door down.

A loud sound of chinking pipes is heard as the robot unleashes it's fury and anger, Suddenly the left portion of the steel door crumples and is completely flattened by the heavy metal beast, The robot slams open the right side of the door with it's powerful hydraulic claw as a thunderous sound of deep and disturbing fusion energy is heard. The robot is now on the move as it's vast arms spiral over it's dense and complicated body, The right side of the door explodes from it' s fixing and hits the deck creating an almighty thud of metal. Foster looks to her left and behind her as she evaluates her escape plan if any exists,

The incredible power and injection of the robot cause both Foster and Stevie there utmost attention, this is no such thing to ignore.

A rattling and creaking is heard as the robots right leg slams down heavy to the floor below, The robot bangs as it moves it's heavily fortified legs one step at a time with a slight angle to the rhythm and mechanical construction. The left leg slams down awkwardly as the robot lurches forward unprovoked, Stevie Nadia and Foster are grounded to the floor as they watch the crazed mechanical contraption come ever closer. The right back leg slams down hard as it smashes and dents the steel floor completely compelled to move forward, Mechanical whirring is now heard as the motors warm up.

The robot protrudes forward as it lifts up the bottom half of it's metal sculpted face to reveal and even more frightening situation. Scalpels and sharp implements have been carefully attached to the front of the aliens face to provide death to who ever is brave enough to come closer. The aliens head glides in an up and down motion as the motors screech and whirl into action. Another weapon protrudes from the aliens chest and provides a saw type of implement. The alien maintains a flesh blood and bone skeleton and will also have an updated firmware and AI.

The whirring and the screeching of metal and flesh is overwhelming for the survivors as they all step back in complete fear. More thudding is heard as the alien continues to approach, Foster is now in red alert mode as she rapidly turns her head behind her in an elusive attempt to find an escape for her and her friends. A high pitched thud and whirring now causes Foster to turn her head back around swiftly, Steve closes his eyes fleetingly as he attempts to shut out the horror in front of him. Nadia holds her torch tightly and can not leave her friends.

Stevie, Foster and Nadia have inadvertently become trapped and have no where to run to, Whirring and a loud thudding of heavy metal continues as the Goliath mechanical monster continues to approach the survivors. The bright purple lamp above the beast also reveals the detail and construction of the robot as it crashes forward, The robot side steps as it's mechanics glide into motion for a split second in time,

Stevie suddenly looks behind him and down as he attempts to find an escape route, Foster looks to Steve before flipping herself around anti clockwise and also looking down into the depths of the ships hold that is now full of diesel fuel. Nadia stands frozen on the spot and can only pray that the beast does not strike out at her nimble and delicate frame.

High pitched violins provide the sound score, From below a huge cascading flow of petrol continues to fill the ships hold, A swell of bubbling and frothing turbulence has been created as the liquid hits the water line.

A high pitched scratching sound is heard which causes Stevie to instantly turn back around from the sea of petrol as he faces the monster of circuit boards and human remains once more, Foster is also hypnotised by the purple light and the sheer size and over whelming power of the beast.

Suddenly the robot has decided that it wants to attack the survivors as it's head unit spins into action. More whirring is heard as the powerful motors kick into motion to power it's heavy metal load. The robot lifts it's head up at an angle to it's right while two top tentacles begin to move up down and all around as they scan the environment. Generous amounts of muscle and human flesh have been put to good use as the putrid material wraps tightly around and into the joins of the aliens construction. Much more effort has been put into this machine and the alien entity will only build bigger and more deadly machines if it can source the parts.

Fosters mind is frozen as her fears become reality, Steve quickly turns to face Foster as the alien machine extends it's head unit out and towards Foster. Steve does not hesitate as he automatically pushes Fosters right shoulder with both hands. Steve grunts loudly as he exercises extreme force to push the frozen Foster away from the robot in an attempt to save her life. Steve bends slightly as he grimaces and closes his eyes while Foster turns her head left in the direction she is being propelled. Foster screams out loudly as her body is pushed several feet across the floor.

Steve uses his initiative to protect Foster from the aliens ambitions and programmed plan of attack.

Foster maintains her standing position as she quickly wraps her arms around a large silver beam while hiding behind the massive tube for protection. The massive robot is locked and loaded as it follows Fosters every move, The intense bright purple lamp glows with enormous luminescence as it attempts to blind the survivors for an easy kill,. Steve swings back to his right as he stands brave and fearsome against the Goliath machine.

The distressful ordeal has broken Fosters concentration as he accidentally drops the radio mic out from her right hand and onto the metal floor below. A plastic rattling sound is heard as the radio mic bounces momentarily on the floor before spinning in a 360 degree motion before landing 2 feet away from Fosters left leg.

Steve sprints to the other side of the gangway as he instantly hides behind another large silver tube in his bid to protect his life. Steve continues to maintain focus with the alien machine while placing both hands onto the tube for support. Steve runs between a first tube and a second tube just a few feet apart, Steve peers through the gap in the pipes over towards Foster as he holds onto both pipes with a single hand on each. Steve reaches the second pipe and lowers himself down slightly as he peers over towards the evil machine with intense terror on his mind. Steve breathes heavilly as he pushes his head through the massive pipes, as he does so his entire face lights up with an intense purple luminesence, this is to remind the engineer that he is not dreaming.

As Steve faces the beast he can only wish for a miracle, More whirring is now heard as the alien machine quickly loses it's attention with Foster and is now focused on Steve. The alien revolves it's fleshy head right and over towards Steve, Steve has triggered the aliens responsive circuits to draw it's venom away from Foster, Multiple scalpel tentacles burst into movement as it scopes out Steve, An intense blue light suddenly illuminates the machine for a brief second as a loud singular clicking sound is heard. The alien stares at Steve with pure evil as it's eyes glow a pinky red tone of colour.

Suddenly the alien mechanics strike out towards Steve as the engineer watches with horror and amazement at the fascinating technology that is hell bent of killing him and his crew. Steve just stares at the alien and the light and is frozen in time, A huge and long tentacle with a large claw attached to the end bursts out from the contraption directly towards Steve's head and body. A massive thud is heard followed by a loud and agonising groan from Steve as the heavy claw smashes into the silver pipe to Steve's right. A massive dent is now seen inside the pipe as it begins to bend and fold over on itself. The massive impact has sent Steve flying and crashes down onto the floor below. Steve attempts to shield his face by wrapping his left hand around his face to the other side

The huge pipe has now lost it's stability as it falls over on top of Steve, The alien stands just in front of the falling pipe and generates an electronic buzzing sound of achievement as the pipe falls. A massive bang of heavy steel is heard as the pipe collapses down and rests on top of a valve wheel.

The heavy pipe now rests precariously against a large valve wheel, Steve has been sent flying from the collapse and extreme forces as the alien contraption scans the environment for a victory sign.

This massive attack from the alien propels Steve across the floor before he collapses down onto a cross section of piping below his feet. Steve has been knocked out cold from the violence and has now become unconscious. Steve rests his right hand over his chest while his left hand flops out and over below him. (Dramatic music score plays out)

Nadia has now joined Foster behind a large pipe to her left as she attempts to survive just a few moments longer, Nadia witnesses the defeat and attack on Steve and stares with intense fear at the beast of steel and electrical components. A light tap is heard as Nadia suddenly places her right hand against the cold steel of the pipe as shock and fright come home at a greater rate.

A sawing grinding sound is heard as the alien machine returns it's attention to Foster and also Nadia, The aliens face tentacles twitch and move in and out as it senses the heat and smell of the human virus. The alien turns it's slimy head towards the two survivors as it attempts to dominate the situation.

Nadia and Foster look up at the massive robot unable to move as there best hope of survival is now the steel beams which have proven to be weak adversary. A loud whirring is suddenly heard as the alien strikes out towards the pipes in an attempt to hurt the two crew members. A loud groaning of pain is heard as the first pipe to the left is smashed heavily with the aliens powerful claw fist, The pipe bends and breaks with ease as the frightened pair attempt to escape. A loud rumbling sound is heard as the pipe topples over towards the pair of survivors,

Nadia and Foster scream loudly with intense fear as there bodies are propelled anti clockwise so that they now face the ledge where an almighty drop of many feet is now the main obstacle.

Foster and Nadia are robustly knocked off there feet and over the ledge into the abyss, A hot grey steam bellows from the severed pipes as the alien stands behind them content of it's actions. Nadia has been blown off her feet and has propelled over the chain barriers and onto a series of pipes, Nadia groans as she lands heavily on her stomach against the hard and cold steel that channels and provides water to the ships many rooms. Foster has also been forcefully knocked over the steel fencing and has landed directly onto a over hanging pipe, Foster clings for dear life with both hands as she holds on for dear life. In one complete movement Foster loses her grip with her left hand as she swings out, Fosters yellow torch drops down and swings furiously from off her left wrist as she desperately attempts to find solid ground. Suddenly a plume of hot steam ejects from a secondary pipe just right of the pipe Foster clings too. This causes Foster to lose her grip with her right hand and has no choice but to fall several feet onto the last metal rung of a short ladder system. Foster grunts with effort as she precariously hangs onto the bottom rung with all her strength.

Foster grimaces as she closes her eyes in an attempt to shut out the overwhelming terror she is experiencing. Foster swings backwards and forwards from the rung as she swings violently. Foster grunts once more as she looks up towards Nadia before looking back down as she closes her eyes once again from the horror. Foster is stuck on the ladder and needs to find the strength to pull herself up or face the deep depths below. Foster clings to the bottom rung as she looks up once more in an attempt to locate where the alien is.

The alien mechanical beast unfortunately does not sympathise with Foster and is still intent on killing her, A loud whizzing and whirring sound is heard as the alien machine suddenly strikes out with it's robotic flesh covered left arm, The alien sweeps left and follows it's arm action as it smashes it's hydraulic claw into another pipe to the far right, A hot grey steam begins to belch from the damaged pipe as the robot changes direction. More whirring is heard including a much higher pitched grind of motors as the alien changes tactics, It's head unit slithers and turns left to face another pipe as it intends to wreck complete havoc on the flooring and structural components. The alien bends down as it sweeps to it's left striking out with it's left claw and arm. A loud thud is heard as another pipe is severely dented, A squeaking sound infused with an almighty bang is heard as the pipe explodes back having been smashed by the bulldozer power of the robot. A grinding metal sound is heard as the alien slides it's head centre and out over the ledge.

Electronic whirring is heard again as the motors of the machine do some severe overtime, The alien is determined to kill the crew members and will completely desecrate the entire floor if it is required. A thick steam bellows out of a large pipe to the aliens complete ignorant disregard, (Dramatic music is heard) The alien bends it's head unit down as it's blade constructed tentacles gyrate and open and close with electrifying excitement.

Foster continues to grimace and strain her muscles as she clings on for the last moments of her life, Foster swings precariously from side to side as her energy levels drain, Foster looks down into the darkness and prays that something powerful and good will deliver her from the evil above her, Nadia is silent and motionless and in all respects is playing dead or has passed out from the extreme ordeal.

A loud trashing of metal and moving objects is heard as the alien instantly stands up on it's powerful mechanical legs, (Deep electronic whirring is heard) The alien widens it's claw weapons as it utilises the powerful grip the utensils provide. As the alien raises up it pulls the grate from the floor raising it up several feet into the air as a mangles and bent heap of steel. (Alien looks down as it destroys the floor) Robot is intent on killing Foster with all means possible to it's disposal.

Foster gasps with extreme fright as the sound of the crashing and steaming pipes reaches her ears, Foster looks up at the sound and the robots presence fleetingly before looking back the into the abyss, Foster now knows that she can't climb back up the ladder as the alien robot will finish her off for certain, Foster s mind races from her experience on the ship including the deaths of Squeaky, Hiko Woods and Captain Everton in the short space of several hours, Maybe the only option is to fall and take a chance or cling on which would be the natural human instinct. (Foster gasps for air)

Whirring from the robot is heard from above - Foster stares down into the deep void of blue light and may now feel her destiny is too fall and die right now or face an agonising death from the robot above. It is a very long way to fall and survival will be slim if Foster let's go.

Suddenly more screeching and sawing is heard from the Goliath machine which causes Foster to look back up and through the gaps in the pipe wreckage. Foster strains as the blood rushes to her face and upper torso.

The robotic contraption has become much more angry and determined to eject Foster from the ladder section, With a powerful twist of the robots hydraulic machinery the machine swings out right with both arms towards some more pipes that stretch along the ceiling just above the monstrosity. A loud thudding of metal is heard as a long pipe is ripped from it's fixings and comes crashing down below, The robot swings out and vertically down with it's left claw as it smashes a much larger pipe that is stretching across the front of the machine,

Steam bellows out from around the machine as it carries out it's methodical attack on Foster,. The robots head suddenly extends out like a lizards tongue before striking down with all it's might onto the much thicker piping in front of it. The sheer power of the machine has now removes all stability to the piping and has created an avalanche of falling debris. A thicker beam of steel suddenly falls from the ceiling at speed passing over the front pipe that has bent to one side.

Foster witnesses the mayhem and mechanical Psychosis of the machine as it rages war with Foster, Foster grimaces as she clings on to the last rung with the last of her strength. To Fosters misfortune the falling beam is in a direct path with her as skilfully calculated by the robotic beast. The first piece of beam debris falls fast and hurtles past Foster falling to her right and into the abyss below,

To Fosters horror another piece follows just behind and hit's the bottom rung directly in between Fosters outstretched hands. Other pieces big and small rain down from above just missing Foster by inches. A loud clanking of pipe is heard as the debris hits the ladder, Unfortunately Foster is unable to hold on any further from the downward forces and lets go off the ladder rung in an instant.

Foster flails her arms out as she grimaces from the sheer shock of falling to her death,

A sound of smashing glass is heard as hundreds of pieces of debris spray out and down towards Foster who is now in free fall,

Foster screams out a continuous cry of sheer terror as she falls backwards into the darkness, Pieces of debris follow her down spinning in a circular motion while some just glide.

Foster has been defeated by the robot and must now face the ships hold, Foster continues to fall backwards with arms flailing out.

Fosters screams become deeper with echo attached to the sound now that she has reached a deeper place within the ships depths, Foster falls past a series of pipes that are attached to a side wall as she plummets at high speed to her watery grave.

Suddenly a massive splashing sound is heard as Foster lands into a reservoir of semi deep liquid that has built up when Foster and Steve turned on the valve wheels for the fuel.

All is much quieter now as Foster has escaped the demonic robot for the time being, but now she is trapped in a lake of explosive petrol and could possibly drown if she is knocked unconscious from her drastic fall.

An explosion of turbulence and bubbles leaps from the water as Fosters body weight is absorbed into the freezing cold liquid, Foster can be seen floating on top of the water and may have a chance to survive this drop if she landed neatly with no debris to get in the way.

A rumbling of water is heard as a plume of bubbles and frothing petrol erupt out from the deep solution,

The liquid continues to fountain out as though a pressure of air and movement was underneath it.

Suddenly the water begins to subside and has become much less violent in nature.

Incredibly Foster has somehow survived her fall into the unknown as her head reaches the surface for some well needed air.

Foster gasps loudly for air as she closes her eyes and suffers great pain from her fall.

Foster coughs loudly causing water to shoot out from her mouth, A rumbling cascading sound of liquid can be heard all around. Foster looks to her right and begins to swim out from her position to a dry area. Foster splashes with a survival of energy in front of her as she coughs once more. Dramatic orchestral music begins to provide the sound score -

Too Fosters horror she is not the only person in the petrol solution, Foster suddenly screams from a most horrific sight, to the navigational officers dismay a dead floating corpse is just in front of her that floats peacefully on the waters line. The corpse is in severe stages of decomposition and rigor mortis and has the eyes missing or have been burnt out. This body is most likely a crew member who was forced deep below deck when the alien lightening attacked. Halon gas poisoning is also another factor to this mans death as he most probably suffocated while attempting to escape.

Foster is mortified beyond comprehension as she stares death in the face, Foster screams out loudly unable to control her emotions at this point. To Fosters utter disbelief the entire lake of fuel is littered with floating dead corpses of the ships crew. The alien entity used it's artificial intelligence to force these poor souls down here so that they could be used for spare parts.

Foster screams loudly as she splashes and flails her arms in front of her from the shock and horror, Water sprays up and around as Foster submerges beneath the fountain of panic. Empty steel drums float on top of the water line and serve no purpose to the clutter of dead and rotten human remains.

More dead faces are revealed as Foster thrashes in the water unable to control her emotions. (Foster screams out once more as water sprays in all directions)

Foster attempts to push her body away from the dead and rotten flesh but only manages to turn up the water to a greater degree. (Foster screams) The dead crew members are in abundance and have faces of enormous suffering.

Foster thrashes some more as she takes in a small amount of water into her mouth, (Foster gulps loudly) Foster rapidly turns her head behind her before quickly facing forward once again, (Foster screams)

Fosters mouth is wide open as she witnesses first hand the horrors beneath the ships hold.

Foster gasps and screams out as she momentarily dips her head beneath the putrid and filthy solution, (Splashes of water are heard) Foster is right in the middle of a graveyard of dead people and her mind has hit overdrive.

The dead crew members have swollen with petrol and are full of gas, If Foster Steve and Nadia do manage to blow the ship at least the deceased can then be laid to rest instead of rotting in a corpses shell.

Foster is mortified that her fate has driven her to this most macabre of situations.

Suddenly a piercing electronic sound is heard followed by a powerful; luminescence of purple light that beams down upon Foster.

Mechanical whirring is now heard as the camera slowly pans out to reveal the alien robot that nearly killed her. The robot screeches loudly as it lifts up it's mechanical head,

A creepy black shadow of the robotic nasty emerges on a wall in the far distance, black shadows of rapidly moving tentacles gyrate with excitement, Foster screams out with gurgles of water - The alien produces a clashing of moving steel as it moves in on it's prey.

The alien suddenly appears from behind a wall as it continues it's attack on Foster.

Foster screams some more as soon as her eyes catch the sight of the beast of mechanics, Foster creates a powerful turbulence as she thrashes in the petrol solution, Foster rapidly turns to her right as she attempts to escape the water and find safe ground. A loud clanking of steel from the robot causes Foster to fleetingly look back at the monster as she screams out with fear, "No". Foster now knows that the robot is intent on finishing the job and killing her, If Foster or any other crew member escaped the ship it could have a devastating effect on the alien entity which wants to make contact with civilisation. The boat is on course to Lord Howe island and the robot must ensure that the ship reaches port. The camera rapidly pans right revealing more and more dead souls who died in great numbers all at the same time,

Suddenly the massive robot reveals itself to Foster from a distance, The alien screeches as it watches Foster make her escape. The robots scalpel instruments shake and gyrate with electrical excitement from the camera view the robot receives. A bright and intense blue light suddenly lights up on the robots right side chest position fleetingly.
Foster continues to escape the evil water solution as she swiftly turns anti clockwise, As Foster begins to perform the breaststroke the robot lets out a loud and high pitched screech of hate and control. The sound from the robot is continuous as Foster turns around now clockwise in quick fashion. Foster is being tortured and the robot has no empathy of any kind or may be searching for it.

Foster screams loudly once more as she catches sight of the beast, Foster pushes backwards with her arms and legs as she tries to keep a critical distance from the mechanised contraption. Splashes of water elope around Foster as she closes her eyes momentarily while opening her mouth wide and screaming out with all her might. Foster looks up and over into the distance as she prays that the robot will somehow lose interest and disappear in to the darkness. Foster rapidly turns anti clockwise and now faces another direction as water erupts around her. (Foster screams)

Foster is almost sick to the core as she baulks on the disgusting liquid, A continuous torrent of ships fuel cascades down from above as every last gallon of the explosive liquid will be emptied from the ships tanks. Foster attempts to swim out from her position but is blocked in by every corner with bloated and decomposed human beings. Foster finds the strength to turn clockwise with torch still in hand. Foster continues to hold her yellow torch in her left hand.

From above the robot has pinpointed the exact location of the navigation's officer as it scopes down upon the wretched and lost crew member. The robot rapidly turns anti clockwise as it revolves it's mechanical limbs around to face the drowning woman. A sawing sound is heard as the robot extends out it's left claw in a show of power and heartless operation. Tentacles of sharp steel instruments gyrate like an insect as it's sensitive cameras and locators home in on the exhausted woman.

Piles of dead bodies create a sand bank mountain of rotten flesh and bloated minds as Foster uses her breast stroke to pull herself out of the evil and stinking liquid. Foster belches with extreme effort as water seeps once again into her mouth. A crashing sound is heard as Foster swims under a large volume of falling fuel, The robot is close by as it extends it's metal claw out and just above Fosters head. The robot begins to snap it's powerful claw in an open then closed position before repeating as it attempts to grab the fleeing woman by her hair. The monstrous metal head unit begins to follow Foster as she swims at a frantic pace - A crashing of steel is heard - A large piece of steel that is attached to the robots head begins to turn left creating a whining sound.

The alien monster turns it's head right slightly as it sniffs out it's prey, Foster continues to scream with severe fear as the robot continues the chase. Unfortunately for Foster this new prototype alien has the ability to travel through water liquid and has now entered the pond for it's final approach. (Foster screams out for her life) Robot rapidly pushes forward for the final catch.

Foster turns her head clockwise as she meets eye to eye with the robot, this time the meeting is much more personal and Foster can feel the approaching pressure of mechanised terror. Foster quickly turns back around having not the strength to maintain eye contact for any length of time. Foster groans as she continues her breast stroke procedure. (Foster shouts "Come on" as she tries to energise her survival instincts)

A rhythmic pulsing of moving parts is created from the robot as it presses forward towards the flailing Foster, Foster splashes large amounts of fuel all around as she momentarily turns to ensure she is keeping a critical distance from the beast. The bright lights from the robot illuminate the darkness and are the only resourceful aspect to Fosters survival.

More loud whirring is heard as the robot squeezes Foster for every last inch of space, The robots tentacles screech like an insect as it turns it's head right.

Foster struggles as she swims through the liquid, turbulence and water spray can only hide the desperate woman's despair for short bursts in time.

A continuous clanking and whizzing sound is heard as the robot pursues the hunt occasionally hitting floating drums and pushing past dead crew members.

More loud whirring is heard as the robot squeezes Foster for every last inch of space, The robots tentacles screech like an insect as it turns it's head right.
Foster looks up at her demon as a bright light saturates her face, Foster quickly turns away as more splashing is created.

A squealing from the robot is heard as victory closes in, Foster gulps for air as she gasps and raises up and out her right hand with fingers outstretched. Petrol elopes around her tired hands as she fights in vain to survive.

Foster looks around again fleetingly as she gulps more water and air simultaneously, (Trumpets provide sound score) More corpses come into view as Foster screams out with emotions.

Foster has now reached the other side of the death lake and can go no further, In front of her is a large circular door that has been sealed shut. Foster screams out loudly as she bobs up and down in front of the elusive door, Foster scrapes her hands over the door in a failed attempt for it to magically open, Foster grimaces and groans as she leaps from the water with the last of her energy to try and pull down one of two levers. Foster clings to the lever with her left hand as she turns clockwise to face her fate and destiny. A bright light embraces Foster's face and she can only pray that the robot does not kill her immediately. Foster breathes out deeply as she sweeps her left hand down below her.

Foster has now realised she is trapped and can go no where except face the mutated robot for the final time. The robot whirrs loudly as it extends it's head unit out and towards the frightened navigation's officer. Bright and intense flashes of white light erupt behind the robots massive frame of steel and human flesh.

Foster hangs onto the high lever with her left hand as she faces an uncertain future just like Captain Everton and the other crew members. Foster begins to kick out with her feet in a desperate effort to shew the robot away, Water petrol and floating debris spit up into the air as Foster grunts.

The robots lamp has changed to a bright white light so that it can find it's prey much better, The robot is right on Foster as it quickly lowers it's hydraulic left claw down into the water. (Whirring is heard) Foster whimpers and wails for her life.

A huge torrent of water sprays up and all around as Foster struggles and kicks out with her feet in a futile effort to keep the crazed robot at bay.

The robot has now caught up with Foster and there is no escape.

Suddenly the robot extends it's right claw out and towards Foster as water spray ignites and trails in the murky water. (Foster screams out with panic and severe fright)

Foster grimaces as she continues to hold onto the high lever unable to move in any direction or escape the robots wrath. Suddenly Foster begins to violently shake before succumbing to the liquid pool of death. (Trumpet blast provides suspense)

Almost immediately an eerie silence is heard as Foster vanishes into thin air, Only a bubbling sound of water is heard as the camera pans down and the scene fades to black.

(Synthesizer effect is heard) A few precious minutes have passed and Foster is still alive, A subdued whirring of mechanics can be heard in the background. Foster is unconscious as she sleeps unaware of her predicament. Suddenly Fosters right eye slowly opens as her eyebrows expand to the circumference of her eye. Foster is silent and very still -

Whirring is heard - The camera slowly pans out as Foster closes her eyes for a fleeting moment in an attempt to shut out the horror in front of her. Foster squeezes her eyes tightly shut for a split second.

Foster reopens her eyes and veers them left as she focuses on something, Whirring is heard - Foster leans her head back as she maintains her vision -

Suddenly Foster looks away from the left as her eyes look forward - Beeping of electronics is heard - The sound of electronics causes Foster to look back to her left momentarily then fully to her right - More high pitched electronic beeps and pips are heard - Foster quickly circles her eyes around to her left once again as her mind awakens. Foster is silent and motionless and is only using her eyes to communicate - Foster looks down very slightly maintaining a left sided vision.

Foster has now fixed her eyes onto a computer monitor in the far corner of the workroom, To Fosters horror her face is now being displayed on the screen,

A fast and chattering sound of electronics is heard as a green plexi series of squares quickly elopes up and over Fosters animated face. The robot is analysing Fosters human element and is scanning her mind for information. High beep is heard as the pattern engulfs Foster completely -

The green layers of squares quickly cover the face of Foster as the head begins to turn right.

As the head of Foster revolves clockwise the grey coloured mesh and green pattern of squares slowly step down to reveal Fosters brain, eyes, and bone matter. Another beep is heard - Fosters animated head and torso continue to twist in a clockwise motion.

To Fosters horror the massive robot is using a computer keyboard to scan her brain, Four beeps are heard including a light tap as the robot gently pushes down on the keyboards space bar with it's pinky digit finger. The computer screen has now changed to a series of white coloured numerical data that flashes up the screen at a moderate pace.

A low level whining sound is heard from the robot as it activates one of it's hydraulic systems, The robot is right in front of Foster as it slowly raises it's two sensitive antennae, The intricate wires and flesh of dead crew members can been seen in glorious detail, Foster hangs in silence as the master robot goes about it's business. Suddenly the two tentacles begin to come back down left followed by right. Left raises back up followed by right. The robot is in deep thought as it attempts to learn and discover new information on it's captured host.

Foster has been tied to a broken and mangled steel truss as she dangles in the air at the complete mercy of the robot, In an instance more whirring is heard but it has now changed key as the massive structure begins to revolve around anti clockwise to face Foster head on. The head unit also lowers slowly as the entire machine turns in one mighty movement of mechanics, The steel beam Foster is attached to also slowly lowers down so that the human face can meet eye to eye with the robotic unit, it has been specially created for human prey.

Foster has closed her eyes once again and is feeling extremely tired as she struggles to maintain consciousness. Foster suddenly juts her head slightly forward before reopening her eyes - Foster whimpers - Whirring is heard as the robot begins to extend it's head out closer to Foster. White light rapidly flashes over Foster's face, Foster stares at the robot with extreme fear and bewilderment. As the robot gets tantalisingly closer Foster whimpers a sound of utter mental stress and loathing for the evil metal monster,. Foster veers her eyes down to the robots tentacles and is shocked to the core that her life is now controlled by the alien lightening at a much greater capacity. More whirring is heard as the robot increases it's closeness to the human host. Foster whimpers much more loudly as the robot expresses it's interest in her.

Suddenly a fast motor whirr is heard as the robot spins it's entire robotic unit anti clockwise to reveal it's true nature and mechanical features. A squeaking sound is heard as the robot gently moves it's right tentacle a few centimetres in an up and down motion as it gradually builds up the sensitivity with the human crew member. A deep neon blue light momentarily lights up the robots metal construction. Foster whimpers with intensity and may wish she was dead as she shakes uncontrollably from her hang position.

Foster stares at her maker as the robot excitedly raises it's left tentacle up and down, A fast whirring and squeaking is heard as the robot lowers it's right tentacle with surges of electrical energy. Foster is finding the torture method hard to absorb as she quickly looks down and away from the sharp blades of the beast. A low whining electronic sound emits from the mechanical construction. A sophisticated electronic implant has been attached to the right side of Fosters temple, several wires trail out from the circular and transparent device as they wrap around Fosters right ear. Multi coloured wires also run down Fosters right side chest.

To Fosters dismay her entire torso and body has been suspended up onto the torture device and her entire weight has been transferred to her arms and shoulders. Fosters feet gently move from side to side as more whirring is heard - Foster whimpers - Flashes of blue light intensify the horror of the situation.

A grinding sound is suddenly heard - Without warning a large metallic weapon explodes from the robots chest and extends up and out towards Foster.

A loud clunk is heard as the mechanical weapon instantly stops at a horizontal position and directly in front of Foster. Weapon wobbles slightly as it abruptly stops - Flashes of bright blue luminance light up fleetingly.

A loud squealing sound is heard as the large weapon instantly opens up to reveal a large and dangerous claw. More whirring is heard as the claw rapidly approaches the whimpering Foster at speed.

Foster grimaces as she looks down at the approaching weapon that is now just under her chin, The extended claw rapidly moves to the side of Fosters cheeks before closing and applying a firm pressure. A high pitched scratching sound is heard as the claw shuts firmly but not to kill Foster. Foster closes her eyes tightly as she attempts to shut out the horror in front of her. Foster continues to whimper as she maintains a certain composure and identity. Fosters mouth opens wide as her pain and suffering take control. More whirring is heard as Foster groans loudly as the claw tightens - Whirring is heard - Robots tentacles continue to analyse the programme of direction -

The robot moves it's head slightly left creating more whirring, Tentacles move up and down like an insect - Blue light fleetingly lights up the stale room, Suddenly a loud and evil voice is heard almost demonic in nature - "ENGLISH" The voice is controlling and without feeling. Electrical fizzing and crackling can now be heard -

Foster stares at the machine fleetingly before veering her eyes down and closing her eyes once more, Foster shakes her head slightly from side to side as she struggles to maintain an awake state, Foster groans as her eyes struggle in vain to open, now only half of Fosters eye lids are prepared to witness the horror. Robots left tentacle slowly slides up and stops before awkwardly lowering again with a slight jerk to the flow of movement. The robot continues to move it's tentacle up and down as a whirring is heard. Suddenly the robot speaks out again "Do you speak ENGLISH?"... Fosters left eye remains almost closed as she reopens her right eye to answer the demonic robots question, Foster speaks out with an unexpected defiance and energy "Fuck You", Foster rapidly opens her right eye to a full capacity as she continues to stare hell in the face.

More sounds of whirring that race and whizz as the hydraulics move and agitate are heard as the robot pulls Fosters face with it's claw slightly to the left, Foster shakes her head rapidly for a short moment in time as her nerves and adrenalin burst from her veins. The robots tentacles continue to produce a whirring sound as they move slowly up and down in a probing procedure of movement, The massive alien head moves slowly at an angle in a downwards motion as it attempts to extract information from Foster. An orange glowing and pulsing light emerges from the carcass of the machine as it focuses it's energy upon the exhausted crew member. Much larger tentacles located at the jaw position of the machine slowly raise up.

The robot speaks out again to reveal more information on it's true intentions and ambitions, "Where is the detonator". A buzzing grinding electronic sound is heard as the machines internal components change frequency. Foster stares blankly at the beast as she attempts to reduce any information that the robot could pick up. Foster suddenly looks down at the floor as she obstructs the human transmission of data that the mechanical entity could discover. Foster quickly looks back to the robot unit as she stimulates a sudden loss of memory, Whirring continues - Foster speaks out with a childish and confused state of mind, "I don't remember". Fosters eyes flit from side to side as she refuses to give away any information that could jeopardise the plan. Foster shakes slightly as she dangles from the support device instrument. Fosters eyes strain with negative compliance as she stalls the machine.

Low level echoing synthesizer effects are heard to provide the sound score - The robots tentacles move some more in an upward motion as the machine becomes almost silent for a brief moment in time, Foster whimpers and breaths out heavily as her suffering continues, The robot suddenly raises it's massive head unit a few inches before a loud high pitched scratching sound of metal is heard. To Fosters shock and terror a sharp instrument rapidly protrudes out from the machines left side eye camera.

The grinding and scratching sound of the protruding instrument continues as it slowly travels forward and towards Fosters traumatised face. The robot speaks out again with a compulsive and demanding tone of voice, "The detonator"

The long and sharp blade continues to extend forward as it blends in and crosses the path of the computer monitor. The computer screen now displays the words in English, "The detonator - The words "Where is it?" suddenly appear in time with the robots voice.