The almighty loud bang from the crazed robotic contraption causes Hiko to jerk with sudden fright, Hiko gasps loudly as he turns to face the sound and the damaged and bent door that the robot is stood behind. Hiko is also watching Richie from a distance.

Richie has his mind focused on a tall metal container that houses a compact radio communications circuit board and transmitter. A metallic sliding sound of steel is heard as Richie violently pulls at the handle grips of the transmitter. The transmitter radio device pops out at speed and then stops dead as it reaches the end of it's runners. Richie ponders his mind as he looks down upon the delicate circuit board and components. A grey box on top of the transmitter case wobbles including a long and coiled black wire as Richie tugs at the transmitter handles.

Richie suddenly looks on over towards Nadia and shouts over to her "Did you trash this?"

Hiko grimaces as another loud bang of heavy steel is heard from the maniac robot, Nadia looks down and away from Richie as she shakes her head rapidly and say's with concern, "We destroyed every transmitter on the ship." Nadia looks up and towards Richie. Hiko suddenly runs past Nadia as his nerves get the better of him.

Another loud bang of steel and metal is heard as the robot continues it's attack, This time a small hole appears in the top of the door as the robot changed tactics and begins to use sharp machinery to break through.

Both Hiko and Foster are transfixed to the security door as it is continuously bashed by the massive robot, Suddenly Foster looks away and to her right as she watches the electronics and weapons enthusiast go to work on the transmitter.

A loud clicking sound is heard as Richie separates and then attaches one red coloured crocodile clip to a smaller circuit board that he has retrieved from inside the transmitter box.

A squeaking and rumbling of heavy metal is heard as the robot strikes the door yet again, The grey door and the white light shake violently from the extreme forces. (Fast and furious trumpets bleat out to provide atmosphere -

Steve is still resting on the floor - Steve looks up at the door as the sound creates a build up of panic and fear inside Steve's mind. Steve's eyes veer right then centre before he turns his head left with fright.

Richie begins to mumble to himself as he rewires the communications transmitter in an attempt to get it to function, Richie rapidly lifts his right hand up slightly before placing it down onto the smaller electronic circuit board before attaching a red crocodile clip to a small series of loose wire.

Richie attaches a second red crocodile clip to the main transmitter circuit board with his right hand, (Low level clonk is heard from the clip) Richie lifts his hand up and lowers it down as he picks up a third crocodile clip that is black colour coded. Richie continues to mumble as he frantically attempts to power up the sensitive radio equipment. Richie is feeling confident he can hot wire the transmitter -

Captain Everton fleetingly turns his head around clockwise towards the door as another loud bang sound is heard - Everton turns his attention to Richie who is working hard to fix the transmitter equipment. Everton turns away from Richie a few moments later and does not seem too excited or worried about the situation.

Richie moves his hands slightly over the circuit boards as he ensures he has made the right connections with the crocodile clips, (Richie continues to mumble) (That's right)

The steel security door shakes and shudders as the robot mechanism bashes it once again, The door is beginning to tear and it is only a matter of time before the hostile cybernetic contraption breaks inside.

Foster is feeling scared and her adrenalin is flowing at a rapid rate as she suddenly steps back from the door while raising her weapon and aiming at the high strength security panel. Nadia also panics and looks towards the door with fright as her mind ponders the worst. Richie is stood to the right of Nadia.

Suddenly two bright lights illuminate from the bottom of the smaller circuit board, (Orange and Green) Richie whispers too himself (This one in here) Richie pushes down onto the smaller circuit board with his right hand as he attaches another crocodile clip. The smaller circuit board gyrates slightly from Richie's hand pressure.

Another loud bang is heard from the maniac and determined robot, As Richie pulls his hand away two bright neon green lights light up at the front of the main transmitter board, An orange light also appears at the far back of the transmitter box, (Loud click is heard from transmitter box) Two Yellow and black colour coded cables can now be seen. Suddenly the transmitter has sprung to life and instantly begins to sound out a males voice over the speakers. The males voice sounds important and this could be the lifeline the survivors need in escaping from the ship. Richie is elated and full of surprises as he say's with zest, "well, I tell you what...

Richie continues, You didn't smash this one...Richie quickly picks up the transmitters radio mic with his right hand as he holds it out in front of his mouth. Richie bends his head down slightly as he shouts loudly, Mayday Mayday, Mayday! Two lights also appear on the front of the transmitter being Orange and Green respectively. - Males voice continues to emanate out of the speakers.

Nadia has become upset at Richie's attempt to contact emergency services from outside of the ship, Nadia said that they smashed all transmitters as a measure to stop the alien invader from using the equipment to summon help. If this happened the advanced lightening could infect the new personnel and escape onto another ship, or worse make it to the mainland. Nadia lurches forward as she screams out loudly "Don't".

The smaller metal container that rests on top of the larger transmitter box now displays three bright traffic light coloured lights in a vertical direction. This top box is connected to the radio mic and is also the power supply for the transmitter circuit boards. Suddenly a loud cocking sound is heard as Captain Everton slides his weapons fore end up and down to reload his weapon. (Male voice continues to sound out of the equipment) Everton rapidly points his shotgun directly at the top box that contains three red lights.

Everton squints as he closes his left eye as he carefully aims his high powered weapon towards the power supply box. Suddenly Everton pulls the trigger.

A massive fountain of bright white sparks and flecks of intense heat explode out of the power supply box as Everton unloads his weapon into it. A huge explosion of sound is heard as the communications room lights up with extreme intensity like a Christmas tree. Richie rapidly turns his head away from the dangerous shrapnel and hot sparks as his mind goes into overdrive.

Captain Everton quickly lowers his weapon and is rather pleased that he has destroyed the communication equipment preventing any survivor from calling for help. Everton's face is content and very satisfied as he looks on over at the destruction. Richie grimaces from the sudden explosive attack as he gyrates and shudders with intense anger and frustration. Power supply box explodes off from the top of the communications equipment and crashes to the floor below. Loud squeaking sound is heard as the electronics burn out

Hiko suddenly turns anti clockwise as he looks on over towards Richie and Captain Everton, Hiko steps to his left a few steps as he watches the communications equipment fizzles and spark to it's inevitable death.

Electronic transmitter fizzes as sparks expel out followed by a black and acrid smoke. Richie turns anti clockwise also as he faces Captain Everton, Richie is very angry and frustrated with Captain Everton after he just killed the radio transmitter equipment. Richie shouts out loudly "What the hell is wrong with you?" "Are you out of your (Richie violently and rapidly shakes his arms up and out once to emphasise his anger) fucking mind.?"

Foster takes a step forward towards Everton and is not in the best of moods, Foster is breathing heavily but is prepared to here the Captains explanation on why he just destroyed there only chance of escape. Richie stands silent as he also listens to Evertons words, Stevie looks up at the captain and is flabbergasted at his skippers erratic actions. Captain Everton stands firm and is exercising his utmost authority on his crew, (Everton lowers his shotgun down) Everton speaks out slowly and with complete control as he say's "No one else is gonna claim salvage..."

Everton shakes his head fleetingly as he bends his head slightly right, Everton continues, "on this vessel - hesitates -

Everton shakes his head again as he say's with arrogance - "But us!" Foster is burning up inside and is now extremely angry with her Captain for ruining there only chance of escape. Foster has come to the conclusion Everton is only thinking about himself and the money he could make if the ship was salvaged. But considering the circumstances survival is now the major factor and not the salvage. Foster can take no more of Everton's attitude as she lunges at him with a right hook. Foster grimaces as she swings her right arm back in an attempt to knock some sense into the tyrannical leader.

A loud whack of flesh and muscle is heard as Foster hits Captain Everton squarely on the jaw with all her anger and might. Everton is totally shell shocked that he has been assaulted by his chief navigator and has been taken completely by surprise. Everton grimaces as the shock sets in while looking up at the ceiling,

Everton has now lost all his balance as he collapses to the floor below, Hiko, Nadia, Richie and Stevie look on with amazement that Foster has knocked the captain for six.

As Everton lands on his buttocks he looks back to Foster with intense feelings of animosity and slight regret at his actions. A loud crashing sound is heard as Everton falls further back onto his hands as the shock starts to fill his mind. Everton sweeps his legs right as he loses all control.

Foster is very angry as she slowly edges closer to Everton while breathing heavily, Foster leans forward slightly as she shouts out loudly "Your no longer in charge!" -

Everton looks up to Foster with an incredibly anxious and fearful facial expression as he pushes his body further backwards towards the back wall, (Scrunching sound is heard from Everton's movements) Everton quickly attempts to stand up but has second thoughts considering the voracity of Fosters punch and her angry frame of mind.

Richie is breathing heavily as he watches Foster dish out her own justice against the madness of Everton, Richie suddenly looks back and towards the destroyed radio transmitter equipment as his mind ponders how on earth is he going to fix this! -

Nadia the chief science officer stands silent and motionless as she watches Foster unleash her wrath against Everton.

Foster continues to look down upon her Captain as she contemplates her next move, What ever happens now Everton won't be playing ball and she can kiss her $3 million dollars goodbye. Suddenly Foster rapidly swings her head around in an anti clockwise motion as she focuses onto Nadia, Everton maintains his sitting position as he watches Foster from a distance,

Foster stretches her right hand out towards Everton as she shouts over to Nadia "Come here". Foster is now feeling much more authoritative than the Captain and is taking over operations. Nadia does not follow through with Fosters loud command as she continues to stand still worried and scared at what Foster might do to her. Foster quickly sets off towards Nadia as there is something important she must do.

Nadia gasps loudly with fright as she rapidly jerks down and up on her feet from the fear of Fosters anger.

As Foster approaches Nadia she looks down towards her stomach area for something.

Foster reaches down and pulls out a small pen knife from inside her trouser seem, Foster holds up the sharp instrument with both hands as she opens up the handy tool. A clicking of metal is heard as Fosters fingers do there magic", A snapping sound is then heard as Foster opens up the small cutting device.

Nadia gasps and produces sounds of worry and fear as Foster approaches, Nadia looks down to Foster with a face of anguish and the unknown. Nadia gasps again as she jerks forward after being forcefully handled by Foster.

Foster has her hand gun in her left hand as she uses her right hand to manipulate the knife, A loud metallic clicking sound is heard from Fosters gun, Foster grunts loudly as she rapidly cuts through Nadia's tight bonds too effectively free her. Fosters yellow torch shakes as Foster frees Nadia.\\

Everton is silent and motionless as he watches Foster free Nadia, Everton now knows that he is definitely not in charge and has been down graded to a crew member,

Nadia looks up slightly towards Foster and is now feeling rather liberated and happy that she has been freed, Foster now believes Nadia's story and has decided she will be more helpful to the survivors free than captive. Foster is silent as she looks at Nadia. Foster is feeling somewhat sorry for Nadia after another piece of the puzzle slots into place.

Foster is hot and sweaty as her anger slowly subsides but never her determination to escape the ship of horrors.\\

Another loud crash of steel is heard as the robotic enemy continues it's onslaught against the security door. Much more damage is now visible as the alien engineered device bashes the door for the human flesh and muscle it so craves. This time the silver light goes out having not the strength to continue

The sound causes Richie to turn away from the transmitter unit as he begins to investigate behind him. Richie shines his light fleetingly up and then down as he faces a new direction, The sound startles the survivors as they panic and begin to move around the room, Nadia steps closer to Richie before bending down onto her knees, Foster turns completely around in a clockwise motion, Hiko hustles forward towards Foster with his while holding his machine gun with both hands. Steve pushes up on his feet and is prepared for a fire fight if necessary. Steves machine gun rests on his lap as he looks to his left and then right. Scuffling of feet is heard))

Another loud crash of bending metal is heard as the robot attacks, This time another medium sized implementation is seen as the robot digs it's sharp talons into the door. The door shakes before the light flickers several times and comes back to life.

Everton looks up and over towards the door as he contemplates his thoughts, (A sound of squealing pigs is heard as the robots frustrations boil over outside the communications room.

More thumping and clanking of steel is heard - Hiko suddenly runs past Foster and Steve as he initiates his war mode, Steve has now stood up and is facing the door, Foster grimaces as she holds her pistol up and towards the security door, Unfortunately a basic handgun will cause little to no damage to the robot and would definitely require high end explosives such as grenades or RPG rockets. Fosters yellow light swings violently from side to side as Foster prepares herself for a breach of the solid steel entrance. Steve suddenly steps a few feet forward as he fears for the worst.

Dramatic trumpets provide the sound score - Richies eyes veer from left to right as his fears and frustrations build with every second, Hiko is locked and loaded as he stares at the steel door just waiting for that moment when the robot breaks through. Hiko suddenly say's "What do they want from us?". Richie looks to his right and then up and over towards the door, Richie speaks with fearful confidence, "It wants to kill us."

Nadia stares over towards Hiko and Richie as they confer with each other, Hiko thinks and feels that the alien entity wants more than just to exterminate them, Hiko say's with slight aggression, "No..They want something from us..."

Richie hesitates before saying, "It' want's to mutilate us just like it did Woods." Hiko and Richie are transfixed to the door and show fearful and overwhelming faces of insecurity. Richie looks over towards Everton with wide and anxious eyes.

Everton is silent and motionless as he listens to Richie and Hiko, Everton is in a world of his own and does not show any fear or hostility against the evil robotic contraption.
Hiko suddenly say's with an inbuilt amazement, "Did you see Squeaky?" Hiko continues, "That thing want's something from us.." Hiko is scared and his voice is full of new motives.

Steve stares at the door with complete fear as Foster grimaces while continuing to hold her hand gun up and towards the battered steel frame, Steve takes a few steps forward as Foster stands her ground.

Suddenly Richie say's "Why don't we talk to it?" Hiko looks at Richie and then back to the door once again.

Suddenly a grinding scratching high pitched sound of breaking and bending metal is heard from behind Foster, This sound causes Foster to rapidly turn her head around in a clockwise motion as her mind explodes with shock and fear - Foster quickly looks forward -

Richie continues, It's in the computer, We could talk to it.' Hiko looks at Richie as he speaks out - Richie does not make eye contact with Hiko as he focuses his attention on the door and the crazed mechanical robot behind it.

Foster has overheard Richies words and instantly turns her head to face him in a clockwise motion, Foster shouts out loudly with frustration, "What?..." Foster is confused and does not understand Richie's mental approach to improving there situation.... Richie replies as he shouts loudly "Talk to it.." Riche is adamant he can communicate with the highly superior organism by using a computer terminal... More banging is heard as the robot strikes out again with it's inbuilt programme. Top right Monitor above Foster displays fast moving images, The rest produce a grey scale image of chaotic and scrambled interference.

Richie suddenly turns around clockwise as he faces several computer terminals, Hiko growls loudly as Richie turns and is feeling the pressure inside the room. Richie quickly rests his machine gun down in front of the computer terminals as he attempts to communicate with the alien organism by using the keypad. Low level thud is heard as gun is lowered down)

Stevie raises his left hand as places it onto the battered door as he evaluates the condition and how much time they have left, An electronic beep is heard which cause Nadia to turn around clockwise to face the computer terminals, Hiko watches as Richie begins to attempt the impossible.

More crashing is heard as the robot smashes the door with it's powerful grippers - A loud beep is heard as Richie accesses the computer system, The computer system is running in Russian and all text is visible in that language. More crashing of steel is heard as the berserk robot attempts to breach the door - Light tapping sounds are heard as Richie begins to input data using the keyboard - Richie taps out a few keys but is confused by the Russian text, A Russian letter is displayed for each tap of the keyboard, Richie say's with confusion, What the hell" as the Russian text is displayed..

Hiko is looking towards the wall and quickly turns his head towards Richie as the sound of crashing metal is heard once again, Stevie takes two steps backwards as he turns his head left and over towards Richie, Nadia looks down at the computer screen with a sudden interest, Richie say's in rapid succession.. "What do I do?" What Do I Do - What Do I do?"
Nadia quickly pulls her right hand out of her right green jacket arm - A muffle of material is heard - Nadia quickly lowers her right hand and presses a key on the keyboard - (Beep sound is heard) Richie raises up slightly as he allows Nadia to alter the software dynamics -

A pulsating electronic and alternating beeping sound is heard as the computer system suddenly produces a series of national flags - Nadia knows how to alter system parameters and is helping Richie - As the flags increase in size a small amount of interference is visible in the middle of the flags as the screen wavers with graphical lagging. Richie speaks out with enthusiasm, Nadia, please help me, I need English, English please..."

The top left flag lights up as it displays thin blue lines around the circumference of the flag and the larger language box... (1st flag is German)..A single beep is heard as Nadia moves down the first column to the next flag, Blue lines light up on each flag and language - (2nd flag is JAPAN) Crash of metal is heard from robot) Third flag is ITALY -

Nadia crosses over and lights up the RUSSIAN Flag - (Beep) Nadia moves down to AMERICA - Two beeps are heard - The American text box begins to flash white completing filling the rectangle box..as it flashes it produces white and then black - The smaller Flag box produces a blue line all the way around it's circumference...ENGLISH is suddenly displayed in th erectangle box as Nadia changes the language from RUSSIAN to ENGLISH/American - American and English words are almost the same but some words are spelt differently.. All other categories of language also now changed to ENGLISH - Suddenly a single Beep followed by a long and rapid pulsing of beeps is heard similar to a stop watch, (Crashing of metal is heard from psychotic machine) (Slow and mysterious violins provide atmosphere -

Nadia quickly leans back and away from the terminal as she let's Richie do his thing... Foster continues to hold her position in front of the door with gun held high,

Richie is fascinated by the computer as he considers what he should type - (A tapping of keys is heard - Richie speaks out as he taps on the keypad - "Who are you?"...

The monitor display's each letter that Richie types in English this time, Even though the Alien organism would understand Russian Richie does not... The small white box curser flashes on and off as it waits for input.. A slightly louder tap is heard as Richie presses down on the enter key to send the information into the computer system... Richie has typed - WHO ARE YOU?

A loud buzzing of beeps is heard followed by a low level chattering of electronic sounds as the computer system begins to scan a long list of words and there meanings without Richies authorisation.. A bright green column of colour illuminates the lines of text as it rapidly travels down through a vast selection of words in alphabetical order - A series of numbers in green are visible to the left hand side, these numerical digits display upwards at a fast rate - The computer begins at A and follows down to Z -

As of 2020, the world record bench press without any equipment ('raw') was set by American Julius Maddox at 770 lb (349 kg). The current world equipped record (with shirt) is held by Will Barotti, at 1,105 lb (501 kg).
20,133 metric tonnes
Guinness World Record
Taisun holds the world record for "heaviest weight lifted by crane", set in Yantai on April 18, 2008 and set at 20,133 metric tonnes (44,385,667.25 lb) by lifting a barge, ballasted with water.

TAISUN 20000 ton crane could lift the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" at Full Gross.

Meet the octopus-inspired robotic gripper
Meet the octopus-inspired robotic gripper
Tech Xplore)—German industrial automation company Festo has come up with a bionic gripper. The company's focus areas include pneumatic, servopneumatic and electric automation technology and the bionic gripper is certainly drawing attention in the tech press. The name is quite apt. The gripper has been modeled on an octopus tentacle. Its advantage lies in its ability to grip softly but securely. What is more, the bionic gripper can pick up and hold a variety of different shapes. "The octopus is a fascinating creature," said the team. "As it has no skeleton and is made almost entirely of soft muscle, it is also extremely flexible and manoeuvrable. This not only means it can swim agilely in all directions, but also grip a wide range of objects in a form-fitting manner." The soft silicone structure is pneumatically controlled. With compressed air applied, the tentacle bends inwards and wraps around an item. The team followed the natural model to come up with their design: two rows of suction cups are on the inside of the tentacle—small suction cups and larger suction cups.

Cheetah Robot
Cheetah Robot is a fast-running quadruped developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA. It just blazed past its previous speed record, getting up to 28.3 mph, about 0.5 mph faster than Usain Bolt's fastest 20 meter split.5 Sep 2012

Introducing WildCat
Introducing WildCat Boston Dynamics

RoboBee X-Wing Tiny Flying Insect Robot, 4 Wings & Weighs Under A Gram & Fly Using Its Own Power.
RoboBee X-Wing Tiny Flying Insect Robot, 4 Wings & Weighs Under A Gram & Fly Using Its Own Power.
The RoboBee X-Wing is a huge milestone in terms of scale (more than 10x lighter than previous micro-flyers) and in terms of the technologies that it uses. The RoboBees fly using piezoelectric actuators driving a flapping wing. This is a fundamentally different mode of flight from nearly all other man-made flying platforms in existence. As we know from insects in general, and dragonflies (Odonata sp.) in particular, small fliers with four wings can be extremely maneuverable and capable. The RoboBee X Wing could lead to an entirely new space for technological development of micro-fliers. The most obvious bottleneck is power. The RoboBee X-Wing requires illumination at triple that of direct sunlight to obtain enough power to fly. Without another tenfold improvement in power consumption, this class of flying platforms cannot get off the ground even in full daylight. Alternatively, some other means of beaming power to these robots would need to be found. A second, non-trivial bottleneck is control – the RoboBee X-Wing flies, but has no sensing or processing capabilities that would enable any kind of autonomous operation. To be more than a novelty flying toy, this class of robots must be able to sense their environment and either make control decisions autonomously or communicate with a remote controller.

Robots depicted in movies have sometimes had a robotic friend for company.
Two robots - created by Facebook - have been shut down after developing their own language. It happened while the social media firm was experimenting with teaching the ‘chatbots’ how to negotiate with one another. During tests, they discovered the bots - known as Alice and Bob -managed to develop their own machine language spontaneously. Boffins had given the machines lessons in human speech using algorithms then left them alone to develop conversational skills. But when the scientists returned, they found that the AI software had begun to deviate from normal speech and were using a brand new language created without any input from their human supervisors. The new language was more efficient for communication between the bots, but was not helpful in achieving the task they had been set. The programmers then had to alter the way the machines learned language to complete their negotiation training. Although what they said was nonsense, boffins noticed some rules to the speech especially by the way the chatbots kept stressing their own name. They believe it meant what was said was not simply a glitch in the way the messages were read out. UK Robotics Professor Kevin Warwick said: “This is an incredibly important milestone, but anyone who thinks this is not dangerous has got their head in the sand. “This is the first recorded communication but there will have been many more unrecorded. “Smart devices right now have the ability to communicate and although we think we can monitor them, we have no way of knowing."

The first jukebox in history looked nothing like the jukeboxes we're familiar with today. On November 23, 1889, inventor Louis Glass installed a music machine in a corner of the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco. The machine was an Edison phonograph modified with a coin slot and installed inside an oak cabinet.
Here is a listing of the top 10 jukebox songs of all time.
I am guessing for some readers the top 10 list below will bring back memories of sitting in a diner, flipping through the jukebox, putting in a quarter, and then listening to your song. I always thought it was a pretty cool technology, and I wish restaurants still had jukeboxes at each table. The sight of a jukebox with all it's beautiful lights is very cool including the sound of the machine selecting a record before the arm and needle swing down to the record.
There is a slight asterisk to the list, as the number one spot actually includes two songs – “Hound Dog” and “Don’t Be Cruel” by Elvis. It seems that these songs were a double-sided hit, one song appearing on the “A side” and the other on the “B side” of the record. I guess jukeboxes do not distinguish as to what side was played, and since they were both huge hits for Elvis, they seem to count it as one “song” on the list.

elvis presley-hound dog
Elvis Presley - Hound Dog

Don't Be Cruel Elvis Presley 4K-HD - Official DES Audio {Stereo}
Don't Be Cruel - Elvis Presley - 4K HD - Official Video.

Patsy Cline - Crazy (1961)
Patsy Cline - Crazy (1961)

Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (OST, 1956)
Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (OST, 1956)

Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Music Video)
Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Official Music Video)
Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes
Watchin' the ships roll in
Then I watch 'em roll away again
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide, roll away
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
I left my home in Georgia
And I headed for the Frisco Bay
'Cause I've got nothin' to live for
Looks like nothin's gonna come my way, so
I'm just come sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay, wastin' time
Looks like nothin's gonna change
Everything seems to stay the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll…
Source: LyricFind

Otis Ray Redding Jr. (September 9, 1941 – December 10, 1967) was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, arranger, and talent scout. He is considered one of the greatest singers in the history of American popular music and a seminal artist in soul music and rhythm and blues. Redding's style of singing gained inspiration from the gospel music that preceded the genre. His singing style influenced many other soul artists of the 1960's. Redding, who was 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 m) tall and weighed 220 pounds (100 kg), was an athletic family man who loved football and hunting. He was described as vigorous, trustworthy, full of fun and a successful businessman. He was active in philanthropic projects. His keen interest in black youth led to plans for a summer camp for disadvantaged children. Sadly Otis Redding died in a plane crash in 1967 on his way to a concert at Madison, Wisconsin.

Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine

Marvin Gaye
Marvin Gaye (born Marvin Pentz Gay Jr.; April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984) was an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. He helped to shape the sound of Motown in the 1960s, first as an in-house session player and later as a solo artist with a string of hits, earning him the nicknames "Prince of Motown" and "Prince of Soul". On April 1, 1984, the day before his 45th birthday, Gaye was fatally shot by his father, Marvin Gay Sr, at their house in the West Adams district of Los Angeles. Many institutions have posthumously bestowed Gaye with awards and other honors including the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and inductions into the Rhythm and Blues Music Hall of Fame, the Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Bobby Darin - Mack the Knife (Live 1970)
Bobby Darin - Mack the Knife (Live 1970)

Bobby Darin with Sandra Dee
Bobby Darin (born Walden Robert Cassotto; May 14, 1936 – December 20, 1973) was an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and actor in film and television. He performed jazz, pop, rock and roll, folk, swing, and country music. He started his career as a songwriter for Connie Francis. He recorded his first million-selling single, "Splish Splash", in 1958. That was followed by "Dream Lover", "Mack the Knife", and "Beyond the Sea", which brought him worldwide fame. In 1962 he won a Golden Globe Award for his first film, Come September, co starring his first wife, actress Sandra Dee. During the 1960s, he became more politically active and worked on Robert F. Kennedy's Democratic presidential campaign. He was present on the night of June 4/5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles at the time of Kennedy's assassination. During the same year, he discovered he had been raised by his grandmother, not his mother, and that the woman he thought was his sister was actually his mother. Those events deeply affected Darin and sent him into a long period of seclusion. Although he made a successful comeback (in television) in the early 1970s, his health was beginning to fail, as he had always expected, following bouts of rheumatic fever in childhood. The knowledge of his vulnerability had always spurred him on to use his musical talent while still young. He died at the age of 37 after a heart operation in Los Angeles

The Doors - Light My Fire (Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970)

The Doors - Light My Fire (Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970)
The Doors were an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1965, with vocalist Jim Morrison, keyboardist Ray Manzarek, guitarist Robby Krieger, and drummer John Densmore. They were among the most controversial and influential rock acts of the 1960s, mostly because of Morrison's lyrics and voice along with his erratic stage persona, and the group was widely regarded as an important part of the era's counterculture. The band took its name from the title of Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception, itself a reference to a quote by William Blake. After signing with Elektra Records, the Doors with Morrison released six albums in five years, some of which are considered among the greatest of all time, including The Doors (1967), Strange Days (1967), and L.A. Woman (1971). They were one of the most successful bands during that time and by 1972 the Doors had sold over 4 million albums domestically and nearly 8 million singles. Morrison died in uncertain circumstances in 1971. The band continued as a trio until disbanding in 1973. They released three more albums in the 1970s, two of which featured earlier recordings by Morrison, and over the decades reunited on stage in various configurations. In 2002, Manzarek, Krieger and Ian Astbury of the Cult on vocals started performing as the Doors of the 21st Century. Densmore and the Morrison estate successfully sued them over the use of the band's name. After a short time as Riders on the Storm, they settled on the name Manzarek-Krieger and toured until Manzarek's death in 2013.
The Doors were the first American band to accumulate eight consecutive gold LPs. According to the RIAA, they have sold 33 million records in the US and over 100 million records worldwide, making them one of the best selling bands of all time. The Doors have been listed as one of the greatest artists of all time by magazines including Rolling Stone, which ranked them 41st on its list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time". In 1993, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill (From "Legends of Rock 'n' Roll")

Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill
Antoine "Fats" Domino Jr. (February 26, 1928 – October 24, 2017) was an American pianist and singer-songwriter. One of the pioneers of rock and roll music. Domino sold more than 65 million records. Between 1955 and 1960, he had eleven Top 10 hits. His humility and shyness may be one reason his contribution to the genre has been overlooked. During his career, Domino had 35 records in the U.S. Billboard Top 40, and five of his pre-1955 records sold more than a million copies, being certified gold. His musical style was based on traditional rhythm and blues, accompanied by saxophones, bass, piano, electric guitar, and drums. His 1949 release "The Fat Man" is widely regarded as the first million-selling rock and roll record. Two of his most famous songs are "Ain't That A Shame" and "Blueberry Hill"
![Bob Seger - Old Time Rock And Roll [Official Music Video]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PXwF7g5wksQ/hqdefault.jpg)
Bob Seger - Old Time Rock And Roll [Official Music Video]
Bob Seger - Old Time Rock and Roll - Official Video

Robert Clark Seger born May 6, 1945) is an American singer, songwriter and musician. As a locally successful Detroit-area artist, he performed and recorded as Bob Seger and the Last Heard and Bob Seger System throughout the 1960s, breaking through with his first album, Ramblin'Gamblin'Man (which contained his first national hit of the same name) in 1968. By the early 1970s, he had dropped the 'System' from his recordings and continued to strive for broader success with various other bands. In 1973, he put together the Silver Bullet Band, with a group of Detroit-area musicians, with whom he became most successful on the national level with the album Live Bullet (1976), recorded live with the Silver Bullet Band in 1975 at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan. In 1976, he achieved a national breakout with the studio album Night Moves. On his studio albums, he also worked extensively with the Alabama-based Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, which appeared on several of Seger's best-selling singles and albums. With a career spanning six decades, Seger has sold more than 75 million records worldwide, making him one of the world's best selling artist's of all time.

The Temptations - My Girl

The Temptations - My Girl
The Temptations are an American vocal group who released a series of successful singles and albums with Motown Records during the 1960s and 1970s. The group's work with producer Norman Whitfield, beginning with the Top 10 hit single "Cloud Nine" in October 1968, pioneered psychedelic soul, and was significant in the evolution of R&B and soul music. The band members are known for their choreography, distinct harmonies, and dress style. Having sold tens of millions of albums, the Temptations are among the most successful groups in popular music.

Some people hate house hold chores and may dream that one day they can own there very own robotic house cleaner. No more scrubbing dishes, hoovering floors, washing the car, cleaning windows, preparing food and drinks.. or simply painting the kitchen., the list is endless when you can have an advanced robot to do the hard work for you.
Remember the Jetsons? As kids, we hoped someday we’d have flying cars or those jetpacks Elroy used to zip around with. As we become older, the thing we really want most from the Jetsons is their lovable maid Rosie. Because let’s be honest, we all despise cleaning. Whether it’s vacuuming the living room, mopping up the kitchen or picking up our kid’s toys, nobody cleans with a smile on their face. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a robot maid like Rosie to clean up while we focused on other stuff?

Robot That Cleans Up After You @ CES 2018 - Aeolus Robotics
Robot That Cleans Up After You @ CES 2018 - Aeolus Robotics
Well having a “Rosie” might be closer than you think thanks to a company called Aeolus Robotics. They unveiled their as of yet unnamed “maid” robot earlier this year. The child-sized robot can mop, pick up stuff off the floor, put dishes away, and even move furniture.
The robot isn’t just about cleaning, it can even make and bring you coffee if you so shall desire. It can recognize both voice and text commands so you can simply say “Mop the floor then bring me my coffee” and walla! The robot integrates with Alexa, Google Home, and other smart devices. The robot’s owner can use an app to interact with and monitor it’s activities, even being able to see the world exactly as the robot does.
The most intriguing thing about these robots is that they actually learn over time. They can recognize faces and voices, take on new tasks and remember where more than 1,000 household items last were and should be. Alexander Huang, Global chief executive of Aeolus Robotics told the Washington Post, each robot the company sells will be connected to a network that allows the machines to share information with each other about thousands of objects, using artificial intelligence to make the robot constantly adapt to new tasks and situations. The robot can assign ownership of items to certain individuals so when cleaning up a living room, the toy goes into the child’s closet while a certain sweater goes into dad’s closet. Aeolus’ robot is more than just cleaning. The company feels it would perfect as a household companion to the elderly or disabled. For instance, the robot can recognize changes in posture, enabling it to recognise a fall or medical emergency at home. It can also help do things like carrying heavy objects or call family members.

According to Huang, the robot probably won't completely break the bank, costing as “As much as a family of four to go on an overseas vacation,”. Now are we going to Rome or are we taking our family to Tahiti? Robot maids are still in the development phase but Aeolus’s robot looks very promising and it’s only a matter of time before Rosie’s great-grandmother starts becoming the newest member of your family. Let Rosie play the LOTTO for you and other gambling games such as Horses, Dogs, and other Sports you could become very rich in no time at all.

WASHINGTON (SBG) - Not once in the three televised debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the presidential election of 2016 did the subject arise -- but the top economist in the Trump White House says now that the rise of artificial intelligence and robotics, and the looming threat that advances in these technologies pose to American workers' jobs, form a "high priority" for the nation's chief executive. "These machines are going to start displacing workers," Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, told Sinclair Broadcast Group, "and workers are going to have to re-skill." While President Trump seldom commends the economic stewardship of his predecessor, the incumbent's latest Economic Report to Congress appears to accept without challenge assessments made during the final year of the Obama administration. In that document, White House economists forecast that up to 3 million jobs across the nation may be "threatened or substantially altered" by technological advancements- including nearly 365,000 self-employed drivers anticipating the shift toward autonomous vehicles.

A debate-watching robot learned Trump's emotional self: sad!

A debate-watching robot learned Trump's emotional self: sad!
The Trump report also appears to endorse two other findings of President Barack Obama's advisers: that the workers most likely to lose their jobs in the early stages of the automation revolution will be those with the lowest levels of education; and that the most viable economic path forward will involve the use of human workers to complement, program and maintain AI tools while tapping human ingenuity to develop "entirely new approaches" in response to the "paradigm shifts" associated with automation. "Humans will continue to have an important economic function because of their comparative advantage over AI in other tasks, even if they do not hold an absolute advantage," this year's report states. "Companies and entrepreneurs will find it more profitable to design technology capital that complements human capabilities....The introduction of AI substitutes for labor as workers compete with machines, thereby depressing real wages. But as business formation catches up with the new technology, real wages ultimately rise to levels above what they were before AI."

Donald Trump Handshake Robot
"The extreme points of view go from either total dystopia -- where the machines take control of our lives and we don't have any more freedom and they run everything -- to the robots will do all of our work, generate all of our wealth, and we'll have plenty of free times to live our lives as creative beings," said Dion Hinchcliffe, an executive at Constellation Research, a technology firm based in Silicon Valley. "And the truth lies somewhere in the middle."
Donald Trump Handshake Robot

White matter is found in the deeper tissues of the brain (subcortical). It contains nerve fibers (axons), which are extensions of nerve cells (neurons). Many of these nerve fibers are surrounded by a type of sheath or covering called myelin. Myelin gives the white matter its colour. It also protects the nerve fibers from injury. Also, it improves the speed and transmission of electrical nerve signals along extensions of the nerve cells called axons.
By comparison, gray matter is tissue found on the surface of the brain (cortical). It contains the cell bodies of neurons, which give gray matter its colour.

White matter refers to areas of the central nervous system (CNS) that are mainly made up of myelinated axons, also called tracts. Long thought to be passive tissue, white matter affects learning and brain functions, modulating the distribution of action potentials, acting as a relay and coordinating communication between different brain regions. White matter is named for its relatively light appearance resulting from the lipid content of myelin. However, the tissue of the freshly cut brain appears pinkish-white to the naked eye because myelin is composed largely of lipid tissue veined with capillaries. Its white color in prepared specimens is due to its usual preservation in formaldehyde. White matter is composed of bundles, which connect various grey matter areas (the locations of nerve cell bodies) of the brain to each other, and carry nerve impulses between neurons. Myelin acts as an insulator, which allows electrical signals to jump, rather than coursing through the axon, increasing the speed of transmission of all nerve signals.

The total number of long range fibers within a cerebral hemisphere is 2% of the total number of cortico-cortical fibers (across cortical areas) and is roughly the same number as those that communicate between the two hemispheres in the brain's largest white tissue structure, the corpus callosum. Schuz and Braitenberg note "As a rough rule, the number of fibres of a certain range of lengths is inversely proportional to their length."[4]
White matter in nonelderly adults is 1.7–3.6% blood. White matter forms the bulk of the deep parts of the brain and the superficial parts of the spinal cord. Aggregates of grey matter such as the basal ganglia (caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus, nucleus accumbens) and brainstem nuclei (red nucleus, cranial nerve nuclei) are spread within the cerebral white matter.

The cerebellum is structured in a similar manner as the cerebrum, with a superficial mantle of cerebellar cortex, deep cerebellar white matter (called the "arbor vitae") and aggregates of grey matter surrounded by deep cerebellar white matter (dentate nucleus, globose nucleus, emboliform nucleus, and fastigial nucleus). The fluid -filled cerebral ventricles (lateral ventricles, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle) are also located deep within the cerebral white matter. Men have more white matter than women both in volume and in length of myelinated axons. At the age of 20, the total length of myelinated fibers in men is 176,000 km while that of a woman is 149,000 km. There is a decline in total length with age of about 10% each decade such that a man at 80 years of age has 97,200 km and a female 82,000 km. Most of this reduction is due to the loss of thinner fibers.

White matter is the tissue through which messages pass between different areas of grey matter within the central nervous system. The white matter is white because of the fatty substance (myelin) that surrounds the nerve fibers (axons). This myelin is found in almost all long nerve fibers, and acts as an electrical insulation. This is important because it allows the messages to pass quickly from place to place. Unlike grey matter, which peaks in development in a person's twenties, the white matter continues to develop, and peaks in middle age. Note that white matter can sometimes appear darker than grey matter on a microscope slide because of the type of stain used. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common of the inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system which affect white matter. In MS lesions, the myelin sheath around the axons is deteriorated by inflammation. Alcohol use disorders are associated with a decrease in white matter volume.

Amyloid plaques in white matter may be associated with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Other changes that commonly occur with age include the development of leukoaraiosis, which is a rarefaction of the white matter that can be correlated with a variety of conditions, including loss of myelin pallor, axonal loss, and diminished restrictive function of the blood-brain barrier.

Suddenly the computer list stops at the category WHO - The data and meaning of the word WHO is displayed to correspond with Richie's input message - WHO ARE YOU? - The first line of text instantly flashes green before is shrinks at both sides and disappears - Beeping sounds are heard - The two lines of text at the bottom of the WHO category also display a green colour fleetingly - The green colour instantly reappears on the top line of the column, (More fast beeping sounds are heard - Another high pitched beep is heard as the text vanishes completely to produce a black screen. The matrix of green numerical date continues to flow upwards at a continuous pace - Suddenly the speed of the numerical data becomes much faster as it zips up the screen -

Suddenly a loud and deep voice is heard emanating from the ceiling of the communications room... The computer monitor begins to display the words I AM AWARE one at a time - As the words appear the voice speaks out - The voice has a deep echo and is rather scary as it communicates with the survivors.

Low level violins provide atmosphere and suspense - The spine chilling deep sound of the alien entity causes Foster, Richie, Stevie and Hiko to instantly look up at the ceiling as they attempt to fathom where the elusive voice is coming from... Nadia is some what less enthusiastic as she stares at the computer monitor while contemplating her thoughts...Steve turns around clockwise on the spot as he attempts to locate where the voice is coming from, Richie also turns slightly anti clockwise as he stare up at the ceiling. A light rummaging of feet is heard from the survivors -

Everton slowly looks up and over towards his crew members is silence, Everton displays a mind of differing attitude as he waits for an explanation to the mayhem..

A moment passes as Richie continues to look up at the ceiling before turning his head back around and staring at the screen with astonishment. Richie is shocked to the core that he received a reply from the invisible enemy that is hell bent on hurting then beyond recognition. Hiko say's "Is that it?" Hiko is a tough man and won't become a slave or admire it's technical and superior intelligence like the rest.

Hiko looks down from the ceiling as he looks back to Richie and say's "Is it?" (A loud click is heard as Richie presses down on the keypad a singular time) (Two beeps are heard from the computer speaker) Hiko steps forward a single step as he nods forward slightly and say's "Is that the thing." Stevie steps to his right as he peers through the gap between Hiko and Richie so that he can get a good view of the display - Foster rapidly turns her head left as she watches over the rapidly changing computer screens to her left. Nadia slowly turns her head left and over towards Foster momentarily before quickly turning her head back the other way and looking away across the room avoiding contact with the screen and the rest of the crew. Steve leans over slightly as Richie begins to type out some more words - Richie speaks out as he types - (Tapping of keys is heard) "WE MEAN YOU NO HARM" Nadia suddenly turns her head back anti clockwise and looks down at the computer screen with a sudden interest.. Richie is mesmerised by the display and the aliens decision to make contact with the human specimens.

Richie leans back up as he waits patiently for a response - (A high pitched electronic sound is heard) (Low level synthesizer pan sound provides atmosphere) The computer screen begins to display a series of words at a medium pace of speed as the Alien continues to speak out.. The alien has a deep and evil tone of voice and could be compared to a demon - LIFEFORM ANALYSIS COMPLETE. SPECIES IS DESTRUCTIVE, INVASIVE, NOXIOUS. HARMFUL TO THE BODY OF THE WHOLE.

Richie stares down at the display monitor with a deep fear and shock as the words and the voice of the alien is seen and heard. Foster leans over as she becomes transfixed to the screen--- The alien organism continues to communicate - SPECIES IS DESTRUCTIVE, INVASIVE, NOXIOUS,

Everton is silent and motionless as he listens to the aliens voice - HARMFUL TO THE BODY OF THE WHOLE.. Everton suddenly veers his eyes left as he avoids eye contact with the rest of the crew while contemplating his thoughts.

A light tapping of keys is heard as Richie begins to type out some more words for the aliens consciousness. Steve leans forward fleetingly before disappearing behind Hiko, Hiko looks to his right and towards Steve - Steve reappears and stares down at the monitor with a face of anxious thoughts, Foster steps back slowly as she waits for the alien to reply to Richie's words - Nadia is motionless as she looks down at the screen, (Single electronic beep is heard from the terminal) Richie speaks out loudly as he types - WHAT SPECIES?...

Suddenly the alien entity replies with a simple statement - MAN.. The aliens voice has an echo attached to it -

Two singular beeps of a different tone are now heard in quick succession - Richie leans up slightly as he tightly presses his lips together momentarily, Steve blinks as he slowly leans forward - Foster stares at the screen with shock and horror on her face, Nadia is carefully absorbing the information in front of her, Hiko stands his ground with his machine gun ready -

The computer system now displays the encyclopedia entry for Vi-rus - The description for the word suddenly lights up in a neon green colour as it rapidly checks down line at a time so that the entire description has now become a larger rectangle of green. The colour rapid vanishes before flashing green and then black several times. (Fast electronic beeping sounds are heard) Suddenly a long and high pitched electronic sound is heard as the top line of the description lights up in green before slowly sliding left to produce a black description once more.

A fast chattering of electronic sound is heard as the first word vi-rus lights up in a green colour before flashing alternatively between a Royal Blue colour scheme and green. - The word flashes on and off with the blue colour at a very fast rate -

The computer screen rapidly blanks to a black screen before the alien entity speaks out again - This time the words YOU ARE are displayed one word at a time as the alien voice speaks out - YOU flashes once before ARE appears and both words flash once before vanishing from the screen.

Trumpets play out to provide suspense - The last word is displayed in large letters on screen - VIRUS - The alien speaks with an evil tone of voice as it announces that the crew members are a pathogen..

Steve leans back after witnessing the computer systems artificial intelligence - Hiko has a solemn face as he suddenly looks away from the screen, Foster leans back slowly as she vanishes from view momentarily behind Richie, Richie speaks out with disappointment as he say's "Great, Just great" - Richie stares at the screen as he say's "It thinks we're germs". Richie pants as he leans down to input another short message. A singular beep is heard - (A tapping of keys is heard) Steve looks away from the screen momentarily as he wipes his brow with his right hand.. Hiko turns his head back to the screen - Foster leans forward as her mind contemplates how she and the rest are going to deal with the terrible situation.

Tapping of keys is heard - Richie speaks out as he types out his short message - "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?"

Both Richie and Stevie are transfixed to the screen as they await an answer...Steve blinks - Richie slowly leans up from the computer screen as the alien organism begins to communicate with the crew once more... This time the alien voice has become chaotic in nature as it produces a strange echoing sound infused with it's demonic tone of voice - The alien knows exactly what it want's as it begins to speak out a long list of human body parts that it can use to build it's army of robotic contraptions. The alien say's "VISCOUS NEUROLOGICAL TRANSMITTERS,

Alien continues - OXYGENATED TISSUES, APONEURUS SUPERIORUS PAPELBRAI. Nadia is silent and motionless as her fears multiply a thousand times, Foster squints with disbelief and complete horror as the list of human body parts is spoken and displayed on screen.

Each word appears one at a time as the alien explains what it wants from the human specimens..

Steve is confused as he attempts to understand the scientific terms for the body parts, (Alien voice continues to provide a long list of items) Steve speaks out as his mind swings back to his day's in Biology class at high school,, Steve say's Superiorus, hesitates Superiorus - Steve stops his sentence and is perplexed by the words on screen. Steve suddenly turns his head towards Richie and say's with intrigue "What the hell is that?" Foster and Nadia are motionless as they absorb the evil want list the alien desires.

Nadia speaks out and knows exactly what Superiorus Papelbrai is, Nadia say's "It's part of an optic nerve".

As soon as Foster hears that Superiorus Papelbrai is part of an optic nerve she rapidly turns to Nadia and say's with shock and disbelief "What?" Foster is mind blown that the alien requires human body parts for it's robotic creation and master plan. Foster quickly looks back and down at the screen as she reads the list of parts again, Foster knows that she and the others are in great danger as her mind explodes with possibilities. Foster looks back to Nadia as Nadia looks to Foster. (Alien voice continues to speak out as the list of parts becomes an endless shopping list.)

Richie stares with wide eyes and a heavy heart as his mind suddenly comes to a solid conclusion, "Richie say's with a fearful tone of voice, "Spare parts". Richie hesitates as he continues to watch the screen..(Alien demonic voice continues to speak and list it's requirements on screen) A synthesised low level sound of squawking ducks is heard) Richie turns his head slightly left, Richie grimaces with complete horror and unbelievable anguish as he say's It want's us for spare parts". Richie is shocked to the core -

Demonic alien voice continues - Both Nadia and Foster stare at the computer screen with total horror as there worst fears now become reality.

Hiko also stares down at the screen as the shopping list of human body parts continues,

Steve blinks once as he listens and reads the screen -

The computer screen continues to display the scientific names for the body part as the alien voice continues -

Suddenly a much louder and deeper voice is heard as the screen displays the words "COMMUNICATION TERMINATED". A high pitched electronic sound is then heard -

The computer display suddenly breaks contact with the alien entity and produces a grey screen of chaotic interference - A loud sea of rippling static is heard as the alien intelligence terminates contact.

Suddenly a tremendous crash and bang sound is heard that amplifies and emanates around the communications room, The security door shudders and shakes furiously as the crazed robot activates it's powerful thumping fist against the thick steel, This time the light goes out as the alien organisms demands become much greater.

The loud sound causes Richie to spin around rapidly in a clockwise motion as he faces the battered door with machine gun in hand.

Steve, Hiko, Foster and Nadia also turn around in unison at the horrific sound of death and destruction. Steve steps back slightly as he panics on the spot, Hiko takes a rapid step backwards, Foster leans back slightly as she aims her handgun at the door. A computer screen behind Nadia displays slow moving images of the human body, Everton is sitting down on a stool and has not reacted to the loud sound nor did he participate or show any interest in the computer screen. A computer display to Evertons top right displays a set of green numerals with a thick blue border before flashing a blank screen with a blue border. The lowest screen displays a grey static - Third screen along displays blue images, the screen next to that displays a grey screen of interference. Fosters yellow torch swings up and down from her rapid reaction. (Screeching violins provide atmosphere)

Nadia explained earlier that the power to the ship must be turned off, Nadia speaks out calmly as she say's "It must be destroyed" Foster sweats profusely as she sways from side to side while aiming her weapon at the door. Foster suddenly leans to towards Nadia as she shouts out loudly "How?" A whoosh of double bass chords are heard)

Hiko speaks out as he looks down at the floor at a slight angle while avoiding eye contact with the rest of the survivors. Hiko speaks over to Nadia and say's "You said it was electrical like lightening" Nadia leans forward as she say's "Yes" with a rapid and frightened tone of voice. Nadia looks down at her stomach as Hiko replies "So what happens when lightening hit's water?" Hiko shakes his head sternly as he looks right and toward Stevie. Steve sways on his feet as his eyes flit once from left to right, Steve looks up rapidly before looking to his left. Steve shakes his head slightly before looking at Hiko and shouting out to his question "It grounds out!." Nadia begins to rummage inside her green bag as she prepares to swing it over her right shoulder. Nadia looks up and then back down then back up as she prepares her bag. Foster looks fleetingly to Nadia before looking over to Steve as he shouts out his reply to Hiko. Richie stands behind the rest of the crew and quickly steps back before turning anti clockwise and walking a few feet across the room away from the distraught personnel. (Light and delicate violin chords are heard) Trumpet is also heard playing a long and sustained chord)

Hiko quickly returns his assumption back to Steve, That's right, It grounds out, A loud squeaking grinding crash of heavy metal is heard as the maniac robot activates it's high powered hydraulic thumper once more.. A huge indentation appears into the thick steel as the robots steel weapon smashes into it. A fizzing and electrical fusion of sound is heard as the steel protected light flashes rapidly on and off as it struggles to provide light. The light suddenly goes out after producing a much brighter ambience fleetingly..

Hiko is feeling the pressure as he speaks out with frustrated anger, Hiko continues - it dissipates (Hiko emphasises his words with confidence) and then it dies. Hiko rapidly shakes his head towards Nadia and Foster as he emphasises his opinion. Hiko raises his eyebrows momentarily as he stares at the female survivors. Steve looks at Nadia before looking back at the door. Steve blinks twice- (A loud crashing of steel and metal is heard as the robot thumper strikes out again - Hiko looks back to the door as he say's with a strong sense of confidence, "It means we can kill this thing" Hiko strains his words and his facial muscles as his frustration and anger seep out.

Richie suddenly turns around in a clockwise motion from the far wall of the room as he shouts over towards Hiko and the others, "Yeah, but that means we got to sink the ship to do that." Richie sways left and right on his feet.

Captain Everton is in a complete world of his own and is not showing any interest of any kind, He does not seem bothered in the slightest that he could be killed and used for spare parts by a crazed robot that sits unrelentless outside of the communications door. Everton stares down at a handkerchief he has pulled out from one of his pockets, Everton plays with the fabric as his mind drifts to another realm of ideas. Suddenly Everton looks up and over towards Foster as she speaks out, 'Foster say's, "It's in the computer, where's the mainframe?"

Foster has total trust in Nadia now as she asks her where the mainframe computer is located. Suddenly Foster rapidly turns away from Nadia as she holds her weapon out in front of her...Foster waits patiently for an answer from one of the survivors as she is unsure of it's locality.

Nadia avoids eye contact with Foster as she speaks and say's D-deck,(Foster turns to Nadia) One deck (Nadia looks to Foster and speaks the last word with zeal and slight relief) below.."

Steve looks over towards Foster as he shouts out with a sudden flash of sense as he say's "She's right!" (Steve looks to Nadia) Steve frantically shakes out his right index finger towards Nadia as he say's "We gotta get to the (Steve shakes finger out) computer if we're gonna kill this thing". Hiko rapidly turns to face Nadia and Foster. Steve's eyes flit from side to side as his anxious frustrations take over.

Another loud smash and bang is heard as the deranged robot strikes out again against the door. The ships high duty light has switched back on and is also in a fight with the machine from outside the door. Reinforced steel squeaks as it explodes inwards from the severe forces.

More grinding squeaking sounds are heard from the steel door, Steve panics as he instantly focuses his attention back to the door,(Steve blinks) Hiko also panics with fright as he also looks back to the door with speed, Hiko gasps as his eyes open wide from the anticipated horror that awaits him. (Trumpets provide the sound score)

Foster sways on her feet as she maintains her attention on the door, Steve say's "We gotta get the hell outta here first." Nadia veers her eyes right then left.

Richie suddenly turns clockwise to face the survivors as he say's "You people want a way out of here?" Richie hesitates before leaning forward slightly and saying with slight sarcasm, "Huh?" Richie seems to think he has a sound solution to escaping the chaos of the communications room, Richie thinks for himself and has the attributes to go it alone if required.

Richie looks to Nadia before looking towards Foster, Richie is angry and now has little time for the dithering crew members as he takes a stand for himself.. Richie shouts out with vexation, "I'll show you a way outta here." Steve blinks as he turns his head over towards Richie, Hiko watches the door as he sways gently on his feet. Nadia stares at Richie in silence, Foster grimaces with frustration as she looks at Richie, Fosters yellow torch sways from side to side -

In the far corner of the communications room a metal bookshelf rests against a wall, this shelf is stacked with a multitude of grey binders that have yellow strips down the side. Suddenly a loud crashing sound is heard almost like thunder as the shelf is violently pushed over from the other side of the wall. As the book shelf topples two thick binders that are resting on top also fall as the heavy unit collapses to the floor below.

Behind the book shelf a hand now protrudes as it slowly moves in an up and down motion as it feels for a way forward.

Richie rapidly swings around anti clockwise from the loud crashing sound, Richie stares ahead with complete fear and panic on his mind. Steve's blinks rapidly as he also shudders with extreme fright at the unexpected sound. A cocking of guns is heard as the three crew members prepare to protect themselves.

More sounds of bending and tearing metal is heard as Squeaky pushes his way through into the room, Squeaky pushes his head through as he uses his powerful hydraulic arms to bend the metal to one side. (Trumpets are heard to provide the sound score)

The modified and reconstructed robot pushes through the hole with his feet while gripping the floor with it's hands. Squeaky has huge chunks of flesh missing from the back of his head and he has a plethora of gadgets and wires that have been fused to his nerve endings. More banging is heard as Squeaky edges further inside while using his right hand as a claw. Light shines in from the dangerous corridors outside the room as Squeaky greets his fellow comrades.

Nadia gasps with fright as she instantly leans back from the grisly scene, Foster stay transfixed on the robotic man as she aims her handgun directly at him.

A creaking is heard including a whizzing of motors as Squeaky lifts his modified and implanted head up high, Squeaky speaks out with a frightening and monaural tone of voice, "Steve" -