Suddenly the computer screen begins to display a large grey box with a large anchor at the right hand side. The anchor becomes animated as it drops to the bottom of the box before appearing back at the top and repeating the animation. What makes it difficult for Foster is the fact the entire computer system is in Russian, Two options are now presented inside the box, One option is to release the heavy anchor from the stern of the vessel, the other is to cancel operations. Multiple beeps and blips are heard as the computer system goes into overdrive.

The camera zooms in as it shows the anchor continue to animate, The anchor falls down two more times before it stops dead at the bottom of the grey box. Now the anchor is flashing red and is a warning that the anchor is preparing for launch. An anchor designed for a ship weighing 17,250 tons (full) could weigh at least 12,000 kilos.

Captain Everton continues to watch the screen and now the flashing anchor as he say's with a normal and relaxed tone of voice, "I don't know much about computers (Nods forward at screen) but that's an anchor." (Beeps continue)

From outside of the bridge room the manual control box for the anchor is located near the stern. Suddenly a loud thud of metal and moving vibration is heard as the handle for the box instantly snaps down at high speed. The control box is used to (Red button) (Stop the anchor) ,(Green button) raise the anchor, (Black Button) lower the anchor.

The camera rapidly pans down to reveal a huge anchor chain that is rusted and coated with oxidation. A loud sound of rattling chains and a deep vibrating hum is heard as the heavy steel chain begins to fall from the weight of the 12000 kilo anchor. The chain rapidly pummels down as gravity takes it's course through the anchor eye of the ship.

Richie is unaware of the impeding danger of the ships anchor which is precariously hanging just above the Sea Star as he looks down at Hiko who is preparing the mooring ropes. A loud clanking of echoing steel and rattling and rumbling chains emanates all around. The chain rapidly gains a tremendous flow of speed and force as it slips down towards Captain Evertons most cherished possession. Suddenly Richie turns in a anti clockwise motion from the unexpected and tremendously loud clanging of metal. Small fragments of rust spray off the chain as it continues down.

Hiko has moored the rope to the timber head as it stretches and maintains a tight tension with the Russian ship. Hiko is looking down at the floor of the main deck just below where the anchor is positioned and is completely unaware that his life is now in complete and utter danger. The anchor creaks and moans as it is set free to crash down onto the delicate and totally unprotected tug boat. The grisly sound of a 12000 kilo anchor plummeting to your position has awoken Hiko from his thoughts as he instantly looks up at the fast moving grey shape.

The anchor is now at free fall speed and is on a direct collision with Hiko who is completely unprepared for such a tragedy to unfold.

The camera pans down at high speed as Hiko stares up at the goliath weight that is moments away from killing him outright. Hiko is transfixed by the approaching anchor that for a short moment in time he can do nothing except watch his fate unfold.

Suddenly Hiko's natural adrenalin and mental sense tells him to get the hell out of there as fast as he can. Hiko runs for his life just before the anchor strikes down with a furious fury and wrath.

The anchor explodes down onto the weakened deck of the Sea Star as Hiko just manages to get out of the way of the monstrous weight. The sound is similar to a bomb going off as the deck of the Sea Star obliterates into hundreds of pieces of broken beams and off shoots of wood debris. A huge plume of water blasts out from the decks surface as it carries the wood and debris with it. Hiko takes a chance as he grunts loudly while jumping into the air while using the tremendous force of the anchor and water to propel himself away from the impacted area.

The tremendous energy of the anchor has completely destroyed the main deck as now a huge and gaping hole is all that is left of the Sea Star. Water shoots up at least 100 feet into the air as it carries wood and debris with it. Hiko has managed to swing around the side of the damaged winch as he uses the motor to protect himself from the exploding and flying shrapnel and wood. Smaller pieces of wood blast off like a rocket from the forces in all direction.

What goes up must come down, so they say, as the water fountain reaches equilibrium it falls back to the Sea Star below carrying the wood with it. Hiko lays flat to the floor as he waits for the tremendous energy to settle.

Richie is definitely aware of the situation now that he has witnessed first hand the destruction of the Sea Star and the terrible fate of Hiko who could be dead. Richie begins to panic as his adrenalin pumps through his body, Richie quickly raises his radio mic to his mouth as he shouts out at the top of his voice, "Emergency on top deck! - Emergency on top deck" Richie speaks at pace as his mind goes into override. A rumbling and groaning sound is heard similar to a ships last moments before it sinks to the sea bed. Richie continues as he shouts out, "The Anchor went down on the tug."

Richie is the only crew member capable of stopping the anchor from causing any more destruction, With a surge of instinct Richie runs over and passed the windlass machine that let's out and brings in the heavy anchor and chain. As Richie passes by the machine he leap frogs a timber head that is blocking his path. A loud rattling and squeaking is heard as the massive chain links plummet and flow through the windlass machine at high speed. The sound is similar to a speeding train over rickety tracks. A high pitched tinging is also heard that rapidly repeats. A windlass is a machine used on ships that is used to let-out and heave-up equipment such as a ship's anchor or a fishing trawl. On some ships, it may be located in a specific room called the windlass room.

Richie rapidly turns left as he quickly climbs two short steps to reach a large wheel that can be used to stop the plummeting chain. Richie instantly begins to spin the wheel as fast as he can in a clockwise motion with both hands. Richie grimaces as he quickly removes his right hand for a split second on each turn of the wheel.

The thick chain continues to eject and unwind at supersonic speed as Richie attempts to stop a disaster unfolding. A loud rattling and jingling of heavy and rusted metal is heard. Suddenly an enormous explosion of chinking and grinding metal is heard as the thick chain stops dead from inside the windlass machine.

The camera zooms in at a middle rate of speed as the anchors chain suddenly runs out of steam and severs from it's secure fixture. The chain falls out at high speed resulting in a complete release. A loud banging sound of heavy metal is heard as the chain falls to the deck below.

Dramatic orchestral music plays - A whipping sound is heard as the rest of the chain falls directly down towards Hiko and the main deck of the Sea Star vessel. Hiko is still alive as he looks up at the falling chain, the Sea Star is a agust with a swirling white sea water as is slowly begins to sink at a much faster rate than before the incident. Hiko has injured his right leg as he slowly attempts to crawl away from the huge hole of swirling water and heavy chain.

A loud grating sound is heard as Foster quickly slides open a door from the wheelhouse, Foster is distressed as she rapidly runs to the side of the ship to find out the severity of the incident. Captain Everton shouts loudly through his radio as he follows Foster out of the wheelhouse "Baker did you copy that?" Everton is hoping that Steve is aware of the commotion above and can assist in some way. Foster places both hands onto the side of the deck as she looks down at the sinking tug. Everton reaches the side of the ship as he shouts again through his radio to Steve, "We need you up here." Everton suddenly say's Oh Jesus as he realizes his tug is going to sink and that Hiko is badly injured and in need of assistance.

Woods has made his way out of the wheelhouse as he awkwardly makes his way along the deck towards Hiko, Huge amounts of water are flooding the deck as Hiko maintains his position unable to move forward or backwards because of his injuries. A loud sound of rushing water is heard.

Captain Everton shouts out again as he watches Hiko struggle for survival "Baker we need you on deck, Now!" Foster suddenly turns away from Everton and begins to run back and along the side of the wheelhouse towards a small set of stairs that are going up.

Steve is in another area of the Russian ship as he speaks frantically with Captain Everton, Stevie say's, "Already on my way" as he rapidly walks towards the exit door. A high pitched static pop is heard as Stevie releases the radio transmission button .

Steve speaks over to Squeaky as he reaches another section of the large navigational room, "Hey Squeak - You catch that?" Squeaky widens his arms out as he say's "What the hell happened?" Steve continues, You just sit tight" "Any sign of trouble, Steve turns around clockwise as he raises his right arm with radio in hand and say's with slight sarcasm "you don't be a cowboy." Squeaky turns to Stevie as he passes him and say's with a serious tone, "I'm not gonna be a cowboy" But (Squeaky stumbles on his words as he raises his hands up in the air) "dd Don't leave me here for too long, All right?"

Squeaky takes a few steps as he follows Stevie to the hatch door that leads out to the deck, A loud squeaking is heard as Steve opens the thick steel door with his right hand, Steve momentarily looks at Squeaky as he say's, "Just stay on your radio." Stevie exits the navigational room as he rushes towards the Sea Star. A fast blast of trumpets is heard to provide tense atmosphere.

Foster scurries as fast as her feet can carry her as she rounds a stairwell and makes her way down, A fast tapping of feet is heard as Foster quickly descends the metal stairs.

Steve is on a mission as he sprints along the deck of the Russian ship at break neck speed, Stevie passes a destroyed satellite dish as he travels from the bow of the ship to the stern as quick as his legs can go.

Richie has found a red life ring as he rapidly throws it over the side with his right hand. The life ring has a large coil of rope attached to it that instantly unravels and cascades down.

The life ring descends at high speed as it surfs the air, the ring slowly turns in a clockwise motion as it plummets to the sea below.

A splat sound is heard as the ring hits the water, Sea spray explodes out of the middle of the ring as it smacks down safely. Hiko moves his right leg in and out as he tussles with the strong current.

Woods has made it to a small ladder as he slowly steps down using both hands as support before jumping the last step. Hiko looks forward an towards Woods as he prays that he will be rescued from the sinking boat. Hiko looks behind as he focuses on his leg injury, A large piece of wood has penetrated his thigh and he is in a lot of pain.

Hiko grunts loudly as he pulls out the sharp slinter of wood from his thigh with his right hand, The splinter is covered in blood and Hiko will now find swimming back to the Russian ship a rather difficult task. A white and whipped up sea spurts out of the large hole in the Sea Stars deck as it quickly fills up with water. Hiko quickly turns back to Woods for support.

Woods is acting rather strangely as he stands motionless while swaying on his feet from side to side, Woods is concerned for Hiko but is unable to assist him as he stares down at his wound and mental state.

Water gushes and spurts out violently from behind the injured Hiko, Hiko raises his right hand up and out towards Helmsman Woods as he shouts loudly for assistance, "Woods". Hiko is in grave danger if no one can help him. Hiko suddenly looks at Woods with despair and slight shock as Woods stands motionless and refusing to help. Hiko shakes his hand up and down several times as he expects Woods to assist.

Woods is out of breath and feeling uneasy as he watches Hiko from a distance, Suddenly Woods speaks and say's with concern, "I tell you what, (Woods nods twice forward) I'm gonna go get some help."

Water is a major concern as it quickly becomes much deeper, Water suddenly hits Hiko in the face which causes him to spit some of the cold liquid out, Hiko has realized that Woods is not prepared to risk his own life for him and has now become angry, Hiko shouts out at the top of his voice, "Woods!" in a futile attempt for him to help him out of the water.

The Sea Star is sinking fast and time is now critical, If the tug sinks it could take Hiko and Woods down with it. Hiko is only a few short feet away from Woods as he raises his hand in an attempt to be pulled up to a higher part of the boat. Woods looks on over at the struggling crewmen as splashes of water spray out over the ladders, Suddenly Woods leaps into the cold water with both hands outstretched as Hiko shouts over "I can't swim." The red life ring bobs up and down in the water, A small piece of wooden debris next to the ring sways under and over the water line.

For a short moment in time Woods is no where to be seen as he swims under the water towards the bobbing red ring. Hiko struggles to keep his head above the water as it ripples over his head.

A few seconds pass and Woods returns to the surface as he opens his mouth wide as he struggles to breath, Woods begins to perform a simple breast stroke as he swims over to the bobbing red ring. Hiko continues to thrash in the water as he raises his hands up in an attempt to stay afloat. Woods momentarily turns his head towards the flailing crewmen twice as he continues his journey a short distance to the ring. Hiko screams out "Woods" as water fills his mouth in complete turmoil.

Foster is at full steam ahead as she runs rapidly towards the Russian ships side, Hiko is heard from a distance shouting at the top of his voice in a very angry state, "Get back here" Goddamn cocksucker."

Steve is just behind Foster as he also runs at high speed towards the side of the ship. (Loud taps of feet are heard) Steve quickly slows and stops dead as he looks over the ships side down at the sinking tug boat. Steve is carrying a shotgun in his right hand as he rests his left hand on the railings and looks down with fear. (Hiko screams out loudly)

A huge water fountain of bubbling and frothing water is now erupting from the huge hole created by the powerful anchor. Woods has reached the red life ring as he clings onto it for his life, Hiko raises his left hand momentarilly as he flounders in the rising water. A powerful surge and swirl of water has locked Hiko into a pocket and he is now trapped. The Sea Stars timber head disappears under a wave of frothing water.
Dramatic orchestral music plays out.

Foster rapidly leans over the Russian ships railings as she shouts out loudly, "Hiko" Foster stands up on the railings as she holds on with both hands and shouts out again with distress, "Hiko".

Suddenly Richie appears from no where as he runs towards Foster at high speed, Richie grabs hold of Foster as he shouts out, "What are you doing?" A slap sound is heard as Richie pulls Foster off and away from the railings, Richie say's again, "What are you doing?" Richie considers Foster's actions dangerous as she could fall over the side. Foster turns clockwise as she faces Richie, Foster shouts out with anger and frustration, "Leave me alone" as she pushes Richie back with force with both hands. Richie falls back from Fosters strength as he stares at her unable to persuade her otherwise.

Steve stares down at the sinking tug as his mind goes into overdrive, Steve is aware or now knows that Hiko can not swim and definitely needs saving, Woods has selfishly taken the red life ring as he clings for his life below. Suddenly Steve say's to himself, "Shit" before moving off from the railings at high speed as he attempts to save Hiko's life in anyway he can.

More fast tapping of feet is heard as Stevie swings into action, As he runs towards the railings of the ship he quickly removes his light brown jacket and drops it to the floor with his left hand. (Thud is heard) From a distance Richie and Foster are still fighting over their disagreement, Richie suddenly falls back onto a large coiled mound of manilla rope as Foster steps back over to the railings. Richie tumbles over with his legs flailing in the air from Fosters strong attack.

Dramatic orchestral music is heard - Stevie grunts as he leap frogs over the side of the 19,000 ton ship while using his left hand as a rudder to spring board his body weight. Foster watches Stevie from a distance as she prepares for the worst.

Stevie grimaces as he high jumps the railings while outstretching his legs and lowering his arms down, Steve has a long way to fall and is taking a big risk in saving Hiko and Woods life.

Stevie begins to freefall as he closes his legs and outstretches his arms like a torpedo as he rapidly plummets down to the icey and perilous water below. A loud splash is heard as Stevie disappears under the water for a brief moment in time, A huge star shaped torrent of water explodes around Steve as it erupts and sprays out in all directions.

Foster is highly energized as she leans over the railings while shouting loudly, "Steve".

The Sea Star has now tilted upwards and has moved into the sinking position, Nothing on Earth can save Captain Everton's boat now as it slowly slips under the water line. Hiko flails his arms up and out of the water in a desperate attempt to bring help to his side, Steve has safely landed down in the water as he begins to breast stroke towards the drowning crewmen. Hiko screams out with fear "Steve" as he attempts to alert him off his perilous predicament, Hiko turns his body as he faces the sinking ship while flailing his arms, Hiko is drowning and cannot control his actions in the water. Steve powers his way towards Hiko.

Loud splashes of water are heard as Steve reaches Hiko, Steve grunts from his efforts as he struggles to breath from the turbulent ocean. Hiko has vanished under the frothy water line with only a hand barely touching the surface. Suddenly Hiko explodes from the water as he takes in a large breath of air, Hiko turns and looks towards Steve as he struggles to move closer to him.

Steve quickly grabs hold of Hiko with his right hand, Hiko turns his body clockwise allowing Steve to firmly take hold of him from behind, Steve looks to his right fleetingly before looking over in fear at the sinking Sea Star. Hiko closes his eyes as he grimaces from the ordeal, Steve holds onto Hiko tightly so that he does not go below the water again.

Steve coughs loudly as he continues to keep Hiko afloat, Steve looks behind himself momentarily as he begins to swim back to the Russian ship. Steve holds onto Hiko with his left hand tightly wrapped around his waist while using his right hand and legs to swim back. (The Sea Star continues to slowly dip below the water)

Hiko struggles in the deep water as he swings his arms out and all around creating large splashes of sea water. Steve looks along the side of the ship towards the bow as he grunts with effort. Hiko grimaces as he rests his head against Steves right cheek. More splashing is created by the two men as Steve shouts out loudly "I've got you" to reassure Hiko that he will not drown today. Hiko swings his right arm out with anger and desperation as Steve continues his rescue.

Hiko is heard choking fleetingly from a distance, A large swirling and rippling torrent of water is now irritating the waters surface from the tug boats sinking. A creaking sound is heard as the tug continues to slip under the water.

Thunder is heard as the camera slowly pans down from the IIR-L U Radar which is situated center of the Russian ship.

A metal ting sound is heard - A short time has passed and Steve has managed to save Hiko from the deep depths of the Pacific Ocean. Richie is silent as he stands with a shotgun in both hands. Richie suddenly takes a step forward as he says with a questionable mind, "No, that anchor didn't just drop by itself." Richie shakes his head rapidly in a negative way as he ponders the impossible. Richie say's "No' Richie is feeling threatened as he cocks his weapon.

Steve is back on board and is out of breath as he suddenly straightens himself up, Richie continues, "Somebody else is on this ship." Steve instantly agrees with Richie as he say's "I hear that," Steve wipes his mouth with his right hand.

A loud ripping sound of fabric is heard followed by a a loud grunt as Foster cuts away Hiko's right trouser leg with a large hunting knife. Foster say's "Oh God" Hiko also grunts as the pain returns from Fosters rapid action. Foster places the knife down to the floor with her right hand - Hiko say's "I'll be alright" Foster is adamant that Hiko needs medical attention as she disagrees with Hiko and say's "No." Hiko has a green sculpted knife attached to his waist which is themed towards his family ancestory. The Maori, originally Polynesians, who settled in New Zealand around the time between 11th and 13th century, are known for their distinctive warrior's culture. ... Throughout history, the Maori warfare tradition won them a reputation as some of the most dangerous warriors in the South Sea.

Foster carefully pulls the torn fabric down around Hiko's leg with both hands so that the wound is fully exposed.

Foster applies a firm pressure to Hiko's wound as she attempts to stem the flow of blood.

Foster looks Hiko in the eye as she say's with concern, "Not without stitches you wont." Fosters father was an admiral in the Navy, and she has been fully trained on first aid and minor operations. Hiko is silent as he looks back at Foster knowing that she is more right than he at judging someone's injuries.

Woods suddenly removes his soaked shirt with both hands as he pulls upwards, Foster is heard saying loudly, "Lift up..Lift Up" to Hiko as she continues to apply her medical experience. (Hiko groans as the pain become more intense) Woods breathes heavily as he looks down while dropping his garment to the deck below. Foster speaks out again "Hold this."

Woods shakes rapidly as he begins to rub himself down with both hands at the elbows to fight off the chills he has received. Woods stares over at Foster and Hiko in silence. Rope that is hanging over the side of some railings higher up behind Woods sways in an up and down motion from the strong breeze.

Foster grimaces as she applies pressure to Hiko's wound with her right hand, Richie is taking slow and delayed steps just behind Hiko and Foster as he ponders his thoughts. Steve connects his belt together as he tidies himself up. Hiko is now feeling some animosity towards Woods who selfishly saved himself from the sinking tug. Hiko's face changes to one of anger as he speaks over to Woods and say's "What are you looking at?" Foster quickly turns her head towards Woods.

A moment passes as Woods defers a reply, Woods is surprised that Hiko is feeling this friction between them as he suddenly shouts out with an every man for himself kind of attitude, "Hey...It could of been me." Woods strikes out his right hand to emphasise that he could also have been killed by the falling anchor and circumstances prevented otherwise.

Stevie puts his right hand into his green ruck sack as he produces a nice white and dry shirt. Foster looks away from the irate Woods as she looks back down at Hiko's injured leg, Foster grimaces as she pulls a long brown leather belt away from Hiko's trousers. Hiko also grimaces as he turns his head away from the sight of his injury momentarily.

Steve transfers the dry shirt from his left hand to his right before throwing the garment over towards Woods. Woods catches the white shirt with both hands as he turns clockwise. Suddenly Squeaky is heard on Steve's radio "Stevie what's going on up there man!".

Steve quickly bends down and retrieves his radio from the floor below. Steve turns to face away from Woods as a static pop is heard from Steve's radio. "Steve speaks to Squeaky with disappointment, "We lost the tug Squeak."

Squeaky is still waiting around in the navigations room as he holds his radio out with his left hand. Steve's voice is now heard on Squeaky's radio, "She's gone." (Static interference) Squeaky quickly raises his radio to his mouth as he responds, "That sucks." A slight echo emanates around the room as Squeaky speaks. Squeaky holds the radio slightly away once again as he looks down the room to his right, Steve speaks again, "How we doing down there, Huh.". A low level vibrating metallic humming is heard from the depths - Static pop - Squeaky looks to his right as he communicates again with Steve, 'I'm doing fine - This ahh.. whole thing is automated, It runs by itself.' Squeaky veers his eyes right as he turns his head slightly.

Steve is quick to correct Squeaky on his thoughts as he says "Negative Negative in quick succession." (Shakes head negatively) We got somebody else on board." Repeat - We got somebody else on board, That's who sank the tug." In the background Woods is adjusting the white shirt Steve threw over to him. Woods looks down as he pulls at the bottom of his new shirt fleetingly, this causes the shirt to raise up slightly. Woods raises his right hand to the top right side of his shirt as he fumbles with the buttons.

Squeaky stands motionless and silent as he carefully listens to Steve's words, (Holds radio out by the side of his ear with his left hand) "Now I want you to bolt the engine room door shut." "You understand me?." Squeaky veers his eyes right as he focuses on something in the distance of the room. Squeaky say's "I copy that" And hurry up will you" (Static pop) (Blinks) looks towards radio then veers eyes right, Looks back to radio. Looks right. Squeaky is feeling a little on edge -

Back on deck the crew are slowly adjusting to there new life on board the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" since Captain Everton's beloved Sea Star has gone down to a watery grave. As Steve is the manager for the crew he is now racking his brains for a sensible solution to the groups dilemma. Steve shouts out "Listen I think we should split up into two groups." "Root them out" Steve wipes his brow with his right hand, Foster Hiko and Richie all turn to face Stevie as they listen carefully to his idea.

Foster grimaces as she continues to fix up Hiko's injured leg with a tourniquet to help stem the blood flow and heal the wound. (Foster uses her yellow jacket as she ties both arms together.) Foster suddenly looks up at Stevie as she say's "I agree, I just have to fix his leg.". The crew now think there is an intruder on board who is hostile and focused on hurting them. Foster suddenly pulls tightly on the arms of her jacket creating a muffled sound of fabric as she looks back down. The distant sound of Captain Everton causes Foster to quickly look up and around.

Captain Everton has made his way from the bridge to find his crew and to continue his plan, Everton shouts loudly towards Stevie as he say's "Hold your horses mister." I'm still Captain Here." Everton is displeased with Stevie's idea that the group should split into two. Low level footsteps are heard as Captain Everton makes his way over to the group. Woods slowly rubs his stomach with his right hand in a downwards motion before lowering both hands and placing one over the other.

As Everton passes Foster he drops down a purple rucksack by her side and say's "You left this on the bridge." (Thud is heard) Foster fumbles with the zip as she looks down at her rucksack before looking over towards Steve. Everton carries an automatic rifle in his left hand. Foster unzips her bag as she places a large and blood stained knive that she used to cut open Hiko's trousers into the top.

As Everton approaches Stevie the engineer say's "You were Captain of the Sea Star." Steve fleetingly looks towards the side of the ship in the direction of the sunken tug as he emphasizes his opinion. Hiko looks down with closed eyes as he grimaces from the pain he is feeling. Steve signals with his left hand as he points it towards the Sea Star tragedy to emphasize again and say's "She just sank, right?"

Captain Everton speaks with a soft tone as he attempts to persuade Steve that he is still in charge of operations. Everton say's "Well I'm ranking officer." A zipping sound is heard as Foster closes her bag. No sound score - A sound of cool wind and breeze is heard. Steve's hair bluster in the breeze.

Steve leans closer to Everton in silence as he listen to what the Captain has to say,

Everton speaks carefully as he say's "Listen to me Baker." Everton hesitates - For $30 million dollars (Hesitates) I'm willing to overlook all that's come between us." Richie is facing away from Everton and is shaking his head in a negative way.

All is quiet on the deck as Steve listens to Captain Everton's words, Everton say's, "How about you?"

Captain Everton stares at Steve in silence as he waits patiently for an answer.

Foster looks on over towards Steve and Everton as she continues to work on Hiko's leg in silence also.

Steve is tongue tied and unable to answer the Captain's question, Steve is considering the large amount of money that is at stake even though he dislikes Everton and the way he is treated.

Captain Everton is now convinced Steve is on his side once again as the silence continues, Everton takes two light steps on his feet but remains fixed to his position as he say's "Good man.' (Blinks) Everton shouts out loudly "Richie" as he continues to look at Steve for a short moment longer.

Richie is solemn and composed as he turns to Everton and say's "Yeah"

Everton has now regained some form of control with his crew as he begins to give out orders, Everton say's to Richie, "Take Woods" Richie hisses with displeasure as he turns his head away from Everton and say's "Ah Shit!", Everton continues, "Go to the engine room - "Back up Squeaky". Hiko grunts with pain - Everton suddenly walks past Richie as he travels to his right.

Woods can clearly hear Captain Everton's orders from a distance but does not seem to happy now that he knows he has to go with Richie to Squeaky's aid. Woods raises his left hand out fleetingly as he attempts to grab Captain Everton's attention but knows he won't be able to change his mind. Everton speaks out again, 'We're gonna take Hiko, get him to a sick bay."

Everton say's "And get that leg fixed" Foster has managed to get Hiko onto his feet, Hiko wraps his left arm around Fosters neck for support as he struggles and limps with pain. Foster turns anti clockwise slightly as she jumps on her feet two times in quick succession to lift Hiko up more firmly, Steve is bent down and is placing clothing into his green ruck sack. Suddenly Hiko's leg loses strength momentarily which causes Foster to grimace and moan softly with effort. Hiko and Foster slowly take steps forward as they attempt to locate the sick bay room.

As Hiko passes a confused and mentally shaken Woods he say's with a serious tone of voice, "Stay away from me Woods!" Woods begins to make his way towards Richie as Captain Everton is heard again "Go with him Woods"
As Woods approaches Richie the crewmen has something important to say to him, Richie is cool and calm as he say's "Let me tell you something, "You get me killed, I'm gonna kick your ass." Richie nods forward as he emphasizes his thoughts.

Richie lifts up his green ruck sack with his left hand as he say's to Woods, "Now take my shit, (Thud of material is heard) Richie pats Woods on his right shoulder as he say's "Let's go" Richie maintains pressure on Woods shoulder as he stands motionless while waiting for a silent Woods to walk past him. Woods holds onto Richie's bag with both hands as he walks on towards the engine room to meet with Squeaky. Richie quickly follows behind with his shotgun in hand.

Squeaky has missed all the commotion from the deck of the Russian vessel as he waits patiently for Steve to return, Stevie told Squeaky to stay put, but as time has passed Squeaky is getting a little impatient and really wants to be back with his crew members. Squeaky is feeling bored as he pulls down a large black binder with his left hand that contains information and schematics on the engine rooms mechanics and operational functions. Squeaky looks down as he opens the binder with his right hand and peers inside to investigate further. A light tap is heard as Squeaky releases his left hand momentarily from the book before replacing it. Squeaky places his right hand further underneath the binder for support as he slowly walks back over to a brown stool.

Squeaky takes two slow steps forward before turning his head and looking at a large silver control terminal that Squeaky has identified as the one in the black binder. Squeaky looks a little further along the silver machine of circular dials as his left hand slides up and then down the edge of the binder once. Squeaky turns away from the terminal as he carefully observes the room he is in,

A metal tap sound is heard as Squeaky sits back down on the brown stool while placing his left leg on the metal rest located at the bottom of the seat. Squeaky looks more to his right as he pushes himself up slightly with his left leg while tuning clockwise on his seat. Another tap is heard as Squeaky lifts up his right leg and places it over his left. Squeaky looks down as he attempts to read the Russian text and images. Squeaky opens the binder fully as he slides the front cover comfortably over his crossed leg. An echoing horn sound is heard that travels through the interior of the ship almost like a distant lighthouse.

Foster Hiko Stevie and Captain Everton have reentered the ship as they attempt to discover the sick bay room or something equivalent. Foster has given the difficult task of supporting Hiko to Stevie who is just behind her. Foster takes the lead as she reaches the bottom of a series of stairs while shining a torch brightly. Captain Everton follows behind Steve and suddenly shouts out "Wait up for us, Foster" A loud tapping of feet is heard as they reach the bottom of the dark stairwell. Foster say's softly "All right" as she suddenly finds something of significance. Foster stands motionless as she shines her torch over a large schematic map of the ship and it's rooms. Hiko grabs hold of a side wall with his right hand before placing it down on a white painted rail just below the map. Hiko and Steve stare at the map with interest, Everton holds onto a white railing with his left hand as he reaches the bottom of the stairs. Foster shines her torch down to a large red cross briefly before slowly raising the torch up and over the map. A loud sniffle is heard - Steve looks down the corridor including Everton, Foster suddenly turns and shines her torch down the dark corridor, A creaking sound is heard - Everton say's "It'll be down that corridor", As he refers to the sick bay location.

An echoing tapping of feet is heard as the group slowly make there way down the corridor. Foster takes the lead.

A loud rattling tapping of metal and feet is heard as Richie and Woods explore another part of the ships massive layout. Richie and Woods have been instructed by Captain Everton to get themselves to the engine room where Squeaky is located but because they are unfamiliar with the ships massive map of rooms they have inadvertently been sucked into a maze of corridors and stairwells. Richie shines his light down then up then further down. Woods directs his light immediately down as both men attempt to find the engine room.

From a floor deep below the ship the two crewmen can be seen shining there torches brightly as they beam the light down over the railings. Woods speaks to Richie as his voice echoes and travels around the metal columns and corrugated steel platforms. "Where's this go?" Richie"

Unknown to Richie and Woods there bright torches have startled and irritated a metal constructed spider critter. These alien made robots are programmed to gather materials and components for other construction purposes in the main computer rooms and tech laboratories. A deep echoing sound is heard including a rapid clicking and tapping of metal as the spider creature scuttles and rapidly moves it's steel legs to escape from the light. The spider quickly returns to a dark place as Richie and Woods shine there lights in another direction.

Richie and Woods bring there torches back from the depths as they aim them in front of them at a slight angle, Richie suddenly say's "It goes down" as he leans over the railings. Richies voice echoes all around.

A loud rattling is heard as Richie quickly leaves the railings while disturbing some thick metal chains that he was leaning against. Richie turns in a clockwise motion as he say's to Woods, "Come on" Richie lifts his light up and over the top metal chain as he begins to explore another area of the ship. Woods maintains his position and is not so keen to join Richie on his adventures. Woods rapidly switches his torch light off then back on again as he faces the long and deep drop to the bottom of the ship.

An eerie echoing and continuous sound is heard as Squeaky continues to investigate the contents of the binder manual. A scrunching of paper is heard as Squeaky turns a page of the technical binder. The camera slowly pans around Squeaky to the right - Squeaky moves his head slightly up and down as he digests the manual, Suddenly a loud sound is heard similar to machinery moving and vibrating followed by a loud high pitched metallic echoing that travels through a pipe. This strange sound causes Squeaky to become distracted from his manual as he looks up to query the odd occurrence. Squeaky turns his head to his left as he ponders his thoughts on the peculiar sound, Squeaky blinks as he slowly turns his head back to his right while still spooked by the unusual ambiance.

The sound has ceased and Squeaky is contented once again as he returns to the binder manual. Squeaky begins to hum a simple melody as he reads as a way to pass the time as he waits for Stevie. Even though Richie and Woods have been ordered to reach the engine room Squeaky is unaware of this fact as Stevie has not contacted him on his radio. A continous synthesizer key is playing to provide atmosphere.

A low level scratching sound of paper is heard as Squeaky turns a page with his left hand, Squeaky releases his hand from the page as it slowly floats down to rest on the pages behind. Squeaky scans the page for a few seconds before turning another page with his right hand. (Humming continues similar to a 1950's song) do do dee dee dum -

From a short distance a mechanical micro cell powered critter has been disturbed from Squeak's continuous humming melody. A large circular vent has had the grill removed and all that remains is a large hole. From the darkness the critter scans and observes Squeaky as he reads the manual. Suddenly two red lights attached to the alien constructed device illuminate a traffic light red color. A clicking and a rushing of air sound is heard as the critters spider shaped legs rapidly straighten and raise up by several inches. A fast and continuous whizzing sound similar to a spinning disk revolving at high speed is then heard. (Squeaky continues to hum) Squeaky turns a page but then turns the page back momentarily, Squeaky turns the page fully over - Suddenly the critter begins to move backwards into the safety of the vent as it's spiny legs scuttle up and down almost imitating a spider. A loud tapping of spiders feet against a metal grill creates a continuous but intermittent ambiance of reverberation. A winding motor sound is also heard from the spiders core.

The camera focuses in sharp to reveal Squeaky from a distance, The strange electronic sounds from the critter combined with the tapping of metal from it's sharp feet has now disturbed Squeaky from his engrossed reading. Squeaky looks up and over at the circular vent as his eyes catch the last movements of the spider like device as it disappears deeper into the darkness.

A distant high pitched continuous tapping sound is heard as Squeaky observes the vent. Suddenly the middle piece of thick twisted and intertwined electrical cabling begins to move slowly inwards all by itself. A loud click is heard as the cabling moves backwards a single inch before stopping. The cable wobbles slightly as it continues to be pulled backwards by the spider critter in an attempt to persuade Squeaky to investigate further. Synthesizer ambiance continues to provide atmosphere.

Squeaky is feeling the chills as he watches the coiled wire move backwards on it's own accord, Squeaky instantly closes the black technical binder with his left hand as he stares over at the vent and wire matrix. Squeaky suddenly stands up as he places the binder on the brown stool from behind his back. A loud thump of paper and thick binder is heard as the manual is rapidly discarded. Squeaky continues to maintain focus on the vent without never taking his eyes away from the free magic show. Squeaky transfers his radio from his right hand to his left as he pulls his handgun out from his belt with his right hand. A loud click is heard as Squeaky pulls back the lever on his pistol as he slowly steps forward.

The thick cabling suddenly moves once again a staggered inch in distance, The friction of the coiled cable produces a vibrating rubbing sound of friction as it slowly pulls in an inch at a time.

Squeaky slowly and cautiously edges forward one step at a time as he becomes transfixed on the moving cable. Squeaky blinks rapidly as he shouts out "Hello".

From outside of the engine room Squeaky can be seen slowly making his way forward a step at a time, The camera is providing atmosphere as the alien entity spies on Squeaky without his realization. Squeaky reaches a wooden table that is on the other side of the room and quickly places his radio receiver onto it's surface with his left hand. A Muffled sound similar to steam being released from large funnels that are from a distance is heard.

A click is heard as the radio is gently placed to the tables surface, A muffled rubbing sound is heard as the middle piece of wire moves once again an inch in distance. A loose wire that has flayed from the coiled group wobbles slightly from the forces of movement. (Cable moves again)

Squeaky slowly takes hold of a black torch that is resting next to the radio. Squeaky picks up the torch from the bulb end before turning it around with his fingers. Squeaky rests the battery end to his stomach as he slides his hand down so that he has a better grip. (Cable moves again)

Squeaky rapidly twists the torches battery end several turns in an anti clockwise motion with his right hand, (Click is heard from the revolving torch) This action instantly brings the torch to life as the batteries make contact with there respected plus and minus pins. A slithering high pitched sound is infused with intermittent tapping from the critters sharp metallic feet. The cable continues to slowly be pulled through into the darkness of the circular vent to the sheer amazement of Squeaky as he shines his torch over and down at the thick electrical wire. Squeaky edges forward slowly - Synthesizer ambiance continues to provide atmosphere.

The cable continues to slowly pull in before another fast and sudden tugging movement is observed, Squeaky is transfixed on to the moving cable as he slowly edges forward one step at a time. Suddenly Squeaky can not maintain a quiet approach anymore as he shouts out "Hello?". The cable jolts backwards once again as a loud vibrating rubbing sound of friction is heard. Squeaky shouts out again, "Listen I'm a friend All right." Ambient synthesizer continues.

Squeaky shakes his head negatively slightly as he shouts out, "I'm Cuban not American", with a slight hint of sarcasm. Squeaky blinks as he raises his eyebrows for a response from the vent system. The ambient sound is similar to a powerful breeze blowing through a large hall that is constructed of stone.

A snapping vibrating sound is heard as the thick coiled wire slides back another inch in front of a confused and disorientated Squeaky. The bottom piece of cable that is shaped into a circular mound wobbles slightly from the forces of the invisible energy. Squeaky slowly kneels down as he shines his torch directly into the foreboding circular hole as he attempts to identify the intruder or friend. Squeaky shouts out again, "Hey..Anybody in there." More banging of metal is heard as the cable continues it's slow and methodical disappearing act.

A video surveillance camera located inside the boiler room begins to whirr loudly as it secretly observes Squeaky from a distance. The camera slowly moves in a downwards movement as it analysis and scrutinizes the startled crewmen.

Squeaky continues to shine his torch inside the vent but is still unable to identify what is causing the strange occurrence, Squeaky suddenly looks down and to his right briefly as he rests his left arm on his left leg. More rubbing sounds of metal are heard as the coiled cable pulls in two more times in quick succession, Squeaky shines his torch over the mound of wires but is still completely bamboozled. Squeaky turns his head back to the vent as he shines his torch inside.

Squeaky is determined to find out what is causing the wires to pull in to the vent as he sticks his head inside. From inside the vent a huge labyrinth of snaking cables twist and intertwine creating complete mayhem. A high pitched chittering of insects and faint squeaking sounds are heard. As Squeaky enters inside the vent he rests his hands down on to the metal grills just inside which produces a hollow sound of metal. Squeaky shouts out, "Hello" which creates a reverberated echo from inside the chamber.

Squeaky begins to slowly clamber further inside the vent as he rests on his hands and knees, More grating sounds of friction are heard as the wires move again - Squeaky begins to slowly lower himself down onto the metal surface of the vent as he attempts to find out who is inside.

More sounds of creaking metal are heard as Squeaky struggles to see through the thick black cables that hang and stretch in all directions. Squeaky suddenly looks to his left for a brief moment before looking forward and slightly to his right. Squeaky quickly raises his right hand before reversing his cap on his head. Squeaky pulls down on the bill of his hat which causes the strap to lift up slightly on his forehead.

Squeaky shines his torch forward and into the abyss as he continues to investigate his surroundings, Suddenly a loud hissing sound is heard similar to a snake in defense of it' eggs, A huge mangle of intertwined and dangling cables creates a environment typical of the Brazilian rain forest.

A female sound similar to someone out of breath is heard which causes Squeaky to push his head forward into the thick and obstructive cables, Cables move slightly -Squeaky now has a ring of cables loosely laying around his neck. A rumbling of hollow metal is heard - Squeaky looks down into the depths of the ship as he aims his flashlight to illuminate the darkness. More hissing snake sounds are heard which causes Squeaky to look to his right.

Squeaky spots a black shadow in the darkness that has the shape and movement of a large spider, The creature creepily scuttles into the darkness as it produces a repetitive high pitched sound.

Squeaky turns his torch away from the escaping shape as he looks down while shining the flashlight back down into the depths, A rattling of metal is heard as Squeaky leans over the deep gap to investigate further.

Squeaky is none the wiser as he peers down into the darkness of dense and coiled black samba shaped wires and pipes. Pipes wobble from Squeaky's hand movements.

Squeaky is completely stumped and has no idea who is playing games with him.

A high pitched chirp similar to a bird is now heard which causes Squeaky to turn his head left while he shines his torch down into the gap. Suddenly a loud whipping sound is heard as a small black pipe instantly wraps around the neck of Squeaky taking him completely by surprise. A loud whack similar to a golf club hitting a ball is heard as the cable tightly bonds around Squeak's neck.

Squeaky grimaces as he begins to choke while fighting for his life in an attempt to free himself of his tight bonds.

A loud rumbling sound of metal and erratic and desperate body movements by Squeaky creates a tremendous ambiance of sound from within the vent. The pipes have come alive and have turned against Squeaky as they tighten up on his neck and torso. Squeaky uses his hands to try and pries away the cables but they are just to strong for the crewmen to remove. Squeakys face is highly congested with the cables as he pushes his head forward and looks down into the darkness, Squeaky shouts out loudly "Look guys", Squeaky is dazed and confused and still considers his predicament that of human hand. Squeakys flashlight is released from his hand as he tussles and fights with the brutal and savage cables. Dramatic orchestral music plays out, All instruments including trumpet and violin thrash out a repetitive slasher themed score. Timpani percussion also increases the loud ambiance inside the vent.

Squeaky is being completely controlled by the cables and has no chance of escape, Squeaky holds onto some thick coiled pipe with both hands as he succumbs to the alien force. A loud sound of squealing pigs is heard to provide atmosphere.

Squeaky groans and wails out at the top of his voice as he is physically forced through the vent and into a maze of energized and self thinking wires. Squeakys legs slide into the vent as he vanishes into a labyrinth of steel and blackness.

A blast of a trumpet is heard infused with a continous trumpet chord, A large plume of grey fog seeps and floats past the "Academic Vladislav Volkov" as it patiently waits for Storm Leiah to approach. The sea is calm and there are only light ripples on it's surface.

A loud blast of thick steel and escaping air is heard as Woods pushes open a door to the armaments storage room. Woods is solemn faced as he stares in at the dimly lit room that is full of ammunition's and other items of warfare. Richie is feeling a sense of awe as he shines his flashlight into the room for the first time in his life, Richie shines his light forward before aiming it high and towards the ceiling. Woods pushes the door a little more with his right hand which creates a short squeak sound. A loud click is heard - A light tapping of feet is heard from Richie as he takes the lead into the room. It is very quiet inside the armaments storage facility and there is no sound score. Richie turns to his right as he shines his torch in that direction,

A low level sound of thunder is heard as it penetrates from outside through the thick steel of the ship, Richie shines his light over a rack of five machine guns that have been carefully maintained and stored for future use.

A rattling pinging sound of moving steel is heard as Woods stands directly onto a large collection of live bullet shells. Woods slides his right heel slightly inwards before returning it back creating another jingle of heavy metal as the bullets freely roll across the floor. Woods lifts his left toe slightly as he turns his foot outwards an inch in distance before pressing down on a small pile of bullets, Woods lifts his foot again as he turns his heel even further left. A thud of heavy feet and a rattling of steel grills is heard each time Woods sets his shoe down.

More rattling is heard as Woods walks forward while disturbing the loose and scattered bullets that have been hastily spilt. Richie shines his flashlight up and through some metal grills as he investigates the room, Woods takes two slow and short steps forward as he looks up with his flashlight at a series of green gas masks that hang on the wall just in front of him. As Richie shines his light through the grills he say's to Woods, "Weapons locker", Richie's voice has a slight echo attached to it.

Woods shines his flashlight across the green gas masks as he sweeps his hand left, Woods say's to Richie as the gas masks come into vivid detail, "What the hell is this all about?". Woods continues to sweep across the wall as another four gas masks come into view.

Richie shines his torchlight down and over the floor as he scans for anything useful, An echoing and distant rumbling sound is heard infused with intermittent creaking ambiance.

Richie's light suddenly illuminates a large wooden box that has been damaged, a large piece of wood has been ripped out from the top of the weapons storage container to reveal it's contents. A powerful and highly explosive RPG rocket head is visible at the bottom left of the box, A machine gun rests over the box and several magazines for the weapon also nestle inside the storage container.

Richie shines his light further along to reveal more weapons storage boxes, This time the body of an RPG rocket is seen resting over the box, The body of an RPG rocket consists of, the breech, Optical sight, Wooden heat shield, Trigger, Grenade and Iron sight. Two more machine gun magazines are also resting having been hurriedly scattered across the box. What ever happened in this room panic and extreme danger are evident, There seems to of been little or no time to actually use the weapons as they are scattered around in an untidy state.

As Richie lights up the high powered explosives and machine guns he say's with excitement "Bingo" - Richie and Woods were supposed to go to the engine room and find Squeaky but have gone right of course, If Steve finds out about this he won't be happy.

A loud thump of steel infused with a short squeak sound is heard as Foster pushes open the door to sick bay. Foster shines her flashlight into the room though it already has sufficient light. Another hollow bang is heard as Foster pushes the door back as far as it will go resulting in the door hitting the side of a silver tables surface. Foster turns her head rapidly from left to right as she scans the room for medical supplies, Foster suddenly veers her head back left as she spots a treatment and resting couch in the distance.

Foster immediately walks on over to the grey couch as Captain Everton assists in helping Hiko over to the medical apparatus. Steve is last to enter the room as he carries a shotgun with both hands. A loud tapping of feet is heard as the group enter the sick bay room, Foster pats the medical couch with her right hand as she say's with an urgency, "Put him up here" Come on Hiko" - Hiko turns anti clockwise as he falls onto the couch while resting his hands on top.

Hiko turns anti clockwise and swivels around before sitting down onto the couch, - Thud is heard - As Hiko leans back onto the head rest he lets out a groan of pain, Hiko lifts up his right leg and rests it on the couch also.

Foster points her right hand towards Hiko's groin as she say's "All Right Tighten that down" referring to Hiko's belt. Hiko say's "Yeah Yeah Yeah in quick succession" Foster quickly walks to her left across the floor a short distance to a surgical cabinet. Steve walks across the floor to the other side as he investigates his surroundings. Steve places his ruck sack down to the ground. Everton stands by the couch as he watches Hiko prepare for minor medical assistance.

Foster instantly looks up into a top cabinet as she places her yellow flashlight to the floor below - The flashlight produces a plastic thud sound two times in quick succession. Foster begins to tuck her purple jumper into her trousers as she stares into the void. There is no sound score - Infrequent sounds of echoing hollow tubes is heard from deep below the ship.

Captain Everton turns away from the couch briefly as he scans and checks behind him for anything suspicious or out of place. Everton sways his weapon slightly as he ponders his thoughts.

Foster suddenly spots a large plastic bottle that is full to the top with a clear solution, Foster quickly picks up the bottle with both hands as she unscrews the top with her right hand in an anti clockwise motion. The top of the container is quickly removed after three rapid twists of the hand, Foster holds the plastic top in her right hand while raising the now open bottle to her nose with her left hand. A sniff is heard as Foster takes in two quick lungful's of the unknown substance as she attempts to identify what it is.

Steve looks up at the ceiling briefly before looking to his right and then further around, The sound of echoing and hollow tubes is heard again from the depths below.

Hiko quickly removes his blue outer shirt with both hands as he discards it to the floor below, A loud high pitched splat sound is heard, Hiko looks down as he begins to unbutton his inner shirt with both hands, Hiko closes his eyes momentarily as he coughs once - A rattling sound of metal is heard as Foster retrieves a medium sized box of bandages from a draw below the work surface. Foster leans down as she closes the draw with her right hand.

Steve turns to his right as he places his shotgun down onto a small table with his right hand, Foster turns away from the work bench with surgical spirit in her left hand and bandages in her right. Foster say's as she approaches Hiko "All Right, This is going to hurt." Hiko pulls his inner shirt off as he bends his arms behind his back, Hiko pulls his arm out of the left sleeve as he swings the garment in the air and transfers it to his right hand, Hiko briefly looks to his right and down at the floor as he throws the garment to the floor, A loud splat sound is heard - (Garment is still wet from the Pacific Ocean swell) Hiko say's 'It's All right, Just get on with it". Steve turns as he watches Hiko from a distance, Foster fleetingly looks to her right as she places the bandages down to the couch. (Echoing sounds are heard once again)

Steve turns away from Hiko as he bends down to retrieve something from his green ruck sack that has been planted next to the small table. Foster readies herself as she prepares to pour the surgical spirit over Hiko's wound.

Foster quickly administers the surgical spirit onto Hiko's leg wound with her right hand, Hiko grimaces as he gasps loudly from the sheer pain the spirit is causing as it seeps into his deep cut, Hiko leans back as he tries to shut out the discomfort of the solution that is now burning and penetrating into his flesh wound. A loud trickling of liquid is heard.

As Hiko leans back the head rest snaps back from the pressure Hiko has suddenly placed onto it, (A loud thud is heard) Hiko looks away from his wound as he breathes out heavily with quick and controlled gasps of air, A few moments later and Foster turns the bottle back up stopping the flow of liquid, Foster raises her left hand up as she gauges Hiko's response to the quick and versatile procedure. Hiko blows out some more air as he looks back to Foster - Hiko is wearing a green pendant which he uses for good luck, this pendant has a rich history and heritage. The hei-tiki is an ornamental pendant of the Maori of New Zealand. Hei-tiki are usually made of pounamu (greenstone) and are considered a taonga (treasure) by Māori. They are commonly called tiki by New Zealanders, a term that actually refers to large human figures carved in wood, and, also, to the small wooden carvings used to mark sacred places. (The word hei in Maori can mean "to wear around the neck".)

Hiko gasps loudly once more as he attempts to control his pain, (Gasp is long and heavy) Foster continues to watch Hiko for a moment in time before turning away and sitting down onto a chair behind her. As Foster sits down she turns to Hiko and say's "You have a high pain threshold".

Hiko looks at Foster fleetingly before looking down and saying, "Yeah, I usually do it myself"

An echoing hollow sound of metal pipes is heard - Foster smiles brightly as she fleetingly looks back to Hiko before focusing on the spirit container. Foster quickly tips the remainder of the surgical spirit over her hands as she cleans away Hiko's blood. Foster pours the bottle over her left hand with her right, Foster transfers the bottle to her left and pours another dose of spirit over her right hand. A fountain of liquid seeps through Fosters cupped right fingers as she generously soaks her hand with the strong solution. A loud splashing sound is heard as the liquid hits the floor below. - Hiko say's with slight sarcasm, "No Really"

Steve is bent over his ruck sack as he scrummages for something of interest, - Echoing pipe sounds continue -

A rummaging of material is heard as Steve quickly pulls out a thick green jacket from his bag, As Steve pulls out the garment he shouts over to Hiko "Hey Hiko".

Steve pulls up the green jacket with his right hand as he rolls it slightly and takes hold with his left hand also. A light thud of material is heard as Steve takes a firm hold of the clothing. Steve looks over to Hiko as he blinks and say's "Some dry clothes". Steve rapidly throws the dry garment across the room in the direction of Hiko.

Foster shakes her hands out rapidly one time as she shakes of any excess spirit from her skin. Foster bangs the table with her left hand - Stevie bowls the garment at high speed towards Hiko who catches the jacket effortlessly with his left hand - Loud thud of material is heard - Hiko looks at Stevie fleetingly before turning away as he say's softly, "Yeah thanks." Hiko leans up slightly as he places the green jacket behind his back with his left hand to add extra comfort and support to his back. Stevie bends back down to his ruck sack as he rummages through for anything else that may be useful for Hiko. Everton is silent and motionless as he watches the situation play out. Foster quickly reverts back to the box of bandages as she begins to peel away the lid with both hands. Foster say's with slight disappointment, "Oh Man".

Hiko is still out of breath as he breaths heavily from his ordeal, Hiko settles back down onto his medical couch as he rests his back ready for Foster to provide the second round of treatment. Hiko gasps as he twists his head slightly right. Hiko looks down at his wound as Foster say's "All right" Here we go" - Foster begins to apply the fresh bandages as a slap sound is heard -

Richie and Woods are still in the weapons storage room as they continue to investigate the contents of the room. Woods is feeling rather uneasy as he waits for Richie to get his mind in gear. Richie on the other hand is absolutely loving his time spent in the room full of arsenal and is now totally addicted to the high powered and highly explosive gear. Woods has his back turned to Richie as the weapons enthusiast places a large black strap over Woods heads that contains a sub machine gun. As Richie places the gun strap over Woods head the helmsmen say's with slight anxiety, "Ah come on Richie, Isn't that enough guns?. Damn" Woods looks to his right and then his left as his face sours and his nerves begin to get the better of him. Richie has ordered Woods to carry a large amount of weapons on his back including a high powered RPG Rocket propelled Grenade launcher.

Richie quickly returns to an ammunitions box that is tucked away in the far corner of the room, As he walks over he raises his right arm up and adjusts a gun strap that is around his left shoulder. Richie speaks back to Woods as he reaches the box, "Woods let me tell you three things." Woods slowly turns anti clockwise to face the very busy Richie who has now completely broken protocol. A loud clicking and clacking is heard as Richie bends back down and begins to rival the weapons stash. Richie places a magazine into his ruck sack - Clacking of metal is heard - Richie continues, "You can never be to rich"

Richie reaches into the stash box of weapons as he pulls out a second black sub machine gun magazine with his right hand and places it directly into a black ruck sack. Richie say's "Too thin". Richie grabs out another magazine and puts that into the ruck sack also as he say's "Or too well armed". More clacking of metal is heard as Richie places the magazines into the bag. Richie is on a mission of his own and is now feeling extremely paranoid after the anchor came crashing down onto the Sea Star. Woods sways slightly from side to side - Richie's torch wobbles up and down slightly from Richie's hand movements.

Woods agrees with Richie this time as he attempts to persuade Richie to stop collecting weapons and get back to Squeaky in the engine room. Woods nods forward slightly as he say's "Yeah, Let's go!"

A loud grinding sound of metal is heard as Richie pulls down on the shotguns fore end with his left hand. Richie looks at the exit door while rapidly pumping his shotgun. Richie quickly looks away from the door as his face turns to one of aggression. A pump-action rifle or shotgun is one in which the handgrip can be pumped back and forth in order to eject a spent round of ammunition and to chamber a fresh one. ... So you're not actually loading the shotgun, you're ejecting the spent round when you pump the shotgun.

Richie leans over slightly towards Woods as he hands him a Rocket grenade inside his ruck sack with his right hand outstretched. A rocket has popped out of Richie's ruck sack after he got too carried away with the weapons stash. (Woods grimaces) (The ship Can't take any more Captain) Richie is silent as the highly explosive rocket sways slightly from side to side as he holds it up for Woods. Woods steps forward as he takes hold of a strap attached to the bag with his left hand. A huge collection of machine gun magazines swing gently from Woods left side as he steps forward - A loud sound of chinking metal is heard - An echoing hollow sound of air travelling through a chamber is heard - A grinding sound is heard as Woods places the bag close to his body. Richie grabs his flashlight with his right hand from off of the weapon boxes lid as he stands up. Richie flashes his light towards the outer red wall as he stares at the exit.