In 1985, a New Orleans man named Jerome Moody drowned at a party attended by 100 lifeguards who were celebrating having made it through the summer without a drowning at a city pool.

In September 1985 there was a celebration at a New Orleans municipal pool. The party was held to celebrate the first summer in memory without a drowning at any New Orleans city pool. In honor of the occasion, two hundred people gathered, including one hundred certified lifeguards. As the party was breaking up and the four lifeguards on duty began to clear the pool, they found a fully dressed body in the deep end. They tried to revive the 31-year-old man, but it was too late. He had drowned surrounded by lifeguards celebrating their successful season.

Jerome Moody pictured drowned.

The remains of a supermarket employee who vanished over 10 years ago were discovered in an 18-inch gap behind a freezer inside the store. Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada was working at the No Frills Supermarket in Council Bluffs, Iowa when he went missing on November 28, 2009. The 25-year-old was reported missing by his parents after he ran out of the family home in a snowstorm following an argument. He failed to return home and was never heard from again.
Police had no leads in his missing person's case for a decade until a decomposing body was miraculously discovered back in January of 2019. Contractors had gone into the supermarket, which had been shut down for three years, to remove the fittings and tear apart the old freezer unit. They discovered the body in an 18-inch gap between the freezer and a wall. At the time, authorities said it appeared the body had been there for a lengthy period of time.

Council Bluffs Police Sgt. Brandon Danielson told the Des Moines Register that Murillo-Moncada immediately came to his mind when the body was found. The remains were sent off for DNA testing and police have only just confirmed that they belong to Murillo-Moncada. They compared the remains to DNA from Murillo-Moncada's parents. An autopsy showed no signs of trauma and Murillo-Moncada's death has since been ruled an accident. His clothes also matched what he was reported to be wearing at the time he went missing, according to Sgt. Danielson.
Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada

Management at No Frills pointed out that employees often entered and exited the store, however, despite not having a shift.
After leaving home on that snowy night in 2009, authorities believe Murillo-Moncada went to the No Frills supermarket and climbed on top of the cooler where he accidentally fell into an 18-inch gap between the wall and the cooler, causing him to be trapped. The scenario seemed plausible since former employees told authorities that it was common for workers to be in the storage room on top of coolers. Council Bluffs Police Capt. Todd Weddum also explained that the employees would retreat to the room to hide when they wanted to take an “unofficial break.” The hidden location and major gap were probably the reasons Murillo-Moncada was never found, according to police.
The sound of the freezer could have drowned out any cries for help, according to Sgt. Danielson.
'It's so loud there's probably no way anyone heard him,' Danielson said.
Numerous former shoppers have since said they could always smell something terrible when they were inside the store.
Police say they have now closed the cold case investigation.
According to Sgt. Brandon Danielson of the CBPD, Murillo-Moncada was an employee of the supermarket before he went missing at 25 years old. His parents put out the missing report on November 28, 2009 after they said he became upset and stormed out of their home. At the time they argued that their son was acting irrationally, possibly because he was on a certain medication.
Sgt. Danielson explained that the weather conditions were rough the day Murillo-Moncada left his home. “It was a snowstorm at the time. He left with no shoes, no socks, no keys, no car,” he said, adding that Murillo-Moncada wasn’t scheduled to work at the time he came to the supermarket.

A young mother died on her 21st birthday after getting her neck wedged in the closing window of her family's BMW. Yulia Sharko was trying to pull her two year old daughter from the vehicle through the half open front seat window. At this moment, the child pressed the automatic switch closing it - which garrotted her mother, say reports citing law enforcement. Yulia Sharko was pulling her child through a half opened front seat window of her car when tragedy struck.

Yulia Sharko (pictured with husband Artur and one of their daughters) was killed in a freak accident when her neck was caught in the closing window of her family's BMW
Yulia, from Žabinka, died eight days after the tragic accident having suffered asphyxia leading to brain damage. “Her brain suffered irreversibly due to clamped arteries,” said a local report. She did not recover consciousness after the incident on a day she was celebrating her 21st birthday with friends. Dmitry Ivanyuk, of the Belarus Investigative Committee, said: “The young woman was with her family at a friend’s house in the village of Staroe Selo. “On 31 August 2019 around 4.30pm her husband found her unconscious, with her neck jammed by the window of the front left door of their family car.” Yulia was taken to Brest regional hospital “in a grave condition with signs of mechanical asphyxia and traumas”. The investigative committee is examining the circumstances of the young woman’s death. The car was reported to be a BMW E34. The couple had two children, Margarita, four, and Arianna, two.
The automatic switch was accidentally pressed by her child causing the window to come down on her neck cutting blood and vital oxygen to her brain..Her husband Artur found the mother-of-two unconscious soon after the freak accident. He broke the jammed window to release her, and pulled her “lifeless body” from the car in the village of Staroe Selo, Belarus.

Slavyanka confectionery factory Russia - Locals say it is the third death at the plant in this ‘unlucky’ year.

A mother-of-one died when molten caramel suddenly gushed into a huge tank that she was cleaning at a confectionery factory in Russia.. Natalia Nemets, 36, is believed to have been 'boiled alive' in the appalling accident at Stary Oskol, in the Belgorod region. Shocked workers saw only her legs poking out of the caramel in the tank, but could do nothing to save her.
One sweet worker said: ‘She did not cry, no other noise was heard. ‘She was cleaning the mixer when the caramel suddenly began to flow into the bowl. ‘She got boiled alive, this is true. The caramel was removed from the giant bowl and only then was her body taken out.’ Newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that ‘two versions of events are now being considered’ in the investigation. The first results are expected in 15 days.
Natalia leaves behind her husband and their son, Ivan, 10.
Her sister Yulia said: ‘Her child is with us now.’
'Natalia did not have a single chance to survive.
'Besides the fact that it was boiling caramel, in the bowl there are moving blades that constantly mix the caramel.'
The Komsomolskaya Pravda report added: "Two versions are being considered now - because of the high air temperature in the working room Natalia fainted and somehow fell into the bowl.
"The second version is that she stumbled."
Management at Slavyanka confectionery factory initially sought to cover-up the 20 October accident, according to local reports. They had threatened workers with the sack for revealing details. However, details of the tragedy appeared on social media and it was confirmed by the Investigative Committee, which is probing the death.

A commercial airline pilot says he encountered Richard Russell and was suspicious of his actions.. Joel Monteith, a pilot for SkyWest Airlines, told an emergency dispatcher that after he saw Russell and a second man “pointing and flipping switches” inside the empty SkyWest jet at the airport last year 2017, “I went over and confronted them, and I said, ‘Hey, what are you guys doing in here?’ ” The men told Monteith they were training to use the plane’s auxiliary-power unit so they’d know how to tow it as part of their jobs, he said, “but they kind of … started to get up and then leave the airplane when I confronted them. So, that was kind of suspicious.”
Richard Russell, a Horizon ground-crew worker, stole an airplane from Sea-Tac Airport and eventually crashed on Ketron Island in Puget Sound. (Richard Russell / The Associated Press, file)

Ground Crew worker Richard Russell..
Monteith also reported to the dispatcher that he recalled Russell had been “inside my cockpit” of an Embraer 175 jet airliner on at least one other occasion, “asking questions (and) wanting to do my flows, which is the preflight preparation I do for takeoff.” “I don’t think the thing with this guy is like a plot that this dude just came up with like overnight,” Monteith added. “I think that maybe this guy had been thinking about doing this for a long time and then maybe the Q400 that he took was just an airplane of opportunity.”
Alaska Airlines flight 261 took off from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on the morning of August 10th, 2018. On board was 29-year-old Richard Russell, a baggage handler for Horizon Air who was flying the plane for unknown reasons. Russell had no piloting experience, but he managed to steal a Horizon Air Bombardier Q400 and took it for a joyride. He flew the plane for over an hour before crashing into a remote area on Ketron Island in Puget. Russell died in the crash. Later on FBI cleared the investigation because of lack of evidence & theory.

Extended audio: Horizon employee talks with air traffic control in cockpit
Extended audio: Horizon employee talks with air traffic control in cockpit
The incident has left many people wondering how a person could commit such an act. While the investigation is in slumber, while it’s important to remember that we all get disturbed during difficult times but no one should be judged for something they cannot help. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please don’t hesitate to seek help.

Russell, a married 29-year-old Alaska transplant who lived in Sumner, pulled off several aerobatic stunts during the unauthorized flight before the plane crashed into the woods on sparsely populated Ketron Island in South Puget Sound.

All that is left of the Horizon Air Bombardier Q400 as it crashed into a remote area on Ketron Island in Puget.
During a rambling, recorded conversation with ground control, Russell described himself as a “man in crisis,” but also calmly chatted about such observations as Mount Rainier’s beauty and how to find an orca that for days had garnered national attention while carrying its dead calf in Puget Sound.

The unauthorized flight shut down Sea-Tac Airport traffic, prompted two F-15 fighter jets in Portland to break the sound barrier while scrambling to the scene and drew dozens of awe-struck witnesses to call 911. It also left pilots and other aviation experts speculating as to how Russell, a low-paid ground-services employee with no apparent pilot experience, knew how to fly the 76-seat passenger turboprop plane and pull off the jaw-dropping aerial maneuvers.
The chaotic joy ride also exposed a serious breach at one of America’s busiest airports that could have nationwide ramifications on airport-security procedures. “I think this episode speaks to a bigger security problem for the industry as a whole,” Monteith said. “What’s to keep a terrorist from gaining a security clearance under the veil of airline employment and hijacking an airplane? That’s a bigger concern for the FAA and NTSB.” The FBI and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) continue to investigate exactly what happened, but so far have revealed few details publicly.

A spokeswoman for the FBI’s Seattle office noted Tuesday September 11th 2018, the agency previously released a statement that the aircraft’s flight-data recorder and “components of the cockpit voice recorder” were recovered from the crash site and have since been taken to the NTSB’s laboratory in Washington, D.C., for processing. Investigators have been able retrieve information from both devices, an FBI spokeswoman said.

The remains of Mary Stewart Cerruti, 61, were found in the Texas home by new tenants more than a year after she went missing. Police have released images of her remains, including her skull, glasses and even trainers. Mary Stewart Cerruti vanished in 2015, but the majority of her skeleton has now been discovered.
Pictures released in March 2017 show Mary Cerutti's skull. Other bone fragments were also discovered inside the bungalow. (Houston Police Department)

Police believe this is where Mary Cerruti spent her final days. (Houston Police Department)
Six dead cats were also found inside the attic, Neighbors had described Cerruti as shy and frail. She joined them in opposition against a luxury apartment complex planned for the land around her house. The project was still approved.
Mary Stewart Cerruti, 61, reportedly lived a secluded life and liked to keep herself to herself..Investigators believe she got wedged in the wall space after falling through her attic floor. She lived a relatively secluded life, with no close living relatives. The home was vacant until May 2017, when new tenants moved in. Soon after, they found bone fragments. Tricia Bentley, spokesperson for the medical examiner, said: ‘In the attic, there was a broken board that led down to the space. Law enforcement thinks she may have been up in the attic and fell through the attic floor. Cerruti was in the attic of her home when she fell through a broken floorboard becoming wedged between two internal walls, said Houston Police Department. "It is a one story home with an attic so she was found on the first floor. There was some space between the walls where a person could fit.
“The gap in the boards appears to be maybe eight inches, and Mary was certainly very frail, but it's hard for me to believe that a person could step on a board, and their entire body would go down a crack that is two inches wider than a dollar bill,” Roxanne Davis told KHOU-TV. A bank foreclosed on her home in 2015 after the mortgage payments stopped. Liens on the property were settled, the house was cleaned out was eventually placed on the market and sold almost playing out like a solid horror movie..