Anthony Loffredo, 33, is a body-modification addict who plans to turn himself into a "black alien" and said he now wants to go even further and amputate one of his legs.

The self-proclaimed alien has also had his tongue split and his eyeballs tattooed. The Frenchman has documented his transformation, which he has dubbed the Black Alien Project, with pictures posted to his thousands of followers on Instagram. It comes just months after he travelled to Spain to have his nose surgically removed. He visited Barcelona-based modifier Oscar Marquez to undergo the procedure, since it is illegal in his native country. The extreme surgeon carried out the surgery known as a “rhinotomy” - which has left Anthony with a gaping hole in his face.
Anthony Loffredo, 33, has also covered himself in tattoos and piercings to make himself look like a real-life alien.

He also previously had both of his ears surgically removed in order to look more extra-terrestrial, and risked tongue-splitting, which involves cutting the muscular organ in two with a scalpel.
As well as this, he braved getting his eyeballs tattooed even though the inkings can leave you blind. In order to look more like an alien, Anthony also had dermal implants put in his face - which gives his skin a bumpier texture. He now has reptilian-style bumps on his forehead and chiselled lines across his cheekbones. Despite his once dashing looks pre-surgery, Anthony doesn't regret his transformation. "From a very young age, I have been passionate about mutations and transformations of the human body. "I had a click when I was a security guard. "I realised that I was not living my life the way I wanted. I stopped everything at 24 and left for Australia. "It has become normal, even unconscious, to constantly think about my plans for the next few months." He added: “I love getting into the shoes of a scary character.

In a previous Instagram post, he had hinted at splitting his penis in two, prompting one social media user to reply: 'I knew you were stupid... but that much??' Last year, Loffredo revealed he had surgery in Mexico to cut off his two fingers so that his hand looks like a claw. Graphic images and video footage showed Loffredo lying on an operating table surrounded by surgeons as he raised up his hand to look at his new 'claw' in awe. Loffredo revealed that he is preparing to remove two fingers from his right hand as well so that he can have matching 'claws'.
“I often settle down somewhere and play a role, especially at night in the dark streets, he has fun. “I explore the contrast between the role I play and myself.”

He wrote on Instagram: 'On the other side of the world to continue my project, the procedure is going well, one more dream that has just come true. Thank you for doing your top job, thank you Mexico from my heart. 34 per cent loading.' Loffredo's controversial body modification transformation sparked praise - and dismay - among his Instagram followers. One wrote: 'Oh my god you did it. I didn't believe it but it's true. I hope your body will adapt.' Others were less supportive, as one user wrote: 'Blatant disrespect to those that are unfortunate to have lost limbs and look for ways to function as the human body should.' Another wrote: 'You're 100 per cent going to regret this one eventually.'
One user said: 'This is disturbing and fascinating at the same time. I don't think I could do this, but thumbs up to you for living your dream.'The latest transformative procedure comes after Loffredo had his nose and top lip removed. He later confessed that he now struggles to speak. He had his nose removed last year in Spain as the procedure is illegal in France. Other than piercing and tattooing, body modifications that result in injury are illegal in many European countries. As such, Loffredo did not specify exactly where, when or by whom his nose and upper lip were removed, when speaking about the procedures in an Instagram live question and answer session.

Black Alien Project vs Diablo Praddo
Despite Loffredo undergoing a number of surgical procedures - not least to split his tongue in half and remove his ears - he revealed that he is still '44 per cent' of the way to his goal of becoming a 'black alien'.
Black Alien Project vs Diablo Praddo
In a previous Instagram post discussing his nose removal, Loffredo thanked an account called @oscarmarquezbodymod for having 'marked' his life. He wrote at the time: 'Now I can walk with my head high thanks to you I am proud of what we did together.' Loffredo did admit that he was struggling to speak since the removal of his top lip but this does not seem to have dampened his enthusiasm for body modification. He said he dreamed of removing his skin entirely and replacing it with metal and listed his arms, legs and fingers, along with the back of his head, as the next parts of his body he wants to have modified.

I'm Not Human, I'm A 'Black Alien' | No Filter | @ladbiblestories
Speaking to the Club 113 podcast, Loffredo opened up about how he has found it difficult to find work due to his extreme appearance.
When asked if he has ever kept any of his amputated body parts, he said: "My ears, my friends keep them."
In a recent interview on a podcast, he said he was considering chopping off one leg from the knee down.
"It's something really hard because I have a healthy leg, and an amputation is something big," Loffredo said.
I'm Not Human, I'm A 'Black Alien' | No Filter | @LADbible
But Loffredo revealed he has further plans for his face before he focuses on his leg, saying: "My next modification is my face, that's the next one." My personal opinion here is don't remove a leg or split your penis...

In his latest social media post, he wrote cryptically: "Black alien project evolution 44%, black alien project re-evolution 6%." He has also spoken about his keen interest in integrating technology into his future plans. “Do you like futuristic chips? I like everything surrounding this, it draws my attention, technology and the future," he added.

I Started My Extreme Body Mod Aged 11 | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

Article 2
A Dad has sparked panic after photographing 'War of the Worlds aliens' coming out of the sea..
A man inadvertently sparked panic after sharing creepy photos which people compared to something out of War of the Worlds. Jan Vorster, from Still Bay, Western Cape, South Africa, took a snap on the beach and shared it on Facebook, hoping to raise awareness of environmental issues. However, his photos ended up creating confusion and fear instead after they were shared by another page which labelled the shapes as 'sea spiders'. The post ended up amassing 22,000 comments and 52,000 shares.
I Started My Extreme Body Mod Aged 11 | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

People felt scared and were not keen on the aliens coming out of the sea. Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Jan Vorster took the photos
Image: Kennedy News and Media)
Some of those panicking began to react angrily once it emerged that they were simply aloe plants lining the beach and even accused Jan of misleading them.

Jan said: "I thought I could use this as a metaphor for how people see these plants as aliens, but we are actually the two-legged aliens messing up their world. That was the idea.
"The comments started immediately. Then it was shared like you can't believe.
"I was surprised [by the reaction]. I thought that people would have fun with it, but then it was very serious, some of it was extremely serious.
"A lot of people were scared of these alien-looking sea monsters. It was like Jaws - is it safe to go into the water?
"People kept asking me when they [the creatures] were coming out, and if they were only coming out at night."
The Aloe plants also have similarities to a mimic. Mimics are a race of brutal alien invaders that seek to conquer different planets throughout the galaxy. They are led by the Omega, which can alter time in order to learn and adapt to their enemy's battle tactics in order to swiftly overpower and destroy whatever stands in their way.

Alphas, in contrast, are extremely rare. Dr. Carter estimated that just 1 in every 6.18 million Mimics is an Alpha. They are larger than Drones, and have light blue luminescence, rather than orange; but are most notable for acting like the hive's nervous system, connecting the Drones to the Omega (which is the brain). Whenever an Alpha is killed, it triggers the Omega's chronokinetic response to reset time to one day before that occurrence, while retaining memories of it. In this way, the Mimics learn about the enemy's strategy and have a chance of responding preemptively, as well as resetting time continuously until reaching a favorable outcome. Being in contact with the blood of an Alpha Mimic may cause a Human being to enter this same loop as well. From that point on, every time the Human is killed, time will be reset to the day before they were killed originally. However, this ability will not last if the Human's own blood is replaced later, such as in the occurrence of an accident that leads to a medical transfusion. The Omega is the core of the Mimic superorganism, and acts as its central intelligence, as well as the source of its temporal abilities. It is telepathically connected to all Mimics, and may also establish psychic links to other creatures who have been in contact with Alpha blood. The Omega itself is a massive spherical organism and seemingly needs to be contained in water. Destroying the Omega results in the loss of the hive mind itself, leaving the rest of the Mimics vulnerable and easy to take down.

The tripods from War of the Worlds also have similarities to the Aloe plants.. The fighting-machines are assembled in the Martian pits by handling-machines before activation and each tripod possesses an unspecified number of tentacles, one of which can retract into the tripod when its primary weapon, the Heat-Ray, is not in use. The tentacles are also able to hold a Magnetic Acceleration Cannon. The head can turn in any direction. The tripod as a whole appears as if it is made from a substance similar to aluminum. The Martian tripod also is composed of a segment known as the "body", for which there are few details. The body apparently contains a jet, which can fire pressurized steam in order to dissipate black smoke. This steam is capable of breaking glass, and would surely cause a nasty burn, but is not shown in use as a weapon. There are also three legs. On the back of each tripod is what looks like a metal fishing basket, which it uses to hold humans that it captures with its tentacles.

Aloe Vera Plant Species..
Jan said: "People Googled the aloe ferox and couldn't put two and two together. "They kept saying, 'Please help us, because this is not a plant. This can't be a plant'. "[Some people said] that I misled them, and that I should be crucified for that. But lots of people have had a lot of fun. "I learned a lot about social media. It's [just] a picture, I didn't expect this to happen and for the reaction to be so big. "But I've learned a lot and I'm very motivated to continue with Aloeferoxes and keep focusing on nature related issues." Despite the scientific debunk, Jan claims that the internet hysteria is still ongoing, and that he continues to receive messages from holidaymakers who fear that the beach is unsafe.
"They look like some alien thing from War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise," one person wrote. And another commented: "Omg I wouldn't even stay to try and see what it is. I would run like hell." Some people even sent the images to be inspected by an environmental scientist who confirmed that the looming shapes were not at all dangerous to humans.

That's because the spidery shapes are not in fact aliens, but dead aloe vera plants.
"I thought I could use this as a metaphor for how people see these plants as aliens, but we are actually the two-legged aliens messing up their world. That was the idea," the 62-year-old explained. "A lot of people were scared of these alien-looking sea monsters. It was like Jaws - is it safe to go into the water?

A deadly and more venomous race of plants could attack the Earth one day..

"People kept asking me when they [the creatures] were coming out, and if they were only coming out at night." As for father-of-one Jan, he is undeterred by the unexpected reaction to his unique photography and is still keen to keep working on similar projects. "They kept saying, 'Please help us, because this is not a plant. This can't be a plant,'" he said. "[Some people said] that I misled them, and that I should be crucified for that. But lots of people have had a lot of fun.

Stinger & venom
The whorl, or tendril, within the funnel-like formation is not unlike a whip, able to lash out up to 10 feet and inject enough venom to kill a human “if struck squarely on unprotected skin” (Wyndham, 25). Although no eyes, ears, or indeed central nervous system are featured in Triffid anatomy, they are somehow able to aim their stingers with “uncanny accuracy…and that they almost invariably [strike] for the head” (Wyndham, 26). In the event that a Triffid fells a victim (i.e. prey), it will lurk nearby and, perhaps, even nestle its bole back into the ground. The tendril is not strong enough to tear firm flesh, “but it [has] strength enough to pull shreds from a decomposing body and lift them to the cup on its stem” (Wyndham, 26). A Triffid can have its whorl pruned so that the plant is relatively safe, but the whorl can re-grow after a period of about 2 years.

Triffid – Triffidus celestus
Triffidus celestus, or Triffid, is an ambulatory, highly venomous carnivorous plant with unknown origins (see: ‘History Of’ below) that can grow to an average height of 7 feet (2.1 m) but has been sighted at heights exceeding 10 feet (3 m).
A firm stalk, or stem, with sprays of leathery green leaves and three accompanying small sticks will grow up from a woody bole in the ground. Beneath the surface of the soil, the bole is slightly shaggy with little rootlet hairs. The stalk will be topped with a funnel-like formation [cup] with a tightly wrapped whorl within like, “the new, close-rolled frond of a fern, emerging a couple of inches from a sticky mess in the base of the cup” (Wyndham, 21). Small insects have been observed caught in the sticky interior of the funnel-like formation. (see: ‘Unique biology: Stinger & Venom’).
Once large enough, Triffids will push themselves from the ground and “walk” with the use of three bluntly tapered projections underneath the bole. The two foremost projections or “legs” will slide forward, then the whole plant will lurch forward, whipping its stalk forth and then back again as the rear “leg” pulls itself up toward the two forelegs. This is accomplished so that a Triffid can walk at about the same speed as a human’s average walking speed, or roughly 3 miles per hour. Triffids walking were first observed in Indochina, followed quickly by sightings throughout the world.
Trap & digestion
Little is known about the sticky substance within Triffids’ cup-like traps, though it is likely that it is similar to that of sundews (Drosera), dewy pines (Drosophyllum), and possibly Roridula. Much like the aforementioned plants (with the exception of Roridula), the substance acts as a digestive enzyme, breaking down the contents caught in it.
Poisonous spores can easily spread large distances with the strong breeze ..Cultivation, growing techniques, & propagation
Easy to establish, difficult to keep long-term. Seeds will germinate on basically anything that could be home to a plant. Once your Triffid is of adequate size (that is, within 2-3 feet tall), it should be “docked” – not unlike a collared dog leashed to a tree or pole. At this time, it would also be wise to prune the tendril within the cup at the top of the stem. DO THIS WITH GREAT CARE, preferably at a distance. Cover your skin with thick clothing, gloves, etc. and wear a helmet with eye protection. A young Triffid’s sting should not be fatal but it’s best not to take the risk.

Wolfsbane Plant
The elegant Nerium oleander, the blossoms of which are crimson, magenta or creamy white, is one of the most toxic plants in the world. Every part of the plant, from its stem to its sap, is incredibly poisonous if ingested. Even inhaling the smoke from a burning oleander is a health threat. There have been cases of inadvertent poisonings resulting from campers using oleander branches to roast hotdogs and marshmallows. In fact, it is believed that some of Napoleon's soldiers died in Spain when they used oleander sticks to roast meat, according to "The Vegetable Kingdom; or, The Structure, Classification, and Uses of Plants" (D. Appleton & Co., 1853). The blossom is so dangerous that even the honey made by bees that used the oleander plant for nectar is poisonous. Also toxic to dogs, cats and horses..

The Aconitum flower seems to be the bane of everyone: It is also known as wolfsbane (originally wolf's bane), dogbane, mousebane, leopard's bane, tiger's bane, witch's bane and women's bane. Like the oleander, it is a beautiful but deadly garden plant.

Its downward-curved periwinkle petals resemble a friar's cap, which explains its non-bane monikers, such as the Devil's helmet, monkshood and blue rocket. There are more than 250 species of Aconitum, and it is a member of the buttercup family. Just a few drops from the plant's roots can cause paralysis of the cardiac muscles or of the entire respiratory system, resulting in death. During the Middle Ages, witches used the wolfsbane in their "flying" potions because of the feelings of dizziness and numbness brought on by its irregular heartbeat side effects. They also used them in love potions, but because these poisonous elixirs often ended up killing the paramour, the plant also earned the name of Mourning Widow.

Dracula's Castle Transylvania 2022| Bran Castle Full Tour 4K | Beautiful European Castle Tour
Dracula's Castle Transylvania 2022| Bran Castle Full Tour 4K | Beautiful European Castle Tour
Bran Castle Romania

Cleaners find over 1,500 pizza boxes among mountains of waste in British hoarder's horror home

Aficionado fast food lover finds it difficult to dispose of the cardboard boxes..
The one bed flat was swamped with rubbish when Joe Cole and his clearance company arrived. He said the resident "let the mess build up" over lockdown and was clearly a fan of pizza...The one bedroom flat was cleared out by professional cleaner Joe Cole, who described it as 'one of his worst jobs yet'.
Joe's clearance company, JGD Pro Solutions was called in September last year 2022 after neighbours complained of a stench coming from the property near Southampton in Hampshire.
Joe and his teamed arrived to find every inch of the property swamped in rubbish.
The waste, including an estimated 1,500 takeaway boxes, was piled three-quarters of the way up the walls in some rooms and even inside the shower, making it unusable.
The owner - who Joe calls 'pizza addict man' - had also discarded used toilet roll and chicken bones in the flat instead of binning them.
Pepperoni slice anyone, Boxes rise up the ceiling creating a mini mount Everest..
Plastic water bottles fill the entire kitchen space..
No job is too big, Joe Cole is pictured..
Joe has now shared shocking footage of the 'landfill-like' property, which took the team of five workers three days to empty. Joe said: "We couldn't even push the front door open fully, we had to squeeze in, until we got rid of some items. "It was just a dumping ground. Everything you'd normally put in your household bin was in that property - pizza boxes, chicken bones, toilet paper... "The whole flat was a dustbin basically - worse than a dustbin, it was like a landfill. "Even the bedroom was absolutely full up and he was climbing onto the bed and there was this tiny little space where he was putting his body to go to sleep at night.
The toilet resembles the aftermath of an illegal rave that was highjacked by squatters..
The bed has seen better days, and the owner will be emotionally overwhelmed to purchase a new one..
"He obviously had a liking for pizzas because that was the majority - he must have been addicted to pizza. I can imagine he must have spent a lot of money on takeaways. "It was piled three-quarters of the way up the walls. He'd done it in his way of doing it neatly, building a pizza wall around him. "He stunk, he mustn't have had a shower for months because the shower was full up and hadn't been used. "The sink in the kitchen was completely full up as well so that hadn't been used either." The self-professed 'Clutter King' set up his business six years ago and initially started on domestic households before establishing contracts with some local councils and housing associations.
He now takes on most of his jobs, including this one, through these means.
Joe says the 'pizza addict' man, who lived alone in the one-bedroom flat, had built the mess up over the last couple of years after being 'stuck' at home throughout lockdown.

The years of 'compacted' food waste created such a stench that his next door neighbours reported the issue and kickstarted the clearance job. Joe said: "It was lockdown where he just got carried away stuck in the property for the three-year period plus. "He was aware of what he was doing but I think it just gets to such a stage where they can't do anything about it because they're too embarrassed. They won't speak to family members or let anyone in the property.

"As soon as you start digging down and get to the bottom half of it where it's been compacted and god knows how long it's been there for, that's when the smell starts circulating. "The smell was bad but the windows had been opened for air circulation [following the complaint] so it was probably even worse before that." Joe and four of his workers cleared the mounds of rubbish from the small flat in three days before taking it to commercial waste and recycling centres to be disposed of. He says that he and his staff find the work and making a positive impact on people's lives 'rewarding'. Joe said: "95 percent of what was taken out of there was recycled - that's something we're very determined to do. "He was happy that we were doing it and we're just happy to complete it, it's rewarding."

Extreme pizza box collector Scott Wiener poses with his collection of pizza boxes. Image Ryan Jones
Wiener has the Guinness World Record for his collection of 595 pizza boxes. But now that the number has risen to 1,525 (mostly unused), he may have to slow down saving them.
“I am not actively stopping the collection, but I am pumping the brakes a little bit because I am running out of space,” he tells The Post. “Don’t even get me started on my pizza T-shirt collection … that’s becoming a problem!”
![Touch Sensitive - Pizza Guy [Official Music Video]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1uXrXTSASK0/maxresdefault.jpg)
Touch Sensitive - Pizza Guy [Official Music Video]
Touch Sensitive - Pizza Guy [Official Music Video]

Koo Koo - All I Eat Is Pizza (Dance-A-Long)
Koo Koo Kanga Roo - All I Eat Is Pizza (Dance-A-Long)

Fast Food Rockers - Fast Food Song
The pizza aficionado, who runs Scott's Pizza Tours, neatly packs his boxes into his two-bedroom apartment. The diverse collection — with boxes from Antarctica to Italy — is artfully displayed paired with pizza-themed baseball hats in his office, piled into neat stacks on the dining room floor, or flattened and shelved in his closet. The New Jersey native started collecting boxes after a 2008 trip to Israel. There, instead of a NYC-style white box with red logos, Wiener’s pizza came in a colorful box — yellow with blue writing. He realized not all boxes are created equally. “I can collect them myself, or people can mail them to me,” he says. “All the pizza box companies know me because I’m literally the only civilian that collects them.”
Wiener covets boxes with time-sensitive content — ones with political figures, celebs or marketing tie-ins. “There’s an Obama box out there in Italy, but I missed my chance to get one,” says Wiener, whose boxes date to the 1990s. As they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. “This collection shifts the way we see pizza boxes … not just as something disposable, but something with cultural value,” says Wiener, who published “Viva la Pizza: The Art of the Pizza Box” in 2013. “Shift the context of a pizza box and it goes from being trash to being art.”
Fast Food Rockers - Fast Food Song

Scott Weiner relaxes with some of his pizza boxes he has collected over the years.

Sidney de Carvalho Mesquita.

A Brazilian man will make his eye-catching debut in the Guinness World Records next year when he’s recognized for the farthest eyeball pop. Sidney de Carvalho Mesquita, also known as Tio Chico, holds the record for men thanks to his eyeballs, which protrude a whopping 0.71 inches beyond his sockets. De Carvalho Mesquita discovered his eye-popping talents at the age of nine while making silly faces in the mirror. While impressed with his unusual skill, his family was first concerned it could be a sign of an illness. Luckily for De Carvalho Mesquita, that wasn’t the case. He has since been able to utilize his gift in both personal and professional ways, and is hoping to become known for his talents not just in his home country of Brazil, but across the globe as well. “My skill is definitely a gift. It came from my father, my mother and the creator, too,” de Carvalho Mesquita told Guinness World Records.
The medical term for what makes de Carvalho Mesquita’s eyeballs pop is called global luxation. Guinness World Records
The medical term for what makes de Carvalho Mesquita’s eyes pop is known as globe luxation, an incredibly rare condition that can be measured by an optometrist. De Carvalho Mesquita described the feeling when his eyeballs pop out of their sockets as “letting go of some part of my body.” While performing his stunt, de Carvalho Mesquita loses the ability to see for a few seconds before his eyes can re-focus. He can pop his eyeballs out for 20 to 30 seconds at a time. De Carvalho Mesquita’s talents go far beyond his eye-catching tricks. While he loves attending live events to entertain people with his gift, de Carvalho Mesquita is also a drummer and DJ, and sometimes cosplays as Uncle Fester from the Addams Family. He also works full-time in sales in the electronics industry, and owns a hamburger delivery company called Tio Chico’s Burger.
Most of his free time, however, is spent with his number-one fan, his wife Egly, who he says didn’t know of his unique ability until they were already engaged. The eye-catching trick was quite the surprise for Egly, who witnessed it for the first time when a friend asked de Carvalho Mesquita to pop his eyes. De Carvalho Mesquita said finding out his eyeball pop would place him in the Guinness World Records was a feeling of “pure excitement mixed with elation and ecstasy.” “A dream come true means opening doors for my work to be even more recognized, and I hope to make the most of this great opportunity as part of the Guinness World Records family,” he said. Sidney’s record was verified in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Jan. 10, 2022. The record for farthest eyeball pop in a woman was set by Kim Goodman, of the US, who can pop her eyeballs to 12 mm (0.47 in) beyond her eye sockets. She has held the record since Nov. 2, 2007.

Even corporate pizza companies can get creative, as evinced by this R2-D2 pizza box from Domino’s in Wiener’s collection. COURTESY OF SCOTT WIENER

One Italian pizza box he owns is decorated in full color like an oil painting—the eerily detailed face of the baker on its lid reminds Wiener of George Clooney. But such individualistic boxes aren’t the norm, as many mom-and-pop pizza joints buy boxes from wholesale distributors who largely stick to a few clip art-esque motifs: the chef making an A-ok gesture, Italian monuments, or happy cooks in chef’s whites.
Scott Weiner thinks outside the box and is always looking for creative and striking art work designs..

Man who claims to have eaten 146,000 Yorkshire puddings explains why he loves them so much...

Britain’s Biggest Yorkshire Pudding Fan: “I Eat At Least 20 A Day” | This Morning
Britain’s Biggest Yorkshire Pudding Fan: “I Eat At Least 20 A Day” | This Morning..
Jake Farrar, from Middlesbrough, reckons he's the country's biggest Yorkshire pud fan, and he plans to devour a tonne of them over the christmas period 2022. Jake has amassed more than 50,000 followers on TikTok, where he posts all kinds of Yorkie content, with one video getting more than 1.1 million views. His viral fame landed him on This Morning, where he talked to Dermot O'Leary and Alison Hammond about his obsession. "I grew up absolutely loving Yorkshire puddings," he said. "It was even at a point where I was restricted on how many I could have on my plate."
But after Jake grew up, he well and truly abolished these restrictions and piles his plates high with Yorkies. In one day, Jake said he can have more than 20 of the things, and over the festive period, he reckons he'll get through 200. In total, he estimates that he's scoffed 146,000. If you're wondering how the lad manages to eat so many, the key is eating them throughout the day. While most of us only really have them as a tasty component of a roast dinner, Jake can have them for breakfast or even dessert. Rather than simply smother them in gravy, Jake can use them as a holder for a shepherd's pie, stuff them with sausages for a breakfast wrap, or plop scoops of ice cream in there. Gotta admit, Jake sounds like he might have the game of life all figured out.

As for how he likes his Yorkshires, the fella admitted he's a big fan of Aunt Bessie's, but if he's got the time he'll cook them up using his own recipe, which includes garlic salt. Given that he can't go a day without them, Jake has accepted that he is addicted and said he spends £50 a month on the things. So I suppose as far as addictions go it's quite a cheap one. And while they may not be the healthiest things in the world, Jake said his alternative diet seems to be working for him. Asked by Dermot whether he also manages to get his five a day, he replied: "Oh yeah. I will say that I'm in the best shape I've been in, 'cause over the past year I've actually lost five stone." I reckon he can expect that weight loss to stall though if he does eat 200 Yorkshire puddings over Christmas. But it's not really the time of year to worry too much about losing weight, is it?

Kyle was crowned the British Eating Leagues Yorkshire pudding Eating Champion ( Image: CATERS NEWS)
Kyle Gibson reckons he loves the puddings so much he can 'eat them hot or cold, for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just as a snack' Glory-hungry Kyle Gibson has roasted his rivals in a Yorkshire pudding eating competition 2020 – by scoffing SIXTY in three minutes. He said of his win in the British Eating Leagues contest: “I was always a lover of Yorkshire puddings – that’s probably why I was slightly chubby. I’ve been eating Yorkies every week since I was a kid. “I’ve been dabbling in competitive eating for four years and I’ve gotten used to eating a lot of food in a short space of time.” Before lifting his prized pud trophy Kyle, of Houghton le Spring, Tyne and Wear, also ate the world’s biggest Yorkie wrap. The 4ft snack, full of chicken and stuffing, weighed over a stone – and was served with a kilo of roasties. He said: “It took 15 minutes to finish. It was a complete beast.”
Kyle’s next food challenge is at KFC, where he will try to eat the entire menu. But he added of his pud prize: “This trophy is my most treasured because it’s the competition that suited me the most. “I’m not sure anyone will be able to take that title from me – but they’ll have to wait until next year to try.”

A UK man was left with a broken neck, fractured spine and other “car crash”-evoking injuries after tripping over his cat.
Doctors said Chris Rowley's injuries were like that of a car crash victim.
A man sustained 'car crash' injuries and couldn't move from the floor for 14 hours after tripping over his new pet cat.
Chris Rowley, 59, broke nine ribs, fractured his spine, cracked his skull and was left with a bleed on the brain after the accident. The professional musician was discovered by his partner, who had returned from work the next morning, lying in a pool of blood with the hairless sphynx sat on his chest.
Eric Morecambe the hairless sphynx cat suddenly jumped up and squeezed onto Chris's leg in an unprovoked act of affection, Chris reacted as he attempted to move out of the way of the feline but tragedy unfolded. Chris slipped and fell down the stairs leaving him with catastrophic injuries. The horrific event on Sunday, October 23 2022, saw him hospitalised for two weeks - leaving him out-of-pocket as he is unable to work.
Chris told The Mirror: "We have a sphinx, it's like a hairless cat, it's only a baby. I can't remember much, just falling fast - it was quick and it was over within seconds, then I was at the bottom.

Chris Rowley rests in a hospital bed after sustaining car crash injuries..
Mr Rowley said doctors told him he was "lucky to be alive", while friends joked he had nine lives.
The professional musician and vocalist, from Countesthorpe, Leicestershire, said six-month-old Eric - named after comedian Eric Morecambe - "came running at me". "He bit my leg, as a kitten would, and I lost my footing trying to get him off," he said. "I can't remember much about the fall, only that I went down fast. "I was bleeding from my head - I must have hit it on a metal frame at the bottom." Mr Rowley said he was in "shock" at what had happened and was unable to call for help as his mobile phone needed charging. "I was struggling to get up," he said. "I lay on the floor for about five hours before I slowly dragged myself back up the stairs and on to my bed. "I was really cold and shivering. "I now couldn't physically move. I was in so much pain and Eric kept coming on to my chest."

"I was pretty much there for the best part of 14 hours, my partner works nights and it happened early to late evening and there was no one else in the house. My phone was dead - I couldn't get up, I physically couldn't get up - it's the hardest sensation - it's almost like claustrophobia, you can't get out, you can't physically get anywhere or do anything."
Jackie, a care worker in a children's home, who found her gravely injured partner, said that she had to leave the room as he was being treated as his screams were too harrowing to hear. She told the Mirror: "I normally get home at about 8.30am but that day I got held back and I didn't get back til about 10, and I opened the door and heard him screaming and saw the blood.
"He was saying, 'Oh you're home, help, help'. By this time he'd dragged himself onto the landing. I'd seen all the blood and I thought, 'Oh my God' and I ran up to him - I saw him, took one look, and dialled 999. I've got to say they were here within minutes, they were fantastic.

"I think I went into shock, when the paramedics came I left them to it because I couldn't stand the screaming. We didn't know how bad his injuries were at this time, they had to really drug him up to move him."
Recalling the event, Chris said: "It jumped onto my leg and I lost my footing, it was just playing. It took a bit of a chunk out my leg then I lost my footing and went down 14 stairs and ended up at the bottom. I was massively injured, we're still finding out the extent of the injuries now - I had a fractured skull, a broken bone in the neck, two fractures in the spine, nine broken ribs, and each rib has multiple fractures, and then I had a bit of blood in the lungs.

"We have to go back to the hospital next week to see if they need to put a drain in, to get rid of the blood that's left over. Then it's just a matter of a long recovery. "The cat's absolutely fine," he said. "The cat's adorable and he's only young - I don't take any umbrage to that, it's just one of them things - it could have happened any way. The cat was still stamping on my chest while the paramedics were there which was causing a lot of pain, he'd been doing it all night wherever I was.
"I can't explain the pain. I realised I'd cut my head as well, I didn't know how much I'd cut it until I saw the blood and later on they told me about the other injuries I had. I was in the major trauma unit and Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham.
"They took me to Leicester Royal Infirmary first but when they found out the extent of my injuries they took me to Nottingham as that's for major trauma. I had an epidural to keep me sedated. They say it will be six to 12 months until I'm back on my feet, I'm on a trial now because of the seizures, I won't be great for another 12 months I'd have thought."

Chris has worked all his life as a professional musician, touring the world and performing on cruise ships as the singer in many bands, including Young Guns and the Halfpipes. But all that came to an end due to the pandemic and Chris had to retrain, and he followed in the footsteps of his wife, Jackie Millerchip, 57, to become a carer.
But then, just after starting his new career, Chris was hospitalised due to the incident with Eric. He said: "I've worked once in the past three and a half years and I got no help from the Government whatsoever. I started a new job in caring for kids and I'd only been there six weeks and I was getting back on my feet moneywise then I had this fall.
"Now I can only get just under £40 a month of help from the Government. It was a great life up until Covid. We're not sure how it's going to go, I'm the vocalist so I need to get back to full breath and everything."

A woman who married a ghost yesterday (October 31, 2022) says finding a venue to host their nuptials had been a ghoulish task. The singer called Brocarde was first introduced to her now-husband Edwardo when he made a surprise appearance in her home last year. The 38-year-old from Oxfordshire described her partner as a Victorian soldier and has even revealed he once literally 'ghosted' her for a week after she appeared on national television.
Unlike the Addams Family, Brocarde never believed in the paranormal growing up. But that all changed one evening - when she fell head over heels in love with a ghost called Edwardo, after he appeared in her bedroom. Brocarde says it was a mammoth mission to find a church that would bear witness to their wedding. She told ITV's This Morning: "I think there is a bit of an issue with religion and the after life. Not all priests believe." She's admitted that she wasn't a believer in ghosts before she met her husband. However, their first meeting left her very emotional and helped her see life after death. "I had tears streaming down my face," she said. Like all couples, they have times of tension, but for the most part are extremely happy. ‘Edwardo and I are currently arguing over the wedding date,’ Brocarde says. ‘I want a summer wedding but he hates the heat and I’d secretly love to make him melt, but he disappears often enough as it is.

Brocarde & Edwardo's Wedding Video Clip (The Vow's)
Brocarde married her ghost lover Edwardo on Halloween in The Asylum Chapel in London after scaring Holly Willoughby live on This Morning. Brocarde says it was a mammoth mission to find a church that would bear witness to their wedding. Brocarde was kicked out of churches and even threatened with exorcisms when looking for the perfect wedding venue.
Dressed in a black wedding dress, Brocarde, who claims she met Edoardo during a thunderstorm as she struggled to sleep following a disagreement with a friend, said she was looking forward to her nuptials earlier today. As she began her interview, she shrieked suddenly, causing Holly Willoughby, who was dressed as Wednesday Adams, to jump. She was seen holding the bridal crown that tied her black veil to her head and claimed Edoardo had hit it. 'He's here,' she said. The wedding date did eventually materialise when Brocarde designed a Oujia board of suitable wedding dates to see which numbers both lovers like..
Brocarde & Edwardo's Wedding Video Clip (The Vow's)

The Woman Who Married A Ghost This Halloween! | This Morning
The Woman Who Married A Ghost This Halloween! | This Morning
I swear he’s turned into a complete groomzilla and his list of demands grows daily. ‘Edwardo’s always had a temperamental nature but the nuptials seem to be bringing out the worst in him.’ Brocarde and Edwardo communicate through unusual means. The ghost often sends cryptic messages in the shower. ‘Edwardo still leaves subliminal messages in the shower and shows his emotions by sending hot and cold sensations through my body,’ she explains.‘Whatever it is I need to ask him, he finds a way of communicating back. It doesn’t just lay in the perimeters of what some people class as ‘”normal” – but who wants normal?’

‘Edwardo has insisted that I make him a Victorian three-piece suit and I’ve played around with a few ideas but ultimately, I just can’t see it. I’d prefer him to surprise me and pull a mourning suit from his old wardrobe.’ Choosing who to invite to the nuptials is also causing hassle as most of Edwardo’s friends are no longer alive. Even worse, his best man is ‘stuck in hell.’ To add a touch of glitz and glamour to the occasion, the couple are inviting a series of celebrities, including the ghosts of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and The Bard. ‘My dream is to have an eclectic combination of souls at the wedding,’ says Brocarde. ‘I have a blatant disregard to whether they are classified as alive or dead – at this point, it barely seems relevant. We’re going to invite our favourite historical characters, such as Elvis and Marilyn Monroe.

‘William Shakespeare would be warmly welcomed, particularly if he’s reading a sonnet, so long as he doesn’t reenact Hamlet. On my special day, I don’t have four hours to spare for someone else’s drama. ‘Edwardo desperately wants one of his fellow soldiers to be his best man, but apparently he went to hell in 1875 for running an opium den. He hasn’t been reachable since. ‘There are so many obstacles to cartwheel over when marrying a dead man.’ The A-list guest list also includes King Henry the Eighth and Johnny Cash. Edwardo proposed to Brocarde in November 2021 when she found a diamond ring on her pillow after the pair had a fight. She claims the mysterious piece of jewellery was a romantic proposal and said ‘yes’ to her spirit lover.

‘One morning I awoke to find a ring on my pillow,’ she recalls. ‘It was digging into the side of my cheek – it felt like I’d been stung by a bee or something – but when I touched my face, I felt the stone and ring band. ‘I thought I was dreaming and I think I fell back asleep. When I awoke, the ring was gone. I went for a shower and noticed a question mark appearing in the steam. I was convinced I was still half-asleep, so I grabbed a few espressos and carried on with my day. ‘The next night the same thing happened, but this time I awoke to find the ring still there. Again, question marks appeared in the steam on the shower. It was then that the penny dropped – Edwardo was proposing.’ For the big day, Brocarde has penned a new song and wants to show her devotion to Edwardo. ‘I’ve really tried to pull out all the stops and I’ve written him a magical wedding song, which I plan to walk up the aisle to,’ she says. ‘It’s always been my dream to write my own wedding anthem and the paranormal, haunting element of Edwardo’s presence has provided me with so much inspiration.
‘He’s really pushing me to the edge of creativity and challenges me to open my mind to a whole new world.’
The couple have some very romantic plans for Valentine’s Day but Brocarde is slightly annoyed that she has to pay for everything. ‘The thing that really annoys me is that I will be left footing the bill but he is a cheap date, as he doesn’t eat or drink in public,’ she says. ‘I’ve asked Edwardo to whisk me away for a steamy night of passion but he’s promised he’ll always be by my side wherever I travel.’

Eighteen months on and the pair have shared romantic candlelit dinners, games of chess – and plenty of action between the sheets. But Brocarde now worries that Edwardo might be so infatuated with her that he may kill her, so they can be together forever in the spirit world. Brocarde, a singer from Oxfordshire, says, “I’ve never felt such a strong emotional and sexual connection with another being before. “Every time Edwardo is present, I feel an intense, burning sensation throughout my body. “But he can be possessive, too. He hides my outfits if he doesn’t like them, and throws objects around the room when he gets angry. “Sometimes I worry that I might have to exorcise him if he carries on with such bad behaviour.” Brocarde says she’d always been sceptical about ghosts and ghouls – until she met Edwardo early last year.
A woman who has claimed to have found love with an alien partner is refusing to show his face in public because she's 'scared he might be taken to Area 51..US-based actress and podcaster Abbie Bela – also known as Emanuela Rose – apparently came across her extraterrestrial lover while in the UK exploring East London, telling GB News that dating an alien had so far proven far more successful than any previous attempts to form a human relationship..

'I'm Desperate For My Alien Boyfriend To Propose': The Love Story Out Of This World | This Morning
'I'm Desperate For My Alien Boyfriend To Propose': The Love Story Out Of This World | This Morning

The blonde beauty admits she is sick to death of men on Earth and how they blatantly treat her, London actress Abbie Bela says that she hopes to "normalize" interspecies dating and Alien dating could be the next thing.

She claims that she fell for an alien after it swept her into its UFO — and right off her feet. Bored by the pandemic and unimpressed by the offerings on Earth, Bela explained that she joked online about wanting an alien to abduct her. Before long, she began to have dreams of a “white light.” And then, on May 31 2021, Bela says she heard a voice in her dream. It commanded her to: “Wait in the usual spot.” Bela had never heard the voice before. And yet, she says she knew what it meant. “The next evening, I sat next to my open window,” Bela said. She waited. And as she began to fall asleep around 12:15 a.m., a flying saucer swept into view. Before Bela knew it, she wasn’t in her bedroom any longer. “There was a bright green beam which transported me to the UFO.”

Most might be alarmed by such a turn of events. But not Bela. “I’m one of those people who all my life have had weird encounters she explained..Nevertheless, Bela soon found herself where very few humans (claim to) have ever gone — into the belly of a flying saucer. In Bela’s telling, she encountered five aliens in the UFO. They were tall and slender, but Bela couldn’t make out their true forms. “I couldn’t see them clearly and [they] telepathically said I’m not ready to see them in their true form,” Bela claimed. “But from what I could see, they had a slight green hue and big black eyes with human features, such as eyebrows.”

In a sketch Bela drew for Caters News, the aliens have round faces and a snakelike gaze. Bela describes them as having “big eyes with irises.” But Bela wasn’t frightened. On the contrary — she was lovestruck. “There was one who connected with me,” she gushed, describing the feeling as being in love times 100. “I didn’t get his name but I felt exactly the same.” However, the starcrossed lovers faced a few hurdles. For one, the alien told her that dating a human was taboo — although he was willing to break the rules. For another, Bela wasn’t sure that she wanted to leave planet Earth and never look back.

“He said I had to consent to go with them, but I didn’t want to say yes in case they took me forever.” So, sadly, Bela left the UFO after just 20 minutes. And back on Earth, she bemoaned the gaping differences between aliens and Earthmen. Aliens offer an “extra quality of care,” she said. Men on earth just “tell lies and have double standards.” Some, Bela noted, might be squeamish about Earthling-alien relationships. But they just haven’t “considered interspecies dating.” Bela hopes to be a pioneer in this field and “normalize” interplanetary love.

During the Covid pandemic Bela joked about wanting an Alien to abduct her.
Bela scribbles a sketch on her experiences..

If you think her lifestyle is very royal in flavour you are in for a shock as the extreme money saver skimps on everything including eating tinned cat food as a cheaper replacement to Tinned tuna salmon and other fish products..
Most of us have imagined what life as a multi-millionaire would be like - the kind of home we'd have, the designer clothes we'd buy, how much we might give away and, Holidays we may take and of course, the food we'd eat. I'd probably order more take outs to save myself on cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I'd feel no guilt because I'd be able to afford it. Why not go a step further and employ your own butler and chef magical..Unfortunately a multi millionaire called Aimee Elizabeth - AKA the 'world's cheapest multimillionaire' - does not have a single drop, despite having a net worth of more than $5.3 million (£4.4 million).
Her bizarre way of living has been showcased on the TLC show Extreme Cheapskates, where one of her friends spilt the beans (pardon the pun) on her unusual eating habits. They confessed: "One of the times I noticed Aimee was a cheapskate was [when] I came over to her house and she asked me if I wanted lunch.
"So I said, 'Sure'. She makes me a tuna sandwich. As I’m eating the sandwich I'm thinking, 'This is a little fishy, what is this?' "And then I looked on the countertop, and I noticed there were empty cat food cans. I thought, 'No, she didn’t do this!'" Putting the ethics of making someone unknowingly eat cat food to the side, Aimee admitted that she prefers to buy feline food because it's cheaper than meat produced for humans. She said she buys cat food to eat herself - and clearly feeds to others - because cat fish costs 30 cents less than human fish. Feeding a can of cat tuna to her ex-husband on the show, she said: "I just saved 30 cents!" Clearly unaware of the levels his ex-wife will go to in order to save some cash, he said: "I don't think Aimee has ever fed anyone cat food but I wouldn't put it past her to try!"

Millionaire Substitutes Tuna With Cat Food! | Extreme Cheapskates
Millionaire Substitutes Tuna With Cat Food! | Extreme Cheapskates

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is far from the only extreme thing Aimee does to save herself cash, despite being very, very wealthy from her various investments. She also refuses to throw away her washing-up sponges until they are literally falling apart. "Some people might think it's a little nasty," she admitted. "Until it's falling apart and rotting, I don't see any reason to throw it away!" Aimee also refuses to pay a cleaner for her home, which she was gifted by her ex-husband who feared she'd otherwise live in a 'hovel'. As a result, he still comes over to clean the property, and Aimee is happy to let him do it because it's 'good exercise'.

Aimee, who lives in Las Vegas, gives herself a monthly spending budget of $1,000 (£750) and refuses to go over it, instead she says she worked out ways to save money in all aspects of her life. Teach me your ways, Aimee. Appearing on TLC's Extreme Cheapskates, Aimee said: "I keep my water heater turned off, I need 22 minutes to heat it up enough to get a shower so I turn it on every morning when I get up. "I set it for 22 minutes so I know exactly when my shower's ready because God forbid I waste another minute on that water heater." The multi-millionaire reckons this little trick saves her around $80 (£58) a month. And the subject of eating tinned cat food saves the multi millionaire 30c or 20p Sterling.. Aimee has a preference for 'chicken and tuna dinner in a light gravy' "Yummy".

A man who dressed up as Santa and arrested at a Melbourne Bunnings says he will file a complaint about police misconduct after a video of him being pepper sprayed went viral. Bunnings shoppers were shocked when 65-year-old Brian Kerry dressed as Santa was pepper-sprayed by police as they arrested him at Frankston Bunnings about 1pm on Thursday 22nd December 2022.

Santa restrained and pepper sprayed at Bunnings
Santa restrained and pepper sprayed at Bunnings

"Bad Santa" makes his case | 7NEWS

"Bad Santa" makes his case | 7NEWS

A giant Galápagos tortoise whose legendary libido has been credited with saving his species from extinction has officially entered retirement.
Diego and 14 other male tortoises have returned to their native Española, one of Ecuador's Galápagos islands. The tortoises were put out to pasture on Monday 16th June 2020 after decades of breeding in captivity on Santa Cruz Island. The breeding programme was a success, producing more than 2,000 giant tortoises since it began in the 1960s. Diego, now aged 103, is thought to have fathered hundreds of progeny, around 40% of the 2,000 giant tortoises alive today by some estimates. Ecuador's environment minister, Paulo Proaño Andrade, said the breeding programme was "closing an important chapter" in its history.

Española tortoises are reared for five years before being released on the Galápagos' Española Island. Courtesy of Galápagos National Park
Diego and the other tortoises were returning home after "saving their species from extinction", the minister wrote on Twitter, adding Española welcomed them "with open arms". The tortoises had to be placed in quarantine before they could return to Española, an uninhabited island considered one of the oldest parts of the Galápagos. This was to prevent them from carrying seeds from plants that are not native to the island. Around 50 years ago, there were only two males and 12 females of Diego's species alive on Española. To save his species, Chelonoidis hoodensis, Diego was brought in from California's San Diego Zoo to take part in a breeding programme. The Galápagos National Parks service (PNG) believes Diego was taken from his native Española in the early 20th Century by a scientific expedition. The tortoise weighs about 80kg (175lb), is nearly 90cm (35in) long and 1.5m (5ft) tall at full stretch.

A volcanic crater in the Galapagos IslandsGETTY IMAGES/MINT IMAGES RM

It’s one of the greatest national parks on earth, the place where visitors get a front-row view of nature like nowhere else in the world. From giant tortoises the size of small cars to great piles of sunbathing iguanas, dancing blue-footed boobies, nosy sea lions and wolf-whistling frigate birds – when it comes to wildlife, the Galapagos archipelago delivers a tameless spectacle. With more than 4,000 species, and 40 per cent of them found nowhere else on earth, you will be mesmerised and astounded by it's natural beauty..

Galapagos Islands by drone - AMAZING 4K Ultra HD
Galapagos Islands by drone - AMAZING 4K Ultra HD
These volcanic islands have never been connected to the mainland but gradually, over many hundreds and thousands of years, animals and plants have somehow migrated here and over time developed ways to adapt to the harsh conditions, eventually becoming unique species of their own. Charles Darwin spent five weeks in the Galapagos in 1835, travelling on board HMS Beagle, a trip that led to the pinnacle of scientific discovery. It was on these arid islands that the young naturalist formed the basis of the theory of evolution, changing the way we think about the natural world forever.

GALAPAGOS: ISLA SANTA CRUZ - Travel Guide with ALL SIGHTS and ISLANDS in 4K - English Version