![NuDISCO || Televisor Ft. Danyka Nadeau - Odyssey [Funky Way Release]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/n6pleIdWkrY/sddefault.jpg)
NuDISCO || Televisor Ft. Danyka Nadeau - Odyssey [Funky Way Release]

NuDISCO || Televisor Ft. Danyka Nadeau - Odyssey [Funky Way Release]

Danyka Nadeau is a Canadian singer-songwriter who debuted on Monstercat as the featured vocalist on the song Tonight by Stereotronique and Sebastian Ivarsson, which was released on January 7, 2013.
Televisor - Televisor is a Dutch artist who debuted on Monstercat with his track Rock the Flock, which was released on March 26, 2012.

Hyboid – Starcrush (Strange Signals 2x12" Album)
Hyboid – Starcrush (Strange Signals 2x12" Album)

A long time ago before mankind's history, on the distant technologically advanced planet Somaris, pilot Mills convinces his wife Alya that he should take on a two-year space expedition to earn money needed to treat their daughter Nevine's illness. However, on the journey back to Somaris, his spaceship, the Zoic, is hit by a mass of asteroids and crash-lands on an uncharted planet. With his ship damaged and split in half, he finds that his passengers have been killed and contemplates suicide until he finds a lone survivor, a young girl named Koa. Mills decides to take care of Koa. However, the two have difficulty communicating due to differing languages and a broken translator. The unknown planet is then revealed to be Earth 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous period.

Mills later discovers that the other half of the Zoic contains a functioning escape shuttle and sends a distress beacon for rescue. Mills tells Koa that they're going to the mountain where the shuttle is located, although he lies about her parents being alive to encourage her to go with him. As they traverse the planet, they bond, while Mills protects Koa from dinosaurs.

The Zoic spaceship accidentally flies into a large asteroid collision which causes a catastrophic failure.
As they spend the night near a cave opening, Koa watches several video messages sent by Nevine. The two are attacked by a giant quadrupedal theropod, which they wound before hiding in the cave. After a rockfall separates them, Mills is attacked by a cave-dwelling dinosaur and Koa is attacked by a raptor-like creature which she traps in a fallen tree log and uses bombs Mills had given to her earlier in the cave before they were separated, to blow up the trapped dinosaur. Mills kills the cave-dwelling creature and escapes the cave only to run through the forest searching for Koa. As he is running through the forest he falls into quicksand and begins yelling for Koa. As he sinks into the quicksand, Koa reaches him and helps him to escape, and they happily reunite. Upon checking his guide Mills also discovers that a massive asteroid, whose debris caused their ship to crash, will strike Earth in less than 12 hours, triggering a catastrophic extinction event.

Nevine is the daughter of Mills and lives on the planet Somaris, she is sick and needs urgent medical treatment which costs money.

Mills and his wife Alya watch there daughter explore her environment as they talk and come up with a plan to help her..
The two reach the Zoic, but Koa is angry when she discovers that Mills lied to her. Mills opens up to Koa about losing Nevine, who had died of her illness while Mills was away, and promises to protect her. Upon learning rescue is on the way, the two board the escape shuttle, but the asteroid's debris causes it to fall down the mountain. Mills and Koa manage to fend off two large Tyrannosaurus rex, but the same quadrupedal theropod that they injured earlier starts attacking them before they manage to kill it with a geyser blast. The two quickly return to the ship and blast off towards rescue as the asteroid collides with Earth, wiping out 70% of all life on the planet.
During the credits, it shows the aftermath of the extinction thus moving forward, showing the world's evolution.

Mills discovers one survivor on the crashed Zoic called Koa, She does not speak Mills language but an older alien varient which Mills finds hard to understand.

Mills attempts to communicate with Koa by drawing a guide into some red powder. Here he points his finger down to illustrate that this is where the other half of the destroyed Koic spaceship rests on top of a very high mountain range. If they can reach this destination there maybe an escape pod that could be used to leave the Jurassic planet and back home to safety..

The Earth 65 million years ago was full of Dinosaur life, In this scene pterodactyls screach across the sky as they hunt for food..

A pack of Aucasaurus meat eating dinosaurs play havoc when they spot Koa in the dense forests..

Mills and Koa rest by a beautiful waterfall as they make there way towards the mountain peek. A loud sound of running and splashing of water is heard, Mills bends down and splashes his face with the super clean water.

Koa screams with fear as she backs away from a meat eating and very aggressive dinosaur..It's not an easy ride getting to the mountain peak.
![Hyboid - Italians And Spacemen [BAP150]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qN94L0iA0dQ/sddefault.jpg)
Hyboid - Italians And Spacemen [BAP150]
Hyboid - Italians And Spacemen [BAP150]

While resting in a dark cave Mills has to deal with another large dinosaur predator similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex..King of the tyrant Lizards..

Mills points up and attempts to explain to Koa that a massive asteroid is on for a direct collision course with Earth. If they don't reach the ship in time they will die when the asteroid crashes into the Earth. Unfortunately Mills could not have chosen a worse time to crash onto Earth as it is facing an extinction event..

The other half of the Zoic spaceship rests on top of the mountain side.. A blue light and power source is visible, this is Mills and Koa's only chance to escape the doomed planet..

The planet is becoming more dangerous and unstable by the second as smaller asteroids rain down onto the Earth's surface exploding into giant orange fireballs of flame and intense heat..

Mills and Koa have made there way inside the Koic ship but tragedy strikes when a asteroid hits the ship causing system mayhem and destruction.

The cockpit and launch station has been damaged as it fizzes and explodes, Mills and Koa have put on there seatbelts and prepared to launch.

The cockpit breaks away from the main structure of the spaceship and falls several hundred feet down the moutain..Loud trumpets blare as a loud bang is heard as the large piece of spaceship hits the side of the mountain,.

The large cockpit twists and rumbles as it falls at speed accompanied by large boulders and pieces of metal..

Koa screams as Mills holds onto her as best he can, A loud bang and a massive plume or grey smoke emits from the ground as the cockpit finally reaches a platform where it stops..This noise and commotion has now disturbed another dinosaur who finds the experience rather upsetting.

The dust settles a screeching of bright orange light is seen as asteroids pummel the Earth with more intensity. Mills is upside down along with Koa and has been knocked out.. Koa breaths out heavilly as she attempts to find a solution..Koa slaps Mills with her hand for a response but he remains silent..Koa reaches over and presses a computer screen to relaunch the ship but there is a problem. A female voice is heard along with a siren "Launch Failure" The pod is now upside down and it is impossible to launch.. Female voice "Vessel Orientation inoperable" More sirens are heard - Koa breathes out loudly with fear as a red light illuminates the pod. Suddenly Mills comes to life..A loud growling is now heard before a loud banging of claws onto metal..

The large dinosaur is now standing over the stricken vessel as it begins to break in.. The pod shakes violently as the dinosaur bites off a large piece of metal. The dinosaur begins to bang it's head against the pod as Koa screams..The dinosaur goes to town on the broken piece of Koic hardware (Pod) as it stares into a window at Koa.. Metorites rain down trumpets sound out - A heavy thud of feet is heard from the dinosaur. Mills spots his laser gun from outside..Mills releases himself from his seatbelt by short circuting the control panel. Mills stumbles outside as he pushes a large piece of metal away.. Mills runs over to his laser gun and aims at the dinosaur which has now turned around and set its eyes onto the man.

As Mills fires a red line of squares lights up followed by a fast beaping sound to indicate the gun has no power and needs recharging. Mills speaks to himself "Shit" as he realises he cannot protect himself and Koa.. The dinosaur roars in front of the space pod as Mills shouts out again "Shit Shit Shit"..Mills runs off as another dinosaur comes into view.. Mills hides underneath a metal cave of twisted steel as he presses his gun several times onto some computer sybols. Beeping is heard. A loud thud is heard as a large dinosaurs foot stamps down just in front of Mills. A deep growling is heard as the dinosaurs surround Mills. Koa screams with fright as she fumbles but manages to release her seatbelt.

Mills has vivid mental images of his daughter Nevine who is attempting to make a noise while cupping her hands..At the beginning of the movie Nevine is trying to make a sound with her hands but is unable to. Nevine smiles as she say's with happiness I got it as she makes a sound.. An owl sound is heard from Nevines hands. How does it sound Nevine says.. Mills stares into the darkness as his mind plays tricks on him.. Nevine say's "I Love You" as Mills begins to weep.

Suddenly Mills becomes emotionally unstable as his gun comes to life and he begins to fire at the dinosaurs..One Tyranosauras Rex falls to the ground but the other turns and stares at Koa directly.. Koa has been using a scientific instrument to project images of Nevine across to Mills. Dramatic music is heard - The dinosaur becomes angry and begins to run at speed towards the pod and a scared Koa.. Koa screams as she looks up while the dinosaur takes a huge bite from the top of the pod..The dinosaur twists the heavy pod around with its strong jaws so that it now rests in the correct upwards position..

Mills steps forward one foot at a time as he repeatedly fires his laser gun at the dinosaur. Dinosaur raws as it rapidly swings it's head around sending the piece of metal towards Mills at speed. Mills fires all his shots as the gun depletes of power. The dinosaur falls down onto a debris field of metal wounded or dead.. Female voice "Vessel orientation restored" this is thanks to the angry dinosaur..Repair cycle initiated...Koa looks in awe at the computer screen. Mills slings his gun away and is confident the dinosaurs have died..Mills breathes heavily as he waves over to Koa.. Koa looks silently at Mills as she twiddles her fingers slowly to acknowledge his presence..

Mills slowly looks the other way and is shocked to see one of the dinosaurs has managed to get back to it's feet. It growls as it slowly edges towards him..The ground lights up orange from falling meteorites as Mills quickly looks towards Koa..Suddenly Mills outstretches his arm and shouts loudly "Launch the Ship"..Koa screams and taps her hands rapidly against the glass..Mills runs as fast as he can into the dense terrain so as to get the dinosaur away from the ship and Koa.. Mills slips and falls heavily onto the ground, Mills winces as he shouts out Oh God in pain.. In the distance mills see's a natural hot water spring.. Mills begins to run towards the hot water that is spraying out at intervals..Mills grunts and hobbles as he runs as fast as he can.. Dramatic music is heard - Water funnels from the rocks as the dinosaur approches from behind.. Mills grunts as he leaps over the water, at the same time the water explodes up and out covering the dinosaur from behind. A loud spray of water is heard along with a loud growling of the dinosaur..A large amount of steam is seen but as the steam reduces the dinosaur appears and has not died.. The massive dinosaur slowly approaches Mills as he backs away using his arms from behind.

Code 64 Soundwave "Official Musicvideo"
Code 64 Soundwave "Official Musicvideo"

Mills witnesses the dinosaur head on as it growls with anger..

Suddenly a loud piercing scream is heard as Koa appears from nowhere at high speed. Koa runs directly over to the dinosaur and stabs it in the eye with a long stick. The dinosaur growls as it sways it's head left and right before lifting it's head up with Koa still hanging onto the protruding stick.. The dinosaur growls loudly as it shakes Koa off and lifts it's head up high..A thud is heard as Koa lands on her back..The dinosaur is distressed as it slowly backs away while stamping hard on the ground. Large cracks appear and hot gasses begin to seep from the cracks.. Sudenly a loud gushing of water is heard as the steam explodes up and devours the dinosaur.. The dinosaur can take no more and collapses to the ground having been roasted to death.

(Soft singing voices are heard) Koa and Mills look at each other as they gasp for breath.. Mills looks up as a huge torrent of hot meteorites rain down. From just outside of Earth's ozone layer a humongous meteorite is now visible..

Mills helps Koa back to the upright pod.. Female voice from pod is heard "Impact Imminent" Meteorites continue.. "Impact Imminent" Koa looks at Mills in silence as they sit in there chairs as he prepares to launch..Mills launches as an engine rumbles to life. A blue light eminates from the engine as a large amount of metal and shrapnel become still in motion from the forces.. They are then sucked into the engine as it's blasts into outerspace..The rocket is seen travelling vertical and upwards as the huge meterorite comes down..The massive meterorite hits the Earth causing a tremedous fireball that destroy's 70% of the Earth and most of the dinosaur species..

A loud bang is heard as a fireball illuminates the Earth's surface, The spaceship flies rapidly away from the heat just in time.. Both a tired Koa and Mills look down at the Earth as a female computer voice is heard. "Interception Point Coordinates: 012016. A beeping is heard as Mills looks up ata computer screen which displays the pod escaping the planet earth.. A slow and soothing synthesizer sound is heard as Mills delicately rests his head against his chair while in deep thought.. Mills dreams of his home planet Somalis as he spends quality time with his daughter Nevine on the beach. Both Mills and Nevine open arms as they hug each other while looking out over the ocean. A soft flute is heard as the waves slowly crash in.. Mills breathes out as Koa turns her head and looks at him in silence. Koa slowly takes his hand as Mills awakes and looks at Koa.. Piano plays as Koa smiles at Mills. Emotion and tears are visible as the team look at each other. The next part of the movie shows the Earth burning.. This is the END..

Freezepop - Step into the Sunshine!
Freezepop - Step into the Sunshine!

Freezepop is an American electronic band from Boston, Massachusetts, United States, formed in 1999 by Liz Enthusiasm, Sean T. Drinkwater, and The Duke of Pannekoeken (an alias for Kasson Crooker). Since December 2009, the current lineup includes Enthusiasm, Drinkwater, Robert John "Bananas" Foster, and Christmas Disco-Marie Sagan. The band is named after the frozen snack, and they have described their music as "sweet and cold and fruity and plastic-y". Several of the band's songs have appeared in video games, including the Harmonix titles Frequency, Amplitude, Karaoke Revolution, Phase, the Guitar Hero series, the Rock Band series, and Neon FM. Their music has also been included in Downhill Domination and Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3. Freezepop songs continue to appear in certain Harmonix titles. Former member Kasson Crooker currently works as a senior producer at Harmonix. The group is popular with college students in Boston and has become part of the US synthpop scene.

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Stars Crusaders - Hellmouth (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

Stars Crusaders is a four-piece electronic band from Italy founded in 2013. The music of Stars Crusaders combines elements of synthpop, futurepop and EBM with futuristic and mystical atmosphere.

FORETASTE - Bored To Death
FORETASTE - Bored To Death

FORETASTE is a french synthpop band composed by Creature_XX (aka Terrorist_XX or Lover_XX) and Creature_XY (aka Terrorist_XY or Lover_XY).


Electro from Sweden

"...what is beautiful never dies".

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We are TWISTED DESTINY from Germany. Electronic Music to make you smile.

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Electro pop from Paris/Tours/Lyon...

Crazy for You ~ Madonna (cover by Roxi Drive) 1985
Crazy for You ~ Madonna (cover by Roxi Drive) 1985

As a child, Roxi Drive regularly performed in school choirs, plays, and theatre groups. She often watched Top of the Pops and was "entranced" by artists like Tiffany, Madonna, and the Pet Shop Boys. When she was 10, she asked her teacher if she could perform "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles in front of the class. Her original background is acting, though she felt a lack of enthusiasm for the roles for which she auditioned, preferring writing and recording music. She was involved in musical theatre, having always enjoyed singing. She was part of a 1940s-style harmony group, The Morellas, which toured around the United Kingdom. As a fan of 1980s music, she finds her synthwave music more fulfilling to create. Some of her influences include Kim Wilde, Tuesday Knight, Cyndi Lauper, and Tears for Fears. She specifically cited the colour and fashion as some of the highlights of the 1980s.

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses - The Edge of Dawn (feat. Adriana Figueroa) | Cover by FamilyJules

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - "The Edge of Dawn" | AmaLee Ver
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - "The Edge of Dawn" | AmaLee Ver

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo's Kou Shibusawa and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. It was released worldwide on July 26, 2019. It is the sixteenth installment in the Fire Emblem series and the first one for home consoles since Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, originally released in 2007.
Three Houses is set on the continent of Fódlan, divided between three ruling powers currently at peace. These nations are connected through the Garreg Mach Monastery, which houses a church and an officer's school for students from each nation. Taking the role of Byleth, a former mercenary with a mysterious past and the academy's newest professor, the player must choose a class to lead and guide their students through a series of battles. The game maintains the turn-based tactical gameplay of the previous Fire Emblem titles, while incorporating social simulation and time management elements.

Logic & Olivia night of despair
Logic & Olivia night of despair

Infacted Recordings is a german based label for electronic music! We release stuff we like and support! Join us!

Cosmic Armchair - I Don't Belong Here (Official Music Video)
Cosmic Armchair - I Don't Belong Here (Official Music Video)
Cosmic Armchair are an electronic music duo formed in 2008 in Singapore by Cosmic Jane and Cosmic Ben. The duo are signed to Belgian record label Alfa Matrix. Cosmic Jane and Cosmic Ben first met at the NUS EML (National University of Singapore's Electronic Music Lab). They released their first EP A Different View in 2009 and released their second EP "A Second Look" in 2010.

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BLACK HEAVEN - When I'm Dead (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group

Black Heaven is a German darkwave/dark electro project by mastermind Martin Schindler (also: Mantus & Sepia). He's responsible for production, vocals and lyrics. Mainly on the first three albums and the EP he's also supported by his sister Tina a.k.a. Thalia on songs with female vocals. The fourth and fifth album “Kunstwerk” (in Engl.: “Artwork”) and “Negativ” feature almost only male vocals by Martin.
In 2009 they released the first Best of-compilation of Black Heaven: “History”.

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Eye In The Sky (Official Video)
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As a child, John von Ahlen explored music, taking up both the saxophone and clarinet; by high school his focus had switched to piano and synthesisers. In 1993, von Ahlen teamed with international songwriter John Collins and Grammy nominee Gina G together contributing songs to Bass Culture's BC Nation album, soon signed to Michael Gudinski's Mushroom Records. The label's affiliation with popular Australian soap operas Neighbours and Home and Away facilitated the Collins/von Ahlen penned, "Love Will Find A Way" featuring Susie Ahern appearing in a 1995 Neighbours' episode, aired on Network Ten. Von Ahlen, would produce and write with a number of bands including dance act Nova (1992–1996), electronic band, Discotron (1995–1998) and steampunk, goth cabaret-pop outfit, The Tenth Stage (2006) before forming Parralox in 2008.