Punish the piercing serpent in the name of Jesus. ... squeeze out my prayer life in the name of Jesus. I bind and rebuke every cobra that would. come against me in the name of Jesus.

A rushing wind sound is heard as a small and thin orange coupon rushes across the screen to the right, The coupon slows and returns left as it drops slightly and rests in the middle of the screen..A small fragment of paper breaks off from the bottom right as the word LOST is formed from dissolving paper..The discarded paper quickly scatters upwards to form a new word FOUND.. Found And Lost Productions..Fragments of paper propel outwards and dissolve..

An independent film, independent movie, indie film, or indie movie is a feature film or short film that is produced outside the major film studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies. Independent films are sometimes distinguishable by their content and style and the way in which the filmmakers' personal artistic vision is realised. Usually, but not always, independent films are made with considerably lower budgets than major studio films. Generally, the marketing of independent films is characterized by limited release, often at independent movie theaters, but they can also have major marketing campaigns and a wide release. Independent films are often screened at local, national, or international film festivals before distribution (theatrical or retail release). An independent film production can rival a mainstream film production if it has the necessary funding and distribution.

The words at the bottom of the screen blur and blend and move horizontally before becoming focused.. Text fades out rapidly..The song Someday He'll Break Your Heart (the Way He Broke Mine) by Rebecca Kilgore begins to play..

The film starts at Wayne's house, the image slowly brightens to reveal a light blue Ford Mustang.. (A dog is heard barking)

Inside Wayne's house it is very quiet, The camera sweeps slowly right to reveal more detail.. An old ray tube television rests on the floor, on top of the TV rests an old compact disk player, an empty beer bottle, a blue jumper and an aerosol can..

The song Someday He'll Break Your Heart (the Way He Broke Mine) by Rebecca Kilgore continues to play..The sound has changed and emanates from a radio within Wayne's house.. The house is particularly untidy and there is a lot of clutter..On top of a large grey chest rests a yellow bag, a short denim skirt, more empty bottles, and a blue plastic can amongst other things..

Dog is heard barking from outside - The sound of a shower is heard from a distance - Wayne is sleeping on the couch and is oblivious to the sound of the shower.. Wayne's breathing is heard -

Wayne begins to wake as he opens and closes his eyes several times in quick succession.. Wayne has a beaten and bruised face as he rests on the sofa..Wayne's lip twitches, Wayne's eyes continue to open and close as he slowly awakens.. Wayne moves his head up slightly as his face begins to tighten, Suddenly Wayne groans as he begins to feel pain in his face and body..Wayne let's out a breath of air as he raises his left hand slightly before resting it on the cushion.. Wayne pushes his left hand into the cushion slightly as he mumbles oh oh! as his mind begins to rouse..Wayne swallows two times as he attempts to bring himself out of his deep sleep..Wayne groans and lets out two sharp breaths of air as he grimaces with an open mouth.. A crunching sound is heard as Wayne lifts his head slowly from the pillow.. Wayne groans loudly as the pain increases.. Wayne lowers his left hand slightly as he tightens his eyes..Wayne lets out a breath of air as he relaxes back to the pillow..Wayne suddenly leans his head down..

Wayne groans loudly as he leans over the couch unable to face the day, Wayne groans as he sways his head from side to side...Wayne suddenly raises his right thumb to his chin before leaning over some more and spitting a large amount of saliva out and onto the floor below.. (A loud spitting sound is heard)

Wayne groans loudly some more as he leans to his right while grimacing and closing his eyes tightly from the pain.. Wayne lifts his head up slightly before leaning over once more.. Wayne leans to his right, Wayne lowers his right hand as he stares down at the floor. Wayne sticks his tongue out slightly as he tenses his mouth while pushing his tongue around, Wayne closes his mouth, Wayne takes a deep breath before looking right and towards the trickling sound of water..Wayne has noticed a large yellow bag and some clothing which definitely is not his.. Suddenly a sound of rings sliding over metal pole is heard as the shower curtain is pulled back.. Another loud rush of rings travelling at speed has now got Wayne spooked.. Wayne slowly turns his head left and over to something..

Wayne quickly grabs his trusty baseball bat from the side of the couch as he intends to go and investigate the shower.. Tap of wood is heard as Wayne takes hold of the top of the bat..Wayne slowly brings the bat around in front of him..

An excited and increasing in key synthesizer effect is heard. Deep synthesizer pan sound provides atmosphere - The song Someday He'll Break Your Heart (the Way He Broke Mine) by Rebecca Kilgore continues to play out.. Wayne is quiet as he investigates..

Wayne slowly edges his way down the hall towards the shower with baseball bat in hand.. Wayne quickly raises the bat up high as he prepares to hit any hostile intruder that he may discover.. Clacking of feet is heard - Wayne leans the bat backwards slightly as he gathers a little practice.. Wayne hunches his shoulders rapidly to loosen his muscles..

A fast and increasing synthesizer key sound is heard to provide atmosphere - Wayne wavers the bat in his hands as he slowly reaches the shower area.. Wayne suddenly stops in his tracks and has decided to wait in the darkness for the unknown person or persons to come around the corner so that he can carry out a surprise attack.. Wayne becomes excited as his adrenaline begins to flow, Wayne shakes his bat rapidly in a short up and down motion before rapidly going in for the attack..

Wayne quickly turns the corner to the shower room with bat in hand..Wayne does not attack as he stops dead while tilting his left shoulder slightly.. Wayne stares in..

A slow and melodic key sound is now heard - To Wayne's complete surprize a young woman is just getting out of the shower cubicle while covering herself with a blue towel.. The woman lifts up the towel with both hands as she faces away from Wayne completely oblivious to his presence.. The woman leans back slightly as she begins to dry her back using both hands with a side to side motion..

Wayne is silent as he lowers the bat while watching the woman dry herself down.. The woman leans her head back slightly as her long hair sways,

The camera quickly sweeps right to reveal her reflection in a mirror, The woman quickly turns around clockwise as she faces the door and Wayne..The camera sweeps to Wayne who is still silent and not very impressed with his new found friend.. A tapping of feet is heard as the woman makes her way over to Wayne.. Wayne stands motionless as he looks down at the woman as his mind ponders why she is taking a shower in his house..

The woman quickly walks past Wayne and begins to walk down the hall as she say's with enthusiasm, "You're awake"..The woman is in good spirits as she smiles brightly.. The woman places her right hand onto the right side wall of the shower room fleetingly as she walks along.. Wayne suddenly speaks out with curiosity, "Who the fuck are you?"..The woman looks down as she avoids revealing her identity.. Guitar strings are heard to provide the SC.

As the woman comes around a corner of the abode she say's to Wayne without turning her head, "You left your wallet and keys at the bar I work at.." The woman smirks and smiles as she continues to walk away from Wayne..

Wayne slowly comes into view from around the corner as he looks down and away from the waitress.. Tapping of feet from Wayne is heard..

The waitress speaks again with slight sarcasm, "You know after you got your ass kicked.." The waitress is finding the situation rather amusing and smiles with delight..

Suddenly the Waitress say's, "Catch" as she rapidly throws Wayne's wallet at him, The wallet produces a loud smack of leather as it hit's his chest as speed before falling to the floor. (Another splash of materials is heard) Both Wayne and the waitress look at each other in silence...

Wayne walks forward slowly as he raises his right hand up slightly and say's softly, "Get the fuck out".. The waitress raises her left hand to the left side of her face as she slowly brushes her hair back.. Wayne has received a terrible beating last night and he is severely bruised and bleeding.. His mouth has swollen and his right side cheek has blown up.. The waitress responds as she rests her right hand onto the side of her ribs, "Ah, not a morning person?.. The waitress is being a little sarcastic.. The waitress closes her mouth as she waits for Wayne's answer..

Wayne slowly turns his head clockwise as he say's, "No"..Wayne let's out a lung of air....

The waitress responds, "How about I get dressed first?"..The waitress hunches her lips as she smiles at Wayne..The waitress plays with her hair using her right hand as she expresses her words.. Continuous pan sound is heard - Wayne is silent as he slowly turns away from the woman without a reply.. A light tapping of feet is heard as Wayne walks off slowly to his right.. (Wayne shakes his head negatively) The waitress walks off to her left several steps as she inspects the wall in front of her before leaning back on her feet and walking back to the shower area.. Clicking of the woman's feet is heard - Trumpets are heard to provide the SC.

The camera sweeps right to reveal the wall which has several pictures of Wayne when he was in the Marine Corps.. The top photo is a group image of Wayne and his battalion. Another larger image is a portrait of Wayne.. This image has a broken glass frame and is in need of attention.. The camera zooms into the portrait photo for a better view.. Camera wavers slightly..Slow trumpets provide the SC..
Suddenly a squeak and a sound of running water is heard from a short distance away..

Wayne leans slowly over the sink as he splashes his face with cold water using both hands.. Trickling water is heard - Wayne rubs his face fleetingly before leaning up slightly.. Wayne repeats as he splashes his face once more.. Wayne leans up as he scoops some water up and into his mouth using his right hand.. Squeak is heard -

Wayne is an alcoholic and has now made his way over to a bottle of liquor..The tap continues to run) Wayne quickly raises the bottle up as he drinks down the last of the fine stuff.. The liquor swishes in the bottle before Wayne stops.. Wayne does not finish the contents as he slams it down to the table (Loud bang is heard) Wayne leans his head down and closes his eyes as he attempts to extinguish his body aches and mental woes the best he can..

San Francisco Independent Cinema Presents quickly fades in, The waitress begins to speak, "If you're gonna tell a story". "It's best to tell it straight and true.." Text fades away slowly - "But what if the truth ain't straight?"

A Found & Lost fades in, "This here's the story of two sisters torn apart.." Indie Entertainment fades in - "The question is: (Hesitates) By what?.. Butcher Brothers Production fades in.. "Fate?" Hesitates - "God?".. Words fade away - "Me?" Black screen - "Maybe.."

A Mitchell Altieri Picture fade in - Eerie pan sound is heard - "I found him last night outside the bar I work at.." Words fade away..

Guitar melody begins to play - A song before I go by Ethan Okamura is now heard...The camera is in a quasi of slow motion as it portrays how Wayne got beat up.. Wayne was in the Marine Corps and is a big and tough man, he does not go down without a good fight and can take many punches.. The start and credits for HOLY GHOST PEOPLE begin..

Wayne shakes his head right as he awaits his fate behind a drinking bar.. Wayne leans forward slightly, Wayne sways his head gently from side to side, Wayne has already received several blows and kicks but refuses to back down, Wayne has an invisible smirk and seems to be punch drunk and strangely enjoying it.. Wayne continues to sway his head as he leans back and forward.. Song is heard - Ohhhhhhhh - "Out here all alone".. Wayne floats as he stares ahead at his enemy unable to stand down.. Wayne's mouth hunches slightly as the blood mingles with his saliva.. A fly whizzes past across Wayne's face..

Suddenly Wayne looks down as he leans his head right while bringing up both hands in front of him rapidly before lowering them.. Wayne closes his eyes and now knows he is going to get a serious beating from the bar's bouncers who happen not to like ex soldiers.. (Bring it on) Wayne shakes his head as he looks back at the angry mob, Suddenly Wayne receives a massive blow to the left side of his face as a bouncer lashes out with his right fist.. Wayne instantly jerks his head right from the explosive force..
"It's time for thinkin"..

A large and powerfully set bouncer attacks Wayne as he sways from side to side.. The bouncer has no emotions as he slowly leans up satisfied that he has inflicted his anger upon the ex marine.. The bouncer breaths heavily as he stares down at Wayne hoping that he will stay down for good..

The solo guitar song continues, "And dreamin' about being gone".. The text EMMA GREENWELL SLOWLY comes forward -

Wayne quickly recovers as he leans back up ready for another beating.. Wayne opens his mouth as blood suddenly drips down from his mouth.. Wayne sways forward and backwards as he leans his head slightly right.. Wayne begins to nod forward several times as if he wants to be beaten..

The text BRENDAN McCARTHY slowly moves closer, Song continues, Wooh! is sung long and with a powerful voice..

The burly and big set bouncer did not come out back for some fairy cakes as he grimaces and strikes Wayne once more.. Wayne's head propels right at great speed as the bouncers fist smashes into his left cheek bone.. Wayne is only making things worse as he straightens himself up ready for another beating.. Wayne smiles as he leans back maybe reminiscing on his war years when he was a marine..

♫"I call this song my own".. CAMERON RICHARDSON slowly comes closer..

The powerful bouncer just stares at Wayne for a moment in time as he thinks about how he can rearrange his face.. Bouncer blinks as he stands motionless and silent..

Wayne looks down at the shorter man as he awaits his fate, Suddenly the big and bold bouncer strikes out smashing Wayne in the left side of his face with full force and anger.. Wayne's head explodes with pain as it explodes right once more.. This time Wayne spins around clockwise smashing his head against the wall, Wayne uses his arms the best he can to cushion the explosive force but only more pain and suffering can be the outcome.. The bouncer sways on his feet as he watches Wayne crumple.. Wayne suddenly turns back around as his resilience will not let go..

ROGER AARON BROWN now slowly comes forward, ♫"I sing it for myself" Guitar continues with solo vocals..

Wayne is in trouble as he is alone and there are three angry men wanting his blood tonight.. The thug to the right wearing blue jeans, a blue shirt and a red cap steps back on his feet slightly as he sways his arms ready to attack..A thug to the left sways on his feet as he waits his turn, The middle thug steps on his feet almost as if he was skipping before raising his right hand back and striking Wayne with all his might.. Wayne's head ejects right at high speed as the bouncers fist makes contact.. This time Wayne goes down as he lands on his stomach crippled and bloodied..

DON HARVEY slowly comes closer, The song continues, ♫"Just a song before I go"..

Wayne is making things much worse for himself as he stands to his feet unable to accept defeat.. Wayne's mouth flinches as his muscles ache and spasm, Wayne shakes his head and smiles as he looks towards the angry mob..Wayne leans his head forward and backwards as the alcohol continues to take effect..

AND JOE EGENDER slowly comes closer..♫ "And I remember"..

A loud smack of flesh and bone is heard as the bold and burly bouncer grimaces as he thumps Wayne for the umpteenth time.. Wayne takes a powerful punch directly into his face which sends him flying to his right.. Wayne closes his eyes and grimaces as his face stings with agony.. Wayne falls down once again as he supports his body weight with both hands against the wooden shack.. The burly bouncer suddenly speaks out, "How many times we got to keep doing this, Wayne?"

Suddenly the waitress for the drinking hole appears by chance as she brings out a black bag of trash, The waitress stops in her tracks as she looks to her left.. The waitress looks over towards Wayne -

The burly bouncer shouts out with anger towards Wayne, "Always trying to make me look bad in front of my people".. Wayne stands back up as he slowly turns to the angry bouncer, A slap of materials is heard as the burly bouncer grabs hold of Wayne's bloodied shirt with both both hands,

The waitress continues to look over and knows that Wayne is in big trouble from the angry men.. Suddenly the waitress lifts up and sets down a large black bag of rubbish using her right hand to the ground below..The waitress hunches her shoulders as she screams out loudly at the top of her voice, "Hey!".. The burly bouncer pulls on Wayne's white shirt with his left hand as he raises his right and punches Wayne yet again..

A loud thud of flesh and bone is heard including a loud groan from Wayne.. Wayne's head explodes right as he collapses to the floor.. A loud ruffling of earth and materials is heard as Wayne goes down..

The waitress is feeling very sorry for Wayne and has decided that she will intervene, The waitress quickly grabs hold of the burly bouncer from behind using both hands as she screams loudly.. The waitress shouts loudly, "Get off of him"..The burly bouncer turns to face the waitress and is none pleased at her presence..

The burly bouncer begins to skirmage with the waitress as he slaps her left side face with a powerful wack of his right hand.. (Bouncer shouts out a loud huff) (Bouncer groans) An almighty bang is heard as the waitress hits the wooden back wall at speed.. The bouncer shouts out with anger, Step off Bitch!"..The waitress hits her back against the wall as she rapidly falls to her knees while using her hands behind her back as a cushion.. (A deep and continous pan sound provides the SS)

Wayne is none to pleased that the burly bouncer has hit a woman as he strikes out at speed.. Wayne rapidly swings out his right hand smashing the bouncer in the face..(Loud thud is heard)

The burly bouncer sways back after being punched in the face, His arms raise up at either side as he flaps them in a circular motion in an attempt to find his footing..The waitress quickly stands and turns to her left facing away from the violence as she attempts to protect herself from any more injury.. A thug to the right instantly begins to remove his light blue denim shirt and is now ready to kick the living daylights out of Wayne.. The thug to the right stands motionless as he waits for the right moment to strike..The waitress quickly makes her way into a darkened alley so that she can avoid being hurt herself..

A loud thud of fat, muscle, and bone is heard as the large and burly bouncer collapses to the muddy ground landing on his back.. The bouncers legs flail in the air as he groans from Wayne's punch..

Another loud thud is heard as the thug who removed his light blue denim jacket quickly grabs Wayne from behind.. Justice can not be served until all the thugs have had there fill of the fight.. Wayne grimaces and struggles as he leans down while attempting to remove the thugs tight squeeze on his waist..Suddenly another loud cracking of bones and flesh is heard as Wayne jerks back at speed headbutting the thug in his head using the back of his skull as a weapon.. The thug cries out with pain as both men jostle for control..

The waitress stays incognito as she witnesses the terrible violence at her place of work..The waitress gyrates back and forth as she watches Wayne get his head smashed in..

Wayne is a tall and strong man and could easily beat one man with his eyes closed, but in life fighting is never fair especially in a street..Wayne grabs hold of the second thugs right arm as he snaps it down with a strong pressure.. Wayne uses the movement to swing him over his shoulder and send the thug flying to the bloodied floor below.. Massive thud is heard as the thug lands on his back winded and bruised.. Wayne stands above the man as he continues to hold his arm.. Wayne quickly releases his hold as he steps back having to face a third assailant..

The thug wearing a cap with blue jeans and shirt has decided that he will dish out some punishment, after all Wayne has been weakened and he is the smaller of the three.. Another massive thud is heard as Wayne kicks the thug in his stomach with his right shoe.. The thug looks down as his arms flail out above him, The thug grimaces and groans after being severely winded, This causes the thug to bend down unable to breath..

As the thug regains some stability he quickly stands but is too slow for Wayne.. Wayne strikes out for a second time, (Thud is heard) Wayne swings out his right fist at super sonic speed smashing the thug directly in the face.. The thug spins off as his neck is almost broken from the powerful attack.. The thug becomes punch drunk as he looks back to Wayne in a dazed state, Wayne uses the opportunity to thump the tug for the third time..(Loud groan is heard from Wayne as he powers in a fast blow to the thugs face)

The thug that was swung over Wayne's shoulders has recovered slightly as he stands to his feet, The thug witnessed Wayne's attack and now wants his blood even more.. The burly and bold bouncer is now on his knees and looking over and is also very angry that Wayne is getting the better of them considering the beating he has already had.. The burly bouncer stands up.. The thug that was thrown over Wayne's shoulder screams out with pure vexation as he rushes Wayne with a war focused rage.. The bouncer grabs Wayne using his body weight and hands as he pushes the ex marine back towards the wall of the drinking establishment.. A huge bang of flesh and bone is heard as Wayne is violently shoved against the wooden sheets of lumber..Wayne has his body turned away from the thug as he protects himself the best he can.. The thug pins Wayne to the wall using both hands.

The burly and bold thug has recovered and is standing to the left of Wayne as he watches his colleague take his turn.. The thug wearing a red cap steps forward a single step.. The waitress is motionless and can do nothing as she watches the terrible fight progress.. The thug who has pinned Wayne to the wall suddenly raises his right hand behind him before smashing Wayne in the jaw with a powerful upper cut technique.. Wayne groans with pain as he turns away from his enemy.. Wayne is exhausted as he crumples to the floor below..

Now that Wayne has succumbed to the hard ground the thugs now use the opportunity to beat Wayne to a pulp using there feet as weapons.. The thug wearing a red cap raises his left leg up as he smashes it down with all his might upon the defenceless marine.. The middle thug who was thrown over Wayne's shoulder raises his hands in front of him like a martial artist as he kicks out using the sole of his shoe.. (A plethora of heavy thuds are heard as the bullies strike down without mercy..

The burly bold bouncer kicks Wayne as hard as he can to pay for his attack which sent him flying to the floor..

Wayne covers his face with his hands as he cowers from the three bruisers unable to defend himself.. More thuds are heard as the three men continue to kick Wayne as hard as possible in his stomach, head and legs.. Wayne groans loudly from the attack as he gyrates and shakes violently on the floor below.. More thuds continue in fast succession as the evil bouncers unleash there fury onto Wayne..

The waitress rests her hands against the soft lumber of the drinking shack as she watches Wayne get beaten up, She is motionless and silent as her mind races with concern for the marine.. More thuds are heard as the men continue there tirade of abuse and frustrated anger..

Wayne groans loudly as the men kick him to near death, The thug wearing a red cap raises his right leg as he stomps down hard onto Wayne's legs, The middle man continues to kick Wayne to pay for his time and energy.. The burly bold bouncer also stomps on Wayne with all his power..

Suddenly the violence stops as the three men back away satisfied that they have hurt Wayne enough for him not to stand up anymore..(A fast scuffling of feet from the men is heard)
The middle thug decides that Wayne should receive some more pain as he kicks him once again..The thug raises his right hand high in the air as he grimaces before lowering his hand and kicking Wayne as hard as possible in the stomach..(Thud is heard) The other two bouncers stand motionless as they watch there colleague kick Wayne..

Wayne suffers greatly as he instantly explodes backwards towards the back wall of the shack.. Wayne groans loudly as his body twists over before landing on his back.. Wayne's left leg flails out vertically as he crashes onto his back winded and in extreme pain.. Wayne closes his eyes tightly as his mouth opens wide while grimacing from the ordeal, Wayne lowers his left leg as he gulps for air, A large amount of blood has congealed in his mouth as he struggles to breath..

The camera sweeps down and left rapidly to reveal the waitress who is still stood next to the alley door..Wayne coughs and gasps for air as the waitress looks on over towards the three attackers.. Camera sweeps more left as the waitress awaits her fate..

Wayne has been savagely beaten as he groans loudly while turning his head left.. Wayne opens his mouth slightly as he tilts his head up, Wayne leans his head more to his left as he closes his mouth unable to continue the fight..

The bouncers now know that the fight is over and if they continue Wayne will be leaving the drinking shack in a wooden box.. The three men quickly turn away from Wayne anti clockwise in an almost synchronous movement.. The middle bouncer looks at Wayne for the last time as he also turns and follows his colleagues as they leave the area.. Grey wisps of insects illuminate from the full moons ambience..

Wayne lets out a loud groan of pain as he rolls onto his side, Wayne places his left hand onto the stony ground rolling back to his left towards the wooden timber wall. (Wayne groans again)

Suddenly a sound of crunching gravel and feet is heard as the waitress quickly makes her way over to the severely injured marine.. (Her shadow reflects off the grey timber) The waitress takes her right hand away from the wall as she rapidly runs the few steps required to reach Wayne.. The waitress bends down as she places her right hand onto Wayne's left shoulder and her left hand onto the ground.. Wayne groans loudly with pain as he leans his body towards the wall, The waitress speaks with concern, "Hey man, are you alright?" The waitress places her right hand onto Wayne's right side neck as she leans forward slightly.. Wayne groans some more as he leans left and rests his head on the ground.. The waitress speaks out again, "Want me to call the cops".. Wayne can not face the waitress as he leans more into the muddy ground, The waitress removes her hand from Wayne's neck as she looks down upon him..

Suddenly Wayne groans again as he pushes the waitress away using his left hand..(Wayne say's "No" under his breath) The waitress quickly falls backwards landing on her bottom while using her arms to support herself from behind her back..(Crunch of gravel is heard) (More churning gravel sound is heard as Wayne begins to push himself up from the floor..) Wayne groans as he slowly pushes himself up, Wayne sweeps his left arm back as he groans, Wayne raises his left arm up to his shirt as he pushes with his legs.. Wayne splutters and gurgles as the blood fills his mouth, The waitress leans forward as she say's, "Tell me what you want me to do?'..Wayne brings in his right leg as he twists his body back towards the wall.. Wayne grimaces and is in a lot of pain.. A thud is heard as Wayne slumps back against the wall having lost his strength.. (Wayne say's "Fuck" under his breath) Wayne attempts to stand once more..

A crunching of gravel mud and stones is heard as Wayne pushes up with all his strength.. Wayne holds his left hand onto his stomach as he attempts to reduce the pain in that area.. Wayne is a stubborn man and always feels he needs no help from anyone, Wayne shouts out with pain and slight vexation, "Learn how to mind your own fucking business"..Wayne maintains closed eyes as he tilts his head unable to focus on the waitress. Wayne tilts his body left as he limps on his left foot.. Wayne limps on his right foot as he begins to make his way out of the area.. Wayne groans loudly..

A loud sound of gravel under knee is heard as Wayne suddenly falls down unable to find the strength.. Wayne kicks his right leg forward as he scrummages on the floor.. Wayne rolls over onto his hands as he groans again.. The waitress tuns her head towards Wayne clockwise for a fleeting moment but decides to turn her head the other way as Wayne moves forward across the mud and stones.. The waitresses hair sways out as she rapidly turns.. Wayne lifts up his right leg as he groans again, (Light tap is heard) Wayne manages to stand onto his feet as he uses his hands to support him against the floor.. Wayne is now bent over, suddenly Wayne runs several feet forward as he releases his hands as a way to maintain stability.. Wayne staggers forward.. (Fast taps of feet are heard)

The friendly waitress watches as Wayne makes his getaway unable to help him any further.. Wayne groans as he runs off across the ground and out of view.. (Wayne groans as his muscles move at speed)

The waitress looks down in silence as she ponders her thoughts before tilting her head right and at the ground..(The sound of chirping insects is heard)

A small amount of time has passed - The waitress works at a drinking hole called Saints and Sinners.. A loud electronic zap sound is heard as the neon lighting for an angel themed graphic with halo lights up with an intense blue colour.. At the same time a devils head with horns also lights up on the right next to the SINNERS text.. A light knock is heard as the lighting switches off, this lighting then repeats each and every few seconds..Edited By Mitchell Altieri - Brett Solem slowly fades onto screen..

The camera focuses on a close up shot of the neon sign, This time a loud buzzing of electricity is heard as the angel and devil heads light up.. The electronic buzzing stops when the heads go out..

The waitress has now returned to the bar to continue her shift and all is quiet.. There are no customers to be seen and the bouncers have all gone home..A song can be heard playing, It is called, The Thread of the Thing by Fay Wolf - Ah-ah, ah, ah, ah-ah, oh".. The waitress quickly grabs a bottle from the table as she raises her hand and transfers another bottle from her right hand to her left.. (A clink of glass is heard) The waitress grabs another bottle using her right hand as she quickly turns clockwise and makes her way over to the bar..
Fay Wolf - The Thread of the Thing

As the waitress reaches the bar she quickly places the empty beer bottles down on to the top of it's surface.. A thud and a clink of glass is heard as the waitress places the first bottle down with her right hand, Another clink of glass is heard as the bottle makes contact with two more. The waitress quickly transfers her right hand to a bottle in her left as she places another two bottles down.. The waitress quickly turns clockwise as she pulls a white cleaning cloth away from her right shoulder using her right hand.. The waitress sweeps the cloth down in front of her as she transfers it to her left hand as she makes her way back to the table to clean the surface.. ♫ Ah-ah, ah,ah,ah-ah, oh ♫

The waitress cleans the table as the song continues to play..

The waitress quickly returns to the bar and picks up a small white and crumpled napkin from the bar using her right hand, The waitress travels along the bar as she rapidly picks up another crumpled piece of napkin packaging using her same hand.. The waitress then discards the rubbish over the bar and into a bin, The waitress looks to her right as she picks up an empty bottle before discarding that into the bin.. The waitress turns to her right as she quickly walks down and across the bar..

The waitress is now heard speaking to the listener - "The story really starts when I was 15..." The waitress picks up another crumpled white napkin from the bar to her right before she quickly makes her way back to the bin.. The waitress speaks, "And my mama got cancer"..The waitress returns across the bar to the right, "One day we're all sitin' around her hospital bed." The waitress stops as she picks up another bottle from the bar.. "While they drained her blood out like a bunch of mosquitoes.." Camera sweeps right..

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

The bar now reveals a black wallet and a set of keys, "Next it's just me and my sister.." The waitress looks down at the wallet and keys as she sways right.. The waitress still has the white cleaning cloth in her left hand as she rests her right hand to the bars surface.. The waitress turns her right hand over as she fleetingly looks at her palm before raising her left hand and scratching the right side of her face. She twists her hand as she touches her face before lowering it to the bars surface.. "Figuring out the world for ourselves.."

The waitress quickly picks up the black wallet as she opens it using her right hand, The waitress is intrigued as to who the wallet may belong to as she turns the wallet onto it's side as she inspects the top, (Sticks tongue slightly out) The waitress pulls open the wallet before closing it again.. The waitress inspects the back of the wallet as she lifts it up slightly with her left hand..This time she has found something of interest as she slowly pulls out an ID card using her right hand..The waitress smiles as she focuses on the photographic image imprinted on the card.. The waitress takes hold of the card with her left hand also as she reads the information.. The waitress lowers her right hand down so that both hands are symmetrical and at the bottom of the card..

The waitress now holds Wayne's Marine corps ID badge in her hand as she looks at the information.. Osborne, Wayne Marshall - Pay Grade E6 - Rank PVT - ISSUE 2005 - Expires 20100 - An electronic chip sensor similar to a credit card is also visible at the bottom..

The waitress continues to hold the card up with her right hand for a few moments before placing it back into the wallet..The waitress quickly pushes it back before lowering her right hand slightly down the wallet.. The waitress seems intrigued by the marine as she ponders her thoughts..The waitress looks down as she closes the wallet using both hands..

The waitress has now left work as she slowly makes her way home..The waitress smokes on a cigarette as she turns anti clockwise before walking down the street.. The waitresses yellow holdall swings gently by her side as she casually walks home.. Smoke floats out of her mouth.. Song continues to play - A white automobile suddenly pulls out of a right side road a hundred feet behind the waitress as it turns right..

The waitress wavers up and down as she walks home .. Her hair blusters and sways in the wind..

Smoke emits from the waitresses mouth as she continues to smoke.. The waitress walks forward as she stares ahead..(She is also listening to music on headphones)

The waitress walks past several shops and an ice cream parlour, A neon sign in the shape of an arrow flashes and pulsates a golden yellow and gold as the lights flicker on and off at high speed..A red car travels from right to left, A truck travels past from left to right..

The waitress has now reached home as she pushes open her door that leads directly into a kitchen using her left hand.. A click is heard as the waitress places her right hand to the doors edge before pushing it closed from behind her.. The waitress raises her left hand to her right ear fleetingly before turning towards the kitchen sideboard.. A squeak is heard as the door closes followed by a low level tap.. The waitress turns clockwise as she pushes gently on the door to ensure it has locked correctly.. The cord for the blind sways from side to side, The waitress speaks again in her mind, "Once upon a time, we could hide our pain by slipping into a costume.." The waitress lowers her right hand as she places it on the door Handel before turning it anti clockwise.. The waitress then raises her right hand as she rests it against the bottom of the window pane.

The camera sweeps up to reveal a young girl with blonde hair.. The video is blurred and is taken from an old VHS tape.. The girl looks slightly to her right as she looks over towards her sister.. The waitress continues, "Liz, a princess.."

The next image is of another young girl, She is the waitress when she was a child and the sister of Liz.. The camera sweeps up to reveal a yellow balloon that the child is playing with.. "And me, Wonder Girl.." The young child looks to the camera as she smiles brightly..

Both of the children are now jumping up and down on a bed as they play and have fun together..

The camera pans down to reveal the girls again as they rest on the bed.. "But after Mama died, things got (Hesitates) complicated.." Liz's sister looks over to her sibling before she stands and hugs her..

The waitress stands by the kitchen table as she raises her right hand to her black leather jacket, The waitress lifts up the right seam of the jacket before lowering both hands down to her stomach, The waitress leans right as she pulls of the yellow strap that is around her right shoulder with her right hand and uses her left to pull of her jacket from behind her.. The waitress drops her bag to the floor as she pulls the right side of her jacket using her right hand... The waitress leans down slightly as she pulls the jacket off using both hands.. The waitress speaks again to an invisible audience, "I could get high a dozen times and stop whenever I wanted.." The waitress transfers her jacket to her right hand as she turns clockwise while looking down.. The waitress looks up slightly as she begins to walk across the floor..

The camera quickly sweeps right to reveal a group of drug users, The waitress is reminiscing on her life and her relationship with her sister Liz.. In this scene Liz is centre and is high on crack cocaine..

The waitress continues with slight empathy, "But for Liz".. The man to the left is motinless as he looks at Liz, The man laid down is also motionless.. (Liz is center)

The camera zooms in as Liz looks up while inhaling on a crack pipe, Wavy lines and static race across the screen to indicate the images were taken from an old VHS camera..

The waitress begins to walk along the hall as she pulls her top off using both hands.. The waitress drops the garment as she approaches a door. The waitress speaks again, "It wasn't like that.." The waitress begins to unfasten her bra using her right hand..The bra quickly snaps open from the elastic material..

More distorted and wavy lines are seen going across the image, Liz can be seen looking at her sister through a glass window..The waitress speaks again, "There's people you miss when they're gone.."..

The waitress stares out at her sister who has a serious drug problem, She is unhappy and wants to help her the best she can..

The waitress is now in her bedroom as she prepares for sleep, The waitress speaks again, "Then there's the people that's so tangled up with you..." The waitress puts on her pyjama top using both hands, The waitress swings the garment over her head as she pushes her arms into the sleeves.. The waitress shakes as she wiggles the garment down her body..

A light sound of squashed bedding is heard as the waitress sits down onto her bed.. The waitress leans back slightly as she removes her hair brace using both hands.. The waitress continues, "that losing them means cutting off a piece of your own flesh right along with them.." The waitress looks to her right and down as she drops the hair brace to the floor. The waitress raises her left hand as she strokes her hair downwards, The waitress pulls her hair out slightly as she slides her fingers down.. Suddenly the waitress brings both hands into her stomach causing her hair to fall back into place.. The waitress looks forward as she shakes her right hand out fleetingly,.

The waitress leans forward slightly as she pulls on her blanket using both hands.. The waitress pulls the cover over as she turns towards the lamp while reaching out with her left hand.. The waitresses thoughts continue, "You cut off that much of yourself, (A loud click is heard as the waitress switches the lamp off) All goes dark - "It's bound to leave some scars"..

The scene has now changed to an aerial shot of the outskirts of Nashville Tennessee.. THE CAMERA SLOWLY TRAVELS UP AND OVER THE TERRAIN.. A long and continuous pan sound is heard.. - Cars can be seen travelling down the road..Cars can be seen crossing over from a junction..

Cattle are the most produced ag commodity in Tennessee followed by soybeans and corn.

Great Smoky Mountain National Park is one of the most visited national parks in the United States, often seeing nearly 10 million visitors in a year. Falls - Great Smokey Mountains National Park Sevier county..

Dolly Parton - Famous people from Tennessee include: Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Morgan Freeman, Megan Fox, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner & Johnny Knoxville.

Johnny Knoxville

Tennessee's capital and second largest city is Nashville, which has a population of 601,222. Memphis is the state's largest city, with a population of 655,155.

Beale Street - Memphis Tennessee



The Tennessee State Capitol was designed by architect William Strickland, and when he died before the building was completed, he was entombed inside the capitol's walls.

Continuously running since 1925, the Grand Ole Opry is the oldest live radio show in existence.

Tennessee farmers produce 323 million eggs per year. Tennessee has the 16th largest cattle inventory and the 13th largest beef cow inventory in the United States.

Ober Gatlinburg boasts a huge five-acre artificial skiing surface, making this winter sport possible year round. Tennessee River Valley -

The Tennessee state rock is Limestone.

There are more horses per capita in Shelby County than any other county in the United States. Tennessee's nickname of "The Volunteer State" comes from the valor of its soldiers at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.

If you can't make it to Greece, you can at least see The Parthenon when you visit Nashville, where a replica of the building stands in all its restored glory.

Image Above - The Parthenon Acropolis - Athens Greece
Tennessee has more species of trees than any other state.
Tennessee has more than 3,800 documented caves.
In Tennessee, 80 percent of the land is used for agricultural purposes including forestry.
Tennessee furnished more soldiers for the Confederate Army than any other state, and more soldiers for the Union Army than any other Southern state.

The sound of a lorry passing is heard (The lorry carries a large amount of wooden pallets..- A large water tower is also visible..

A loud sound of motor vehicles is heard - The waitress called on Wayne before checking back at her house.. Now she walks alone at a slow and steady pace - A brown vehicle passes from the right across the road, A rumbling of an engine is heard as Wayne suddenly appears from behind her in his Ford Mustang..

A squeak of brakes is heard as Wayne slows his car to a stop.. Wayne suddenly speaks, 'Get in"..A small amount of smoke emits from the waitresses mouth as she slowly turns to face Wayne.. The waitress is pleased to see Wayne as she smiles brightly at him..

Wayne stares at the waitress as he ponders his mind on the surprise meeting he had with her back at his house.. The waitress quickly begins to walk around the car to the passenger window..

Wayne looks to his right as he opens the door from the inside..(A metallic clicking is heart as Wayne opens the door) Wayne takes a deep breath as he looks back and to his left momentarily.. The waitress creates a blur effect as she walks past the camera.. Wayne leans to his left as he looks down while resting his left hand on the steering wheel) Wayne fleetingly lifts his left hand up before resting it back down on the wheel) A car passes from Wayne's side travelling to the right..(Human voices and a guitar provide the SS)..The waitress hunches her lips as she quickly gets into the car, A loud crash of metal is heard as The waitress closes the door..

The waitress looks down and does not speak.. Wayne looks slightly to his right before looking out the window to his left.. The waitress removes her yellow bag from her right shoulder.. Clunk is heard as the waitress applies a seat belt.. Wayne looks down and then up.. Waitress leans forward before veering eyes and looking down.. Wayne speaks and say's calmly, "Thanks!".. Waitress looks over to Wayne.. Wayne continues, "For bringing my shit back.." Wayne blinks -

The waitress speaks as she looks out of the window, "Not much I can really do with six bucks (The waitress laughs fleetingly) and a military I.D..

Wayne leans his head right slightly.. A blue vehicle slowly travels from the left to the right.. Wayne looks to his right as he leans over and opens the passenger side door.. A loud clanking and clicking of locks is heard - (Door swings open at speed) Wayne lets out a breath of air as he leans back.. The waitress smiles brightly, Wayne leans back in his seat as he say's with a serious tone, "See you around".. The waitress raises her right hand as she puts her yellow strap from her bag back around her right shoulder..

The waitress leans forward before suddenly turning to face Wayne, The waitress quickly outstretches her right hand to Wayne as she say's, "I'm Charlotte, by the way"..Wayne looks down at Charlotte's hand in silence and is in no rush to shake it..

Charlotte's hand has multiple deep scratches on the palm of her hand, this is due to her nervous disposition as she digs her fingernails in to her skin as a habit..

Wane continues to look down at Charlotte's hand as he considers his options.. Suddenly Wayne looks away as he smirks while shaking her hand.. Charlotte stares at Wayne for a brief moment before turning right as she begins to exit the vehicle.. Wayne shakes his head slightly in an up and down motion as Charlotte leaves.. A circular red light flashes from left to right,

Charlotte exits the vehicle..

Wayne suddenly looks down at the ignition as he restarts the car.. (a loud rumbling of engine is now heard)

Beams of light penetrate the clouds as they slowly sweep right.. Clouds swirl with energy and power..

A thick grey smoke belches out from the factory -

Insects streak across the screen - Corn gently sways in the cool breeze..

A light tapping is heard as Wayne slowly makes his way to a convenience stores entrance.. Wayne looks down, Wayne looks to his left, Wayne looks forward.. Wayne looks to his right at several posters as he passes.. A red neon sign displays OPEN one letter at a time before flashing the word OPEN four times in quick succession before repeating..

Wayne turns as he pulls open the door to the shop..Wayne uses his left hand to pull the door open.. A loud tap of wood is heard as the door quickly opens at speed..Wayne quickly steps inside as the door closes behind him..(Ting of the handle is heard as Wayne removes his hand)

A thud of wood is heard as the door closes..

It is very quiet inside the convenience store, The camera focuses on three ceramic dogs, a wicker basket of bananas, Beef sticks, Large lollies in a plastic tub for 49 c, and peppermint patties.. A guitar emanates from the stores radio speaker.. The song is called "Power In The Blood" by Derek Irving.. ♫ Would you be free from the burden of sin?
Would you be free from the burden of sin?
There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;
Would you o'er evil a victory win?
There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.
There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r
In the precious blood of the Lamb.
Would you be free from your passion and pride?
There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;
Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide;
There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.
Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;
Sin-stains are lost in its life-giving flow;
There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.
Would you do service for Jesus your King?
There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing?
There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.

A boy stands silent and motionless as he licks on his ice cream, The boy raises his ice cream to his mouth and licks once as he slides the ice cream down across his tongue. The boy continues the procedure - A man also stands silent and motionless as he stares down at a large amount of RITZ Biscuits. Suddenly the man raises his ice cream to his mouth..A woman with light brown hair stands by the drinks refrigerator with her back turned..

Wayne is stood by the checkout as he scrummages for cash, Wayne looks down as he leans to his right while retrieving cash and notes from his pocket.. (A loud jingling sound of coins is heard) Wayne leans up slightly as he uses his left hand to find the money..Wayne suddenly holds his left hand out as he stares down at the last of his cash for a fleeting moment.. Wayne brings in his right hand as he sorts the cash out.. Wayne begins to remove dollar bills from his left hand using his right.. ♫ There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;

Wayne throws down some crumpled notes as he struggles to pay for his bottle of liquor.. The note shakes fleetingly before stopping dead.. Suddenly a loud crash of coins is heard as Wayne quickly slaps down all of his loose change onto the counter using his left hand.. Wayne pushes the notes and the coins slightly forward with his hand at speed.. The camera sweeps up to Wayne's face as he nods forward slightly towards the shop assistant..

The shop assistant is silent and motionless as she stares over towards Wayne.. The shop assistant chews on some gum once - hesitates - she chews again with a singular motion as she hunches her left cheek upwards at an angle.. Earrings sway gently - ♫ There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood;

Wayne knows he does not have enough money as he speaks out with a tone of compassion, "Come on, Shirley!" Wayne shakes his head negatively with disappointment that Shirley is not allowing the sale..

Suddenly Charlotte's hand appears as she slaps down several dollars to add to the Wayne's cash.. The camera blurs as it sweeps up to Charlotte.. ♫ Would you o'er evil a victory win?

Charlotte stares at Wayne in silence as she raises her left shoulder slightly, Charlotte smiles lightly as she stares in silence..

Wayne is surprised by Charlotte's presence as he suddenly looks to his right before looking forward and down.. WAYNE smirks with annoyance as he say's, :Ah Jesus".. before turning clockwise and away from the counter..

A thud of feet followed by a loud clank of wood is heard as Wayne pushes his way out of the store leaving Charlotte to her own devices.. Charlotte quickly turns anti clockwise as she picks up the bottle of liquor with her right hand. Old Country guitar melody is heard - ♫ There's wonderful pow'r in the blood.

Charlotte rapidly follows Wayne out of the store.. Charlotte suddenly skips rapidly as she touches the door with her right hand fleetingly as she leaves..the door slides to a close..

Slow Banjo strings are heard - Wayne continues to walk away from the store and Charlotte as he makes his way back to his vehicle.. Light tapping of feet is heard - Charlotte is hot on his heels as she follows behind.. Charlotte carries the bottle of liquor in her left hand, As Charlotte rounds the corner she shouts loudly to gain Wayne's attention, "Hey!"..Charlotte jumps down the wooden walkway as she reaches the end before continuing to follow Wayne..A red truck passes from the right to the left behind Charlotte.'(Birds are heard tweeting)

Charlotte suddenly stops in her tracks as she watches Wayne slowly disappear into the distance..Charlotte sticks her tongue out fleetingly before shouting over, "I need a favor"..Charlotte leans her head slightly right as she waits for a response.. Charlotte's hair sways gently in the cool breeze.. Blinks several times - Suddenly Charlotte looks to her right as he quickly runs after Wayne.. Slow Banjo strings are heard -

Light tapping of feet from Charlotte is heard as she chases after Wayne.. Charlotte raises her right hand to her head momentarily as she shouts out even louder, "Hey!" Charlotte's yellow bag shakes and vibrates - Wayne completely ignores Charlotte's presence as he slowly walks back to his Ford Mustang.. (A large dog is heard barking) Deep twangs of the banjo are heard - Charlotte runs quickly but soon slows to a fast walk as she reaches up with Wayne from just behind.

Light tap is heard as Wayne enters into his abode, Wayne looks down as he slowly makes his way over to his couch.. (A dog is heard barking)

Charlotte quickly appears from behind as she stands by the door, Wayne turns anti clockwise as he quickly sits down.. (Wayne huffs as he rests down) Wayne groans - Charlotte steps back slightly at the door - Charlotte moves forward slightly as she fidgets with her fingers that are placed against the right side of the wall. Charlotte say's, "I need to borrow your car"..

Wayne hesitates before raising his right hand up slightly and saying "No"..Wayne lowers his hand back to his forehead..

Charlotte makes her way into Wayne's house as she looks down whiling smiling brightly, Charlotte huh huh's as she places her yellow bag down to the floor, Charlotte looks to Wayne as she say's, "That's what friends do.." (A clink of a bottle is heard) Charlotte tilts her head right as she looks down upon Wayne.. Charlotte hesitates before raising er left hand up to her chest and saying, "They borrow things".. Charlotte tosses the liquor bottle onto the couch..

Wayne leans his head up as he looks down at the liquor bottle for a brief moment, Wayne hunches his mouth as he ponders his thoughts, "Wayne speaks, "Oh, you have a friend now, huh?" Wayne slowly looks up to Charlotte. Leans head back slightly as he say's, "When did that happen?"..

Charlotte rapidly responds, "When I needed a car?"..Charlotte sits down next to Wayne as she closes her mouth firmly, Wayne speaks calmly, "Get out".. Charlotte responds, "Well, how about a ride?"..

Wayne looks to Charlotte in silence for a few seconds before turning his head right avoiding eye contact.. (Slow banjo strings provide the sound score)

Charlotte looks down as she closes her eyes momentarily before looking to her left and reopening her eyes. Charlotte becomes silent as she considers her next move.. Charlotte takes in a slow breath as she maintains her focus on the floor..Suddenly Charlotte speaks softly as she turns her head right and closes her eyes again, "Look, Um.." Charlotte tenses her facial muscles as she tilts her head right.. Charlotte say's, "My mom's not doing so good".. Tilts head left then right..

Wayne veers his eyes left and down before looking up to Charlotte, Charlotte speaks again, "I need to go get my sister"..

Charlotte hesitates before saying, "Bring her home..". Wayne stares at Charlotte in silence before looking right avoiding eye contact once more..

Charlotte speaks, "I'll pay you.". Scuffing of feet is heard as Charlotte quickly stands as she makes her way over to her yellow bag.. Charlotte bends down rapidly as she retrieves her bag from the floor.. Scuffling of materials is heard) Charlotte looks down before stepping forward on her right leg and turning slightly as she looks for some cash.. Charlotte turns some more so that she is almost facing Wayne as she continues to look into her bag..

Charlotte takes another step on her right leg as she retrieves a bundle of notes with her right hand.. Charlotte swings her bag over her right shoulder as she takes hold of the notes with both hands. Charlotte steps forward on her right leg again as she counts the money with her right hand.. (Light crunching of paper is heard) Charlotte continues to filter through the money using her fingers as she counts how much money there is.. Charlotte lowers her hands as she throws the wad of notes onto the sofa using her right hand.. Charlotte speaks, "$200 dollars, Charlotte looks to WAYNE, CHARLOTTE STEPS BACK..

The camera wavers up and down as it focuses on the cash notes..

The camera suddenly sweeps up to Wayne as Charlotte say's, "Everything I got"..Wayne hunches his mouth as he considers Charlotte's offer..

Charlotte stands silent and motionless as she waits for Wayne to respond to her generous offer..

Slow and light guitar melody is heard - Wayne continues to look down at the cash as he considers how much alcohol he could buy with that amount of money, Wayne continues to hunch his mouth.. Wayne suddenly looks to his right and away from Charlotte, Leans back and huffs loudly.. Shakes head negatively slightly as he turns back to Charlotte. (Tilts head right as he stares at Charlotte..
Wayne looks down as he suddenly lowers his left hand down to the bottle of liquor..

A bouncing sound of liquid in glass is heard as Wayne grabs the bottle with his left hand..Wayne disturbs a black and white shirt as he pulls the bottle away.. Wayne raises the bottle up from the couch's surface as he huffs before standing up..

As Wayne stands he say's, "Let's go.." A chinking of glass is heard as Wayne transfers the bottle from his left hand to his right as he makes his way towards the exit.. Charlotte smiles as she looks down, Charlotte leans forward as she picks up the $200 dollars from the couch with her left hand..

Charlotte turns clockwise as she looks down.. Charlotte places the cash into her yellow bag using her right hand as she also makes her way to the exit..

A light tapping of feet is heard as Charlotte disappears from view..Charlotte lowers her right hand down.. Squeak of wood is heard as Charlotte steps over the door sill and onto the wooden patio..

Wayne is now on an adventure with Charlotte as he helps her to find her sister Liz.. A rumbling of the engine is heard as it slowly reverses, Wayne looks behind him on his left side as he backs out of his home.. Wayne turns the wheel left.. Wayne say's, "Where we going?" Charlotte responds, "Up Sugar Mountain"..

The car stops as Wayne breaks and changes the gear to first, Wayne slowly pulls away as he say's, "After this, you can stop coming around, Okay?" A fast line of brown dust emerges from the back of the vehicle as it slowly gathers speed.. Charlotte is in high spirits as she say, "Okay"..

Birds are heard tweeting - The car slowly disappears from view.. A song begins to play, The vocals are female - ♫ Runnin' from the devil ♫

A low level rumbling of the cars engine is heard - A white van rapidly passes Wayne from the right to the left.. Wayne suddenly looks down and to his right.. ♫'Cause running's all I know ♫ Wayne looks back up and out of the front windscreen..

Wayne suddenly produces his liquor bottle in his right hand as he reaches over with his left.. Wayne looks to his left and out of the drivers side window for a brief moment.. Wayne can seen a large wooden house) Wayne looks back out of the front wind screen as he begins to unscrew the cap from the bottle using his left hand.. (Anticlockwise turn) Wayne twists rapidly before removing the cap..Wayne lowers his left hand down to the left side of the steering wheel as he raises the bottle to his mouth using his right hand.. Wayne tilts his head back.. ♫ Ran so far, I got lost ♫

Charlotte's hair blusters in the cool breeze, Charlotte is silent and motionless as she looks out of the front wind screen while pondering her thoughts on her sister Liz..Charlotte sways her head slightly from side to side.. Charlotte passes a house to her right)

Wayne is driving Charlotte deep into Mountain country as he follows Charlotte's directions.. ♫ And so I ran some more ♫

A cow in the centre of the picture suddenly lifts it's head up fleetingly before returning to the tasty grass.. A light grey and sparkling flow of water ripples slowly over the water line..

A brown horse to the right suddenly flaps it's tail out from side to side as it eats some grass. ♫ Jesus rides ahead of me ♫ The water ripples right as it reflects an old white barn and eleven hexagonal windows..Two ducks are also visible..

A damaged sign is seen - REPENT OR PERISH LUKE 13:3

Another holy sign appears from the side of the road..JESUS SAVES ROMANS 10:13

♫ But the devil's gainin' ground ♫ Wayne passes by a blue truck, a large yellow tractor, and several garages.. on his right side.. (A man is leaning over and is digging the ground) Wayne passes an old orange truck and a road sign..

Wayne continues the journey as two vehicles approach from ahead.. Another house is also visible on the left.. ♫ So I'm runnin' Yes, I'm runnin' ♫

A large tip of old tires intertwined with old tree branches is seen at the side of the road.. An old and rusted white shack is also visible.. The area has a large amount of plastic waste and other clutter and is in need of a clean up..

Charlotte begins to speak her thoughts, "When you're alone in this world, A dog turns it's head left as it pants..

Charlotte continues, "You learn to find help anywhere." Wayne passes a white truck and a RV vehicle on the LEFT side.. Wayne also passes a red car that has the boot opened.. Other shacks are also visible..

Charlotte continues, "Any way you can".. Low level sound of the Ford Mustang's engine is heard.. Wayne has been driving for some time as he and Charlotte enter into a more dense woodland of trees and bushes..

A torrent of light brown dust trails behind the car.. Charlotte continues, "Including bending the truth about your own dead mama.."

(Wayne changes gear with his right hand producing a more upbeat engine sound) Wayne maintains his focus on the road ahead, Yes, I'm runnin' ♫ Wayne raises his left hand up the steering wheel slightly as he places his right hand onto the top of the steering wheel.. Wayne suddenly flutters his right hand fingers for a brief moment over the steering wheel.. Wayne looks to his right and down as he notices something of interest.. "Charlotte continues with her thoughts. "The trick is to find someone who might just be worse off than you are.."

Wayne has noticed Charlotte's left hand as she squeezes it tightly with her fingers. Charlotte extends her thumb out as she begins to rub and scratch her nails into the skin of her palm with a sliding of fingers..

Wayne looks back to the road ahead for a fleeting moment before looking back to Charlotte.. (Low level engine sound continues)

Charlotte continues, "They're the ones who've got nothing to lose".. Suddenly Charlotte veers her eyes left before turning her head towards Wayne.. Charlotte looks down as her hair blusters in the cool breeze..Charlotte looks back to the road ahead..

Charlotte pushes her thumb into her fingers before folding her fingers and thumb simultaneously..

Charlotte stares out at the road in silence..

A few minutes have passed and Wayne has decided he will stop of at a local garage for directions.. Wayne carefully turns his vehicle into the fore court as he looks for a suitable place to park.. A silver car can be seen travelling down the road ahead,

Wayne drives his car around several gas pumps as he spots a parking area..

A squeak of brakes is heard as Wayne pulls up next to a large Fanta vending machine.. As Wayne breaks Charlotte fleetingly looks to Wayne before looking down.. Charlotte turns to the passenger door as she raises up her left hand and rests it on the bottom of the open window..(Charlotte opens her mouth a little wider than normal for a brief moment) Charlotte opens the door using her right hand as she slowly pushes it open.. (Clunk is heard) Charlotte bends down as she steps out while maintaining her right hand on the window frame.. Synthesizer pan sound is heard -

Charlotte looks over towards the gas pumps briefly as she turns anti clockwise while keeping both hands on the door. Charlotte removes her left hand as she slams the door shut with her right hand.. (Loud clunk of metal is heard)

Charlotte begins to make her way past the car and towards a convenience store entrance..

Charlotte walks past another large green vending machine that dispenses Sun Drop drinks.. A white sign in the window of the store say's, "We Accept Food Stamps/EBT.. Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participant to pay for food using SNAP benefits. Another sign resting on a white chair say's, GRANITE COUNTERS 931 - 372 - 2811.. An elderly man is sitting on a chair next to the first one, he has a beard wears glasses and has a black cap on.. he also wears a blue jean dungaree style garment.. The man is sharpening a stick with a retractable blade.. The man separates his hands as his attention moves to Charlotte. Charlotte stands in front of the man as she attempts to find out directions to the place where her sister is living..

The man pushes up on his hands as he looks down while standing up to assist Charlotte better.. The man quickly points his stick over in the direction she should be heading.. The man continues to hold his stick up as he turns his head towards Charlotte.. Charlotte continues to speak in her mind, "I haven't seen or heard from Liz in over a year"..(Charlotte rubs her right side ribs several times) Charlotte quickly turns slightly clockwise as she looks in the direction the man is pointing.. The man raises the stick up as he swings it slightly so that it points out towards the fore court.. A car travels past from right to left - (Engine sound is heard) The man obscures another sign, (COUNTER TOPS - 931 - 372 - 2811 A sign above the mans head reads, WANTED, To Buy Chickens call: 931 263 9 5 10.. Another just above that reads: Free to good home, Male Dog, See Sylvia for details, a black dog paw is also imprinted on the white poster..A yellow sticker on the door say's, Buying Tobacco for minors could cost you.. A sweet advertisement is for ALIGATORICE.. Charlotte looks back to the man..Echoing guitar strings provide the SS..

Charlotte continues, "Then a letter came in the mail".. A moment in time has passed and Wayne and Charlotte are back on the road having been guided by the gas station attendant..Trees and bushes pass by as Wayne continues the long journey into God's country.. Charlotte continues, "She wrote that she missed me".

A deep rumbling of the cars engine is heard as Wayne increases speed. Charlotte continues, "That she was sober and living at a church up on Sugar Mountain."

More time has passed and Wayne and Charlotte have now reached there destination.. (Birds tweet) (Wayne slowly turns the steering wheel right) Car produces a crunched earth effect as it slowly pulls up onto a wooded area.. Charlotte continues, "Needed me to come get her (Hesitates) right away"..

Wayne carefully navigates his Ford Mustang up and over a low gradient of grass and trees as he attempts to park his vehicle.. The right side raises up slightly as the wheels make contact with the new terrain.. A large wooden sign has the message painted in a red gloss to the side of a metal fence, NO TRESPASSING" The gate is open and there are no people or animals to be seen.. (All is quiet)

Charlotte speaks again in her mind, "WHY?"..A squeak of brakes is heard as Wayne slows and then stops his vehicle.. Wayne stares over at the entrance as he lowers his left hand from off of the steering wheel.. Charlotte continues, "She didn't say".. Charlotte also stares out at the strange and isolated entrance as she leans her left shoulder back into her seat.. Wayne veers his eyes right then forward as he leans forward as he switches the ignition off. Wayne looks down as he reaches down to collect his keys, (Jingle is heard) Wayne hunches the right side of his cheek as he veers right while leaning back in his seat. Charlotte continues, "Just that she was scared and needed to come home.." Charlotte hunches the left side of her cheek producing creased lines in her skin..

Slow and Erie synthesizer pan sound is heard - (Birds tweet) A semi upside down wheel barrow which still has a small amount of earth inside is visible. A metal deck chair is propped up against a tree, A long concrete road stretches into the wooded area.. Camera wavers from side to side.. Wayne speaks to Charlotte, "What is this place"?"

Charlotte slowly turns to Wayne as she suddenly veers her eyes back out and over towards the entrance.. Charlotte hunches her face in a puzzled way as she ponders on Wayne's words.. Charlotte speaks to Wayne, "A church I think." Charlotte smiles as she leans her head right as she gathers more information from through the wind screen.. Wayne is silent and motionless as he looks out at the scenery..

Wayne suddenly sways his head slightly towards Charlotte, Charlotte begins to clamber out of the vehicle as she lowers her right hand down while closing her eyes momentarily.. (Charlotte tightly closes her lips together for a brief moment) Charlotte turns to the passenger door as she pushes down her right hand onto the lever that releases the door lock.. (A loud click of metal is heard) Charlotte pushes the door open with her right palm as she widens all of her fingers.. A ruffling of materials is heard as Charlotte steps out.. Charlotte holds onto the door with both hands as she quickly stands before stepping back quickly to her right.. Wayne blinks down in silence, Wayne shakes slightly from Charlotte's movements.. Wayne looks back out of the window..

Charlotte slams the door shut using her left hand as she quickly walks around to the front of the car before carrying on ahead.. (A loud clank of metal is heard as the door shuts at speed)

Wayne blinks as he looks down in silence, Wayne suddenly say's with disappointment, "Goddamn it" as he looks even further down in thought for Charlotte and his $200 dollars.. Wayne looks slightly to his right as he blinks again.. Wayne huffs as he leans his head up before looking down as he raises up his left hand and places his elbow down to the side of the seat..

More time has passed and Wayne is now following an eager Charlotte along the long and stony path that leads to the church.. Wayne swings his arms back and forth with a perfect rhythm.. Charlotte casually strolls along and her arms only slightly sway from either side.. It is very quiet and there are no people.. (Birds tweet) Echoing eerie pan sound is heard - The sound of scuffling feet is heard from the pair..

The church and it's organisation are very secluded and keep themselves to themselves.. As Wayne and Charlotte progress into the forest they come across an old children's tricycle that has rusted considerably.. The tricycle rests on it's right side as the seat tilts up at an angle.. Behind the bike there is a red wooden long house to the left and a green shack to the right with an extended porch..

An old and dirty children's play doll is seen laying undisturbed on it's stomach, Clothes have been attached to the bottom of the green shack as they are fixed with pegs along a thin wire.. The shack is supported by multiple stacks of breeze blocks..