Elliot has now brought Michael to his regular meetings with a psychiatrist, Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider. During psychotherapy, you learn about your condition and your moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. As we know Michael is Elliot's brother and has the unfortunate condition of being mentally disabled. Elliot is responsible for looking after Michael and cares for him very much. Michael looks down at the floor as his mouth muscles twitch from side to side. Michael wobbles on his feet slightly from side to side as his mind reacts with the situation. Michael hesitates before saying, Cause there, they'll send me back to (Michael looks up and over towards Elliot) Bay view. Bay view is an institution for disabled people like Michael, Michael much prefers to be with his brother and the freedom and normality it provides. Michael stops talking and looks back down as he maintains the slight wobble on his feet. (All is quiet)

Elliot stands motionless and silent as he listens to his brothers wishes, Elliot knows that there is a substantial money flow situation and things have now turned for the worse after being so savagely sacked. Elliot slowly caresses a small box with both hands as he listens to his brother. The box is a 300 piece jigsaw set that will keep Michael occupied. Michael continues, "And I can't go back to Bay view, They they lock the, They lock the doors (hesitates) on you at Bay view". Suddenly Elliot looks up with sadness as he say's over to Michael, "I KNOW". Elliot moves his head slightly right in sympathy for Michael.

Michael continues as he slowly approaches Elliot, (Scuffle of feet is heard from Michael) Well then, you have to, Michael suddenly looks up as he outstretches his left hand with fingers protruding, Michael continues, "To.To, say a promise, Michael looks down, "A promise to me", (Looks down) you promise me I don't have to go back there.. Michael's mouth tightens) Michael continues to look down as he suddenly turns more right and away from Elliot, Michael is now waiting for a response from Elliot and is very sincere in his words. (Slight sliding of feet from Michael is heard as he turns away..

Elliot is silent as he listens to Michael, Michael continues, "Like I promise well, Elliot looks further down to his right... Elliot blinks several times.. Elliot lifts his head up slightly but avoids eye contact with Michael, Michael continues with more confidence, "I promise you Michael" (Michael is absolute and wants a definite answer from Elliot..

Michael continues, "You don't have to go back there", to Bay view" Michael is adamant and wants Elliot to really know his wishes.. Michael looks down and is almost frightened for himself and Elliot's answer.

Elliot maintains a sad silence as he looks on over at his brother, Michael continues, You have to say that to me... Elliot blinks and looks down avoiding contact with Michael.. You ..you have to promise me..

Michael gently steps on to his right foot as his body sways slightly, Michael is silent as he continues to patiently wait for an answer from Elliot..

Elliot continues to look down at the floor in silence, Suddenly Elliot begins to nod down in acceptance of Michaels wishes as he feels not the heart or the desire to explain his financial worries and hardship at this moment in time.

Michael looks away from Elliot and down at the floor as a broad smile appears on his face. (Light scuffling of feet from Michael is heard) Michael quickly lifts up his left hand and bends his fingers slightly before saying Okay and chuckling with an intense relief (Takes deep breath) - Michael brings his hand to his left ear and touches it with his fingers. Michael takes a deep breath as he lowers his left hand before turning to face his brother..Michael clenches his hand before looking away and down at the floor as he sticks out his index finger before shaking it out in front of him as a sort of symbolic gesture. Michael shakes his hand up and down as the words from Elliot begin to sink in, (A high pitched and stretched ding sound is heard from the buildings lift as it reaches the two men's level) Michael quickly looks back to Elliot before looking down once again. (The ding sound is heard again as the lift reaches equilibrium) Michael say's, Okay as he asserts his understanding over to Elliot.

The elevator door slowly slides open from behind Elliot as he stands silent and motionless. Michael suddenly speaks and say's, "Ok here.. you take that" the elevator - A light crunching sound of paper is heard as Michael rapidly hands over his artwork to Elliot.. Elliot slowly looks down as his eyes follow the large hardback material..Michael pushes the binder into Elliots chest with slight force as he say's "And I'll take the stairs".. Elliot's tongue protrudes slightly between his lips - Elliot leans back slightly as Micheal rapidly turns as he points his left index finger up high into the air towards Elliot fleetingly.

Michael quickly makes his way over to the entrance that leads to the stairwell as both of his arms spread out like a bird or an aeroplane. Michael continues to speak with an increase in loudness but now with much more zest and happiness., Elliot rests his right shoulder against the right side of the lifts side portal as he looks down in silence. As Michael makes his way through the door space he quickly pops his head back out and waves his hand out as it touches the side wall briefly.. Michael shouts out, And I'll meet you like in five seconds!.. A fast tapping of feet is heard as Michael makes his way down the stairs to the bottom floor.

Elliot maintains a sadness and solemn expression as he slowly steps backwards into the lift booth, Elliot looks down and then turns towards the lifts control box as he selects the ground level floor. Elliot slowly slides forward towards the box as he continues to look down in silence. (A fast tapping of feet can still be heard from Michael) Elliot quickly presses a button with his right hand that is situated at the bottom of the panel.

Elliot is making his way over to see his father who is known by everyone as Father, Elliot's father is elderly, has a physical disability and lives in a home called Willow Brook Assisted Living. (Voices can be heard in the distance) Two electrical engineers stand outside the building as they work on installing a security camera. The workmen standing on the ground looks up at his co-worker as he holds a piece of wood in his right hand and a silver padlock in his left. The lock swings slightly from side to side, Suddenly the worker looks down at the piece of wood before looking back up at his co-worker. The worker who is stood on a ladder raises his left hand up slightly before bringing in his rikght hand onto the security camera. The worker begins to tighten a screw on the left side of the camera system for a tight fitting. An elderly couple in the distance slowly make there way across the forecourt, The elderly man bobs his head up and down before turning to look at the lady. The elderly lady suddenly raises her right hand up and out in front of her as she directs the elderly man. Elliot can be heard talking on his mobile phone as he rapidly makes his way across the road and into the complex, Elliot is discussing details with a male sales agent regarding his wedding plans, Unfortunately because Elliot was fired from his job he now has to reduce costs and organise a cheaper venue. Elliot speaks out with confidence and hope, "I know it's only a day away.. but is there any way to move the rehearsal dinner into maybe a smaller room?.. Elliot speaks with a hunch and a wish as he emphasises his words.

A light thudding of feet is heard as Elliot makes his way over to his fathers apartment, The male sales agent replies and say's, "The Cypress room's already are most economical".. A light and dreamy synthesizer sound is heard to provide the sound score...

An African parrot sits perched facing out over the forecourt, Suddenly the parrot squawks loudly as it places it's left claw into it's beak momentarily before lowering it back to the wooden branch. (Parrot bunches as it squawks again a slightly different and longer tone) The electrical engineer continues to install the security camera as he leans over to his left before turning back and looking down at his co-worker. Elliot continues to a fast stride into the complex as his brown jacket flaps gently in the cool breeze. Elliot carries a small white parcel in his left hand. The sales agent continues "There's a number of affordable motor inns all along the highway.." Elliot fleeting looks to his right and up at the workman installing the security camera".. Elliot snaps back with a rapid tone of voice, No.. It's just, things have come up..

The parrot suddenly squawks much louder and longer as Elliot approaches his cage. The elderly woman wearing a khaki green jumper continues to communicate with the elderly man as they make there way inside the large building.

A two tone beep is heard from Elliot's phone as another man is suddenly heard. The male voice say's with importance "I'll take this"..A loud clicking is heard - Elliot begins to make his way up a flight of rusted brown stairs as he continues to hold his phone to his ear. Elliot speaks out, "Hello?" an indication that his call has been disconnected..The worker standing on the ground is looking down at the piece of wood, Suddenly he looks up at his co-worker and say's What is this? some kind of...The man lowers his left hand with the silver lock.

Elliot has now made his way inside Fathers apartment as he holds an eviction notice in both hands. Elliot's hands turn slightly as the top of the paper shakes from the slight forces. (Parrot is heard squawking from outside)

Elliot has just discovered an eviction notice that has been served on his father, Elliot is annoyed that his father never told him about the notice and has only just found out.. Elliot looks up from the notice as he forcefully strikes his right hand down with notice in hand while shouting over loudly towards his father, "Dad... Elliot holds up the notice slightly as he hesitates before saying, why didn't you show me this?...Elliot looks down slightly to his right as he shakes his head in defiance of his fathers circumstances and denial, Elliot looks up as he lowers the notice down to his side and shouts out, I could of at least been looking for a place for you!". Elliot blinks furiously..

A sound of rushing water is heard from the bathroom just ahead - Suddenly Father shouts out loudly from behind the door with slight anger - What kind of nigger paradise do you think you're going to move me into?. Elliot is silent as he waits patiently for his father as he moves slightly on his feet in a left to right motion. Suddenly Elliot takes a single step forward as his impatience begins to build, Elliot sways slightly as Father shouts out again, "I am not gonna live among Bantus". Bantu meaning a group of Niger–Congo languages spoken in central and southern Africa, including Swahili, Xhosa, and Zulu.

Suddenly a loud wooden click is heard as the brown door slides open slowly, A squeak is then heard followed by a loud thud of wood as Father makes his way out of the bathroom. Father looks down as he slowly pushes out through the door using his walking stick as an aid. The door opens wide as father maintains his right hand onto the door knob, Father is under no rush to look at his son as he carries a magazine in his left hand.

Elliot is silent as his body sways to the left as his father finally comes into view. Father speaks out and say's "I'm gonna have to move in with you, We both know it.."

Father edges forward with a stifled limp as he makes his way over to a wooden table. A tinging metal sound is heard from fathers unopened belt.. A light tapping of feet is also heard as Father looks down not wanting to look his son in the eye.

Elliot moves forward slightly as his face changes to complete concern for his father, Elliot say's with empathy, "Dad", Father responds as he shakes his head down from side to side as he say's with a slightly sarcastic tone, "Oh, I know." I'm a blight.. Blight means a thing that spoils or damages something. "the vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood"

Father brushes one of a series of magazines with his left hand causing the front page to move slightly creating a scrunching sound, Father examines a central magazine cover as he fleetingly lifts it's glossy front cover as he attempts to find an interesting read. Father continues to speak, "This is why you should of made more money". Father quickly locates another magazine to the far right of the pack and rapidly tilts it's thick pages as he examines the information on the back cover. Father continues, "You sealed all are fates when you settled on a liberal arts major". Father expresses his words as he lengthens the words "All Our Fates" as he looks down from left to right still having not selected a suitable magazine from the pile. (Parrot squawks)

Elliot shakes his head slightly as his mouth hunches from Fathers words, Elliot looks down as he watches Father search through the assorted magazines. Elliot is finding his fathers words hard to bare and disagrees somewhat with his prognosis.

Father looks up to his son and say's with slight disagreement of Elliot's chosen subjects and say's as he nods forward "Mythology (Father turns away from Elliot as he say's "and Folklore". (Father contemplates Elliot's subjects for a fleeting moment) (Father Hesitates and looks back down at the magazines) A sound of paper is heard as Father puts his right hand down firmly to the magazines below, Father quickly looks back to Elliot and say's with incredible disbelief, "What the fuck were you thinking?"

Elliot instantly snaps away from his fathers strong and disagreeable words as he slowly edges forward towards his dad as a way to emphasise his opinion. Elliot speaks out, "If I just had more time", Elliot shakes his head negatively as he explains his position.

Father instantly stops in his tracks and turns around to face Elliot once again, Father nods down several times as he speaks and his mood has is now becoming much worse. "Father say's "You had 15 years by my count", (Soft low level synthesizer key plays)

Elliot slowly slides his body right as his feet agitate below, Elliot is silent as he hears his father out.

Father continues, "Fifteen years to find something you were good at" by the time I was your age

Father continues "I'd amassed a fortune so huge (Elliot's eyes widen as his eyes flit up and down from the revealing words Father is saying.

"It took decades of (Looks away from Elliot for a split second) dedicated self-destruction (Father rapidly raises his right hand with magazine in hand as he emphasises the word destruction) (Looks away from Elliot and stares at the right door panel) to wind up (Looks back to Elliot) like this". Father turns away and begins to make his way back to the bathroom.

Elliot is becoming much more worried for his father as he attempts to explain his dire situation, Elliot quickly begins to walk across the room as he holds up the eviction notice in his left hand. Elliot shouts out "Dad" as he attempts to keep his presence in the front room"

Elliot continues, "You know we already have Michael living with us and..." Father turns around to face Elliot with a stubborn and agitated facial expression, Father has now lost his interest with Elliot and has decided the bathroom is now much more important, Father turns more away from Elliot as he slowly pulls the door shut. Just before the door is closed Father rapidly and with slight anger whips the door closed at speed, This creates a loud thud sound of wood. Father grimaces with an uncooperative mental attitude.

As the door slams loudly Father shouts out loudly, "Leave me alone", Elliot stands by the outside door and now feels he has been defeated in some way by his obstinate father. Elliot sighs as his head moves slightly from the disappointment the conversation has created. Elliot leans his head closer to the door as he say's with even more defeat, "And the baby on the way". Elliot becomes silent as he listens to Fathers bathroom woes. Father begins to speak out "My bowels are finally moving, Let me savour these last little victories." Elliot hovers from the other side of the door in contemplation., Suddenly Elliot slowly slides his head forward and rests his forehead on the door unable to explain any more his situation or defend his choices in life. Elliot closes his eyes as all goes quiet. Slow and dreamy piano keys are heard including the chirping of birds

Sometime has passed and Elliot has arrived back home to his pregnant fiancee Shelby and his mentally disabled brother Michael who is living with them. Elliot is making tea in the kitchen and is having a moment of quiet solitude as he thinks about his life and the situation with his father and brother.

It is very quiet inside the apartment as Michael carries out the mental task of a 300 piece jigsaw. Michael studies the table as he moves his head slightly left while closing his lips tightly together from the mental stresses. Michael's fingers fidget gently as he attempts to locate a position for a piece of jigsaw he holds in his right hand. Michael's left hand slowly moves away from his ear as his right hand slowly lowers to the table. Michael carefully slots the small piece of the puzzle into place in silence. A low level sound of a dog barking can be heard briefly

Shelby is also quiet and motionless as she waits for Elliot to bring the tea out of the kitchen area, Suddenly Shelby speaks as her eyes blink several times, "Your father despises me Elliot" Elliot responds from the kitchen, "Shelby, I know how hard this is gonna be on everybody, (Shelby turns to look over at Elliot) I know that." (Shelby's mouth opens slightly as she flits her eyes over to Elliot momentarily.)

Elliot slowly looks away from Shelby and down at the kitchen table, Elliot is unhappy and has a lot on his mind, Shelby responds with zest, "Then why did you tell him yes? - Elliot has agreed to allow Father to stay with them to keep the peace. Elliot gently raises his right hand out and turns the gas stove off. (Click is heard) (A bubbling of water is heard from a small silver pan." Elliot stands motionless and silent.

Michael suddenly speaks out as he picks up on the conversation, Michael breaks away from his concentration as he turns towards Elliot, Michael carefully balances a piece of jigsaw between left index finger and right thumb and index finger as he say's, Hey, Ellie, Ellie do you remember (Michael's hands separate as he holds the piece of jigsaw in his right hand) when Dad would always.. Michael looks back down and away from Elliot as his hands interjoin once again. Michael continues, "Was always saying (Michael lowers his left hand as he holds the piece of jigsaw high in his right hand) that he was gonna (Michael inserts the jigsaw piece) have a man from the orphanage to come and get us?.. (Michael looks down at the jigsaw and pushes down on the piece twice) (Michael picks up another piece as he examines it with both hands) And and we never knew why that...(Michael looks over towards Elliot as he holds the piece of jigsaw up in his left hand)

Michael continues as Elliot slowly comes out from the kitchen area with teacups in hand. "Was gonna be a punishment to get to live away from him.." (Clinking of cups is heard)

Shelby is looking down but quickly looks up and over at Elliot as she slowly caresses her interlinked hands with her thumb..Michael continues, "Do you remember that?"

As Elliot bends down to place Michael's cup on to the table below he say's "Yeah...I Remember". (Another clink of cups is heard)

(Michael lifts up his left hand from the jigsaw) Yeah Well, That's not even an option anymore. (Michael avoids eye contact with Elliot) (Michael touches his right thumb with his left facing fingers before touching both thumbs together several times in a sliding action. (Michael hunches his lips closed)

(The sound of dogs barking is heard once more from a distance) Elliot is silent as he stands momentarily on the spot only to slide slightly left on his feet. Elliot looks down at Shelby as his mind ponders, Michael speaks out again, "Do do you remember Deborah". Low level synthesizer piano keys are heard to provide the sound score...

Michael continues "Who lived.. Who lived across the street Ellie" Shelby is silent and motionless as she looks up at Elliot, Elliot slowly walks over to Shelby to give her a cup of tea also.

Elliot carefully bends down with tea cups in hand as he reaches equilibrium with Shelby's seated position. (Light tapping of feet from Elliot is heard)

Michael continues "Well, I wonder if she's still alive, She's probably.. She's probably still alive, Ellie."

Michael continues "Well, She wouldn't be that old, She'd be maybe 57 now, That's that's not that old." Both Shelby and Elliot stare at each other in silence, Suddenly Shelby looks down as her eyelids almost close as her eyes take hold of the cup in front of her. Shelby twists her head slightly as her mood changes slightly from the hot beverage. Shelby looks back to Elliot as her hands instantly react, Shelby takes hold of the cup with both hands, A clink of ceramic is heard as Shelby takes hold of the cups handle with her right hand while peering down and inside the cup at it's contents..

Michael carefully holds his tea cup with both hands as he softly blows across the surface of the cup to cool the liquid, Michael's right hand wavers slightly as he uses the heat from the porcelain to heat his fingers. Michael releases his breath before returning with another cool torrent of air. The tea bag string shakes gently under the cup.

Elliot looks down into the void with a sad face as his mind continues to hound him, Elliot looks up and towards Shelby in silence before looking back down once again. A soft synthesizer chord is heard infused with slow and relaxing piano notes. Shelby swallows softly before slowly standing, A low level creaking from her chair is heard as her body weight is released.

Shelby's chair moves slightly as she quietly walks around to the back of Elliot, Shelby places her right hand onto the right side temple of Elliot as she attempts to soften his worries. Shelby caresses Elliot's temple fleetingly before stepping away across the room. Elliot continues to look down in deep thought.

Suddenly Michael stands to his feet as he speaks and say's with slight urgency, "Ellie, can you give me a ride to Joe Burger?, I took my pill. Michael outstretches his right hand with widened fingers as he stands before looking over towards his brother. (Michael turns away as he looks down) A low level crunching of wooden floors is heard as Michael steps forward towards the door behind him, Michael's arms are wide momentarily, Another clunk is heard as Michael leans down and picks up his jacket with his right hand, As he lifts it from the surface he looks back to Elliot. A scrunching is heard as Michael takes hold of his jacket with both hands, Michael say's "Okay, Michael releases his left hand from his jacket..

Michael continues, I just... I took my pill already...Elliot slowly turns his head right as he picks up on the request from his brother. Elliot looks around further as Michael stands motionless and patient for Elliot's response.

A low level rumbling of Elliot's car engine is heard as he takes Micheal to Joe Burger as requested. Joe Burger is a fast food restaurant where he hangs out and makes friends with people. Elliot is silent as he carefully drives his brother to the establishment, Elliot gently sways from side to side from the natural forces of the moving vehicle. Michael begins to talk to Elliot, "Well.. I can't go back to Hot Dog Castle right now.."

Michael continues, "Cause... Cause things just got very unpleasant there" Michael turns his head and looks at his brother momentarily.

The music score continues - A two tone beep is heard from another vehicle which causes Elliot to rapidly look up and into his front view mirror, A fast moving vehicle has now come up from the back of the road and is attempting to pass by Elliot's car. Elliot is keeping a steady speed because Michael has a fear of speed and fast moving objects. Michael say's Okay? What.." Elliot looks out of his window to his left as the beeping car approaches with blazing headlights on full. As the vehicle passes another loud and long beep is heard.

Michael watches the overtaking vehicle, Suddenly Michael say's, Don't..Don't go faster Ellie. More beeps from the fast moving vehicle are heard as it passes, The sound slowly fades away as the car moves off at speed. Elliot replies softly, "I won't" A single beam of light rapidly bounces across Elliots window screen as the car passes at speed.

Michael continues with slight distress, Just..Don't don't do that". Elliot looks away from Michael as he focuses on the road before shaking his head negatively and saying, "I'm, I'm not" - A sound of rushing waves is heard to emulate the sound of passing vehicles, Now a large white van is also making an overtake as Elliot veers slightly left once again.

Michael speaks and say's "Just stay there", Michael hunches his lips tightly together as he also sways gently from the moving forces. Michael turns his head and looks to his right as he say's, "Well yeah, because (Michael takes a breath as he looks out of the window) well he knows that Marisol (Hesitates) that Marisol likes me." Michael looks more to his left and down)) Michael is referring to a male who also hangs out at Hot Dog Castle. Light quickly strikes the window - (Beep is heard) and and there's sometimes when she is at the counter (Michael looks up and out of window) we'll make...(Veers eyes right) we'll make

(Michael laughs as he looks to Elliot) We'll well we'll make eyes at each other sometimes.." Michael smile as he thinks about Marisol.

Elliot smirks as he veers his eyes steeply right as he steers his vehicle around a corner, Elliot smiles as he looks over at Michael, Another car rapidly passes by Elliot's side, Michael continues, Is that, Is that what people say, to make eyes at each other"? Michael looks directly at Elliot as he waits for an answer.

(Micheal closes his mouth) Elliot responds and say's "Yeah, it is" as he looks over towards him, (Michael say's alright too) as he looks out of his left side window) A light skidding is heard as Elliot turns a corner Michael speaks to himself and say's "To make eyes" as the information enters his memory- Elliot returns his attention to the road as Michael say's wooh" Hesitates - We'll I think that Shelby is like Mom. Michael puckers his lips closed once again. Elliot looks to Michael - Michael continues, When..When.. she was a live she was poor - Elliot returns his attention in front of him, Elliot turns his steering wheel right a quarter turn, Michael continues, "Well You don't think about that, but they, they were." Dad didn't make his money until... later." Elliot looks at Michael as he slows his vehicle down to a stop (Light screeching of brakes is heard) Soft piano theme is heard to provide the sound score.

Michael avoids eye contact with Elliot as he stares out of the window, Michael continues, "and he didn't start... to be mean until later, (Elliot looks away from Michael and out of the front window) (Michael hunches his lips ) Michael softly strikes out his left hand to emphasise his words as he say's "So". Michael looks out of the right side window as he scans the retail park before saying "yeah." Elliot's eyes flit from side to side briefly before he looks back to Michael. (Soft piano music provides the sound score.

A clinking of metal is heard as Michael unbuckles himself from the cars seat belt. Elliot is quiet as his head nods forward slightly as he waits for his brother to get out of the vehicle.

A whoosh of fast moving steel is heard as the door ricochets open at speed, Michael pushes the cars door with his right hand as he looks down in silence. Michael jerks slightly as he pushes himself up and out of the vehicles seat compartment. Michael's right hand raises up and swirls around him momentarily as he concentrates on getting out of the car. Michael slides his body out of the doors gap as he looks down, Michael is carrying a brown zip up case that has stickers covering the front, Inside is Michael's drawings that he likes to do of people that he meets. Michael turns to face the car as he shuts the door with his left hand, As he does so he say's "Bye"..A loud slam of metal is heard as the door is closed at speed.

Elliot is silent and motionless as he watches his brother make his way over to the Joe Burger joint. Elliot's head rocks so ever slightly in a back to forward motion as his mind continues to think about his dilemma. The cars engine is still running and produces a low level whooshing rumbling sound. (Piano score continues)

A slow and relaxing piano score plays out to provide atmosphere - Elliot has had a busy day and has chosen to travel back through the dockside area of New Orleans as a way to relax and take his mind off of things. Elliot drives slowly as he makes his way back home to Shelby..(The sound of crickets chirping can be heard infused with the soft rumbling of the cars engine)

Elliot is static as he drives carefully along the dark road.

A low level roaring of the engine is heard as Elliot turns a corner.

Elliot slowly taps his left hand thumb up and down with a rhythmic pace against the steering wheel as he waits at a series of traffic lights. (A loud sound of a buzzing fly can be heard from inside Elliot's car) Elliot moves his head slightly as he stares out of the window at the traffic lights.

(Buzzing continues) All is quiet at the dockside as Elliot waits for the red light to change to green.

Elliot continues to while his time tapping his thumb as he suddenly turns his head left and peers out of the window into the night.

From outside there is nothing particularly peculiar, it is just another night and the same scenery as ever. (All is dead and there are no people or vehicles anywhere to be seen)

A few seconds pass and Elliot looks to his right and out of the window, Elliot must concur that it is just another average night with nothing going on.

A few seconds pass and Elliot looks back to the left once more as he waits for the traffic lights to change, The buzzing of the fly continues.. Elliot rests his head on his clenched left hand as he stares out of the window into the cool night. Elliot suddenly looks out and over towards the traffic light as he patiently waits for the colour to change to green.

Suddenly the fly buzzes across the width of the car and lands on the right side of Elliots nose. Elliot instantly twitches with an irritating discomfort as the fly rests. Elliot's cheek spasm's several times before Elliot rapidly raises his right hand and brushes the fly away. A whoosh of air and zinging buzzing is heard as the fly speeds off back to the place it was originally. Elliot looks up at the fly as a sense of entertainment and to dampen the boredom comes into play.

(The sound of chirping crickets is heard) From outside of Elliot's vehicle all is quiet, Elliot can be seen from a distance shewing the fly once again with his right hand as the insect comes in for the second attack phase. Suddenly a loud vibrating sound is heard infused with the ringtone melody which is called Entry Of The Gladiators by Julius Fucik...

Elliot lazily responds to the loud and unexpected sound of his phone as he slowly turns his head and looks down towards the passenger seat.

Elliots mobile phone is resting on top of Michael's folded art work as it springs into action, Elliot is surprised that his phone has chosen to change the ringtone all by itself without any human interaction by the user. Elliot speaks out with slight shock.. "What the Fuck!!" The deep vibrating drill sound continues.

Elliot slowly lowers his head as he lowers his right hand to retrieve the device. Elliot also takes his other hand away as his face scrunches from the midnight call. Elliot retrieves his phone from the passenger seat as he slowly tilts his head left while staring down to identify who may be calling at such a late hour..

Elliot holds his phone up with his right hand as he carefully pushes up the top of the flip phone with his thumb. A loud snap sound is heard as the screen locks into place. (Incoming call is displayed on the screen)

Elliot stares down at his phone in a slightly confused state as he has no idea who the caller is. Elliot raises his phone as he turns his head slightly left while veering his eyes out of the right side window. Suddenly Elliot rapidly brings his mobile phone to his right ear as his intrigue begins to build. (Elliot rests his left hand on the steering wheel of his vehicle) Elliot speaks with a tone of curiosity "Hello?!" Elliot's face shows signs of strain as he connects with the unidentifiable caller. A second passes as Elliot looks out of the window yet again to his right. Elliot's eyes veer left as his head slightly follows in that direction. Suddenly a well spoken gentlemen is heard coming from the speaker, He has a zesty and enthusiastic tone of voice and is in his mid 50's. The male voice say's with an inquiring mind, "Mr Elliot Brindle?" Elliot responds calmly, "Yes?".. Elliot looks up at his front mirror momentarily before lowering his eyes to look out of the window. (Veers eyes left) The male phone voice speaks again, "Congratulations"... You have been selected for the opportunity to take part in a one-of-a kind game show!!. Elliot's eyes veer from side to side as he carefully listens to the voice. (Chirping of crickets is heard) Elliot is somewhat dubious of the call as he quickly turns his head right and looks out of the window, Elliot's mouth opens wide as he Uhhs with negativity and misunderstanding.

Elliot looks back left as he say's "Uh Look" as a way for the caller to end the call. The male voice continues "Of a long list of candidates in financial need, (Elliot veers eyes left as seen from his front mirror) you have been chosen to compete for a fantastic cash prize." Elliot's eyes circle in an anti clockwise motion before looking down) (Looks back left)

Elliot stares out of the window to his left as he replies to the voice with a tone of mistaken identity, "I think you may have dialled the wrong number." Elliot's veers his eyes up and then back to the window) The unknown male caller continues with a sense of confidence and authority, "Elliot Brindle, age 32.." "Your mother was killed in a car accident when you were nine." Elliot's eyes veer erratically as he listens -

An eerie synthesizer key is heard to provide atmosphere--The sound of a cooing pigeon is heard for a few seconds - The telephone caller continues, "Ever since, you've felt responsible for your brother, whose outpatient care cost you $1,200 a month." (Elliot's eyes flit erratically) Caller takes a rapid breath of air before continuing, "Add that to $90,000 in student loans and credit card debt, - Caller becomes spontaneous and believable as he say's, "No wonder you have trouble sleeping".. (The buzzing sound of a fly returns) Elliot responds to the callers words with a tone of annoyance, "Who is this?" Elliot now thinks the call could be a prank" The caller continues, "You always mean well, but follow-through has often been a problem." "Like today, you somehow were unable to protect your fiancee from having a vindictive old racist move in with her. Elliot responds with slight anger, "What do you want?" The caller ignores Elliot's inquiry as he continues to churn out personal information no one else should know. "You can't honestly even say you put up much of a fight on that one, can you, Mr Brindle?"

Elliot responds as he turns his head left and looks out into the darkness, "Okay, I'm gonna hang up now." (The fly is now making a rather loud buzzing sound and is determined to annoy Elliot for his entire trip back home) (Elliot looks back and down slightly) Caller continues, "And at this moment, you are being defeated by a fly." Elliot is astonished that the caller knows so much about him and his life, but what really spooks Elliot now is the fly.

Elliot slowly looks further to his left and out of the window as he attempts to identify anyone who may be spying on him. Synthesizer sound increases in loudness -

(A rush of synthesizer sound is heard to emulate speed) Suddenly Elliot rapidly spins his head around as he looks out of the back windows of his car, Elliot scrutinises his surroundings as he attempts to see any one person who may be close by. The male voice continues, "Don't be alarmed, Mr Brindle"

Another whoosh of synthesizer effects is heard as Elliot rapidly looks out of his right window, (The fly has become erratic and is buzzing much more intensely) Elliot continues to scan outside as the caller continues, "All that matters is the challenge I put before you now". Callers voice has become airy and enticing as he instructs Elliot to carry out his instructions."

Elliot looks to his right and then his left as his mind spins around aimlessly,

Elliot pushes his head right up close to the glass on his drivers side as he peers out into the dark night. Suddenly the caller speaks and say's, "Swat the fly."

(Buzzing continues) Elliot turns his head away from the window as he looks forward, Elliot now holds his silver cell phone in his left hand and is listening with the other ear. The male caller speaks again with a tone of excitement and reward, "if you kill the fly $1000 will be instantly...

Male phone caller continues, "credited to your Nola Bank account number 5366286." Elliot listens intensively as the call begins to mature into something slightly more believable underneath a bizarre frame. Elliot's eyes roll as he listens, (Buzzing increases) The sound of the fly in close vicinity causes Elliot's eyes to veer in that direction, Elliot now has the fly in his sights, Elliot's eyes flit from side to side as the pressure builds...Suddenly Elliot jerks from his seated position.

A moment of madness and insecurity has caused Elliot to react to the callers request. (Strange squeak is heard) Suddenly Elliot strikes out rapidly with his right hand as he surprises the fly by utilising Michael's folded art paper as a weapon. A loud crunching sound infused with a fast whoosh of ambience and deep thudding sound is heard as Elliot squashes the fly against the passenger side glass window. (The buzzing sound has instantly ceased) Elliot continues to look at his hand as he maintains his outstretched arm for a few seconds in time.

(Chirping of insects is heard) All is quiet except the insects as Elliot slowly pulls the light brown paper away from the window pane. (Squeak is heard)

A flapping of paper is heard as Elliot suddenly tilts the folded paper down and away from the window panel. The paper shakes fleetingly as Elliot holds it with his outstretched arm.

A short and distorted clicking sound is heard as the unidentifiable male caller hangs up on his end. Elliot is dubious as to the authenticy of the callers message but has taken a desperate chance on a prayer. Elliot is silent as he slowly slides his head back while still holding his cell phone to his ear. Chirping of insects are heard) Suddenly a double ding ding sound is heard from Elliot's phone to notify him that a message has been received. Elliot's eyes veer left and down.. Elliot suddenly lowers his phone down to chest height as he looks to the front of the screen.

A continuous deep and pan sounding synthesizer key is heard to provide the sound score - The phone shakes slightly from Elliot's nervous disposition, Elliot's phone is full of surprises tonight but Elliot is sure to like this one, The front of the screen now shows a bank deposit, Challenge 1 Completed - $1000 dollars deposited in your bank account..Elliot speaks out in amazement and shock.."Shit!!"

Elliot shows a face of confusion as he looks up and to his driver side window, Elliot still has his doubts as the call could be a prank or even a scam. Elliot becomes much more interested in the outside world as he tilts his head steeply,

Elliot leans down as he prepares to unbuckle his seat belt, Elliot rapidly turns away as he snaps the seat belt back with his left hand. A fast moving snapping sound is heard as the seat belt automatically winds back before stopping dead.

Elliot fleetingly looks to the passenger side window as a metal sliding sound is heard. Elliot leans closer to the drivers door before quickly pushing open the door. (A metal creaking sound is heard as the door opens at speed) As Elliot steps out he pushes the door further, this creates a different tone of cranky metal.

Elliot looks to the back of his vehicle as soon as he steps out from the drivers side, (A sound of wind is heard) Elliot takes several steps away from his motor vehicle as he looks to his left,

Elliot suddenly stops and stands on the spot as he turns completely around in a anti clockwise motion. (A heart beat sound is heard to provide atmosphere)

Elliot takes a slow step forward as he observes his environment (Scrunch is heard from Elliot's feet) Elliot stops as he rests his left foot down whiling still observing the blackness of the night. (Steps back onto his right as he leans in that direction) Elliot is perplexed and completely bewildered by the nights events - Eerie synthesizer key is playing out.

Suddenly Elliot's cell phone begins to ring once again - Elliot jumps with dissolution as he rapidly looks down at his phone. Elliot quickly flips the front lid up with his right hand (Click) before quickly raising the electronic device to his right ear. Click is heard as the phone reaches Elliot's ear. Elliot looks up as he turns his head left, The male voice begins to speak, "If you wish to proceed, we have another challenge for you." Elliot begins to walk back slowly to his vehicle while looking left and slightly up. The male voice continues, "No more complicated than the first, Are you ready?" A light scrunching of grass is heard as Elliot takes two more slow steps forward.

Elliot has now discovered a white security camera attached to a silver post a few feet away. A red light illuminates from the bottom of the camera for a fleeting second, Suddenly a loud electronic beep is heard and the red light switches completely off to a black position. The red light reappears and another beep is heard. Elliot may now be thinking that he is being observed by the camera system. Eerie and slow descending pan sounds provide atmosphere.

The male voice speaks once more, "Swallow the fly you just killed". Elliot veers his eyes down before turning his head slightly right and producing a stressed and worried facial feature..Elliot say's with astounding disbelief, "What"..Elliot's forehead begins to produce lines of anxiety as he listens to the stranger. The male voice continues, "If you eat the fly, $3,622 will be credited to your account, exactly what Shelby owes on her MasterCard. Elliot in transfixed onto the camera as he is drawn in further and further. Elliot begins to sway gently on his feet right foot to left as he listens carefully. The male phone voice continues, "That would be a nice wedding gift for her, wouldn't it?". The phone suddenly produces a distorted crackle followed by a beep as the caller terminates the conversation.

Elliot stares down at his phone as he slowly holds it away from his chest. Elliot looks back up as he contemplates the bizarre conversation he has just had..

Strangely the traffic light system is still on red and has not changed since Elliot pulled up at the stop line. Suddenly a loud metal clunk sound is heard as the red light changes to Green. Eerie synthesier score continues

The clonk sound causes Elliot to look up at the traffic lights as he lowers his phone down..A click is heard as Elliot closes down the top lid to his flip cell phone device. Elliot is still dubious and will want to check his bank account when he gets home to verify if any of this is credible or not.

A small amount of time has passed and Elliot has made his way back to Shelby, A metal click and a low level squeak sound is heard as Elliot carefully opens the apartment door. Elliot's shadow reflects over to the white headrest as he steps inside. All is quiet as Shelby sleeps on the bed with an unfinished drawing resting between her legs.

(The camera slowly pans left to reveal Elliot at the door) Another low level and high pitched whine sound is heard followed by a light wooden bang as the door is shut. A crunching sound is heard as Elliot locks the door) Elliot slowly turns his head anti clockwise as he glimpses Shelby on the bed just a few feet away.

Elliot maintains his focus on Shelby as he begins to tip toe across the room as quietly as he can, Low level squeaks are heard with each step Elliot makes.

All is quiet no music score - Elliot carefully tip toes into the next room as he makes his way over to his personal computer. (The sound of police sirens can be heard from a distance) (Slight creaking is heard as Elliot leans down over his computer system) Elliot looks up at the screen as he begins to lightly tap on the computer keyboard.

Elliot uses both hands as he access his online Nola bank account, Elliot looks up to the top of the screen as he accesses the banks home page. Elliot pauses and then resumes to type in his personal information that will allow him access to his bank account status. (Police sirens continue to wail)

Another click is heard before Elliot's face changes to one of surprise, Elliot stares at the computer screen as the information floods his memory. Elliot slowly lifts himself up from the leaning position while maintaining his focus on the monitor.

Clicking of wood is heard as Elliot leans back up, (A high pitched whistling synthesizer key is heard to provide the sound score) Elliot stares in awe at the computer screen as his mind contemplates the possibilities. Elliot's eyes veer from side to side as he reads the information displayed on the screen.

A rushing pan sound is now heard infused with the high pitched whistling sound - All has now been revealed as Elliot checks his Nola bank account, The camera pans down as more information is displayed, Transaction # RM12245 - Deposit + $1,000.00 - The camera wavers as it almost circles with a slightly unstable effect.

A light sound of snoring is heard from Shelby which causes Elliot to turn his head around momentarily, Elliot does not want to disturb his fiancee nor does he want her to find out about the game.

Shelby is fully asleep and has no idea Elliot has even arrived back home.
The curtains gently sway from a cool breeze.

Elliot is satisfied that Shelby is sleeping soundly as he returns his attention to the computer screen, Elliot slowly sways to his left as his mind moves on to the next stage of the plan.

The sound score is very eerie and now also includes a didgeridoo instrument and occasional deep drum beats. The sound of scrunching paper is heard as Elliot quickly places his left hand into his left pocket. The camera slowly pans down to reveal Elliot's actions, Elliot rapidly produces a small folded piece of white tissue paper from his pocket which he instantly raises to chest level for inspection. Didgeridoo an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument in the form of a long wooden tube, traditionally made from a hollow branch, which is blown to produce a deep, resonant sound, varied by rhythmic accents of timbre and volume.

More scrunching is heard as Elliot begins to open up the tissue paper with both hands. Elliot suddenly begins to raise his head up slightly as he blinks several times in apprehension of something he must do to progress the game.

All is revealed as Elliot looks down at the fly he killed just 30 minutes ago, The white paper flutters and quivers from a cool breeze that is coming in to the room,

A moment passes before Elliot lowers his left hand and carefully takes hold of the deceased fly with it's fragile left wing. (The sound of crunching paper is heard as Elliot makes contact with the tissue paper.

Elliot is almost hypnotised into submission as his instincts tell him that he should now swallow the fly. Elliot very carefully lifts the fly from the white tissue paper with thumb and index finger, Elliot suddenly speeds up the operation as he rapidly places the dead insect into his mouth. (A wet crunching sound is heard as Elliot's mouth tongue and saliva get to work) (An electronic pulse of energy is heard to emphasise Elliot placing the fly in his mouth) Elliot looks down as he closes his eyes in denial of the disgusting challenge he must complete. Elliot tilts his head slightly left as he slowly chews on his dead companions remains. Elliot reopens his eyes as he looks down at the computer screen in contemplation. Elliot lifts his head up slightly as he continues the monotony of chewing, Elliot suddenly convulses slightly as he chews more vigorously before swallowing his small meal of legs and wings. (Swallowing sound is heard) Elliots eyes blink rapidly as he repulses over the task at hand, Elliot suddenly hears a loud two stage beep as his cell phone notifies him of a change to bank account.

Elliots quickly looks over towards Shelby who is still sleeping before looking down at his cell phone, Elliot rummages through his pocket momentarily as he sways slightly on either foot. (A loud click is heard as Elliot flips the lid of his phone at speed. To Elliot's surprise he has been awarded another $3,622 into his Nola bank account for the task he has just completed. Challenge 2 completed is also shown. The phone shakes slightly in an up and down motion as Elliot holds it up. (The sound of police sirens are heard from outside)

Suddenly Elliot's phone begins to play the ring tone "Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik once again, The phone also vibrates loudly, Elliot fleetingly looks over at the computer screen before looking down and out of the window as he brings his cell phone to his right ear. The male voice begins to speak to Elliot with great enthusiasm and praise, "Well Done!" Elliot slowly leans up as he carefully listens to the unknown caller. "You have completed challenge two.." Elliot's attention increases as he stares at the computer screen, (Dogs are heard barking) Elliot leans down once again as the male voice continues, $3,622 has been credited to your Nola bank account.."

A click is heard as Elliot clicks on his computer mouse to bring back his Nola bank account, Elliot stares at the screen in disbelief and amazement that he was paid $3,622 just for simply eating and swallowing a fly.

The camera zooms in on the instant cash bonanza as his mind ponders the impossible. Suddenly Elliot speaks with a flabbergasted tone of voice, "Jesus!"

The camera pans up rapidly to reveal Elliot staring out of his bedroom window, Elliot say's with a stunned tone of voice, "You're watching me now?" Elliot slowly leans forward and closer to the window as he attempts to see if anyone is standing outside. Elliot steps forward slowly as he veers his eyes up and right with a bewildered facial expression. (A deep blast of synthesizer waves is heard) (Elliot speaks and say's with a stunned tone of voice "Your watching me now?" The game show host continues, "You can have your privacy back right now, If you like.." The host speaks with confidence, (A light sound of scrunched materials is heard as Elliot slowly brushes back the window curtain as he stares out into the darkness of night. Elliot sways his head left slowly as his eyes veer from side to side as he observes the world outside.

The game show host begins to increase the pressure as his charisma and strong social skills come through, "I must tell you, great wealth is within your grasp.."The camera slowly pans left as it sweeps across the infrastructure of New Orleans. (A loud sound of police sirens are heard) (Fire engine sirens are also now heard)

The camera continues to pan right across the available view of the city as Elliot looks out. The male game show host continues, "Thirty-six hours from now, you can be a very rich man..."

Elliot leans his head down as he carefully listens to the unknown caller, Elliot suddenly leaves the window as he turns around clockwise and back into the room. (A low level scrunching of curtain fabric is heard as he brushes his body away)

Elliot can not believe his luck or his Nola bank balance as he listens to every word the male game show host is saying, (The white curtains sway in the cool breeze) (Police car sirens are much louder as the vehicles drive closer to Elliot's apartment) Elliot slowly and quietly steps forward one foot at a time as he listens, "All you have to do is complete 13 challenges." "You've already completed two, so only 11 more to go." (High pitched pan sound is heard to provide atmosphere) Elliot slowly lifts his head up as he stares ahead into the bedroom where Shelby is resting. Elliot veers his eyes steeply right as his buoyancy and step travel in that direction. Male game show host continues, 'Make sure you are alone..entirely alone as I relate to you the rules.." Elliot' looks down as his eyes flit rapidly from side to side.

Slow bongo drums are now heard infused with a continuous high pitched pan sound) The male game host continues, "There are 11 more challenges." Elliot's eyes rapidly look up and over across the room. "Host continues, "For each one you complete", the cash prizes will grow in value..."Elliot's eyes roll around as he listens - (A loud creaking of wood is heard from the room Shelby is sleeping in) This noise causes Elliot to rapidly spin around anti clockwise in that direction.."

The police sirens and Elliot's silent presence have now disturbed Shelby as she awakens from her slumber. Shelby has risen up and is slowly moving on the bed as she attempts to stand up. Shelby slowly leans forward as her weight is redistributed to the floor below. Shelby is still half asleep and maintains closed eyelids. (A low level creaking of springs and wood is heard coming from the large king size bed.) Shelby takes in a deep breath of air as she slowly raises her left hand up.

Elliot slowly turns his head back around as he attempts to shield himself from Shelby who might interfere with the cell phone call. The male voice continues, "If you complete challenge 13, (Host takes in a rapid breath of air) you will claim a life-changing fortune.." Elliot's eyes flit from side to side as he looks down in silence. Elliot blinks veers eyes right- Looks slowly up - Bongo drums play - The male game show host continues, "Our last winner took home 6.2 million."(Takes rapid breath) Elliot is unable to respond immediately as the huge sum of money is relaid to him. "Suddenly Elliot speaks out with astonishment and disbeleif, "Six point two million dollars?" Elliot's head leans down as his eyes flit once again from the incredible figure of cash..(Dark and echoing pan sound is heard - The male game show host continues, "If you fail to complete a challenge, the game will end and you will lose everything including any money you have won to that point.." Elliot blinks multiple times..Elliot looks up slightly as his eyes veer left and down, (More creaking from where Shelby resides is heard) The male host continues, "There are two other ways the game can end..."

(Police sirens return) The creaking sound causes Elliot to rapidly turn around as he wants to keep the call a secret from Shelby. Elliot decides the best course of action is to move from his position as he rapidly steps across the floor in his bid to conceal the conversation from his fiancee.

The game show host continues to lay down the rules of the game, "One, tell anyone you are playing the game.." The camera pauses on the grey curtains and the gap between as Shelby suddenly appears from the centre. Shelby has not noticed Elliot's presence as of yet as she looks to her right and in opposite directions to Elliot's position.

Slow pan notes are heard including light and occasional drum beats - The male host continues, "Two...attempt to contact or in any way interfere with the game.." Elliot is now in stealth mode as he quickly tip toes across the floor in an attempt to keep Shelby at a distance, Now he knows for sure that no one else can find out he will have to work doubly hard. Shelby is almost in Zombie mode as she stands at the door well still in a drowsy state of mind. Shelby begins to walk away from the curtains as she looks to her right. Shelby speaks out "Elliot" as she attempts to locate his whereabouts. (A small piece of fabric flaps in the cool breeze above the door) Elliot speaks out with a whisper, "Why me?".. Elliot stops in his tracks as he looks over in Shelby's direction...Elliot is now standing behind a support column and is out of view of Shelby for the time being.. The male voice continues, "Everything will be revealed to you at the appropriate time.."

Elliot looks directly across into Shelby's direction and now knows he must keep on the move as to deter Shelby from finding out. Elliot turns and makes his way across the kitchen area with phone in hand. The male caller continues, "If you understand the rules and wish to continue,

Caller continues, "please press one to register your entry.." (Light taps of feet are heard)

Shelby is on the trail as she holds her right hand to her chest, Shelby walks slowly forward and in Elliot's direction..Shelby has her eyes half shut and is still waking up..

Male game host continues, "Otherwise, press two, end the game." Elliot is in the middle of the bathroom door column as he continues to listen to the dark call. Shelby speaks out more louder and with curiosity, "El?" Elliot instantly looks over towards her before sliding himself inside the bathroom to avoid the approaching Shelby.

A loud squeak is heard followed by a loud thud of the bathroom door as Elliot rapidly pushes it shut to avoid Shelby's curiosity..Shelby instantly gasps with surprise at Elliot's actions as she stands behind the door. Shelby leans back in silence as she attempts to find out what Elliot is up to.

A loud echoing knocking sound of wood is heard as Shelby bangs the door three times in quick succession from the other side. Elliot rapidly lowers his phone down to chest level as he stares at the screen. The white shower curtains gently bluster with a cool breeze from the bathroom window. Elliot is silent and motionless as he ponders his actions,

Elliot looks on down at his flip cell phone device and must now make a decision, If he presses one he will be registered and will be entered into the game, If he presses number two he will be terminated from the game and will not receive any more calls from th egame host, If Elliot chooses to end the game he will also forfeit all the money he has won up to this point.. Suddenly without much deliberation Elliot presses key pad number one to continue the game. A loud beep sound is heard as Elliot presses down on the 1 keypad, Elliots phone screen also changes to a blue coloured screen. Shelby speaks out from behind the door with a tone of curiosity and happiness. "Mr Brindle?"..

Elliot rapidly returns his cell phone to his right ear as he eagerly listens awaits an answer from the unknown caller. (Elliot blinks down) Elliot looks up slightly as he stares at the white shower curtains unable to do anything at this moment but wait, (A sleazy melody begins to play out off Elliot's speaker phone similar to elevator music or soft porn, This music is nauseating and is often heard when you are kept on hold for many minutes or even hours.

A slow saxophone and snare drums now play to complement the music, Elliot waits patiently as his entry is registered into the game.
Elliot looks slightly to his right as his eyes flit from side to side, (Elliot blinks) Elliot turns to face the white bathroom door as he continues to be put on hold, Elliot has his left hand on the bathroom doorknob as he prevents Shelby from coming inside. Suddenly a loud click is heard as Elliot turns the doorknob to an open position.. A loud rumble and squeak is heard as Elliot rapidly pulls opens the bathroom door to look directly at Shelby.

The nauseating supermarket tune continues to play as Elliot greets Shelby, Shelby instantly responds to finally meeting her boyfriend face to face, Shelby nods up and down rapidly as she say's with slight annoyance, "Did you just slam the door in my face?".. Shelby waits patiently for an answer as her eyes widen and her face changes to one of idiosyncrasy. (Soft porn theme tune continues) Low level synthesizer pan sound is heard)

Elliot is in a world of his own as he waits for the game show host to return, Elliot is silent and motionless as he stares dumbfounded at his soon to be wife. Suddenly Elliot shakes his head once negatively as he say's with compelling confidence, "No"..

Shelby is less than convinced as she tilts her head right and gives Elliot and deep and meaningful stare. Suddenly the supermarket music ends abruptly and the male game host returns to the phone..The host is extremely happy and enthusiastic as he shouts down the phone, "Congratulations, Elliot Brindle.." The return of the male voice instantly causes Elliot to shut the door once again into the face of Shelby. As the door shuts at speed Shelby's mouth opens wide and her eyes widen with annoyance at Elliot's behaviour..Shelby produces a strange high pitched sound as she speaks "Elliot" as the door shuts firmly. (Loud thud of wood is heard) (Door squeaks)

Elliot listens carefully as the male voice continues, "You are now a registered contestant".. (Elliot's eyes flit from side to side) The white flowery shower curtains sway gently in the breeze.. Elliot looks up as he maintains silence and a calm demure. (Blinks) The male game show host continues, "Now please".. face forward and say, "I will dance with a golden toad"..Elliot suddenly raises his left hand and pulls the shower curtains to one side as he examines the window from behind. (A crunching of material infused with a sound of moving metal from the rings is heard)

Elliot has become paranoid as he observes the window from behind the shower curtain, A low level pan effect is heard - It is high pitched and has an echo attached to it.

Elliot continues to stare at the window glass as he maintains slight pressure on the left shower curtain.. Elliot sways slightly on his feet as he prepares himself for the small verbal speech. Suddenly Elliot speaks with confidence, "I will dance with a golden toad.." The male game host quickly returns and is very happy and full of beans as he say's "Excellent!"..Elliot veers his eyes down and slightly left, Veers eyes right to left, Looks down. The male game show host continues, "Get a good night's sleep, and in the morning be sure to wear a comfortable pair of walking shoes..

A loud crunching of vinyl is heard as Elliot lowers his left hand from the parted shower curtain. Suddenly a crackle is heard followed by two beeps from Elliot's cell phone as the unknown caller terminates the call. Elliot is silent calm and demur as he slowly looks up, Elliot blinks, Elliot looks to his left and at the bathroom door as he realises Shelby will still be stood there waiting. Elliot lowers his cell phone slightly from his right ear as he ponders what he will say to Shelby so that she does not find out. Elliot must deal with Shelby or his game will be up, Elliot quickly reaches for the door knob as he fully lowers his phone down to his side. Elliot twists the knob in a anti clockwise motion, (A crunch of locks and loud squeak is heard as the door opens up.

Shelby has been patient as she stands from behind the door, Shelby's tongue protrudes slightly from her mouth as she tilts her head left. More creaking is heard followed by a thud as the bathroom door hits the adjacent wall. Shelby blinks as her head shakes slightly from side to side in anticipation and a curious desire, Suddenly Shelby looks up slightly as she closes her eyes fleetingly as she say's, "Who was that?" Shelby and Elliot are both silent for a short moment as they look at each other. (Bathroom door produces another short grinding squeak)

Elliot stands motionless and is in no mood to rush his words, Elliot turns his head slightly right as he leans forward slightly before saying slowly, "It's a surprise".(Shelby turns her head slightly right as she reacts to Elliots words) (Shelby's face changes to a taunter understanding as she Hmms) .Elliot raises his right shoulder up slightly as he struts forward with confidence..More squeaking from the door is heard..Shelby taps her left hand fingers against the wall above her head.

Elliot moves on his feet slightly from side to side as he attempts to deceive Shelby, Shelby smiles as she listens to Elliot's words.

Elliot leans over towards Shelby as he say's, "Everything will be revealed to you at the appropriate time.." Shelby looks down as she closes her eyelids, Eliot reaches Shelby and gives her a tender kiss on her neck.

Shelby removes her hand from the wall at she rests it on Elliot's right shoulder, Shelby coos with fun and delight as Elliot kisses Shelby's neck several times, (A loud smacking sound is heard from Elliot's puckered lips." Shelby produces a wider smile as she say's "Oh Okay", Shelby turns clockwise as she returns to the hallway while Elliot follows still kissing. Shelby moves off slowly as she "hmm hmms" with pleasure, Elliot gives Shelby one last kiss which produces another loud smack of lips. Elliot keeps his body close to Shelby as he follows her back to the bedroom, Elliot whispers softly "Now back, go to bed" as Shelby coos with delight.

All is quiet as a slow piano theme begins to play out to provide the sound score - Shelby is silent and motionless as she sleeps soundly,

Elliot is also silent and motionless as he watches his fiance sleep, Elliot is thinking about his future with Shelby and the life they could have if he completes all thirteen challenges. He will also be able to take care of Michael and even purchase his father a new house with carer support. (Elliot blinks two times) Suddenly Elliot looks down towards the bottom of the bed. (Camera slowly pans down)

Elliot blinks for a third time, Elliot is now focusing on Shelby's exposed stomach and is thinking about the new addition to the family, Shelby is pregnant and winning the game would also provide a secure and financial future for the baby. Shelby's stomach expands and then deflates gently before repeating as she soundly sleeps. Elliot blinks as he also begins to feel tired from the hectic day he has had.. Low level synthesizer key is also heard.