An eerie synthesizer distortion is heard - The next few black and white images portray the cult like status some religious organisations have.. A man raises his right hand up and out in front of him to indicate a certain power which can be channelled to each individual..

The camera quickly sweeps right to reveal the congregation, there are young children and adults..

Two men have there hands raised up as they wait to ask a question..

A father and son listen to there preacher..

The preacher is deep in thought as he praises his god.. The man is speaking out loud..

Charlotte looks to her right and over at the green shack fleetingly, Charlotte looks behind her as she investigates her surroundings.. Wayne looks down and then to Charlotte as they slowly walk to the church..

A woman twists her body around clockwise as she raises her hands up as she praises her god.. Members of this organisation watch and learn as the woman expresses her mind..

A high pitched electronic sound is heard including female choir..

Pope Francis Quote

Vissarion reincarnation of Jesus Christ sits in a prison cell as he awaits his fate.

Russian authorities mounted a special operation to arrest a former traffic police officer who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus and has run a cult based in the depths of Siberia for the past three decades. Helicopters and armed officers stormed communities run by Sergei Torop, known to his followers as Vissarion, and arrested him and two of his aides. Russia’s investigative committee said it would charge him with organising an illegal religious organisation, alleging that the cult extorted money from followers and subjected them to emotional abuse.
Torop, 59, with long grey hair and a beard, was led by masked troops to a helicopter. The operation involved agents from Russia’s FSB security service as well as police and other agencies. Vadim Redkin, a former drummer in a Soviet-era boyband who is known as Vissarion’s right-hand man, was also arrested, along with another aide, Vladimir Vedernikov.
Torop, who lost his job as a traffic officer in 1989, claimed he experienced an “awakening” as the Soviet regime began to collapse. In 1991 he founded a movement now known as the Church of the Last Testament.
Several thousand followers live in a series of remote hamlets in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia. Converts to the cult have included professionals from across Russia as well as pilgrims from abroad.
“I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me,” Vissarion told the Guardian in 2002.
Russian media reported that in the original ideology of the cult, Vissarion claimed Jesus was watching over people from an orbit close to Earth, and the Virgin Mary was “running Russia”, but later he declared himself to be Jesus.
His commune mixes a selection of rites drawn from Orthodox Christianity with environmental edicts and a series of other rules. Veganism is enforced and monetary exchange is banned inside the commune. Followers wear austere clothing and count years starting from 1961, the year of Vissarion’s birth, while Christmas has been replaced by a feast day on 14 January, his birthday.
It is not clear what will happen to the disciples now that their leader has been arrested, nor is it clear why authorities decided to move now. The official Russian Orthodox church has long condemned the group but officials have largely left the devotees alone. Some Russian media outlets reported that the community had become involved in a dispute with local business interests.
Meet Mother God: The Leader of Love Has Won - False Gods

A wooden sign inked in a red paint is now visible attached to the green shack..HEAL ME, O LORD, AND I SHALL BE HEALED - JEREMIAH 17:14.

A woman prays deeply for her god,

A couple are in deep prayer as they express there love for there god..The woman is talking to herself as she slowly lowers her head..


A man wearing a black suit and a white shirt dances as he lifts up his left leg from behind him.. The man walks across the room to his left, A woman wearing a white frilly dress dances and cavorts with her god..

This woman shakes up and down as her hair gyrates from the powerful body forces.. Her hands rapidly raise up and down as she steps backwards..

A woman to the far left lowers her left hand from her neck as she leans forward, The next woman along has her right arm around the back of the first woman.. The second woman suddenly leans down as she shakes her head up and down with a furious energy.. The first woman leans up.. The second woman lifts up her left hand in front of her and indicates that she is listening to words and music.

Both Wayne and Charlotte continue there journey as they walk slowly across the main living quarters..

A light tapping of feet is heard as Wayne and Charlotte make there way to the church.. Charlotte looks to her right momentarily.. A white building in the distance is visible and could be the main prayer house for the isolated community..

Wayne looks down as he slowly follows Charlotte from behind, Charlotte is keen to find life in the desolated village as it has been some time since she saw her sister Liz..Echoing pan sound is heard similar to a flute. Wayne looks over to his right before looking forward and down at the floor.. Wayne and Charlotte have now reached there destination, The CHURCH OF ONE ACCORD is now clearly visible..A big sign is inked in red.. A large cross is central to a pair of large white painted doors..

As Wayne and Charlotte near the large doors music can be heard emanating from inside to outside, ♫ Let it shine ♫ Charlotte bends her right knee into the door as she places her right hand onto the left side door handle.. Wayne fleetingly looks to his left before looking to his right and over towards the large sign.. Wayne stops as he twists slightly anti clockwise while watching Charlotte break the ice with the deeply religious members..

It is very noisy inside the church of one accord as Charlotte slowly pulls open the door from the outside.. Charlotte is hesitant as she peeps her head through the gap she has created.. A loud wooh! is heard from members as they ecstatically express there love and devotion for Jesus Christ.. A speaker system is in operation and a loud guitar melody is heard.. Charlotte stares in at the congregation as she gathers her thoughts..A light reflects onto the inner door from outside..

A plethora of female voices fills the air as they chant, sing, laugh, and shout out with immense happiness.. Charlotte slides her opened left hand off from the side of the old door as she flutters her fingers for a short moment in time.. Charlotte sticks her tongue out slightly as she cautiously steps into the holy temple of old and rotten wood.. The Musky and dusty environment becomes much more intolerable to accept from the sweet air outside.. The heat is also stifling.. Charlotte rests her left hand on the door as the musical annotation penetrates the old wooden door...

More screaming and shouting is heard, People are having the best time of there lifes as they dedicate there entire lives to Jesus Christ.. Charlotte removes her hand and is mesmerised by the proceedings, this is certainly a shock to her somewhat normal life, Charlotte looks to her right as she slowly slips into the chapel, Wayne follows behind..

A large banner across the top of the stage reads in a red paint, THE LORD IS MY SALVATION: WHOM SHALL I FEAR?
W oohing and clapping is heard - The deep and fast melody of the guitar excites the people as they dance for there lives.. A man wearing a brown chequered shirt closes his eyes as he opens his mouth wide while dancing to the sound and rhythm of the music.. The camera quickly sweeps left producing a blur effect.. Many people stand with there hands above there heads, People shout out with extreme happiness, "Yeah!" A man centre jumps up and down as he lowers his hands to his waist.. A boy wearing a blue shirt spins around on his feet as he shakes his arms out in front of him.. A man wearing a bright red shirt suddenly appears from the left, He runs across the front of the church before stopping and raising his arms up high at each side of his torso.. People clap and shout with delight.. A woman rests on the floor on her knees as she places her right hand to her forehead, Others jump up and down as they express there emotions..

Wayne and Charlotte stare over towards the crowd with a silence and are devoid of facial expression.. Charlotte looks to her left as Wayne looks forward. Wayne sways to his left, A loud screaming is heard as hands appear just above the bottom reaches of the camera..

The man wearing a bright red shirt strikes out his right hand as he goes with the flow, A woman just ahead claps her hands high above her head as she screams with intense pleasure for her god.. The man walks forward as he provokes and increases the powerful feelings amongst the congregation.. The man suddenly closes his hands together as he looks to his left.. (The man claps with powerful emotions)

Other members look up into the roof of the dank and rotten shack as they raise theer hands up high while screaming and chanting there favourite prayers.. Woohing is heard -

The camera slowly sweeps up to reveal the tips of the religious congregations fingers.. The deep guitar melody sinks into the wood of the shack as it resonates in the hearts of the people..Hands touch together..

A young woman lays on the floor of the church as she is supported by a woman to the left who is holding her right hand up.. The woman on the floor closes her eyes and tilts her head up as she violently gyrates on the floor.. The woman looks to her right as the lyrics to the music brighten the air some more..♫ This little light of mine ♫

The man wearing a deep and bright red shirt is the leader of the Church of One Accord, He loves each and every one of his congregation and knows what is best for them.. Now the leader dances with a child as he teaches the young to praise god each and every day.. The child is over the moon and very happy to be part of the religious movement. The leader bends down as he places his right hand onto the left side of the child's hip and holding her right hand with his left.. The leader quickly spins around clockwise as the child follows in a circular movement of feet.. A male member shouts out loudly, "Yeah!" The leader and the child continue to twist around as the music bellows out, ♫ I'm gonna let it shine ♫ . The leader steps back as he holds the child's hands, The child stares at her leader with a huge smile of intense happiness.

A man wearing a brown jumper jumps in the air as he raises his hands in the air, A woman just ahead has also raised her hands up, Rejoice and be thankful, The elderly man with grey and balding hair looks down quickly looks down at the floor..
A woman closes her eyes as she raises her hands up into the air, An outstretched hand appears from the right as it rapidly lowers downwards, A woman wearing a white shirt and who has long black hair stands motionless as she closes her eyes and prays to her god.. Suddenly the woman outstretches her hands like a bird as she bends down slightly while lowering her hands.. A woman smiles intensly from the rightm she wears a white head scarf and blue and white flowery dress..

♫ This little light of mine ♫ The leader of the church is now interacting with a middle aged woman as they embrace.. The leader gently pushes down on the woman's head which causes her to bend on her knees.. The leader suddenly rests his head on the woman's right side head as he transmits his love for her..

Charlotte and Wayne continue to watch the show, ♫ I'm gonna let it shine ♫ Suddenly both Wayne and Charlotte veer there eyes right simultaneously..

The leader wearing a red shirt raises his arms up high in front of the musicians as he thumps his hands out to the rhythm and sound of the music..

Suddenly the leader turns around and faces the crowd, The leader sways on his feet as he looks to his right..

The camera quickly zooms into a large stack of wooden boxes.. The top box has the large letters JESUS SAVES painted onto the front side.. Just ahead a man plays an electronic keyboard as his hands gyrate to the sounds..

♫ Let it shine, Let it shine..♫ Let it shine ♫ The leader continues to stare over at something in the distance, The leader suddenly nods forward several times with acceptance as the camera sweeps slightly left.. The leader slowly turns his head right as he veers his eyes right, The leader is happy with the energy of his congregation, The leader begins to spins his head around in a circular motion as he looks more to his right..

Many children live at the Church of One Accord and will be intensely taught from a very young age the laws and beleifs of this particular system.. Though Jesus is the main element there are many many off shoots and variations of the faith.. A child to the right sways and dances from side to side as she claps her hands.. ♫ Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it Shine ♫ A young mother closes her eyes as she raises up her right hand..She shakes her arm and her head as she sings the words to the song with a deep passion.. A woman to the far right bottom is having a very deep and powerful moment with Jesus as she closes her eyes and opens her mouth wide.. The woman rocks her head back and forth with a rapid energy as her hair flails out in all directions.. A small child sat down on a metal chair wearing a light blue dress suddenly turns her head around to her left..A moment passes and she looks back) A girl behind holds her left hand to her left temple as she closes her eyes and prays.. Another child in a blue dress claps with a medium pace.. The rest of the small children clap..

The leader of the church begins to walk right as he looks down, A woman behind him wearing a white dress flails her hands out, The leader turns anti clockwise as he mingles with the crowd.. ♫Let it shine, Let it shine, The song slowly phases out as the last word Shine is stretched, A slow ding of deep notes finishes the song.. A loud clapping and cheering is heard all around.. Let it shine..♫

A young boy to the left is ecstatic as he opens his mouth wide with exaltation for his lord, Most others raise there hands up as they sway them from side to side.. Others clap with intense happiness. The leader leans down as he avoids eye contact with the religious group, The camera sweeps down to reveal an elderly man with raised hands and closed eyes in deep prayer.

The boy wearing a blue shirt closes his eyes as he holds his hands up while intertwining his fingers together.. A man wearing a white and striped shirt holds his hands out with outstretched fingers as he slowly turns in a clockwise motion.. A young girl stands silent with her hands behind her back as she looks up at the man.. The leader suddenly raises up, The girl with wearing a white shirt and flowery black dress looks to the stage, The leader looks to his right, The man wearing a white and striped suddenly twists around rapidly as he shakes out his right hand high in the air to express the last notes of the song.. Clapping is heard - Wooh! Wooh! is heard - A girl to the far right sat on a chair suddenly looks to her left as she lifts up her legs momentarily.

Screaming is heard - Crash of cymbals is heard to complete the song, Camera sweeps left, The singer on his microphone shouts out loudly, "Thank You". The leader faces his people as he claps with raised hands above his head.. Other just hold there hands up with a static motion.. The leader turns to his right as he continues to clap..

A woman centre claps as she turns left before looking down, Another woman suddenly walks past the camera from the left.. She also claps. A woman left wearing a white shirt looks down also..

Now that the song has finished it is time for a spiritual speech by the leader of the organisation.. A taunt middle aged man wearing a white and striped shirt and blue denim jeans looks down at the stage front. He quickly pulls up on his jeans using both hands as he walks slowly across the front of the stage from the left.. The leader has his hands to his hips as he looks to his right and then his left. The leader smiles as he raises his right foot up from the floor momentarily. The taunt man touches his crutch with his right hand..The man wearing the white striped shirt stops by the lectern as he looks over towards the musician who is playing the keyboard.. The musicians are silent and motionless -

The camera slowly zooms into the stage, The leader looks to his right, (All is quiet and only a cool breeze is heard) The leader looks to his left as he say's calmly and wit a tone of breathlessness, "All Right".. The taunt man turns clockwise as he faces the lectern, He looks slightly to his right as he places both hands onto a large black bible that rests on the lectern..

The leader speaks out again :All Right" as he tilts his head up slightly while looking to his left.. The taunt man looks up and out towards the silent crowd.. The camera continues to zoom in.. The leader breathes out a loud breath as he focuses on something in the distance.. (All is silent) A pin could be heard dropping)

Both Wayne and Charlotte stare over at the leader in silence and motionless. Suddenly Charlotte looks down breaking eye contact with the man in the red shirt..

The taunt man standing behind the lectern also looks over at Wayne and Charlotte - The man in a red shirt continues to stare at the new faces as his eyes light up and a smile begins to expand on his face. Suddenly the man nods forward a singular time as he shouts out with a friendly tone, "Welcome!" The taunt man looks to his right. The leader leans to his right side as he smiles brightly at the new and unexpected guests. The man leans to his left. A small percentage of the crowd begin to chant and scream with delight at the presence of new believers.. They shout Yeah and children scream out with delight.. Light clapping is heard which soon subsides..

Wayne and Charlotte do not react to the leaders friendly charm as they continue to stare over at the stage..

A crunching sound of paper is heard as the taunt man picks up the black bible from the lectern, The leader nods forward to acknowledge and accept the holy book..

All is silent, The taunt man transfers the holy bible with an outstretched hand over to the leader.. (Light scrunching is heard as the interaction of book takes place) The leader holds the book tightly to his chest as he looks out upon his faithful believers..

The leader lowers the bible as he takes hold of it with his right hand, The leader quickly raises the bible up above his head as he say's with a deep empathy, "This bible don't lie.." The camera quickly sweeps up to reveal an abundance of bright flash lightening.. A man shouts out Yeah.. Suddenly a roar of voices is heard as they all simultaneously believe in it's words and there dedicated prayer, learning and daily life style.. A man shouts out, "No it don't".. Others shout No! and scream with the truth that hits there ears.. a MAN POINTS HIS FINGER TOWARDS THE LEADER WITH ABSOLUTE AGREEMENT..

The leader begins to slowly walk across the front of the stage as he he holds the bible up in the air.. People hold there hands up as the leader rejuvenates there energy with every breath and syllable he speaks..A female worshipper shouts out loudly causing the sound to emanate all around.. The leader continues, "It don't do nothin' (Leader shakes the book out rapidly as he expresses his words) but tell God's plain truth..."

The taunt man rests his left leg on the first step of the stage and the second on the floor as he looks down while listening intensely to his leaders words.. The leader looks to his left and over at the crowd.. A musician at the back of the stage suddenly raises his right hand as he places it to his mouth for a brief moment.. The taunt man nods his head down rapidly as he agrees with his leaders words.. A continuous synthesizer pan sound is heard to provide the SS..

The leader continues with a strong passion, "Every word!" The leader turns slightly to his left as he continues to hold the bible up.. The taunt man looks to his leader before lowering his right hand down.. Leader nods forward as he looks right and say's again to reassure his people, "Every Word!"..(He nods with each word spoken) The crowd begins to shout again especially the woman, A man wooh's with a deep voice of trust and support for his leader..A musician centre with a guitar sways and twists his body from side to side.. A man shouts out hoo!

The leader suddenly looks down at a young girl in the crowd who is sat down with her parents, The leader steps forward as he say's, "You don't get to pick and choose, now, honey, do ya?" The leader leans down and touches the girls cheek.. The leader quickly leans back up as two woman behind to the left smile brightly.. The woman wearing a purple dress rocks slightly forward and backwards..

The leader begins to walk back across the stage as he say's, "This ain't no (Hesitates) ice cream parlour".. A tapping of his feet is heard -The leader looks to his right as he focuses his attention on the crowd facing forward.. The leader Leans back and smiles like a Cheshire cat,..

The taunt man who was stood behind the old wooden lectern smiles as he blinks, He looks out over the crowd with happiness. The crowd begin to chatter from the leaders wise words..

The leader suddenly looks over to his left as he shouts out, "What do you like, Smiling Bobby?".. Vanilla?. The camera sweep right to reveal Smiling Bobby who is unfortunately mentally disabled.. For some reason he is isolated from the crowd and sits alone on a very long wooden bench.. Smiling Bobby instantly responds as he shouts out loudly with a tone of fun, "No!" the word is shouted long as he expresses his opinion.. SB looks down as he closes his eyes fleetingly, Smiling Bobby smiles intensely as he tilts his head right while maintaining closed eyes. SB smiles even more as he freezes on the spot..

The leader quickly speaks out again, "How about bubblegum?" The leader nods forward slightly as he smiles brightly at Smiling Bobby.. The leader waits patiently as he slightly nods negatively to provide a hint for the mentally disabled man..

Smiling Bobby is ecstatically happy and feels on top of the world each and every day, The leader speaks, "It ain't like that, is it?" Smiling Bobby looks down to his left as he shakes his head negatively several times as he say's, calmly, "No sir"..Bobby continues to shake his head negatively.. The crowd has now been excited once again as a female worshipper shouts out, "No it ain't".. Another man shouts out, "He knows it, Brother Bill"..

Brother Billy takes a few steps across the stage before he rapidly turns clockwise to face the crowd once more.. BB leans back as he nods positively while holding up the holy bible in his left hand.. BB say's, "You're either all in...(Hesitates, leans forward) or you're out!"..(BB raises his eyebrows with widened eyes) Shakes head negatively furiously as he heads off back across the stage - BB turns his head over to the far corner of the church as he quickly steps over in that direction..A female worshipper shouts out loudly, "That's right!"..

Brother Billy's words have now created a cauldron of loud shouting and woohing as his words take impact on there fragile beliefs. With every word BB's words strengthen the group.. A man to the far right instantly raises his right hand as he points his index finger up into the air, A man central wearing a light blue shirt shouts profusely with a deep passion, Others scream with strong emotions while others raise the hands up.. Wayne and Charlotte stand at the very back and do not participate.. Others shout "That's right, You're out"..

Brother Billy walks off to the other side of the stage once again at a fair pace of steps, Brother Billy's right hand man who wears a white striped shirt nods positively from the powerful words.. The crowd scream and cheer with a powerful emotion.. Suddenly B Billy shouts even louder with intense meaning as he turns his head to his congregation, "You are out into that lake of fire to burn for eternity.." Brother Billy stops in his tracks as he raises his left hand up momentarily, Rapidly turns his head left, Steps on his right foot as he begins to slowly walk back the other way.. A man shouts "Yes" A man wearing a brown jumper nods forward several times in strong agreement.. He then points his left index finger up and across the room..

Brother Billy shouts out again as he approaches the taunt man, "But it don't have to be that way, (Higher pitched excitement) Do it, Brother Sherman?" Screaming is heard - Brother Billy ducks down in front of Brother Sherman rapidly as he steps back on his feet, Brother Billy's eyes widen as he raises his left hand and points it over towards the crowd.. Brother Sherman is in complete acceptance with Brother Billy as he shakes his head negatively slowly, Brother Sherman say's, "No Sir, No sir it don't.. Brother Sherman nods forward as he lowers his head down.. Brother Billy shouts out, "No it don't!"..

Slow continuous pan sound continues, Brother Billy rapidly walks back across the stage as he say's, And why is that?" Hesitates - A light tapping of feet from BB is heard - Crowd is silent - BB turns to the crowd and shouts with vexation, "And why is that">> BB want's an answer to his question.. Brother Billy demands an answer..

The crowd are super silent and motionless as they listen and watch BB preach the words of the bible to them.. BB walks further to the left as he shouts out, "That's because, Jesus sent us the Holy Ghost"..BB twists around clockwise to face his listeners as he raises up his left hand,, BB steps back to his right side..

BB walks back across the floor as he passes a large white cross, BB continues at a lower level of voice, "But there's only one way to receive that spirit, isn't there?" Veers eyes left - Turns to face the silent crowd. BB step s back on his right leg as he twists clockwise, BB stands motionless on the spot as he looks over towards the crowd, BB speaks as he looks to his left, "We got to be in one accord".. Looks right, Hesitates and takes a breath of air.. (Crowd is quiet) Suddenly BB raises his hands up at either side as he shouts out to reinforce his statement, "Are we in one accord"..

BB quickly lowers his hands to his side..

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