A loud bang of thick wood infused with a squeaking and a long and stretched creaking is heard as a door is opened from the other side. As the door opens a blade of light slowly fans open to illuminate the dusty floor of the dark hallway..

(A pigeon is heard cooing) A pair of legs are now revealed as they quickly step inside the dark space. Elliot has just finished his fifth challenge and has been instructed by the devious game show host to visit this address. Elliot slowly steps in on his left leg as he investigates the address. The homeless persons shopping trolley is just outside the door and was taken by Elliot in exchange for an Ostrich and a $1,000 bucks cash. The game show will have provided Elliot with the Ostrich unless he stole one from Audubon Zoo, but that seems unlikely.. Elliot pushes the door wider with his right hand as he takes a second step on his right foot. Elliot stands motionless and silent as he holds onto the doors brass handle. (A continuous pan sound similar to oooh (Ghost effect) is heard to provide atmosphere. A females voice is heard shouting from a distance. The camera slowly pans up to reveal Elliot, A man wearing a white tee-shirt and blue jeans walks at a fair pace from the right across the road behind Elliot. (Grey car travels past from the right) A man wearing a grey jacket and blue jeans follows just a few feet behind him.

The Audubon Zoo is an American zoo located in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is part of the Audubon Nature Institute which also manages the Aquarium of the Americas, Audubon Louisiana Nature Center, Freeport-McMoran Species Survival Center, Audubon Park, and Audubon Coastal Wildlife Network. It covers 58 acres (23 ha) and is home to over 2,000 animals. It is located in a section of Audubon Park in Uptown New Orleans, on the Mississippi River side of Magazine Street. The zoo and park are named in honor of artist and naturalist John James Audubon who lived in New Orleans starting in 1821. Some of the exhibits include lions, gorillas, orangutans, and the Louisiana swamp exhibit. It is also home to a rare white leucistic alligator with blue eyes. It is open year-round Wednesday through Sunday, except Mardi Gras, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, followed by severe consequences in the devastating aftermath of the storm. During the hurricane, zoo staff found refuge in the reptile house, which was apparently designed to withstand a major hurricane. Located on high ground atop an old natural river levee, it was not flooded. The majority of the animals survived—only three died—and the only major damage was downed trees. However, the zoo was short on food and other necessities in the days after the storm, and pumps were overheating. The fact that the zoo sustained only minor damage can be attributed to disaster planning and its location on high ground. Zoo curator Dan Maloney was quoted as saying, "The zoo had planned for years for the catastrophic storm that has long been predicted for New Orleans." On 14th July 2018, a jaguar escaped through the roof of its enclosure, killing six animals and injuring another three before being recaptured. The incident occurred before the zoo had opened.

Elliot looks up as he focuses his attention to the top of the stairs, Elliot looks more to his right as he looks just behind the door. Elliot turns on his feet as he faces the door head on while continuing to investigate his surroundings. A smack of wood is heard as Elliot quickly shuts the door behind him with his right hand, A loud squeak is heard as the door rapidly slides to a shut position.

Just before the door locks into place Elliot's cell phone begins to vibrate and pulsate with the ring tone "Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik. Elliot looks down as he scrummages with his left hand inside his left jacket pocket for the device. Elliot leans his right side into the door producing a strong physical force that closes the door fully. (Loud clonk of wood is heard) Elliot faces the door as he frantically attempts to retrieve his phone. Elliot puffs out a fast breath of air as he twists his feet back around clockwise so that he faces the staircase. A click is heard as Elliot swiftly lifts over the lid of his cell phone. Elliot looks up to the top of the stairs as he speedily brings his phone to ear level. (A dog is heard barking from outside) Elliot listen as he looks up to his right while slowly moving his head in that direction. The game show host as always is enthusiastic and full of beans as he gives Elliot the information he needs for the next challenge. Game show host say's, "Challenge 6 for $50,000 dollars is a good deed, for a change.." (Elliot veers eyes left, looks up, blinks, looks down, Looks up the stairs.) Game show host continues, (Eliot looks down and then up quickly to top of stairs), "Upstairs in 6-B lives Mr. Shaw")...Glockenspiel pan provides a slow melody of notes)

The camera slowly pans up to the top of the stairs to reveal Mr. Shaw's door numbered 6-B...Game show host continues with slight compassion, "A lonely man"..

The game show host continues, "Take him for a cup of coffee", (Elliot gently sways on his feet from side to side as he listens to the game show host. Elliot say's nervously "And"..Elliot stares up at 6-B as his impatience takes the better of him..Game show host continues, "And, there's a diner called Taylor's two blocks from where you are.." "Have him there with a cup of coffee in front of him by 4:00.. A crackle is heard from Elliot's phone followed by a two beep electronic blip as the game host hangs up... (Dog is heard barking once more) Elliot quickly lowers his phone from his ear as he transfers the device to his left hand..A loud click is heard as Elliot closes down the lid to the phone..Elliot begins to slowly climb the stairs step by step as he looks up.

Elliot suddenly looks down as he speeds up his movements by almost jogging up the stairs as his eagerness fills his mind..Elliot looks up as a fast tapping of feet and wood is heard.

Elliot is transfixed on Mr. Shaw's door 6-B as he quickly ascend's the wooden stairs. Elliot suddenly slows as he reaches the last three steps of the winding staircase. All is quiet and there are no other people in the hallway. A sound of vintage violins can just be heard emanating from Mr. Shaw's apartment, With each step the violin symphony increases in volume and voracity.

A deep wooden clunking continues as Elliot makes his way to the top of the stairs. Elliot bends his head slightly as he rests his left ear against the door while knocking with his left hand. Elliot knocks on the wooden door five times in quick succession (The knocking sound echoes around from outside the door.) Elliot hesitates as he looks at the door before shouting out loudly, "Mr Shaw?"..(Dog is heard barking) Elliot rapidly looks down as he checks his watch by pulling up his jacket sleeve with his right hand. (Flapping of material is heard) Elliot lowers his right hand as he knocks the door once again. Elliot rests his head just outside of the wooden frame as he knocks a further 5 times in quick succession..Elliot turns his face almost into the door as he shouts out again loudly, "Mr. Shaw".. The violin sound can still be heard coming from behind the door..(Dog barks more) Elliot is silent and motionless as he waits for a response from Mr. Shaw's apartment..

A dark and eerie pan effect provides atmosphere - Elliot waits patiently but all he can hear is the vintage violin sound, Slowly Elliot's patience erodes as he leans gently over and twists the knob of the door. A loud sound of clicking and clunking is heard as Elliot twists the knob. (Dog barks) Elliot begins to push his weight against the door as it the door is showing signs of resistance.

A loud clunk of wood and hinges is heard as the old door finally bursts open to reveal the contents of the space behind.. Elliot maintains his distance and has no great urge to immediately step inside Mr. Shaw's apartment..Elliot's eyes flit and flutter as they make contact with the air inside the flat. (Two long and stretched squeak noises emanate from the door as it slowly widens) Elliot releases his hand from the knob as it rapidly retracts back, (Clunk is heard from knob) The vintage sound is now much more prominent as it floods Elliot's ears and out into the hall.

Elliot looks down at the floor to reveal an old but portable record player in motion, The record continues to spin as the music fills the room, The record crackles and also has patches of a thick dust around it's edges and inner grooves. Elliot takes a single step into the room as he shouts out again for the elusive man, "Mr. Shaw?"..

No sound of Mr. Shaw is heard as Elliot continues to slowly step into the room, The room is rather untidy and shows signs of being neglected for some time, A plate of chicken bones rests on a small table by the unmade bed and the blinds are still closed.. The word HAPPY? has been painted across the back wall with a red paint and there is a strange odour in the air.. Elliot inspects the room as his curiosity takes hold..

Elliot turns on his feet as he looks across to the other side of the room, The camera suddenly pans right to reveal Mr. Shaws grey jacket, a peach coloured bath towel that hangs over the back of wooden chair, an ironing board, a pair of boots, and other items.. (Vintage violin sound continues)

The camera sweeps back across the room to reveal a stack of records on the floor, two cream coloured boxes are also visible, these probably contain 7" singles which rotate at a speed of 45 rpm per minute...The camera slowly pans up to Elliot.

Elliot turns his head left as he looks on over towards a wooden cabinet that stores a selection of food items, A small bottle of vegetable oil is also visible including, Baked beans, tinned ham, corned beef, tomatoes and coffee beans. Elliot stares over at the closed blinds and the shelf of tins and packets as he ponders on where MR. Shaw could possible be.. Another small stack of records including plates and a tin opener are also visible.

A sound of wind is heard to provide the atmosphere as Elliot slowly peers his head around a door panel, Elliot shows signs of worry as he scopes out the new space.. Elliot freezes as he peers around the corner of the door and is in no rush to greet Mr. Shaw to make his acquaintance.

The intoxicating vintage sound of violins continues to play from the other room as Elliot investigates....Elliot maintains his focus into the next room as he suddenly takes a single step further, Elliot gently pushes the door wider with his left hand as a short squeak sound is heard..Elliot stares ahead with a concerned look on his face,

Elliot is now facing the bathroom area as he suddenly takes in a rasping deep breath of air while bending down, (Synthesizer pan is heard followed by a slamming sound to provide atmosphere) Elliot begins to raise both hands to his face and mouth as something unusually foul and disturbing has now greeted Elliot..

The camera quickly pans down to reveal the true reason Mr. Shaw never answered his front door, To the shock and utter horror of Elliot Mr. Shaw has died and is now resting in his bath in his pyjamas. Mr. Shaw rests his right side temple against the cold tiles while his right hand rests over the bath. Elliot speaks out with unimaginable terror and shock as he say's under his breath..."Oh my God!"

Elliot repeats his words unable to get the words out forming a simple croaking sound similar to a toad, "Oh my God!" The rapid sight of a dead corpse has placed Elliot in a crippling dilemma as he backs out of the bathroom unable to stand the gruesome images or the foul smell of death. .

Suddenly a loud bang of wood is heard followed by a loud scratch of vinyl as Elliot hits the vintage record player with his right heel. The cream coloured arm and needle instantly slides backwards before stopping dead just outside of the rotating record. The vintage sound instantly stops as the arm is removed at speed) The player maintains it's position on the floor buffered by a large stack of records to the right of the machine.. An automatic turntable, Once you place the record, all you have to do is press a button (or lever) and the tonearm will automatically lower onto the record and then, when the record is over, the tonearm will lift and return back to its resting position.

(Sound of breaking glass is heard) The camera rapidly pans up to Elliot as his cell phone begins to ring and vibrate loudly, Entry of the Gladiator by Julius Fucik begins to play.. Elliot leans down over the dead man's bed momentarily as he scrambles for his phone, Elliot turns quickly on his feet to his right as he let's out a loud and distressing "Oh!" of fear and distress.. Elliot Looks back left towards closed blind, Turns right and leans down as he retrieves his phone..Elliot sways from side to side as he struggles to carry out simple tasks..

Elliot bends back up after finding his phone, Elliot passes his phone from his left to right hand as he raises it to his left ear..(Click is heard from phone as the front is flipped up) Elliot looks down at the floor as he sways on his feet from side to side in a slightly erratic way.. Elliot begins to speak with a breathless tone of voice, "That man is dead", Elliot is now confiding in the game show host for sympathy as he attempts to overcome his emotions..More fast breaths of air is heard from Elliot as he realises the game is not as kind or forgiving as he first thought.. Elliot continues, "That man is really dead.." Veers eyes left) Elliot turns to his right as he looks down at the floor, (Elliot continues to be breathless) Looks slightly right veers eyes right - "Elliot speaks with a tone of mistrust, "Did you kill him?"..Elliot sways from side to side..The game show host speaks with slight understanding, "Mr Brindle", This man took his own life.." Elliot looks to his left..No sound score - All is quiet..

A low level rush of air is heard as Elliot rapidly twists around on his feet anti clockwise so that he now faces the closed blind and food shelf once again..Elliot veers into the bathroom space as his mind demands another viewing of the deceased..

The game show host continues, "You see there on that tub.. what the meek actually inherited." Elliot continues to sway from side to side..Mr Shaw has been dead for sometime and in all respects probably overdosed on prescription medication washed down with vodka before slitting his right wrist with a sharp razor blade.. A large patch of blood is also visible on the floor below..

Elliot stands facing the side wall as he continues to speak with the game show host, Elliot say's woth discust, "No..."No", Elliot leans to his right as he say's, "I can't, I'm not doing that". Leans back left.. Elliot suddenly becomes angry as he shouts down the phone at the game host, "This is not swatting flies anymore,(Leans right then left) It's a crime, It's desecration"..Leans right and looks up - Elliot Turns head sharply left as he say's, "Dragging a corpse through the streets"..Elliot looks down, Leans back slightly turns head left slightly, Elliot shouts out with anger "Are you insane?" Leans back right nods head down as he expresses his words "Who are you?" (Synthesizer chord begins to play)

The elderly game show host continues, "Two paths lie before you", (Elliot looks to his right, Elliot looks up) One requires a bit of courage(Shakes head negatively veers eyes right again) and leads to enough money to settle your debts, Keep Michael safe,(Elliot breaths in and out loudly) and provide your child everything from a pony to a college education..."Elliot sways on his feet as his eyes veer from side to side"..

Elliot sways from side to side, The game show host changes tactics as he makes Elliot feel like a loser "The other leads to loveless poverty"

Game show host continues, "All that requires is you just continue being you." The game show host produces a dark and deep tone of voice as his devilish words impact on Elliot's sensible mind..Elliot responds, 'You don't know me"..Elliot looks over to the corner of the room, The game show host hesitates before saying with a hunch "Well", Elliot shakes his head negatively several times - Looks up and shakes his head much more vigorously as he increases his loudness, "No, you don't know me, You don't know anything about me!" Elliot is becoming increasing unstable as he continues, "Maybe you've done research, maybe you think you know facts." Elliot shouts out loudly with vexation as he leans forward slightly, "but you do not know me!" Elliot leans back as the game show host continues unaffected by Elliot's distress, "You have until 4:00, Mr. Shaw takes his coffee black.."

Elliot's eyes veer from side to side momentarily as he looks over across the floor. (Sways from side to side) Elliot breaths loudly and is very upset at the challenge he must complete.. The game show host continues to hold the line for a short moment before hanging up, (A crackle of electronic distortion is heard followed by a beep as the game show host terminates the call) All is silent as Elliot bides his time while still holding the phone to his ear..

A fast beating heart beat infused with a high pitched continuous synthesizer key is heard to provide atmosphere..The heart beat changes as it increases and sounds similar to a steam train in motion.. Elliot stares at the wall as he considers his options, Slowly Elliot lowers his left hand with phone down to his jacket pocket. Elliot suddenly turns his head around from the left at an unhurried pace, Elliot quickly finishes the manoeuvre as he looks into the bathroom where the dead man lies. Elliot stares into the space as he decides whether to carry out the game shows instructions or call it a day..

A deep synthesizer generated chord is heard - Elliot has decided that he will carry out the wishes of the game show host after considering his options. A loud sound of escaping gas is heard as Elliot sprays the bathroom with a can of air freshener he has found..Elliot moves his hand out and then back in with a rhythmic motion as he endeavours to mask the foul smell of death from inside the bathroom space. A plume of white mist accumulates into a cloud of gas as Elliot holds down the spray can button at a continuous rate..

Elliot holds his left arm over his mouth as he floods the bathroom with the aerosol can, Elliot grimaces as the vapour stings his eyes and nose, Elliot leans down as he let's out a loud "Uhh" of displeasure. Elliot suddenly shakes the can frantically as a loud sound of ejecting gas is heard..Elliot wants to make sure that Mr. Shaw is smelling fresh and revived for his short journey to the cafe called Taylor's diner two blocks away..

Elliot brings the can closer to Mr. Shaw's tilted head as he unloads as much air freshener as he can with the time limit he must abide to.. Elliot has until 4:00 to buy the rotten corpse a black coffee or he will fail the challenge and lose the chance of becoming a multi-millionaire..Elliot struggles to breath as he empties the can of gas onto the dead man's pyjama's..

Elliot continues to spray down and over the dead man for a few moments longer, Suddenly Elliot releases his fingers and lowers the can of spray down below him. (Elliot's lets out a breath of air) Elliot turns to his right and places the air freshener can into the sink, A loud clink of metal and ceramics is heard)..

As Elliot looks back to the dead corpse he places his left hand onto the rim of the bath before leaning forward and placing his right hand also onto the bath's rim.. Elliot looks down into the bath as he kneels forward with his right leg. Dark synthesizer chord plays out) A pen and white A4 paper rests on a small table to the side of the bath. The sheet of paper is full of text and will be Mr. Shaws suicide note..

Elliot is struggling to prepare Mr. Shaw for his trip outside as he grimaces at the unpleasant task. Elliot places his left hand onto the dead man's right shoulder before placing his right hand onto the man's left shoulder..Elliot begins to strain as he attempts to pull Mr. Shaw out of the bath. Elliot suddenly stands up on his right leg as he grimaces from the effort. Flapping of material is lightly heard as Elliot makes contact..

Suddenly a loud sound of something wet and sloppy is heard as Elliot pulls up with all his strength..The sound is made by Mr. Shaw's blood located at the bottom of the bath tub.. Elliot let's out a loud struggling groan as he looks down and away from Mr. Shaw for a short moment in time..Elliot lifts his left leg slightly as he struggles with the dead man's weight. Elliot's left leg instantly slips and slides across the large patch of blood directly below the bath, Now a long and smeared bloodied smudge spreads out over the floor.

Suddenly a loud crunching wet sound is heard as Elliot lifts the dead corpse from the bath tub.. A loud clunk of flesh is heard as Mr Shaw lands heavily onto Elliot's left shoulder. A strange gurgling gassing sound is heard as a small amount of carbon monoxide escapes out of the dead man's gullet and throat. The man's tongue has turned a grotesque light brown and his eyes have glazed over..Elliot breaths loudly as he summons all his strength to lift Mr Shaw from the bath..
Pallor mortis occurs almost immediately, generally within 15–25 minutes, after death. Paleness develops so rapidly after death that it has little to no use in determining the time of death, aside from saying that it either happened less than 30 minutes ago or more, which could help if the body were found very soon after death.

Elliot looks up as he grimaces and strains while lifting the heavy weight out of the bath tub. Elliot let's out a loud groan of effort as a loud wet crunching sound is heard. Elliot takes another deep breath as he looks down at the legs of Mr. Shaw momentarily. Elliot places his right hand fingers flat to the dead man's shoulder before grimacing and lifting up the man once again. Elliot groans as he carries out the back breaking work..

A loud squeaking sound is heard as Elliot pulls Mr. Shaw out of the bath from under his shoulders. The dead man's legs produce a loud rubbing sound of friction as they skate over the bath's rim.

A loud thud is heard as Mr. Shaw's legs hit the bloodied floor below as Elliot pulls the corpse fully out of the bath. A dusty vapour suddenly floats up into the air from Mr. Shaw's feet.. Elliot's let's out a loud groan of effort as he continues to pull Mr. Shaw along the floor and out into the front room. A scratching rubbing sound is now heard as Mr. Shaw's legs slide across the floor...

Precious time has passed and Elliot is now in full flow as he pushes Mr. Shaw along in the shopping trolley he bought from the homeless man for a $1,000 plus an Ostrich. I would hate to think how Elliot managed to get the dead man's body down the steep stairs but when a lot of money is at stake anything is possible..
Elliot looks down as he pushes Mr. Shaw along the sidewalk at a fairly fast pace of steps, A high pitched squeaking sound can be heard emanating out from the shopping cart as Elliot pushes it along. A woman wearing a light cream top carrying a brown folder in her right hand walks along the sidewalk behind Elliot. An elderly woman with grey hair wearing a blue patterned top, black trousers and a large ring on her right hand has stopped in the street. As Elliot passes her she turns her head to continue her observation of the strange occurrence, suddenly the woman raises her right hand to her mouth with shock after realising what Elliot is doing.. A young couple also walk along the path just ahead of the elderly woman.. The woman is talking to her partner as she looks across the road to her left before looking up.. In the far distance a man wearing a cream jacket walks in the opposite direction as a silver vehicle travels from the left. Elliot has placed a book into the hands of the deceased to reduce the chances he may be found out. The trolley hits a gradient causing the dead man to shake and gyrate. A man's voice can be heard talking in the distance.. Elliot has placed grey trainers onto the feet of Mr. Shaw..

A loud thud infused with the door's bell is heard as Elliot reaches the establishment called Taylor's diner. Elliot sticks his tongue out of his mouth slightly as he kicks open the door with his right foot..Elliot is breathless as he begins to carry the dead corpse into the cafe from outside..Elliot takes hold of Mr. Shaw's right hand with his right as he struggles to keep his friend on two feet. A silver vehicle goes by from the road outside, (Cars engine is heard)

Elliot grimaces as he looks ahead into the cafe for a suitable sitting spot, As Elliot brings the dead corpse through the door a loud bang of glass is heard as Mr. Shaw smashes his head against the outside wooden panel. Mr. Shaw's head rebounds off of the door as it tilts back at speed,

Elliot rapidly looks to Mr. Shaw as he reaches up with his right hand and pulls down the cap that Elliot has placed onto the dead man's head before he left apartment 6-B....Elliot carefully backs into the diner while keeping his hand on the cap ensuring it covers over the dead man's eyes and face. Elliot turns his head right as he looks into the diner for a suitable resting place.. (Birds are heard tweeting from outside)

Elliot quickly exchanges his right hand from the cap to Mr. Shaw's right arm as he makes his way over to a table and blue leather seating..Elliot grimaces from the extreme effort of carrying a 180 lb man in his arms as he quickly slides his feet across the floor. (The diners door has now automatically closed producing another jingle of bells.) A tap of crockery is heard from the back of the establishment..A rumbling and thud is heard as Elliot side steps across the floor ensuring he and his dead friend face away from the front of the diner..

A man wearing a light brown shirt is sat at a table at the front of the diner, he is accompanied by a young boy who wears a white tee-shirt with blue stripes..The two customers are quiet and do not look over towards Elliot as they eat there food. Elliot suddenly speeds up as he aims for the seating just ahead, Elliot gasps loudly with satisfaction from the sudden removal and pressure of Mr. Shaw's body weight, Elliot quickly lifts Mr Shaw's arm up and away from his right shoulder before resting it down against the dead man's stomach area. Elliot looks left as he momentarily pears over the back seat, Elliot pushes up slightly before turning back to Mr. Shaw. Elliot quickly takes hold of underneath Mr Shaw's shoulders as he grimaces while lifting him up once more..

Elliot stands as he summons all his strength in moving Mr Shaw to the across the seating and next to a support column. Elliot struggles as he grimaces from the effort, As he transfers the dead corpse across it suddenly falls on to him creating a loud thud sound of rotten and decomposing flesh. Mr Shaw stares ahead with grey and dead eyes and mouth open, (A high pitched splat sound is heard from a distance) Elliot gasps for air as he looks over at the support column while lifting Mr Shaw over with both hands. Another loud thud is heard as Mr Shaw's dead weight is transferred to the end of the leather seat. Elliot looks at his dead friend as he carefully rests his head against the grey concrete support column.

Elliot looks down at Mr. Shaw's left arm before looking away, Elliot places his left hand onto Mr Shaw's left arm while placing his right hand onto the back of the corpse.. Elliot suddenly removes his left hand from Mr Shaw's left arm as he stands up slightly while pulling over the right side seam of his jacket so that he looks a little bit more presentable. Elliot looks down at the table and grimaces from the bizarre situation, (Sticks tongue out slightly between closed lips momentarily.) Elliot gasps loudly as he looks towards Mr Shaw, Elliot removes his right hand from the back of Mr Shaw as he stares down at the table. From the front of the diner behind Elliot a waitress is seen coming out of a side door at speed, She looks over towards Elliot as she continues across the floor.

Suddenly Elliot looks behind him as his ears pick up the low level patter of feet from the waitress, The waitress is holding two menu's with both hands in front of her as she smiles brightly over towards Elliot. As Elliot looks behind him the dead corpse suddenly begins to slide down the support column,

Suddenly Elliot looks behind him as his ears pick up the low level patter of feet from the waitress, The waitress is holding two menu's with both hands in front of her as she smiles brightly over towards Elliot. (Cars are heard from outside, Odd and random chinks of crockery is heard.. Elliot quickly turns to face Mr. Shaw as he grabs the cap at the front with his left hand and the back of the cap with his right. Elliot quickly pulls the cap down and over the eyes and face of the deceased in an attempt to disguise the corpse and avoid suspicion.. Elliot quickly turns back around as he removes his left hand first before his right.. The waitress immediately speaks out with a happy friendly and well mannered tone of voice.. "Hi There!"

The waitress continues as she stands directly above Elliot, "How we all doing today?"..The waitress has a large piece of neon blue bubblegum in her mouth as she speaks..

Elliot tilts his head slightly as he looks on up at the waitress, Elliot speaks with less enthusiasm "Great!"

A low level slap is heard as the waitress places two menu's onto the table using both hands, The waitress speaks again, "My name is Jeanette..."

Jeannette looks down at Elliot as she places her right hand to her right shoulder as she expresses her words.. Jeanette blinks as she looks to Mr. Shaw before looking back to Elliot as he speaks. Elliot say's with speed and a hint of breathlessness, "Please can I have a cup of Coffee black please!" (Crockery is heard from the kitchen area).. Jeanette chews vigorously on her gum)

Elliot looks up to Jeanette as he makes his order before looking across the room at something higher up. Mr. Shaw is completely motionless as he rests in peace against the support column. Elliot breaths heavily and is physically and emotionally drained.

Jeanette responds with an astounding "Okay!" Jeanette instantly looks down as she suddenly reveals a black pen in her right hand and a ordering notepad in her left.. A crunching of paper is heard) Jeanette has become totally silent as she deals with Elliot's request. (Diner is also silent and there is no sound score..)

Elliot stares in silence as Jeanette continues to write the order into her check pad, Elliot expands and deflates slightly as he takes in the air while waiting patiently.

Elliot stares across at a large quartz clock as he keeps tabs on the time, As we know Elliot must have a cup of black coffee in front of Mr. Shaw by 4:00 or he will fail the challenge. (A deep booming echoing pan sound is heard to provide atmosphere) A continuous tick tick tick sound is heard each time the clock's dial increments each second.)

A few seconds pass and Elliot snaps away from the clock as he looks back to Jeanette, All is very quiet inside the diner - No sound score or atmospheric effects are heard..

Jeanette softly bites down on her bottom lip for a fleeting moment as she frantically scribbles Elliot's order onto the note paper..(Low level scratching is heard from the pen to paper) (Jeanette chews a single time on her gum)

A moment passes before Jeanette quickly looks back up and over towards Elliot once more..Jeanette smiles brightly as she say's "And for you?"..(Continues to chew)

(Elliot looks away from Jeanette) Elliot looks down at the table fleetingly as he shakes his head negatively a few times in fast succession.. Elliot quickly looks back up as he veers his eyes over towards Jeanette and say's calmly, "Nothing for me!"..Elliot takes in a deep breath of air as he leans forward slightly while looking over across towards the entrance.. Elliot looks back to the waitress.. (Elliot has now placed his right hand onto the left side of Mr. Shaw just in case he topples over.) A flash of bright light suddenly rebounds from the glass panels behind Elliot as the vehicle passes by, The fridges behind contain fizzy drinks in cans and plastic bottles including Coca Cola and lemonade.

Jeanette has now changed her tune as she becomes solemn and downcast with her tone of voice,(Jeanette has lost her smile) Jeanette say's, "If your sitting at the booth, (Jeanette scrunches her eyes and face fleetingly while veering her bottom lip right with disappointment) "you have to order something.."

Elliot instantly replies as he rapidly tilts his head towards the door to Taylor's diner as he expresses his words. Elliot speaks and say's, "Well, I'm gonna be going, so..." Elliot continues to speak with a breathless tone.. More white and intensely bright light appears on the fridge door as another car passes from outside. (The car's image is reflected onto the glass as Orange)

Jeanette stares at Elliot in silence before suddenly veering her eyes right with disappointment, Jeanette hunches her face as her mouth contorts from the dissatisfaction and diner rule that you must order if sat inside. Jeanette's eyes widen as she continues her face of despondency. (Jeanette hunches her shoulders as she expresses her disappointment for the rules..

A red vehicle followed by a silver vehicle reflect from the fridge door - Elliot let's out a deep breath as he lifts his head up slightly while looking at the waitress. (Bends head slightly back down as he rolls his eyes around for a fleeting moment) Elliot takes a deep breath as he looks back to the waitress, Elliot responds as he raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth wide with a false enthusiasm. (Shakes head negatively as he lowers his eyebrows) "Elliot say's, "I'll have a cheese burger!" Elliot smiles brightly as he raises his left arm up slightly while leaning his head out with false delight..(Several more cars drive past including a white coloured vehicle)

Jeanette is absolutely delighted that Elliot has ordered a cheese burger from the menu options..) The waitresses face lights up as her wide smile returns and her eyes beam with customer satisfaction..Jeanette instantly spurts out the name of a popular burger that is regularly consumed on the premises with excitable enthusiasm, "The Bernars Burger?" (Black pen waivers slightly in Jeanette's right hand).. (Jeanette is a dedicated waitress and has learnt the entire menu off by heart)

Elliot smiles as he replies, "Yeah, that sounds great"..Elliot looks back up at the quartz clock by BULOVA as he keeps his mind focused on the time..(Elliot closes his mouth) (Elliot is still breathless as he speaks) (Red vehicle passes by)

Atmospheric effect is heard (A deep rumbling breeze is heard which slowly fades away) The BULOVA clock continues to produce the tick tick tick sound as the seconds progress, It is very close to 4:00 and Elliot will have to think fast on his feet if he wants to complete challenge six of 13..

Elliot suddenly removes his right hand from Mr. Shaw as he looks over at the waitress. Elliot looks down for a short moment in time while Jeanette writes the order into her notepad. (Elliot swallows producing a squelching sound) Elliot looks back up rapidly as he turns his head towards Mr. Shaw for a split second before turning around and facing the waitress once again. (Sticks tongue out slightly for a fleeting moment) A large white and blue lorry quickly passes by reflected from the fridge door...

Jeanette is transfixed to her notebook and pen as she looks down and away from Elliot. A scratching sound infused with a squidgy squelching sound is heard as the waitress chews on her gum at a fast pace. The black pen waggles at speed as Jeanette writes down the order, she is in a world of her own and absolutely enjoy's her job role and responsibilities..Jeanette revolves the gum from her left to right cheek as she uses her tongue to guide the blue rubber substance.

Elliot turns his head slightly left... Elliot watches with horror as Jeanette bides her time with his Bernar's burger order, (Two deep echoing drum synthesizer effects are heard) (Birds are heard chirping from a distance)

The waitress continues to write down the order as she chews on her neon blue chewing gum..A low level tap is heard as Jeanette puts in a full stop at the end of her sentence before looking up and back to Elliot. (Squelching sound of gum is heard from Jeanette's mouth) (Birds chirp from outside) Suddenly Jeanette looks up having finished writing in the order details, Jeanette produces another beaming smile of customer satisfaction as she suddenly nods her head forward while saying with enthusiasm and happiness, "Okay!"

Elliot leans forward slightly as he produces a subtle face of relief, Jeanette continues, "And you get sides with that". Scrunching of the notepad is heard) Elliot is very upset and disappointed as soon as Jeanette mentions sides as he instantly lowers his eyebrows and looks away from the waitress, Elliot looks even further to his right before looking back as he veers his eyes up at the clock for a split second in time. Elliot does not look at Jeanette - Elliot is now very worried that he may fail the challenge as the waitress is taking too much time. Jeanette speaks with excitement, Elliot looks directly at Jeanette) "Your choices are"... (Silver vehicle passes by) (Blue van passes by in the opposite direction travelling up)

Jeanette is extremely enthusiastic as she looks up while veering her eyes left for a split second. Jeanette looks back to Elliot as she say's, "Baked Potato", (Jeanette swipes down her hand with notepad as she expresses her words.) (Jeanette hops slightly on her feet as her mouth opens wide to reveal her blue neon gum which is located to the right side of her cheek, this is her preferential side and most chewed area of her mouth and teeth.) Jeanette blinks as she repeats her actions and say's, "Baked Beans.."

Flashes of failure flicker in Elliot's mind as he listens to the waitress reel of a long list of sides and sauces. Elliot suddenly looks away from Jeanette and forward as he shakes his head slightly, Elliot veers his eyes down as he sticks his tongue out slightly for a brief moment.. Elliot responds with a sincere but rushed tone of voice, "Baked Beans!" Elliot shakes his head slightly once more as he looks up at the dedicated waitress, Elliot speaks again with a softer and more accepting tone, "The baked beans"..Elliot leans back slowly as he takes in some air. A strange sound is heard from inside the restaurant similar to a male voice.. (Two vehicles pass from either direction at speed) Car horn is heard)

Jeanette responds with intense pride and satisfaction, "Okay!" Jeanette rapidly raises her right hand to her right shoulder as she say's with honesty and joy, "My name is Jeanette"..Jeanette looks down slightly as she emphasizes her words.. Jeanette flutters her right hand fingers for a split second..

Elliot shakes his head up and down rapidly for a few short seconds before letting out a bewildered humming sound, Jeanette continues "And I will be taking care of you."

Jeanette shakes her head as she continues, "For starters", Elliot begins to speak which stops the waitress mid sentence, "Elliot say's, "Okay great!" "Can you just take care of me?"

Elliot looks down as he shakes his head negatively for a brief second before looking back to Jeanette. Elliot continues, "You don't have to explain (Looks to Jeanette) "any of the procedure or anything." Elliot looks back down as he points his left hand over towards Mr. Shaw as he say's, "He just (Looks back to Jeanette) really needs a cup of coffee." Elliot raises his right hand slightly as he closes his fingers..Low level fan sound is heard - Elliot smiles..

Elliot has now upset Jeanette with his hasty words as she stands solemn silent and motionless. Jeanette's mouth tightens from the rejection as she turns clockwise and begins to walk back to the kitchen.. A loud tapping of shoes are heard from Jeanette..

Elliot maintains his smile as he looks away from the waitress, A car passes from outside - Elliot suddenly looks down as he veers his eyes in the waitresses direction but does not make eye contact..Elliot speaks out with a loud whisper, "Thank you".. (Elliot let's out a deep breath) Jeanette takes a medium pace walk back to the kitchen.. Elliot looks up and over at the Quartz clock by BULOVA.. Several cars pass at speed..

The tick tick tick sound is heard once again as the clock's dial ticks past the number 3, Suddenly from a distance a bell sound is heard as Taylor's diner entrance door opens from outside. (Tapping of feet from Jeanette is heard)

Elliot quickly turns his head in the direction of the jingling sound before a loud thud, squeak and further jingle of bells is heard as multiple customers enter the establishment. Jeanette is seen entering into the side door she first came from as she prepares to make Elliot's Burger and beans including black coffee for Mr. Shaw.. Shadows reflect from the fridge as several men enter. Elliot suddenly looks away from the entrance as he looks down while placing his right hand onto Mr. Shaw once again..Elliot then looks slightly left as he ponders his thoughts.. More cars pass producing an intense bright light of reflection ..A man is heard saying, "Tom six"...

To Elliot's shock and horror several police officers are now making there way inside the diner. (A loud blast of an echoing breeze is heard to provide atmosphere), Elliot looks down as he attempts to avoid detection or suspicion.. The first police officer through the door looks to his left briefly before veering his eyes right and looking in that direction for a suitable booth. The officer veers his eyes completely right before turning his head in that direction.. The officer is holding a pair of glasses in his left hand but quickly places his right hand onto the other side of the glasses as he scopes out the diner..Another officer follows closely behind, he rests his thumbs into his belt as he looks over the left shoulder of the first officer..Two more police officers also appear at the back of the group and this is most definitely there regular meeting place. (Birds are heard chirping) Silver vehicle passes from the left, Silver vehicle passes from the right on other side of road..A police officer at the very back speaks and say's, "She put's in for a transfer." A female voice is heard over one of the police officers radios, "Please radio me" is heard..Elliot looks up and over at the second police officer as they both make eye contact briefly..

Eliot lifts up the left side seem of his grey jacket with his left hand before pulling down on the material..Elliot listens tentatively to the police officers as they go about there day. The police officer continues, "He takes early retirement."The first two police officers through the door quickly slide into the first row of seats behind Elliot as they sit down. Another officer say's "Scoot"..The second pair of officers make there way to the other seats opposite the two men who have already sat down, They also sit down quickly, Elliot looks more to his left as his face contorts with a confused and perplexed expression, Elliot shakes his head twice with disbelief before turning his head in the other direction as he attempts to find out what exactly is happening..

A police officer replies, "That's true." Another police officer laughs furiously as another sat at the end places his left hand onto the left portion of his stomach to express his over weight features but also that he is going to order some food.. He leans back in his seat as he smirks over to his friend sat on the other side before nodding forward. and looking to the officer sat left back away to Elliot..A police officer wearing dark glasses sat to the left and facing forward jumps up and down several times as he makes himself comfortable.

Elliot has lost his concentration on Mr. Shaw as he listens to the police officers, Suddenly the dead corpse flops forward at speed before crashing head first into the table below. (A loud thud and rattling of cutlery is heard) The loud noise causes Elliot to look back and instantly jerks with fright, Elliot rapidly outstretches both hands as he attempts to upright Mr. Shaw.

Elliot rapidly grabs hold of Mr. Shaw by the shoulders with both hands as he quickly pulls him back up. Another loud thud is heard as Elliot lifts the dead man back so that he is resting on the support column once again. Elliot pushes down on Mr. Shaw's cap with his left hand while looking over at the police officers briefly before looking back to Mr. Shaw. Elliot turns his head slightly left as he maintains pressure on the cap. Another officer say's "I think so."

The BULOVA clock continues it's methodical tick tick tick sound as the time get's dangerously close to 4:00. A police officer say's, "There you go!" Another say's "Come on, get it"..A human synthesised choir is heard to provide atmosphere,

Elliot stares at the clock and now knows for sure his order will not be on his table before 4:00. Another officer say's, "Wide load." Suddenly Elliot twists his head around anti clockwise as he stares over at an assistant who has just appeared from the kitchen.

The police officer facing forward sat on the end of the booth suddenly points his left index finger at the police officer directly in front of him, The police officer is chatting with his colleague across the table, He quickly shakes his head in friendly disagreement before looking down at the table briefly before looking at the tray of coffee.
The police officer sat facing away from Elliot sat on the end of the booth closest to the kitchen assistant suddenly say's, "About time" as the coffee is brought out..
The assistant begins to hand out 4 cups of coffee one at a time using his right hand.. The assistant say's "Our trusted members" as he dishes out the beverages. Synthesizer vocal chorus continues. Elliot suddenly flips his head around to the other side of his seat as his interests have now changed to the police officers booth and table..

A single tap of wood is heard each time the kitchen assistant places down a cup of coffee to the table below, (A police officer say's "Alright as he sees the coffee" The assistant say's, "Okay", Three regular and one Decaf.."

A police officer looks up slightly before looking back down at the coffee as he smirks with satisfaction, Elliot is now completely obsessed on the coffee cups especially the black coffee as he stares over and down at the delicious and very tempting cup.. (A police officer suddenly say's, "Yeah" with excitement.. A Silver car passes from the window from the left of Elliot, Elliot's eyes flit up as they look back down onto the cup of hot coffee just a few feet away..(Human choir vocals continue to provide atmosphere) Elliot quickly turns around as he looks up at the clock once again..

The tick tick tick sound is heard once more as the dial travels past the number 9 on the clocks face, Elliot is on borrowed time as he stares at the clock with no sign of Jeanette or his order coming anytime soon.. Short burst of radio interference is heard from one of the police officers).

The police officer that said "Yeah" continues as he say's, with satisfaction, "Good and hot, a fresh pot"..Elliot suddenly looks away from the clock and back to the cup of black coffee turning his head clockwise..Elliot stares down at the coffee cups as his mind explodes with possibilities, Elliot knows he may have no choice but to carry out the unthinkable..The first police officer who came in with glasses looks across the diner to his right before looking down at the coffee.

Another tap is heard as the kitchen assistant delivers the final cup from his tray to the table below, The assistant instantly turns away from the table clockwise as he makes his way back into the diner's kitchen area..(Assistant carries his tray with both hands) The police officer sat at the end of the booth facing forward suddenly raises his left hand up as he retrieves several small packets of soft sugar from a white bowl.. As the assistant leaves the table a police officer shouts out with annoyance "Go on, get on out of here!" A deep rumbling breeze is heard to provide atmosphere..

Elliot raises his head slightly as he watches the kitchen assistant make his way back to the kitchen for a brief moment, The police officer sat facing away from Elliot to the left who had a pair of glasses watches the assistant leave for a short moment before looking down at his coffee..

Elliot watches the kitchen assistant for a short moment longer before turning his head back around at speed and looking up at the BULOVA clock once again, The officer sat facing Elliot on the end of the booth looks across and down at his colleagues coffee. The rest of the police officers are now looking down as they add sugar to there hot beverages. A police officer say's "Sugar" as he offers the bowl to another cop.

Elliot stares at the clock with fear and loathing as his mind races for a solution to his dilemma..

The ticking sound continues as the clocks dial reaches the last 10 seconds before 4:00. The police officers are now all in conversation as they enjoy there coffee,

A high pitched sound of violins is heard to provide atmosphere..Elliot quickly looks back around and down at the police officers table, Elliot now knows he must act or he will fail the challenge and all the money he has won to this point..Suddenly a police officer sat at the end of the booth facing away from Elliot speaks with delight, "Yeah, "That's what I'm talking about..".

Suddenly the police officer produces a silver flask in his left hand, A clicking sound is heard as the officer begins to unscrew the cap from the flask with his right hand in an anti clockwise motion..The police officers black coffee sways gently from inside the cup.. High pitched continuous slasher violin sound is heard--

Elliot is transfixed to the coffee mug as he watches the police officer prepare to add a dash of strong alcohol to the mix.. The game show host did state that Mr. Shaw's preference is black coffee but he did not say it must contain strong spirit.. Elliot turns his head swiftly back to the BULOVA clock as his adrenaline courses through his body.

The ticking sound continues as the dial reaches the last 5 seconds before 4:00 arrives.

The police officer sat facing away from Elliot at the end of the table smirks once more as he looks down at the table before looking up. The officer with grey hair is also looking down at the table.. The police officer with the flask continues, "The hair of the dog".. (A police officer chuckles with delight) Elliot turns back around as he stares at the elusive cup of coffee. Elliot is hypnotised by the police officers cup as his eyes burn with desire, Suddenly the police officers right hand slowly moves across the table as he has decided to bring the cup a little closer so that he can pour some alcohol into it. A fast paced beat beat beat of a drum is also heard infused with the violin sound..

Suddenly Elliot receives an uncontrollable and impulsive urge to snatch the police officers coffee cup from the table. Elliot has realised he has no choice in the matter as he rapidly leans over the officers booth and takes hold of the cup with outstretched fingers similar to a claw attached to a crane..A loud rumbling of ceramics is heard as Elliot dives for the coffee cup like a cobra attack, Coffee spurts out of the side of the cup as Elliot grabs the cup at speed before lifting it up and over the police officers booth to his side.. Coffee rains down in little drips from underneath the cup as it is hoisted into the air..

Elliot snatches the cup with his right hand as he rapidly turns and looks down at his table, A loud whipping rushing sound is heard as the cup travels at supersonic speed to his table. The officer with the silver flask instantly begins to turn his head anti clockwise so that he can face the thief who has just stolen his beverage..Mr. Shaw does not seem in the mood for a drink as he has slouched back and is now resting behind the support column. None of the police officers have even noticed Mr. Shaw's dilemma and probably think he is sleeping. The police officer with white hair also responds as he looks to his right,

A loud clonk of ceramics is heard followed by a wet splashing sound as Elliot slams down the cup at speed in between two Taylor's diner menus..Hot coffee explodes out in all directions of the cup as it spurts across the table and lands on a menu card. Coffee has escaped down the side of the cup and has congealed around the cups bottom edge. More coffee has soaked the other menu card also..(Police officers are heard talking)

The clock is one second from 4:00..As the BULOVA clock's dial reaches 4:00 a loud drum beat is heard similar to a Timpani, The sound echoes before slowly fading away..

Elliot leans back as he maintains his right hand on the police officers coffee cup, Elliot groans with effort - Elliot looks down into the void as his mouth opens wide from the crazy stunt he has just pulled..Elliots eyes flit from side to side as his adrenaline flows and his breathing increases. Suddenly a two beat ding ding sound in fast succession is heard from Elliot's phone..The police officer who carried glasses and has greying hair stands up from his seat momentarily before sitting back down again, He does not go back to his coffee but maintains his focus as he looks over towards Elliot. The officer sat facing Elliot at the end of the booth suddenly looks right as he tilts his head slightly while looking at his colleague as they confer with each other, (The officer say's "Who is this kid?" A short moment passes and he looks back across the table, Several cars pass by reflected from the drinks refrigerator..The police officers are completely silent and there is no sound score. Elliot is also silent and motionless as his mind attempts to solve the serious predicament he is now in.. The officer with grey hair say's "Hey Hey" The police officer who has had his coffee so savagely snatched away turns his head anti clockwise and say's with serious concern, "You got a problem here, sir?' (Beep of car horn is heard) The officer shuffles on his seat as he turns to Elliot, A female voice is suddenly heard emanating from a police radio for a short moment.. Elliot does not instantly reply to the officer as his eyes veer right, Suddenly Elliot speaks and say's with a worried tone of voice, "No", Elliot veers his eyes forward then left.. Elliot is silent - Police are silent - Elliot continues, "No..Not at all". I uh.. Elliot instantly stands up on his feet twisting around clockwise so that he can face the police officers.. (Cars travels by)

(A loud twanging sound is heard as Elliot stands) Elliot continues, "I was", Elliot hesitates and now has difficulty structuring sentences as he awaits his fate..The police officer who had his coffee snatched away suddenly looks around clockwise as his fellow colleagues completely dumbfounded and bewildered as his mouth opens wide, The officer continues to twist around as he focuses his vision onto the suspect.. Elliot stares ahead avoiding eye contact with the police officers as he raises his right hand up slightly.. Elliot continues as he turns and faces the police officer, "I was waiting before you".

The police officer pushes himself up from his seat as he maintains focus on Elliot, The police officer is stunned and confused as to why Elliot would do such a strange thing..Elliot speaks again with conviction, "I'm sorry".. The police officer can not believe his ears as he say's with puzzlement, (Officer blinks) "Excuse me"..The police officer behind is swaying from side to side on his seat as he prepares to stand up also..

Elliot looks down upon his brown wallet as he scrummages with both hands, Elliot quickly pulls out several dollar bills with his right hand.. The police officer who had his coffee stolen twists around and takes a single step on his left foot as he stands in front of Elliot..The officer behind stands to his feet as he sways from side to side momentarily.. Suddenly a loud tapping is heard followed by a loud clack as Elliot's wallet falls to the floor from his left hand. Elliot quickly bends down to retrieve the lost wallet. (A female travels past the glass entrance on her bicycle) She is wearing a pink top and white shorts..The officer looks down as he watches Elliot's every move..

Elliot gasps from the effort as he quickly stands back to his feet, As Elliot stands he say's with a breathless and tired tone, "I uh"..Elliot holds his wallet in his left hand and now has a handful of dollar bills in his right hand which he accidentally dropped to the floor below as his nerves took hold..Elliot quickly places the handful of notes onto his table with his left hand, A splat and a ruffling of paper is heard - Elliot taps the table twice with the palm of his hand as he flutters his fingers. (Two light taps are heard) Elliot has also placed a load of paper junk onto the table as well, This includes bus tickets, a store bonus card, and scrap paper.

Elliot looks right as he almost makes eye contact with the silent but angry police officer. Elliot sticks his tongue out slightly for a brief moment as he continues to interact with his wallet. Elliot looks back slightly left..

The officers radio suddenly begins to emanate a female voice of authority, "One vehicle damaged inside the location also one witness) A phone can also be heard ringing from the female police officers location..The police officer sat down with grey hair has a concerned face as he suddenly turns his head away from Elliot and faces forward across the table, He waivers his right hand up and down slightly to signal that he would like silence as he listens to the radio broadcast before looking back over towards Elliot. Mr Shaw is still sleeping and has not touched a drop of his coffee.

Elliot stares over and down at Mr Shaw and the police officers flask that is resting on top of the table, Elliot quickly looks to the irate police officer before looking back at the flask..The officer sways in and out slightly in silence as he watches Elliot's every move..Elliot veers his eyes left..

The police officer sat down with grey hair suddenly turns his head towards Mr. Shaw as his eyes veer over towards the dead man.. The police officer who had his coffee snatched suddenly speaks which causes the other officer to look away from Mr. Shaw and over towards his colleague breaking his curious interest. The police officer speaks with a robust and serious tone of voice, "Why don't we step outside real quick and have a word about this?." The officer with glasses looks across the floor to Elliot before looking up at the police officer as he listens tentatively..The grey haired officer looks back to Mr. Shaw in silence..A high pitched and continous electronic sound is heard to provide atmosphere -

Elliot is looking away from the police officer as he stares ahead for a short moment, Elliot suddenly turns to face the officer as he say's with curiosity, "Is that a flask?" Elliot quickly looks back to the officers silver flask before looking down and closing his eyes.. Elliot is silent as he waits patiently for the officer to respond..

The police officer sways gently to his left before nodding forward slightly as he expresses his thoughts, The police officer is shocked and surprised that Elliot should mention his flask, The officer shouts out, "What?" The officer quickly turns his head clockwise as he looks on over to his flask. The police officer behind is silent and motionless.

Elliot speaks again with a questioning tone "Is that a flask on the table?" The police officer quickly turns back around to face Elliot.

The police officer does not appreciate Elliot's curiosity as he say's with another serious and robust tone of voice, (Leans forward slightly) 'I'm gonna need you to step outside sir"> Officer blinks as he speaks..

Elliot stares into the officers face before looking away and over towards the flask before looking back to the officer.
The police radio emanates the female voice once more as she say's 'There's been another incident".. Elliot looks away again and over towards the flask as he maintains silence, Suddenly Elliot edges closer to the officer as he begins to talk while maintaining focus on the flask, "You know that's not just a (Looks directly at officer) code infraction. (Officer tilts his head left) Elliot looks away and down towards the officers badge. (Leans back slightly) Shakes head down as he looks at the officers badge and say's, "In uniform, (Looks at officer) it's a 306." Elliot turns away slightly as he veers his eyes left.. (Cars are heard passing from the road outside)
An infraction, sometimes called a petty offence, is the violation of an administrative regulation, an ordinance, a municipal code, and, in some jurisdictions, a state or local traffic rule. In most states an infraction isn't considered a criminal offence and is rarely punishable by incarceration.
A requirements contract is a contract in which one party agrees to supply as much of a good or service as is required by the other party, and in exchange the other party expressly or implicitly promises that it will obtain its goods or services exclusively from the first party. For example, a diner might enter into a contract with the farmer who supplies milk under which the farmer would supply the diner store with as much milk as the store could sell. The farmer would be in breach of contract if the store were thereafter to purchase milk for this purpose from any other party. The converse of this situation is an output contract, in which one buyer agrees to purchase however much of a good or service the seller is able to produce.
In the context of transactions in goods, most jurisdictions in the United States apply Section 2-306(1) of the Uniform Commercial Code, which imposes a good faith limitation on purchases under a requirements contract.

Elliot lowers his left hand down to his side before he begins to scrunch his fingers together with a rhythmic relax then tighten regime of finger movements. The two police officers sat at the far booth are silent as they listen to Elliot's words. The officer wearing glasses has a face of disbelief as he listens to the conversation..The grey haired officer suddenly tilts his head left but maintains focus on Elliot before looking down and then back up again..Elliot continues his life story with a unhappy tone of voice, "My guess is you've never been to a diversion programme before." Officer steps on his feet to the left..

Elliot continues, "Make you open up to a shrink like three days a week, (Elliot takes in a deep breath of air) (scrunches face for a split second) "and there's group sessions." The Quartz clock by BULOVA can be heard ticking away)

Elliot continues, "They show films about empowerment, (Officer closes his mouth) There's reading materials, too."

Elliot is silent as he slowly leans backwards while looking into the police officers eyes, A small amount of time passes with both men in silence before Elliot suddenly turns anti clockwise to face the table he and Mr. Shaw were at. Elliot speaks out clearly, "You want your coffee?".

A light thud is heard as Elliot quickly grabs the coffee cup from the table with his right hand.. Elliot rests the bottom of the cup onto the palm and fingers of his left hand as he turns back around..

Elliot holds up the officers coffee cup as he say's, "Please", as a way for the man to accept his drink and allow the situation to cool down. A male police officer's voice is now heard over the radio system.."Oh, and 102 Washington DC"..Both men stare at each other in silence as the fracas hangs in the balance..

The officer is now debating if he should accept the mentally disturbed man's gesture or not..

The police officer is silent as he looks into the face of the disturbed individual before suddenly veering his eyes down at the coffee cup. Elliot say's, 'No' as the officer looks back up to the man..Elliot shakes his head slightly forward as he say's "Okay"..

Elliot quickly turns to the table he was sat at and looks over towards Mr. Shaw, Elliot smiles as a loud thud is heard after placing the cup down to the tables surface, Elliot speaks out with happiness as he say's, "Drink your coffee, buddy." Elliot leans back up as he looks on over towards the silent police officer.

Elliot stands silent as he looks to the police officer for a short moment in time, A shuffling of feet is heard as Elliot begins to step backwards on his feet as he makes his way closer to the exit door..Elliot gives the officer a confident stare as he backs away. A females voice is heard emanating from the radio system, "Stand by 102) Crackle is heard -

Elliot quickly turns clockwise as he pushes out of the diners exit door, The police officer is silent motionless and has chosen to resist arresting the coffee thief. Elliot pushes out with both hands the left side of the door creating a loud clunk of wood. (The bell jingles loudly as Elliot steps outside) Elliot begins to walk left as was the same direction he came from, Another clack and shaking of glass is heard as the door hits the left side window at speed before slowly sliding back. (A green plant shakes furiously from the impact) The officer stands silent as he watches the man leave the establishment. (A black car passes from the left) (A silver car passes from the right) (A silver car passes from the left) The sound of travelling vehicles is heard as soon as Elliot opens the door..