Elliot begins to make his escape from Taylor's diner at a fare pace as he knows that it will be just a matter of time before Jeannette realises Mr. Shaw is dead if the police haven't already.. Elliot flails his arms out in a rhythmic motion left followed by right as he looks down at the floor. (Birds are heard chirping) (Elliot's jacket gyrates in the cool breeze) (Car horn is heard)

Elliot looks up completely elated as his cell phone begins to vibrate and ring, Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik begins to blast out of Elliot's phone speaker..Elliot hops on his feet several times as the intense feeling of achievement, freedom, and the clever tactics used to trick the police starts to embellish on his mind..

Elliot looks down at his phone as he retrieves it from his right trouser pocket, Elliot lifts the front cover as a loud snapping sound is heard, Elliot brings his phone up to his right ear as he prepares to communicate with the devious game show host once again..Elliot speaks with excitement and enthusiasm as he say's, "Did you see how it went down back there?" Elliot raises his left hand up above his head to express his uncontrollable happiness... The male game show host responds with a tone of recognition, "Kudos.."

Elliot continues along and under the Colosseum shaped columns that make up part of a retail establishment as cars travel by. A white vehicle slowly pulls out from a car park exit, a black vehicle suddenly passes the white car at speed travelling from the right..(Elliot's left arm swings with an energised up and down motion, The game show host continues, "We were so impressed by the way you avoided arrest..

Elliot has slowed slightly as he listens to the unknown caller..Game show host continues, "during challenge six,..." (Slow and light piano theme provides the sound score) White vehicle travels past Elliot from the right as it flits between the spaces in the white painted arching columns..

Game show host continues, "We've decided, (Game show host speaks with magnanimity) "What the hell" (Elliot raises his left hand up above his head for a split second in triumph).. Birds are heard chirping) A small piece of yellow tape that is attached to a telephone pole gently sways in the breeze..

Game show host continues, "to count that as challenge seven completed as well.." Elliot leans down with intense feelings of happiness as the game show host rewards Elliot for his hard work and determination..Elliot bends his legs as he raises his left hand up once again with uncontrollable feelings of triumph and glory..Elliot quickly straightens his legs as he arcs his back with gratitude and appreciation for his efforts.. Elliot shouts out with pure delight, "Thank you so much!.." Elliot continues to hold his left hand up as the game show host continues, "Your be less pleased to hear".. Elliot lowers his hand as the game show hosts tone of voice changes to a more serious dialogue... A cars engine is heard travelling by at speed

Elliot begins to slow his pace of steps as he swings his left hand up and down with rhythm..Game show host continues, "Your brothers doctors office just received an anonymous phone call (Game show host takes in a fast and deep breath) alerting them to the fact that Michael would soon no longer be insured.."A loud sound of a car's horn is heard) The words from the game show host has lowered Elliot's spirits as he comes to a stop on the path. Elliot speaks out loudly with concern (Flits eyes left then right) "What?"(Looks down) Game show host continues, "His file's already marked for review.." But none of this matters, of course, if you win.." A crackle is heard as the phone call terminates, Elliot slowly lowers his phone hand as he holds the device just below his chin. Electronic beep is heard from the phone) Elliot is silent as he ponders on his brothers predicament for a short moment in time..(Birds chirp) (Low level descending synthesizer pan is heard) Another horn is heard))Music is heard consisting of a male voice..

Dogs are heard barking - Female voice is heard from a distance - A light scrunching of feet is heard as Elliot makes his way through the district. (Bird squawks)

Elliot looks up and to his left for a moment in time - Elliot holds his hands close to his chest as he uses his fingers to apply a light pressure. - Elliot takes in a deep and fresh breath of air as he closes his eyes for a fleeting moment.. Elliot looks to his left once more..

Elliot looks down at the floor for a short moment before stopping in his tracks. A loud sound of an engine starting up is heard followed by a continuous rumble of the engine..This sound causes Elliot to veer his eyes right as he turns clockwise..Elliot stands motionless as he looks over at something in the distance..

(A rumbling sound infused with a high pitched violin is heard to provide atmosphere) Elliot looks down a long road and can now see a large silver bus, The driver of the bus is wearing a white face mask and almost resembles Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th movie franchise..Elliot steps back ever so slightly on his right foot) As Elliot stares down the driver suddenly outstretches his right arm as he pushes a button down from inside the bus..A loud sound of escaping gasses at high speed is heard as the passenger door suddenly opens at speed. The door slides out and as it reaches complete equilibrium a thud and more gas release is heard..Elliot lowers his hands down to his side as he turns slightly clockwise while continuing to stare down at the odd occurrence..(Elliot must know this bus has been laid on for him by the devious game)..The face mask wearing driver slowly returns his right hand to the steering wheel as he looks down towards Elliot completely motionless and also rather scary..Now all that is heard is the rumbling of the busses engine..A cool breeze momentarily lifts up Elliot's jacket from the back as it sways out gently..

Elliot's heart and mind are now telling him this is his calling card and the driver wants him to step inside..Elliot's mind ponders over the peculiar sight as he sways gently on his feet. Elliot is transfixed on the driver of the vehicle as he slowly begins to make his way over to the bus one slow step at a time...Elliot blinks))

Elliot continues his slow walk over to the bus with rhythmic steps, The bus has no number plate but does have the name BRINDLE - 8 above the front window glass. (This is referring to challenge 8 of 13..) Elliot knows for sure this bus is for him and he must continue if he wants to win the grand prize..The driver is motionless and extremely static as he patiently waits for the contestant..(The bus engine noise slowly increases with magnitude as Elliot gets closer and closer..

Eerie high pitched synthesizer keys are heard to provide suspense..Elliot stares at the face mask wearing driver as he cautiously makes his way over to the passenger side of the bus..

A rumbling echoing sound of female voices infused with a low level pan effect provide atmosphere - The driver does not acknowledge Elliot as he waits motionless and extremely static, The camera slowly pans across the bus from the right as more information is revealed..

Elliot turns his head slightly as he stares in and up at the driver in silence and a strong case of curiosity, A black shadow passes over Elliot's jacket as he reaches the side of the bus.. Elliot takes slow monotonous steps as his mind ponders on the bizarre meeting.

The driver has an appearance similar to a circus carnival clown as he looks ahead in silence,
(A deep echoing rumbling sound provides atmosphere)

Elliot ponders his thoughts for a moment longer as he becomes hypnotised by the engine sound and the carnival clown.. Suddenly Elliot steps forward slowly before raising his left arm up towards a railing followed by his right as he steps up into the bus..Light metallic taps are heard from Elliot's feet..Short and distorted synthesizer keys are heard to provide atmosphere.. Elliot disappeared inside the bus as he makes his way to his seat..The camera slowly travels backwards as a loud release of gas is heard..Deep synthesizer pan sound is heard -

The scene has now changed and we are now back at Taylor's diner, A light scuffling sound is heard as Detective Chilcoat picks up a library card that has been accidentally discarded to the floor below..A male voice is heard emanating out of a police radio. (1-10 over) A phone is also heard ringing - A man is heard saying, "No excuse me, It's really not a problem".. Chilcoat turns the library card over for a short moment as he examines the front for any information..Chilcoat slowly brings his hand back up to chest level so that he can continue his investigations..

Chilcoat looks down at the library card as he holds it with both hands, A coroner officer comes into view from the left as he say's overto his working colleague "I'm Okay BOYD"...

A jingling of metal is heard as the coroner turns anti clockwise before pulling a metal buckle over Mr. Shaw's legs with his left hand.. Crunch of metal is heard..

Chilcoat turns the library card over with his right hand as he attempts to absorb more information that may lead to an arrest. A moment passes and Chilcoat turns the card back around as he plays with the edges with both thumbs as he looks down.. A female police officers voice can be heard emanating from a radio, "Checking information, 42,28.90" Chilcoat parts his jacket with his left hand as he as he turns lightly clockwise while placing the card into his upper jacket pocket..Chilcoat looks to his right, The coroner continues to attend to the dead corpse as he tightens a belt around Mr. Shaw's middle portion..He swings the belt around fleetingly with his left hand before placing it over Mr. Shaw, a loud crunch sound is heard as the coroner locks the belt tightly. A bell sound is heard including noises of crockery from the kitchen and the sound of passing cars.. Fast electronic beeping sound is heard)

Chilcoat chews on some gum as he looks slowly back and over towards the diners exit door. More male voices are heard.- A man is heard talking about air conditioning..) (Another man mentions smoke)

From outside Chilcoat can see Jeannette who is the waitress for Taylor's diner talking to a man, She has a distraught face and must be feeling terrible after discovering Mr. Shaw's dead body on her return..Jeanette looks down and has closed her eyes for a short moment in time before opening them again. (A loud tap sound is heard) (Multiple cars pass from either side of the busy road) Suddenly the man produces a small piece of white paper which he hands over to Jeanette..Jeanette looks down at the piece of paper as she say's, "Okay"..while retrieving the paper note with her left hand..Male and female voices emanate from the police radio inside the diner..

The man continues to communicate with the waitress as he shakes his right hand down towards her with a yellow pencil in hand. The man then opens his hands wide as he expresses his words, Jeanette listens carefully as a form of comfort from the shock she is experiencing. (A sound of an aeroplane is heard). A female voice say's "Roger"..

Chilcoat removes his right hand from his jacket before lowering his hands down beside him, Chilcoat now has his attention on Jeanette and the unknown man as he ponders his thoughts..Coroners continue to prepare Mr. Shaw for his trip to the morgue.

A scrunching of feet is heard as Chilcoat makes his way outside the diner as his curiosity get's the better of him.. In the distance behind Chilcoat the kitchen assistant who brought out four mugs of coffee is seen being interviewed by one of the four police officers who came into Taylor's diner.. Chilcoat has already removed his left surgical blue glove and is pulling off his right glove with his left hand..(A sound of stretched elastic is heard) Chilcoat passes the glove back to his right hand as he scrunches the glove into a smaller parcel, Chilcoat transfers the glove to his left hand before quickly placing it into his left trouser pocket.. Another police officer shakes his head negatively as he interviews the owner of the diner, The owner wears a brown shirt and brown khaki coloured trousers..Chilcoat continues to chew on his gum, Chilcoat stares down the path and past the diner avoiding eye contact with the waitress. A phone is heard ringing, (Birds are heard chirping) (Screaming children are heard in the distance including light human voices)

Jeanette turns her head towards the approaching detective (Blinks) for a short moment before looking away and forward (Blinks down) looks back to Chilcoat..Low level taps from Chilcoat's feet are heard - Jeanette looks down with sadness as she moves slightly away from the detective as he comes into her space) (Looks back to Chilcoat) Chilcoat continues to chew his gum as he maintains his focus on the man Jeanette was talking with just a few seconds ago..Suddenly a coroner comes out of the diners door pulling Mr. Shaws body on a wheeled stretcher. The coroner looks to his right briefly before looking forward, a crash of metal is heard as the stretcher is pulled over the door space causing the front wheels to drop several inches to the floor below. Coroner looks to his left and behind him as he continues to pull Mr. Shaw out of the diner. Another loud clack of metal is heard as the back of the stretcher drops over the door space and to the ground below. A police officer is watching the stretcher being pulled out of the door way, he suddenly raises his right arm up outstretched as the stretcher passes by him..(Birds are heard chirping)..A bird begins to sing a song) Jeanette blinks - Cars are heard passing.. Chilcoat suddenly speaks with curiosity, "Who was that?" Jeanette closes her eyes briefly as she replies, "He said he was a reporter".Jeanette looks down at Chilcoat's chest briefly before looking up to him. Chilcoat looks to Jeanette before veering his eyes back to the escaping reporter.., Jeanette breaks the monotonous stare from chilcoat as she turns her head and looks down the road towards the reporter she had just spoken with..

The reporter is seen walking at a fare pace as he passes a large mansion that has ginormous solid steel gates hand sculptured and engraved with delicate and intrinsic features. A park may also lead in from here).. A loud sound of travelling vehicles is heard - Chilcoat speaks and say's, "What was he asking you?". A man suddenly appears travelling to the right, he quickly raises up his right hand as he holds a something in his left. The man quickly begins to run as he flails his arms up and out.

Jeanette replies, "If you guys had said anything (Looks to Chilcoat) about other things the guy might have done, (Shakes head gently in a negative way) A loud squeaking sound of a bus applying the breaks is heard including a loud release of gas..

Jeanette hesitates and then say's, "The destruction of a sacred place." In the distance the yellow warning tape begins to rapidly shake from a powerful breeze.. A police officer speaks with the owner of the diner., Chilcoat veers his eyes back to the escaping reporter with intrigue as he watches him disappear into the busy metropolis..Chilcoat raises his eyebrows as he ponders on the reporters words..The sound of an ambulance door closing at speed is heard) Jeanette looks away and down from Chilcoat as she blinks avoiding eye contact..Chilcoat looks down as he ponders his thoughts.. Police officer suddenly shakes head negatively as he raises his right hand out as he turns his head right.

(Another loud thud is heard) Jeanette suddenly produces a lit cigarette which she holds up with her right hand, Jeannette turns to Chilcoat as she slowly brings the butt to her mouth.."Chilcoat continues to look down avoiding contact, Chilcoat quickly nods down as he say's, "He gave you something?." Jeanette looks back down as she takes a slow drag of her cigarette. Smoke gently floats up and around Jeanette..

A light scrunching of paper is heard as Jeanette lifts up the note that contains the reporters phone number in black pen..

Chilcoat retrieves the note with his left hand before holding it up with both hands.. The digits 976-4745 have been scribbled onto the paper note..

Chilcoat looks back up and back to the street ahead as he watches the reporter vanish, Jeanette is silent as she looks down avoiding eye contact with the detective. Chilcoat continues to chew his gum as he looks to Jeanette one last time, Chilcoat points his left index finger towards Jeanette before turning away from her anti clockwise..Jeanette looks back to Chilcoat before looking back down again. Chilcoat walks away leaving Jeanette to her own thoughts..

Echoing police and fire engine sirens provide the atmosphere, Suddenly the ring tone Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik is heard.. The camera is slowly travelling in a North East direction as more of New Orleans is revealed. A slow moving convoy of automobiles can be seen travelling over the Greater New Orleans bridge..Vehicles are travelling from left to right across the Mississippi river.. It is the farthest downstream bridge on the Mississippi River. It is also the widest and most heavily travelled bridge on the lower Mississippi; The Crescent City Connection (CCC) is the name of the bridge now..

A deep vibrating sound is also heard as Elliot flips the phones lid with his left thumb..Loud click is heard -

Elliot has been travelling on the bus for some time and it is now night, Elliot is unsure where he is being driven to but he has the comfort of looking out of the window. Elliot is travelling along a residential part of New Orleans as he speaks with the game show host..Elliot places his cell phone to his right ear as he say's, "Yes"..(Low level rumbling of the busses engine and tin frame is heard) Game show host continues, "Before the next challenge" "Please take out your New Orleans Parish Library card.." (Crickets are heard chirping)

Elliot quickly lowers his left hand down and into his left pocket for his wallet, (A low level dinging sound is heard) Elliot scrummages in his pocket for his wallet.

Elliot speaks with uncertainty, "My library card?"..Elliot looks down as he attempts to retrieve his library card..

Elliot interacts with his wallet as he opens it up with his left hand, (Scrunching sound is heard) Wallet shakes slightly as Elliot holds it up in front of him, Multiple cards are visible as Elliot examines his wallet in silence..

Elliot passes several pedestrians as he travels through the suburb of Louisiana, Elliot continues his silence as he stares down at his wallet, Elliot suddenly looks up and away from his wallet as he say's, "I don't have it". (Flits eyes rapidly right then forward) Game show host continues, "No you don't". Elliot looks back down at his wallet as the game show host continues, "You dropped it back at Taylor's diner, where it's been found.." Elliot looks back up with worry. Elliot quickly looks back down as he begins to search his wallet for the library card. Game show host continues, "It won't be long until they trace the number to you"..if they haven't already."

A loud scrunching of money and other materials is heard as Elliot searches his wallet much more thoroughly, Slap sound is heard as Elliot twists the wallet around with his fingers in a desperate attempt to find his lost library card..Elliot pushes his fingers inside the wallet as his fears grow..

The game show host continues, "Your facing at least ten years in prison..for arson, assault, and desecration of a corpse.." Elliot looks up as he listens to the game show host..Veers eyes right slightly.. High pitched electronic pan sound is heard to provide atmosphere..Light drum beats are also heard..

Elliot continues to interact with his wallet as he uses his fingers to close the wallet shut..Loud clack of leather is heard as Elliot snaps the wallet shut..Game show host continues, "But here's the good news..."

Game show host continues, "If you successfully complete all 13 challenges we will make all these charges go away.." "It's what we do for winners.." "Losers, however, are on their own.."A fast snare drum sound is heard..(Synthesizer key is heard) Elliot veers his eyes down as he listens to the devious voice.."Try to think of this in the most positive, empowering way.." (Elliot veers eyes back up again) Game show host continues, "As a gun pointed to your head.."

Elliot is unhappy with the situation and now knows he is in deep trouble, Elliot suddenly becomes angry with the voice as his face grimaces and his fingers become tense. (Distorted crackle and beep is heard as the game show host hangs up) Elliot lifts the phone slightly away from his ear as he begins to squeeze on the sensitive device with all his strength. A loud crunch is heard as Elliot rapidly closes the lid of his cell phone while veering his eyes right with intense feelings of betrayal.. Elliot lowers his phone as he looks out of the window into the darkness of the night..

The silver bus suddenly comes into view as it makes it's way along the highway to an undisclosed and secret location that is out of the city. The engine becomes much more louder as the bus approaches from a distance, A loud release of gas is heard as the bus passes by..A loud rushing sound of air and moving forces is heard as the vehicle passes the camera.. The driver maintains his static and motionless body language as he drives Elliot into the night...

A loud sound of a steel pole being hit with a wooden bat is heard to provide the atmosphere..A loud tap tap tap tap sound is heard as Detective Chillcoat knocks on the door of a large camping vehicle. Chilcoat has done his homework and has managed to trace the reporters number to this location below The Crescent City Connection (CCC), formerly the Greater New Orleans Bridge (GNO)..Motor vehicles can be heard in the distance - Chillcoat shouts out loudly, "Mr Vogler?"..Chillcoat hesitates as he waits for a response from Mr Vogler..Movement is seen from inside the camper van near the drivers window as Chillcoat waits patiently..Chillcoat leans closer to the vehicle as he rests his left shoulder against it for a short moment..Chillcoat can see some movement as he looks through a square window which causes him to shout out again with more urgency, "Mr Vogler".. Mr Vogler quickly stands up from inside his vehicle as he hears the loud knocking from Chillcoat, It seems Mr Vogler has been caught unaware and is in no mood to talk with the detective at this moment in time..Mr Vogler retrieves something from the floor of the vehicle..Suddenly Mr Vogler is seen from inside the vehicle leaving the large camper van from the other side, Mr Vogler tussles with the door momentarily as he pushes several times with his right hand..A loud crunch of wood and plastic is heard as Mr Vogler opens the drivers side door as he makes his escape to the outside world..another crashing snapping sound is heard as the door reaches maximum equilibrium on it's hinges..The door waivers slightly as Mr Vogler steps out and down the steps,

Detective Chillcoat has heard the door opening from the other side which causes him to begin walking around the side of the vehicle in his attempt to speak with the elusive reporter..Mr Vogler has now reached the ground level as he bends down slightly while closing the door to his vehicle with his right hand.. Mr Vogler is now carrying a large silver suitcase in his left hand as he leaves the vehicle behind.. A loud clank is heard as the door is shut at speed, Mr Vogler is having a strange mental meltdown as he quickly side steps across the grass unable or not wanting to speak with the unexpected visitor..Mr Vogler carries the heavy suitcase with both hands as he breathes heavily from the effort, Mr Vogler suddenly turns his head around towards the detective but is acting very strangely. Chilcoat reaches into his left side jacket pocket with his right hand as he quickly retrieves his gold police badge. Mr Vogler creates a scrunching sound of wet grass as he makes his escape..

Detective Chillcoat quickly makes his way around the camper van as he attempts to hook up with the reporter for a small amount of questioning and information he might have in regards to the incident at Taylor's diner..Chilcoat looks down slightly at the ground as he shouts out loudly again, "Mr Vogler.." Chilcoat continues to retrieve his police badge with both hands..Mr Vogler is heard breathing heavily and is experiencing a nervous meltdown of sorts..Chilcoat retrieves his badge and holds it briefly with both hands..

Chillcoat rapidly walks forward as he raises his gold police badge up in the air with his left hand to reassure the mentally affected man that everything is Okay..Chillcoat shouts loudly with a tone of seriousness, "I'm with the police.." Chilcoat lowers his hand.. Chillcoat places his gold police badge back into his left side jacket pocket as he continues to make his way over to Mr Vogler.. Mr Vogler has no interest in speaking with Chillcoat as he rapidly makes his way over to a metal gate. A loud jingling of metal chains is heard as Mr Vogler pushes open the gate so that he can escape to the other side..Mr Vogler is full of chaotic energy as he quickly looks down at the chains and locks that will protect him from the unexpected visitor..Mr Vogler huffs and coughs as he provides cold and unwanted body language..Chillcoat shouts out loudly before looking down, "I'm not here to arrest you.."

Mr Vogler is now on the other side of the metal gate as he frantically attempts to secure the gate with a set of thick silver chains. Mr Vogler stares at the approaching detective as he pulls up on a chain with his right hand..(Loud jingling sound is heard) As the thick chain swings up Mr Vogler retrieves it with his left hand. Mr Vogler looks down momentarily as he tussles with the chain using both hands..

Chillcoat continues, "You were at the diner today.." Suddenly from behind Chillcoat a homeless man sticks his head out of his tent and shouts over loudly with a high pitched Scottish accent of annoyance, "I'm sleeping here", the homeless man does not appreciate the noise Chillcoat and Mr Vogler are making.. Mr Vogler looks down at the chains as he attempts to secure the gate, Chillcoat continues, "You seem to know something about a man I'm looking for.." Suddenly a loud click is heard as Mr Vogler successfully secures the gate with the steel lock, Mr Vogler quickly steps away to his right unable or not wanting to assist Detective Chillcoat in anyway..More jingling is heard as Mr Vogler releases his hand from the triangle shaped chains which causes them to plummet several inches..Mr Vogler produces a strange gurgling croaking sound as his nervous disposition gets the better of him.. Chillcoat reaches the silver gate as he looks over at Mr Vogler who is acting very bizarre and weird..

Mr Vogler bends down for a short moment before suddenly raising his right hand and pointing his index finger over towards the detective, Mr Vogler speaks out with delusional paranoia, "I can't trust you.."

Mr Vogler rapidly places his right hand onto the handle of the large silver suitcase before grabbing the case with both hands as he wraps them around it..(Tapping of metal is heard as Mr Vogler supports the suitcase) Mr Vogler sways gently on his feet as he breaths heavily, Mr Vogler shakes his head negatively for a fleeting moment..

Medium level glockenspiel notes provide the sound score infused with a deep continuous pan note, Detective Chilcoat takes several steps closer to the fence as he say's, "You saw my badge..' Mr Vogel nods forward as he say's with a tone of anger and suspicion, "That doesn't mean anything?" Mr Vogel steps back slightly as he continues with an out of breath tone of voice, "They got", hesitates, raises left hand up to Chillcoat for a fleeting moment, "They got cops working for them, I'm sure!.."

Mr Vogler steps back from Chillcoat (Tap of feet is heard from Vogler) as the detective say's with curiosity, "They?"..Mr Vogler sniffs loudly as he sways gently on his feet..

Mr Vogler suddenly shakes his left index finger out towards Chillcoat as he say's, "All right, I'll tell you this." Mr Vogler sounds exhausted and extremely unstable mentally and emotionally as he speaks over to the detective..

Mr Vogler bends his knees slightly as he waggles his index finger towards Chillcoat, Mr Vogler say's with a serious tone of voice, "In case you are who you say you are", Hesitates and takes a deep breath of air, Continues to waggle his index finger at Chillcoat, "If you get this guy in your sights.." Waggles once and say's "Do not hesitate.." A deep resonating double bass now provides the atmosphere) Vogler hesitates before wagging finger and saying slowly and clearly, "Blow his brains out!".. Vogler stares at Chillcoat with a warped but serious feature set as his eyes light up with madness. Mr Vogler suddenly backs away from Chillcoat as he lets out a rush of deep air, Mr Vogler side steps while maintaining eye contact before turning in a clockwise motion and disappearing into the blackness of the night..Chillcoat is silent as he watches the reporter make his get away not wanting to divulge any more details..

Chillcoat is silent and motionless as he watches the reporter make his get away not wanting to divulge any more details..

A synthesized sound of high pitched wind is heard to provide atmosphere - Detective Chilcoat has decided that he will investigate Mr Voglers camper van for more information on the man he is looking for. A loud crashing sound of metal and plastics is heard as the detective forces his way inside the reporters camper van.. Suddenly a high pitched snapping sound is heard infused with a jingling of bells as the door and insulator release and slide outwards. More banging is heard as the detective pulls vigourously on th einner insulated sheathing as he makes his aquaintance. Suddenly a large amount of ambiance fills the darkened space as the door is forced open. (Inner sheathing shakes and wobbles from the forces) A series of news paper articles have been stuck to the side wall and a red marker pen has been used to highlight certain incidents. Dates have been scribbled down by the red marker pen, 01/12/2003 is a date linked with the description (Huge Boobs) and several names have been inked including Angie.. Another article has two large sentences circled regarding a man who has been arrested for a shooting incident. (Death notices on Nola.com is printed at the bottom of another page and is a newspaper for New Orleans) A mans face has been circled in red ink and a large circle surrounds a large chunk of text. A date can be seen 02/13/03, More cut out articles are also visible with important text circled and names writen down.

A squeaking is now heard as Detective Chilcoat grabs hold of the doors latch while stepping up on his feet..Chillcoat suddenly appears as a light rumbling is heard from the man's physical presence. Chilcoat instantly veers his eyes right as he scopes out Mr Vogler's residence. More eerie sound are heard to provide atmosphere: Chilcoat looks up and along the camper van in silence as he builds up more information on his bizarre meeting with the reporter..

Chilcoat stands almost motionless as he stares across the space to a large board of information, (Click is heard as Chillcoat turns to his left) (Chillcoat produces a flashlight with both hands) Chillcoat looks up at the news paper articles briefly.

Suddenly a two click sound is heard in quick succession as Chilcoat switches his flashlight on and raises it up to the articles covered in red ink..Chilcoat slowly lowers the torch as he scrutinises the text and the images, Chilcoat lowers the torch once more a few inches as he consumes the interesting images and articles from New Orleans. (A continuous pan sound is heard) Chilcoat lowers his flashlight again before leaning further into the dimly lit interior. Light tap of feet is heard as Chilcoat steps in while shining his light around a corner and down to the bottom of the camper van. (Chilcoats tie gently sways out ) Chilcoat shines his torch up to the ceiling as he turns his head right..

Chilcoat continues to turn in a clockwise motion as he guides his torch up and right, Chilcoat strobes his light up and down as he faces along the van before guiding it right and then left in a slow and methodical way..Multiple items light up from the darkness, these include a laptop, multiple boxes filled with files, electrical equipment, wires, and a set of kitchen knives amongst other things.

A low level dinging sound provides atmosphere, A light tapping of feet is heard each time Chilcoat takes a step, Chilcoat turns as he shines his torch over some electrical equipment and thick wires briefly, Chilcoat takes a single step further as he strobes his flashlight over a large grey board that has a long series of dates attached to the top of it and a detailed map below..

A long list of dates have been glued to the top of the map in black ink, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1959, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and so on.. A black graph is visible below these dates that consists of black lines in a vertical position and a thick black line going through the centre. Each line has a piece of copper attached that links to a town or a city anywhere on earth.. A large written message is visible in a white paper(How does succession work?) Another word is also visible (Generation?") Chilcoat slowly glides his flashlight along the strange map as he absorbs more information..Tapping of feet is heard as Chilcoat steps along, An eerie tubular bell sound is heard fleetingly to provide atmosphere..Chilcoat is now considering that Mr Vogler is actually a conspiracy theorist and uses his reporter status as a cover.. Camera pans left as Chilcoats light sweeps right..

Echoing human sounds now also provide atmosphere - Detective Chilcoat has now illuminated a new area of the map as a strange symbol becomes visible..This is the symbol that represents the game, A clock face with 13 roman numerals around it's circular outer perimeter indicates there are 13 challenges to complete. The devious game always starts with a fly mission before progressively becoming much harder to complete. As mentioned before, A latin text spreads around the outer circle, TOP Text translated means, Dancing with the Golden Toad...Bottom text - to Entertain the Gods. Or Bottom text (To the joy of the gods) Top Text Dance with a Golden Toad. SALTATIO CUM BUFO AURUM (top) and AD GAUDIUM DEORUM bottom side. The fly is a symbolic part of the game.. A smaller circle with a large number 6 is also visible, this symbol also has the Latin text around it's edges. (This may indicate that the game started with 6 challenges and slowly increased over the many years it has been in operation..Can also mean challenge six was here) Chilcoat ponders over the strange symbols for a short moment.. (Buzzing fly sound is heard)
Another word is also visible stuck onto a small piece of white paper and glued to the right side of the board - Damnatio ad bestias
Damnatio ad bestias (Latin for "condemnation to beasts") was a form of Roman capital punishment in which the condemned person was killed by wild animals, usually lions or other big cats. This form of execution, which first came to ancient Rome around the 2nd century BC, was part of the wider class of blood sports called Bestiarii. The act of damnatio ad bestias was considered entertainment for the lower classes of Rome. Killing by wild animals, such as Barbary lions, formed part of the inaugural games of the Flavian Amphitheatre in AD 80. Between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, this penalty was also applied to the worst criminals, runaway slaves, and Christians..

Roman laws, which are known to us through the Byzantine collections, such as the Code of Theodosius and Code of Justinian, defined which criminals could be thrown to beasts (or condemned by other means). They included:
Deserters from the army
Those who employed sorcerers to harm others, during the reign of Caracalla. This law was re-established in AD 357 by Constantius II.
Poisoners; by the law of Cornelius, patricians were beheaded, pleabeians thrown to lions, and slaves were crucified.
Counterfeiters, who could also be burned alive.
Political criminals. For example, after the overthrow and assassination of Commodus, the new emperor threw to lions both the servants of Commodus and Narcissus who strangled him. Even though Narcissus brought the new emperor to power, he committed a crime of murdering the previous one. The same punishment was applied to Mnesteus who organized the assassination of Emperor Aurelian.
Patricides, who were normally drowned in a leather bag filled with snakes (poena cullei), but could be thrown to beasts if a suitable body of water was not available.
Instigators of uprisings, who were either crucified, thrown to beasts or exiled, depending on their social status.
Those who kidnapped children for ransom, according to the law of AD 315 by the Emperor Constantine the Great, were either thrown to beasts or beheaded.

The sentenced was deprived of civil rights, he could not write a will, and his property was confiscated. Exception from damnatio ad bestias was given to military servants and their children. Also, the law of Petronius (Lex Petronia) of AD 61 forbade employers to send their slaves to be eaten by animals without a judicial verdict. Local governors were required to consult a Roman deputy before staging a fight of skilled gladiators against animals. The practice of damnatio ad bestias was abolished in Rome in AD 681. It was used once after that in the Byzantine Empirein 1022, when several disgraced generals were arrested for plotting a conspiracy against Emperor Basil II, they were imprisoned and their property seized, but the royal eunuch who assisted them was thrown to lions. Also, a bishop of Saare-Lääne was sentencing criminals to damnatio ad bestias at the Bishop's Castle in modern Estonia in the Middle Ages..

A view inside of the Colosseum in Rome. Photo: Matthew Lloyd.
Some documented examples of damnatio ad bestias in Ancient Rome include the following:
Strabo witnessed the execution of the rebel slaves' leader Selur. The bandit Laureolus was crucified and then devoured by an eagle and a bear, as described by the poet Martial in his Book of Spectacles. Such executions were also documented by Seneca the Younger (On anger, III 3), Apuleius (The Golden Ass, IV, 13), Titus Lucretius Carus (On the Nature of things) and Petronius Arbiter (Satyricon, XLV). Cicero was indignant that a man was thrown to the beasts to amuse the crowd just because he was considered ugly. Suetonius wrote that when the price of meat was too high, Caligula ordered prisoners, with no discrimination as to their crimes, to be fed to circus animals. Pompey used damnatio ad bestias for showcasing battles and, during his second consulate (55 BC), staged a fight between heavily armed gladiators and 18 elephants. The most popular animals were Tigers, which were imported to Rome in significant numbers specifically for damnatio ad bestias. Brown bears, brought from Gaul, Germany and even North America, were less popular. Local municipalities were ordered to provide food for animals in transit and not delay their stay for more than a week. Some historians believe that the mass export of animals to Rome damaged wildlife in North Africa.

Whereas the term damnatio ad bestias is usually used in a broad sense, historians distinguish two subtypes: obicĕre bestiis (to throw to beasts) where the humans are defenseless, and damnatio ad bestias, where the punished are both expected and prepared to fight. In addition, there were professional beast fighters trained in special schools, such as the Roman Morning School, which received its name by the timing of the games. These schools taught not only fighting but also the behavior and taming of animals. The fighters were released into the arena dressed in a tunic and armed only with a spear (occasionally with a sword). They were sometimes assisted by venators (hunters), who used bows, spears and whips. Such group fights were not human executions but rather staged animal fighting and hunting. Various animals were used, such as elephants, wild boars, buffaloes, aurochs, bears, lions, tigers, leopards, hyenas, and wolves. The first such staged hunting (Latin: venatio) featured lions and panthers, and was arranged by Marcus Fulvius Nobilior in 186 BC at the Circus Maximus on the occasion of the Greek conquest of Aetolia. The Colosseum and other circuses still contain underground hallways that were used to lead the animals to the arena. There is no evidence for Christians being executed at the Colosseum in Rome.

According to Roman laws, Christians were:
Guilty of high treason (majestatis rei)
For their worship Christians gathered in secret and at night, making unlawful assembly, and participation in such collegium illicitum or coetus nocturni was equated with a riot.
For their refusal to honor images of the emperor by libations and incense.
Dissenters from the state gods (άθεοι, sacrilegi)
Followers of magic prohibited by law (magi, malefici)
Confessors of a religion unauthorized by the law (religio nova, peregrina et illicita), according to the Twelve Tables).
The spread of the practice of throwing Christians to beasts was reflected by the Christian writer Tertullian (2nd century AD). He states that the general public blamed Christians for any general misfortune and after natural disasters would cry "Away with them to the lions!" This is the only reference from contemporaries mentioning Christians being thrown specifically to lions. Tertullian also wrote that Christians started avoiding theaters and circuses, which were associated with the place of their torture. The Passion of St. Perpetua, St, Felicitas, and their companions", a text which purports to be an eyewitness account of a group of Christians condemned to damnatio ad bestias at Carthage in AD 203, states that the men were required to dress in the robes of a priest of the Roman god Saturn, the women as priestesses of Ceres and were shown to the crowd as such. The men and women were brought back out in separate groups and first the men, then the women, exposed to a variety of wild beasts. The victims were chained to poles or elevated platforms. Those who survived the first animal attacks were either brought back out for further exposure to the beasts or finally executed in public by a gladiator. The persecution of Christians ceased by the 4th century AD. The Edict of Milan (AD 313) gave them freedom of religion.

Herbert Gustave Schmalz-faithful-unto-death..

Something else has now caught the eye of the detective as he leans forward and shines his torch down at something of interest..Chilcoat leans his head close as he learns more about the conspiracy theorist and his mind..a continuous squeaking sound provides the atmosphere..Fast tubular bell sound is fleetingly heard..

A continuous high pitched pan sound is also heard - The camera shakes slightly as it veers up to reveal more of the map..This map is focused around Rome and the towns and cities around it, More white stickers have been stuck to th eboard with a description scribbled in black ink..(#7 Pope Julius II fornicates) #4 Constantine is baptised) #13 Medical family murdered) (#13 Triple homicide) #6 Mass grave robberies) LECCE 1948, Is the church involved?,, Another circle is visible with the number 9 inside, the same Latin words are written around the edges.. A mass of green string is stretched out across the board from Rome as it travels over Lisbon, Portugal and over the straight of Gibraltar...The string is a marker to show how the game travelled and increased in magnitude over the years..

Chilcoat guides his light up to reveal more map and information..This time a large strip of paper has the words inked in black, (Game began in Rome) Other strips written include, Roman origins?..Another Latin circle is also visible with the number 6 inside.. Chilcoat studies the map as he ponders on Mr Vogler and his strange studies...Incidents have happened in 1912, 1924, and 1911. On the right side another white strip has the words (Fentina lente) over the area of the The English Channel and the Bay of Biscay below,)
Festina lente or speûde bradéōs (σπεῦδε βραδέως, is a classical adage and oxymoron meaning "make haste slowly" (sometimes rendered in English as "more haste, less speed". It has been adopted as a motto numerous times, particularly by the emperors Augustus and Titus, the Medicis and the Onslows.. The meaning of the phrase is that activities should be performed with a proper balance of urgency and diligence. If tasks are rushed too quickly then mistakes are made and good long-term results are not achieved. Work is best done in a state of flow in which one is fully engaged by the task and there is no sense of time passing.
Certain gold coins minted for Augustus bore images of a crab and a butterfly to attempt an emblem for the adage. Other such visualizations include a hare in a snail shell: a chameleon with a fish, a diamond ring entwined with foliage: and perhaps most recognizably, a dolphin entwined around an anchor. Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany took festina lente as his motto and illustrated it with a sail-backed tortoise..)
The French poet and critic Nicolas Boileau, in his Art poétique (The Art of Poetry, 1674), applied the dictum specifically to the work of the writer, whom he advised in those words:
(Slowly make haste, and without losing courage;
Twenty times redo your work;
Polish and re-polish endlessly,
And sometimes add, but often take away)

Chilcoat raises his torch even higher as he studies Mr Voglers work, A large strip of paper is inked in black, (How do they monitor?) Another Latin symbol with the number 13 inside it's circular edge is visible to the left hand side..

Suddenly a loud clonk of leather paper and other materials is heard as Chilcoat activates the next stage of his investigations..It seems Mr Vogler has been very busy with his own enquiries and this is something Chilcoat can not ignore...Chilcoat quickly lifts up a black folder before resting it back down again at speed producing a loud flapping sound..(Red folder slides forward slightly after making contact with the black folder.)

Chilcoat quickly places his right hand onto a red folder as he lifts up the top of a large white box..Chilcoat shines his light inside but to his disappointment the box is completely empty. Another clank of air and cardboard is heard as the detective quickly closes the lid back. The black folder slips down slightly from the forces..Chilcoat quickly moves across to another box this time full with an abundance of files and paperwork.

The sound of crickets chirping is heard - How do crickets make their distinctive chirp? They use a process called stridulation, where special body parts are rubbed together to make a noise. Generally only male crickets do this; there's a special structure on the tops of their wings, called a scraper. Some time has passed and Elliot has finally reached his destination many miles from home and out of town..A loud squeaking of brakes infused with a crunching of tires is heard as the bus slowly stops in front of a desolated Motel..A loud release of gasses is heard as the bus softly jerks backwards from the stopping forces..The engine continues to rumble as Elliot makes his way out from the passenger seating..A cool breeze of the night is also heard..(Cooing of a pigeon is fleetingly heard)

Though a little cloudy a full moon is visible behind the clouds, A few seconds pass and the carnival bus driver quickly makes his escape. (A revving of the engine is heard as a slow acceleration follows..The crackling sound of loose stones and tires is also heard - Elliot stands motionless outside the Motel as he looks forward.

An eerie pan sound is heard infused with the busses engine as it slowly drives away.. Elliot stares ahead as he ponders on the next challenge he must complete,

Amphibian Frogs and other insects provide the sound as the eerie music continues.. Elliot can see a light at the very end of the complex to his left as the last remaining audible sounds of the bus disappears into the night.. Camera sways slightly)

A light scuffling of feet is heard as Elliot cautiously makes his way along the upstairs corridor to the emanating light that provides a subtle clue as to where he should be..Elliot's shadow reflects of from the blue doors, pink walls and windows as he slowly steps forward.. Deep pan sound is heard - Frogs are heard - All is quiet and there are no other sounds or people in the vincinity..

Elliot is alert and heedful as his every step increases his distance to the light of the motel room..

Elliot has now reached the warm and solitude of the light as he stares at the blue and faded door, A number 8 plate is affixed to the door which indicates that this is the place to be for challenge 8 of 13..More light scuffling is heard as Elliot takes another step closer, Elliot is silent and motionless as his mind becomes transfixed on the number eight plate..Frogs croak, insects chirp.. (Electronic distortion of keys is heard to provide the sound score) Elliot suddenly has the urge to look down at the doors knob unable or unwilling to knock..

Elliot is now staring down at a silver knob as his mind ponders over the possibilities. To Elliots surprize there is also a silver key inserted into the lock with the number 8 visible in the centre of a circular key ring.. As mentioned before, A latin text spreads around the outer circle, TOP Text translated means, Dancing with the Golden Toad...Bottom text - to Entertain the Gods. Or Bottom text (To the joy of the gods) Top Text Dance with a Golden Toad. SALTATIO CUM BUFO AURUM (top) and AD GAUDIUM DEORUM bottom side. Elliot gentley takes hold of the right side of the key ring with his right thumb and index finger as he studies the mysterious object.. (Low level clinking of steel is heard as Elliot takes hold)

Elliot gently pushes the circular key ring around in an anti clockwise motion using his little finger and his ring finger before finishing the manoeuvre with his thumb and index finger.. (More jingling of steel is heard) Elliot slowly slides away his thumb so that the image on the key ring is clearly visible.. (A downscale sound of tubular bells is heard including a low level rumbling sound) As the key ring turns in Elliots fingers the silver key inside the lock slowly twists clockwise a quarter turn..The symbol of the fly is now visible and Elliot will be finding a connection with this symbol from his previous challenges. The same Latin text spreads around the edge of the circular key ring. Elliot is unfamiliar with this strange graphic but now feels an impulsive urge to explore further..

More jingling is heard as Elliot gently release the circular key ring with his thumb and index finger, The ring softly falls back onto it's metal ring as it gracefully rocks from side to side from the gentle forces.. Elliot suddenly takes hold of the key with thumb and index finger before a low level click is heard - Elliot gently turns the key a half turn back anti clockwise as his middle finger protrudes from his clenched hand fleetingly. Another light clicking sound is now heard as the lock mechanism for the door is released..

Elliot maintains pressure on the open door as he suddenly pushes with a slow but forceful pressure, A loud click is heard followed by a loud scraping sound as the old and worn door opens slightly..Snapping sound of steel is heard as the door releases inwards..

A continuous buzzing sound is now heard from the other side of the door as Elliot peers in from the gap, More squeaking is heard as Elliot pushes open the door a few more inches as his curiosity takes over.. Elliot continues to gently push the door open which produces a patter of squeaks and wooden sounds of age..(More squeaking is heard as the door stops dead in motion.)Elliot stares ahead as he steps into the room on his right foot..

The buzzing sound continues infused with the croak of frogs from the moist night..To Elliot's astonishment a very clean, educated, and good looking male sits in silence and completely stationary.. The silent man quickly raises his right thumb momentarily as he stares back at Elliot..Suddenly the well dressed man speaks as he say's calmly, "Hello". The man also tenses both of his hands against his knees as he speaks out..

Elliot is slightly cautious but is also considerably calm as he slowly pushes the door closed from behind with his right hand..Elliot leans slightly to his left away from the gap as he continues to push the old door shut. Elliot suddenly responds and say's, "Hi" as he finishes pushing the door shut. A squeaking and a patter of ticks is heard as the door slides closed..Elliot leans back the other way as he places his right shoulder onto the door to ensure a secure closed position..A loud clonk of wood and air is heard as the door shuts firmly.. Elliot maintains eye contact with the unknown male with a cautious face of anticipation..

The well dressed man continues to stare at Elliot in silence before "UMMing" unable to retrieve the correct words he would like to say..The white collar worker suddenly waivers his fingers from both hands as a surge of adrenaline and anticipation also impacts on the silent individual..The buzzing sound continues, (A high pitched electronic sound is heard) The white collar man quickly looks down as he looks at his right hand before flitting the fingers for a short second in time before resting them back to his knee, The white collar man quickly raises his right hand as he rests his palm onto his knee while his thumb protrudes outwards in an upright position..The man looks back up again as he slowly turns his head back to Elliot..The white collar worker flutters his left hand fingers before touching both hands together..The man suddenly looks down at his hands as he opens them both up palm facing. The white collar worker speaks out with a tone of distress as he say's, "I'm sitting here counting to ten over and over again on my fingers.." The white collar worker gyrates his fingers in his clenched hands as he expresses his words..(Touches thumbs together as his nerves increase..Opens hands slightly as he say's "You get used to things, you know?"

Elliot has not moved an inch from the door as he listens to the mans thoughts and fears..Elliot hesitates before saying clearly, "Okay".. Elliot veers his eyes down to the mans hands for a fleeting moment before slowly beginning to walk forward..Elliot slowly leans forward as a light scuffling of feet is heard..

Low level double bass sounds provide atmosphere, Tubular bell pan sounds are heard - Elliot sways slightly from side to side as he steps from one foot to the other..Elliot maintains eye contact with the unknown male before quickly looking down once more.. A low level squeak is heard from the wooden flooring as Elliot continues forward..

Elliot looks back up as he almost reaches the silent individual, Another clack of wood is heard as Elliot reaches the adjacent wooden stool, Elliot rapidly looks down at the stool and then back to the male as he prepares to sit next to him. The unknown man also maintains eye contact with Elliot as he comes forever closer..

Elliot bends his legs as he twists his body towards the silent man in silence as he maintains eye contact..A loud crunching of wood is heard as Elliot places his weight onto the brown chair..The white collar male looks more right and towards Elliot as he gyrates his hands together gentley..Elliot is silent and motionless as he stares at the man, suddenly the white collar worker looks away from Elliot and down at the floor..Elliot suddenly turns his head right and towards the door that he came in from..The white collar worker suddenly opens both hands as if he was in prayer as he rubs them together slowly.. The white collar worker quickly turns his head back towards Elliot but does not make any eye contact for a moment in time as he hesitates his thoughts..A click is heard as the man cups his hands while staring directly at Elliot..The man begins to close them before placing his right thumb over his left. Clicking continues from the mans knuckles.. Elliot looks back to the white collar worker - Elliot looks back away from the man as he veers his eyes right and across the room..Suddenly the man slides back his left hand as he brings over his right in an attempt to retreive something from his left trouser pocket..The man looks down slightly as he blinks furiously for a moment in time..

A scrummaging of materials is heard as the smartly dressed male rummages for something, (Man takes in a deep breath) (Elliot is silent as he veers his eyes right before veering them forward while leaning his head down slightly..)Elliot looks up at the ceiling as his throat and face become much more tense from the anticipation and strange behaviour of the white collar gentleman)..The man opens his mouth slightly as he turns and looks at Elliots right shoulder for a split second before looking directly at Elliot. The man veers his eyes down and then back up to Elliot as he say's, "Gum?".. The man's chair creaks so ever slightly..The man raises his right hand out so ever slightly as he offers Elliot a piece of chewing gum...Elliot instantly looks down at the mans hand before raising his eyebrows and leaning back on his chair, 'Elliot say's calmly, "No Thanks!" (A creak of wood is heard as Elliot leans back on his chair.." Elliot nods gently in a negative way to express his desire not to take a piece..The man turns his head away from Elliot as he looks down with his eyes closed...A low level humming of synthesizer effects provides atmosphere)

Suddenly a loud click followed by a longer snapping sound of a lock mechanism is heard..Another snap and a loud and high pitched ting of metal is heard as the motels door opens from outside..The sudden and unexpected sound instantly causes the two men to look up and over at the door..The white collar man's eyes begin to produce a bright light of fear and anticipation as his mouth slowly closes..The man slowly leans back as he watches the unknown person or persons enter..

The door quickly slides open as it produces a long and sustained squeaking sound - The camera focuses on the floor as it slowly pans up to reveal the true identity of the visitor.. A female pair of legs are now visible as the unknown woman rests her right toe box and platform shoe against an old and used blue carpet. A loud metal click sound is heard as the female pushes the door fully open with her left hand while pulling the key out from the doors lock....

The woman is wearing a long and purple dress as she quickly turns clockwise to face a table that is just outside of the door. A loud deep thud of the woman's feet are heard as she turns, The woman also has a light brown handbag strapped over her right shoulder. The woman retrieves a large brown suitcase with her left hand as she leans in for the heavy object..(Frogs can be heard croaking from outside) The woman lowers her left hand as she continues to looks at the table for a fleeting moment.. The woman turns slowly anti clockwise as she gently leans down before stepping into the room in silence. The woman looks down but does not make contact with either Elliot or the white collar worker.. Multiple tones of a cars horn are heard to provide the atmosphere..

As the woman enters into the motel apartment she blinks in silence and has a elegance of beauty to her facial features, She is also wearing white gloves and a nurses cap as she gracefully hops on her feet tiny steps each time..The nurse quickly turns clockwise as she faces a large oil painting that is on the wall, Nurse blinks again -

A light scrunching of feet is heard as the nurse turns away from the two men before lowering down her cream coloured handbag with her right hand to the floor below. Nurse blinks again - The white collar worker suddenly speaks and say's, "You know...Ummm"..

The white collar worker is completely fixated with the nurse as she goes about her business unaffected by the two men's presence..The mans mouth gyrates slightly from mental pressures that are building inside his mind..Elliot is motionless and completely silent as he also become hypnotised by the attractive female nurse...Suddenly a loud squeak followed by a loud slamming of wood is heard as the nurse closes the motel door at speed. (Low level piano theme plays to provide the sound score) Man speaks - "You had this thing in your head" White collar worker quickly licks the right side of his cheek with his tongue.. )Man swallows with a tense and nervous disposition -

A much louder pan sound is now heard - The attractive nurse stands motionless in front of the two men while she bends her arms behind her while slowly taking off her long purple coat.. The nurse shakes out from behind her as her long black hair ripples momentarily producing a low level ruffling sound..As the coat slides down the back of the nurse she wiggles her shoulders gently to help the jacket release..A scrunching sound is heard as the nurse raises her left hand and takes hold of the jacket before using her right hand also.. The nurse looks down as she twists her head slightly away from the two men as she straightens her coat out at the collar end, The nurses right hand raises up before a loud clomp of material is heard. The nurse snatches the jacket up using both hands as she shakes it down to remove any crinkles and creases.. Nurse looks forward as she carries out this task, More ruffling of material is heard as the nurse twists the jacket around using her right hand before resting the garment over her right arm..The nurse begins to move off and across the room as the two men talk..

White collar worker speaks "But then it actually get's here" The man slowly turns his head to Elliot as he waits for some kind of response as he say's, "You know"..Elliot watches the nurse fold away her purple long coat as he speaks and say's, "Is this your fantasy?" Elliot slowly turns to the white collar worker as he waits for a response..The man is silent and motionless as he sways his head slightly, Suddenly the man looks away from Elliot as he raises his right hand up with protruding thumb, He speaks with a questioning tone, "Uh, have you ever done one of these before?"(Man looks back to Elliot) Elliot looks away from the man as he focuses back on the attractive nurse,

Elliot watches as the attractive nurse places the large brown suitcase that she brought in onto a wooden chest of draws..A loud clonk of wood is heard as the heavy weight impacts onto the furniture top..(Outer edge hits the table first before the edge closest to the wall)(Eerie pan sound provides atmosphere - A repeating key similar to a submarines sonar also plays.. Elliot responds with confusion, "Done what?", The nurse removes her right hand before her left, suddenly a loud snap of metal is heard as both of the nurses hands drop down at speed either side of the case as she supports them with her thumbs.. (Mysterious case has now been opened) The nurse is silent as she slowly slides the case clockwise until the left corner edge touches the far wall..(A scratching sound is heard from the case as it slides)

The white collar man slowly leans forward as a low level ruffling of materials is heard - Elliot continues to avoid eye contact with the man as he stares over at the nurse..

The white collar worker is silent as he patiently waits for an answer from Elliot as he begins to slowly lean back again..Elliot suddenly breaks away from the nurses actions as he veers his eyes steeply towards the man while raising his eyebrows up.

Suddenly the white collar worker has a light bulb moment as he instantly becomes familiar with Elliot's face.. The man speaks out with a curious and questionable tone of voice, "You didn't go to Holmes, did you?" (Only a continuous rhythmic sonic beat is heard to provide the atmosphere).. Elliot hesitates for a short second before raising his eyebrows once more and shaking his head gently forward while saying "Holmes middle school?" Elliot hesitates as the information absorbs into his brain, Elliot responds, (Nods forward blinks) "Yeah, I did."The white collar man blinks but is motionless as he listens to Elliot speak, The man suddenly speaks out again with an excitable tone of voice, (Nods forward slightly) "Did you have Metal shop with Fishman?" Elliot replies under his tongue, "Uh Huh" (Elliot blinks) Elliot nods forward rapidly in quick succession as he agrees with the man..

Elliot stares at the white collar man as his eyes widen and his mouth opens wide, Elliot begins to blink rapidly as he leans swiftly to his right causing a low level creaking of wood from the chair.. Elliot suddenly introduces himself after becoming lost for words, "I'm Elliot Brindle.." (A slow piano composition is now heard)

Elliot has now made a lasting impact on the white collar man as he stares bewildered and dumbfounded that he should recognise one of his old school friends..The man speaks slowly and clearly, "That's right Umm"" as he holds out his right hand as a friendly gesture of acceptance.. White collar worker swallows as he looks down at his right hand as he raises it slowly up and towards Elliot..The white collar worker quickly looks back up and directly to Elliot as he continues to move his hand closer to Elliot, The man say's, "I'm John Witter" (John Witters hand slowly widens as it slowly reaches Elliot's outstretched right hand..Both Elliot and John Witter look directly at each other as they both embrace there hands together.. (Light slap sound is heard)

Elliot is astonished that he knows the white collar worker considering the bizarre circumstances of the meeting..John Witter looks down at his hand and the bond he now has with Elliot, Elliot also looks down at his own hand as he questions the incredible chance both men knew each other..As the saying goes, It's a small world)

Both men shake hands slowly as Elliot looks to his old school friend, John Witter suddenly releases his hand as he stares down at it in some kind of a strange way..Witter turns his hand around so that the knuckles are facing upwards..

A loud scrunching of plastic sheeting is now heard from a short distance away, Witter lifts his head up slowly as he blinks several times in deep thought, Elliot continues to look down at his friends hand in a hypnotised trance.. Elliot suddenly veers his eyes left as he looks back to John Witter, Witter is becoming much more tense as his facial muscles spasm and contract, his throat is becoming much more tighter as his mind seeps into a deeper despair of chaos..Elliot turns away from Witter as he sets his eyes back to the strange activities across the room, Elliot is finding the whole experience rather strange but oddly curious.. Witter looks back down..

(Scrunching of plastic material is heard) From a distance the attractive nurse is busy laying down a large plastic sheet to the floor below, Nurse shakes out the sheet with both hands..The nurse releases her left hand from the sheet allowing it to free fall to the carpet below, Nurse steps back slightly on her feet as she grabs hold of the right end portion of the sheet before shaking it out while releasing her left hand..

Nurse has bent down on her knees) (A sound of scrunching is heard) Nurse smooths out the right corner with her right hand as she looks down at the floor.. John continues to speak to Elliot, "I was in Real Estate (Hesitates) for a long time"..

Witter jerks his head around to Elliot) John looks back to Elliot as he shakes his head positively several times to express his words, (Elliot nods forward slightly as he listens to Witter) Elliot continues to watch the nurse and does not make eye contact with Witter..(A loud crunching sound is heard from a distance) Witter looks back to the nurse as he say's, "Made good money." Elliot turns his head slightly more towards the nurse as his intrigue builds..

(Nurse has just unbuckled the latches of the suitcase) From a distance the attractive nurse begins to slowly lift open the front of the case using both hands. Nurse rests her left hand and fingers over the right side of the lid while lifting her right hand fleetingly. A light clunk of wood is heard as the nurse gently rests the lid of the case against the wall of the motel room..

Witter continues, "But uh,, I had some reversals".. Witter suddenly begins to lean back in his chair as his mouth opens wide, A creaking of his chair is heard as Witter lets out a breath of pleasurable and extremely excited air as he spots something of interest the nurse has now retrieved from the suitcase.. (Slow piano theme plays out)

(Clinking of metal is heard) Suddenly the nurse lifts out a large and powerful surgical bone saw that has a very sharp disc cutting blade attached to the end with her right hand. The nurse holds the cutting tool out in front of her as she supports a wound up mound of thick black cable in her left hand..Nurse bends the device slightly inwards before turning the saw outwards as she inspects it.. Nurse brings the saw slightly upwards as she ensures the cutting disc has not been fractured or damaged in anyway..Nurse turns clockwise with saw in hand as she prepares the device for action..

Elliot raises his right arm as he looks over towards the nurse, Elliot has now seen the powerful surgical saw as his sensible logic begins to attack his brain cells, Elliot speaks out with intense worry and confusion, "What's going on here?" Elliot turns his head slightly right as he attempts to communicate with the nurse and Witter at the same time, Elliot flits his eyes from side to side before looking to Witter. (Elliot's phone is now ringing out the ring tone, "Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik once again.." Witter continues to watch the nurse as his cheek muscles pulsate with an uncontrollable energy..

Elliot's phone vibrates - Elliot quickly switches his attention to his cell phone as he looks down towards his right side trouser pocket..Elliot quickly stands up from the brown chair as he scrummages for his phone..(Thud of wood is heard as Elliot stands)..Elliot looks up as he makes his way across the room to give him some space..Elliot quickly retrieves his phone with both hands..(Click is heard as Elliot flips open the front cover)

Witter watches Elliot as he retrieves his phone, Witter lifts his head up and follows Elliot as he leaves his chair..Witters face has changed to a whiter pale of complexity as his breathing has also increased,,Witter rubs his hand across his right leg as his nervous disposition increases with every second.. (Loud tap sound is heard)

The game show host quickly begins to speak with Elliot, "We've gone to a great deal of effort to arrange this reunion.." (Elliot keeps his back turned and his head bowed as he listens to the devious voice) Elliot turns slightly anti clockwise as he lifts his left hand over to his right..Elliot sways from side to side as he listens - (Fast electronic pan sounds are heard) Game show host continues, "You don't remember Johnny Witter from Mr. Fishman's class?"

Elliot quickly looks back and over towards John Witter as he listens to the devious game show host..Elliot steps back on his feet as he raises his head up more while turning and looking much more directly at the person in question.. A distorted crackling sound with musical scale is heard..

Witter stares over towards Elliot with a face of demented suffering as he waits patiently, Game show host continues, "How he and his brother Tom tormented you daily?" Witters mouth gyrates slightly as he suddenly looks to his right as the nurse steps over..Witters neck muscles spasm and inflate as his eyes veer up towards the nurse.

Game show host continues, "How they held you by the ankles out the computer lab window?" The nurse quickly leans down towards Witter in silence as she takes hold of his right hand..(Witter stares at the nurses long black hair momentarily) The nurse carefully lifts Witters hand up as she takes hold of his wrist with her left hand. The nurse releases her right hand before grabbing Witters right wrist firmly with the same hand, Nurse applies light pressure with her left thumb onto his wrist, Nurse looks down more as she begins to unbutton Witters cuff buttons with her right hand..Witter stares up at the nurse in silence as she carries out her duties,

Elliot stands motionless as he suddenly veers his eyes down towards Witter before looking up towards the nurse.. The game show host continues, "Challenge eight is worth $100,000."

A high pitched clicking sound is heard as the nurse unbuttons Witters sleeve, Witter looks down at his sleeve as the nurse continues to prepare the patient for his operation..The nurses right hand gyrates up and down as she unpicks the button from the eye, (Witter has looked up slightly and is now watching the nurses face) (Nurse is solemn and very silent) Light scratching is heard as the button is released,

Witter looks back down at his right arm as the nurse carefully provides her professional service, The nurse uses her thumb and index fingers as she rolls up Witter sleeve, Nurse shakes furiously as she slides up the sleeve, Witters arm shakes up and down as the nurse applies the pressure.. Game show host continues, "Amputate his right arm just below the elbow.." A crashing pan sound is heard) Electronic distortion is heard.. (High pitched violin is heard)

Elliot can not believe his ears at the game show hosts request, Elliot stares at Witter and the nurse in complete fear and shock as his mind goes into overdrive..Elliot begins to shake his head negatively as his sensible state of mind tells him to stop..Elliot leans back slightly on his feet as he speaks and say's, "No" Elliot closes his mouth tightly from the incredible stress as he hesitates, Elliot speaks again, "No way" as he turns away at speed from Witter and the nurse..

Witter turns away from the nurse as he looks back and over towards ELLIOT, The nurse is busy preparing for the operation as she rubs down Witters exposed arm with a sanitation solution using her left hand..The attractive nurse continues to look down avoiding any contact with her subject, Game show host continues, "It's your right to decline of course." Witter is feeling more and more committed as his mouth maintains an open stance, Witter quickly veers his eyes down and then back to Elliot as he waits patiently for the phone call to end..

Elliot twists on his feet in an anti clockwise motion as he avoids contact with the nurse or John Witter..(Game show host continues "But if you don't complete all Thirteen challenges" Elliot suddenly lowers his left hand down and away from his right, Veer eyes right, Elliot twists back clockwise then anti clockwise in a quick movement of feet, (GSH continues "You will forfeit the grand prize, as well as everything you've won.."Elliot veers his eyes up as he looks over towards the nurse and John Witter, Elliot suddenly lifts his head up slowly as he stares over at the impossible task of sawing a man's arm off. (Deep pan sound is heard)

GSH continues, "You should know that Mr Witter..." John Witter looks up as he continues to stare at Elliot with an open mouth and deep psychological thoughts.. A light slapping sound is heard as the nurse quickly removes her right hand from John Witters arm..Nurse quickly brings her hands to her white surgical dress as she prepares to retrieve something.. Witter turns away from Elliot as he inspects the work the nurse has carried out to his exposed arm..

GSH continues, "Has quite gladly consented to this procedure" The nurse looks down as she carefully retrieves a long elastic tourniquet from her right dress pocket. A loud snapping sound is heard as the rubber material is stretched as it is pulled from the pocket at speed. The nurse looks down at John as she pulls the strap out with thumb and index finger before looking away with her eyes..(John is in awe as he focuses on the tourniquet) The long squidgy material flails and shakes as it escapes from the nurses pocket, The nurse grabs the material with her left hand also before looking down as she prepares it for use. John looks back to Elliot,

Elliot continues to watch the madness unravel as he sways gently on his feet, Elliot leans his head right and veers his eyes down as the GSH continues, "Ask him"..Elliot hesitates as he gently sways back on his feet, Veers eyes right fleetingly, (A scrunching of shoes is heard from Elliot)..Suddenly Elliot responds as he raises his left hand to his cell phone (Low level crunch is heard) Elliot leans forward slightly as he speaks clearly with good intentions towards Witter, "You want your arm cut off?" Elliot shakes his head positively as he expresses his words..

The nurse leans down as she retrieves a white surgical cloth from the brown chair adjacent to John with her left hand..Nurse leans back up as she inserts a syringe into the top of a local anaesthetic solution before beginning the procedure to siphon some of the liquid out into the syringe with her right hand.. John Witter avoids eye contact with Elliot as he stares across the room in deep thought, John squeezes his right hand into a clenched fist before raising his thumb.. Suddenly Witter nods his head positively several times before looking at Elliot and saying calmly, "Yes".. (Eerie pan effects provide suspense)

Elliot is lost for words as he slowly raises his head up, Suddenly Elliot speaks and say's, with amazement, "Yes?", Elliot can not believe his ears..

John is feeling rather tense and impatient now as he replies back to Elliot, "Just get on with it"..John opens his right hand up before closing it again tightly while protruding his thumb out.. Nurse continues to extract the powerful anaesthetic from the surgical bottle..Nurse twists the bottle around a quarter turn clockwise..John's neck is also tense as his mind prepares for the operation..

Elliot stares over at Witter as he slowly lowers his arms to his stomach, Elliot flits his eyes from side to side in quick succession before focusing on the attractive nurse for a brief moment..Elliot looks back to Witter as his mind contemplates the terrible procedure he must carry out if he wants to complete challenge 8 of 13.. Elliot slowly shakes his head up and down as his mind becomes more acceptable to the evil task that lies ahead.. Elliot looks back to the nurse as he say's, "They're paying you..". Looks back to Witter. This could mean John Witter is being paid a large sum of cash to have his right arm cut off as he has hit bottom, John is mentally sick and disturbed and is using Elliot for his own sick and twisted games of enslavement and pain..

Witter stares over towards Elliot in silence as he blinks before looking down..(Witters mouth is wide open) Witters cheek muscles gyrate and expand with energy as his adrenaline increases..Witter closes his mouth as he contemplates the dangerous operation..Creaking of the wooden chair is heard) The nurse quickly places her right hand into her right side pocket as she holds up a pair of blue surgical gloves in her left..Continuous violin pan sound is heard)

Elliot suddenly looks slightly to his left before looking back to Witter - Light scuffling is heard). Elliot lowers his arms down to his waist as he shakes his body from side to side fleetingly, Elliot looks back to the nurse as he questions his mind..(Elliot veers eyes upwards)

A few minutes have passed and John Witter is now laying down on a cream coloured makeshift lounger located from inside the motel apartment.. (An echoing bamboo sound is heard which repeats infused with a sound of breeze.. Witter rests with his right hand outstretched with the tourniquet applied..Witters hand shakes violently as he breathes uncontrollably loud with terrible emotions of despair coursing through his mind..

Elliot stands just a few feet away as he looks down on the wretched soul, Elliot is now wearing a blue surgical apron provided by the nurse and has the power saw in his right hand..

Echoing drum sounds provide the atmosphere - Elliot watches over his old school chum as he contemplates how he could possibly find the courage to saw Witters right hand completely off. Elliot quickly veers his eyes over to the attractive nurse as he stands patiently for a fleeting moment before returning to Witter once more..Elliot continues to stare at a silent Witter as he leans towards the nurse and looks at her for a split second and back to John as he say's with concern, "He's still awake.." Elliot looks back to the nurse who is silent..

The nurse is busy as she carefully put's away some needles and other items using her right hand. (Nurses hand moves in an up and down motion before pushing down onto the item) Nurse quickly lifts a small bottle of anaesthetic from the table and places it into her brown suitcase.. A loud ting of glass is heard as the nurse places her right hand onto the glass bottle.. Nurse replies to Elliot, "I've given him a little local anaesthetic" Witter lowers his head so that he is now fully resting on the couch provided..

Witter is breathing intensely as his chest contracts and inflates with energy, Witter is easily upset and does not appreciate Elliot's dithering, John Witter speaks with an inbuilt frustration and subdued anger "You have no right to back out of this" (Low level echoing breeze provides atmosphere..

Elliot is silent as he stares down at Witter unable to speak or act on his challenge responsibilities, Elliot may be having second thoughts.. Witter shakes his head with negativity as he looks up at his old school friend..

Suddenly Witter becomes aggressive and much more angry as he channels it directly to Elliot, Witter speaks with a deep conviction as he raises his head up and shouts out "I knew you were gonna pussy out!!"..(Witters tie slides down from his shirt at speed before stopping dead) Witter hesitates as he waits for Elliot's response but there is none, (Witter shakes with hate) The evil in Witter is now seeping from his skin as he blows his top and shouts out with extreme irritation and frustration, "I knew it".. Witter almost jumps out from the couch as his head explodes with pure anger for the loser called Elliot..

Elliot does not find Witters anger and frustrations satisfying nor does he want to destroy the man's life by sawing his arm off below the elbow.(Leans head right) Elliot quickly raises his left hand and lifts up his protection visor as he attempts to protect his feelings and make the situation more plausible without the horror involved..(Elliot closes his eyes briefly) (Clack of plastic is heard from the rising visor) (Elliot shakes his head around as he attempts to soften the situation) (Shakes head negatively) Elliot speaks softly, "Look...I know your trying to..." His words are cut short as a now impatient Witter responds, Witter lifts his head with pure feelings of hate and anger as he shouts out, "You're gonna give me fucking sympathy?"..

Witter moves his head slightly in a downwards motion as he shouts out with immense inconceivability, "Are you for fucking real?" (Synthesizer pan effect is heard) Witter hesitates before shouting out, (Shakes head rapidly in a negative way) "Your fucking sickening"..

Elliot stands silent and motionless as he listens to John Witter speak his mind, Elliot suddenly closes his eyes unable to look Witter in the face before slowly opening them again, As Elliot opens his eyes he slowly veers them right and down at the floor - "John Witter continues with a slightly lower tone of voice, "You know why we always picked on you?" Elliot looks back to Witter..

Witter shouts out with anger, "Cause you fucking asked for it!"... Witter hesitates as he stares at Elliot) Witter moves slightly in an up and down motion as his vexation energises his muscles.. (Witter takes a rapid breath of air)(Witters eyebrows move slightly up and down as he speaks) Witter continues, "You walked around with that stupid look on your fucking face saying, "Please punch me in my (Shouts louder) fucking throat"..

Continuous synthesizer pan is heard - Elliot stares at Witter still unable to respond to his nasty words...Witter continues on the good old days, "The day after we threw you in the dumpster"..You passed me in the quad and you smiled at me.."

Witter hesitates - Witter shakes with anger as he shouts loudly towards Elliot, "You fucking smiled at me!".. Witter considers Elliot stupid and an easy target for his bullying.. Witter keeps his mouth open as the evil flows through his body..

Elliot's eyes are now showing signs of stress and are slightly glazed as he continues to listen to Witters hate and vexation. Witter is enjoying tormenting Elliot and won't stop anytime soon. Witter continues to shout, "My brother pissed on your brothers face".. (Speaks loudly) "You remember that" Something hostile is building inside Elliot as he continues to endure the verbal torture.. Witter continues with a quieter tone, "You can't tell me you don't remember that"..

Witter hesitates as he continues to support his head away from the operating couch, Witter leans his head forward slightly as he say's with an evil tone of voice, "I do.."..

Witter continues with evil, "I bust a gut every time I think about it.." Elliot stares down at Witter as his feelings and emotions are destroyed..

Suddenly a loud click is heard followed by a loud and super high speed buzzing and chattering of steel.. Elliot quickly switches the surgical saw on as his own demons and vexation take over.. Elliot slowly raises the saw up as he leans it slightly right and then sharply up a few inches before slowly lowering it down before gently turning the blade inwards. Witter shakes as he stares at Elliot for a few moments in silence before shouting out loudly at the top of his voice, "Now do it!" Witter leans back slightly as he waits for Elliot to prepare the saw..

Elliot stares at Witter with sadness as he holds the powerful saw out in front of him, Witter shouts out again as he leans up towards Elliot while shaking his body profusely, "Come on, do it!".. (Elliot leans his head down slightly to the right before raising it up slightly) Elliot suddenly snaps as he quickly raises his left hand and closes down his protection visor with one rapid downwards motion of the hand.. (A clack of plastic is heard as the visor snaps shut)..Elliot maintains eye contact with Witter at all times..

Witter squirms on the operating couch as he stares in silence towards Elliot for a short moment in time.. Elliot sways from side to side as he prepares himself for the terrible task he must carry out if he wants to successfully complete challenge 8 of 13.. Witter blinks as he shouts out, "Come on". Witter is eager but also impatient and has waited long enough..(A loud sound of a high speed saw continues)

Elliot stares down at John Witter as he contemplates his actions before veering his eyes right and down as he focuses on Witters right arm..Elliot continues to sway from side to side in a rhythmic motion as he builds up his courage..

The powerful saw whirls loudly as Elliot hovers over Witters right arm,

Witter is transfixed with his right arm as he maintains a constant focus unable to take his eyes away, The saw continues to whirl loudly as Elliot slowly homes in on the target area..

Elliot slowly lowers the saw down to Witters right arm as he prepares to amputate below the elbow..

As the saw reaches within just a whisper of Witters wrist the masochist shouts out loudly in quick succession, "Come on, Come on, (Shouts even louder as the words are stretched) Come on"...........Witter will enjoy every second.. Saw whirls loudly..

Elliot uses both hands to ensure maximum cutting performance and precision as he pushes down the high speed blade into Witters exposed right wrist..Elliot uses his right hand closest to the saw with his left underneath..(A fast rumbling of drums is heard to provide the atmosphere) A loud squidgy wet sound is heard as the blade penetrates Witters flesh, Blood instantly spurts out of the fresh wound as it elopes up and over the fast spinning saw blade, Blood oozes from Witters wound as it drips down from under his wrist like a waterfall. Witter screams out at the top of his voice a continuous shriek of pure and evil tormenting agony..Witter pauses for a split second before repeating the agonising screams of suffering..(Witters hand shakes with severe affliction as the blade cuts deep) Blood begins to land on the couch where Witter rests his arm as the blade minces flesh and bones..

Witter shakes uncontrollably as the blade continues to cut into his wrist, Blood explodes out of the deep wound and erupts up and over the fast moving blade..Blood sprays out and away from the blade as it coats the floor and couch below..Witter continues to scream for his life and his evil fantasy..

Elliot can barely look at the fast moving saw as he maintains a strong downwards pressure on Witters wrist, Elliot grimaces profusely as the tense situation explodes inside his mind and body, Elliot groans loudly with fear and loathing as he punishes Witter for his foul words about his brother and for his own sanity...Witters screams suddenly pick up pace as they crescendo into incredible highs.. (The blade must really be working now)

The saw continues to screech a high pitched whirl as it ravishes Witters wrist, Witter continues to scream.. Blood spurts out in all directions, The camera suddenly pans up at rapid speeding blurring the image for a split second in time.. Witter rests his head on the operating couch as he looks down at his wrist unable to keep his eyes open for any length of time..

Witter spasms on the couch as his conscience tells him to stop but his evil and demonic fantasy tells him to keep going..Elliot is doing a fantastic job as he navigates the saw blade into Witters Radius bone which is situated at the right side of his wrist. Suddenly a much louder and distorted sawing and crunching sound is heard as the blade rolls over the radius bone and lifting from Witters wrist momentarily. The blade continues to roll left almost severing Witters Ulna bone completely before dropping down two inches.. Blood leeches down like rain as the hand is virtually severed.. Witter is in extreme agony as he screams while looking up into the void - Suddenly a loud squelching sound is heard which causes Witter to instantly lean up and down at his hand and wrist..The radius or radial bone is one of the two large bones of the forearm, the other being the ulna. It extends from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist and runs parallel to the ulna. The ulna is usually slightly longer than the radius, but the radius is thicker.

Suddenly a massive amount of blood spurts up and over Elliot's protective visor as the blade instantly rolls back towards Witters thicker Radius bone. (A loud splat and thud sound is heard as Witters blood explodes over the visor at speed) (Blood also splats onto Elliot's blue surgical clothing) Elliot grimaces as he continues to saw Witters arm off.

Witter screams with intense agony as his legs spasm and gyrate uncontrollably..Witters left leg bounces up and down against his right from the immeasurable agony..

(Crunching sound is heard) Witter raises his almost severed arm up closer to the blade - Suddenly a very loud and high pitched rubbing sound is heard from the saw blade as it cuts through both the Radius and the Ulna simultaneously..Witter screams with all his might..

Witter gyrates and grimaces as the immense pain continues, (Saw blade winces a high pitched sound of bone as it cuts through..Witter jerks his head away from the couch as he twists his head right.. Witter watches the last moments of his arm before it falls away to the floor bwlow.

Witter leans up for a fleeting moment as he attempts to embellish the situation, Elliot maintains pressure as he pushes down on the limb with both hands..Elliot shakes and grimaces also as he carries out the game show hosts wishes..More blood spurts up onto Elliot's visor as the macabre procedure endures.. Witter suddenly produces a much higher pitched wail of pain as the blade eats his very soul..

Distorted electric guitar effect is heard - Elliot has Witter where he wants him as he pins his right arm to the operating couch, Elliot pushes down with all his might as he attempts to finish the job at hand..Blood drips down from the cream coloured couch as the blade cuts deep, Blood belches and seeps out from the deep cut like a tap as the professional blade whirls loudly..

(A loud thud and crunch sound is heard) Suddenly Elliot's right shoulder dips at speed as the saw blade completely severs John Witters arm.. A winding down of saw is heard as the motor is switched off, Distorted electric guitar effect is heard to provide atmosphere..Tinging of razor sharp steel is heard - Elliot looks down at Witters bloody stump for a short moment before slowly raising himself up, Elliot sways on his feet slightly as he looks down at the spinning saw blade and the severed arm..The blade is heard running as it slowly slows to a stop..Elliot slowly looks up and over to a silent John Witter as he inspects the damage..A high pitches pan sound is heard - Elliot is stunned at what he just did and is experiencing an out of body episode..

All is quiet except a high pitched sound - Elliot is mesmerised by John Witters pain and suffering as he gathers a moment to reflect, The camera is now in slow motion as it shows Witters agony, Witter lifts his head up before slamming it back down as he grimaces and cries for his life..Witter leans his head right before rolling it back, Witter opens his mouth several times as he groans with intense regret..

Elliot sways on his feet gently as he watches Witter agonise on the couch below, Elliot knows for sure he has completed the challenge but his sensible conscience is telling him a different story.. Elliot shakes his head negatively two times in quick succession as his mind and mental state become hypnotised on Witters suffering for that blurred moment in space and time.. Suddenly Elliot blinks down a slow and controlled eye movement as his brain begins to snap back to reality.. A low level sound of buzzing flies is also heard.. (Blood drips from the bottom edge of the bloodied visor)

Elliot's whole being is now much more alert as he glares at John Witter with intense thoughts of action.. Elliot starts to shake his head from left to right once more as his senses return..Elliot quickly raises his left hand up to his visor before rapidly lifting it off and away from his head..(A sound of plastic is heard as Elliot grabs hold of the visor) Elliot's mouth closes as he stares at Witter for a brief moment - A rushing sound of wind is heard - Elliot bends his head left as he removes his visor..

Elliot leans slightly left on his feet as he suddenly speaks out clearly and with a tone of impatience towards John Witter, "Where's your car?"..Elliot lifts up his right shoulder slightly as he sniffs loudly while sucking air in at a fast rate before swallowing on his saliva.. Elliot has realised how serious the event is and Mr Witter will require immediate hospital treatment or will most certainly bleed to death..

A loud revving of a powerful sports car engine is heard as Elliot drives John Witter as fast as he can to the New Orleans medical centre, (A continuous rumbling of engine is heard)

Elliot is focused on Getting John Witter to the hospital as quickly as possible considering his debilitating condition.. (Elliot turns the steering wheel slowly to the left as he negotiates a long bend in the road.) Witter is in the back seat of his vehicle and is not in a good way, (Witter is gasping for air as he chokes and splutters)

Witter suddenly speaks with difficulty, "Did you call my brother?".(Witter swallows) (Elliot changes to a higher gear) (A small piece of Witters hair flutters with the cool air coming in from the window) Witter stares up at the ceiling of the vehicle as he struggles to breath..(Witter shivers and shakes) Witter suddenly leans his head forward slightly as he veers his eyes out of the right side window fleetingly..(Blinks) "Did you tell him who you were?"(Witters bloodied white shirt gyrates from the cool breeze)

Elliot is silent as he slowly turns the steering wheel right, Witter continues "He's knows, this doesn't change anything."

Witter shakes his head negatively several times as he say's, "Your still a loser" "Your always be a loser".. Elliot changes gear -

Yeah, well, you've obviously (Elliot looks up and into the front mirror as he quickly looks back to Witter) done very well for yourself." Elliot looks back to the road ahead..Elliot shakes his head negatively once as he expresses his words..

Elliot suddenly looks down towards the passenger seat momentarily before looking back at the road, Elliot looks up at the drivers mirror for a split second as he say's, "Got yourself a nice leather jacket, (Ruffling of material is heard) Elliot lifts up Witters black leather jacket with his left hand for a short moment before looking back to the passenger seat and placing the jacket down" (Looks back to road) (Blinks) (Looks in drivers mirror for a split second) Elliot continues, "Fancy car."

Witter groans and splutters as he leans back while closing his eyes and gritting his teeth..Witter leans forward again as he cries and sniffles before leaning back again..(Elliot continues) It's going to be a little difficult for you to put it in gear, though.." (Sound of car engine continues) No sound score -

Elliot looks to his right before looking forward- A crackling of plastic is heard - Elliot quickly takes hold of a plastic bag that contains Witters severed arm as he holds it up high for him to see. The bag also contains a large amount of ice that was provided by the nurse.. As the bag is lifted it slides around Elliot's forearm before resting - Witters hand is sticking out of the top of the ice..(Crunching of plastic is heard) Elliot quickly replaces the bag to the floor as he say's, "Guess you didn't really think that one through.." (Crash of plastic is heard) Elliot leans his head right slightly (Blinks)

Human voices are heard - A few minutes have passed and Elliot has managed to find the local medical centre, Witter has been laid on a stretcher and is in intense agony..A doctor wearing a white gown places his right hand onto the chest of Witter for a fleeting moment. Doctors and nurses begin to push Witters stretcher at speed - Witter groans and struggles to breath as he is pushed along the corridor by several doctors and nurses. Suddenly Witter lifts his head up as he groans long and hard with severe pain from his injury.

The doctors begin to run as they rush Witter to emergency surgery..(Skating of wheels is heard) Witter begins to laugh a twisted painful repertoire as his mind freezes with mental fatigue..

A nurse wearing a purple outfit and carrying a brown folder stands in the corridor, As the stretcher passes her ID badge twists around to the back in a clockwise motion..The camera pans up - (Scrunching of plastic is heard) Elliot quickly hands the nurse Witters amputated remains in the plastic bag with his right hand.. (Witter continues to laugh with madness as he is wheeled out of the corridor and to the right)

The nurse in purple is completely horrified to see a dismembered hand as Elliot hands it to her, Her face turns to shock and disgust as she looks down at the macabre sight..Elliot say's calmly, "Thank You"..The nurse looks up at Elliot as she takes hold of the bag with her left hand.. Elliot turns anti clockwise away from the nurse as she looks back down for another inspection..The nurse does not find the flesh and bone remains very enjoyable as she repulses at the sight..

Witter cries like a baby from a distance - Elliot begins to walk back along the corridor with confident strides, The nurse in purple shouts back to Elliot, "Oh, We're going to need a report.." (Nurse blinks several times) Nurse holds the ice bag with both hands as she waits for a response. (Nurse walks forward several steps) Elliot slowly turns clockwise to face the nurse as he say's , "Of Course"..Elliot turns back as he walks up the long corridor..The nurse shouts back, "Sir" as she attempts to stop Elliot from leaving the building..

Voices are heard in the distance - Elliot does not respond to the nurse as he continues to walk up the corridor, The nurse shouts out again, "Sir?"..This time it is longer and more serious as she attempts to grab his attention.. The nurse gives up on Elliot as she turns anti clockwise while looking back down at John Witters remains..A hospital communication speaker begins to emanate out into the hall, A female voice is heard saying, "Dr Anderson to Maternity..." Please, Dr Anderson.." Elliot suddenly veers his eyes right as he reaches a door well,

Elliot suddenly appears from out of the corridor and into a new area. A female doctor wearing a grey over coat and carrying a black folder in her right hand is walking up the corridor..Her left arm swings up and down with rhythm.. The 13 Sins theme tune begins to play - It is deep dark and Eerie - A doctor wearing a white uniform is seen walking past reception on the right,

Elliot steps into the corridor as he continues down towards reception. In the distance John Witters brother is heard speaking with the female receptionist, He is very upset and has no respect or any table manners for the female receptionist. Witter shouts out as he leans over the desk, "I don't care about your god damned system"..

Elliot has now cottoned on to the man at the reception desk and slows his walking speed, Witters brother continues to shout with vexation and frustration, "It's Witter, W-I-T-T-E-R. Witters brother spells the name Witter one letter at a time..Witters brother hesitates then say's, "I know you have my brother back there somewhere.." The female receptionist replies, "Just a moment"(Elliot blinks)..Witters brother is disrespectful as he shouts out, "No- Get off your fat fucking ass!"... Elliot stares down at reception and now knows for a fact the ill-mannered man is John Witters brother...

Another doctor wearing a white overcoat suddenly appears as he makes his way across the floor and into a side door on the left..The doctor who was at the bottom of the corridor quickly pushes open a grey door as he steps into another area of the large hospital..(The grey door slowly slides closed that leads to West Wing) A young woman sat on a chair is silent and motionless as she reads a black book - John Witters brother looks towards Elliot as he suddenly raises his left hand and points it down the corridor, Witters brother shakes his left hand out down the corridor as he expresses his words, "Witters brother shouts out again as he looks directly at the receptionist, "and go find out where he is!..Witters brother leans over the desk as he attempts to locate John Witter..

Elliot speeds up his walking) Elliot has been listening to the offensively impolite man and has now decided to provide additional information, "Elliot shouts out. "Hey"..I'll tell you what happened to your brother.." Elliot leans his head right as he points and raises his right hand over towards the obnoxious man.. Woman sat down on the chair looks at Elliot as he passes her. A nurse wearing a blue over coat and trousers is seen pushing an old man in a wheel chair into a door to the left of Elliot just behind. The man is looking down and has a light brown blanket covering his legs.. Elliot say's, I'll just grab a chair"..Elliot leans down as he retrieves an empty chair from his right..

John Witters brother stares over towards Elliot as the camera moves closer, Receptionist looks down and away from Witters brother..

John Witters brother suddenly shouts out with distress and shock, "What the fuck!" Elliot has decided to bash John Witters brother for urinating on his mentally disabled brothers face as revenge and pay back.. Elliot grimaces as he swings the chair with all his strength into the unsuspecting face of Witters brother..Elliot picks up the chair by the back rest with both hands as he swings it behind him momentarily, Elliot leans down as he smashes the wooden chair directly into Witters face as heard as he can..A loud clonk of wood is heard followed by a rumble of loose wood as the chair disintegrates into Witters face..

Witter groans loudly as he is sent flying anti clockwise to the floor below..A clank of wood is heard as a leg is ripped away from the chair at speed, The wood piece nearly enters over the desk and into the reception area as it spins and twists rapidly in the air..The piece of broken leg hits a stethoscope that is hanging over a computer monitor.(stethoscope swings like a pendulum)

The young woman who was sat down quickly stands up and makes her escape into a door just across from her..(She carries her opened book with both hands..Female screams are heard including a male voice, Elliot holds the chair up as he looks down at the damage he has caused while whooshing with an inbuilt pleasure.. A female voice comes over a hospital radio "Dr Mallard emergency please, Dr Mallard"..Elliot slowly twists his body back as he looks down at the chair leg that has now broken off.

John Witters brother squirms and groans with pain on the floor as he attempts to push himself up, Witter has suffered a broken nose as blood pours from his nostrils..

As Witter tries to stand up Elliot say's, "Oh Oh", Elliot does not want the unpleasant brother to right himself as he smashes him again with the hospital chair..Elliot lifts the chair above his head before striking down at high speed,

A massive thud of wood and flesh is heard as Elliot hits the man with full force for being such an ass hole..The force of the chair instantly sends Witter crashing to the floor once again with brute force, Witter creates a loud rumbling thud of body weight as he hits the floor, The chair has seen better days as the back rest and the rest of the legs completely obliterate into smaller pieces as the chair smashes into Witters back..Bits of wood explode out and along the corridor as Elliot applies his wrath..Witter groans loudly as his hands gyrate but is unable to push himself up this time around..

Elliot is pleased with his performance as he leans back slightly on his feet while looking down at the man..Suddenly a man's voice is heard shouting loudly, "Security!"..Elliot's eyes flit slightly as he examines the destruction he has created..

Witter manages to find the strength to push himself up as he leans over on his left side, Witter splutters and wheezes as a thick blood fills his nostrils, throat, and mouth..Elliot lowers his left hand as he discards the last of the chair to the floor below. (A loud clank of wood is heard) Elliot begins to lean over towards the injured man..Witter brother loses his strength as he falls back to the floor in extreme pain..Witter closes his eyes as he slides his left arm back unable to stand..

Witter coughs and splutters - Elliot leans over the injured man is is feeling rather pleased with himself, Elliot suddenly speaks as he introduces himself, "Elliot Brindle.." Witter coughs some more as his breathing increases..

Suddenly a two toned ding ding sound is heard from Elliot's cell phone, Witter grimaces and is unable to reply to Elliot's friendly introduction as he winces on the floor..

A crunching sound is heard as Elliot retrieves his cell phone at speed from his left side trouser pocket with his right hand.. (Witter chokes and groans) Elliot holds his phone with both hands as he slowly raises it up towards him..

To Elliot's satisfaction his phone display's a congratulatory message notifying him that he has successfully completed challenge 9 of 13, Additionally $250,000 has also been added to his Nola bank account.. A hospital phone from reception begins to ring at a fast pace of electronic blips.. (A female voice is heard in the distance)

A female voice is heard emanating from a phone speaker system, "Mrs Datford, Telephone please, Mrs Datford.." Elliot stands above the spluttering man as he looks down at his phone before veering his eyes back to John Witters brother..Suddenly Elliot opens his eyes wide as he slowly leans forward and over the injured man.. Elliot speaks calmly, "You were a challenge".. Elliot is pleased to find out that challenge 9 has been awarded successfully for striking down Mr Witters brother..Elliot looks at Witter with evil eyes as he stands silent and motionless for a brief moment.. (Receptionist Phone rings) Elliot suddenly walks away from the man leaving him to his own devices..

Witter stares up at Elliot as he passes him unable to respond or act, Witter continues to splutter and groan) Witter slowly turns his head up as he watches Elliot leave the scene..(Light snare drum sound provides the sound score)

Elliot turns back around as he passes over Witter and say's with extreme delight, "You were a challenge"..Elliot leans on his left shoulder for a split second before turning clockwise and facing the corridor in front of him..

Elliot quickly glances to his left across towards the reception as he begins to sprint out of the hospital ward.. Elliot paces the floor as he makes a fast get away before security arrives..(Light tapping of feet is heard from Elliot)..(Another female voice is heard)

John Witters brother turns slightly as he watches Elliot leave the building unable to stand as he let's out deep breaths of air..