Triple snare drum lead intro is heard followed by a deep electric guitar melody..A loud click is heard as Elliot switches on the dashboard of the sports car, (A series of dials instantly light up in red and pink LED, An inbuilt CD player begins to play.. A electric guitar solo begins to emanate from the speaker system.. A purring of the cars engine is heard..

Elliot is on a high as he escapes New Orleans medical centre in John Witters sports car, After all Witter won't be driving any time soon..A cool breeze drafts over Elliot as he drives into the night, Elliot's hair flutters in the breeze as he steps on the accelerator, (Light thud is heard as Elliot rests his head against the car seat, (Elliot moves his head from side to side as he changes gear.. Elliot passes a gas station as another vehicle passes him at high speed on the other side of the road travelling in the opposite direction..Another car travelling right is seen from a distance.. Elliot changes gear again as the speed becomes a compulsory element..

A roaring of the cars engine is heard as Elliot passes by Tranquillity Nails & Spa, USA Cleaners, and Amy's Alterations..Elliot is travelling at top speed as he makes his way home for a refreshing shower and change of clothes..Electric guitar music fades away as Elliot disappears into the cool night..

A sound of people talking is heard infused with a delicate violin melody..The scene now changes to Shelby as she hosts her engagement party. Shelby suddenly appears through a white french door as she meets and greets her friends family and relatives..Shelby is ecstatically happy and is very much looking forward to getting married to Elliot the love of her life..Shelby walks with a confident stride as she walks over to greet some guests..Shelby veers her eyes left before focusing on a couple just a few feet ahead..Laughter is heard as guests sip wine and champagne.. The female guest is looking to her left fleetingly before looking at her husband, She suddenly nods positively before looking over to her right.. Male and female waiters and waitresses wearing white shirts and black dresses and trousers frequent the event, They provide drinks on silver platters and other services.. A couple at the far back to the left quickly chink there wine glasses together as they celebrate the occasion..

As Shelby reaches the couple she immediately looks at the male guest with a huge smile on her face, (Shelby say's "Hi"..)(Shelby's eyes light up) The female guest turns her head and looks at Shelby also with a big smile of happiness. A few seconds pass and Shelby turns her head away from the male guest as she smiles at another female guest who has just walked over and stood just behind the male.. A man wearing a grey suit quickly walks past Shelby from the right..A man sat at a table from the left smiles as he sways his head from side to side..(Female laughter is heard) The woman stood behind the male guest suddenly walks off across the ballroom..

Suddenly Shelby spots someone she knows and instantly speaks out with zeal, Shelby's face lights up with intense happiness as her eyebrows lift, "I can't believe...

Shelby continues as she walks forward while raising her arms up at either side, "Sergio gave us the grand ballroom, (Shelby sways slightly from side to side as she walks) Shelby hesitates then say's with a much more excited tone, "He says we get it all night!" A waiter is seen walking around a table from the left, (He leans over with a silver platter full of drinks) A man wearing a black suit with blonde hair walks across the floor just behind Shelby.. A waitress carrying three different types of beverage and glasses bends down as she serves a table just behind Shelby..(Her glasses contain a red wine, a scotch whisky on the rocks and a tall glass of champagne) There is a lot of movement in the ballroom.. Shelby is now talking with Joyce and Gerry, Joyce is Shelby's sister and Gerry is Shelby's dad. Shelby looks to Joyce and then Gerry..

Gerry laughs at Shelby's words as he jerks his head back and leans his head right. Gerry leans over towards Shelby and say's, "Elliot's a miracle worker", Joyce smiles brightly at Shelby before looking to Gerry. Gerry leans back - A waitress walks across the floor from the right with a silver platter in hand carrying several wine glasses..

Suddenly Elliot appears from the set of white french doors in the distance with a fast stride to his movements.. Elliot suddenly places his left hand onto the top seam of his trousers as he enters..Joyce becomes sarcastic as she say's, "Uh Oh!, "Speak of the devil"..Joyce lengthens the word devil as she expresses her words..A man just in front of Elliot wearing a brown suit looks to his right as he slowly makes his way inside the large ballroom. A waitress with blonde hair quickly walks past from the right, she is carrying a platter with two tall glasses on top, The first glass is half full with champagne while the second is full of tonic water. A man sat down to the right with black hair takes a sip of his drink before placing the glass down to the table.. The man turns his head right as he speaks to someone.. Shelby say's Ohh!

Elliot has spotted Shelby from the crowd as he steps over to greet her, Shelby instantly makes her way over to her fiancee as she say's, "Well Well Well", (Jingle of cutlery is heard) Elliot raises his right hand up as he crosses his thumb over his palm and raises his index and middle fingers up as a hand gesture..Man sat down with black hair to the left suddenly looks to his left..(Laughter and chatter fills the ballroom)

A patter of feet is heard from Shelby - As Shelby approaches Elliot she say's, "My man of mystery"..Elliot say's, Mmmm as he closes in for a reunion. Another female guest sat down at a table just in front of Shelby and Elliot turns her head right as she watches the happy couple embrace, A moment passes and she turns her head back around with a huge smile on her face, The female guest suddenly raises her right hand and places it upon her chest as she expresses the love the pair have for each other.. Other people filter through and around the ballroom as they smile and chatter among themselves..

A male waiter walks past from the left carrying three glasses, Elliot and Shelby instantly embrace as they finally meet up, A man and a woman sat on a table to the left both turn there heads towards the happy couple as they hug and kiss each other..The female guest quickly turns her head back around to face her boyfriend..Shelby leans back as Elliot plants a huge smacker onto the lips of Shelby..A woman wearing a pink dress and carrying a glass of red wine in her right hand suddenly walks across the floor from the left, She smiles brightly as she turns her head clockwise as she speaks with her boyfriend who is just behind her.. Her boyfriend is wearing a grey suit and is just behind.. the woman then looks back around as she raises up her right hand as she expresses her opinion..

The embrace and kiss is long as Shelby leans back, another man wearing a brown suit walks past the happy couple from the right... Shelby leans back up as she slides her left hand down the neck of Elliot. Shelby then slides her right hand up and around Elliot's neck. (A loud smack of lips is heard as Shelby gives Elliot a long and lasting kiss before slowly sliding her hands down Elliot's neck over his shoulders and down his front..

A female guest is heard saying, "Sky high you", Happy occasion" Shelby closes her eyes as she say's, Hmm", Shelby smiles brightly as she say's, "You look rather snazzy"..(A sound of boots is heard for a fleeting moment) Shelby looks down more as she laughs with happiness. Elliot suddenly raises both hands as he touches Shelby's upper left chest just above her breast with his right index finger..Elliot taps her chest area once with his finger - Elliot say', Hmm so do you." Elliot lowers his hands..Shelby tenses her brow and eyes as she looks down at Elliot's brown leather jacket, Shelby looks up at Elliot and say's with curiosity, "Where did you get this?"..Elliot has taken John Witters jacket which has proven to be a perfect fit.. A couple walk past from the right, The male is wearing a grey suit and the female is wearing a pink dress and carries a glass in her hand..

Shelby holds onto Elliot's brown jacket with both hands as she waits for an answer, Elliot suddenly turns his head right and over towards a table of guests as he voids the decision to answer Shelby's question..Shelby continues to look at Elliot and does not turn her head..A man wearing a grey suit passes by to the right with a drink in hand, A woman wearing a green dress passes by from the right accompanied by a male guest wearing a blue shirt and grey suit..The man nods forward as he recognises someone in front of him..Elliot has noticed someone just a few feet away as his face changes to a delightful tone of acknowledgement as his eyebrows raise up.. Elliot leans forward as he say's with zeal, "Aunt Jessica".. Two female guests chatter behind Elliot and Shelby including a man in a grey suit who sports a trimmed beard..Another woman from the left comes into view, she wearts a black jumper and has an afro style of hair..

Violin composition continues - Elliot steps forward as he holds out his right hand for Jessica, "Elliot say's, "You look amazing"..Jessica quickly stands up to greet Elliot. A woman wearing a black suit and large white ball earrings quickly walks past in front of Elliot and Shelby from the right..A male guest who is sat down on Aunt Jessica's table suddenly stands up as he looks down at the table while raising both hands up in front of him as a polite gesture that he is leaving the table..The man begins to walk off around the table..Shelby turns and looks at Aunt Jessica as her mind switches from Elliot's answer to her aunt..A man sat at the table with black hair suddenly looks to his girlfriend as he speaks..He holds his right hand out in front of him and bends his palms as he expresses his words..Shelby smiles as she sets her sights on Aunt Jessica..

Elliot quickly gives Aunt Jessica a kiss on her left cheek as a loud smack of lips is heard - Aunt Jessica closes her eyes as she mimics the kiss she would give Elliot, Aunt Jessica looks away as she say's, "Thank you"..Elliot points his right hand over to Shelby, Jessica looks back to Elliot as he say's, "Have you told her the story of your Alaskan cruise?.." Elliot shows a face of curiosity as he slowly backs away from Aunt Jessica and say's, "You gotta hear it." It's amazing.."

Both Aunt Jessica and Shelby turn to face each other as they begin to chatter.. A man wearing a grey suit walks past from the left.

Elliot quickly makes his way to another table as he leans down and kisses a female on the hand, (Smack of lips is heard) (A waitress walks past from the right in front of the camera) A woman wearing a blue dress walks past from the left - Both Elliot and the female guest lock eyes for a moment in time before Elliot leans up, The woman continues to look at Elliot before looking over at her friend.. (Female gossip is heard) An elderly man and woman walk across the floor from the right.. The man has a white moustache, blue shirt, and brown jacket, His wife wears a blue dress and she carries a glass of wine with both hands..

Elliot looks across the room as he slowly walks past the table (Elliot looks to his right and at the other woman sat at the table who did not get a kiss for a brief moment) Elliot speaks out to the woman who did not get a kiss, "Have a good night", Elliot raises his right hand as he gestures to the woman while continuing to walk forward.. Elliot turns to face Michael who has just arrived to the party.. A man and a woman walk past the camera at close range -

Laughter is heard - A man walks in from the left wearing a black suit and glasses..Michael is not feeling the party spirit as he shows a face of worry, Michael avoids eye contact with Elliot as he sways slightly on his feet.

Elliot speaks and say's, "Nice of you to show up." Elliot reaches over to Michael's jacket as he attempts to adjust it.. A woman with long black hair and a blue outfit walks past between Elliot and Michael from the right.. A waitress from behind is travelling to the right, Michael say's "Yeah"..Elliot say's, "Looking good" as he begins to straighten Michael's jacket collar, Michael suddenly responds to Elliot with strong negativity as he say's, "You don't have to do that" (Michael pushes Elliot's left hand away)..Michael rapidly raises his right hand to his left side collar as he rejects Elliot's friendly help..

Michael raises his left hand as he pulls at his collar before lifting it up to remove the creases.. Michael say's with non-acceptance "I can do...I can do that myself." Michael uses his right hand as he rubs down on his left shoulder several times, Michael looks at Elliot and say's "Okay" to express his wishes that he does not need any help..Two female guests behind shake there heads as they chatter..

Elliot raises his eyebrows and leans back slightly as he say's, "Well...You look good" Elliot does not feel offended as he speaks to his brother, Elliot nods forward slightly in appreciation of his brothers appearance..Elliot leans to his right as Michael say's, softly, "Thank you".. (Waitress walks past from the left) Elliot begins to move off around Michael as he nods positively several times while closing his lips tightly.. (Two male guests walk past from the left) Elliot suddenly turns his head back around anti clockwise before looking forward and down at the floor..A waiter walks past from the right at speed. (Laughter is heard) Violin composition continues.. A male voice is heard saying, "Here we go"..

Elliot suddenly retrieves his cell phone as he holds it with both hands..(Waiter walks by from the right) The camera pans up as Elliot studies his phone..

A short moment passes and Elliot looks up and to his left in silence as he contemplates his thoughts..Elliot suddenly turns his head anti clockwise as he leans slightly right. Elliot waggles his thumbs before lowering his left hand down.. Male voices are heard -

The scene now changes to Elliot and Shelby's apartment.. The police have finally traced Elliot's library card to his home address and are now in the process of searching the apartment for information.. A loud clonking of wood is heard as a police officer pulls out a small diary from a side dressing table..The officer quickly shuffles through the pages using both hands as he looks for information.. Male and female voices are heard emanating from a police radio, Male voice - 1-10 monitor over, Female voice - 1 10 10 1 10 over.

Detective Chillcoat stands from a distance in silence as he watches over the proceedings, A police officer is heard saying, "That one's clean", What about this dresser?" "Check underneath" "Could be a false bottom there" A police officer suddenly bends down for a fleeting moment as he checks out a dresser in the other room. The police officer who found the diary quickly tosses it on to the bed before returning his hands to the drawer..(The officer retrieves another item (possibly a black book)

Chillcoat stands silent and motionless as he watches the search progress, (Chilcoat slowly chews on his gum) A police officer is working just behind him in another room, The officer leans forward as he investigates a chest of draws.. The officer quickly steps away from the chest of draws in a clockwise motion as he makes his way across the floor to his left. The police officer shouts out, "Got something boss."

Chillcoat quickly makes his way to a picture of Elliot and Shelby that is stuck to a wall in the other room.. A police officer from behind speaks out and say's, "Look's like there attending there wedding rehearsal dinner".(Chillcoat suddenly lifts up the smaller picture with his left index finger) (Nothing is behind the picture only a white backing) "At the country club"..(Police sirens can be heard) (Dogs are heard barking) The larger picture consists of Elliot's and Michael's mother, and Michael and Elliot when they were younger..The female police officer stars to emanate from the radio once more(10 45 homicide 42 Truck st)) Eerie synthesizer pan is heard)

Chillcoat sways on his feet as a police officer stands with a diary in his hand..The police officer in the far room is looking down as he investigates the chest of draws..

Chillcoat backs away from the room as he twists around clockwise before sticking his left thumb up at the police officer.. The police officer holding the diary shouts out, "Boss?"..

Chillcoat shouts out, "Let's go".. as he disappears from view..The police officer in view has now found an interest with Elliot's laptop as he begins to play around with the keys..

The scene now changes back to the wedding rehearsal party as Elliot waits patiently for a call from the GSH...The violin symphonic music has now changed to a more upbeat patter of notes - Guests continues to laugh and chatter as they enjoy the night - Elliot rocks from side to side as he smokes a cigarette and is feeling a little on edge..Elliot blinks as he takes a drag of his cigarette to ease his nerves and reduce the pressure a little that plays in his mind..(Elliot's cheeks deflate as he sucks hard) Elliot has rested his cell phone on top of an old fire place as he waits patiently..

Elliot looks down at his phone as he watches the time tick away, The phone displays the time 7:34pm..Elliot suddenly snatches his cigarette away as he continues the silence of the night..Elliot raises his right hand up as he transfers his cigarette and flicks the ash into a small glass of water..(A male guest is heard saying, "Have you been served yet?" Female voices fill the air..

A male guest say's (Nope) A female guest speaks loudly "Shelby's so excited"..Elliot looks down as he smokes on his cigarette avoiding any eye contact..Suddenly a man wearing a black suit and white shirt walks by from the left, The man looks at Elliot as he passes by which causes Elliot to also look up at him, The man nods his head and say's, "Congratulations" as he passes by..Elliot is silent and does not reply to the man but simply nods at him in a positive way while keeping his eyes fixed to the man..

Chinking of glasses and cutlery is heard - A deep and passionate violin melody plays out - Another camera angle shows Elliot in the distance as the man who congratulated him is seen walking out of that area into the main ballroom..A woman wearing a grey dress stands motionless as she gyrates with her fingers.. Gerry leans over slightly as he out stretches his right hand momentarily..

A waiter suddenly appears from a door way carrying a chair that has been requested by a guest, Elliot looks down at his phone before turning and looking over at the waiter who is carrying a chair into the ballroom..Elliot steps forward slightly as he takes another drag of his cigarette, Elliot steps forward a single step more while still smoking..

Suddenly Elliot's phone begins to vibrate and ring, The tune is called "Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik"..Elliot rapidly spins around clockwise as he dashes for his cell phone.. Elliot grabs his phone with his left hand while discarding his lit cigarette into the glass of water with his right in quick unison.. Elliot turns away from the fire place as he leans down to answer his phone, (A loud click is heard as Elliot flips the lid)

Elliot avoids the ballroom as he turns away while rapidly raising his phone to his right ear.. The GSH is instantly heard as he dishes out the instructions for the next challenge..In the far room Michael can be seen, he is sat down and is silent and motionless, A woman to the far right smiles enthusiastically as she nods forward at her friend just out of view.. Shelby is talking to a female guest who has long blonde hair at the back of the ballroom..(Shelby has her right hand on her right hip) GSH continues, "Challenge 10 of 13 is worth a half million dollars.." (A man wearing a grey suit and a woman walk past from the left, they are a couple) (Man wearing a white towel around his neck walks past from the left) (Woman inside hall bends down briefly from the right) (Man in a grey suit appears from inside the ballroom to the left) (Waitress walks past from the left with platter and glasses) "All you have to do is wait until you're called upon to give a toast.." "And then destroy the wedding hall, while singing "The Internationale".. Elliot is shocked to the core after finding out what he must do, Elliot's eyes bunch up as he say's with complete dismay, "What?" (Two men in grey suits can be seen walking right inside the ballroom) (Chinking of glass is heard) (Michael raises his right hand to his face momentarily)

Elliot suddenly looks right and into the ballroom as he contemplates the suicidal instructions he must carry out.. Shelby holds her right hand up, Her friend stood next to her turns her head right before looking back to Shelby.. Shelby starts to chat to the woman as she shakes her left hand up and down as she expresses her words..A woman next to the blonde female wearing a pink dress raises her left hand up and rubs her nose before rubbing her cheek then lowering her hand back down..(A woman stood next to her in a grey dress quickly rubs her forehead with her right hand..(Michael looks up)The GSH continues, "We're quantifying destruction in the following manner.."(GSH takes rapid breath) At least 75 percent of all ceramic...

GSH continues: or crystal objects in the hall must be shattered.." Elliot suddenly turns his head right and away from the ballroom as he whispers loudly with vexation, "Bastard!" (Elliot blinks) Elliot twists around more as the GSH continues, (Elliot sways on his feet as his eyes flit from side to side) "At least one of the wonderful floral centre pieces must be urinated upon.." A woman wearing a blue dress walks past behind Elliot from the right, she is carrying a glass of Orange in her left hand.. A waitress follows behind with an empty platter..(Voices are heard infused with the Violin composition)

GSH continues, "If your not familiar with the Internationale Communist Anthem, The lady in a grey dress to the right expresses her words as she waves her right hand out to her right.. A very happy female waitress has stopped in her tracks as she confers with the guests, she leans up from a guest who is sat down then shakes her head several times in a positive way to someone just in front of her before walking off to the right.

GSH continues, "You will find lyrics in your left jacket pocket.." Elliot leans slightly on his feet towards the fire place as his face changes to someone very upset..Elliot's mouth tenses as his anger builds inside his mind and body..Elliot quickly responds to the GSH as his eyes flit before looking at the fire place briefly..Elliot looks away and down as he say's with slight sympathy but anger too, "You knew I was doing this for her.." Elliot's throat tightens from the stress he is now under..GSH continues with enthusiasm and encouragement, "And it is for her you must (Speaks louder) soldier on!.." (The sound score now comprises the violin composition in a blurred and distorted wave of ambience) (Male waiter appears from the right door well carrying a platter of drinks) GSH continues, "You've commited six felonies"..Elliot turns and looks back into the ballroom as he leans back slightly on his feet..

GSH continues, "Any future with Shelby, indeed, any future not organised around routine sodomy now depends on you completing all 13 challenges.." (A click and crackle of distortion is heard as the GSH hangs up)..(Shelby continues to talk to her friend who is stood next to her) (Shelby has raised both hands up in front of her and is having a deep and meaningful conversation) Shelby's friend sips from a tall glass as she listens before lowering her glass and smiling at Shelby..Michael raises his right hand and rubs his right lens spectacle briefly. A woman in a purple dress behind the woman talking to Shelby suddenly lowers her arms down and leans back slightly before bending her head right and smiling..She then looks to her left and at her friend..Her friend wearing a grey dress shakes her head positively..(Other people chat and stand on there feet..) (Woman walks past from the left at speed from the far back of the ballroom) Michael rests his right hand onto the table as he looks down in silence..

A waitress walks around a support column and into the door well to the right..Elliot stares into the ballroom as his mind runs loops...

A fast snare drum sound is heard to provide atmosphere - Elliot is consumed by the game as he slowly lowers his cell phone from his ear. (A two tone beep is heard from Elliot's phone) Elliot pushes the lid of his phone closed by using his ear and his right hand, Elliot is feeling tense as he finishes closing the lid with a clenched fingers..A loud snap is heard as Elliot closes the phone cover..In the distance Gerry is now stood up and is shaking hands with guests, Gerry shakes the hand of a female guest stood in front of him before shaking the hands of the females husband who nods forward with smiles and happiness.

A few minutes have passed and Elliot has gone back inside the main ballroom to meet and greet the guests once more, Gerry is now stood up as he speaks to the crowd about his memories of Elliot and when he first became acquainted..(Shelby leans forward slightly as she gets a better view of her father) (Elliot stares forward in a hypnotised state) Gerry speaks, "I first met Elliot two years ago..(Shelby blinks) (Gerry raises his right hand out fleetingly) and I knew right away all I needed to know about him.."

The crowd of guests relatives and friends are completely silent as they listen to Gerry speak..Gerry hesitates as he leans to his left and looks down at the silent Elliot, Gerry speaks calmly and with zeal, "That he made my daughter happy.." Gerry nods forward as he expresses his words..(A waiter stood at the bar across the room quickly holds up a glass with his right hand before returning it to a white cleaning cloth with his left.. (The crowd is static) (Cough is heard) Chinking of glass is heard) Man in crowd sat on a middle table moves his left arm slightly, Woman to the far right places her left hand onto a chair in front of her..

Gerry moves his head slightly as he say's, "I already feel you're like a son.."

Camera pans down to Elliot and Shelby.. Cough is heard - Light vibration of glasses is heard) All is quiet - No sound score - Shelby stares at Elliot in silence..Elliot is looking down at the table and does not have any drive to speak.. Gerry suddenly say's , "Son?" as he attempts to awaken Elliot from his trance like state..

Shelby leans closer to her fiancee as she say's, softly, "Baby"..Shelby leans in to Elliot's right ear as she begins to whisper some inaudible words to him.. Elliot turns his head slightly towards Shelby as he listens carefully..

Suddenly Joyce begins to shout out, "Speech! Speech! Speech! as she attempts to revive Elliots silence.. Joyce looks down the table as she begins to clap with a rhythmic pattern of claps..Joyce looks behind Gerry as she claps - Suddenly the entire ballroom of people start to clap in unison as they shout out loudly, "Speech! Speech! Speech! over and over again..

Elliot lifts his head slightly as he looks at Shelby while trying to build the courage to speak to the impatient crowd..Elliot looks away from Shelby -Crowd continues to clap and shout - Gerry walks around Shelby as he makes his way back to his chair..

Michael is also clapping as he looks from his right to across the table before looking slightly right again. Michael tenses his bottom lip as he slowly turns his head right his claps are slow and lethargic..

(Gerry turns in a anti clockwise motion as he walks around a chair - Gerry places his hands onto the back rest fleetingly) (Elliot raises his left hand slightly) Elliot picks up a wine glass as he slowly brings it up closer to his face, Elliot looks to his right before veering his eyes down. (Elliot closes his eyes for a split second as he brings the glass to his nose and sniffs)

Elliot suddenly stands as people clap - (A man is heard laughing) Clinking of glass is heard - Claps fade away..

Shelby looks up to Elliot as he prepares himself..Shelby looks to her right slightly as she follows Elliot's movements..

Elliot closes his eyes fleetingly as he looks slightly left while veering his eyes in that direction. Elliot looks down slightly before looking at Shelby.. Suddenly a male guest shouts out loudly, "Come on!"..A man laughs for a split second - Elliot looks further down and to his left..)A continous high pitched key is heard)

The wedding guests are completely silent as they patiently wait for Elliot to speak, The first guest to the left has her hands connected as she sticks out her index fingers in a vertical direction..The female guest suddenly lowers her fingers down below the table..(Cough is heard) A man sat in the middle of the table wearing a grey suit with black stripes slowly claps as he looks to his left before looking back and across the room..The guests are static as te camera slowly pans right to reveal there happy faces..

Shelby looks up into the eyes of the man she loves as she also waits patiently for Elliot to speak..(Shelby blinks) Elliot lowers his left hand as he begins to speak slowly and with sincerity.. "Shelby..there's a life that you deserve.." (Shelby blinks) "And I swear to you...

Elliot continues as he slowly shakes his head, "I'll do anything to make that real.." Elliot swallows - A chinking of glass is heard -

Shelby continues to look up at Elliot as her mind ponders the amazing possibilities she will experience with her fiancee..(Shelby blinks) Suddenly a police officers voice is heard emanating over a radio (20 40 Deacons park)..The sound is slightly distorted as the message ends with a static blip..

A park security officer in the distance suddenly speaks as he say's "Sir?" The officer has now grabbed the attention of Gerry..Elliot looks down as he stares at the floor before looking over across the ballroom in the direction of the police officers..

A deep drum beat is heard for a single note - Gerry is seen stepping over to the three officers as he turns slightly clockwise on his feet.. The police officer puts his right hand over Gerry's left shoulder as he points over towards Elliot with his left..The officer speaks, "That gentleman over there... Other officers sway on there feet as they wait patiently..A man to the left suddenly leans out to his right as he looks down towards Elliot.. Another man wearing a grey suit quickly turns around after hearing the officers words with interest..

Officer continues, "We're gonna need to speak with him,"..Shelby turns her head slightly left as she looks over towards the police officers, Got a few questions we need to ask him.." (Cough is heard) Synthesizer pan sound is heard similar to thunder - A continuous high pitched key is heard to provide atmosphere...The sound of the police radio can be heard as a male officer speaks...

Elliot stares over at the three park security officers with fear and dread on his mind as they could only possibly be here for him...Park officer continues as he speaks with Gerry, "I'm sorry for that.." Elliot's eyes now sweat an anxious tear as he becomes tense and worried.. Elliot's lips tighten fleetingly as the pressure builds..

Gerry responds to the park officers request, "Okay just give me a minute.." Gerry looks over to Elliot as he raises both hands up to express his notion that he will deal with the problem.. The park officer stood in the middle of the other two officers replies "Yes sir!" as he looks at Gerry.. The officer is subdued as he say's "We'll be waiting.." Gerry looks back to the officer momentarily as he steps back on his feet, Gerry raises his left hand up for a split second to pacify the officers as he turns away to speak with Elliot..

(Screech of police radio is heard) Officer speaking to Gerry blinks as he stands motionless..The man to the left looks back at the officers as the tension builds.. Guests looks left and right as they patiently wait for an outcome..

Shelby looks back up to Elliot with concern on her face..Michael leans forward slightly as he raises a glass to his mouth..The sound score has increased in loudness..

Suddenly Gerry's voice is heard as he say's "Son?"..This causes Elliot to turn his head around as Gerry reaches his position.. Elliot looks down slightly as he blinks several times.. Gerry leans in to Elliot as he say's, "Park security, they want Michael.." Gerry sways on his feet.. Gerry takes a deep breath - Gerry twists his head and looks down as he say's, "They say he exposed (Gerry looks back to Elliot) himself to a girl at the tennis courts.."

Michael is silent as he looks up and over across the table towards park security, Michael looks down as he hunches his lips together with a rhythmic movement - (Michael sticks his tongue slightly out between his closed lips for a split second.. Gerry sways slightly behind Michael - Michael closes his lips together tightly as he looks down and more to his right..Michael jerks his mouth rapidly.. Gerry continues, "I told them you would talk to him.." (Radio sound is heard from a male officer)

(Coughing from a female guest is heard) Both Shelby and Joyce look down the table with concern at Elliot and Gerry.. (Joyce stretches her left hand over towards Shelby for a brief moment..Suddenly Joyce turns her head away as she say's loudly, "Umm"..Joyce takes hold of her glass with her right hand as she say's, "Everyone.." (Joyce lowers her left hand to under the table..Joyce looks down as she begins to stand up from her chair..(Shelby veers her eyes up and looks over to Joyce..)

Elliot tenses his face as he looks to Gerry with a confused facial expression, 'Elliot loudly whispers, "Michael?" Gerry slowly leans back from Elliot before nodding down to acknowledge that it is Michael the park security want..A pulsating repeating pan sound provides atmosphere - (Clinking of fine crystal glasses is heard)

Joyce begins to walk across the floor as she say's, "Let's have our drinks outside while we wait for our food." Joyce holds her champagne glass out in front of her as she walks across the floor - Joyce suddenly turns her head and smiles as a female guest speaks out with delight, "Alright".. Joyce continues, "Shall we?" as she entices the crowd to join her..Joyce speaks again, "Thank you"

A loud rumbling of sliding chairs is heard as the guests stand up to accept Joyce's idea..(A loud chinking of glass is heard).. Michael is placid and silent as he looks down while bringing his glass to his lips.. Elliot lowers his left hand as he begins to sit back down next to Michael..

Elliot is mortified that Michael has done something wrong and now wants answers..

A rumbling of chairs, tables, glass and feet is heard infused with a loud chaterring as the guests all stand at the same time.. The three park security officers continue to wait patiently, The middle ranger has his hands locked together as he plays with his protruding thumbs while looking over..A male guest is heard saying, "Let's just get the stuff and get out of here" A female guest introduces herself to another, "Hi".. A warm pan sound is now heard - Guests immediately stand almost blocking the three park officers from view..Gerry quickly returns to the park rangers as the middle man dealing with the incident suddenly nods forward as he say's, "Okay".. in agreement with Gerry's words.. The ranger quickly locks his eyes back with Michael,, Guests walk off to the left..

Elliot speaks out calmly and with concern to Michael, "What happened?"..Michael does not make eye contact with Elliot as he looks down while taking a sip from his glass, Michael speaks as he lowers the glass back down to the tables surface, "I didn't touch her or anything.." "I just wanted to (Michael circles his right arm out as he expresses his words)(Slow almost robotic pronunciation) show her it".. (Chatter is heard) Michael looks to Elliot and say's "Okay" Michael rapidly turns back away from Elliot and looks back down again.."I just wanted to show it to her.." Michael is referring to his penis".. Elliot whispers with support, "It's Okay"..

Multiple guests filter past Shelby as she listens to the conversation between Elliot and Michael..(Guests all carry a glass in there hands)

Elliot looks away from his brother in contemplation as he rests his left arm over the shoulders of Michael..Elliot looks to Shelby..Michael continues, (Fast uncoordinated speech) (Looks forward avoids eye contact with Elliot) "Dumm" They'll make me pee in a cup cake"..(Elliot looks right and up as he slowly turns his head towards Michael but maintaining the focus ahead)(Elliot veers his eyes down and left) Michael continues.."And I haven't had my pill in three days.."Michael looks to Elliot.. (Shakes head negatively looks down at the table) "In three days".. The sound of the crowd has now subsided as they escape to outside..

Shelby is carefully listening to Michael's plight as she attempts to comfort his anguish..Shelby quickly leans over towards Michael and say's "No, It'll be Okay:..

Michael say's, "No" as he lowers his left hand while raising his right slightly up in front of him, His right hand is bent over like a claw as he raises his head and blows his lips twice into a circular shape..Michael looks over across the room - Elliot looks across towards the park security officers as he slowly massages Michael's right shoulder in a circular motion..Elliot speaks with dread as he say's, No, Horowitz wants to institutionalise him...

Elliot continues, "If he cant trust him to take his meds.." Gerry is still talking with park security as the officer looks on over towards Michael..A female guest walks past from the right with a drink in her hand..

Michael continues, "Yeah They'll make me go back to Bay view, (Michael spins on his words) I don't want, I don't want want to go back to Bay view, Okay?" Michael looks up and across the table as he say's "Okay"..(Elliot looks down further as he closes his eyes in thought) Michael continues with a slightly lower tone of voice, (Michael veers his eyes up and down with tension) "They make me pee in a cup.."Michael tenses his lips closed as he looks to his left and away from his brother..(A male officers voice is heard emanating from a radio receiver) Slow glockenspiel notes are heard - Michael looks right over his shoulder and he scopes out the park rangers..

Elliot suddenly looks up as a smile slowly emerges on his face, Elliot maintains his focus on the rangers as he leans into Michael.. Elliott say's, "Michael," Get ready to run..." Elliot instantly stand up at speed from the table..Michael looks back at down at the table as he tenses his lips once again, Michael's mouth suddenly opens wide as he listens to Elliot..A soft scratching of material is heard as Elliot stands..

Elliot suddenly produces the Internationale Communist Anthem from his left jacket pocket as he holds the songs lyrics in front of him.. "The Internationale is a left wing anthem..It has been a standard of the socialist movement since the late nineteenth century, when the second International adopted it as its official anthem. The title arises from the "First International", an alliance of workers which held a congress in 1864. The author of the anthem's lyrics, Eugène Edine Pottier an anarchist, attended this congress. The original French refrain of the song is C'est la lutte finale / Groupons-nous et demain / L'Internationale / Sera le genre humain. (English: "This is the final struggle / Let us group together and tomorrow / The Internationale / Will be the human race."). "The Internationale" has been translated into many languages and is one of the most universally translated anthems in history.. Elliot speaks out to Michael, "I have an idea"..

Michael looks down as he turns his head slightly left away from Elliot, Michael begins to talk to himself as he repeats Elliot's words, "Get ready to run".. Michael is confused by Elliot and does not understand what he must do..

A loud bell sound is suddenly heard - Elliot leans down slightly and retrieves a medium sized glass from the table below. Elliot immediately begins to sing very loudly as he shouts out the words to the left wing anthem.. "Arise, ye workers," Elliot suddenly raises his right hand up above his head as he throws the glass he retrieved at speed over towards the three park rangers..Elliot looks to his left..Elliot shouts loudly with a zest and enthusiasm for the anthem..

The glass falls at speed right in front of the officers creating a very loud smash of crystal..A park officer to the right jerks with fright as the glass missile rapidly approaches in his direction.. (Elliot continues, "From your slumbers"..) (Elliot stretches the last word S-L-U-M-B-E-R-S- as he turns into an opera singer for the night.. The officer shakes his hands down with fright as he focuses on the flying projectile.. Both Gerry and the officer who is dealing with the complaint lock there eyes on the glass as it explodes into many pieces next to there feet..Guests begin to stand up as the glass implodes on the floor from across there path.. The officer to the right leans inwards towards the middle officer before turning his head and looking at him.. The middle officer is cool and calm as he watches Elliot perform his crazy stunt.. Gerry begins to talk to the middle officer once more as he attempts to soften the situation..Shelby is shocked by Elliot's actions as she blurts out "What" before shouting out "Elliot" with a mortified tone of voice..

A loud thud of materials is heard as Elliot suddenly wacks Elliot's right shoulder at speed as he say's, "Go home and take your pill" Shelby speaks out with stress and concern, "What are you doing?" Michael raises his right hand and curls his fingers inwards while looking in Elliot's direction, Michael instantly stands as Elliot quickly breaks away and passes by him..

Elliot snatches a plate from the table as he passes Michael, Elliot quickly turns as he tosses the plate like a Frisbee onto the floor below.. (A loud crashing sound is heard as the plate breaks into many pieces) Elliot looks to his right..

Michael is completely gobsmacked at his brothers antics as he opens his mouth wide from the shock of the situation..Elliot smashes another plate which creates a loud shattering sound.. Michael jerks with a sudden energy as the plates smash, Michael holds up his right hand with fingers outstretched as he leans down to his right while smiling at the profanely insane event.. Michael pushes down his right middle finger as he touches thumb and little finger with his left hand, Michael's index and middle finger protrude upwards from his left hand fleetingly before he opens both hands wide while looking over towards Elliot, Michael is ecstatically happy and very amused by his brothers bizarre antics.. A park ranger shouts out loudly, "Sir, that's enough"..Sir!" Shelby is hysterical as she attempts to get through to Elliot's sensible mind set..Shelby cries "What are you up against".. as she approaches him..

Both Shelby and Elliot look each other in the eyes as Shelby screams with trauma, "Elliot!" Shelby holds onto Elliot's jacket with both hands as she stares at him with serious concern..(Shelby's face becomes tense) Elliot responds as he say's slowly and calmly, "I'm buying him some time.." Elliot steps back from Shelby as he continues to break plates and glasses.. The park ranger shouts out, "Freak"..

Michael quickly escapes down a flight of stairs as Shelby shouts out, "What are you doing?" (More sounds of broken glass is heard) Shelby outstretches her right hand as she expresses her concern..A low level tapping of feet is heard from Michael as his shadow reflects from the wall as a dark figure intertwined with the stairs railings..

A loud thumping bass note is heard as a song begins to play to provide the sound score.. The movie is now in slow motion as Elliot continues to break plates and glasses as requested by the GSH.. Elliot rapidly swings out his right arm as he expertly throws a plate across the room at high speed, The plate suddenly flips and rapidly spins in a full 360 degree motion as it zips in the air..Shelby is shell shocked as she watches the fine bone china plate propel across the room like a flying saucer..Elliot continues to shout out the Internationale Communist Anthem at full volume as he holds the lyric card up in front of him..

Shelby is transfixed on the plate as it glides through the air before hurtling down to the floor below.. Elliot places his right hand onto the anthem card as he sounds out the words while stepping backwards on his feet..Shelby's arms widen from either side as her heart races and her mind explodes from the mayhem..

(An electric guitar solo begins to play) Elliot belts out the anthem at the top of his voice as Shelby turns away from the plate and looks at him..Shelby's mouth opens wide from the shock she is receiving...

The park security officer to the right is completely transfixed on Elliot as he stands watching the show unfold..An officer between Gerry and the officer to the right with black hair closes his eyes momentarily, Suddenly the officer to the right steps forward as he attempts to apprehend the criminal and stop the destruction..

A fast drum beat is heard infused with a sound of a large crowd as the song plays..A male band sings a fast paced and energetic song.. Slow motion camera continues.. Elliot is required to destroy 75% of all ceramics if he wants to pass the challenge, Elliot has realised shattering one item at a time is just not gonna cut it as he leans down and retrieves a black microphone stand with both hands from the side of a table.. (Elliot still has the lyric card in his left hand) Fast drum beats and energetic singing is now heard -

Elliot grimaces as he swings the microphone stand as hard as he can across a table at super sonic speed.. A massive sound of glass and ceramics exploding into millions of pieces is heard as Elliot sweeps the stand across the table using both hands.. A vase of flowers is the first item to feel the wrath of the microphone stand as they obliterate and explode across the table at high speed. Three glasses, a plate, and one ramekin dish amongst other things. A massive wave of glass explodes out from the table as it propels in all directions.. Elliot stands on the spot as he closes his eyes unable to open them from the destructive forces.. Elliot lifts up the microphone stand as he observes the destruction..

Elliot comes in for another attack as he slams down the microphone stand with all his might to the table below..A massive torrent of glass and china violently lifts away from the table as the stand demolishes it..Glass is heard chinking - Pieces of bone china raise into the air from the excessive forces mixed with millions of shards and pieces of crystal glass..

From a distance Shelby can be seen having a complete melt down, Her mouth is wide and her fingers are outstretched..Elliot hops forward as he grimaces from the effort he is making in destroying the ballroom.. Elliot prepares to strike down again with the heavy stand..

Elliot is now getting into the rhythm as he strikes down once more..

Elliot's attack method is fast and furious as he pommels the table with the microphone stand, A vase full of flowers instantly bounces from off the table as it flies into the air at top speed. A glass next to the vase disintegrates on impact as glass and water spurt upwards..

Another sweeping action obliterates this table, no words can describe how Shelby must be feeling at this time..

A wine glass somersaults over and over at speed as it is propelled into the air..

Huge torrents of smashing glass emanates all around the ballroom..A massive explosion of glass and china fills the air..Napkins also whizz from the table as they mix with the debris..Plates crack into many pieces in a flash as the stand obliterates the fine china and glass. Only the cutlery has any chance of staying in one piece as the carnage continues..

Gerry holds his hands to his face as he protects himself from any flying debris that may go in his direction..Gerry slowly widens his arms as he watches Elliot destroy the wedding venue..

A white plate spins around in mid air above the table before landing on the floor as Elliot strikes down..

A loud ding sound is heard as the plate lands on it's base before bouncing up incredibly intact..The plate then turns onto it's face side and spins away to the left..

Shelby's face say's it all, Devastated.. Shelby looks to her left as her hands slowly widen..

Elliot grimaces as he sweeps the stand left with both hands...Glasses obliterate on impact as Elliot dishes out his anger and frustrations..`Another wine glass spins at rapid speed over and over before falling off the table..

The expensive crystal glass lands on it's rim but continues to bounce and flip in the air unaffected. A loud chink of glass is heard as the crystal object lands on it's side before resting several feet away among the debris of it's family members..

Gerry cowers as more debris comes his way..A park ranger flinches from the torrent of glass and ceramic pieces as he turns inwards and stepping backwards from the barrage of debris..A large piece of glass spins out of control as it propels to the right of the park rangers and Gerry..Other smaller pieces rain down like snow..

Elliot holds the microphone stand at the base with both hands for maximum destruction as he strikes down once more.. Elliot grimaces like a mad man as his face explodes with effort..

A beautiful vase of flowers is instantly destroyed as they disintegrate and spin out of control across the table..The vase lifts from the forces high into the air as it shoots across the room..

Elliot pulls the table cloth from under a freshly prepared table with his right hand.. Elliot holds the far right anthem in his left hand..

The entire contents of the table goes south very quickly as the items explode out in all directions..

Elliot has finished with the tables and has now moved onto the cakes.. A loud thud and squish sound is heard as Elliot pummels the soft and sweet cakes with his right hand.. Cakes bounce from the table as a grey cake lands on it's side before rolling off the table..

Another squelching sound is heard as Elliot destroys more delicious cakes..Cakes yummy..

Elliot decides to throw a cake at the park security officers as his frustrations increase..Elliot grimaces as he lobs a cake over at high speed..The cake disintegrates into a sea of bits as Elliot slings the sweet flour across the room..(Heavy metal jam continues) I'm ready to go now yeah!) (Piss me off!"

Cake and bits propels towards the security guards and Gerry at high speed, A security guard closes his eyes as the sweet crumbling mixture rains over him..Gerry grimaces as he raises his hands up to protect his face, The cake lands into a pile of more cakes producing an explosion of soft cream, sponge, and icing sugar.. The cake bounces up after hitting it's target and spins multiple times in the air..Another guard quickly looks down and away from the war zone of cake..

Elliot snatches up more ballroom cake as he throws another cake projectile at the nervous guards.. a trail of sponge ejects out into the air..

A table stands innocent and lonely as it holds many hundreds of glasses filled with alcohol..

Suddenly an incredible shattering sound is heard as Elliot sweeps the micro stand across the table obliterating all the glasses with one foul movement..Glass explodes out in all directions as Elliot shatters the entire table...

Elliot grimaces as he leans down in an attempt to protect his eyes from the devastation..

A sea of glass explodes at high speed over towards the guards and Gerry, A massive sound of smashing glass is heard) A security guard bends down as he covers his face with his hands as best he can, Another guard to the right leans his head down while covering his face with his hands..Elliot looks up and looks over towards the guards as glass rains down onto him..Elliot quickly stands up straight..

A guard suddenly makes his move as he quickly runs forward towards Elliot,

(Band song lyrics, A singer screams "ahh ahh put the light back!" (Other rock members sing "Put the lights out) Elliot spots the approaching guard as he looks to his left..Elliot quickly moves off across the floor for something in the distance..A chinking sound is heard as Elliot rapidly grabs a large fork from a table top that is resting next to a large silver food container that also has a lid.. Elliot quickly places the fork under his chin while outstretching his left hand with anthem card towards the guards.. Elliot shouts out loudly, "Stay back" as he places pressure on his neck with the sharp dinner fork.,.

A guard behind slowly walks right as he looks at Elliot, The main guard stares in silence as he ponders on how he should deal with the mentally disturbed individual.. Elliot shouts out again, "We don't want anyone getting hurt".

A guard shouts out, "Put it down, Let's talk about it.." Elliot replies with frustrated anger, "Stay right there." Elliot leans slightly from side to side as he threatens to commit suicide in front of them..

The main guard at the front also sways from side to side on his feet as his nervous disposition builds.. A guard to the right also sways from side to side.. An electronic blip is heard followed by a male voice which emanates out of one of the guards radios..

Elliot glances at something to his left before veering his eyes right, Elliot side steps right a few steps before stopping..Elliot rapidly looks back to his left and down at something just a few feet away..

A deep echoing drum smash is heard as the camera focuses on a floral centre piece just a few feet away from Elliot..

Elliot side steps to his left as he shouts out with a controlling tone of voice, "Look away"..Elliot hesitates before shouting out, "I said look away, "Elliott becomes angry as the guards are refusing his request, Elliot shouts out even louder and with vexation, "Look away right now"..Elliot's left hand shakes virulently as he holds the Internationale Communist Anthem,

Elliot lowers his left hand and places the anthem card into his mouth while maintaining a visual check on the guards just in case they pounced..Elliot begins to unbuckle his belt with his left hand..

A sound of metal is heard as Elliot loosens his belt in front of the floral centre piece, Elliot's belt flips out and gyrates down below his leg as he prepares to urinate on the flower piece as instructed by the GSH..

The guard stood at the front is rather shocked by Elliot's behaviour as he say's with distaste, "Oh, You gotta be kidding me.." The guard closes his eyes and looks up avoiding the disgusting front view images as he turns clockwise completely blocking the sight from his mind.. A security guard stood just behind the guard who looked away suddenly raises his right hand up to his left eye.. The guard at the front suddenly turns back around and looks over towards Elliot with a face of disbelief..An eerie pan sound is heard..

Elliot continues to observe the guards as he urinates over the floral piece, Elliot closes his eyes as he looks up while relieving himself,

(Elliot suddenly turns anti clockwise and away from the guards - The anthem card shakes in Elliot's mouth -Elliot begins to humm - A police radio begins to emanate out from one of the guards - (Female voice) Point 91, Electronic blip is heard - (Male voice 33 31, advise 27,)

Shelby is shell shocked as she stands motionless and silent as she watches her fiancee unable to act or say anything..

The guards continue to be patient - The guard stood to the furthest right suddenly clasps his hands together as he looks across the room and into the void.. The guard looks up as he lowers his hands..The guard stood in the middle turns his head left as he looks at his buddy..

The guards bow there heads unable to watch Elliot's degrading act, The guard furthest right turns around anti clockwise as he looks at the table behind him..The middle guard looks down at speed also unsure on how to deal with the situation..

Suddenly an electronic ding ding sound is heard from Elliot's cell phone, Elliot instantly responds to the sound as he grunts whiling attempting to retrieve his phone from his jacket pocket..Elliot looks back to the guards as he scrummages in his right jacket pocket..A muffling of material is heard as Elliot takes his phone out from his jacket..(Electronic wavering sound is heard to provide atmosphere) (Fast drum beats are heard - Elliot looks down at his phone briefly as he leans towards it, Elliot quickly removes the anthem card from his mouth as he points his hand towards the guards..(Clack of paper is heard) Elliot speaks calmly, "Easy" - (Blinks)

The guard with very short hair stares at Elliot with an inbuilt frustration as he nods his head negatively and say's calmly, "You ain't going nowhere?"..

Elliot is now on the move as he side steps across the floor to his left, Elliot shouts out "Easy" as he continues to hold the steak fork to his neck.. The officer stood closest with short hair say's, "This boy is mine.." A sound of a zipper closing is heard as Elliot closes up his trousers using his free hand.. Elliot maintains eye contact as he continues to move across the floor, Elliot shouts out again a more distressed verbal command "Easy"..Elliot disappears behind a support column as he goes out of view..A guard suddenly shouts out at the top of his voice, "Stop right there!".. A rushing sound of wind is heard to provide atmosphere -

The scene now changes to outside of the ballroom complex, The guard continues with vexation, "Stop! "You son of a bitch".. Elliot suddenly comes into view from the left as he hurtles down the stairs towards the double doors at speed..