Chillcoat slowly looks up and over towards Vogler as he say's, "Shall we start tallying the charges?"

Mr Vogler is completely silent as he wavers slightly on his feet while staring at Chillcoat, (Eyes veer rapidly from side to side) Vogler suddenly hunches his mouth as he looks down to the floor below, Vogler drops his head as he almost rests on his chin while he thinks about Chillcoat's warning..Vogler looks slightly to his left as he tightens his grip on the silver suitcase..(Leans back right in silence..

Low level high pitched synthesizer key is heard to provide atmosphere - A moment has passed and Mr Vogler has agreed to go along with Chillcoat's demands - Suddenly a loud clicking and a fast twang of hinges is heard as the conspiracy theorist opens the silver briefcase using both hands..Two metal rivets instantly pop up and protrude vertically either side of the case.. Vogler gently slides the case towards him creating a light muffling sound..

Chillcoat rests on the edge of the billiard table with his hands resting against each other in silence and motionless as he watches Mr Vogler open up the elusive case..Mt Vogler slowly lifts the lid of the case with his right hand vertically until a loud click is heard.. The lid has been raised and is now locked into place..

Vogler breathes heavily as he lowers his right hand down upon a thick brown leather folder that resides inside..Vogler raises his left hand and places it delicately onto the left side of the folder..A light scrunching is heard as Mr Vogler lifts out the brown leather wallet with both hands.. Vogler suddenly speaks calmly and with a serious tone, "I came home from work one day.."

Vogler smirks as he looks down at the brown leather wallet, Vogler tuts with disappointment as he continues to look down at the wallet.. Vogler continues, "And found that my wife..." Vogler quickly looks back to Chillcoat..Vogler leans slightly to his right as he say's, "Had left me"..(Takes deep breath) Vogler closes his eyes as he looks back down again and say's slowly, "And..." Vogler hesitates as he struggles to make the sentence..Killed - (Looks back to Chillcoat) are dog.." (Vogler veers eyes left to right)

Chillcoat maintains silence and is static except for a slow movement of his mouth as he chews on his gum piece..

Vogler leans his head right and blinks as he say's, "And partially eaten him.." (Brown folder wavers slightly in Vogler's hands..)

Chillcoat looks up to Mr Vogler in silence as he gently presses his left thumb into the top of his right arm..(Chillcoat blinks) Vogler leans to his right as he slowly places the brown wallet back to the billiard table, Vogler say's, "Now you'll just have to take my word for it.." Vogler looks to Chillcoat.. Vogler's suitcase also reveals numerous other items including a red marker pen, Several yellow pens, Three folders full of photographic images, Newspapers, and booklets..

Vogler raises his right hand up before lowering it down again as he expresses his words and say's, "That was completely out of character" High pitched violin chord is heard

Vogler looks down at his large brown folder followed by Chillcoat who now has a strong desire to discover exactly what Vogler has collected over the years..

The conspiracy theorist quickly twists the brown wallet around anti clockwise using both of his hands as he say's, "You see, That's the true objective of the game.." Vogler places his left hand to the left side of the wallet as he carefully turns it so that it faces Chillcoat.. A light scrunching of paper is heard..

Vogler quickly pulls open the large binder that contains an abundance of newspaper cuttings, Photographs, Maps, and various other pieces of the puzzle. On the 03/10/18 Man accused of assaulting elderly woman pleads insanity..Many other articles relate to crimes with an unexplained twist. An image to the far right depicts a cell phone covered in blood. A large map with yellow text has a large black circle drawn onto the page to indicate the exact location when a crime was committed. Vogler quickly filters through the pages uses his fingers as he shows Chillcoat his life time of investigations..

The next page falls through Vogler's fingers as he pulls up on several pages all at once to reveal more information..Another newspaper article reads - Man in Bear costume found dead in Clear Park - Another article say's, (Conflagration at carnival..) an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property. "tinder-dry conditions sparked fears of a conflagration in many drought-devastated communities" Vogler continues, "The spectacle of transformation"..

More newspaper cuttings reveal.."Epidemic of urinary infections traced to public swimming pool" 11/03/80 "Found at victims home - 03/10/03.. A photo shows an image of a motor vehicle similar to Elliot's.. Yellow marker pen is used to highlight dates and sentences..Vogler lowers the pages in his fingers before raising them slightly, Vogler lowers the pages back down so that they rest with the others.. Vogler places his right hand back to the corner of the brown folder as he slowly pushes the wallet forward..

A sliding of vinyl and leather is heard as Vogler slowly pushes the brown wallet forward.. Vogler say's, "Just shows that anyone can be turned into a monster"..Vogler removes his hands from the wallet as he presents it to Chillcoat for his upmost priority..

Low level slow and eerie violin melody is heard to provide the sound score.. A small amount of time has passed and Elliot is now sitting inside the Gypsy woman's caravan.. Elliot is silent and motionless as he stares at the woman, A candle flickers behind him, The gypsy woman is also quiet and sits across on the other side..

A clicking sound is heard as Elliot squeezes on the police captains handgun.. (Dogs are heard barking in the distance)

The gypsy woman looks down avoiding eye contact with Elliot as she fidgets with her hands and fingers.. The woman shows signs of deep psychosis and sadness and is rather odd in character..The woman rocks delicately in an up and down motion as her breathing becomes much more stressed than what would normally be the case if Elliot was not there.. Elliot just stares at the stranger as he waits for a call from the GSH. The curtains flicker an intense white light from the candles below..

Elliot continues to stare at the gypsy woman as he contemplates his thoughts.. Elliot sways his head very slowly with a side to side motion as he builds up more information on the woman..Suddenly Elliot speaks calmly and at normal levels, "You don't know anything about the game do you?.." The gypsy woman suddenly takes in a deep breath of air as Elliot patiently waits for a response.. (Elliot blinks) Elliot speaks out again, "Your just an old woman, aren't you?.." The woman is silent as the candles provide the only sound within the caravan.. Elliot suddenly leans back as he looks down fleetingly, Creaking of a wooden chair is heard as Elliot transfers his weight..

Elliot slowly stands up from his chair as he say's with a tone of sadness, "It's over".. I'm so sorry"..

Elliot leans to his left as he looks down upon the silent old lady.. Elliot has decided he can no longer stay inside the caravan and has made a terrible mistake in taking the gypsy woman hostage..The gypsy woman maintains her body language as she looks down with a deep worry on her mind..

Elliot leans to his left as he looks down at the quiet old woman not quite sure what he should now do..

Suddenly the gypsy woman comes to life as she slowly lifts her head up while pointing her right index finger vertically into the air.. (A rumbling sound of thunder is heard to provide atmosphere) The woman veers her eyes back down to the table as she expresses her thoughts.. The woman lowers her index finger as she signals to Elliot that something needs to be completed.. something is in the air tonight..

Elliot slowly tilts his head right as the woman's gesture immediately sends a strong meaning to his mind..A creaking is heard as the old woman stands from her chair..

A moment has passed and the scene now changes to outside of the caravan.. A loud clacking of metal is heard followed by a loud squeak as the door of the caravan is slowly pushed open from the inside..

The gypsy woman is the first person to descend the steps as she makes her way outside. As she steps outside she uses her left hand as she gently rests it on the door frame before turning slightly clockwise..More squeaking is heard as the caravan door slowly swings back before hitting the outside window frame, The woman takes her time before dropping down to the floor and landing on her left leg first..(A loud bang of steel is heard as the door impacts with the window, The door then swings back out several inches before stopping dead.. The woman steps on her right foot as she holds onto a handle above her head with her right hand..The woman begins to slowly walk forward one step at a time.(Woman groans loudly from her aches and pains) Elliot follows behind her as he steps down with a single bound before taking one more small step forward.. (Chirping of insects is heard) The gypsy woman begins to speak in Spanish and Italian once more, "Please can you help me out) (Orange peg holder garment swings from side to side in the cool breeze from the corner of the caravan) (Deep synthesizer pan is heard) The woman turns clockwise to face the caravan as she raises out her right hand as she instructs Elliot to carry out a simple task that she has not the strength to perform..

Elliot looks at the woman with wide eyes and a serious facial expression as he attempts to understand what she is asking him to do.. Elliot say's with concern, "You want my help?" The woman looks to Elliot as she outstretches her right hand as she signals to Elliot for assistance..The woman takes in a rapid breath of air as she outstretches her left hand while pointing over across the grass.. Elliot rapidly looks across to the location the woman is signalling before looking back to her and saying, "You want me to hang that?" Elliot outstretches his right hand and points in the direction he thinks the woman wants him to carry out the task in mind.. The gypsy suddenly looks away from Elliot as she nods down several times while saying with enthusiasm, "sì si" Elliot quickly makes his way past the woman towards an old bath tub while the woman begins to speak more Italian in a happy but mentally disturbed manner..(Cool breeze of the night is heard)

A loud scrunching of moist grass is heard as Elliot quickly makes his way over to the gypsy woman's cleaning apparatus.. A long silver wire is laying across the bath and she would like Elliot to attach it back to the side of her caravan so that she can carry out her washing duties..The camera quickly sweeps left to reveal a mouldy bath trough, a black pair of steps are also visible inside the bath and there is several garments attached to the loose cable. A large silver bucket with a yellow sponge inside is also visible next to the bath tub, The camera sweeps down to reveal the end of the cable which the woman wants attached back to her caravan.

Elliot quickly leans down as he takes hold of the end of the thick cable with his left hand..A loud jingling of metal is heard as Elliot brings up the wire before taking hold of it with both hands..A large carabiner style hook is at the end of the cable which the woman wants attaching to the caravans other hook..A cool wind is heard - Elliot stands up completely as he interacts with the Karabiner hook while looking over across the field and into the distance.. Elliot begins to pull on the cable with both hands as he staunches his back and raises the cable into the air.

Suddenly the thick wire becomes tense which causes Elliot to groan with effort as he stops in his tracks..Garments violently shake and flail from the sudden forces..

Elliot grimaces as he raises the cable above his head before leaning forward as he applies more pressure and force to the pulling manoeuvre..A loud creaking of the wire is heard.. Witters jacket sways out and in..

A loud scratching and vibration is heard as the cable is pulled through the eye of a large silver pole..Suddenly the wire slides back several inches as Elliot pulls with all his strength.. (Eerie pan sound provides the sound score)

Elliot grimaces as he slides his left hand back on the silver cable while pulling with all his might using his right hand.. Elliot closes his mouth as he raises up his left hand as he attempts to attach the carabiner to the caravan hook.

Elliot leans forward as the cable tightens producing a metal tensing sound, Elliot suddenly steps backwards which causes the clothing to swing momentarily on the line in unison..Elliot groans and lets out some air as he continues to pull the cable further across, A creaking is heard as Elliot lines up the cable carabiner as his arms tighten and hang in the air parallel to the cable.. The gypsy woman hovers behind Elliot as she watches with intense interest while swaying gently in a side to side motion..

The gypsy woman is happy and content that Elliot is helping her considering she was hijacked off the street. The cable creaks some more as it wavers in the air,

Suddenly a loud clanking of metal is heard followed by a flurry of tightening metal and materials as Elliot attaches the carabiner to the hook..A whipping sound is then heard as the cable stretches to a taut and rigid finish..

Elliot breathes heavily as he quickly steps back from the thick silver cable, The cable wavers slightly in the cool breeze.. Suddenly a vibrating whirr and a two toned ding ding sound emanates from Elliot's stolen cell phone.. Elliot groans as he turns clockwise while looking down, the gypsy woman begins to nod forward with gratitude as Elliot completes the task.

A light rummaging is heard as Elliot searches for his stolen cell phone with his right hand..(A synthesizer chord consisting of a human voice chorus is heard to provide the sound score..) The sound of a squawking bird is heard - Violins are also heard -

Elliot holds the stolen cell phone with both hands as he investigates the new message, To Elliot's surprise and wonder he has been awarded $1,000,000 dollars to his Nola Bank account and has successfully completed challenge 12 0f 13.. The camera slowly sweep down over Elliot's phone so that it almost disappears from view..

Elliot slowly lifts his head up and away from the phone display with shock and complete confusion on his mind, Elliot can not believe how easy it has been to complete challenge 12 of 13 considering the terrible crimes he has had to perform in the previous challenges..Elliot cringes with bewilderment as he say's softly to the gypsy woman, "Is that it?.." The gypsy woman stands in silence as she continues to nod forward and backwards with intense satisfaction..A small amount of air vapour emits from Elliot's mouth..

The gypsy woman slowly lifts her head up in silence before swaying on her feet slightly and saying calmly and in English, "No"..(Gypsy shakes her head negatively slightly as she walks off) A soft wind is heard - The silver wire wavers slightly on it's fixture creating a light creaking sound.. The gypsy woman suddenly walks away from Elliot as she makes her way back inside her caravan home..The woman is slow and methodical as she walks back towards the steps.(Woman stumbles slightly forward).Elliot watches as the woman disappears from view..

Air vapour emits from Elliot's mouth, Elliot turns slightly towards the caravan as he follows the gypsy woman with his eyes.. (A cool breeze is infused with a chirping of insects)..

The gypsy woman quickly clambers up the steps to her caravan home as she raises out her left hand for guidance..A light tapping of feet is heard before the gypsy pulls the door shut using her right hand.. Squeaking is heard--

More squeaking is heard before a loud crash of metal and framework as the door closes at speed..Elliot stands silent and motionless as he watches the old woman retreat back to her caravan.. Air vapour emits from Elliot's mouth - Suddenly from a distance a loud sound of revving motorbike engines can be heard.. Faint voices can also be heard, The sound has now caught Elliot's attention as he rapidly turns his head around clockwise to investigate..

In the far distance an intense brightness of white emits out and along the long road as a large community of bikers congregate.. The camera slowly focuses in to the bikers as Elliot stares down towards them.. A deep rumbling engine sound is heard as the bikers prepare there machines for a crazy ride.. Other bikes rev frantically as they warm there engines from the cold of the night.. A deep grey mist floats and sweeps over the road..

A longer more sustained rumbling of a motorbike engine is now heard, More high pitched revving is heard as the bikers begin to travel down the road..(A biker changes up his gear shift) (The sound is also similar to a bike of bees) Collective Noun for Bees is a Bike of Bees. It's amusing to imagine a swarm of bees flying in bicycle formation, but the real reason this is a collective noun for bees is because the word “bike” is an old English word which means a colony, nest, or swarm. Source: www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/collective/h/5 Aug 2019..
Elliot is transfixed on the bikers as he slowly steps forward, Elliot does not seem happy and there is something playing on his mind..

More rumbling of bikes persists as Elliot steps away from the caravan and towards the road..

Elliot walks along the thick silver washing line as he maintains his focus on the bikers.. A large amount of bikes and scooters have accumulated at the bottom of the road and intend to race down the dark stretch of highway at intense speed. Buzzing of bikes persists, revving of engines emanates out into the darkness..

A high pitched and continuous violin sound is heard that increases with volume to provide atmosphere and suspense.. Elliot continues to walk very slowly and calmly as he maintains his attention to the bikers at the end of the road..The bikers have now set off as a loud droning sound of engines gradually accelerate and increase in loudness. Deep drum beat is heard..

Air vapour emits from Elliot's mouth as he continues to slow step across the road.. Elliot is so transfixed with the bikers he has become oblivious to the long washing line cable that is somehow stretched across the road..

A scuffling of feet is heard as Elliot inadvertently touches the thick and cold cable with his neck.. A deep crashing rumbling sound infused with escaping gas provides the sound score as Elliot makes contact with the cable..Elliot looks down at the cable with panic on his min as he instantly grabs hold of the line with his right hand as a way for him to come to terms with the situation..Elliot turns his head slightly right as he looks down at his hand as his mind fills with terror..(A loud buzzing of bikes increases with every second..) Elliot looks up as he veers his eyes over towards the Gypsy woman's caravan with a nervous and horrified facial expression..

A rumbling and fast synthesizer sound is heard as the camera rapidly sweeps back to the gypsy woman's caravan.. To Elliot's utter terror he has now realised that his extreme effort was not in vain as he has unintentionally fixed the line from the caravan to another point across the road..The gypsy woman remains in her caravan as her washing gently sways in the cool breeze of the night.. Some washing has fallen to the floor and some is missing which Elliot is finding strange..

Elliot quickly turns his head left and to the other side of the road as he instantly spots another silver pole with the cable attached.. Now Elliot knows why it was such an extreme effort to attach the cable but why is it stretched dangerously across the road..More buzzing of bikes, shouting, and revving is heard..

Elliot quickly looks back and over to the approaching bikers as he suddenly shouts out with shock and horror, "Fuck!"...Elliot has realised the thick cable poses an imminent and deadly threat to the bikers as they won't be able to see it in the dark or react immediately upon sighting the obstruction..The bikers could be decapitated if they pass through the cable at high speed and if this did happen Elliot would be responsible..A male bikers voice is heard shouting loudly, "Let's go!" (Other bikers shout out) as the bikes approach at speed. Elliot rapidly runs off away from the cable over towards the middle of the road, as he leaves the cable a loud twang of metal is heard causing the cable to shake and waver across the road..

Elliot is extremely concerned for the approaching bikers and does not want them to get hurt even if he is not responsible..The bikers all emit bright headlights and hopefully should all see it from a distance..

Elliot is now frantic with fear and worry as he runs along the thick silver cable by sliding his hands across the top of it's slippery and cold surface.. Elliot rapidly places his hands one after the other as he becomes completely obsessed with the approaching bikers.. Elliot suddenly shouts out at the top of his voice, "Stop!" as he raises up and points his right hand out over the cable in a futile effort to grab the bikers attention..The cable bends and wobbles as Elliot places his weight onto it..

In the not to far distance the biker group are having the best time of there lives as they laugh and chatter amongst themselves.. A woman passenger turns to her left as she giggles furiously at her friends..Her boyfriend is more subdued and does not laugh as he concentrates on the road.. A loud screaming and wailing of delight is heard from the gang as they enjoy a night of cruising..

The camera sweep left at speed creating a blur effect before focusing on some more bikers, A female rider wails with intense happiness as others scream out with innocent fun.. The camera sweeps back right slightly as the bikers continue there journey.. A woman's black hair flutters in the cool breeze as she looks over to her passenger friend..

A fast tempo drum beat is heard infused with a synthesised violin chord that plays a continuous note...Elliot can see that the bikers have no intention of stopping as he runs along the cable to the far end.. Elliot breathes heavily as he instantly grabs hold of a support cable with his left hand as he turns to face the bikers once more.. Elliot tightly grips the main cable with his right hand as he watches the horror unfold.. Elliot shifts his right hand to the very end of the main cable as he rests it for a fleeting moment against the loop end. Unfortunately this cable does not have a carabiner style hook at it's end and cannot be unfastened from there..Elliot has realised he needs to remove the support cable if he wants to bring the cable down, Elliot rapidly runs towards the support cable as he rests his left hand on the vertical cable before sliding it down at speed. Elliot slides his right hand down the vertical cable as he dives for the ground..Elliot huffs and puffs and is feeling extremely scared..

Elliot has now discovered a large spike that has been hammered into the soft ground, This spike has the support cable attached to it.. If only Elliot could release the pole...Elliot groans as the cable shakes furiously from his hand and body pressure..A rumbling of bikes continues..

Elliot rapidly runs around the metal rod as he grabs hold of the fixture with his left hand followed by his right.. Elliot bends down onto his knees as he begins to pull on the metal pole with all his might.. Elliot grimaces and groans loudly as he endeavours to pull the pole out from the ground thus releasing the cable from the road..

Elliot is finding the task rather difficult as the pole has been deeply hammered into the ground, Elliot looks over to the approaching bikers as he screams at the top of his voice, "Stop!" Elliot screams the word long and hard as he strives to alert them of the impeding danger..Elliot quickly looks back down at the pole as he continues to pull it from the ground..

The camera pans up to reveal Elliot straining and tugging with all his might, Elliot looks back to the bikers as the support cable shakes uncontrollably.. A full moon is on display

The sound of the bikers is getting closer and closer to Elliot's position as he screams out again with all his energy and lung power, "Wait!" Elliot screams out with a high pitched tone "Stop!" A fast drum beat and a high pitched mellow drama sound track is heard -

The camera pans up again as Elliot continues to pull on the pole with everything he has, Elliot groans and grimaces as he leans backwards while using his legs and arms as a combined effort of force.

Female bikers wail and scream with delight as they travel down the road at high speed - A buzzing of engines is heard -

Elliot watches the bikers approach with sheer terror on his mind as he grimaces from the extreme effort.. If the pole does not give soon there could be major fatalities if the bikers do not stop in time.. Elliot looks back at the pole as he groans with sheer exertion..The camera quickly reveals Elliot's legs as he pulls on the pole, Elliot shakes with intense stress as he strives to protect the bikers from a terrible accident..

The fast beat of the drum continues to provide atmosphere - The bikers have now reached the point of no return as they buzz by very loudly..

Suddenly a sliding sound is heard as the pole finally gives, A pistol effect is heard as the pole shoots out of the ground at high speed sending Elliot backwards with rapid and uncontrollable force..Elliot crashes to the ground as the long pole propels towards Elliot's groin before resting a few feet away..

Buzzing of bikes is heard - The support pole rapidly falls over onto the road creating a loud ting sound of metal..

A fast winding and grinding of steel is heard as the silver wire slides through the eye of the other support pole across the road next to the gypsy woman's caravan..

The gypsy woman's clothes quickly fall to the ground from the weight and rapid loss of the support pole across the road.. Only the GSH could rig such a dangerous stunt as no one in there right mind would lay a cable across the road..

Elliot has finally succeeded in saving the bikers from an inevitable death as the cable is lowered just in the nick of time..Elliot rests on the ground just to the right of the collapsed support pole as he sways his right arm right as the bikers travel pass. The bikers scream loudly Wooh! as they pass by completely oblivious to the wire or Elliot's actions verbal or physical..(A fast tapping of metal is heard as the wheels of the bikes travel over the steel wire) A blurred effect is seen as the bikers travel pass at speed.. A rumbling of engines is heard as they slowly fade..

Elliot quickly bends up from the ground as he watches the bikers travel past, Elliot breathes heavily as his mouth opens wide, Elliot maintains eye contact with the bikers as he turns his head slightly right as he follows the bright lights.. Elliot looks to his left as he begins to stand up, Elliot looks back to his right as he pushes up on both hands and his left leg before his right.. Elliot swings his left hand out and behind him fleetingly as he gains his bearings, A low level rumble of engines is heard as the bikers slow there speed..A female biker shouts out with excitement, Elliot maintains eye contact as he begins to cross the road..

The scooter riders are in another world as they speed down the road, A rider third from left looks to his left momentarily, A cell phone ringing tone is now heard which causes the main rider to alert his crew that he needs to answer this call immediately.The main rider located central to the pack suddenly looks behind himself as he raises up his left hand and waves to signal that everyone should stop..As the main rider turns back he scrunches his hand and points his index finger up into the air for a fleeting moment) - The electronic buzzing consists of a fast repetitive drill sound lasting 2 seconds in length before repeating.. The main riders female passenger looks to her left and then her right as she confers with her scooter friends.. The sound of slowing engines is heard -

Everyone rider slowly breaks to a stop.. A female rider shouts out with excitement, "Yeah!" A high pitched sound of squeaking breaks is heard as the bikes slow to a stop..The main rider quickly places his left hand back to the hand grip before suddenly looking to his left at the sound of the female rider who shouted out.. Other female riders shout out "No way blue eyes", and "I'm up for that!".. The main rider quickly looks down into his left side pocket as he retrieves the ringing device, As the riders stop they begin to chat with each other as they turn there heads in every direction.. A woman behind the main riders girlfriend turns her head behind her as she chats with a male rider..A man wearing a red and black woodcutter style shirt leans his head towards the female before looking behind him..A man wearing a khaki jacket to the left turns his head towards the crowd of bikers..The female rider behind the main riders girlfriend turns her head back as she smiles brightly while talking to the main riders girlfriend..The rider wearing a khaki jacket leans over and shakes the riders hand next to him with his left hand..Another female rider screams out with excitement, "Wooooh!" it is long and sustained..A man sat on a red scooter to the right nods up and down as he looks from left to right..

The woman behind the main riders girlfriend suddenly flips her hair back using her left hand..The main riders girlfriend suddenly puts her hands into her jacket pockets..The scooters sway from side to side as the rider furthest right twists the handle bars momentarily.. A click is heard as the main rider raises his cell phone to his left ear..As he raises his phone he places his left hand back to the scooters hand grip..Main rider looks to his right before looking forward and leaning his head back slightly.. The main rider smiles as he say's with enthusiasm, "That was the easiest hundred bucks ever" (Blinks) (Veer eyes along the road)(Shakes head from side to side) (Looks down)"Anything else we can do for you?"..A male rider shouts out, Let's have some more..)

Elliot can see the scooter riders from a distance as he slowly crosses the road at a very slow pace of steps - Air vapour emits from Elliot's mouth as he breathes intensively - A revving of a scooter engine is heard - (Elliot stops in his tracks just past the middle of the road as he continues to fret and worry about the scooter riders..Elliot stands transfixed as he stares down the road..

A rumbling and deep drum beat is heard to provide the atmosphere - To Elliot's shock and surprise he has now spotted a suspicious character just a few hundred feet away coming out of the woods..The unidentifiable person is wearing dark clothing and is walking at a fair pace towards a lamp post stationed on his side of the road..Elliot can see the red back lights from the scooters and can hear the buzzing of engines..(A high pitched squealing sound is heard to provide the atmosphere - The suspicious character makes there way to the side of the lamp post as they turn there back on Elliot to obstruct his view.. (Bikes are heard revving and rumbling) (Deep bass pan note is heard -

Air vapour floats left of Elliot, Elliot stares down at the dark character and has only one thing on his mind, "What the hell is going on?" Elliot lifts his right foot and rests it at an angle close to his left as both feet make contact..Elliot quickly raises his left leg and places it to his left side without a thought..Elliot is confused and is now concerned for the bikers in a new and insane way..

Suddenly a loud jingle of chains is heard - The unexpected visitor to the biker show is now leaning down below the lamp post as he carries out some D.I.Y.. A deep cranking and chattering of steel is heard as the visitor begins to move his right arm up and down in a bizarre motion against the lamp post.. Suddenly a rumble of a scooter engine is heard as a biker breaks away from the pack, The rider turns his bike out anti clockwise as he creates a half circle of motion before descending down the road and towards Elliot..(Other bike are also beginning to ride off in the same direction..)

A distorted pistol blast is heard to provide the atmosphere - (A synthesizer rumbling sound is also heard) To Elliot's horror the unexpected visitor has now fastened another steel wire across the road - The wire raises at speed as it wavers in the cool breeze..More jingling of metal is heard -

A loud buzzing of engines is heard as the scooter riders begin to circle and accelerate down the dark road. The dark stranger stands by the outer edge of the lamp post as he watches the riders take off..The stranger is adjusting the wire as he steps in closer to the lamp post.. The stranger of the night suddenly looks down as he brings his arms into his side.. Multiple head lights can now be seen as they transcend down the road completely oblivious to the dangerous metal cable..

A fast and continuous plume of grey mist ejects from Elliot's mouth each time he breathes out,(Elliot is breathing erratically and hyper fast) Elliot steps to his left as he watches the situation unfold..Suddenly Elliot feels a strong urge to warn the bikers of the inevitable danger waiting for them at the bottom of the road..

Elliot quickly steps off with his right foot first as he begins to increase the speed of his footsteps.. Elliot's arms flail out as he shouts out loudly, "Wait!".. Elliot begins to slowly jog as his arms move in a rhythmic up and down motion.. (Vapour emits from Elliot's mouth) (Rumble of engines increases) Suddenly Elliot raises his left hand up as he opens all his fingers palm facing.. Elliot screams out with intense fear, "STOP!" Elliot begins to sprint at top speed towards the approaching scooter riders, (Loud engine blast is heard) Elliot shouts out again long and hard, "STOP!".. (A fast melody of tubular bells is heard)

The unexpected visitor has now finished what he came to do as he quickly runs off back into the forest like a fiend from the swamp..A massive flood of headlights beam down from a distance as a loud rumbling of engines persists..

Elliot continues to sprint as he attempts to warn the bikers of there impeding doom, Elliot shouts out again with intense fear, "WAIT!" Revving of engines becomes much louder - Elliot screams out with a high pitched voice as loudly as possible, "STOP!"

Elliot is completely traumatised as he shouts out again "STOP!"..Whistling and a very loud commotion of happy bikers can be heard - Engines rumble and accelerate as the biker gang approach..The steel wire is quite visible from Elliot's perspective but can the bikers see it..

Elliot raises his left hand up and out towards him as he screams with intense feelings of anguish, "Stop!" Elliot is running at full pelt and can do know more as the bikers approach..Elliot's stolen jacket shakes violently from the forces..

The main riders girlfriend screams loudly with intense jubilation as she sways her raised hands from side to side.. The main rider glides his machine in and out of the double yellow lines with a skilful and rhythmic motion..A male biker from behind raises his left hand up as he feels the power of the moment.. Suddenly the main rider turns his head left as he looks at another male rider to the far right.. The far right rider turns his head left as he watches his friends enjoying the high speed meeting..The male rider turns his head forward as he shouts out loudly, "YEAH!" Even he has a smile on his face now..

A deep grey mist floats and congregates on the roads surface as Elliot runs for the lives of many.. Elliot shouts out again as his mind hits overdrives, "STOP!" A fast tubular bell melody continues - Elliot continues the fight as he runs along the road, Suddenly Elliot shouts out yet again, "STOP!"...Elliot's mouth is open wide and his adrenaline is pumping fast..

The bikers headlights congeal and blur together to create a squiggly shape of intense brightness. The light shimmer and flash as they travel..The tubular bell sound is repetitious and is increasing with speed and voracity.. The cold metal wire waits unaffected by Elliot's trauma as it hides between night, mist, and reflecting light..

The scooter riders have now formed a unique formation as they accelerate towards there deaths.. A male rider shouts out, "Watch this" as others laugh loudly..

The dangerous and unforgiving cable wavers slightly as it waits patiently for the oblivious riders just ahead..

The main scooter rider continues to weave in and out of the yellow lines in the middle of the road, His girlfriends continues to hold her hands in the air as she goes with the balance and flow of machine and man.. A deep rumbling of bike engines fills the air..

Elliot has exerted tremendous energy as he reaches the second metal cable.. Elliot rapidly ducks under the wire as he outstretches both of his arms like an angel or eagle in flight..

Elliot shouts out one last futile time as he attempts to save the lives of many.. "Stop!" Elliot shouts out the word long and hard...Elliot is now facing the bikers head on and he knows these will be the last seconds of there lives..

A loud buzzing continues, The main rider continues to weave in and out as his girlfriend snakes her arms from side to side..A loud screaming is heard from a female rider..

Elliot stands directly in front of the riders as he risks his own life for others.. Elliot continues to scream the word "STOP!" as the bikers continue..The main rider drives at high speed past Elliot with a big smile on his face and is completely oblivious to Elliot's presence..

Time has run out for the scooter riders as the main rider hits the wire at high speed. The wire instantly decapitates the man within a split second of contact.. The drivers girlfriend is also hurt as her raised arms are instantly severed, The main drivers head hits the front forks of the scooter rider behind sending it propelling up into the air..A loud squishing sound of flesh is heard as the riders are decapitated.. Blood explodes out like the La Tomatina tomato festival..

Flying heads, arms, flesh, and bone propel into the air in all directions as the wire slices through..

Blood explodes out like a spray gun as body parts mingle, The severed body parts quickly fall in front of the second biker who also get's decapitated.. His head including his helmet plummets rapidly behind his bike.. A red flesh clings to the wire cable -

Elliot stands in the middle of the road with his hands raised as his presence becomes frozen in time and space..A loud screaming is heard - A white scooter rapidly plummets to the cold road as it hits the wire cable, A biker riding along the central yellow line divider is also decapitated..More bikes are approaching Elliot head on and must be able to skid under the cable at the very least..The white scooter slides right as the front wheel lifts from the ground, (A loud crashing sound of glass and metal is heard) The white scooter instantly collapses onto it's left side creating a torrent of orange sparks as the handle bars and front fork grind across the hard surface of the road..(The rider is also decapitated as his head instantly ejects up into the air) A massive and powerful wave of energy is seen as the white scooter flips completely upside down before falling onto it's other side and sliding several meters down the road mangled and wrecked..

Elliot stands in the middle of the road with his hands raised as his presence becomes frozen in time and space..A loud screaming is heard - A white scooter rapidly plummets to the cold road as it hits the wire cable, A biker riding along the central yellow line divider is also decapitated..More bikes are approaching Elliot head on and must be able to skid under the cable at the very least..The white scooter slides right as the front wheel lifts from the ground, (A loud crashing sound of glass and metal is heard)

The white scooter instantly collapses onto it's left side creating a torrent of orange sparks as the handle bars and front fork grind across the hard surface of the road..(The rider is also decapitated as his head instantly ejects up into the air)

A massive and powerful wave of energy is seen as the white scooter flips completely upside down before falling onto it's other side and sliding several meters down the road mangled and wrecked..

Multiple severed heads fall onto the road like footballs as they bounce and roll to a dead stop.. Two more riders heads rapidly depart there necks from the left hand side in unison, They also fall to the floor very quickly.. A loud clunking is heard as the human heads make contact with the roads surface. A loud whipping sound is heard from the metal cable as it waits for more victims..Two riders to the right would now wish they were born a few inches shorter as the wire severs there head down to there noses..

The cable attached to the lamp post quivers and shakes with a very strong tension as the bikers impact against it.. The stranger from the woods and done a very good job in keeping the cable sound and intact.. A loud skidding is heard as scooters crash and burn to the floor below, Many skid for several feet crashing into others..More skidding and crashing sounds continues..The sound begins to slow as a blitz of glass becomes the dominant sound..An eerie high pitched synthesizer chord is heard - The debris slowly decreases to a deadly silence of nothing..Camera wavers slightly -

The scooter gang has now passed Elliot and are on the other side of the wire, Elliot is frozen on the spot and is almost in a form of hibernation as his body and soul desperately deal with the traumatic experience..Elliot holds his hands up with crooked fingers as his heart sinks, Elliot slowly lowers his hands down an inch as his fingers gyrate without mercy.. Elliot is breathing fast and erratic as he shivers profusely from the loss of natural body senses and stimuli..Only a strange high pitched and continuous synthesised key is heard - Flesh drapes down from the wire like dried out beef mixed with human hair and skin.. Elliot now wishes he could go back in time and is not feeling well at this point..Elliot shivers some more in the eerie silence as he maintains his hands in the air, Slowly Elliot turns his head around clockwise as he builds the courage to face the terrible and gruesome scenes behind him..

Suddenly three circular blue lights appear from a distance as Elliot turns his body around.. Elliot lets out a terrible breath of fear and shock as his eyes begin to absorb the atrocity behind him..Flesh wavers from the wire -

Elliot begins to whimper loudly like a small child as he looks at the massive destruction of scooters and dead bodies..A decapitated man lays dead beside his machine as his head rests just a few feet away..

The camera slowly sweeps right producing a blur effect...A scooter engine is heard rumbling and did not switch off after the collision.. Death and destruction is strewn everywhere across the road and beyond, a most terrible scene.. A dense mist ebbs and floats in from the right as it attempts to block out the horror and reduce it in some way..A rider to the very far back has been sliced completely in half as his body rests in peace on the cold surface..The indicators for a red scooter to the right continues to flash and produce a light clicking sound each time they blink..A ticking sound is heard -

Elliot slowly ducks under the evil wire as his mind builds up the courage required to witness the tragic circumstances.. Elliot is feeling extremely sad and sorry for the riders and also for himself..(How could he be so stupid as to start this game in the first place) Elliot slowly bends under the wire before raising his head once more..Elliot looks down at the mass destruction as his mind explodes with emotions..

Now a deep and continuous double bass sound is heard to provide the sound score - The air emanates with a low level sound of insects of the night as they come out to feed.. A scuff of Elliot's feet is heard - Elliot slowly looks up as the horror of the night increases,

Elliot begins to weep as the madness becomes a powerful reality on his conscious mind..The blinking indicator sound continues - Body parts are strewn everywhere infused with mangled metal and debris..Fumes belch from a scooter to the right as the engine consumes petrol,

The white scooter which flipped with devastation completely over is also creating a tick tick sound as it's yellow indicator blinks..The yellow ambience reflects and shines onto a large pool of blood as the drivers head rests the front forks..

Elliot looks to his right once more as a green light emits from the red scooters dash board panel.. A grey smoke also emits from the scooters exhaust pipe..

Elliot veers his eyes right with devastation on his mind before veering them left.. Elliot has now spotted something very disturbing as he instantly shakes his head with denial..(This is not happening to me!) Flesh and hair stick to the wire as it sways in the cool breeze - Ticking of the indicator is the only dominant sound..

In the not to far distance Elliot has spotted the girlfriend of the main driver clinging to the last remaining moments of her life, A thick red blood spurts from her severed arms as she looks down unable to cry or call for help..An orange indicator blinks just in front of her..

Suddenly the woman collapses to the floor below as her body falls right and onto the cold roads surface.. A loud thud and booming sound is heard to provide atmosphere and effect.. The woman has unfortunately died as she rests in peace, Elliot is now feeling extremely guilty even though it was the other person who laid the deadly trap..

Elliot shakes and trembles with fear as he watches the woman die right in front of his eyes.. Suddenly a very familiar ring tone is heard emanating from a few feet away.. The tune is called "Entry of the Gladiators" by Julius Fucik".. Elliot is in a trance state for a short time but the sound has now caught his attention.. Elliot veers his eyes down as he looks right at something on the ground below him..Elliot sways slightly..

An eerie synthesizer chord is heard - Just in front of him is a bloodied light brown rucksack that has fallen off from the Main drivers back..The camera wavers erratically as it becomes Elliot's eyes and ears..

Elliot twists his body anti clockwise slightly as he looks down with complete fear at the bloodied rucksack.. Elliot steps to his left as he bides his time unsure if he should answer the call or not.. Vapour emits from Elliot's mouth as he slowly bends down towards the sound..Elliot is slow and is not in any real rush to retrieve the phone like he was on previous challenges..Elliot bends to his knees as the sound increases in volume for him, Elliot whimpers as his hands shake while hovering over the rucksack,

Elliot's left hand is the first to touch the bag followed by his right spider outstretched digits.. A light scrunching is heard as Elliot places pressure on the rucksacks soiled materials..Rucksack sinks down slightly..

A grinding sound is heard as Elliot slowly unzips the bag using his right hand.. Elliot fumbles with his fingers on the top of the bag with both hands as he precariously pulls out the cell phone from just under the zip.. Elliot transfers the phone to his right hand as he flips the lid with his left - A loud click is heard) Elliot quickly raises the phone to his right ear as he stands up on his feet..

Suddenly the GSH begins to speak with an unaffected and very enthusiastic tone of voice, "Were back!" Elliot shakes his head negatively as he begins to whimper intensely from the iceberg cold sound of the GSH.."And we have a very special announcement" Elliot leans to his right in silence as he listens to the strangers voice..Elliot begins to crack even more as strong emotions feel his mind and body..Elliot shakes his head forward with rapid speed as his muscles spasm.. The GSH continues, "Elliot Brindle" (Elliot leans his head right as his mouth contorts from the severe trauma he is experiencing.. "as of four minutes ago,(Elliot takes in a deep breath as he leans right while full of tears) "You are a millionaire!" (Leans back right as he looks over at the death and destruction of the biker group)

To Elliot's shock and horror a scooter rider has suddenly come back from the dead.. The severely injured man whimpers with intense pain as he raises up his right hand ever so slightly before pushing up several inches before flopping down to the cold ground (Thud is heard) as a way to signal to Elliot that he needs help..To make matters worse the biker is staring at Elliot as his last hope of life..The man is transfixed on Elliot as he begins to crawl across the ground like a crab would, The man is resilient as he finds the extra energy to raise his left hand as it shakes with impurity.. The man whimpers loudly as he raises up his bloodied left hand to signal Elliot's attention.. The GSH continues, "Congratulations!"..A two toned and eerie pan sound is heard very reminiscent of a zombie movie..

Elliot can hardly maintain his feelings as he watches the biker's last moments on Earth quickly fade away.. The GSH is full of beans and really wants Elliot to succeed in becoming a fully fledged winner and a multi millionaire all at the same time.. GSH continues, " We've now reached a point in the game where we like to give our audience the opportunity to ask our contestants a few questions" (Elliot sniffs as he leans left) "Are you ready?" Elliot lets out a massive plume of hot air as his emotions explode within.. Elliot leans down and is finding the call rather heard to stomach.. with the GSH..

Elliot leans his head up as he whimpers and cries for his sanity.. Elliot lets the phone slide down his right ear as he let's out a high pitched wail of pain and suffering.. Only a madman could possibly continue with the GSH..

Camera sways slightly from side to side..The GSH is in good spirits as he tell's Elliot about his now rather large fan base, "Saint Inna 57, say's he's very impressed"..The man who desperately whimpered for help now rests in peace..

Elliot shakes his head up and down with an agonising trauma of emotions as he whimpers and wails loudly, The GSH could not care less and is probably enjoying Elliot's physical and mental torture considering it was Elliot's decision to compete.. Elliot splutters as he closes his eyes while squeezing the stolen mobile phone in his hand as a desperate method of drowning out the sound.. The GSH continues, "with how you have grown in these last several hours.." Elliot looks down and is finding the conversation extremely difficult to handle...

Suddenly Elliot blows a fuse as he violently throws the cell phone over the road and into the mass of dead bodies and mangled steel..Elliot raises his left arm high in the air as he swings his right arm high and with a circular motion of speed while looking up in the air similar to a cricket bowler..A loud flapping of materials is heard as Elliot throws the phone with a rapid movement of the hands. (Elliot groans loudly from the effort) A large amount of saliva spurts from Elliot's mouth that has built up from his huge meltdown of emotions..Elliot quickly raises his throwing hand to his mouth as he wipes away the excess saliva...

Elliot screams out loudly with fear and tears, "I'm not playing anymore" as the phone propels over to the deceased bikers..A loud smack of plastic is heard as the cell phone hits the ground hard, The phone bounces up into the air several feet high before landing in between a scooter with an illuminated red back light and a decapitated rider..The phone veers of to the right bounces several more times in quick succession before resting behind the back wheel of the machine..Multiple clacks of plastic is heard)

A loud whistling breeze is now heard, Elliot leans back slightly as he stares over in the direction of the phone as he struggles to maintain composure.. Elliot closes his eyes as he raises his right hand to his eyes as he turns slightly anti clockwise.. Elliot leans back slightly as he lowers his left hand down.. Elliot wipes his mouth with his right hand as he begins to whimper with intense fear and regret..

Elliot suddenly bends down as he holds his right hand with his left hand, Elliot whimpers loudly in the coldest of the night, lonely and unable to think clearly Elliot is now a destroyed soul who sold it to the devil tonight..All is quiet and there is no sound score, Elliot continues to whimper for the dead bikers and for himself..

The scene now changes back to Buffalo's Billiards, a venue that provides 24 hour service with 23 tables.. Detective Chillcoat is still investigating Mr Vogler's silver briefcase as he ponders over a photographic image.. Mr Vogler believes that certain real life events are linked with the dark game, He also believes that certain people are working for the game, these could be judges, police, doctors, and any other occupation.. We have also discovered that the game has a live audience and multiple contestants are active at any one time.. All is silent and there is no sound score.. The camera wavers slightly as Chillcoat looks at an image of a car crash situation..A short moment passes and Chillcoat removes the image as he checks out the next one from underneath..Image slides left and out of view..

A light chattering of paper is heard as Chillcoat places the image behind several others.. The next image involves a head on collision involving two old steam trains from August 22nd 1914.. Chillcoat is interested in this image as he picks it up and holds it slightly out from the rest..A moment passes as Chillcoat scrutinises the image for any clues..

Chillcoat places the train crash image behind the others, as it passes behind the pack the right corner of the photo clips the facing image causing it to shake up and down slightly for a few seconds.. Light scrunching of paper is heard as Chillcoat lifts up the next image.. This image portrays a sunken boat from around the 1700's period.. Suddenly a loud squeaking of metal is heard..

Chillcoat is silent and motionless as he examines the images, Mr Vogler stands just behind as he quickly unscrews a black and silver edged flask, Mr Vogler raises the flask to his mouth as he looks up and closes his eyes before swallowing down several large gulps of liquor..(Gulping sound is heard several times) (Chillcoat chews on his gum piece)
(Add picture)

Chillcoat places the sail boat image behind the pack as he reveals a photo of JFK's infamous parade and assassination..Chillcoat raises the image up closer to his eyes as he examines the scene.
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.
By the fall of 1963, President John F. Kennedy and his political advisers were preparing for the next presidential campaign. Although he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was clear that President Kennedy was going to run and he seemed confident about his chances for re-election. At the end of September, the president traveled west, speaking in nine different states in less than a week. The trip was meant to put a spotlight on natural resources and conservation efforts. But JFK also used it to sound out themes—such as education, national security, and world peace—for his run in 1964.

Campaigning in Texas
A month later, the president addressed Democratic gatherings in Boston and Philadelphia. Then, on November 12, he held the first important political planning session for the upcoming election year. At the meeting, JFK stressed the importance of winning Florida and Texas and talked about his plans to visit both states in the next two weeks.
Mrs. Kennedy would accompany him on the swing through Texas, which would be her first extended public appearance since the loss of their baby, Patrick, in August. On November 21, the president and first lady departed on Air Force One for the two-day, five-city tour of Texas.
President Kennedy was aware that a feud among party leaders in Texas could jeopardize his chances of carrying the state in 1964, and one of his aims for the trip was to bring Democrats together. He also knew that a relatively small but vocal group of extremists was contributing to the political tensions in Texas and would likely make its presence felt—particularly in Dallas, where US Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson had been physically attacked a month earlier after making a speech there. Nonetheless, JFK seemed to relish the prospect of leaving Washington, getting out among the people and into the political fray.
The first stop was San Antonio. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Governor John B. Connally, and Senator Ralph W. Yarborough led the welcoming party. They accompanied the president to Brooks Air Force Base for the dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. Continuing on to Houston, he addressed the League of United Latin American Citizens, and spoke at a testimonial dinner for Congressman Albert Thomas before ending the day in Fort Worth.
AP Photo
Morning in Fort Worth
A light rain was falling on Friday morning, November 22, but a crowd of several thousand stood in the parking lot outside the Texas Hotel where the Kennedy's had spent the night. A platform was set up and the president, wearing no protection against the weather, came out to make some brief remarks. "There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth," he began, "and I appreciate your being here this morning. Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself. It takes longer, but, of course, she looks better than we do when she does it." He went on to talk about the nation's need for being "second to none" in defence and in space, for continued growth in the economy and "the willingness of citizens of the United States to assume the burdens of leadership."
The warmth of the audience response was palpable as the president reached out to shake hands amidst a sea of smiling faces.
Back inside the hotel the president spoke at a breakfast of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, focusing on military preparedness. "We are still the keystone in the arch of freedom," he said. "We will continue to do…our duty, and the people of Texas will be in the lead."
The presidential party left the hotel and went by motorcade to Carswell Air Force Base for the thirteen-minute flight to Dallas. Arriving at Love Field, President and Mrs. Kennedy disembarked and immediately walked toward a fence where a crowd of well-wishers had gathered, and they spent several minutes shaking hands.
The first lady received a bouquet of red roses, which she brought with her to the waiting limousine. Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, were already seated in the open convertible as the Kennedys entered and sat behind them. Since it was no longer raining, the plastic bubble top had been left off. Vice President and Mrs. Johnson occupied another car in the motorcade.
The procession left the airport and travelled along a ten-mile route that wound through downtown Dallas on the way to the Trade Mart where the President was scheduled to speak at a luncheon.


JFK giving a speech in Fort Worth hours before his death.. November 22nd 1963
The Assassination
Crowds of excited people lined the streets and waved to the Kennedy's. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. As it was passing the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire suddenly reverberated in the plaza.
Bullets struck the president's neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy. The governor was shot in his back.
The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital just a few minutes away. But little could be done for the President. A Catholic priest was summoned to administer the last rites, and at 1:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead. Though seriously wounded, Governor Connally would recover.
The president's body was brought to Love Field and placed on Air Force One. Before the plane took off, a grim-faced Lyndon B. Johnson stood in the tight, crowded compartment and took the oath of office, administered by US District Court Judge Sarah Hughes. The brief ceremony took place at 2:38 p.m.
Less than an hour earlier, police had arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a recently hired employee at the Texas School Book Depository. He was being held for the assassination of President Kennedy and the fatal shooting, shortly afterwards, of Patrolman J. D. Tippit on a Dallas street.
On Sunday morning, November 24, Oswald was scheduled to be transferred from police headquarters to the county jail. Viewers across America watching the live television coverage suddenly saw a man aim a pistol and fire at point blank range. The assailant was identified as Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner. Oswald died two hours later at Parkland Hospital.

FILE - In this Nov. 25, 1963 file photo, three-year-old John F. Kennedy Jr., salutes his father's casket in Washington, three days after the president was assassinated in Dallas. Widow Jacqueline Kennedy, center, and daughter Caroline Kennedy are accompanied by the late president's brothers Sen. Edward Kennedy, left, and Attorney General Robert Kennedy.

The President's Funeral
That same day, President Kennedy's flag-draped casket was moved from the White House to the Capitol on a caisson drawn by six grey horses, accompanied by one riderless black horse. At Mrs. Kennedy's request, the cortege and other ceremonial details were modeled on the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Crowds lined Pennsylvania Avenue and many wept openly as the caisson passed. During the 21 hours that the president's body lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda, about 250,000 people filed by to pay their respects.
On Monday, November 25, 1963 President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. The funeral was attended by heads of state and representatives from more than 100 countries, with untold millions more watching on television. Afterward, at the grave site, Mrs. Kennedy and her husband's brothers, Robert and Edward, lit an eternal flame.
Perhaps the most indelible images of the day were the salute to his father given by little John F. Kennedy Jr. (whose third birthday it was), daughter Caroline kneeling next to her mother at the president's bier, and the extraordinary grace and dignity shown by Jacqueline Kennedy.
As people throughout the nation and the world struggled to make sense of a senseless act and to articulate their feelings about President Kennedy's life and legacy, many recalled these words from his inaugural address:
All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days, nor in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administration. Nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.

John F. Kennedy jr with his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy
A metal sculpture of a three-year-old John F. Kennedy Jr., saluting, sits among flowers left at the entrance to the residence of Kennedy and his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy in New York Tuesday, July 20, 1999. Relatives of Kennedy, his wife and sister-in-law acknowledged their deaths with words of anguish as investigators revealed their plane had plunged toward the sea at a much faster speed than first believed. At the funeral service of his father, President John F. Kennedy, in 1963, the three-year-old Kennedy Jr. saluted his father's casket. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)ASSOCIATED PRESS

John F. Kennedy Jr. Sitting in the pilot seat of the Marine One circa 1963

John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bissette leaving the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington, D.C., May 1, 1999. Photo: MANNY CENETA/AFP/Getty Images

Many different ice cream van chimes

A continuous synthesizer chord is heard - Chillcoat suddenly turns his head to Mr Vogler, Mr Vogler leans to his left slightly as he looks down at the image in Chillcoat's hand..Vogler quickly looks to Chillcoat before veering his eyes down.. Chillcoat looks back to the image in hand..(Blinks)

The image shakes slightly as Chillcoat holds it by the bottom left corner..A moment passes and Chillcoat returns the image to the front of the pack this time..(A crunching sound of paper is heard) (Chillcoat transfers the pack of images over to his right hand before placing them down to the billiard table's surface next to the bottom right side of the opened brown folder)

(Slow and melodic violin and double bass instruments provide the sound score) Chillcoat suddenly speaks his thoughts as he looks down at the images, "If this was a game just for someone's amusement..Chillcoat leans his head back slightly as he looks to Mr Vogler and say's, "Right?".. Vogler veers his eyes to Chillcoat as he leans his head slightly right before looking down and waving his flask out slightly as he expresses his opinion.. Vogler raises his eyebrows as he looks up to Chillcoat and say's, "Whose?" Vogler shakes his head negatively as he say's, "I don't know?" (Chillcoat chews on his gum) (Chillcoat veers his eyes down avoiding eye contact) (Chillcoat chews on his gum) Vogler looks down as he turns his head anti clockwise as he looks down at his brown wallet of information and images..Vogler speaks, "But sometimes.." Looks slightly left, Veers eyes left and right, Blinks, leans head left, Vogler continues, "Sometimes (Raises left hand up slightly) I think about how (Hesitates) few people (Shakes left hand up several times) on this planet (Chillcoat looks to Vogler as he leans his head up) -Vogler looks to Chillcoat, "Really decide (Nods positively) everything.. Nods forward - "One percent" Hesitates - (Nods forward) "Of one percent" Hesitates

(Chillcoat looks down before turning his head and looking down at the table)- Raises left hand as he looks away from Chillcoat - Takes a deep breath - Holds left hand up - "They are (Hesitates) the functional equivalent (Hesitates) Raises up left hand and looks to Chillcoat, "of gods.."(Chillcoat looks more to his right as he chews on his gum) Lowers left hand to his flask, closes mouth tightly and looks away to the billiard table as he waves out his left hand to express his words..Blinks - Twists head slightly right, Speaks again, "They must get (Hesitates) raises eyebrows "bored.." Looks down to table..(Slow piano backing theme is heard)

Chillcoat leans forward as he picks up a folder of interest with his right hand from the bottom of the pages..The first page shakes fleetingly as he holds it with index finger and thumb.. (Vogler looks to Chillcoat -veers eyes down and then up) Chillcoat bends the page so that it becomes rigid and straight causing it to shake some more..A splat of paper is heard as Chillcoat instantly drops the page back to the tables surface.. Chillcoat speaks, "How does it end?"

Mr Vogler slowly raises his flask to his lips with his right hand as he looks down at the table, Chillcoat speaks, "This Game?" Gulp is heard before the conspiracy theorist lowers his liquor flask - Mr Vogler has not mentioned that his RV vehicle has been burnt out and maybe is not aware..Chillcoat slowly turns his head to the silent Vogler..Vogler suddenly speaks as he turns slightly to Chillcoat but avoiding eye contact, "13 is the end.." Chillcoat looks away.. Vogler speaks slowly as he lowers his left hand down to the table, "Thirteen never changes"..Chillcoat looks to Vogler in silence..

Vogler picks up a thick folder of newspaper cuttings with his left hand - The folder wavers as Vogler lifts it from the billiard tables surface - as he say's, "Some contestants think they can walk away, (Vogler transfers the folder over to Chillcoats side as he sniffs before placing it down again) Vogler continues, "but's it's a snuff show.."

Chillcoat places his left hand onto the folders bottom central seem with his left hand as he slowly lifts it up for investigation.. Vogler speaks again with an eerie tone of voice, "There's only one way those end.." The folder wavers in Chillcoats hand - Chillcoat quickly throws up the folder at speed as he transfers the weight of the folder onto both hands.. (Loud clunk of leather is heard)

Low level rumbling sound is heard to provide atmosphere - Chillcoat begins to investigate the new folder as he strives to link the conspiracy theorists words with his own ideas and thoughts..Chillcoat is transfixed on a portion of text as the folder shakes slightly..Suddenly Chillcoat raises up the folder closer to his eyes as he discovers a snippet of interest..Chillcoat veers his eyes down in silence.. Vogler smirks as he looks down at the folder in Chillcoats hands.. Vogler tightens his facial muscles as he closes his eyes, (Twitches eyes) Looks to his right, Vogler raises his flask to his mouth (Blinks) Tilts head up -

The scene now changes back to Elliot and his dilemma, A small amount of time has passed and Elliot is now slowly walking down a long residential road towards a train station platform with his hands by his side.. A car is seen slowly approaching Elliot from behind, (A loud sound of a trains horn is heard which fills the night air.. ) (A clacking of train tracks is heard) The horn is long reaching a duration of 4 seconds in length..Elliot walks in a trance state of mind as he considers his options..

Suddenly a loud male voice is heard emanating over a tanoy speaker, "Please be advised to expect delays for the three forty two train to New Orleans crossover terminal.." A large group of passengers have accumulated at the ALGIERS station as they wait patiently for the train to arrive..(A bird is heard squawking 4 times in quick succession) A man suddenly appears from the right as he slowly walks across the train tracks towards the large group of people..He is wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, a black woolly hat, and a blue jacket.. A man leans against a silver Railroad Crossing sign to the left as he looks down at his cell phone.. A builder wearing a silver hard hat, orange jacket, and blue jeans nods forward as he confers with others.. A woman wearing a light brown jacket smokes a cigarette before taking it away from her mouth with her right hand.. Another worker wearing a white hat turns anti clockwise slightly, The rest of the waiting passengers stand motionless as they wait..

Elliot has now made his way over to the large accumulation of people as he also waits patiently for the train to arrive.. Elliot stands silent and motionless as he looks to his right and across the void.. "A man is heard saying to another, "Jesus that much?" A large majority of the people are peacefully and happilly chatting to each other as they bide there time on the platform.. (The same bird is heard sqwauking once more) (Hum of voices fills the air) A man stood in front of Elliot is in a deep conversation with another.. The man sways on his feet before shaking his head, Man hunches his facial muscles, Nods forward, Shakes head, Looks to his right slightly, Leans forward raises eyebrows as he expresses his words..Suddenly that all too familiar sound is heard emanating from one of the waiting passengers clothing.. Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik is heard - (Elliot blinks twice in quick succession) The sound has now caught Elliot's attention as he slowly turns his head anti clockwise and towards the crowd..Elliot looks over as he attempts to pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from.. Elliot scans more to his left as he scrutines the crowd..

People gently sway on there feet or stand motionless as they wait for the delayed train..Elliot begins to walk into the crowd as he follows the sound of the phone..

As Elliot pushes through the crowd he rests his left hand onto the right shoulder of a waiting passenger as he say's with concern, "Excuse me!" Elliot rapidly turns to face the man's shoulder as he places a greater force onto the strangers shoulder..The male passenger quickly looks to Elliot as he instantly shouts out with vexation, "Get your hands off me!"

Elliot continues forward as he say's, "I'm sorry I'm Sorry"..Elliot suddenly speeds up his actions as he runs forward completely obsessed into finding out the source of the sound..Elliot twists clockwise as he weaves in and out of the large group of people..

Elliot ducks as he pushes through some more people,

Elliot speaks with impatience as he meets two more people stood in silence, "Did you hear that?" A man shouts out with annoyance, "Hey!" The couple do not respond to Elliot's question.. A man in the crowd shouts out, "Sure". Another shouts out, Come on"

A loud ruffling of materials is heard as Elliot pushes through the crowd at speed..Elliot shouts out "Do you have a phone?" as he quickly twists around the crowd to the left..Elliot turns around clockwise as he flails his arms out, this causes a man to say, "Watch it!"

Elliot looks to his right as he steps backwards, Elliot quickly turns to his right before turning completely around in a anti clockwise motion.

Elliot looks over and down at a woman wearing a blue hat and a green jacket before looking to his right again..She also wears glasses.. (A bird squawking is heard) (People continue to chatter)

Elliot pushes forward as a thudding of jackets and other clothing is heard - Elliot suddenly shouts out loudly, "Who has a phone?" as he quickly stands on top of a wooden bench"..

A man in the crowd speaks loudly with surprise, "Cell phone?" A man to the left stares with a complex confused state of mind over towards Elliot.. Everyone has now turned and are looking at Elliot with blank faces of rejection..

Another man shouts out, "Shit...are you crazy?" Elliot looks to his left fleetingly before looking to his right from the man's voice.. Elliott stands motionless for a few seconds as he scrutinises the crowd..Suddenly a mans silhouette runs past Elliot at high speed to the left, This causes Elliot to instantly focus on the escaping man as he pushes through the crowd..A man shouts out, "Lonely man"

From a distance the man is seen rapidly exiting the congested arena as he attempts to outsmart Elliot.. He wears a black cap, and a black jacket.The man pushes through using both hands as a man shouts out with annoyance, "Jesus!".. Several of the crowd turn there heads towards the escaping man as he hot foots it..

Elliot suddenly raises both hands up in front of him as he shouts loudly, "Hey!"..Elliot almost collapses to the floor as he rapidly jumps down from the bench..A loud drum beat is heard to provide the atmosphere - Elliot breaths loudly as he chases after the person he thinks is playing the game.." Elliot uses his shoulders as he nudges his way out..

Elliot is completely possessed with catching up with the stranger as he ploughs through the crowd at speed. People lift there arms up as Elliot pushes through..

A man shouts out, "What's your hurry buddy?" People turn there heads as they watch Elliot run off into the distance.. Fast drum beats provide atmosphere - High pitched electric pan sound is heard - The crowd has become more intensified as the chatter increases in volume and pitch..

Elliot breathes at a fast rate as he sprints after the escaping man as fast as his legs can go.. The escaping man continues to take the lead and is in no mind to stop or even communicate with Elliot.. A female passenger shouts out "Yeah" as she begins to enjoy the show.

The escaping man is making his way towards a circus ground storage warehouse.. A loud scuffling of feet is heard from the two men..The spooked man quickly runs into the warehouse and goes out of view.. Elliot's brown jacket flaps violently.

Elliot soon makes it to the gates of the circus warehouse as he lets out a large gasp of air.. Elliot quickly slows as he leaps across the ground while maintaining visual focus in the direction he thinks the man took..(Elliot crosses his legs as he enters the circus storage house at speed) Elliot flails his arms out as he slows down to a crawl..Elliot stops in his tracks as he looks to his right...A synthesised whistling train horn is heard -

A bird is heard flapping it's wings furiously as it becomes spooked by Elliot's presence..Several wild cats are heard shrieking from the noisy disturbance.. The sound of the cats causes Elliot to rapidly twist around clockwise as he looks over from where the sound is coming from.. Elliot leans forward slightly before turning his head back around.. Elliot lets out a gasp of air as his adrenaline increases with every second.. Elliot knows the Scarlet Pimpernel is somewhere....hiding...

Elliot walks forward as he scopes out the warehouse, Elliot looks to his left and then forward.. Elliot looks to his right and then his right before shouting out, "You don't have to do this?" (Elliot's voice has a slight echo) Elliot speaks with a breathless tone, A loud clunk and echo of metal is heard in the distance.. Elliot takes in a deep breath as he say's, "they're killing people,.."

The camera pans up to reveal the contents of the warehouse, The camera travels left as more detail is revealed..Elliot speaks out again, "Listen to me..I Quit!"

Elliot continues to look right as he waits for a response..In real world terms not everyone is going to agree to your opinions.. Everyone has some form of inner rebel that likes to question or do the opposite of what we're told.” Experts call this feeling or need to rebel psychological reactance. It's your brain's reaction when you feel a threat to your freedom or think your choices are being limited. (High pitched and continuous pan sound is heard) Elliot is silent as he slowly walks forward while looking from side to side.. Elliot suddenly speaks with sadness and fear, "You could quit too?" Another sound is heard similar to a piece of metal banging against a crate..

The camera becomes Elliot's eyes as it scans the scenery for any sign of the odd ball.. The camera sweeps left then down, right to the other side of the warehouse..,

Suddenly a bright and intense light is seen infused with a deep rumbling and loud high pitched screeching of tires.. The elusive person is seen behind the wheel of a vintage style ice cream van as he makes a break for freedom..A long and indulgent set of fairy lights instantly illuminated as the engine is ignited..

Elliot instantly jerks with intense fright as he witnesses the sudden brightness and accelerating ice cream van.. The rumbling and screeching is almost unbearable as the villain pushes his foot down on the accelerator pedal.. A short moment in time freezes Elliot on the spot..

The ice cream lunatic now has a plan to kill Elliot and end his game, The GSH did say two or more players are competing for the cash prize..A loud skidding is heard as the cornetto head turns the wheel and curves the vehicle into Elliot's path..

Elliot lights up like a fun fair ride as the headlights beam at full power into his space, Elliot suddenly makes a run for it as he sprints as fast as he can to his right as he attempts to avoid a deadly collision..Elliot groans loudly as he jumps out of the way of the lunatic driver just in the nick of time.

A loud thud is heard as Elliot smacks down heavily onto the floor below landing on his right shoulder first.. Elliot hits the deck as he slumps head first unable to move but relieved to be alive..The ice cream lunatic to add insult to injury has also switched on the ice cream vans melody machine.. What are the racist origins of the ice cream truck song? The song was originally recorded by a man named Harry C. Browne and released in 1916, according to the Smithsonian. However, the song stole its melody from an early 19th century tune called "Turkey in the Straw," which is the song's more commonly known name now.10 Jul 2020..

The brightly lit ice cream van speeds around a corner as it leaves the DEN 12 circus warehouse behind..

Elliot manages to recover from his spectacular fall as he stands up and looks out towards the escaping Ice Cream van psychopath.. Elliot outstretches his right arm fleetingly - A loud skidding is heard as the assailant makes a quick get away.. (Slow snare drum beat provides atmosphere)..Elliot feels his sixth sense take over as he looks to his left to discover a vehicle has been left with the drivers side window completely rolled down..

Elliot is even more amazed to discover that the owner has conveniently left the keys in the ignition.. The camera slowly sweeps up and then down as the silver key ring shines brightly from the low level lighting.. Dramatic violin compliments the sound score -

A moment has passed and Elliot has decided that he will continue the chase considering the stranger nearly run him over.. Elliot is in luck as he drives the old and dilapidated truck out of the warehouse, A loud intermittent grinding is heard which has greatly affected the performance and speed of the vehicle..The two most common causes of grinding noises under your car are worn brake linings or failing wheel or hub bearings. Whichever action creates the grinding noise is the affected system that needs repair. A normal engine sound is also heard - In the back of the truck is a large potato head type of prop that is also coming along for the ride.. A rattling is also heard - Elliot slowly turns the car clockwise as he directs the vehicle onto the road.. Suddenly the left side wheel drops several inches as the suspension breaks, The left side of the exhaust pipe also drops down just missing the ground..The owner will be thankful this rust bucket has been stolen..

Elliot bangs on the dashboard several times in fast succession as he attempts a futile effort to revive the cars performance.. A loud tapping sound is heard - Elliot quickly places his right hand back to the steering wheel as he looks back out to the road ahead.. Elliot shakes the steering wheel as he looks down at the gear shift lever..Ellit strains his face as he shakes up and down while attempting to change gear..

Elliot can see the Ice Cream van from a distance as he pushes the dilapidated pile of junk as fast as it can go..

Suddenly the tune Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik is heard emanating out from one of the trucks pull down storage boxes.. Elliot looks to his right as he veers his eyes down towards the sound..Elliot looks back to the road and is in no rush to answer the phone device, After all it could be a bomb or worse..

Elliot veers his eyes down again as the sound plays with his mind and his senses..A rattling and screeching of failing brakes and engine parts is heard - Suddenly Elliot leans forward as he grimaces from the effort..Elliot lowers his RH down to the storage box.. A loud click is heard as Elliot pulls open the storage box, Elliot quickly places his hand inside as he retrieves the ringing device..
13 Sins - Page Nine