Elliot quickly brings the phone up to his face as he fumbles with the device with both hands.. Elliot looks back out to the road ahead as he transfers the phone to his left hand while steering with his right.. Suddenly Elliot shouts out loudly with vexation, "What are you?"..The GSH begins to speak, "You know, thwarting your opponent's progress could be interpreted as interfering with the game.." A rattling from the vehicle is heard) Elliot takes in a rapid breath as he say's, with anger, "Yeah!" (Leans head forward slightly - Hesitates, "What's he gonna do huh?" (Elliot rapidly shifts his right hand across the steering wheel to his left) Hesitates, "What's he gonna do that's gonna top what happened back on that road?"..Is he going to crash a plane?, Blow up a Fucking school?"..A loud banging sound is heard from the Mr Potato head vs Lion man prop..

The GSH continues, "Thirteen is a bit more intimate than that"..Rattling continues - The ice cream van can still be seen in the distance..

GSH continues, "And it's the same for all players".."Including you>" Elliot takes in a deep breath as he say's, "I told you I'm not playing anymore.."

GSH continues, "The final challenge is worth - Suddenly Elliot dangles the cell phone out of his driver's side window as he refuses to listen to the GSH anymore.. The GSH continues, $4.4 million dollars..(Elliot tightly closes his lips) Elliot suddenly drops the phone out of the window as he rapidly opens his left hand..(Crash of plastic is heard) Elliot has now decided that the money is simply not worth the terrible anguish, pain, and suffering he and others are experiencing.. (Fast violin chord is now heard) Elliot returns his hand to the steering wheel as he gently sways his hands in a side to side movement..Elliot is now in deep thought as he continues to chase the runaway ice cream van..

A loud skidding infused with the ice cream vans melody is heard as the other contestant veers around a corner at high speed..A loud banging is heard as the front wheels of the vehicle hit a gradient on the road..

From a distance the ice cream van is swerving around a corner while Elliot follows slowly behind.. A loud skidding continues..

Elliot steers left then right in quick succession before looking over at the dashboard.. Elliot grimaces as he suddenly begins to rapidly bang the top of the dashboard with his left hand 3 times with the palm of his hand.. "Elliot shouts out, "Come on" as he attempts to increase the speed of the broken and highly unroadworthy automobile..Elliot looks back out to the road ahead as he suddenly pulls on the steering wheel and grimaces with anger, Elliot shouts out again, "Come on you piece of junk".. Elliot turns the steering wheel slightly left..

Elliot rapidly pushes his foot down onto the accelerator pedal as he attempts to gain an extra bit of speed.. Light tapping is heard -

A loud whizzing whirring sound is now heard as the engine begins to fail, The vehicle is stuck at 18 mph and refuses to go any faster..The speed dial shakes furiously - An excited violin theme is heard -

Elliot rapidly turns the steering wheel right as he reaches a residential area.. To Elliot's surprize the ice cream truck has now come into view and has parked up on the other side of the road..

Elliot quickly slows his vehicle down to a stop as he looks out at the brightly lit van..A deep and continuous double bass chord now provides the atmosphere - A loud squeaking of breaks is also heard as Elliot stops..The other player is no where to be seen and has taken off into the night.

.A loud sound of grinding gravel and another prolonged squeak is now heard..

A loud clunking is heard as Elliot opens his drivers side door..Elliot pushes open the door creating a metal clanking..(Dogs are heard barking) Elliot quickly steps out of the vehicle as he looks on over into the distance..A high pitched synthesizer break is now heard - A loud thud of metal is heard as Elliot rapidly slams the door shut with his right hand..

Elliot immediately begins to walk forward with a concerned look on his face.. (The sound score is now reminiscent of a horror movie as it changes to a lower key - (Elliot blinks)(Dogs bark)..Elliot is conservative and is biding his time as he makes his way over to the ice cream van..

Elliot immediately puts his head inside the drivers side door as he scopes out the situation..Elliot slowly leans his head inside the vehicle before looking to his right.. (Squawking of a bird is heard) Elliot veers his eyes left -

The camera sweeps left to reveal more detail - Elliot turns his head away from the van as he checks out the location he has arrived to..To Elliot's shock and horror he has arrived at his father's place of resident, A large sign display's the words, Willow Brook, Assisted Living.. (Another dog barks)

Deep oboe pan sound is heard - Elliot stares up at his fathers residence as his mind contemplates the sheer odds of him arriving here.. Elliot is worrying for his dad and his dark side may tell him the lunatic ice cream man is out to hurt him..

(Squawking from the residential upstairs parrot is heard 3 times in quick succession) Camera wavers up and down) Low level train over tracks effect is heard -

Elliot is bewildered as he continues to look up at his fathers house, Suddenly Elliot breaks away from the ice cream van as he makes his way over towards the Willow Brook complex..Elliot quickly begins to run as a unique urge to check on his father takes over..

A chirping of insects is heard - The ice cream van is now devoid of life and can only wait for the owner or a recovery vehicle to tow it away.. The lights have been left on either to attract Elliot or for another quick get away stunt..

A moment passes and Elliot has now entered the building, (A low level rumbling sound is heard to provide atmosphere)..All is quiet inside the building..

Suddenly Elliot's shadow appears from the entrance as he slowly makes his way to a set of stairs..(A small dog is heard barking) A light tapping of Elliot's feet is heard -

Elliot is in stealth mode and does not want to be discovered at this time..

Elliot slowly climbs the steps one at a time as he looks up with a transfixed stare.. (Dog barks again) Black shadows from the banisters pass over Elliot's torso as he transcends the stairwell.Elliot quickly picks up momentum as he uses his left hand to steady himself on the stairs..Elliot quickly goes out of view as he disappears under the upstairs flooring..

The camera suddenly sweeps right to reveal the upper floor..(Small dog barks) It is very quiet in the hallway area and there are no people to be seen or heard -

Elliot's right arm and then his head and torso appear on the magnolia feature colored walls as he creeps up the stairs.. A light tapping of feet is heard as Elliot climbs at a medium pace of steps..Elliot outstretches his left arm and places it onto a bannister as he almost reaches the top,

Elliot looks up at the white door to his fathers abode as he approaches, (Small dog continues to bark) Elliot has now reached the door numbered 13 as he stands silent while leaning his head down slightly..Elliot bides his time as he listens for any voices or unnatural sounds coming from behind the thick wooden exterior..

Elliot slowly outstretches his right arm as he aims for the doors handle..Elliot slowly squeezes on the bronze door knob before turning clockwise.. A loud clank of metal is heard as the door unlocks)

The scene now changes to inside fathers apartment, A loud thump of wood is heard as Elliot pushes the door open with a rapid force, The door slides slowly across the carpet as it widens..

A squeaking sound is heard from the door - Elliot quickly places his left hand onto the door to stop it from opening fully as he stares in to the room..Two hats hang on a rail to Elliot's left, there is also a sports bag on a shelf.. Grey sheets are stacked to Elliot's right. Dark themed violin chord is heard -

To Elliot's surprize all is normal as he spots father sat on his leather chair and having his supper.. Father does not react to Elliot's presence as he raises his left hand and and takes a bite of his food. Father is watching a wild life programme on television, A lioness is seen crouching on some rocks as she waits for her prey..Father leans his head down slightly as he takes a mouthful of corned beef..Father chews meticulously as he lowers his fork down..Father is listening to music on his headphones which explains why he has not turned his head to Elliot.. The room consists of several wooden chairs, Three lamp shades, a long table with white chair to the front right of the living room space, This table also has a brown box on top of it.. a large red rug, Several book are stacked in front of the TV and there is another black hardback on top of the TV set..

Elliot remains silent as he looks to his left and across the room, (Small dog is heard barking) Elliot veers his eyes right before leaning into the room a little more..Elliot looks behind the door as it slides delicately a single inch.. Elliot looks back to his father as he leans in some more.. Elliot suddenly shouts out to his father, "Dad" Elliot moves slightly as he hesitates -Elliot shouts out again much louder this time as he quickly leans towards his father "Dad.."..

Suddenly Father turns his head towards his son as he chews on his food, Father hunches his face as he lowers his eyebrows while opening his mouth for a fleeting moment.. Father contorts his mouth as he swallows a piece of food while turning away from Elliot.. Elliot shouts out again, Dad you Okay!.. Father looks down at his plastic ready made meal as he places his fork down into his corn beef portion while placing his steak knife into the furthest segment of mushy peas tip first. This light pressure pushes the tray a few centimetres across the tables surface.. Fathers glass of liquor sways gently..

A light tapping is heard as father raises the steak knife up slightly before placing it down across the far corner of the food tray at an angle..Father quickly raises his left hand up as he turns to face Elliot once more as he continues to chew.. Father raises his right hand as he prepares to remove his headphones from his head.. Two containers of medication rest on the dinner table, A small table behind Father consists of a small glass, more medication, an opened book, an ashtray half filled with cigarette butts, and Fathers walking stick which is resting against it..

A light clack of plastic is heard as Father quickly removes the headset - A loud squeak followed by a loud bang of wood is heard as Elliot closes the door using his right shoulder and left hand.. Father looks at his head phones for a fleeting second before looking over towards Elliot.. Father looks down as he lowers his headphones in his hands slightly, Father looks back up and over to Elliot once more as he say's, Father leans back and forwards as he speaks his words. "What happened to you?" Elliot steps into the room Left then right leg before stopping - The space left of the door consists of a large oak chest of drawers, there is also a large picture of Jesus Christ hung on the wall above..The picture depicts Jesus knocking on a brown door that has a wreath attached to the centre..It is night time with stars..Four brown cardboard boxes are stacked on top of the chest of draws, Two boxes are stacked either side.. A purple jacket hangs over the top box to the left..Fathers wheelchair rests against the chest of draws to the left.. A small table is located to the left with a white chair tucked under..There is another door to the left which is closed..Doors are light brown with 6 medium rectangle squares to provide a pattern..

Elliot does not answer as he looks over across the room veering his eyes left.. Elliot looks back to his father as he begins to walk across the room at an angle using his using his left leg first..Elliot begins to speed up his paces as he say's, "I've had an eventful day.." Light tapping of feet from Elliot is heard - Light female voice emanates from fathers headphone set speakers..Father looks back to the discovery channel themed programme as Elliot walks behind him..

Elliot quickly makes his way over to a window as father speaks out, "You look like you're about to shit yourself.." Elliot rapidly raises his right arm as he carefully parts the nets left while leaning forward and peering out into the night.. A moment passes and Elliot leans back as he turns to face the other window to his left. Elliot quickly lowers his right hand away from the nets as they rapidly fall back into place..Voices continues to emanate at a low level from fathers headphone set..Elliot replies, "Yeah" as he fleetingly looks left before taking a few steps over to the second window.. The yellow lamp wobbles slightly from Elliot's light pressure as he nears it..Elliot pulls the nets back with his left hand as he peers out of the window..

Father looks down as he switches off from Elliot and places his headphones back to his head.. Father continues to chew on his food as he lowers both hands back to his food tray.. The silence of the room has now been raised as a rumbling sound of water is heard similar to a toilet system..

The gurgling water sound instantly causes Elliot to look a round anti clockwise as he looks on over in the direction of the bathroom. (Elliot sniffs) Elliot lets the nets slip back into place with his right hand as he stares over with an intense curiosity..The rumbling sound continues as Elliot slowly places both hands behind his back..

A sound of thunder is heard to provide the atmosphere - A loud sound of water coming out of a fountain is now heard - A beating heart provides the atmosphere - The camera wavers up and down slightly -

Elliot begins to step sideways to his left as he maintains focus on the door across the room, More deep sounds of thunder are heard - A fast snare drum is now heard accompanied by a violin chord that is continuous and increases with loudness.. Elliot's shadow reflects from the wall and behind the lamp.. Elliot has his hand on the police captains handgun inside his right jacket pocket and is now poised to shoot if necessary..

More gurgling flushing sounds are heard from behind the door..Camera sways left and wavers up and down for a fleeting moment.. Thunder effect is heard - The situation is tense as Elliot waits patiently for the unknown person to enter..

Suddenly a loud click is heard as the person behind the door unlocks it, A loud creaking of wood is now heard as the door slowly opens.. A thud of wood is heard as Micheal appears from the bathroom space.. Michael looks forward and has not spotted Elliot as he enters into the living room.. Suddenly Michael turns his head and spots Elliot from a distance.. Michael is frozen in time as he stands motionless after discovering Elliot by the window.. Michael extends his right middle finger out as he continues to hold onto the door knob with his left..

Elliot is silent as he stares over towards his brother, Elliot did not bank on meeting Michael at his fathers house and is rather shocked and surprised at his presence..Elliot blinks as he sways slightly right, (The sound score fades away to leave a low level violin chord..) Elliot suddenly speaks out to Michael, "Your Here?" (Beeping sound is heard)

Michael looks down as he releases his hand from the door knob before touching fingers from both hands gently together..Michael looks to his left and is in no rush to respond..Michael looks down again as he leans forward slightly with thoughts on his mind..Michael softly caresses his left fingers over his right fingers as he say's, "Your Your your here too? Michael struggles to construct his sentence..Michael opens his mouth as he slowly looks back up and over to his brother..Michael's face reflects off a glass framed picture Michael's right..Michael hunches his mouth as he stares at Elliot unable to respond any more..

Father is static as he chews on his food while engrossed in his TV programme, Elliot is silent and motionless..Michael sways gently to his left as he turns his head in that direction..Michael rapidly raises his left hand up and then down as he looks up to Elliot, Michael speaks out, "My My stomach's"..Micheal turns to his left as he continues, "Upset, I think I ate something that was that was bad.." Light scrunching of feet is heard as Michael turns completely around so that he now faces the bathroom door..

A soft squeaking is heard as Michael gently closes the bathroom door using his left hand on the knob and pushing the door higher up using his right index finger..A click is heard as Michael turns the knob clockwise as he continues to push. Michael speaks out as he looks down at the door, "How are you doing?"..Another clonk of wood is heard as Michael shuts the door fully..Michael is silent as he slowly leans back from the door while gently joining his fingers together.. Michael slowly turns back to Elliot as Elliot speaks out with concern, "Michael , What are you doing here?"

Elliot begins to slowly walk forward as he sways gently from side to side..
Elliot continues, "I thought you said you were gonna go home and take your pill.." Michael turns to Elliot (Light scuffling of feet is heard) Michael steps on his right leg as he looks down while saying, "Yeah, well, "I had to do some stuff." Michael sways to his left before taking a step forward on his right foot, Michael raises up his left hand..Michael hunches his mouth and is feeling a little stressed..Michael continues to hold his left hand out in front of him as he sways his outstretched fingers in an up and down motion..Father stretches his left hand over his food tray as he chews vigorously..Elliot speaks out, "What stuff?"

Michael slowly steps forward left followed by right foot as he looks down avoiding eye contact, Michael speaks slowly as he say's.."We'll I I was with Marisol".. Michael rapidly looks up and over to Elliot.. Elliot caresses his fingers gently as he hunches his lips.. Michael looks down as he opens his mouth again.. Father looks down..

Elliot responds as he nods forward several times, "Marisol from the Hot Dog Castle?..(Low level echoing pan sound is heard) (Michael say's, "Yeah"..Camera slowly sweeps left - Elliot continues, "What's it mean you were "with" her?, Elliot shakes his head rapidly as he say's, "Like a date?.." - Michael responds,
Yeah, like a like a date"..

Michael continues as he outstretches his hands, "Like people go on (Hesitates and looks down) (Gasps loudly) (Looks to Elliot) to the movies, Okay?, We... Okay?..Michael looks away from Elliot as he turns to his left and brings his hands back in..Michael touches his left thumb right middle finger.. Michael suddenly snaps his left thumb away from his right middle finger several times - Light thudding of fingers is heard)

Michael slowly walks across the room obscuring Elliot's view briefly, Elliot say's, "What movie did you see?" Elliot sways on his feet and is becoming more and more suspicious about Michael's presence.. Michael speaks, "I don't remember"..Suddenly a loud unzipping sound is heard as Michael uses his left hand to open his sports bag.. Elliot leans to his right as he closes his eyes for a fleeting second, Elliot say's, "You don't remember?"..

Michael is rummaging in his bag as he quickly turns his head slightly to Elliot but does not make eye contact, Michael has become a little angry as he shouts over to Elliot, "It's not like science fiction, Elliot..(Bag shakes lightly) "That I could go on a date with somebody, ever, (Rumbling of metal and materials is heard) Okay?"(Michael struggles to produce the word Okay as it comes out with a lack of air) Flap of bag lifts up slightly) Michael speaks again softly this time, "Okay"..

Camera sways up and down slightly, Elliot speaks, "What's in the bag Michael?.." (Dog bark is heard) Michael does not respond..

Ruffling of materials is heard - Michael slowly turns around clockwise as he slowly looks up and over to Elliot..

Michael sways gently on his feet, Suddenly Elliot speaks, "Michael, what's challenge 13?"

Rumbling sound provides atmosphere - Michael's mouth is open wide as he looks down to his left unable to respond..Michael shakes his head negatively as he struggles to answer the question..

Michael slowly looks up to Elliot still unable to answer his brothers request..

Elliot speaks, "You gotta tell me, (Elliot has become emotional) "What's challenge 13?" Elliot swallows as he leans left.. Rumbling and high pitched electronic sound provides atmosphere -

Michael is tongue tied and is finding the question difficult to answer, Michael looks down before looking back to Elliot and saying softly, "You have to.." Michael hesitates -"Speaks softly, "to kill a family member".. Michael leans his head forward and is almost embarrassed by his whispering words..Michael hunches his mouth and leans right -

Elliot stands silent and motionless as his brothers words make a huge impact on his mental state..

A low level squelching is heard as father continues to chew on his food. Father is oblivious to the conversation Michael and Elliot are having as he watches the television set..Michael leans left..Father touches his tray with his left index finger..

Michael continues, "That's what they said, to kill a family member.." Michael tightens his mouth as he stares over to Elliot.. Michael suddenly nods his head positively several times in rapid succession as he expresses his words..

Elliot suddenly looks right and away from Michael as he contemplates the final requirements for challenge 13 of 13.. Elliot quickly looks back to Michael..Elliot speaks out with a tone of authority, "Go home Michael"

..Michael looks back up to Elliot, Michael quickly responds, "Why? Why?, Takes in a rush of air and hesitates.

Michael continues: "So you you (Looks to Elliot) can win?"

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Elliot stares at his brother in silence.. Chirping crickets are heard -

Michael can't stand his life anymore and has lost his faith in Elliot and the complete system of care, He feels like he is just a cog on a wheel and wants to prove to himself that he can do better..Michael speaks loudly and with a tone of defiance, "No No, I wanna win, (Michael rapidly looks down with energy)

Michael almost weeps with powerful emotions "I I wanna win something one time!"..Michael feels defeated and is going to defy his brother this time..Elliot leans forward to Michael as his own mental state of emotions increases with every second.

Suddenly a loud click is heard as something from inside Michael's bag suddenly protrudes out.."I wanna win, (Rumbling sound provides the atmosphere)

Elliot instantly looks down at the bag Michael is holding, I wanna win one ti.. Michael's words are cut short as his mental state takes over..

Michael is in tears and cannot face his brother as he expresses his desire to win the game, Michael is silent as he leans left, Michael shakes with tears and deep fears as he listens to Elliot speak, "Michael, I know you've been able to do everything they've asked you..Michael wheezes and shakes as his mouth opens wide..

Elliot continues, "Cause you don't think about stuff." Elliot hesitates - Elliot leans forward as he lowers his head slightly and say's, "But you're thinking now, Nods forward - right?"

Michael responds, "Remember when dad used a studded belt on me?"..

Elliot quickly responds, "Yeah, (Shakes head negatively several times) "I remember other things, too.."

Elliot continues, "I remember how he used to dote on you when you were little".. Michael responds with a strong tone of denial, "No No (Shouts louder) No! I don't remember?" Father looks down as he slowly cuts his meat with both hands with a slow rhythm.. (Father chews) (Father looks back up and to the television as he rests his steak knife down..

Michael looks down) "When I was little!.." Michael clings to his sports bag..

(Elliot hunches his forehead , Michael continues, "I remember when I was Eight

Michael continues, "and he hit me with a tennis racket." Michael shakes his head furiously from side to side as he expresses his words..

Elliot becomes protective of his father as he say's, "So, you're gonna shoot him?"

Michael looks down with an open mouth as he begins to shake his head awkwardly in a positive way, Michael hunches his lips tightly as he contemplates killing Father in cold blood..

Elliot responds with strong concern, "Michael" hesitates, Leans forward and hunches his eyebrows, Michael, he hit me too.. (Elliot nods forward several times) Remember when I scratched the car?"

Suddenly father removes his headphones and rests them on his legs as he looks over to Michael and Elliot.. Father leans forward slightly as he say's with a tone of sarcasm,(Nods forward) "It warm's my heart a little"..

Elliot quickly turns clockwise and over to father from his words.. Michael looks up slowly..Father continues, "to see the two of you showing some initiative,," Elliot's lips tremble with uncertain fear..(Elliot veers eyes from side to side) High pitches synthesizer chord is heard - Elliot and Michael stare at father in silence..

Father chews once as he rounds his mouth in a circular motion, Father closes his eyes for a fleeting moment as he looks away and back to the television..

Michael speaks, "Did you tell him?" Elliot responds, "Of course not!" Michael wavers his mouth as he looks down..

Father begins to speak out on the game to the surprise of both Elliot and Michael, Sliding of arms is heard as Father relaxes in his chair) Father watches the television as he speaks.."The game's not what it was in my day, I'll tell you that.."(Rumble of thunder provides atmosphere)

Father continues, "Drafting idiots like you.." Michael leans to his left, Michael leans right as his mouth trembles with uncertain stress.. Father continues with a sincere tone, "They turned it into a freak show"..Michael sways his head left and right as he trembles with confusion..

Elliot has become shocked and surprised at fathers submission as he speaks out with utter bewilderment, "Jesus".. Elliot is finding the conversation hard to bare.. Michael also responds as he looks down, "You played the game?"..

Father hesitates before nodding forward and saying with a deep tone of victory, "I won!"..Father blinks as he stares at the TV set..

Elliot responds with intrigue and distaste, "You did all thirteen?" Elliot trembles - Michael shadow sweeps over Elliot as he sways on his feet -

Father continues, Thirteen is the tough one.." (Hesitates) (Shakes head negatively) "Bit of a leap there.. Father squeezes his head phone head set gently with his right fingers.. A deep double bass chord provides atmosphere - Piano notes overlay the sound..

Elliot is struggling to speak as he leans left and say's, "Who did you kill?"

Father breathes calmly and he blinks several times unable to reply to Elliot's question.. Father suddenly shakes his head negatively as he say's softly, "She was the only softness in me.."Nods forward as he stares at the TV set..

Elliot suddenly begins to weep loudly after realising something dreadful beyond words..Elliot screams out "Jesus!" as he begins to whimper - Elliot leans to his left.. Michael speaks slowly, "What what is he saying, (Michael's mouth opens wide before shutting)(Michael hesitates as he struggles to speak) Elliot?" Elliot leans right as he crumples emotionally from the sudden shock..Michael's mouth opens wide again..

Father speaks out with a cold heart as he reveals how he purposely murdered Elliot and Michael's mother to complete challenge 13 of 13.. Father speaks slowly and with zero empathy, "I'm saying.. your mother never wore a seat belt.."..

Elliot instantly looks down as he lets out a large breath of air, Elliot remains leaning over as he attempts to recover mentally from fathers dramatic submission.. Elliot takes in a sharp breath as he wavers slightly in an up and down motion..

Suddenly Elliot raises himself up as he takes another deep breath while looking on over towards his father.. Elliot looks at his father with a cold stare as he jostles with his right hand..

A clink of metal is heard as Elliot rapidly produces the stolen hand gun from his left jacket pocket..Rushing sound of wind is heard to provide atmosphere - Elliot's jacket flaps back as he holds the gun downwards.. Elliot quickly places his index finger around the trigger.. Elliot is a mixed bag of emotions and is now contemplating killing his father in revenge for his mothers death..

Elliot suddenly speaks slowly while maintaining eye contact with father, "Michael, go wait in the other room>"

Father is silent as he veers his eyes left but avoiding eye contact, Father slowly looks up to his son in quietude.. Deep double bass chord is heard -

Michael gently sways from side to side, Michael say's "Elliot?" Michael looks up to Elliot for a split second before looking back down..Michael awkwardly folds his top lip over his bottom..

Elliot repeats his words, "Just go wait in the other room?"..

Michael looks up to Elliot in silence as he considers carrying out his instructions or not.. Michael steps to his left creating a low level scuffling of feet. Michael's mouth is open wide and he is feeling the terrible anguish and pain that resides inside fathers apartment.. Michael shakes his head slightly as he say's, "For real?" Michael can not believe that Elliot is considering shooting father..

Elliot looks down upon his father with intense scorn and hat after he hid the terrible truth for so many years weeks and day's.. Suddenly Michael speaks out softly, Okay as he leaves Elliot to his own devices..A creaking of floor boards is heard as Michael slowly walks towards Elliot before turning anti clockwise..A loud scuffling and rumbling of feet is heard from Michael..

Father is acting strange as he stares into outer space in silence and static motionless. Father has wanted to speak his mind for a very long time and has chosen this night for the truth to emerge..Father suddenly veers his eyes upwards..Echoing pan effect is heard -

Michael slowly makes his way to a door that leads to fathers bedroom.. Michael takes a slow step forward before stopping in his tracks..A loud clunk of wood is heard as Michael opens the door using his left hand.. A prolonged squeak is now heard as the door slowly opens outwards.. Michael slowly turns around clockwise as he looks back over to Elliot and his father who he may never see again alive for a short moment.. Michael contemplates his father for a short moment as he hunches his lips.. Michael puffs his cheeks slightly as he smiles softly while raising up his right hand while circling thumb and index finger..Michael looks up then down as he slowly backs out of the door..(Low level barking of a dog is head) Michael closes his hand -

Father is in another world and does not acknowledge his son leaving the room, Father stares up at the ceiling in a trance like state unable or unwilling to talk his way out of the serious predicament he is now in..Father's lips move as his mind talks to him in silence.. Double bang sound of the door closing is heard from a distance -

Elliot quickly places his left hand onto the stolen handgun as he pulls up on the barrel - Loud clicking sound is heard - A loud snapping sound is heard as Elliot's left hand rapidly leaves the gun - The barrel rapidly protracts back into place..

Father blinks as he veers his eyes left, father is now focused on Elliot's weapon..Father quickly looks up to Elliot in silence.

The camera sweeps up from the floor to reveal Elliot standing over his father.. Elliot is silent as he contemplates his actions - Violin melody provides the sound score.. Suddenly Father speaks calmly, "That game ruined me"..Hesitates - "I had everything before and nothing after"..

Father nods forward as he say's, "It poisoned me.." Father shakes his head as he say's, "Every cell.." From that day to this.."

Father continues, "But (Hesitates) the thing is.

Father nods forward as he expresses his words.. "I know that even if I'd had somebody telling me (Leans head left) (Shakes head negatively several times) all these things then, It wouldn't of mattered.."

Father continues, "because I wouldn't have listened any more than you're listening now.." Elliot remains silent and motionless as he hears his father out.. Squeak is heard..

Father remains motionless for a short moment before nodding forward and saying with a serious tone of voice, "But there is one thing I can do for you.." Father hesitates as he stares forward at the television screen,..

A creaking is heard as Elliot slowly raises the stolen handgun up in his right hand and points in point blank range towards his murdering father.. The camera veers right to reveal the gun and Elliot's hand poised to pull the trigger.. Echoing pan sound is heard -

Elliot is not in the best of moods and is extremely upset at this moment in time, Elliot grimaces as his facial muscles tense up and the blood builds in his cheeks and flesh.. Elliot strains his words, "Yeah?", (Elliot tightly closes his lips) Elliot is dying to find out what father can do for him..Elliot's trigger hand shakes nervously as he bides his time..

Suddenly Michael appears at the door he left through, Michael is silent as he slowly peeps out from the side of the wooden panel and over towards Elliot and father.. Michael tenses his fingers as he witnesses the final moments of his fathers life..

Father blinks as he suddenly turns his head and looks directly up to Elliot, Father stares in silence at his son and does not say anything immediately.. Suddenly Father speaks with a serious and dark tone of power and control, "I can keep you from (Raises eyebrows) winning!" A distorted electric guitar solo now plays..

Elliot responds, "How are you gonna do that?".. Elliot is feeling extremely stressed as his vexation frustration and inner demons eat at his very soul.. Elliot quickly closes his mouth tightly as he wavers the gun out in front of him.. Elliot shakes and trembles with strong emotions..

Elliot continues to aim the stolen handgun towards Father as he waits for an answer, Father looks at his son in silence and is motionless,

Suddenly father turns away from Elliot as he rapidly raises his left hand up to his neck..

A loud squelching ripping sound is heard as Father violently slices his neck at speed..

Father grimaces as his head shoots back at speed while a large amount of blood spurts from his flesh wound..

Father rests on the back of the armchair as he bleeds to death..

A gurgling sound is heard as fathers blood enters his throat and windpipe.. Elliot leans back in complete shock as his mouth puffs out, Elliot quickly tucks his cheeks in as his mouth opens from the sudden shock.. Elliot bends down slightly as his mouth almost closes..

Michael is also shocked as he witnesses father commit suicide in spite and for his own guilty conscience. Michael leans out slightly more from the door as his left fingers twitch and gyrate from the terrible situation..

A stream of blood flows out of fathers left side neck portion as he slumps his head down..

Michael begins to groan with anguish as he oh...Looks down and is louder - Oh..Ohk - Michael's breathing has increased..Michael leans backwards and forwards as he shakes his middle finger in an up and down motion..(Eerie high pitched pan sound is heard)

Michael speaks out with a difficult acceptance, Okay!..Elliot shudders with emotions as he looks over at father who is now dead..Elliot gasps loudly and is transfixed on the bloody and sudden demise of his father..Elliot begins to weep loudly as his emotions take over..

Father shakes his head ever so slightly as blood continues to seep from his deep wound and down his white t-shirt..Suddenly fathers head plummets rapidly and rests on his chest as he succumbs to his fatal self inflicted injury..Fathers right arm moves slightly as he rests in complete motionless.

(Fast drum beat is heard for a short moment) The scene now changes back to Detective Chillcoat as he continues his investigations.. Chillcoat is on a mission as he climbs into the drivers side door of his police vehicle..On the passenger side is a large cardboard box that contains an abundance of important files.. (An upbeat exploring theme is heard)

Suddenly a loud clonk of steel and materials is heard as Chillcoat rapidly places Mr Vogler's silver briefcase over the box of files.. The case bounces and vibrates for a short moment.. Chillcoat removes his hand from the briefcase as he prepares to drive his vehicle out of the Kenner police complex..

A loud thud of steel is heard as Chillcoat slams the drivers side door shut at speed..
A loud sound of screeching wheels is now heard as Chillcoat drives away at speed.

Chillcoat looks to his right as he accelerates out of the car park..

A loud rumbling of the engine is also heard as Chillcoat takes off at speed..

A loud sound of a police siren is heard as Chillcoat travels past a military academy..Chillcoat has activated the police light that now flashes and pulsates a bright and intense blue colour of ambience..A rushing sound is heard as Chillcoat travels at high speed and out of view..

The scene now changes back to Father's apartment located at Willow Brook assisted living building.. Michael is still stood by the door as he gyrates his fingers and his mouth while looking down at the floor..Michael speaks, "Well,...What do we do now?" Michael's fingers flick at speed as they open up before ring finger touches thumb..Little finger then strikes off thumb..

Elliot rests by the old fireplace as he looks down in thought, (Dog barking is heard) Elliot turns his head right before turning back left..

Michael's hand begins to spasm with energy as it opens and closes at speed as he say's with a tone of importance, "I..I did some things.. Michael flicks his ring finger off his thumb several times.. Michael hunches his mouth..

Elliot slowly shakes his head as he say's slowly and softly, "Yeah..me too"..

Michael speaks, "Ha How..Do I know that" (Michael looks up and over to Elliot as he points his index finger towards him) you won't do something to me?" Michael looks away as his ring finger touches thumb..

Michael cowers behind the door as he looks down and is now worried for his own safety..Michael hunches his lips..