Elliot speaks softly, "Why would I do something to you?" Michael replies, "You're you're my family member, "I'm yours... so.." (No sound score all is quiet)

Michael continues as he plays with the side of the door with his fingers in a picking motion.., "Well..one of us could still win.." If we wanted if we wanted too" Michael now uses his thumb as he gently pushes his nail into the wood..

Elliot looks at his brother in shock and bewilderment as he shakes his head gently and say's, "Do you want to?"..Low level pan sound is heard)

Michael suddenly raises his hand and pushes his glasses back onto his face slowly,Michael's little finger bends up and down for a fleeting moment.. Michael begins to shake his head negatively slowly while lowering his hand and placing it back to the side of the door.. Michael say's, "No" as he slowly rubs the side of the door with his thumb which now protrudes through the rest of his fingers..

Elliot veers his eyes down in silence as he ponders his thoughts..(Deep double bass sound is heard)

A squeak is heard as Micheal slowly pushes open the door he has been stood behind while looking down..Michael has his left hand on the door knob and his right around the middle portion of the frame..Michael quickly twists around anti clockwise as he pushes the door shut.. More squeaking is heard - The television projects an image of a leopard running over the terrain as the wildlife programme continues..Michael lowers his left hand..Scuffling of feet from Michael is heard..

Elliot stares at father for one last time before quickly standing up from the old fireplace..Elliot looks over to Michael as he say's, "Let's go".. Elliot quickly walks off to his left and across the floor to the exit door.

Michael plays with his fingers as he slowly walks forward from Elliot's request..

Elliot quickly reaches the outside door as he reaches down to the door knob with his left hand..A loud clunk of wood and squeak is heard as the door is opened at speed..Elliot faces the hallway of winding stairs as he faces away from his brother..Suddenly Elliot turns around anti clockwise as he checks on Michael..A loud unzipping sound is heard -

The camera sweeps left to reveal Michael looking down into his holdall bag.. Elliot speaks out, "What are you doing?"

Michael lifts up the top flap of his sports bag with both hands before flopping it over to the other side.. Michael say's, "Just getting my bag"..

Elliot responds, "Mikey", Just leave it.." Elliot stares down at Michael's bag and is fearing the worse..Elliot slowly twists his body anti clockwise..

Michael speaks out slowly and with a slight impediment of speech, "I have to get my pills"..Michael's arms gyrate as he scrummages for his medication..

Michael is slow as he feels inside the bag for his pills, Left hand sways out and in from inside the bag before dropping lower..

Elliot speaks with concern, "Why are you doing that?"..

Michael responds, "Just have to get them.." Michael continues to scrummage inside his holdall.. Elliot speaks, "Just zip it up".. Michael suddenly produces a grey coloured object that is similar to a handgun or maybe a mobile phone device in his hands..

Elliot is extremely unhappy with Michael's behaviour and does not trust him anymore.. The sight of the grey object has now caused Elliot to make a very serious decision..Elliot leans to his left as Michael suddenly looks up to him..

Suddenly Elliot groans loudly as he closes his eyes while firing his stolen handgun downwards and towards Michael.. An intense flash of light illuminates the room as Elliot unloads his weapon into Michael..Elliot quickly turns his body and head anti clockwise to protect his face from the close range blast..

Michael instantly groans and propels backwards as a large amount of blood spurts from his mid chest region,

Michael falls backwards at speed as Elliot grimaces from the surprise attack..

Michael has been shot and has lost all of his balance as he plummets backwards onto the floor below.. Michael's right arm flails up as his legs crumple..

A loud thud is heard as Michael hits the floor landing on his right side..As Michael falls his feet make contact with one of the table legs from a small coffee table. The table contains a chessboard a small brown box, two tubs of medication in yellow containers a white cup, and a handgun.. Michael intended to shoot Elliot but Elliot was faster.. The two tubs of yellow coded pills quickly topple over as one falls to the floor below..The medication container had a loose lid which instantly propels off the top producing a fountain of pills that cascade down from the table top..The container bursts open and scatters multiple pills over the floor..

Michael slumps to the floor unable to recover from the critical blast..

Elliot gasps loudly as he steps forward in complete turmoil for his brother..

Michael is severely winded and injured as his mouth opens wide, Michael lifts his head up slightly as Elliot speaks out with a terrible concern for his actions, "Mike!".."..

Elliot leans over his brother as he say's "Jesus Christ!

Michael suddenly groans loudly as the pain bites into his body and mind, Michael squeezes his eyes tightly shut as a way to reduce the pain as he wails with agony..Michael grimaces as he lets out a loud and agonising cry..

Michael's face tightens as lines appear from the terrible ordeal..Saliva builds in Michael's mouth as Elliot supports his head with his right hand..Michael suddenly opens his mouth wide as he groans once more..

Elliot stares down and into his brothers eyes as he say's, "Your gonna be Okay"..

Michael tightly squeezes his bottom lip against his upper as he stares up at the ceiling avoiding eye contact.. Michael groans as he opens his mouth producing thin and stretched lines of saliva from inside his mouth..Michael opens his mouth even wider as he pants loudly for air while shaking his head violently in an up and down motion.. This movement lifts his head an inch from the floor with each agonising convulsion..

Elliot suddenly speaks as he places his right hand firmly against Michael's neck and his other hand down to the bullet wound in his chest region, Elliot say's, "Press really hard right there" as he attempts to guide Michael's hand down to the injured and bleeding wound..Elliot say's softly, "Right right here"..

Michael begins to speak with a struggled and gasping tone, Michael closes his eyes)

"They said I could I could buy you a wedding a wedding (Michael opens eyes) present if I had the money.."

Elliot looks down at his brother with a great sadness and regret for his actions..Tears are swelling in his eyes..(Dramatic violin sound score is heard)

Michael groans and wheezes as he struggles to take air into his lungs, Michael continues, "If I had the money"..I c.. Michael begins to breath heavily and convulse unable to continue the sentence..Michael's mouth opens wide..

Elliot stares at his brother in silence as he attempts to comfort him the best he can,, Michael strains and struggles for air..

Michael strains his words as he say's, "I just (Hesitates) want to win.."..Michael looks into his brothers eyes as he expresses his desire to win the game.. Michael closes his mouth tightly as his facial muscles spasm.. Michael continues, One time, I wanna I wanna win.."Michael swallows awkwardly..

Michael is completely unhappy with his life and choices and really wants to impress and make things better for himself and his family members..Elliot weeps as he raises his eyebrows and say's, "I understand"..

Michael is now feeling very sorry for his participation in the game and sincerely regrets hurting Elliot's feelings and attempting to shoot him for the very deserving cash prize..Elliot whispers softly to reassure Michael that he totally understands his mind, "It's Okay"..Suddenly Michael becomes very emotional as he raises his head up at speed and shouts out with tears and extreme compassion for his brother, "I'm so sorry"..Michael weeps intensely..

Suddenly a loud squelching sound infused with a ripping of materials is heard as Elliot instantly groans and croaks with severe pain.. Elliot is shocked as he looks down unable to comprehend the severe attack his brother has just made on his life..Elliot takes in a gasping breath of air as he freezes in time and space..

More squelching is heard as Micheal pushes his weapon into Elliot's stomach in an effort to extinguish his life..Elliot looks to Michael in shock and disbelief that he could do something so evil after everything they have been through together.. Michael whimpers loudly from his actions and is finding the situation extremely disturbing and emotional beyond believe..Elliot leans backwards slightly..

A loud sound of sliding metal is heard as Michael pulls out a very long and very sharp knife from the body of Elliot.. Elliot groans a high pitched sound as he struggles to maintain consciousness..Elliot is severely winded as Michael as the camera slowly sweeps down and then from side to side.. Elliot slowly succumbs from his critical injury as he falls down to his left side..

Michael begins to cry intensely as he rests his head on the floor,

Elliot manages to stagger back away from his brother as he holds his deep wound with his right hand.. (Blood covers his right hand) A loud Thud is heard as Elliot slumps back, Elliot does not keep eye contact with Michael..

Elliot's legs are still in reach of Michael as he bleeds out on the floor, Michael takes a deep breath as he uses the opportunity to stab Elliot for a second brutal time..Michael suddenly say's, with a beckoning and forceful tone of voice similar to shouting a dog over, "Come here"..

Michael raises his left hand up high in the air as he rapidly powers the blade down with full force and voracity.. A loud scream emanates from Elliot as the blade penetrates his leg.. Elliot screams a high pitched tone of agony as he pushes himself away from his demonic brother who wants to win..

Michael removes the blade as he goes in for another attack.. Elliot shouts out loudly with all his might, "STOP!"..Michael has only one thing on his mind and that is to kill Elliot and take home the cash prize.. Elliot groans loudly..

Michael quickly leans up as he locates another area to stab Elliot, Michael flops onto his stomach as he maintains eye contact with Elliot's groin area.. Michael shouts out again, "I want to win!" as he raises up the blade. Another squelching sound is heard as the blade penetrates deeply into Elliot's left leg.. Elliot explodes with pain as he groans and screams at the top of his voice..

Michael pulls the blade out as he flops onto his right side,

Elliot groans as he pushes himself backwards in an attempt to keep Michael at bay..Elliot grimaces and groans loudly as he holds his chest wound with his right hand..

Michael continues to remove the blade as his mind goes into a frenzy of deadly blows to Elliot's body..

Michael screams out with agony and determination, "I want to WIN!" as he stabs Elliot once more..

Elliot screams out with pure agony as the blade enters his leg..

Elliot screams out with pure agony as the blade enters his leg..
Michael twists the blade in Elliot's leg which causes Elliot to shout out STOP at the top of his voice..

Elliot continues to push himself backwards and towards the door, Michael speaks out, Elliot, "I'm sorry!"..

Thud and a loud groan is heard as Elliot slumps backwards in complete agony..

Michael holds onto Elliot's left leg as he continues the attack..Suddenly Elliot kicks Michael in the face causing him to rapidly look right..

Elliot continues to push himself backwards and towards the door, Michael speaks out, Elliot, "I'm sorry!"..

Elliot is getting some of his own medicine and he grimaces with pain..

Elliot groans as Michael leans back onto his stomach.. Michael say's, "I'm tired"..

A loud thud of wood is heard as Elliot hits the door.. Elliot violently shakes his body from left to right as he wheezes and suffers..

Suddenly Michael flops to the floor having run out of energy.. (Fast drum beat is heard)

Elliot rests his head against the door as he breathes heavily..Elliot squeezes his eyes tightly shut as he lets out a big breath..Elliot looks up as he opens his eyes, (Takes breath) Looks down to Michael..

A thud is heard as Michael's head hits the floor. Elliot's feet sway from side to side..Elliot's feet twitch and shake furiously..

Elliot takes deep breaths as he closes his eyes, Elliot suddenly veers his eyes over to father for a fleeting moment.. Elliot veers his eyes right and down to Michael,,Elliot contracts as he breaths before looking further right and down at the floor.. Suddenly a two toned ding sound is heard emanating from a cell phone device..Elliot quickly looks to his left..

In the not to far distance Elliot has spotted Michael's phone which now displays his face and a cash figure of $3,200,000, The phone is located beneath fathers arm chair and there is a large pool of blood visible..

Suddenly a loud tapping clicking sound is heard as the cash sum slowly decreases to $0,000,00 dollars. This indicates that Michael has died from his gun shot injury.. The phone produces a short jingle of decreasing keys to indicate a loss and failure..RETIRED quickly appears on the screen, RETIRED flashes several times above the now zero $ figure..

Elliot expands and contracts as he breaths rapidly, Elliot continues to stare at the cell phone for a moment..

Suddenly an upbeat and excited theme tune is heard emanating from the phone, This time Elliot's face is displayed with the word WINNER coming onto screen. (WINNER flashes continuously) The cash sum begins to build back up again producing another clicking grinding sound of fast moving digits.. Blood begins to drip from the side of the armchair.. The cash figure builds quickly to $5,700,000 dollars as Elliot watches.. (Winner Winner Chicken dinner)

Elliot continues to look at the ringing phone for a few seconds more - Elliot rolls his eyes rapidly - Elliot shakes his head as he looks up at the ceiling, Elliot takes in deep breaths of air, Elliot veers his eyes down rapidly then back up to the ceiling,Elliot looks over towards Father and Michael..Nauseating winner tune suddenly ends..

Elliot has decided the best thing he can do now is leave Fathers apartment as he can not inform the police about the situation as he will lose all the money he has now been awarded.. Elliot continues to hold his chest wound with his left hand as he slowly makes his way down the stairs and across the fore court.. Elliot hobbles on his right leg as he groans loudly from the pain.. (Dog is heard barking) (Birds tweet) (Parrot has been removed from the large cage) To the back of Elliot Chillcoat hides as he watches Elliot leave..

Chillcoat is a busy man as he spies on Elliot next to the trash storage room of the Willow Brook assistant living building.. Chillcoat turns his head right as he watches Elliot leave the complex..Chillcoat has some files in his left hand..Chillcoat is silent as he leans forward slightly.. Slow and Eerie piano key is heard - A glowing and flickering orange light reflects off the white door just in front of the detective..Another room exists just ahead of chillcoat..

Elliot groans some more as he limps out of the complex one slow step at a time..Low level tapping of feet from Elliot is heard..

Another slow tapping of feet is heard as Chillcoat's reflection reflects off of his police vehicle..A 13 Sins key ring symbol is visible protruding out of the key lock for the boot.. Key ring sways gently -

Chillcoat stands by his vehicle for a fleeting moment before reaching down and twisting the key clockwise with one rapid movement of the hand.. A loud clank of opening locks is heard as the boot is released..

Chillcoat has parked his vehicle to the back of the building and Elliot has not spotted it.. Chillcoat watches as Elliot slowly disappears from view..Chillcoat suddenly looks down as he opens the boot up.. (Loud clanking of metal is heard) The boot raises quickly..(Birds tweet)

A loud rushing echoing synthesizer pan sound is heard - A rumbling effect is also heard infused with a high pitch violin key.. Chillcoat has been busy with his investigations as he reaches his hand down for an item of interest.. The conspiracy theorist Mr Vogler has also come along for the ride in a plastic body bag.. Chillcoat may not be as innocent as one thought as he pulls out a large red canister of gas..A rumbling of plastic is heard as Chillcoat lifts out the gas canister at speed. (A loud sound of splashing liquids is heard)..

Chillcoat transfers the freshly filled can to his left hand as he pulls out a second from under Mr Vogler's deceased body....The plastic body bag lifts up briefly..

Chillcoat places the second can under his right arm as he raises his right and closes down the boot.. Loud slam of metal is heard - Mr Vogler should have been taken to a morgue and Chillcoat is highly responsible for this mans death..

A crackling fire is heard as Chillcoat stands over the hot flames.. Chillcoat is most certainly working for the game as he meticulously burns Mr Vogler's work folders.. Chillcoat quickly looks upon the top folder before tossing it into the flames with his right hand..

Chillcoat stares down as he burns incriminating evidence that could disrupt and jeopardise the game from running smoothly..A loud sound of tearing paperwork is heard as the file burns..Chillcoat is icy cold as he works while pondering his mind on the social aspects of keeping the game sound and ready for the next contestant..

Flames soar and crackle up the sides of the New Orleans Police Department impact statement folder- Multiple information is printed on the first sheet.. Victims were resting on blanket near shore.. Brian Kelvin.. 7/27/69..105907 - Cecilia - Two photographic images are also pinned to the sheet. Ash floats over the burning sheet as it disintegrates into smoke..

A few moments pass and a loud whooshing sound is heard as Chillcoat throws another file onto the burning one underneath..That also quickly catches fire.. Chillcoat is obviously covering up for the crime scene and will burn everything required..

A moment has passed and the scene changes back to fathers apartment.. Chillcoat has entered and has begun pouring copious amounts of gas over the deceased.. Chillcoat is speaking on his cell phone as he say's, "Yeah, the evidence trail is taken care of.." A loud splashing of liquids is heard as Chillcoat shakes the can over Michael's dead body..

A scrunching of materials is heard - The camera sweeps right as it travels along the dead torso of Michael.. "Chillcoat continues, "My colleagues have nothing.."

Chillcoat looks down as he vigorously shakes the red gas can over Michael and the floor. (Loud sound of swishing liquid is heard) Chillcoat continues as he turns to his right, "Nah, it's pretty much Hamlet in here!". Chillcoat turns back slightly right as he walks forward to ensure he gets a nice and even coating of the flammable liquid.. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599 and 1601. It is Shakespeare's longest play, with 29,551 words. Set in Denmark, the play depicts Prince Hamlet and his revenge against his uncle, Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet's father in order to seize his throne and marry Hamlet's mother.

A thudding of feet is heard as Chillcoat steps over Michael's body as he continues forward.. More squishing sounds continue.. Chillcoat turns his head slightly to his left as he looks down.. Suddenly a loud thud of locks and wood is heard from the door behind the detective..

A sound of fast dripping water is heard - The door behind Chillcoat slowly opens which causes a slow squeak sound to emanate inside the room.. Chillcoat slowly lowers his right hand with cell phone as he stands motionless for a moment in time.. Suddenly Chillcoat turns around anti clockwise as he faces the opening door..

Deep drum sound is heard - Squeaking of the door continues - To the surprise of Chillcoat Elliot has decided to return to his fathers apartment..Elliot has finally listened to his father and now truly believes the game is bad, He has lost his brother and his father and feels angry that he put money before people..Elliot looks punch drunk as he rests his head against the side wall of the door while looking into the room..Elliot hunches his lips in a strange and uncontrollable way.

High pitched pan sound is heard - A rumbling of wind is also heard - A train going over tracks is also heard - Elliot slowly pushes the door open using his right hand as Chillcoat watches from a distance..Suddenly Elliot's right hand flops down like jelly to reveal a handgun..Elliot breathes slowly as Chillcoat turns some more to face his protagonist..

The sound of train over tracks continues - Chillcoat suddenly speaks slowly and carefully, "This is a violation (Nods up slightly) of the terms of (Tilts head left) the agreement.."

Chillcoat continues as he sways slightly from side to side, "You are forbidden to interfere with or seek out the origins of the game.." That was explained to you" Chillcoat speaks with a deep and husky voice"..Elliot is silent as he shakes his fire arm slightly while travelling through a deep mental affliction of right and wrong..

Chillcoat is silent as he turns slightly on his feet anti clockwise so that he faces Elliot more squarely.. A light tapping of the detectives feet is heard - Sways slightly right - Chillcoat tightens his lips as he jerks his head slightly left..(Shakes head several times in quick succession negatively) Lowers right hand.. Tilts head left - "Everything's been fixed, (Nods forward slightly) (Shakes head negatively several times) "No one is after you.." (Low level breeze is heard -

Elliot is silent and motionless as he listen to the dirty cop use his get out of jail free card..Chillcoat continues, "Now, (Hesitates) "If you'll just back away"..You can..

Chillcoat continues - "Still go home a winner.." Chillcoat moves his head downwards very slightly, Chillcoat is silent and motionless..Chillcoats bottom jaw slides slightly to the right..Chillcoat veers his eyes down at the captains handgun for a fleeting moment..

A creaking of leather is heard as Elliot slowly lifts his fire arm up and towards Chillcoat..

Chillcoat is feeling the squeeze as he sways to his right, Chillcoat's eyes have widened and are producing a brighter more complex hue of light.. Chillcoat sways left as he shakes his head negatively several times in quick succession..Leans head forward as he say's with a serious tone, "They're take the money away"..

Elliot's fire arm trembles which causes the gun to waver, Elliot;s face has changed and is now more angry, more frustrated, and more determined to finish the real game..(Birds chirp)

Chillcoat widens his arms out from either side as he plea bargains for his life,, Chillcoat say's, (Chillcoat shakes his head slightly as he leans his head forward "I'm just an employee, (Shakes head (Hunches face and raises eyebrows) "Speaks with a certain truth "I'm nothing." Chillcoat is now completely snookered as he awaits the wrath of Elliot..

Elliot is silent as he maintains his aim, Suddenly Elliot speaks calmly, "Your here"..Elliot's mouth tightens as his mind races..

Chillcoat has a feeling this is the end as he suddenly shakes his head before opening his mouth wider and looking up slightly.. Chillcoat raises his eyebrows..

Suddenly Elliot grimaces as he pulls the trigger of the weapon.. A huge flash of light illuminates the hall and the living room area. A loud whipping sound is heard as a bullet explodes from the barrel at super sonic speed.

The used shell propels out of the gun and veers of to the right.. Elliot is a crack shot as he blows the detectives brains out from the back of his head.. Brain tissue explodes out of Chillcoat's skull and splatters over Father, Michael, and the floor..Bone fragments become deadly flying debris as Chillcoats skull obliterates leaving a huge crater in his parietal..

Elliot quickly lowers his weapon as he grimaces from the explosive force.. Chillcoat is finished and will never be able to be part of the clean up crew ever again..

Elliot lowers his weapon as he twists his hand rapidly,

A loud clonking of wood is heard as Chillcoat collapses to the floor below..(A loud squelching sound is heard) Dog is heard barking..

Elliot scrunches his face and is finding the situation difficult to live with, He now knows he has found some solitude but will never forgive himself for starting the game in the first place..Elliot stares at Chillcoat for a few moments more..Elliot let's out a deep breath.. Elliot strains his eyes and hunches his forehead..Elliot leans his head down slightly as he rests the left side of his face on the side wall momentarily..Elliot produces a tense choking sound for a fleeting moment..

Dog is barking louder - Elliot turns his head away from the bloody room of death and greed as he contemplates his life and his actions..Elliot raises his right hand as he twists his head left, Elliot has had enough of Willow Brook assisted living as he quickly turns anti clockwise..

A continuous and deep pan sound is heard - Dog barks - The camera sweeps down to show Elliot's bloodied right hand..Elliot lets out another deep breath as he slowly walks away from the door.. Suddenly a fast two toned chime sound is heard from Michael's phone in the living room..

From in the living room the phone now displays a disqualified message.. A depressing losing down scaled tune is heard to provide atmosphere - Disqualified flashes to indicate that Elliot has broken the rules of the game and will now have to pay for that mistake..

Another sound is heard similar to a trumpet lowering the scale at high speed.. A clicking sound is heard as the digits for $5,700,000 quickly descend to $0,000,000 dollars.. Elliot has traded the large cash sum for the life of Detective Chillcoat..Camera wavers slightly..

The scene has now changed to the following day, Shelby is at home as she paces the floor, "Shelby speaks with an excited concern, "Elliot!" Hesitates - My God! Where are you?.. Shelby raises her right hand as she expresses her words.. Shelby stops and turns slowly clockwise as she outstretches her right hand again and say's, "Did they release you?"

Shelby begins to walk slowly forward as she say's, "Daddy said they were still waiting to hear about bail.." Shelby raises her right hand to her head) "But when I went to the station, they didn't have any record of your arrest.."Shelby goes out of view.. Shelby returns and say's, "What's going on?" Light tapping of feet from Shelby is heard -

Elliot has had some time to think and is making a telephone call to Shelby to let her know that he is Okay..(The sound of people talking is heard) (Witters leather jacket produces a scrunching sound) Elliot hesitates before speaking "Elliot speaks calmly, "I'm on my way home right now".. Elliot closes his mouth as he tilts his head slightly more into the side of the telephone booth.. Elliot blinks as he moves his head slightly from side to side, "Everything's been straightened out, "I just...Hesitates - (Birds chirp) Elliot gyrates lips slightly - (Blinks) - "I want to hear your voice" Shelby replies with a whispering tone over the telephone speaker - My God, Hesitates - "That's all I can think to say..!' Elliot responds as he raises his eyebrows - Yeah"

Shelby continues to pace up and down the room as she replies, "As if things weren't insane enough, somebody called."

Shelby's voice emanates from outside, "And offered me $6,000 to eat a fly.." (Elliot blinks) Elliot hunches his face with concern..

A rushing breeze effect is heard - Elliot is now very worried about Shelby after she mentioned eating a fly, Elliot knows that is how the 13 challenges begin..Elliot slowly peeps over the top of the phone booth as he scopes out the area..Elliot veers his eyes left and then right as his mind fills with intrigue.. "Elliot responds, "What did you say?" Looks right..

Shelby replies, "What did I say?" Tapping of feet is heard as Shelby walks slowly across the floor - Shelby huffs with happiness -

Elliot waits with baited breath as his eyes veer from side to side, Suddenly Shelby replies, "Are you kidding?"

Back in the house a dead fly can be seen on top of a rolled up white cloth.. Shelby's blurred image slowly steps comes closer as she steps over to the table..Rushing breeze sound provides atmosphere - Shelby stops in her tracks in front of the table..Drum beats are heard - A crescendo of increasing ambience provides the sound..

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Shelby stares out of the window with a massive smile on her face, Shelby leans her head up as she say's with a sarcastic tone, Shelby speaks, "I said fuck off!

Shelby quickly reaches down and grabs hold of the white cloth with dead fly, Shelby uses her thumb and index finger as she picks up the rolled cloth at the very end, Shelby say's, That's vile.."

Shelby lifts up the cloth at one side which causes it to bend in the middle, This causes the dead insect to slide down and land in the middle of the central crease.. Shelby places the lifted end over the fly to cover it..

Elliot closes his eyes and is very relieved to find out that Shelby did not accept the challenge, Shelby did not mention the GSH's voice and the game has now changed tactics..(But no one can disclose the game) Elliot rests his head against the wall as he tilts his head right slightly.. Elliot smiles as Shelby continues to emanate out of the phone speaker.. "I mean, could you imagine?" Elliot slowly opens his eyes.. Elliot is a free man and there are no charges for him to face even though he lost all the money..

Shelby continues as she walks over to a bin, Shelby pushes down the lever with her right foot which causes the bins lid to instantly lift..(Tin sound is heard from lid) Shelby say's, "Anyway, I better get a move on"..Shelby drops the white cloth and dead fly into the bin with her right hand. A loud tap of metal is heard as the bin lid quickly closes down.. Shelby walks off across the floor as she raises up her right hand, Shelby say's, "Oh and of course

Shelby's voice emanates out of the phone speaker "there's already another detour we're gonna have to make.."Elliot is feeling happy as he listens to Shelby's voice.. Shelby continues, "We have to stop at my Uncle Lewis's and pick up his camera..Elliot sways his head from side to side.. Elliot has a new life but there is no Michael or Father to be in it.. (Elliot slowly sits down on a bench as he listens to Shelby)

Shelby continues, "Because my father, who's so proud of his photography, dropped his camera," (The song Rise by Josh Garrel's begins to play to provide the outro soundtrack..) Elliot's life has been miraculously reset and only he can live with what happened..

A business man wearing a black suit comes from around the corner carrying a hot beverage in his right hand..(The camera slowly pans out) Elliot sways gently, Elliot lowers his left leg.. Business mans leather bag sways gently..

Shelby will now stop talking as she say's, "Don't make fun, you know how he gets..."Shelby continues to speak as Elliot lowers the phone down to his right leg.. Elliot is bleeding as some is on the floor..A woman suddenly walks past pushing a pink pram..Elliot feels strangely elated.. The End...
Josh Garrels Rise Kye Kye Remix
I hung my head, for the last time
In surrender and despair
Before I'm dead, I'll take the last climb
Up the mountain, face my fears
The time has come, to make a choice
Use my voice for the love of every man
My minds made up, never again
Never again, will I turn round
Though they may surround me like lions
And crush me on all sides
I may fall, but I will rise
Not by my might, or my power, or by the strength of swords
Only through, your love, my lord
All that's lost, will be, restored
Take courage sons, for we must go under
The heart of darkness, and set them free
But don't lose heart when you see the numbers
There's no measure for, the faith we bring
And it's given us, to overcome
If we run, where the spirit calls us on
The greatest things, have yet to come
With the dawn, we will rise
Though they may surround us like lions
And crush us on all sides
We may fall, but we will rise
Not by my might, or my power, or by the strength of swords
Only through, your love, my lord
All that's lost, will be, restored

Entry of the Gladiators - Circus Theme (Piano Tutorial) [Synthesia] Julius Fucik